Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, November 15, 1894, Image 3

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fglattsmouth journal
C. TF. SIIEKJIAN, Publisher.
XJVe tech
vines closln
when the sun roes
Or fodder Crispin' at the harvest moon.
My plant of life droops low; Its leaves are
The season's spent, the end Is none too soon.
I've plowed the field both ways an' kept It clean
Until the crop's "laid by: "the prospect's fair.
And as I view the stretch of gold and green
I sniff the cool an' creepln" evenln' air.
Z don't fear death: the future life I'll greet
As only springtime come again to stay.
Without the winter's cold or sumnier'B heat.
But jest an everlastin' growin' day.
The farm an' Its belongin's. stock an" store,
I leave to wife, the near horse of the team;
An' after she Jlnes me. to them she bore.
The precious blooms afloat on our life stream.
An now. some few requests I wish obeyed,
Relatin' to my fun'ral obsequies.
The which I want to be without parade
Of black-plumed hearse or boxed-up car
riages. The waton bed, on springs to break the jar.
Will do to bear me to the churchyard's rest.
The country way has served me well bo far;
So mote it be; the simplest is the best.
a. co!5a cheap as can be bought or made
Is good enough to lay a mortal In.
Tor one must turn to dust, the ether fade.
An' all that's earthly go to earth ag'in.
Lay out mv body in my common clo's.
No bouRhten shroud or shiny coat an' vest.
A suit that every friend an' neighr knows.
So that I won't look strange or seem un-
"for all It's homespun an' homemado an' plain.
My God has walked with me in it down here;
An' I should feel most foolish, weak, and vain.
To put on airs to walk with Kim up there.
I'd lil: to have my neighbors dig the grave.
As I have helped to do. without expense:
It ain't the cost I mind, all that I'd waive.
But I don't want hired hands to bear zne
At last, a sweet madeira or a rose,
A simple prayer, pernaps a song, and then
A long farewell to all terrestrial Sroes:
The preacher's benediction an' amen.
Clarence Ouslev, in N. Y. Sun.
THINK I shall
never come near
you again, ne
said slowly.
"Oh. yes, yon
will," she
laughed, "you
wili come when
your temper is
healthier; come
this evening';
.... .1
come' where the moonbeams linger,
as the pretty little song- hath it. I
may have something: to show you. !
She smiled at him with that insolent
twinkle in her eyes which became her
bo well; but he only repeated slowly,
as he looked straight back into those
Insolent eyes:
'I think I shall never come near you
again." Then he turned, forgetful of
his manners, and walked away from
the vicarage lawn, while her contempt
cons laugh echoed in his ears as a
mocking comment on his words. Then
he mounted his horse and, white with
anger, went slowly down the leafy
A passionate man of a comely coun
tenance, a chestnut horse with one
whits stocking, a "straggling village iD
a prosperous valley, an amphitheater
of crag and gorse and bowlder, an aft
ernoon sun shining down on every
thing; these things were all present,
and this same sanshine was softening
the outward appearance of alL Even
the wild hills showed a gentle, placid
face in the mellow shine of it, as might
a hoary warrior in looking upon the
sleep of children; all was peace, and
languor, and contentment; only in the
heart of the man was torment unbear
able. "I will never go near her again I
am glad I told her so" he raged, in
wardly. "I think I hate her I think"
The chestnut turned his head to
wards the village, where the children
and tlie ceese screamea together on
the green, rivals in noise, in restless
ness, in self-sutisfaction; rivals indeed
in ail save cleanliness, in which virtue
the geese undoubtedly rose superior.
The man hesitated. "No, I will nafc
Co back to my rooms I will ride on
I will ride '' raising his eyes to the
cracrsrv hills, "I will ride to Bevor's
Tor I will ride till I have settled
something she shall never fool me
an-ain. 1 will leave the place and do
mv best for Margaret. Margaret
Margaret! Why were you not Helen?
Why did I ever think I loved Mar-
caret? Love! That cold, sluggish
preference, love! What a fool I was.
And she; could not she herself feel
the coldness of it? 'The one leve of
mv life' Pshaw!"
