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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1894)
fBIattsmoirth Journal. C XV. SHEK.VIAN, Publisher. PLATTSilOUTH, i i NEBRASKA. The News Condensed. Important Intelligence From All Parts. DOMESTIC Increased expenditures and de creased receipts cansed a deficiency in the post office department of f9.243.935 daring the year ended June SO last. ; It was said that President Cleveland ihad offered his services as arbitrator In a settlement of the dispute between China and Japan. ; Gov. Flower, of New York, has granted permission to experts to at tempt to resuscitate a man executed in the electrical chair. ; Pbksidkst Cleveland was said to favor a new issue of bonds at once, owing to the low stage of the gold re serve. November returns of the rates of yield of corn per acre make the aver age 19,7, the lowest in thirteen years, i A heavy snowstorm prevailed throughout Indiana, delaying freight and passenger trains in many in stances. The first grand lodge of the Ameri can National Union of Stenographers and Typewriters was organized in St. Joseph, Mo. Residents of Indianapolis were alarmed at the frequency with which graves were being desecrated and robbed. William Sturges, the plaintiff in the famous Sturges-Farwell litigation in Chicago, and who broke down under its weight, died at Owego, N. Y. Thk Texas Pacific railroad cotton wharf at New Orleans was burned by incendiaries, causing a loss of S500.000. IIexbv Powell shot and fatally wounded Mrs. Sapire McLaughlin at North Rochester, Pa., and then killed himself. Jealousy was the cause. The First national bank of Johnson City, Tenn., with a capital of 100.000, closed its door. The visible supply of grain in the United States on the lth was: Wheat, 81,220,000 bushels; corn, 2.63S.000 bush els; oats. 9,004,000 bushels; rye, 449,000 bushels: barley, S, 933. 000 bushels. Martin J. Watsox buried at Ander son, Ind., the last of a family of five, including his wife, who were in good health one month ago. They were the victims of black diphtheria. A 'Frisco passenger train was held up near Monett, Mo., by two masked men, who compelled the express mes senger to turn over the express pack ages. Mrs. Jacob Thomas and child were burned to death at lias tings. Neb. Jons W. Goff, recorder-elect of New York city, filed a statement showing that his campaign expenses in the re cent election were seventy-five cents. Barrett Scott, who, as treasurer of Holt county. Neb., embezzled 5100,000, was sentenced at Neligh to the peni tentiary for five years. Three masked men attempted to rob the bank at Sylvan Grove, Kan. One was wounded by the cashier and was killed by his companions to prevent exposure. Oxe man was killed and six others Injured by the collapse of the wall of a building under construction at Phil adelphia. Joseph LaCroix and Philip Wells, his uncle, were murdered by Indians while crossing Pine Ridge Indian res ervation in South Dakota. PrLLMAX, the General Managers' as sociation and the railway strikers were condemned in the report of the government strike commission. The establishment of a national board of arbitration was recommended. Directors in Chicago of the Colum bian exposition resolved to dispose of the 200,000 unsold souvenir half dollars at par. Isstectob Schaack suspended nine teen Chicago policemen for failure to perform their duty and three others were discharged by Chief Brennan for misconduct, during tha election. Hundreds of acres of potatoes that were not dug, and corn, apples and other farm products that were not harvested were frozen by a blizzard In Michigan. Fifty thousand persons witnessed the launching of the St. Louis, the largest vessel ever constructed in America, at Philadelphia. Mrs. Cleve land christened the steamship. Forest fires in Arkansas were still burning fiercely, doing great damage. Near Edmondson two negroes were burned to death. A heavy fall of snow was reported throughout Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin. Dangerous counterfeit half dollars were in circulation in Indiana. The date upon them is 1894 and they are a trifle lighter than the genuine. A general order, commending in dividual soldiers for specially meri torious acts during 1893, was issued by Maj. Gen. Schofield. Ex-Banker A. A. Cadwallader, of 6vfperior, Wis., pleaded guilty of em bezzlement and was sentenced to five years imprisonment. The general assembly of the Knights of Labor met in eighteenth annual ses sion at New Orleans. The annual report of George A. Howard, the auditor for the post office department, shows that the total num ber of money order offices in operation June 30, 1894, was 19,529. The twelfth annual meeting of the National Baptist congress began at Detroit, Mich. "Jack the