( r 7 WEEKLY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1S94. IX AND AUOr.VD THE TOWN. Fred II. Gcrder, the Weeping Water implement dealer, was in town Mon day morning. Messrs. L. II. Young and J no. E. Terry, bUiof Mt. Tieasant precinct, were I'lattsmouth visitors Wednesday. Matt Spaiier of Wabash was visiting with his brother, who works in the B. & M. shops, ami other friends in town Friday. Deputy Sheriff llolloway wag in L,ouisville Saturday evening, and came home on his bicycle in an hour and twenty minutes. C. S. Polk of this city has been made a member of the state committee for the Y. M. C. A. by the state conven tion recently held at Beatrice. Sheriff Eikenbary and wife and Clerk of Court Hearing snd wife journeyed to Salt Lake City, Utah. Wednesday for a week's pleasure trip. The local Masonic lodge is making preparation for a festival and dance to be given on St. John's day, the 27th. The event promises to be a grand suc cess. A barn located on the l'eter Reu "land place, north of town, was set on Jire Saturday night and burned to the trround. The loss was ?230. No in surance. The family of Gustavus Hatterias were moving their household effects Monday to Texas, where Mr. II. is the owner of a farm. Ton; Olsen who has been at work in the stvps will accom pany them. A dispatch from Washington says: 'Representative W. J. Bryan of NTe '.oraska has introduced a joint resolu tion, submitting an amendment to the tfe ieral constitution, tnakingUie presi dent of t ! e United States ineligible to re-election. it is now confidently asserted that a majority of the legislators-elect are pledged to vote for John M.Thurston for U- S. senator, and John is happy. Messrs. Davies and Cooley of this county have both announced their in tention of voticg for Thurston. 'iil!er Beck, William F. Williams and C. A. Wheeler have been arrested at Nebraska City for stealing a load of hops from a farmer near Tarkio, Mo. They sold the hogs to the Ne braska City packing house, netting them about S"0. The men will be rakeii back to Missouri for punish--. ment. Nebraska City is tithing after a beet : iaear factory, and a meeting of their '?ePIe lias been called to cor.sider the .-.imposition of a entleoian wuo wishes t,o erect an enterprise of that kind iu raeir town. Nebraska City's progress e-eunot possibly injure Plattsmoutb, so nere'e hoping that the old-fashioned I xurgmay get the factory. Mr. Goudy.tbe state superintendent, of t TiMtolz. has made his semi-annual anno ttiomeiit of school money among the va tiouis counties, and Cass county U on th e lnt tor $4,S34 66. Douglas. Lancast W -5ir$ iGape are the onh Co.Hiti-s vfcioi. a i io receive a laruei appirtjom t than Cass. Saunders is lifi.li and Cnoe jitU:. t i ronV. 'H-e of Iowa populists at Council Biuffs Xhe sentiment seemed t be rather eenrai in favor of the n..mii.Htiouof SiVas A.ilolcomb, Ne braska's next covernor fcr president in The tact ch U Judge Ilolcomb won the onlv anti-jepublican victory in the whole north a-t the late election makes him, in The estimation of popu lists, strong presidential timber The Chicago, Burlirgton & Quincy railroad company has taken issue with John O'Grady in his claim tor damages foi So.OOO. O'Grady avers that April 20, 1S91, be acted a? brakeman for the company at Pacific Junction and was injured, and in view of the fact was promised a life job at Malvern as flag man. The company denies O'Grady's story. The suit will be tried m JJoug las county. Jesse Rogers of Kearney, aged nine- teen, journed to Omaha on Thursday to enter college. He rented a room and retired at9 o'clock that