The chestnut kept his easy pace and
beran to mount the slope. lne sun
still blazed down on all, but the air
grew less 6ultry than in the valley
through which they had passed.
"Helen, Helen! do you love me at all,
I wonder. If I thought so if I knew
there was a chance '
The chestnut slackened pace at the
foot of the Tor itself, and set his shoul
ders for the ascent. The sun's tints
deepened as the afternoon wore on,
and a scuffling breeze blew soft across
the land.
"Helen! I will never look upon her
again. A heartless woman; a beauti
ful, heartless woman. Creat heavens!
Face it never look upon her again
never hold that hand never hear that
voice that voice which tore the very
soul from out me never again or
or Shall I go back go back to-night
go back when the moon is up and the
very world itself is 6teeped in yielding
gentleness, and tell her all I have to
eay; seize her in my arms in spite of
mockery oj- angry words; tell her X
&m ft
love her and kill her if she will not
listen? Helen, I must hold you in my
arms and tell you so! How furious
she would be or would she be kind?
I wonder if she cares?"
The chestnut, with the bridle slack
upon his neck, turned slowly from the
beaten road and trod upon the short
brown turf. The hill grew steeper
and more uneven beneath his hoofs
and the sun became a tint more ruddy.
"Did she think that I was playing 8)
game with her heart as 6he played
with mine? I would not wrong her so
I love her I could not wrong her I
could not play a false game with Helen.
How gloriously beautiful she was
when she mocked my pain to-day. And
that wonderful fleck of light in her
brown eyes; one looks, and looks, and
never fathoms it. Yes, I will go to her
to-night and force her to listen and
to yield."
Still the chestnut strode on, his
shoulders strained to the work, his
glossy neck reeking from his efforts,
his hoofs sliding over the dry, slip
pery turf as he neared the summit of
the Tor. Then they rested, and the
man sat easily in his saddle and looked
away at the sunset. The sky was a
glorious picture of golden shores and
fiery waters, of flame-edged cliffs and
purple islets; it was magnificence it
was splendor: and the passion of the
man's love surged within him; and he
sat and gazed and stirred not, and
thought no thought at all, while many
moments passed.
Then the fierceness of the sky passed
gradually from it, the burning seas
Btretched out in peaceful purples, the
golden shores grew soft and tawny, a
dimness fell on everything; from the
valley below came the call of a farm
boy to his cattle; the air grew cool
and dewy, and on the mind of the man
there fell a strange peace, and his
thoughts came slowly.
"What would it mean if I did all
that? I should be a villain. If she
loved me she would trust me. She
does not want me, and, even if she did,
there is Margaret. My God! The
wrong would be to Margaret! How
little I thought of that. Poor little
Margaret loving little girl!"
The chestnut shifted his hoofs and
shook his head by way of variety. The
sunset had vanished, all but a delicate
afterglow which faintly flushed the
"I a man with no more strength
than that. I boasting flesh and blood
of which heroes are made with no
courage to fight a passion and kesp
true to a promised wife. Little Mar
garet please God she will never learn
of this. To-morrow I will go back to
But from a crag hard by there arose
suddenly a swift, shrieking night-bird,
and the man's plans were slain at their
birth i
With a wailing note the bird struck
the air with its wings and wheeled up-
wards to the sky. The chestnut
started, swerved, reared, then tore
across the turf as if a very fiend clung
at his haunches. The man strove to
grasp the slackened bridle and curb '
the creature s pace, but this latter was
impossible: the turf was slippery
beneath his hoofs, the light was dim
and treacherous, bowlders were thickly
strewn all round about the summit of ;
the Tor, yet snorting, straining, j
stumbling, terrified, the horse flew on, i
on towards the sheer, precipitous !
ground on the other side. I
Then did the man s thoughts course j
through his brain with the swiftness j
of a mill-race. "I am going to be
killed. In a small number of moments j
I bhall be lifeless. I can never hold j
him in the Devil's jump it must be
near. What will death be like, I won- I
der? How sudden it all is. I am to
die I am to die now."
