WEEKLY JOURNAL, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 29. 1SS4. IX AM) AROCXD THE TOWN. Mrs. Walt Adams of Eagle returned Lome Saturday after a short visit here with relatives. Geo. Horn of Cedar Creek, now serv ing on the U. S. petit jury at Omaha, was in town Saturday. J. Q. Adams of Eagle, who has been lieie for several dajs past visiting with his daughters, returned home Mon day aoorninp. Frank Schlater came in Monday from his ranch in Deuell ;ounty,for a short visit in this county with Ins parents and relatives. Ed Murphy has returned to his'.abois in Wyoming, where lie is finishing up an uncompleted contract of his de ceased father, T. E. Murphy. Fred Oleuhausen of the vicinity of Cullom who had his hand severely cut some days ago while operating on a bull, is improving nicely. Fred Herrmann has returned front a visit to Chicago, where he met Will Cushing, who, he says, is holding a clerical position in the em ploy of the Santa Fe railroad, and is doing well. Ed. Oliver ha3 been putting in soa.e spare time tuning and shipping several loads of fat cattle and hogs to South Omaha There is such a fas cination to the business ot buying stock that Ed. can't keep out of it, even il be has gone to farming. Mrs. Carton. aeJ S'J years and ti e mother of Mrs. T. E Murphy, de parted from this life at 1 o'clock p. in. Friday at the home of the latter on North Sixth street. The funeral took place from the family iei dence at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Kev. Father Carney officiating. Audi ew J. Taylor has been suffering for sciDf months from a tumor which Las been growing on the inside of his right hand. Monday morniLg Le sub mitted to an operation, and by the skillful use of the surgeon's knife it was removed, and Mr. Taylor now feels much relieved. Dr. W. A. .Humphrey performed the operation. The remains of Edward Iliggins, who accidently shot himself in Omaha Monday night, will be buried at Columbus today beside his father, the late John G. Higjins, who was found dead on the postoffiee steps in Col um bos just a vear ago. The elder Iliggins was the democratic candidate for at torney general in !'). 1 ounc uizgius was born and raised in Columbus and was about nineteen vears eld. ' J. H. Jones and James Dryson were killed in a mine explosion at Albia. Iowa, esteruav, and George Tat lor was seriously injured. The cxplos-ion i-i supposed to have been caused by the accidental ignition of gunpowder or a premature blast, probably the latter. Tat lor is said to be a brother of the young woman who created so much talk in this citv a few vears sseo I Signs Of Ill-Luk. j To be struck by lightning on Men i dav. . To sit on h buzz-saw in motion on Friday. To break the mirror your wife's mother gave yon. Tu fall down stairs with the parlor stove on Tuesday. To speculate with other peoples' money and get caught. To see a bill collector over your right shoulder on Saturday. To spili salt jn the coffee of the man who has the oarviog knife. To see a dog over your left shoulder in your neighbor's orch ard. To Call a bicger mau than yourself haul names any day iu the week. To be one of t'he thirteen at the table when there is only food enough lor six. To marry a gii"l on "Wednesday who practices with ten-pound dumb-bells. To meet a detective at the depot when you are buying a tickt for Canada. To bet all your money on a horse whose driver has bet all his money on another. To atterrpt to sit in a chair that someone has rc-moved when you were not locking. To see your overcoat over either shoulder as you pass out of the shop of your uncle. To offend your best girl's little brother who saw you kiss another iittle boy's sister. HiltASlI ITEMS. Why undergo terrible sufferings and endanger your life when you can be cured bv Japanese File Cure; guaran teed by Fricke & Co. The Content la oft'. There will be no contest