night. It - was found the next morning that he had not turned of the gas, but instead had blown it out, and that he was al .most dead The doctors worked on iiiim all day, bit were unable to bring hiim back to consciousness. At last ac esounts his life was despaired of The U. S. circuit court of appeals at Sr. .Louts has just decided an accident insurance case from Nebraska which is of decided importance. A Nebraska doctor received an injury bv accident which bad the effect of making him demented, and while Buffering from the latter cause, committed suicide The in-uirance company refused pay ment on the polic and after a long Biece in the courts, it has been held that the. ompany muct pay over the insurance. F. G Fricke &C , druggists, recom mend Johnson's Oriental Soap for all skin and scalp diseaHe9. Try it. Buy the improved Singer sewing ma cnine. Anton Trillity, local agent, office in Unruh's furniture store. Well MeYitel Words The i'aciffc Junction Recorder, Col Burton'8 excellent paper, has the fol lowing good words to say relative to the misfortunes of Clothier Joe Klein: Mr. Joe Klein, the well-known and popular clothier of I'lattsmoutu, NeD., has closed his stere on account of his inability to meet pressing obligations. Mr. Klein has certainly been the victim of most unfortunate circumstances,aud no man, without great financial re sources, could have stood up so long against an adverse fate, and as success fully as he d:d. Nearly three years aeo the handsome opera house block in which Mr. Klein's store was located, was entirely det-troed bv fire, and Joe lost everything. His insurance did not cover two-thirds of his stock, and then the insurance companies kept him out of themnripv for the full GOdavs. Thera is yet a 82,000 policy pendine in the su nremp court. Notwithstanding that Joe starred up acain with a large stock of crnodfl. an i (U'i a fine business, but havinir mnnpv transactions with the n!rtenrted Citizens' bank, he was tin bl to turn round nuickly enonph to sav himself. Joe Klein is an excellent business man. verv popular and ereatlv esteemed, and wil hon doubt h will artnn b rn his feet aain. The sincere wish nf hs mnv friends is to that ef fect. t anv rate. WAIMSn JOTTINGS. . The protracted meetings are still in progress. Miss Delia Dorr has returned home from an extended visit in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. John Edgar left for Illinois Tuesday to spend the winter. Miss Mabel Golden, late of Platts- mouth. left forherhomein Valparaiso ast Tuesday. Our merchants are going into the department store business. Lou Dett- mann has added hardware to his dry goods and groceries, while Holkie has nut in dry goods and groceries with his hardware. J. F. Davison and Louis Squires were united in raarriatre last Monday evenicg at the residence of Dan McCaig. 'Squire Dave McCaie tied the knot. Wabash will have a Christmas tree and "don't you forget it." If times are hard the lictle ones must have a glance at Santa Clans once a year at any rate. J. M. Johnson's team collided with a buggy one day last week and tore off a wheel, which scared the horses at tached to the buegy and a run away was the result. In the melee the other wheel was demolished, other wise all is serene, and the blacksmith is four or five dollars ahead. Wabash is putting on metropolitan aits we cave two railroad agents, Mr. McCormick manipulates the wires, while Mr. Tom Miller jerks the ex press matter. DciU li of it 'traICH lioucer. Mrs Sarah Cassel, aged eighty-four. died Tuesilav a', the home of her daughter. Mrs. Thaler, near Palmyra, Otoecouuty. Mrs. Cassel