There came a crash, a stumble, the
chestnut struck his hoof on the slant
ing side of a bowlder, fell forward,
rolled over, down down "Margaret!
my mother will they ever know?
s-Tr-j--.'-'!! w
il'.-V i'
Will they ever find me? No one know
of my coming here. My little Margaret
that white rose I laid against her
cheek how sweet the wooing was
that bush can I clutch it? Ah no! no
good I meant to have been such a
noble man what a life I intended to
have lived what dreams I dreamed.
Dear old Grepson Major how we
planned will that crag break my fall?
Twenty-five years lived how little in
them. I wish I haJ not thrown that
( snovvDall at the old white hors so
cold and patient he was I might have
been kinder too, to Harold poor little
chap so nirvous that first day at
school I let the fellows bully him
Good Bedoin good horse what a
death for us how near how manv
seconds more before my breath
stops! Ah! the edge no hope" over
God! Mercy!"
Silence. Eternity.
Down in the valley a light laugh
pealed upwards. On the viiarage lawn
two figures wore strolling.
"Helen," protested a man's voice
tenderly, "you really are too bad!"
"If you will leave your bride-elect
alone witk time on her hands and a
spirit of wickedness inside her, what
can you expect?" the laughing voice
returned; "but you shall see him. I
think he will come to-night, and he
Bhall have the sight of you for his
But the man kept his word and
never came again. Slack and White.
VV. !
That Is Why lie JS'ow Has at Fort ana
Jiearly Cneountable.
I see petroleum has been discov
ered up in Martin county and a com
pany is buying up all the land in the
neighborhood," remarked a rancher at
a down-town hotel the other evening,
and it was noticed that there was a
tinge of incredulity in his tone.
"Yes; I believe they have struck oil
op that way," was the corroborative
evidence of one of his hearers.
"Well, I believe it when they com
mence piping it into tanks, and not a
minute before. I struck oil once."
"Is that the way you made your for
tune?" "Yes, that's the way I made my for
tune, which at the present time just
lacks two thousand dollars of being a
blamed cent. Those are my liabilities;
assets nominal, as the papers say."
"How did it happen?"
"Well, it was this way: I had a
mineral spring on my ranch in Lake
county, and the gas that came out of it
used to kill little birds that came to
drink. 'Natural gas,' says I, and com
menced poking around a little with a
spade. Then a yellow, greasy scum
formed on top of the water. 'Coal oil,
says I, and I commenced dreaming of
tanks of petroleum and barrels of
money. I got a cheap drilling outfit
and bored a hole down about eighty
feet, and all the neghbors sat around
laughing at me, but I reckoned on hav
ing the last laugh.
"One morning when I went to work
the hole smelt awful strong of coal oil,
and the first lift brought up a lot
of oil that burned for half an hour.
'I've struck oil. says I to my
self, but I kept it quiet. I let a few
wit frium'c in -ta rwrrl v l rr" x
companv. bought 'up all "the land !
around there, got an expensive outfit j
and commenced drilling. We punched
the pround full of holes for about six ;
months, and couldn't find oil enough
to make a grease spot on a silk dress.
It broke the whole crowd of us."
''How did you chance to strike that
little pocket of oil in the first place?"
"I just found out that one of the
neighbor's boys poured a five-gallon
can of oil in the hole one night to
make me feel good, and, if anj-body
c,hould ask you, you can tell them that
I am feeling a blamed sight better than
he is right now, for his dad went
broke on it. too. and-we took turn
about walloping him." San Francisco
How a Millionaire Enjoyed Dnnshnnts and
Cheese and Apple l'lr.
If boys knew how much the circum- i
stances and almost the privations of
- their lot are envied by prosperous el
derly men, they would perhaps be more
1 easily reconciled to some of the hard
ships that they meet. An exchange
relates a curious story which illus
trates the envy which even rich men
', may have for some simple things which
poor boys enjoy.
The wealthy head of a great corpo
which employs many people, I
was one day wandering about the ,
premises of the concern. It was near i
' midday. He happened to come upon a j
dinner-pail, standing in a cool corner.