of the e'ec- ion of Silas A. Holcomb as governor of Nebraska, lhat fact is settled. I'be republican state commit' ee penned a letter the other day to Tom Majors, asking his views on the sub ject, lorn replies in no uncertain terms' he is forninst a contest first. last and all tne t;me, but spoils a good, sensible letter by concluding with the statement thafin the sweep ing victory throughout the state and nntion. I find so much cause for re- joicir g that my own personal defeat eems a mere incident." t The tune for filing contest papers expires today and the republican committee an nounces that "unless new develop ments come to light of great populis tic frauds," nothing will be done iu the premises. by reason of her relations with J no. G Roberts, the deceased 15. & VI. engineer The following from the Elmwood Echo is crudeness in country journal ism personified: '-Bird Critchfield run across a skunk at his uate Saturday night when returnme home from the hunter's banquet. It had a steel trap attached to it and was raising the liggest kind of a stink about its trouble. 15;rd called A I Dickson up and they each fired three shots from a revolver at the pussy but didn't hit it It was finally clubbed to death, tut not until it had left its compliments Sheriff Huberle of Otoe county has leen requested by Robert Gale, who lives near Syracuse, to look out for his (Gale's) eleven- ear-old son who has run away from home. It seems that Mr. Gale took one of the "fresh ail" boys from New York and gave him a good hume As the disappear ance of Mr. Gale's son and the New York youngsU r was simultaneous, it is believed the Nebraska boy has been enticed away from home by the bril liant stories of the wonderful things to be seen in the world told by the youth from the metropolis. It is a sad commentary on the intel ligence and fairness of the people of tbis state if the claim of the Lircoln Journal that it has the largest circula tion of any Nebraska paper, be true. There is no more corrupt or rotten sheet in Christendom than the Eincoin Journal. Its every utterance is die tated either by the corporations or by the corrupt ring which has constantly been fattened by plundering the state. in every controversy between the corporations and the people, it never fails to side with the corporations; in fact its editors seemingly possess the notion that a railroad pass will let them into heaven. As a gatherer and iriver of news it is vastly inferior to either of the Omaha papers, and in fact has not one single feature to commend it to the reading public of .Nebraska. Li-t of Letter Heicaining uncalled for in the post- oSw at riattsniouth Nov. 2$. for week ending Nov. 21, 18W: Buttel. Fred Clark. J L DoTie.c Fryt, Mi" Anna Lema:, E K Jree. S 11 Swnuson, Hiinia 1'ersons calling tor any oi" the above letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised." W . K. Fox, P. M. Il lieuura lOO. The leaders of this paper will be pleased to leai n tuat llieie is at least onedre-ided diseaoe thai science has beuu abie to cure in all its stages, and tt. it is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure uow know n to the medical lratrmuy. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment Hall s Catarrh cure is taken internally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the st stem, there by destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitu tion and a-sisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have si much faith in its curative powers, that they oner une unnnrea uonars lor anv case that it fails to cure. Address F. J. Cheney, ft Co., Toledo, O. resold by druggists. 