was a resi dent of Otoo county for thirtv-nine years. Her children are: Doctor Tay lor Cassel, Hastings; Job and James and Mrs. MeCreadv, Nebraska Citv; Joseph, a Douglas: Harrison, at Elm- wood, this county; Wallace, at Poit land. Oreeon; Mrs. William Thaler, Palmyra. The dt-ceased was a devout Christian, a member of the Baptist church. She had done much by her ifeand example to nn'uld religious sentiment and encourage godlv living The funeral services will occur tomor row at Nebraska City, where she will be buried. An Itnfinrtunt Change. To our friends and patrons: After due consideration we have decided to adopt the CASn system, and on and after January l, l&yo, we win do no more crediting except to those whose names are now on our book and are prompt in meeting their accounts. We have tried the credit business for nearly fifteen years and have pro fitted but very little thereby, the most of our earnings being on our books or lost by uncollected accounts. By selling for cash we CAN and WILL give oar patrons the benefit of our gains, and the advantages derived from getting spot cash by selling them goods at a reduced price. Ot course we shall continue to ex change goods for produce as bereto- tore. Come in and get our prices and see bow far a dollar will go these hard times. Bennett & Tctt. If you are worn out, run down and nervous, Magnetic .Nervine will re - store your health, bold by Fricke & Co. How' Thia! We offer one hundred dollars reward tor auy case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney. & Co.. Toledo, O. We, the UHdersigned have known F. ; J. Cheney for the last fifteen years,! and believe him perfectly honorable : in all business transactions and fin an- i cially able to carry out anv oblisrations mad- by their urm. EST & TRACX, Wholesale Drup- Hisia, ii'icuu. v. ... Walking. Kinxax & Marvix, Wholesale DriieeistS. Toledo, O. ' Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter - nally. actine directly upon the blood nd' mucous surfaces of the svstem. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle Sold by all dmerfrists. You will be pleased with the mild and lastine effects of the Japanese Liver Pellets. Try them, fcold Fricke t Co. The IturllnRton Now War Cry. The Burlington is crowing ambi tious. Its latest scheme is to advertise as the Australian route. The Burlington, since its connection at Billings with the Northern Pacific, has begun a systematic booming of its line to all points in the northwestern states, and its next move will be on to Australia. The Burlington and North ern Pacific will land passengers in Vancouver, where the Canadian Pa cific steamers will carry them direct to Australia. This new line will seriously cripple the Union Pacific-Southern Pacific combination, which has heretofore virtually had all '.he business a. party of five recently went this way from Denver, and in the language of the Burlington officials. "There's more to follow." Omaha World Herald. CALIFORNI Farmer's paradise, delightful climate, no crop failures. For general farming, dairy ingand fruit raising, can't be excelled. 