Stbanolf.b" is again at work in Denver. A Japanese girl of ill repute was his third victim. Bill Cook and his robber band held up a Missouri, Kansas & Texas train near Muskogee, L T. They were un able to enter the express car, but re lieved the passengers of their valu ablest. Secretary Carlisle issued a call for bids for 860,000,000 5 per cent, ten year gold bondt The schooner John Shaw with its orew of seven men was wrecked off Oscoda, Kfich. Forest Tires in north Mississippi, west Tennessee and eastern Arkansas continued to rage with unabated vigor, doing immense damage. The annual report of the postmaster general shows that the total number of pieces of mail handled was 10,534, 234,255, in which but 1,281,094 errors were made. Eight persons were known to have perished in the forest fires In Ten nessee. An epidemic of typhoid fever was raging in the Nebraska institute -for the deaf and dumb at Omaha. The business portion Ithaca, of Neb., was destroyed by fire. The Eagle, the senior republican or gan of western Michigan, after half a century of publication ceased to exist at Grand Rapids. Allen Prime, of Louisville, Ky., tried to kill his wife and mother-in-law, wounded his sister-in-law and then shot himself. Gov. Altgeld appointed Elijah P. Ramsay state treasurer of Illinois to fill the vacancy occasioned by his father's death. Twenty negroes left New York for Liberia, the advance guard of an, army of 4,000 awaiting means of deporta tion. Moses Christopher, the negro who assaulted Mosselle Carter, the 7-year-old child, two months ago and who was arrested, tried and convicted the same day of the crime, was hanged at Bow ling Green, Va. The cotton growers convention at Montgomery, Ala., organized a na tional association for the protection of their interests. The cotton crop this year was estimated at 9.250,000 bales. Lawyer Walter D. Allen, of Phil adelphia, pleaded guilty of embezzling S24.000 belonging to his clients. Emanuel Otto, a wealthy farmer living near Morton, Minn., was killed by robbers,who rifled his money chest. Joseph Conrad fatally wounded John Martz at -Zionsville, Ind., and narrowly escaped lynching at the hands of citizens. Enraged by his failure to secure re appointment as clerk, G. K. Whit worth, of Nashville, Tenn., killed Judge Allison and shot himself. The body of William Sturges, of Chicago, was incinerated at the Pres byterian crematory in Newtown, I. I. Twelve men concerned in the lynch ing of John and Monroe Evans in Cul lum. Ala., in 1891, were arrested. q William Dawson, a storekeeper at Smith's Ferry, O., was killed by a shot gun he had set for burglars and for gotten. At the annual session in New York of the National Baseball league N. E. Young was reelected president for a term of three years. Henry Binder, a retired business man of Ann Arbor, Mich., was burned to death in his barn by the explosion of a lantern. At the industrial conciliation and arbitration congress in Chicago many important papers were read and the different phases of the arbitration question were discussed. Joe Patchen paced a mile over a half-mile track at San Antonio, Tex., in 2:08, breaking the world's record. Twenty students of the Bible col ege of Kentucky university at Lex ington were seriously ill with typhoid fever, caused by drinking impure water, and three had died. At Plymouth, Pa., fire destroyed a breaker and its outhouses with all machinery, the loss being 8160,000. Seven men were under arrest at Ridgway, Pa., for attempting to de stroy the family of a miner who would not strike. The schooner Antelope, of Chicago, capsized at Grand Haven, Mich., and the three men comprising her crew were drowned. Fob the ten months ended with Oc tober the exports of merchandise from the United States were 660, 166s 64 3 against 8690,087.854 for the correspond ing period of 1893. The imports were S5C3,271,0j6, against J677.060.ro4 in 1893. A forest fire that started from a sawmill west of the mining camp of Ward, CoL. had done fully 82,000.000 damage and was still spreading. Sheffield, an Iowa town of 1,000 in habitants, was almost entirely wiped out by fire. Three children of Jeff Raynor. left alone in the house at Oakland, Tenn., were burned to death and the building destroyed. Unknown persons made two attempts to wreck the midnight passenger train over the Chicago fc Alton road at Joliet, I1L Government officials unearthed gi gantic frauds perpetrated at the open ing of the Cherokee strip to settle ment. Jay Hicks, who murdered Ranch man Mryers in South Dakota and near ly killed the sheriff, was hanged at Sturgis. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Official returns from the recent elections give the following republican pluralities: Indiana, 45.445; Iowa, 80, 000; Missouri, 11,092; Wisconsin, 51, 498; Minnesota. 