COOK'S GANG. A Carnival of Crime in Progress in Indian Territory. Desperadoes Filiate the Town of Watovm and Tala A Train Held lp Troops Solicited to Aid In He storing Order. Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 25. Monday plight's programme in the gTeat carni val of crime which is now holding the boards in the Indian territory con sisted of the wholesale rob .bery of several small towns in genuine t desperado style by Bill Cook, supported by a strong1 and (desperate company of eight or ten fol lowers. Fonr men rode into the town of Watova early in the evening', mark ing their approach by a promiscuous discharge of firearms. The ban dits terrorized the inhabitants, most of whom sought safe ty in their homes behind barri caded doors. The outlaws visited every store in the village and drove the merchants away. They took from the stores all the money they could find and everything else they wanted. The Watova post office was robbed of about SCO in cash and S"5 in stamps. Pillaged Another Town. From Watova the gang rode on to Tala, 10 miles away, where they re- ARMORY OF FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY, I. N. G., CHICAGO. First built In 1SS9-93 ot a cost of 3i5 000. with an additional $100,000 spent In furrjishiDirs. Pestroved fire April 24. 1333. an 1 rebuilt srul Just completed on practically the same plana Tho building is IT5xlM feet, inside measurement, and 90 feet high, Itisbutltof brown irranite and rod pressed brick, the musive granite wall, ten feet thick, extending upward wituout a break, excepting the larpe door war on Michigan avenue, to a height or fortv-rive feet. The main drill lloor covers the entite building space, all of the rooms being on four balconies sus- Ijcnded from the roof. The basement contains twelve rifle ranges, twelve bathrooms, eight owlin2 alleys, an arsenal, and heating and lighting plant. The building is lighted In the day time by an Immense skylight, and nt night by innumerable pas and electric lights. It was for cibly opened on Tuesday. October 9. by a grand military bali. at which distinguished civil and military guests from all parts of the country were present. peated their depredations. Tkey rode into town and proceeded to rob stores right and left. Every store in the place was visited and the proprietors -compelled at the point of revolvers and Winchesters to turn over their cash. Kscape of a Train. The post office was robbed last, and -while the scoundrels were plundering it the east-bound passenger train spulled in, but Jid not stop long when ithe trainmen were told that the Cook gang was holding up the town and would probably attempt to rob the J rain. Talala is near Claremore and bout 40 miles west of Correta. The bandits did not tarry long after the train pulled out. They galloped out of town, discharging their Winchesters. Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 25. The Cook band of outlaws continues to commit depredations in the Indian territory. A station 12 miles south west of Wagoner on the Missouri, Kan sas & Texas road was held up and robbed in broad daylight Tuesday. This information was brought to the city Wednesday by Col. D. K. Nelson, who came through the territory en route to his home at Knoxville, Tenn. lie reports that the Cook gang has di vided into squads of four men and they are robbing stations and travelers right and left Tuesday afternoon, he says, one squad rode into the Missouri, Kansas &, Texas station 13 miles from Wagoner nd held up the agent, taking money, jewelry and supplies. The robbers were unmasked and took their time in getting out of the place after commit- t ting the robbery. A few miles from the station they met a j drummer riding in a buggy. He was halted and at the point of Win chesters compelled to give up S350 which he had just collected for his house. Col. Nelson says that a part of Cook's gang were seen in Fort Gibson Tuesday morning. They were mak ing no efforts to evade the officers. Troops for the Territory. Washington, Oct. 25. Secretary Hoke Smith has requested the secre targ of war to send troops ' to the In dian territory to suppress the lawless band, which have been operating there and in the adjacent country. Accompanying the request was the communication Secretary Smith re ceived from the Indian territory, de tailing the deplorable condition of af fairs there. Commissioner Browning, in a letter accompanying the secretary's, suggests that a troop of cavalry be sent into the Indian territory to assist Agent Wis dom in preserving the peace. .It is ex pected that the troops would then be used to hunt down and drive out the marauders who are harrassing the people. These communications reached Act ing Secretary Doe at the war depart ment Tuesday afternoon and after reading them carefully he referred them to Gen. Schofield, commanding the army. Gen. Schofield looked into the matter and then returned the papers to the acting sec retary with a suggestion that the rcouest for the aid of troops be inniurolr considered with a view to as eertaining the legality of the proposed action. Banker and Business-Men Aroused. St. Louis, Oct. 25. Bankers and business-men living in the towns in the Indian territory, as well as those liv ing outside the territory but