30,000 acres Irrigated lands at Bakers- field, Kern county, for sale. Low prices, easy terms. Write W. R Homan, Omaha, Neb. 50-4 When Baby was sick, wo pave her Castoria. When she was a. ChUJ, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. r ft ft ft e 9 9 ft A COMFORT C AERIE K. i Perfection in lit. linist and wear I ing qualities is what you want i in Clothiii!; r ft ft But You Want . . . ft LL are combined In our K iVO Coat 0 ft It is an immense success, and it con LA tains a wealth f warmth, but not an ft "ounce too muoU of wei'jt. 0 ft ft ft ft V ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft T5K I AH10AIl!.t: AMI C()MFIl!TJr.l.K 9 BY WEARING OUR CLOTHING. ft DEKIIAP" you w)nt rousers. (Do I l not call them -pants." Adoe makes those ) If so. our Winter designs will tit your funcy and your limbs. WK are readv for the boys. too. with bitter school and dress up suits than ever. MORGAN'S, i e ft The Leadinsr Clothier. fteftftftftftfteftftftBft DR. A. MATTHEWS, The Painless Dentist, Weeping Water, Nebr., Makes a Specialty of Fine Gobi Fillings, Gold end Porcelain Crowns, Bridge work, etc. TEETH POSITIVELY EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN OR DANGER. 1894. HIGH GRADE SHIPPED C. O. D. BICYCLES 1 Any where, - - $ 25 Bicycle S12.50 To Any one - - - 50 Bicycle 25.00 All Styles and Prices, 75 Bicycle 37.50 Save Dealers' ProDts 125 Bicycle 62.50 Send for illustrated catalogue. h. s-ajesxt ss co., OMAHA. NEB. BYRON CLARK, A T.tTkYTI dtT d T. T.QTX7 PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. c. , . w, t OFFICE - Second Eoor of the Todd bloe ! east of the court house. '. h. q. LIVINGSTON, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, v- y v L JX ii 6J Z r JZi . I piRttsmomh, Nebraska. $ H if 1s! m j i a 9 1 c rl Come to Omaha TO- BOSTON STORE X. W. Cor. lGth and Douglafi-Sta. OMAHA. fV-.?';" Stf -fit f w fn--f BUuha -'' Boston Store is doing the fore most dry goods business in the whole west. The result of always selling the best goods for the LOWEST PRICES IN THE WORLD. SI'fcCIAL RE1SUXS WHY You should come to BOSTON STOKE, OMAIlA: It's the greatest mercantile estab lishment in the west. Over 100 different departments, each carrying separate lines. More than a million collar's worth of merchandise on hand all the time. Grandest Holiday Exhibit Ever shown In the Cnlted States. Our crand four-story and basement fire-proof mammoth building, covering nearly a whole block, is filled to over flowing with staple and holiday goods of every description, at prices FROM 25 TO 50 i'Eli CENT LOWE It THAN ANY OTHER STORES. WE OFFER FKIt I I(UKBFI L . THE HOLIDAYS ! VV . . KAKGAIXS IN nin GRADE ClcaJs, ZDress C3-cccis, Slices, Slippers, Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear A HUCKCTOKY OF CEM ISK BARGAINS Every department in our establishment, in B'itiitioii to entire nssortments at low prices, of fers extrHordinary leading bargains. Almost every known article, eitner t:eful or cma niennil. or both, may be procured at cut prices. These offerings include Dress Goods. Cloaks. Toys. Boots, Games. Jewelry. Candy. Silver Cutlery. Lamp China. Cut Glass. Pictures, Tapestries. Fans, opera Glasses. Kucs. Desks, Couches. Porteries. Draperies. Curtain". I'm nreliss, Pneketbooks. Card Cases. Handker chiefs. Murtlers. Manicure Sets, Toilet sets. Perfumes, stitionerv. Mea'a and Ladles' Slip pers, and an iiitinitv of articles adapted for MEN and WOMEN. ROYS and GIRLS, CHILD REN and INFANTS. IT WILL PAY YOU TO C OME TO VS TO BUY 012-ristm.a.s Presents Or Anything Kls Yon IVunt. BOSTON STORE Omaha, Neb. INTER! Let Us Give You One. Where (mmTmrjl If you have not yei visited our store room it will repay a trip to Omaha. DON'T Haw Decide upor -t.-, your -""" HOLIDAY GIFT Till you have seen the many beau tiful articles we are showing'. Writing Desks. - - - $S.OO Cabinet Book Cases, - - 8. 