Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, November 15, 1894, Image 8

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    Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices.
Largest Stock in Cass or Otoe Counties
ft-; r
v 1
We Will Sell Out Soles
With the uppers that are at
tached to them
For Money.
To find out just how much,
consult our price list of shoes,
which follows :
A WIiil Slvip kernel
Ol argument is not near as convincing as one little back
able bargain. Let politicians "cry havoc," but the gen
erality of politicians puts one out of conceit with politics
and we believe with Pope, that "party is the madness of
the many for the gain of the few." From every hill-top
vale and valley for the past sixty days has the calamity
howler been shouting death and destruction, and all on
account of
Billy Wilson's Little Bill.
What the ultimate result of this change of policy
will be we leave to futurity to solve, but the immediate
result has been a general reduction of price on all
woolen goods. All of our fall woolens were sold to us
at prices made in anticipation the change in the wool
schedule on January I, 1895.
All wool 36-inch dress flannel
So last year at 50c a y aid
All wool 54-inch broadcloth
Sold la3t year at $1.00 a yard
All wool 54-inch broadcloth
Sold last year at $1.25 a yard
All wool silk finished Henrietta, 4S inches wide
Sold last year at SI. CM) a yard
All wool 43 inch wide Henrietta
Sold last year at i0c a yard
All wool Henrietta, 3S inches wide
Sold last year at 60c a yard
Atlantic F. Cashmere, 3b inches wide
Sold last year at i" cents a yar-1
Atlantic P. F. cashmere, 36 inches wide
Sold last year for 35 cents a yard
All wool shirting aBd skirting flannels
Sold last year at 35 cents a yard
All wool skirt patterns full width
Sold last year at $1.00 a yard
All wool skirt patterns, full width
Sold last year at $1.25
German knittiuz yarn
Sold last year at $1.00 a pound
Imported Saxony yarn
Sold last year at $155 per pound
Spanish yarn
Sold last year at $1.35 a pound
AH wool blankets, 10x4
Sold last year at $3.00 a pair
All wool blankets
Sold last year at $4.00 a pair
Ladies' all wool underwear, grey and camel's hair
Sold last year at $1.00 each
Ladies' all wool underwear, natural color
Sold last year at S71 cents each
Ladies' mixed underwear
Sold last year at 65 cents each.
Mens Morns Mills and Iwits Coude" underwear
Sold last year at $1.50 each
Men's extra heavy grey underwear
Sold last year at 50c each
All wool carpets "13 pair'' quality, new Mock, new
Sold last year at hoc a yard
All wool carpets, "11 pair" quality
Sold last year at 70c a yard
All wool filled carpets
Sold last year at 65c a yard
Union carpets
Sold last year at 45 cents a yard.
Smyrna rugs 1 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 10 in.
Sold last year at (1.5U each
Smyrna rugs, 2 ft. C in. by 5 feet long
Sold last year at $3.50 each
Itest quality Moquette rugs 27 in. by 63 in .
Sold last year at -S4.00 each
The above comparisons have been made on staple goods
that we carry every season, the price of which is familiar and
well known to all people, therefore every one will be able at sight
to 336 aad appreciate the reduction in price. There are othe1
articles in which wool isjused in theminufacture, vis:,knit good
Hoods, Faeiaators, Mitts, Hosiery, Shawls, etc., on which there
have been reductions as radical as the above, but are impossible
to list intelligently.
A Long String of Fish
Is not carried up a side street. It's just about as important to let
folks know you've got something good for them, as it is to have it
to begin on. Wasn't there something said once about burying
your talent in a napkin? Having done our duty by securing the
goods and calling attention to them, we leave you to do yours by
seeing them. For all who visit us we have bargains, for those that
don't sympathy.
Don't Go to Omaha!
Why? Because it will not pay you. Omaha dealers cant buy
goods any cheaper than we can, therefore can not sell them as
cheap, for it is a well known commercial truth that it costs ten per
cent more to do business in cities than in towns. Some Omaha
dealers are great believers in the popular error, that "the American
people like to be humbugged." To say that we, as a nation, enjoy
being humbugged is to insult our intelligence ; to attempt it is to
draw down a swift and terrible punishment. Wc, as a nation, not
only know a good thing when we see it but we also appreciate merit
when we meet it. The transparent fraud resorted to by Omaha
dealers in offering a limited supply of a staple article for a limited
time, with the expectation of making it back on the whole amounj.
purchased and it is not generally very hard to find out what item
on which the loss was recovered is ridiculous, if the purchasers
would reflect on the matter, because nothing is gained by paying a
few cents less on one article, then giving it back a half dozen times
on another purchase.
We've Heard it Said
That times are hard, and in view of this fact it behooves every one
to go where they can buy the cheapest, for
"There is some soul of goodness in things evil
Would men observingly distill them out."