He surmid that it might belong to j
1 the ofiice-boy; and so it did. i
The dinner-pail somehow exercised a 1
j fascination over the man. He could :
! not resist the temptation to lift the
! lid. Within he saw a slice of home- ;
made bread, well buttered; two dough- ;
nuts, brown and fresh; a slice of new :
cheese and a piece of apple pie. i
The millionaire at once felt very i
hungry hungrier than he had been for j
many a day. The dinner-pail carried
him back to a tune, sixty years ago,
when he had carried just such a pail,
when he had had in it bread and out
er and doughnuts and apple pie, and
when these things had tasted very good
to him.
He became a boy again, and he could
not resist the temptation to eat out of
this pail. Squatting on the floor, ht
fell on to the bread and butter and
then on the doughnuts and cheese, and
was just eating the apple pie when the
office-boy came running up.
"Look here!" the boy cried out
"Thafs my dinner you're eating there!"
"Yes, I suppose it is." said the mil
lionaire. "But it's a first-rate dinner
for all that. I haven't eaten so good a
one for fifty years."
He finished the pie and then, rising,
took out his pocketbook and from it
handed the office-boy a five-dollar bill.
"There," said he, "go out and buy
your dinner. I couldn't have got foi
five dollars a dinner that I should have
enjo3ed so much. What I"ve eaten i
well worth it."
Then he bade the wondering boy
good-by and went to hk; office. Z hica
go News.
Inattention to Exact Trnth.
Do not flatter yourself that your
thoughts are under one control, you'
deires properly regulated, or yonr dis
position subject, as they should be, tc
Christian principle, if your intercourse
with others consists mainly of frivolous
gossip, impertinent anecdotes, specula
tions on the characters and affairs of
your neighbors, the repetition of for
mer conversations or a discussion o
the current petty scandal of society;
much less, allow yourself in careless
exaggeration on all these points and
that grievous inattention to exact
truth, which is apt to attend the state
ments of those whose conversation ia
made up of these materials. Detroit
Free Press.
A Charming Romance.
He could not explain her indiffer
ence. Sometimes he thought she was
trying to conceal the love she had for
him, and sometimes he -thought she
hadn't any.
'You are heartless," he said to her
one evening in the twilight shadows.
4.-v ' . .i : i i.i :
"some ane has taken it away from me." t
chased a large and elegant engage
ment ring. Detroit Free Press.
Duty by habit is to pleasure turntd.
Every Friday the Duchess D'Czes,
the wealthiest woman in France, puts
on the ordinary dress of a nurse, and,
going to the cancer hospital, acts as
one of the regular attendants, placing
herself entirely under the orders of the
Since the death of Holmes there
are only four surviving members of the
class of 1S29 of Harvard namely, Dr.
Edward L. Cunningham, of Newport,
E. I.; Rev. Samuel May (the class sec
retary), of Leicester, Kev. Samuel F.
Smith, of Newton, the author of
"America," and Charles S. Storrow, of
It appears from a statement in the
Century Magazine that this periodical
receives an average of 9,000 articles a
year from those who desire to appear
in its pages. As the most that the
magazine can possibly find room for,
on the basis on which it is conducted,
is about 400, it foilows that there must
be 8,600 of these articles rejected.
Mr. Maxim is having a curious con
troversy with the United States patent
office, which declines to allow a patent
for his flying machine on the sole
ground, as he claims, that it is a fly
ing machine. He can patent the separ
ate inventions of which it is made, but
that would cost two thousand dollars
and would give indifferent protection.
M. Dupuy, as minister of the inte
rior, has just forbidden bull fights in
France at which either bulls or horses
uiay be killed. At Nimes, where prep
arations had been made for a series of
fights on a large scale, the prohibition
caused great excitement. Crowds pa
raded the streets demanding the fights,
and a public meeting was called to pro
test. The court of cassation will lie
called B.P?? decide on the lulity of
the prohibition.