75 cents. Fred Hess and Ira Gordon have re turned from a trip through Kansas and Missouri, but found no location. Milton Wood and Uert Austin left last Thursday for Memphis, Tenn., to labor on the government works. II. T. Squires has purchased the Gordon house and moved it on the Smith lot. Some party tried to effect a burglar ous enterauce in the house of Mike Cavey Sunday night. After trying to force two windows they retired. Considerable excitement was caused on Sunday night, or rather early Mon day morning, when an officer entered the town and proceeded to the farm and late resi jence ot Joseph Cunning ham and foreclosed a mortgage on Joe's corn. The corn was soon loaded in wagons that had been prepared for that purpose, and amid the vigorous protest of the land owner, who claimed the com as rent, was taken down to Elmwood. Here a surprise awaited the foragers, for a deputy stopped them with a writ of replevin. The corn was returned to the cribs and now lies in silent repose awaiting the judgment day, wh.ch will be next Saturday. We pity lhat corn, after that long drive, it must be worn out. We have some of the same corn and it's hard to tell whether it is corn or "gugu" peas. P. Z. Fowler moved -his oods and merchandise to Elmwood lasr Mon day. Mr. Fowler is a Christian gen tleman and tve are sorry to lot-e him. Old "Bally," a horse belonging to Dan McCaig, died one day last week at the age of thirty-three years. He was brought to this state by the Mc Cain familt thirty years ago. Mrs. Joe Cunningham left for her old home in Kansas last Wednesday The M. P. adjuster was in Jown last week and settled all claims against the railway company for stock killed The residence of GottleibDettmann. northwest ot H abash, was the scene rf a pleasant surprise last Wednesday night. The relatives and friends of the old gentleman to the number of f ullv one hundred, with baskets filled with the cood thines of this life, stepped into the house and told the patriarch that as this was the anni versary of his seventy-fifth biithday. thev had come to have a time, and they had it. The tables soon groaned under the load of edibles, and in verv short time t lie visitors were groaning from the ssnif cause, and as the moon disappeared in the west the people returned to their homes. Buy the improved Singer sewing ma chine. Anton Trinity, local agent oCice in Unruh's furniture store. yrrt $ IK fl rH f i"JH& It's trie tlredtcet Mercantile Establishment in the West. Over ioo different departments, each carrying separate lines. More than a million dollars' worth of Merchandise on hand all the time. SPECIAL SALES DAILY. All legal business given prompt at tention. D.O. Dwyer. attorney. Platts mouth. SAM GOTfflANK & CO WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS IN- MM The writer of the following, an ex change editor, has most likely been there and knows whereof he speaks when he says: "After man come woman. Ana ste has been alter him ever since. Mie is a person ot noble extraction, being made up of man's rib. It costs more to keep a woman than three dogs and a shot-gun. But she pays you back with interest by giving you a house full of children to keep you awake all night and smear molasses over your Sunday coat. Be sides, a wife is a very convenient ar ticle to have about the house. She is handy to swear at when you cut your self with the razorand don't feel like blaming yourself. Women are not created perfect. She has her faults such as false hair, false teeth, false complexion, and so out. But she is a great deal better than her neighbor and she knows it. A woman may not be able to sharpen a lead-pencil, or hold an umbrella, but she can pack more things in a trunk than a man can in a one-horse wagon. The hap piest period in a woman's life is when she is making her wedding garments. The saddest is when the husband comes home late at night and yells to throw out a handful of keyholes of various Bizes." AND THE BEST Cigars. Sole agents for the CELEBRATED MILWAUKEE GIYEN AWAY FREE. Cut this oat aid brini; it to t lie Huston Store. Omaha. Mild ciu ) elegant China Souvenir flute FKEE. Come yourself or send your order to the BOSTON STORE W. Cor. 16tU and Doaglas-tH. OMAHA. Owning our own store, raying uo rent, buy ing and selling fill goods for cash, enables us ta sell poods for less money than any other store In America l k. List fc vi:i:m.v To T:.:c.i A. f.'