Therefore buy your fall bill of us and you will find the times are not
as hard as they might be. We are confident that we can save you
from twenty-five to thirty per cent. We have customers who come
twenty to thirty miles every fall to buy their, winter supplies from
4B us. Occasionally one or two stray away and go to Omaha, but
they only try the experiment once, the followidg year they are back
trading with us. Omaha dealers know this type of customer, and
m never expecting to see them again, have no compunctions about
jj "sticking them," and the unlucky purchaser finds on returning home
' that their so-called bargains "that afar shone so grand, turns to
C nothing in the hand." With us transient trade is all right for super"
. structure, but steady custom is the foundation of a business. That's
what we are working for. We propose to not only give you prices
& that will attract you, but treatment that will hold you. By doing
jj- this we will disprove the old statement that "there's no friendship
in trade," because a man had better get along without customers
C than without friends. "
Call in and
be Convinced I
OurjPriees Prove the Story,
AS. For :t good workin
UUU 8,,,e'lHC orcongres:
For a Satin Calf
shoe that shoe stores
ask II TotoSJ.OOfor.
(hi CA For a tremiinH Calf
tbl OU 8kin 8,,ot; -2i is
w agked for no hettcr
felioes elsewhere.
(ft Q AA Fr a genuine Khii-
Uli tfHr""' '? Uni's
" reil v,il;ie double
Hint price, but our purchase
of si in inufartnrer's stock at
o(l-;on tlie dollar enables ua to
sell at t hat price.
It'ibber boots shoes,
overshoes, ere. to lit all sizes
of feet, frora infancy to old
sine, at the lowest price?.
Her little feet beneath her etlii-...i
Like liuie mice, uie iii ou.l .ut.
As it they teare'l the IIkIu."
It the young iauy to whom
llie auuve liuea wer ludiietl
liau ou a pdirot our shoes, ius
poel'u 1 ApsoUies are excusable,
ior no uue carries a more ar
nslic or a belter tilling line
of ladles' loot wear. Eddy ,fc
Webster's shoes, tor wnich we
are sole agents in this city,
received the highest award at
tLe Wold's Fair, and are car
ried by large city letailers as
their best shoe for their linest
trade, and who, by the way,
ask from 2-5 to 50 per cent
more than otir price, simply
becaoe tlin people to whom
tiii .-hoe appeals are willing
10 pav the juice, in fact, de
light in paying big prices.
Hat people of this .ort are
scarce in this vicinity. there
fore we sell for less in order
to reach a larger number.
Nev.rr in the world's history has the
price on domestics been as low as at the
present date.
(roodquality unbleached mus
lin 4o a yard
A grade of uubleached muslin
that we formerly sold at c
a yard, now. . -5'c a yard
S'f t-tinished bleached nius-
lio 5c a yard
Cashmere tie L:iine a he.ivv C
twilled cotton fabiic. 27 P
inches wide sold at !0j. p
Windsor brilliant print
this season's most exquisite
print clot hso'd every where
else at 7 and S cents; our
p'"'ce 5c a yard
Simpson's fast black and
while prints best black and
white prints nmde. All you
wa"t at 5c a yard
Apron check gineharus, now
sold at 4o a yard
Beady-Made Sheets and Pillow Cases
Already hemmed and ready for use. at
the same price that the muslin costs by
the yard. A new idea, and a groat sav
ing of J ab or.
Unbleached, size 81x90 inches, hem-stitched,
Pepperall muslin, each ----- 50 cents
Bleached, size 81x90 inches, hem-stitched,
Pepperall muslin, each - - - - - 55 cents
Fruit of the Loom muslin, size 81x90 inches,
hem-stitched, each - - - - - - 65 cents
Bleached Pillow Case, size 45x36 inches, wide
hem, each - -- -- -- -- 10 cents
Bleached Pillow Case, Pepperall muslin, size
45x36 inches, wide hem, each - - - 15 cents:
Fruit of the Loom Pillow Case, size 4536
inches, wide hem, each ----- 20 cents
In addition to the above we have a fine line of
handsomely-embroidered sheets, with pillow cases to
match, and lace-trimmed and embroidered pillow cases
in sets, at surprisingly cheap prices. They are beautiful
goods, and will make an excellent holiday or wedding
gift. Nothing could be nicer or in better taste.
Cloak Department,
Ladies' Jackets, Ladies' Plush and
Cloth Capes, Ladies' Plush Sacques,
Misses' Jackets, Misses' Newmar
kets, Children's Jackets, Children's
Newmarkets, Infants' Long Cloaks.
EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS! season's latest creations,
bcuCTHt from first lian.cis, and -will
Toe sold, at 25 per cent under Omana,
prices for tne same garments.
SSS&S'2f maim Siin-ped, IPDaiiitsDDhiMiDitDD, NeSt.
Ctssnl bEJ O