Rev. Dr. Arbuthnot, vicar of Strat-ford-on-Avon,
says that his old church
is in much the same state as it was in
Shakespeare's time. Of the few genu
ine relics of the dramatist preserved in
his native town the most interesting
are his signet ring, with the initials
"W. S." on it, and the desk at which
he sat in the grammar school of Strat
ford. The average number of visitors
to the poet's home and church is 23,000
a year, or wliom about o.uuu are Ameri
cans. James Payn says that there was a
queer resemblance between himself
and another Trinity man. "Not only
was I often addressed by persons who
took me for him, but people used to
ask, apropos of nothing, whether I
knew So-and-So. I remember making
a considerable impression upon a
chance passenger in a railway train on
the Cambridge line, who was staring at
me rather hard, by suddenly observing:
'No, sir; I do not know Mr. So-and-So.
It had been the very question he was
going to ask me, but my anticipating
it seemed to him so oanny that he got
out at the next station."
During the years that John Newell
was president of the Lake Shore road,
it. was well understood that it was a
difficult matter to get a pass over that
line. He carried this pet idea to such
an extent that when making up his ex
change passes he wrote across the end
of the packet addressed to Iresident
Caldwell of the Nickel Plate these
words: "Not good on limited or fast
trains." By return mail came Presi
dent Caldwell's annual puss on the
Nickel plate for President Newell.
Across its face in flaring red ink and in
the bold handwriting of President
Caldwell were written the words: "Xot
good on passenger trains."
"Robbie," said the visitor kindly,
"have you any little brothers and sis
ters?" "No," replied Robbie solemn
ly, "I'm all the children we've got."
Harlem Life.
Carleton "How did you enjoy
yourself at Mrs. Hamilton's last night?"
Montauk "First-rate; there wasn't a
song or recitation sprung on us during
j the entire evening." IJrooklyn Eagle.
Amiable Professor (to his servant)
! "For three weeks I have reminded
i you every day to buy me a note-book.
' Henceforth I shall remind you of it
only once a week." Fliegende lllatter.
Seedy Samson "You see, your
honor, I was intoxicated with joy over
" His Honor "The intoxication
may have been of joy, but the odor is
the odor of alcohol. Thirty days."
Minneapolis Journal.
"Houser asked me up to take pot
luck with him last night, confound
him!" "That's a strange way to speak
of a friend's hospitality." "Not much
it ain't! I lost every blamed one I
opened." Buffalo Courier.
"I dunno." said Chloe. as she went
down into the kitchen. "I dunno
"bout disher. I dun brok free teacups
dis day, an' hyah come de missus an'
gibs me mushrooms to cook foh ma
dinner." Washington Star.
"What your story needs." Raid the
critic, "is more atmosphere." "Well,
that goes to show that there's no pleas
ing everybody," said the discontented
author. "The edtor who read It last
says that it's too breezy." Washington
On the Run. She "That last bat
tle of yours must have been a terrific
one. major." The Major "It was in
deed (proudly). I wish I might have
had a photograph of myself taken on
the field." She "But they didn't take
instantaneous photographs then."
Detroit Free Press.
First Youngster "I've got a new
baby-brotber what came from Heaven
last night." Second Youngster
"That's nothin'. My little babybrothet
went to Heaven yesterday." First
Youngster (reflectively) "Pete, I bet
it's the same kid." Springfield Farm
and Home.
Out in Kansas a man was shot for
insisting on selecting some dress-stuff
for women who were shopping at the
counter where he was purchasing
tKings for himself. And yet women
will take upon themselves to select
neckties for male relations, and the lat
ter will sometimes wear them. Even
Ing Sun.
you were 0 -witch, Kan, what wouia yon
dare '
II you yrert a witch V
"V& not be content to fide on a switch."
Bald Nan. as she sbeeJcfcack her shining brown
" Nor get np s storm
To brew peopl harm
If I were a witch.
The scowfiakes should fall oa s- hot sum
mer day"
"Thoy'd all melt away I"
And in winter the meadows be filled with the
Of cowslip and daffodil" "Ah, but Nan,
With a laugh In her eye
" The florists would die."
"Say you ware a witch, Meg, what would
you do.
If you were a witch'
Would you sail through the air?"