doing business with territory firms, are greatly worked up over the condition of affairs which has made it nec essary for the Pacific Express company to refuse money shipments either into or out of the ter ritory. In the opinion of Superin tendent Chase, of the Pacific Express company, there is but one way to stop this lawlessness, that is to make a state out of the Indian territory. A war of extermination such as Gov. Crittenden waged against the James gang in Missouri is what is needed. This can only properly be done by ad mitting the territory to statehood. SWEPT BY FLAMES. Prairie Fires Race In Five Nebraska Counties. Omaha, Neb., Oct. 27. The most de structive prairie fires in the history of the state are now raging in Cherry, Thomas, Grant, Hooker and Sheridan counties. They first started in Thomas county, in the Snake creek valley Tuesday, and after once getting under headway, fanned by a stiff breeze, trav eled westward into Charry and Hooker counties with a speed and ferocity that was startling in the extreme. In these counties hundreds of thousands of heads of cattle have been grazing, they ha ving been sent here from the southern portion of the state where the drought was felt most heavily, the grass in this section being fair, and it is thought the most of them are burned, as they were in the direct path of the flames. Near Mullen on the ranch of L. E. Lasher, four lives are reported lost, in cluding Lasher himself, and several thousands of tons of hay are burned. At Whitman and flj'annis several hun dred head of stock perished and a con siderable quantity of hay burned. SHORN OF IIS TERROR. Diphtheria to Be Cured by Inoculation Hereafter. Washington-. Oct. 27. The new treat ment by inoculation for diphtheria and croup, us practiced in France, is the subject of a special report to the state department by United States Consul C. W. Chancellor, at Havre. He says that by this method of treatment only one out of four diphtheritic patients succumb, whereas the figure is double for other methods of treatment heretofore ap plied. Consequently the consul, who is a Baltimore physician of repute, says that it would seem very desirable that the anti-diphtheritic serum should be introduced find come into general use at the earliest period prac ticable in America, where many thou sands of children and numerous phy sicians, students and nurses die an nually from diphtheria and croup. FOUL PLAY SUSPECTED. A Woman and Her Former Lover Accused or Poisoning Her Husband. Parkkrsburg, W. Va., Oct 27. James Drummond, a land-owner and stock raiser, who 'resides near Eliza beth, died here with every symp tom of poison. Mrs. Drummond, who was a widow before she married Drummond last August, and a young man named Hamrick, a former lover of the woman, were ar rested on warrants charging them with poisoning the woman's husband. Drummond had objected to Hamrick's attention to his wife, but they con tinued to meet until the husband put a stop to it, when it -is believed they gave him poison to get rid of him. TEN TRAINMEN KILLED. Collision Between Freight Trains In Russia Twenty-Two Car Demolished. St. Petersburg, Oct 27. Two freight trains collided near the Przybitkowo station, on the Kosloff Woronesh rail road. Iwenty-two cars were demol ished, ten trainmen were killed and a quantity of benzine was exploded. Lemo;nc Institute Burned. Memphis, Tenn., Oct 20.- The main building of the Lemoyne institute for young colored men and women was destroyed by fire Tuesday night Le moyne institute was established in 1871 by the American Missionary asso ciation, and was ndined in honor of Francis Julius Lemoyne, the famous Pennsylvania abolitionist, who gave 525,000 to found the school. TRADE REVIEW. The Situation In the Commercial World Hhows Improvement. New York, Oct 27. R. G. Dun fc Cc's weekly review of trade says: "Engrossing political excitement In many of the mates causes a natural slackening In some kinds of business. But on the whole business Indications are rather more favorable than they were a week ago. Gold exports have ceased, quite a number of mills have gone into operation, aad the demand for products. U not equal to that of prosperous years, is bet ter than It has been most of the time this year. The prices of farm products do not im prove much, and there are still some strikes to resist reduction of wages, so that the purchasing power of the people cannot have materially increased. but there la a more hopeful spirit which prompts greater activity. On the other hand, the record of past transactions is somewhat less favorable than of late. Payments through the principal clearing houses throughout the country show a decrease ot 1.2 per cent, com pared with last year, and a decrease of 21.9 per cent, compared with the same week in lws, the decrease for four weeks being 29.8 per cent. "Cotton has sold at 6.81 cents for middling uplands, and the large receipts at such low prices Indicate clearly that the crop will at least be close to the largest. If not the largest ever produced. The anticipated settlement of difficulties at Foil Klver has not been real ized, and at present a good many spiudles and looms are Idle. It is Interesting that, in spite of the low price of the principal southern crop, manufacturers