59,258; Connecticut, 17,667; New York, 155,063. George W. Scoggan, the well-known race-horse owner and breeder, died at his home near Louisville, Ky. Official election returns from Ne braska give Holcomb (dem.-pop.) Tor governor a plurality of 8.087. All the remainder of the state officers elected are republicans, their pluralities rang ing from 13,000 to 30,000. The legisla ture will stand: Senate, republican, 24; populists, 9. House, republican, 72; democrats, 7; populists, 21. Col. John A. McCaull, of opera fame, who fell on the ice and was par alyzed in Chicago a fewyearsago, died at Greensboro, N. C Myron B. Wright, of Suesquehanna, congressman from the Fifteenth Penn sylvania district, died at Trenton, Ont., aged 47 years. Gen. Cassius m. Clay, 84 years old, and his ward, Dora Richardson, 15 years old, were married at Gen. Clay's home in Lexington, Ky. Judge Allen O. Thurman celebrated his 81st birthday at his home in Colum bus, O. The official vote of the election in Indiana by congressional districts gives the republicans a majority of 55,647. For the head of the state tick et the republican plurality is 47.649. The official vote in the Seventh Ken tucky district gives Owens (dem.) a plurality of 101 votes. l Charles E. Strong, general manager of the Chicago Newspaper union, died from paralysis of the heart at his home. William H. Mauro, Sr., aged 88, the oldest odd fellow in Iowa and the old est living past grand master of the I. O. O. F., died at his home in Burling ton. The general assembly of Alabama convened at Montgomery and was sworn in by Chief Justice BickelL The democrats have a two-to-one control in each house. Official election returns from Con necticut give Coffin (rep.) for governor a plurality of 17,688. Henry Keney, for sixty-five years the foremost merchant of Hartford, Conn., died at the age of 90. Annie Downing Kent died at North Andover, Mass., where she was visit ing, and her husband, Albert Kent, died at about the same time at their home in Hartford, Conn. FOREIGN. A fibe-damp explosion in the coal mine at Bruecho, Bohemia, killed twenty miners and injured many more. Over 8,000 Armenians, including women and children, were massacred in the Sassoun region near Moosh. Turkish Armenia, during a recent at tack by Kurds and twenty-five villages were destroyed. A dispatch to a London paper says that Port Arthur had fallen into the hands of the Japanese. The large warehouse in London owned by the Terrebona Tea company was burned, the loss being 5400,000. Bcscn &, Co., cotton and coffee mer chants at Havre, France, failed for SI,' 000,000. Russell Island savages attacked the French traders' station, killed its oc cupants and feasted on their bodies. Novelli fc Co., merchants at Lon don, failed for 8500,000. The body of the late czar reached St. Petersburg and was escorted to the cathedral by a procession imposing in length and make-up. More than 800 persons lost their lives in an earthquake in Japan. Sa kata was almost entirely destroyed. Tee death of Sir Thomas Matthew Charles Symonds, G. C. R, admiral of the British fleet, occurred in London at the age of 83 years. The city of Paris, France, was visited by a terrific storm and many people were killed. Numerous roofs were blown off. the telegraph lines were broken down and the provinces were flooded. Basui-bazouks were reported to have raided a number of Armenian villages and to have killed and wound ed 6,000 persons. The gold dollar of the United States will hereafter be the standard coin of Hnnduras. Japan wishes definite proposals from China for a settlement of the war before accepting an offer of medi ation. Floods swept the seaport town of Limasol, on the Island of Cypress, de stroying much property and drowning twenty-one persons. The British ship Culmore foundered 80 miles off Spurn Head during a gale and twenty-two persons.were drowned. LATER. Therk were 270 business failures in the United States in the seven days ended on the 16th, against 261 the week previous and 232 in the correspond ing time in 1893. Five fires in one day at Winnipeg, Man., started by incendiaries, caused a total loss of $-210,000. Dr. James McCobh, ex-president of Princeton (N. J.) college, is dead. He was S3 years of age and a celebrated writer. Storms extinguished the forest fires in Colorado mining districts. The damage to property was estimated at $1, 000.000, and several hundred people were made homeless. Rev. Richard Carroll, aged 89, a prominent Baptist preacher for sixty five j-ears, committed suicide by hang ing at Maynardsville, Tenn. Thousands of Armenian women were subjected to indignities and then put to death by the Kurds. Severe earthquake shocks in the provinces of Messina and Calabria de stroyed many buildings and injured