But Meg answered, lifting her frank ye of
it's no sweeter np there.
This world came ao beautiful out of God's
X think I would leave It Just as it stands."
Oh. wise little witch!
Ella F. Mosby, In N. Y. Independent
The Pacific Walrus tttm Most rncoutn and
Untralnly of .Animal.
A mountain of heaving flesh,
wrinkled and rough, ugly as a satyr,
and even more clumsy than the- hippo
potamus, lives In the Arctic ocean
wherever there are clam beds and
enough open water to afford him a
home. The Pacific walrus is the most
nncouth and ungainly beast that ever
sets foot on land. For two or three
centuries he has been called the Morse,
and also the sea horse possibly be-sa-use
he is more like a horse than a
humming bird, though not much.
Three hundred years ago, when trav
elers and men of science were strug
gling to obtain a mental grasp of the
form and habits of this strange crea
ture, but wholly unaided by the col
lector and taxidermist, their pictorial
efforts produced some astonishing re
sults just as may always be ex-
R. , v , ...,15
3 saw-.- v . IZv v '
pectcd under 6uch conditions. Mar
velous, indeed, were some of the pic
tures of the walrus that were pub
lished in the sixteenth century, in the
dark ages when taxidermists were not,
and zoological museums were "without
form and void." And yet, with the ex
ception of the figure by Olaus Magnus,
which is half fish and half hog, with
four eyes on each side and a pair of
impossible horns, none of these gro
tesque figures are one whit more won
derful than is the true character of the
Pacific walrus.
His real personality was only half
known to the world until, in 1372, Mr.
Elliott landed on the rocky shore of
Walrus island, armed with sketch
book, notebook and tape measure, and
made an elaborate series of studies of
this species actually at arm's length.
nis published pictures and notes were
such a complete revelation regarding
the actual form and habits of the Pa
cific walrus as to cause much astonish
ment among naturalists; and to some
it seemed almost beyond belief that
the form of the walrus was really as
pictured from life by this painstaking
artist. St. Nicholas..
A Ftv Good Things Tor the IJttle Folks
Amusement of an Evenlns.
For a Game of Odd Sorts. Put into a
bag several pieces of paper, on each of
which is written one word, 6uch as
"song," "story," "poem," "joke," and
then pass it around to the company.
Each one draws one slip, and must do
what is written on it or pay a forfeit.
All these things may be either original
or repeated, except, of course, the
songs. Here are some good things to
give out for redeeming forfeits in this
or any other game:
1. Repeat a line, and ask owner of
forfeit to make one that will rhyme
with it-
3. Laugh, cry, sing and whistle.
3. Put one hand where the other can
not touch i
4. Stand with heels and back touch
ing wall, then stoop without moving
feet and pick up forfeit.
5. riace hands behind you and guess
who touches them.
C. Tell your favo-ite musical instru
ment and then imitate the sound of it.
7. Give a name in geography, and
spell it backward.
8. Multiply your age by twenty-nine
not using pencil or paper. N. Y. Ad
vertiser. Generalised Too Much.
The French are a witty race, but
French servants are reported the stu
pidest in the world. It is of a person
of that race that this story is told:
Justine was reproved by her mistress
for bringing home lobsters that were
not fresh.
"You must positively no jet any
lobsters, Justine," said her m&tress,
"unless they are alive.
The servant took the injunction
deeply into her consciousness. A few
days afterward her mistress sent her
to get some cheese.
"Is this cheese fresh, Justine?" asked
the mistress.
"Oh yes, madam," answered the serv
ant. I took palna to tee that it waa
" i i " '
feotM Qneer Tales Beard by
a Beportas
l at Street Car Barn.