.Oal'.S vV. BCFORt -AFTER'-. FE Tht-pare: sugar cured Our treat Sale of the ESTIKE STOCK OF TIIE GREAT Wells Streat "Fair," Chicago, VALUED AT $140,000, OZST NOW AT NE4KLY HALF PRICE". CLOAKS. i.000 ladies' stylish l'rince Albert jackets, double-breasted with large reveres, in beaver, covert cloth or chin chilla, worth 19 00. go at $12.50. All sizes. Largest assortment imported garments, no two alike, many satin- lined, worth 839.00, choice S25.00 each DRESS GOODS. Black, colored and changeable 40- inch English Henriettas. Entiredress pattern of 7 vds. go at $1.39. 500 dress patterns.all wool suitings,hop-sackings and fancy cheviots, worth .oca yd., an entire dress pattern for$2.50. li yards wide imported novelties, pure silk and wool, cost $1.50 to import, at 75c a yd. SHOES. gro:i; ! Nr.. 1 isred : )'K"U11. 27 :..u:i.;.. quart car. s ic: .1'.'! o.i aprn'ns, il t pil jr.; . . ;A-ap::o-ls T1:-: r.-iisin-. ."i't C rice, -c" : oca. '1 : :ii : can: ..itd:i;e, (c. C,:u "Kith in tt ? s pins ita, "i ofFre at I"-.- value ever .c. ;em ot:i No. 1 ;:t;ar .-(: rii" !Vovei T 1K-: t 1 1 . . j" JVtv H'.l pare pr'.-- 'Ott . M.-i -.i-d . .. U- .iCiiS: :, 1;.; : vipi . '.'c a I ; .;!!;. ij'.i ' : Ad i:i pro . r:zel o such hrh oak A will i co:n- Or. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment , Iw o!d uTiiltr iMKitive ri:ifn j.-!iaruitie, liy " uiht'r ; id nirfntf nuly, to curt, t'jk Memory; C ! liruinand Nervw pimr; Ixt-t Manhood; inii' kiies?; j Nicht Lo?.; Kvil lreanif; Ijirk of CoufniiKH'; Ki'rvoofiiw: IHM-itu.!; ull Drain-; iosiof powpr j of the Ofn-raUv rtr!n in either cx, rau--l by I oTHr-exi'rtion; i oiiilifu! Krrors. or Kxc---r-ive l-e of i TiIihm;o, Opium it Linunr, whir!. s.Kn loai ti Miwr, Cousumptinn, l;i:mity anil Ivath. By mail, , fl a ixx; 6for$.": with wriUt-n cunrnii to curt or j refund monry. Wi:sT"b COI'CiU SYKl'P. A certain cure for C"u.'h, Coldx, Athriiii, iirnnchiti. Croup, I Whoripinif i.UL-h, S re Thront. I'leatnt to tufcti. ! H stze, now aJc. GL AJiAXTl-U issued only by F. G. Frickf &. Co, druggists. The Plattemocth Mills, C. HEISEIi. Prop. f x ' 1 a 1 i .-. i t . 1 i w f ' 1 -:!! ,iw.r: t:.. "irv'i . si r, .! .i lis.- -.vu:1.!. T'" lii.uiv ''to suits, aws 1 ' coats, fin- a'! kind ofcas tr.. tiew t;'.Ue: So'O and 'J.T Men's dref; prices in the inne Storm rrc ' t! " s.-i -', a::d '. v.: i V.'( . nvero- i ritv we .v.'' u!v, t - -ece:vel a fresh i.t, !" r I)rt-ss oven-'iais in M: I'.own. tan. iouble or 10 v'ut-, l r f.'. ti.l. :'.rd we stuck" tiletti s. (:!C . ::i - :t.is;td " k. HOW ;.-: nnvr 'ilte: art MfT-e ;unl ' ot -:. v.r l;r ee r-A'it .reristt-d ".r. ;:if-i ..retells. ' o 'V " t (- extra Kersv, :ia-'ed, This Mill hus been rel'iiilt, ami furnished with Machinery of the best manufacture in the world. Their Plansifter" Flour lias no Superior in America, divsit trial and be convinced. LE BRUM'S UB MTIIEU PFX. This mwt? bemf iniecttl tiirecny to th rt cf tboo diiA of UiouiiiLo-L nrui. Or prans. rfiures no cluttf of diet or Huse3u, mercurial or poicoiioui mt i icmesto be ti.n nicruU. ru:t. m HkL as a preventive ELi W 1"WJ by either its It impowibletoeontrf any Tonrrr.it dise,c ; hut in the cmae ot thoe alrc:y L'kfot0tlw 4frjcta with (ionorrSo- nd t,let, we gioruii CT TT K-C BS tee eore. l'r-.ee l.y mail, rootage "W wa..dbaS t 1 pa tax, o; C UIS3 tat f. i'J nn These tiny Capsules are superior to Balsam of Copaiha, ""v Cuhebs and Injections. (ffTfi J ey cure in 4S hours the v same diseases -without anyincon- veniencc, SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS o -Zi'f &i JOKNSOK'S FA&CNETIC CCL1 -1 Men's?.! (i Cuf shoes Men's -f.voO Calf shes Men's ft; ("i Cork Sole shoes l.aoies' SI no shoes La'iies' r.Ci Welt and Hand turn siioes. Ladies' shoes UNDERWEAR. .fl so . s no . 