several persons. Martin V. Strait, a flour and feed dealer at Elmira, N. Y., shot his wife and her sister, Mrs. William Whitford, and himself. Domestic trouble was the cause. Dun's weekly review of trade says gradual improvement is noticeable in nearly all branches of business. Durino a boxing match at Syracuse, N. Y.. Bob Fitzsimmons struck his mate. Con Riordan, a chance blow which caused his death. As the result of a feud Mayor Har man and Henry Lawrence, of Lula, Miss., were shot and killed by J. W. Boyd. Frakcis A. Teall, who read the original proofs of Poe's "Raven" and "The Bells," died at Bloomfield, N. J., aged 72. A Denver newspaper says a big syn dicate in scheming to obtain control of the entire American output of sil ver. The official vote of Missouri in the recent election gives Robinson (rep.) for judge of the supreme court a plu rality of 3.094. The firm of B. II. Douglass & Sons, confectioners at New Haven, Conn,', failed for $100,000. Robebt C. Winthrop died in Boston at the age of 84 years. He was the oldest surviving ex-United States sena tor from Massachusetts and the oldest surving ex-speaker of the national house of representatives, having been elected to the Thirtieth congress. MADE PUBLIC Beport ot President Cleveland Special Labor Commission. The General Managers Association Scored -Pullman Company, Its Workmen and Tarrant Cleveland's Attitude Justi fied Specific Recommendations. The report of the special labor com mission appointed to investigate the causes of the recent railway strike has been made public. It is signed by the federal labor commissioner, Carroll D. Wright, and his fellow-investigators, John D. Kernan, of New York, and Nicholas E. Worthington, of Illinois, and is addressed to President Cleve land: The report says the capitalization of the twenty-four railroads directly represented la the General Managers' association was C3.108. 662.617. The -number of employes was 221.097. In lis constitution the object of the association , Is stated to be "the consideration of problems of management arising from the operation ot railroads terminating or centering at Chicago." "Until June. 1894. the association's possibili ties as a strike fighter and wage arbiter lay rather dormant. Its roads fixed a 'Chicago scale' for switchmen, covering all lines at Chi cago. In March. 184)3. the switchmen demanded more pay from each road. The association concluded that they were paid enough; If any thing, too much. "This seems to show that employes upon as sociation roads are under subjection to the General Managers' association." The report, after detailing the action of the association in establishing agencies and em ploying men, adds: "This was the first time when men upon each line were brought sharply face to face with the fact that in questions as to wages, rules, etc., each line was supported by twenty-four com bined railroads. This association likewise pre pared for its use elaborate schedules of the wages paid upon the entire lines of its twenty four members. The proposed object of these schedules was to let each road know what other roads paid. "The distribution of these schedules alone nabled the report to be used with efficiency as an 'equalizer.' As the result during 1883 It being then well understood that as to wages, etc., it was an Incident of the General Man agers' asssoclatlon to 'assist' each road in case of trouble over such matters, one form of as sistance being for the association to seture men enough through Us agencies to take the places of all strikers reductions were here and there made on the different roads. th ten dency and effort apparently being to equalize the pay on all lines. "It is admitted that the action of the asso ciation has great weight with outside lines and this tends to establish one uniform scale throughout the country. The further single atep of admitting lines not rctanlng into Chica go to membership would certainly have the ef fect of combining all railroads in wage con tentions against all employes thereon. The commission questions whether any legal au thority, statutory or otherwise, can be found to justify some of the features of tne associa tion which have come to light in this investiga tion. If we regard its practical workings, rather than Its professions as expressed In lis constitution, the General Managers' associa tion has no more standing In law than the old trunk line pool. It cannot Incorporate be eause railroad charters do not authorize roads to form corporations or associations to fix rates for services and wages, nor to force their acceptance nor to battle with strikers. "It should be noted that until the railroads set the example a general union of railroad employes was never attempted. The unions had not gone beyond calling the men