Did vou know, boys, that you can
teach an intelligent colt or horse to do
almost anything by patiently making
him go through the performance many
times, day after day? That is the way
the circus trick horses and ponies are
taught. After a colt is once trained to
perform a variety of tricks he become
very valuable. Circus shows will buy
such horses at ig prices. A few years
ago a boy in western Pennsylvania
trained a colt to perform as he had
seen horses perform in shows, and
when the next circus came around the
proprietor gave him S500 for the ani
mal. The New York Times gives an
account of a street oar horse named
Charley, on the Central Cross-town
road in that city. Bill Smead had
driven Charley for a long time, but
Bill was discharged one day and a new
driver took charge of the horse. The
account says:
All went well until the corner of
Broadway and Seventeenth street had
been reached. Then Charley stopped,
turned about, faced the driver, elevated
his upper lip and opened his jaws. Tha
man dropped the lines in horror. Re
inforced by tbe conductor he tried to
get Charley to "tend to business," but
the beast was obdurate and bad to ba
taken to the barn, the Incident causing
some little blockade of travel- The
next day the horse went out under
fresh guidance and at the same plac
repeated his previous antics. "You
fellers dunno how to drive a boss,
that's all," remarked Bill, who put in
his leisure loafing near the barns.
"If you can make him go yot can
have your place back," responded aa
official, who overheard the criticism.
"Hitch Mm up," said Bill, "and 111
do the trip on schedule time, you bet."
While waiting for the car to coma
out Bill wen into a neighboring gro
cery for a moment. Returning, he)
took the lines, and the outfit went gayly
on the cross-town trip, one of the pa
Bengers being a company detective who
was curious to see how Bill would do it
As usual, at Broadway and. Seven
teenth streets, Charley whirled about
and laughed with equine joy in the
face of his old comrade.
"They didn't treat you right, did
they, Charley?" said Bill." "But it's all
O. K. now."
And thereat he pulled
pocket two lumps of sugar.
from his
These the
horse eagerly 6eized, and.
turning in
his traces, resumed the puH toward the)
North river. It developed that for
over eighteen months the animal had
been fed with sugar by his driver
whenever they reached the spot indi
cated on the west bound trips.
Another horse, an iron gray, makes
three regular trips without protest, and
cheerfully pulls the biggest sort of
loads. But he absolutely refuses to do
any more. He has been whipped,
coaxed, urged, petted and sworn at, but
without avail. So much work for so
much hay and oats and water is hi
motto. He is so firm in his resistance
to what he thinks the tyranny of cap
ital over labor that the boys at thm
stable call him Gompers.
Bow Boys and Girls Can Conduct ai
terestlng Experiment.
Here is an interesting experiment
which is well worth a trial. Take a
glass jar full of water; drop into it a
small cardboard box similar to that
shown in our illustration No. 1. The
section of the box there shown is of
course .very much enlarged in propor
tion to the jar given in the second fig
ure. The bottom of the box is provided
with a number of small holes, and into
the center of the cover a hole should
also be bored, in which should be
placed a valve made on the inside of a
cardboard disc and on the outside of a
wide cork, the two being joined
through the hole by a hairpin or
needle, the space between the two
discs being about the width of a finger.
The box should be ballasted by means
of a few nails dropped to the bottom.
Then take a small bottle half filled
with the powlfer used in making soda
water and stopped with a cork having
a hole in the center, which should be
placed inside. When this is done the
box is ready for use in connection with,
tne glass jar. Place the box in the
water and it will at once .sink to the
bottom of the jar on account of the
water entering through the small
holes in the bottom. But when the
water penetrates into the bottle within
the box and mixes with the powder it
produces a great quantity of carbonia
acid gas, which expels the water
through the box and allows the latter
to rise to the top of the jar, the gas in
side keeping the inner disc of the valve
full against the interior. When, how
ever, the cork outside rises to the top
of the water it releases the valve and
the gas escapes. The box is now in its
first condition, and the water, being"
enabled to enter by the holes at the
bottom, again fills the box and sinks it
until the gas is once more formed,
when it rises anew to the surface.
This rise and flow will continue for
some time. This curious experiment
may be performed on a larger scale in
a water tank of a bath, the box, of
course, being made in proportion- N.
Y. Recorder.
Tiniest Girl of Ber Ace.
Mile. Paulina, of Holland, Is prob
ably the tiniest girl of her age on thi
planet. She is eighteen years old,
weighs less than nine pounds and lacks
four inches of being' as high aa a twos
fioot rule.