3 .V . 1 6l . 3 t'l . 5 0O Men's 50c Heavy (;ray Wool underwear 10 25 Men's i -V Henvv Kancv tinderwear S5 Men's fl CO All-Wool underwear Men's fl 50 Hith (.irade underwear Ladies' 3"c Heavy llib underwear, drawers only I.adie-' ;Vc Heavy underwear Ladies' Natural Wool and Zephyr Knit underwear, worth t.nt Ladies' M All Wool Combination Suits., cnild s 1'art Wool t sizes. IB 1 ) 22 underwear (Price, T;. in 12'. l." Child's All Wool (.Sizes. 15 H -'n S2 24 underwear.. ( Price. l. 20 23 oO 3.r'" Child's Varn Knit mitts oC BOSTON STORE Omaha, Neb. so 75 15 25 50 US 24 Dr. Agnes V. w etland, HOMEOPATHIST. Speciul attention to Obstetric, Diseases Women and Woman's Surireiy- 19 Of Office Brih'.-.Ti a:;d Yacht orth M'c, lor 12c. r.-y's heavy Turhar.' bareain, i:i two lots, ;t ilen's Cloth Brij;;-'' 'ined, hluc, black or or -!!"c. Men's FctlrT.i5, -r:t our price SI. "22. Men's fine Derbys. worth "J.'t, our pric e ll ta rf. stiU ;: T.-.c. :e fur. t 1 J m m Cmahc, - - Parmele KJ LJ JtlS Parlor Cabinet FOR -A Holiday Present. V 5 r First Premium at the Columbian Exposition The Singer Mai'f'g Co. 1 S IS Cl-2 1 121 54: First Awards. I nuinlierri Pabst Beer.:FiS Magnetic 2srvine quiets the nerves, drives away bad drearu9, and pives quiet rest ind peacetul sleep. Sold by Fricke & Co. Tbe" Plan Sifter"fiour is tne popular irsnd. Ask for it from your crocer. An exchange says: "Conductor,' said a lady passenger on the li. & M puiuiii'K over uer eoouiaer to a man who was resting his feet on the win dow sill behind her, 'I wish you would request that brute to take his feet down. 'I daren t ma'am,' replied the polite but cautious ticket fiend, 'he's a member of the legislature.' " Limberger cheese ten cents a cake at I Weckbach's. ' Deliveries Made To any part of the city or ship ped to any place WM. NEVILLE, RESIDENT MANAGER, Beine thelarcest number of awards obtained by any exhibitor and more than double the number received by all other Sewinc Machine anies. Awards received on the following: sewing Machine. V. S. No. 2, and Mnirie Thread Automatic Chain Stitch Machine, Sewinc Machine j Cabinets. Art Embroideries. Laces. Cur S tains. Upholstery. Artistic FurnishincB, Sewinc and Embroiderv, Tapestry Ma j shine Work. I Also 43 Award, eoverine, machines J for manufacture in every line where a ! Sewine Machine can te used on Wool. Cotton and Silk Cloth. Knit Goods, I I.e uher. etc., for Ornamental StltchinR, I Button holes. Eyelets, Barring, Over seaming. Staying, etc. .... .' -'"-'-i-T nstar.t Killsrof Pain !ntenal r.nrt Exterrs!. ture? I:IIi:i'MATISM. NKCLi Gi.'v, Ijiu-e i:-k, sprains. l$-nts. -. -!int-'-. Stiff .Toiuts, 'Oi.l-' Hii: K KAMI'S lustauiiy. lulra :!or- !.. i i our.l:ptb'iia. Sore Thruut, te horse mm, i;i:?"iZj;.nzt'z tkhTnt ?owrrf l;! r.vA peL'etrar;i.i'2.iTi::riin'.r y. si r itoxtct in exir teace. loiwe fl r'-iv oc Soc. aus: JOHNSONS OfflEKTAU SOAP. ?! -ilicnted To::. The-G n Skin Cvrr a-. Face Eeautif.er. Ledies wh; tn-! rn ii:- .: delicate and bipf.ly oerfumed 'ionet Si.n; th( r.i'irkft. Jt :-a'c80iutetv ourc. jl i'"" km soft and veltety anrt r--:"f,-r- thi i" '- COrr- p'eTt on; i- a luxury l.r t!:-; atti I t ir.vants. lr u v- !t-.iULr. cu-'ir: tl:t .to airi F. FRilkE & 10.. UUHiGISTS S"' i?tint- PiattsTn ith. Neb. Ai Pplmdid ciratjve nent far tvoo or Sick. Lifwrial or aaernl Seur iliria", aito tor iliu- matism, firm;, Kianey iiioiaers aciu i.. pepia, A Pi1 mi a. Antidota lor Alcohoii: and othnr oeut. i rice, JU, 5uceata. ijlervwcea.u THE ARNOLD CnEWICAL CO. 1 51 S. Western Avenue. CHICA" FAT PEOPLE ! Park Oresttt Pills will reduce your weight PERMANENTLY from li to 15 pounds a month. NJ STARVING, sickness or injury: NO PUB L1C1TY. They build up the health and