upon different ystems into separate trade organiza tions. These neutralize and check each other to some extent snd have no such scope or capacity for good orevll as Is possible under the universal combination idea Inaugurated by the railroads and followed by the American Kail Way union. The refusal of the General Man agers' association to recognize and deal with such a combination of labor as the American Railway union seems arrogant and absurd when we consider its standing before the law. Its assumptions and its past and obviously con templated future action " Pullman Company and Its Town. "This Is a corporation organized In 1867. with a capital of (1.000 0U0. It has grown until Its present paid up capital is t36 00.1.000. Its prop erty has enabled the company for over twenty years to pay S per cent, quarterly dividends, and in addition to lay up a surplns ot nearly 125.000 000 of undivided profits." Speaking of the town of Pullman, of which the report states the company Is owner and landlord, the commission says: "The conditions created at Pullman enable the management at all times to assert with great vigor its assumed right to fix wages and rents absolutely ana to repress that sort of In dependence which leads to labor organizations and their attempts at mediation, arbitration, strikes, etc. On the other hand, it Is an eco nomic principle generally recognize 1 that the hutting down of such a plant and the scattering of Its forces usually result In a greater loss than that exhibited by the continuance of business. The Pullman comoany could hardly shut down for seven and a half months at a eost and loss of less than 1 per cent, upon Us capital and surplus. To continue running was for Its obvious and unfair advantage so long as It could divide losses equally with its labor. The men at Pullman claim that the company, during 1893-94. set the pace through exports so that with forced loss of time an av erage man could earn little more than the rent df his home owned by the company. The com pany alleges that It simply readjusted piece work prices to suit the necessities ot the times. "During all of this reduction and its attend ant suffering none of tha salaries of the offi cers, managers or superintendents were re duced. Reductions In these would not have been so severely felt, would have shown good faith, would have relieved the harshness of the situation and would have evinced genuine sym pathy with labor in the disasters of the times. "IX we exclude the esthetic and sanitary features at Pnllman. the rents there are from 10 to 25 per cent higher than rents in Chicago or surrounding towns tor similar accommoda tions. The esthetio features are admired by visitors, but have little money value to em ployes, especially when they lack bread. "While reducing wages the company made DO reduction in rents. Its position Is that tha two matters are distinct and that none of the reasons urged as justifying wage reduction by It as an employer can be considered by the company as a landlord. "The company claims that It Is simply legiti mate business to use its position and resources to hire in the labor market as cheaply as pos sible and at the same time to keep rents up re gardless of wtrst wages are paid to Its tenants, or what similar tenements rent for elsewhere; to avail Itself to the full extent of business de gression and competition in reducing wages and to disregard these same conditions as to rents. No valid reason Is assigned for this position except simply that the company had the power and the legal right to do it. "The demand ot the employes for the wages of June, 1893, was clearly unjustifiable. The business in May. 1894. could not pay the wages of June, 1898. Reduction was carried to excess, but the sompany was hardly more at fault therein than were the employes la Insisting upon the wages of June. 14)3." As to the great railroad strike proper the re port says: "It is apparent that the readiness to strike sympathetically was promoted by the dis turbed and apprehensive condition of railroad employes, resulttng from wage reductions on different lines, blacklisting, etc.. and from the recent growth of the General Managers' asso ciation, which seemed to them a menace." The report declares the arrival of the troops at Chicago was opportune, and says that po licemen sympathized with strikers rather than with the corporations cannot be doubted, nor would it be surprising to find tho same sentiment rife among the military. These forces are largely recruited from the laboring elasses. The President Is Upheld. The commission disposes as follows of the natter ol the use of federal trooDs: ilection 4 of article 4 of the federal eonsU- I tutlon resds as follows: "The United States shall guarantee to every state la this anion a republican form of government and shall pro tect each of them against Invasion, and on ap plication of the .legislature, or the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened), against domestic violence.' United States troops were not sent into Illinois upon the ap plication of the legislature, nor ot the execu tive, against domestic, violence, violence af fecting the state and Its government such. The president ordered the troops fcs Chicago: I. To protect federal property. To prevent obstruction In the carrying the malls I. X prevent interference with the Interstate com merce. 