50 Music Cabinets, - - - - 6.00 Onyx Table, 6.00 Gilt Chair, - - - - - 7.50 Banquet Lamp and silk shades 5.00 Cobbler Seat Rockers, - 3.50 Parmelee & Otis, Continental Itl k, 1414 Ionglas St., Omaha BcFCRE Or. E. C. West's Kerve and Brain Treatment l sold uniler jxipitive written p-jarnnte, by author ized uirTt! nly, to enro Weak Memory: Lnrs of l:; .iinand Nervo tower; Ixst SI anhood; Jui-kne8; Nurlit Ls-s; tvii lrium-; l.nck of Confidence; Kervopsnety; Lassitude; nil Irains; Ioseof Power of the in-rative Orc-int in either eex,cn!ed by cvprsertirm: Vonthful Krrors, or Kxcesbivo ITe c Tobacco. Opium or Lfnuor, which eoon lead t JIi"ry, Consumption, Insnnry and Penth. By mai fl n bos; forJJ: wih writron cuarnntw to cure o refund money. WEST'S COUGH SYKl'P. A certain cure f.r C-uuhs. Colils, Athran, JJronchitis, Cronp, Whooj.tny UL-h, Sore Throat. I'ieatutnt to take. Small nze oi-4xntinupd; o'd. 5"c. rizei, now Sc; old il eize, now 5oc GUAl'.ANTILij issued only by P. G. Fricke & Co, druggists. We HaveMoney to Loan at 6 per cent On farm or city property in any section of the country where property has a fixed market value. Money ready for immediate loans where Beeority and title is Rood. No commission. We Holicit "applications. Blanks furnished upon request. ALLEN CO., 40 42 15roid way.Tiew Tork SPEEDY end KIiUvTS. FAT PEOPLE No Jnconvenience. Simple, i sure. AZ2ZZZZZZT fSEZl from any iniunotis substance. LA252 A3:31:?S EZZZZZD. We Gt'SRA iTEE a CU."c or refund youf inone. Price ss.oujii-r botde. Send 4c. for treatise 'EEMONT MEDICAL CO Boston, Ma - - IE r to Buy m f NEW I CM gat 1 can stsyl WOOD MANTELS. THE AXDINE, PEERLESS, Write for Cut. and Frioes. COLUMBIAN AND MONARCH CRATES. MILTON ROGERS & SONS, 14th and Farnam Streets. OMAHA, NEB. SEOES DELIVERED FREE! 0 Fare Paid RLiTo OMAHA AND RETURN. That $45,000 stock of men's and boys clothing, Rents' furnishings, bats and shoes of the late Globe Clothing Co. has to be closed at once. Men'sovercoats, $1.50; duck coats, wool lined 09c; warm wool mittens, with leather facing, loc; Men's black clay worsted suits, 4.i25; Uoys long gray ulsters, 89c; Men's havy wool socks 5c a pair; Overshoes, 39c: a big assortment of fur overcoats, $7.75; Men's warm caps, 15c; Boys' durable suits. 75c; Striped cotton socks, 2c a pair; Fine kersey overcoats. $4.50; Extreme heavy underwear. scarlet or vellow, 45c; Wool mits. 9c: Men's heavy wool filled pants, 89c; Men's heavy wool melton shirts, 39c; Men's shoes, 89c; Men' goat skin eloves. 15c Thert is a bie overstock of Gne suits and overcoats in this stock. (The Globe had the renutation of carrying the finest roods in the citv.) All must eo for about half of cost of production. Receiver's Sale AT GLOBE'S OLD STAND. 115 S. 16th, Near Douglas St. Opposite BOSTON STORE. P. S. Brine this paper with you and also receipt from Station Agent for Hound Trip Fare, and if yon purchased f 10 or more at this sale, your Round Trip Fare will be refunded. SAM GDTMANK & CO, WHOLESALE and EETAIL DEALERS IN TJESE -VND THE BEST Cigars. Sole agents for the CELEBRATED MILWAUKEE Pabst Beer. Deliveries Made To any part of the city or ship ped to any place WM. NEVILLE, RESIDENT MANAGER. The Plattsmouth Mills, C. H TITS EL. Prop. This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with Machinery of the best manufacture in the world. Their "Plansifter" Flour Has no Superior In America. Glrsit trial and be convinced. A fluid's EroMery. Pptendid curative aorat for Tsemom or Sick Headache. Brain Lxhaustion. leeDlesenetM Lspeciai or pvnera) iAuraltiia: also for Khaa malum. Goat, Kidney .Disorders, Acid iys pfi.a. Anaemia. Antidote for Alooholit and other exrewrmg. iTice, JU, 2&aad&oaiU- LflerruMocnt. THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 151 S. Western Avenue. CHICAiA tm A P I El S DO KNOW DR. FELIX LC BRUN'S STEEL BHD FEHfiTROi fiL