beauti fy the complexion, leaving N' WRINKLES or Uabbiness. STOL'T ABDOMENS and difficult breathing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT, but ascientific and positive relief, adopted only after vears of experience. All orders supplied direct from our othee. price 2.00 per package or tnree packages for 15.00 by mail postpaid. Testimonials and particulars sealed 2 cents. jjsAll correspondence strictly confidential. Park Bemedy Co., Boston, Mass. We HaveMoiey to Loan at 6 per ce nt On farm or city property In any section of the country where projrty has a fixed market value. Monev ready for immediate loans where security and title is c'ood. No commission. We solicit "applications. Blanks furnished upon request. ALLEN & CO.. 40 & At Broidwij,Sw York ?ITALJS PHOTOGRAPH ED f ROW LIFL a Well AGENTS WANTED. WHERE TO BUY. When you have deciJe-J t:pon the purchase of an article, then comes the queery, where can 1 uet what I want? Now. that is just what we are here to teli you. We have the ioo?t beautiful stock ever shown in OiiiauA. and at extraordinary low prices. We only list a few. but our stock is full of bar gains: Cabinet Book Case . : iU.M. worth $13 00 Banquet Lamp ::., worth 3.a Onyx Table t.k, vorth fr.Tti Chamber Suit w orth 23.f0 Parmelee & Otis, Continental 151'k, 1414 Ilnulas St.,Omalia i 7 -' 3. V1TALIS THE GREAT oQ.h T,v. , r iitiiivn nbintwi 3001 rrodnres the Ahove Besnlta in 30 Pays. It acta powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fa.iL Youue men will reirain their lost manhooa andoldnvn will recover their youthful viRor by usins VITA LIS. ItouicUlyand surely re- t)n Vrrvn,,,,!; Tist ltallt V. ImDOtPnCV, Niphtlv Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Mem ory. WastinR Diseases, and all effects of seir abuse or excess ana lnaiscreunu. wiu vu Insanity and consumption. Insist on having VITALIS. no other. Can be carried in vest pocket. By mail. $1.00 per packaee. or six for S5.00, with positie mitten itnarantee to eare Or reruml the money. inreuiar r.'T- ,11 CALL Jit. 1 l -ulTAIIl iiuiga, u. ForsaleatPlattsmouth, Xeb., by O.H.Snyder and Gering & Co arugglsu. P. J. HANSEN, DEALER IK STAPLE and FANCY The Singer M'f g Co "All Over the World." I Branch Office 1S16 Douglas St., Omaha. E, A P I E S do e-ncw DR. FELIX LE BRUN'3 (iFOfifiFl 6S STEEL BHD FEPYROYEL FiUS JL V- V y A- A. V- KJj are the oripinal and only TEENCH.iMifeand re- CrOCkery -AM- liuhle onra on the market. Price SLUU; seat bs ! -ziaiL Genuine sold only by iFricko & Co., Druggists. Glassware. CCR'JOVAIX, FRENOn.',: V- iJ-EO CALT. Jt' -i $ Z.-J'rC LIC L.3 SOLES. I 1, A e:; a f:v:e. ' FLOITR AND FEED A Spocialty. One door North of Postoffiee. 5500 Reward! WE w:U --iy t: - "iKive reward for any case of LiverCnraiiiai:.: -vper-sia, 5ick Headache In diprstifr! v.'..-.i:; :.".v.i x Cof.ivcness we cannot cure with ".V-. . V rta'j'r Liver I'i'.ls, when the direc'ior. ' ' "".v:cliv complied with. Th" air purely k ' 'ct. :i pud never fail to srive sa isiactm::. : . nlw. Larirc bores. 2 cent Bewarfrcir-; . : r r-d imitations. Theften nine mar mi;. 1 ...:-.' bvTHE JOuNC WKbl CUMPAN V. (.L..jO, ILL, --Ai jj, ... ' BRCCKTOK. 1AS3. Von can aave minrT lr ""ri -as . 1 Because, we aretae Ufe- rtnrers ol advertised shoe, in the -tu. ;.u3 ruarantce ful Vn h-r siinoini: t.e n.i-, t i ' .p nee on the bottom, which pmterU prices and tne nuaaicir.au 1 . -. i r r ,1, ' " : Diamonds . ::; W:mm Jewelry Silverware, &c Fi ne Watch Repairing!?; ;.iJOS. P. FREF4ZER .".T.-.l. Opposite Post Office i -..: owaha i .. i :.'; n-t hich our shoes injF and !.lttie. Vc V.;' s-ld every. where at lower prices i..r i..o v anv other make. Tate . e. -ccalcr cannot supply ' '-' - uiven than . If your rsold by Joseph rnTzun. COMMIT THIS TO MEMORY LATEST STYLES 1.0 TTEST TKICES COFIELO CAKS.S01TS.FyRS. Ccr. I6th and Farram Sts., fl A 14 A PAxroxBLocK. u ii nun uici