4. To enforce the dec re at and man dates ot the federal courts. "He did this under the authority of section 6,298. of the revised statutes of the United States, whloh provides: " '.Whenever, by reason of unlawful obstruc tions, combinations or assemblages of persons, or rebellion against the authority ot the gov ernment of the United States. It shall become Impracticable in the Judgment of the president to enforce by the ordinary course ot Judicial proceeding the laws of the United States within any state or territory. It shall be lawful for tha president to call forth the militia of any or all ot the states and to employ such parts of the land or naval forces of the United States as he may deem necessary to enforce the faithful ex ecution of the laws of the United States or to suppress such rebellion in whatever state or territory thereof the laws of the United States may be forcibly opposed or the execution there of forcibly obstructed.' Other statutes tend tooonfer authority in the same direction.' lebs and Associate Exonerated. "There Is no evidence before the commission that the officers of the American Railway union at any time participated In or advised intimidation, violence or destruction of prop erty. They knew and fully appreciated that as soon as mobs ruled the organized forces of so ciety would crush the mobs and all responsible for them In the remotes t degree and that this meant defeat. The attacks upon corporations and monopolies by the leaders in their speech es are similar to those to be found In the mag azines and industrial works of the day. From the testimony It is fair to conclude that strikers were concerned in the outrages against lam and order, although the number was undoubt edly small as compared with the whole number. Permanent Commission Advised. In conclusion the report says: ''Some ot our courts are still poring over the law reports of antiquity in order to construe conspiracy out of labor unipns. We also have employers who obstruct progress by pervert ing and misapplying the law of supply and demand, and who, while insisting upon indi vidualism for workmen, demand that they ball be let alone to combine as they please and that society and all its forces shall protect them In their resulting contentions. "The rapid concentration of power and wealth, under stimulating legislative condi tions, in persons, corporations and monopolies' has greatly changed the business and indus trial situation. Our railroads were chartered upon the theory that their competition would amply protect shippers as to rates and em ployes as to wages and other conditions. Com bination has largely destroyed this theory and has seriously disturbed the natural working of the laws of supply and demand, which, la theory, are based upon competition, for labor between those who demand it as we;! as those who supply it. For instance, as we hav shown, there Is no longer any competitive de niand among the twenty-four railroads at Chi cago for switchmen. Thsy have ceased com peting with each other; they are no longer twenty-four separate and competing employ era: they are virtually one. "However men may differ about the propri ety and legality of labor unions, we must al I recognize the fact that we have them with ui to stay and grow more numerous and powerful) Is It not wise to fully recognize them by law; to admit their necessity as labor guides and protectors; to conserve their usefulness, in crease their responsibility and to prevent tbeif follies and aggressions by conferring upon them the privileges enjoyed by corporations, with like proper restrictions and regulations? The growth of corporate power and wealth has been the marvel of the last fifty years. Corpor ations have undoubtedly benefited the coun try and brought its resources to our doors. It will not be surprising if the marvel ot the next fifty years be the advancement of labor to a position of like power and responsibility. "When railroads acted as 1udge and jury la passing upon the complaints of shippers the people demanded and congress granted a gov ernment tribunal where shippers and railroads could meet on equal terms and havo law ad Just their differences. In view