FILLS are the original and only FRENCH, safe and re liable enru on the market. Price fl0U; eaut by mail. Genuine sold only by Fricke & Co., Druggists. First National Bank PLATTSMurrn, keb. Capital, paid up $50,000 OFFICERS: George E. Dovet President F. E. White Vice president S. Watjoh. Cashier U". X. Dovax Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS: George E. Dovey, F. E. White. D. Eawksworth S. Wangh and H. 3J. Dovey. Careful attention given to the Interests of customers. Collections made and promptly remitted for. Highest market price paid for county warrants and state and connty bonds- I FIREPLACK, FLOOR AND WALL TILE. m,n.Tlred. in plain figr "vares, anci one price to all, "T-iietlier licro or tliere. prank: wilcox coM 1513 and 1517 Oouglax Street. Omaha, Neb. lAGETlC NERVINE. Is cold with written guarantee to cure N ervous Prostra tion. Fits. Dizzi ness. Headache and mi raiiri a and W ake-fulni,cau.'-'d byex- Tobucco anJ Alco- BErF-CRE - AFTER- sion. Sortenin of h Drain, rnninr Misery, Insanity and Death. ;:irren-s.-. ImiKxeDi y, Loot Power in either sex. "rrmature Old Aiee, Involuntary Losses, cawd v over-indulceure, overt-xertmn of the Brain and Srrors of Youth. It pive to Weak Ortrans their Natural Vnror and douliles tbe joys ot life: cures A.ucorrhaa and Female Weakness. A ionth's treat ment, in plain pucaao. l-y maii, to any aildress, il rr b5x, 6 boxes 5. With every f5 order we cive a Written Cuarantee to cure or refund the money. ircuuir fre. Uourautuo issued only by our ex oj'ive atreuU F. G FKIIKE & CO.. DRrtfclSTS. Sole aitent9 Plattnmoath. Neb. The City Hotel, Corner Main and Third Sts., PLATTSMOUTH. A FIRST-CLASS HOSTELRY IN EVERY RESPECT. REFITTED and REFURNISHED Special Attention Given to the Accommodation of Farmers. First-Class Bar tIronConnTO: CLEAN ROOMS AND TABLE Rates $1 Per Day. H. H. GOOS, Prop'r. .LBPaueLAS Ci O 7JfT? 1STHE BIST. ySi HWm no squeaking. $5. CCu DC VAin , w $3 so PCMCt. Soles. 2.I.7Boy3Sck:olShce3. LADIES .oui !1 S.I T.V BEET v S. SfN3 FC CATALOGUE W'L'DOUCLAS. BROCKTON. rlASS. Yon eaa aaTP money by purchasing . L Damlm fbor. Because, -we are the largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the -world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom worlt in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every where at lower prices for the value given than any other rrsahe. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by JOSEPH FETZER. F. S. WHITE, Main Street, Plattsmoath. FRESH. Teas and Coffees Unexcelled, Curtice Bros.' Celebrated CANNED GOODS. SOLE AGENT FOR Pillehiiru'cf MINNESOTA FLOUR, I IHuUUIl O The Hest in the World. The "XXXX" and "Best" Brands FAT PEOPLE ! Pare Obbsitt Pills will reduce your weight PERMAXENTLYfrom 12 to 15 pounds a month. SO STARVING, sickness or injury; NO PCB LICIT Y. They build up the health and beauti fy the complexion, leaving NO WRINKLES or flabblness. STOUT ABDOMENS and difficult breathing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT, but ascteutitic and positive relief, adopted only afteryears of experience. All orders supplied direct from our office. Price 12.00 per package or three packages for C5.00 by mail postpaid. Testimonials and particulars sealed 2 cents. 9AU correspondence strictly confidential. Park Remedy Co., Boston, Mass. H. A. WATERMAN & SON, DEALERS IK Lumber and Coal. Mendota coal f 4.85 Hard coal 10.00 Canon City coal 7. B0 STREIGHT & SATTLER, Successors to Henry Bceck, Furniture I Undertaking Stoves. Ranges. Pianos. Organs. Our Furniture line Is complete In every detail An investigation is certain to convince. 3