of the Chicago strike and Its suggested dangers the people have the same right to provide a government commission to Investigate and report on differ ences between railways and their employes to the end that Interstate commerce and publio order may be less disturbed by strikes snd boycotts. "The commission therefore recommends: "First. That there be a permanent United States strike commission of three members, with duties and powers of investigation ana recommendations as to disputes between rail ways and their employes similar to those vested In the Interstate commerce commission as to rates, etc. "(a) That, as rn the interstate commerce act. power be given te the United States courts to compel railways to obey the decisions of the commission after summary hearing unattended by technicalities, and that no delays In obeying the decisions of the commission be allowed pending appeals. "(b) That whenever the parties to a contro versy In a matter within the Jurisdiction of the commission are one or more railroads on one sldo and one or more national trade unions. Incorporated under chapter 607 of the United States statutes of 1885-0 or under state stat utes, opon the other, each side shall have the right to select a representative, who shall be appointed by tfce president to serve as a tem porary member of the commission In hearing, adjusting and determining that particular Con troversy. "This provision would make It for the Inter est of labor organizations to Incorporate under the law and to make the commission a prac tlcal board of conciliation. It would also terrt to create confidence In the commission and t? give to that body In every hearing the benefit of practical knowledge of the situation en both sides. "(c) That during the pendency ot a proceed ing before the commission Inaugurated by national trade unions or by an incorporation of employes it shall not be lawful for the rail roads to discharge employes belonging thereto except for inefficiency, violation of law OT Def lect ot duty: nor for such unions during iifh pendency to order, unite In. or aid or ab-t strikes or boycotts agalnut the railways cotr plained of; nor for a period of six months aftr a decision for such railroads to discharge any such employes in whose places others shall be employed, except for the causes aforesaid; nor for any such employes, during a like period, to quit the service without giving thirty days' written notice of intention to do so; nor for any such union or incorporation to order, counsel or advise otherwise. "That chapter 537 of the United States stat utes of 1885-88 be amended so as to require na tional trades unions to provide in their articles of Incorporation and in their constitutions rules and by-laws that a member shall cease to be such and forfeit all rights and privileges conferred on him by law as such by participat ing in. or by Instigating force or violence against persons or property during strikes or boycotts, or by seeking to prevent others from working through violence, threats or intimida tion: also that members shall be no more per sonally liable for corporate acts than are stockholders in corporations. "Contracts requiring men to agree not to Jo'd lubor organizations or to leave them as condi tions of employment should be made Illegal as is already done in some of our states. "The commission urges employers to recog nize labor organizations; that such organiza tions be dealt with through representatives with special reference to conciliation and arbi tration when difficulties are threatened or arise. Germany Wants Pei Berlin, Nov. 14. The Colrtgrie Gazette says that Germany, while de termined to preserve absolute neutral ity in the hostilities, would gladly see peace restored as the result of the mediation of the United States, GOVERNORS ELECTED. The Choice Made by Twenty-One States at the Recent Election. S Washington, Not. 14. Twenty-one states chose governors at the recent election. Eighteen of the successful candidates were republicans, two dem ocrats and one a silverite. The states in which republicans take the place of democratic governors are Connecticut, Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Wisconsin. A democrat displaces a republican as governor of California. Populists and fusionists give way to republicans in Colorado, Kansas, North Dakota and Wyoming. The list is as follows: Alabama William C. Oates, democrat Arkansas J. P. Clark, democrat. California James H. Budd. democrat Colorado Albert W. Mclntyre, republican. Connecticut O. Vincent Coffin, republican. Delaware Joshua H. Marvil, republican. Florida Henry L. Mitchell, democrat. Georgia W. Y. Atkinson, democrat. Idaho William J. McConnell, democrat Illinois John P. Altgeld, democrat Indiana Claude Matthews, democrat Iowa Frank I. Jackson, republican. Kansas Edmund N. Morrill, republican. Kentucky John Young Brown, democrat Ijoul&lana Murphy J. Foster, democrat. Maine Henry B. Cleaves, republican. Maryland Frank lirown, democrat. Massachusetts Frederick T. Greenhalge, republican. Michigan John T. Rich, republican. Minnesota Knnte Nelson, republican. Mississippi John M. Stone, democrat Missouri William J. Stone, democrat Montana John F. Richards, republican. Nebraska Thomas J. Majors, republican. Nevada John F. Jones, silverite. New Hampshire Charles A. Busiel, repub lican. New Jersey George T. Wert, democrat New York Levi P. Morton, republican. North Carolina Klias Carr, democrat. North Dakota Roger Allin, republican. Ohio William McKinley. Jr.. republican. Oregon- William P, Lord, republican. Pennsylvania Daniel A. Hastings, repub lican. Rhode Island D Russell Brown, republican South Carolina John Gary Evans, democrat. South Dakota Charles L. Sheldon, repub lican. Tennessee IL Clay Evans, republican. Texas Charles A. Culberson, democrat Vermont Urbana Woodbury, republican. Virginia Charles T. O'Ferrall. democrat Washington John H. McGraw. republican. West Virginia William A. MacCorkle, dem ocrat Wisconsin William Henry Upham, repub lican. Wyoming William A. Richards, repub lican. At the beginning of the present year twenty four of the governors were democrats, sixteen republicans and four fusioa and populist FIERCE STORMS ABROAD. Twenty-Two Perish Oft Spurn Head The English Channel Lashed. Losdox, Nov. IT. The British ship Culmere, from Iquique for Hull, foun dered in Wednesday's gale about 60 miles off Spurn Head, Yorkshire, and went down with all on board. Twenty-two souls, including Capt. Read and his wife, are lost. Eight bodies were washed ashore at Worthing Thursday morning. The Culmere was last reported from Hamburg, where she stopped on her voyage from Iquique. She was loaded with a miscellaneous cargo, and al- though the weather was not propitious. Capt. Read considered the distance to Hull, 442 miles, a safe run, and con cluded to try it. As a result of the violent winds, heavy rains and overflowing rivers the inhabitants of some of the riverside villas at Eton and Windsor are obliged to approach the doors of their houses in boats. Upward of 1,000 persons in Path have been rendered homeless by the overflowing of the Avon. Larxica, Island of Cyprus. Nov. 17. The seaport town of Limasol, on this island, has sustained much damage through the recent floods, during which twenty-one persons perished. Losdojt, Nov. 15. The storm con tinues in the channel and throughout England. A Norwegian ship has been driven ashore near Dover. Her captain and several members of her crew were drowned while trying to land in one of the ship's boats. The remainder of the men were rescued by means of the rock et apparatus, in the presence of thou sands of excited spectators. The riv ers Avon and Sour have overflowed, and in Devonshire many of the inhab itants have sought refuge on the . housetops. A large number of cattle and sheep have been drowned and traffic in the valley has been suspend ed. The river Thames has risen 4 feet at Richmond. All cross-channel traffic has been stopped to and from Folleston. At Bournemouth thousands of tons of cliff have been washed into the sea. THE CORONER'S FINDING. Col. Colt and the Sheriff Held for the Washington Court Hobko Affair. Colvmbus, O., Nov. 17. Word was re ceived here from Washington Court House Thursday that the coroner had found Col. Coit responsible for the fa talities during the riot of October 17. CoL Coit was first informed of the news by the United Tress correspond ent and was much excited. He said: "I am here at my desk as usual, and there will te no trouble about finding me if there is a warrant out for my arrest. I have no comment to make on the finding." Coroner Edwards, of Fayette county, reported his findings in the inquests upon the bodies of the persons who were killed by the volley of the militia defending the courthouse where the rapist Dolby was confined. The coroner holds the shooting to have been unjustifiable and holds Sheriff Cook and Col. Coit, who was in command of the militia, responsible for the fatal results. The finding was not unex pected. The coroner is an uncle of one of the victims. UNCLE SAM IS WILLING. To Undertake the Offices of Arbiter In thsv Oriental Dispute. Tokio, Nov. 13. United States Min ister Dun has communicated to the ministry the substance of an impor tant cipher cable proposition received from Secretary (J resham at Washing ton. It suggests that if Japan will join China in requesting the presi dent of the United States to act as mediator in settling the war he will exercise his good offices in that capacity. A similar proposition, has been sent to China.