and wholesale dealers report rather more improvement in trade with the south than with uny other section. "The wheat market is a quarter lower, and nothing appears to justify any important change. Corn Is higher, without any very clear reason, and it is noteworthy that at the same time pork is 75c lower lard, 35c per ItAJ pounds, and hogs 40c lower. The contrast in dicates how little the provision market de pends at present on natural relations of sup ply and demand. "Industrial accounts are on the whole en couraging. The boot and shoe industry leads in improvement, actual shipments from the east being larger than in any previous year. The demand for wool is not as large as It has been. Prices were put down before the new tariff took effect, so that results of foreign competition are felt mainly In reduced galea of some domestic wools. Almost nothing is doing In spring woolens for men's wear, but manufacturers are more encouraged to believe that, as to a large share of the cheaper goods, they can meet any prices that foreign mills mav make. "It is still, as it has been for some months, a very encouraging tact that the volume of commercial failures is siaalL Reports for the three weeks of October cover liabilities of only 5.639.7-11. of which fc.'.ft.'g.en were of manu facturing and t-J.0o7.60T of trading concerns. The failures for the week were 231 in the United States, against 362 last year and 52 in Canada, against 41 last year." Bradstreet's says: "Merchants interviewed in various portions of the country report in some instances the condition of business as not having realized anticipations and at other points that the re cent briuht outlook for trade is modified. Such advices are based in part on the practical conclusion of the fall trade and delays In de mand for holiday goods. General trade con tinues checked throughout some portions of the regions supplied by Kansas City. St. Louis. Omaha. Minneapolis and St. Paul, due to un seasonably warm weather." THE NEBRASKA FIRES. They Are Still Itaginc, and Much Damage Is Heine Done. Gorih Neb., Oct 27. The prairie fires now sweeping over the sand hills in this vicinity are doing much dam age. The flames are traveling with almost lightning rapidity, and are consuming everything in their tracks. Thursday night the fire was driven by the wind through the central portion of Sheri- dan and Cherry counties. In the track of the flames were the big Osborn and Spade ranches and a number of smaller ones. In the morn ing not a vestige of these ranches re mained except the bare and scorched ground. At noon the fire was reported to have reached Pullman and the whole country in that neighborhood is a raging furnace. It is not known vhether any lives were lost Friday, but thousands of cattle have perished. People in the track of the fire are flee ing for their lives, leaving all their property to the mercy of the flames. At Hemingford, John Bliss, one of the men badly burned while fighting the fire, is reported as dead, and others of the victims dying. So far the flames have traversed a stretch of country over 200 miles in length and several miles wide. The last report is from Ilecla where con siderable damage was done. At this place the wind turned south driving the flames to as yet an unvisited coun try. THREE KILLED. Desperate Ilattle He t wren Tennessee Whiteeaps and Their Foes. K.N'oxvir.i.E, Tenn., Oct 27. For two years there has existed in Sevier coun ty a large organization of white caps. They have committed outrages on de fenseless citizens especially women. Some weeks ago another gang was or ganized in opposition which is known as bluebills. It is said to be composed of a better element of citizens and was organized for the purpose of wiping out white caps. Thursday night a body of white caps numbering twenty-five or thirty started out to whip a man who lives b miles from Sevierville. It happened that this man was a blucbill and he hastily summoned his gang together. About twenty of them went to a bluff on Pigeon river and secreted them selves in a dense thicket of laurel. Shortly before midnight they heard the approach of white caps who were passing up the road in the jolliest humor discussing plans for their midnight work. As they ap proached the thicket bluebills opened fire with Winchesters and a pitched battle raged for several minutes. Two white caps, Laban Latham and John Kibble, were killed and several others wounded. . The bluebills lost one man, Klithnan Allen, a prominent farmer. Two or three others of their clique were badly wounded. AN TNNOCENT SLAIN. Neighbors Quarrel, and During the Melee a e-Year-Old Boy Is Killed. Coi-umiius, O., Oct 27. Patrick Dougherty, aged 6 years, was shot acid instantly killed Friday evening, re ceiving in his breast the full discharge of a double-barrelled shotgun, which his father, John Dougherty, had secured to defend himself from George Carley, a neighbor with whom he was quarrel ing. Carley had a revolver and was out in front of his house looking for Dougherty, and the latter was stand ing in his doorway. He claims the gun was accidentally discharged. Both men are under arrest MONUMENT TO M'CLELLAN. L'nvelllng- Ceremonlea at Philadelphia, Pa. Oration by Geo, Franklin. Philadelphia, Oct 26. The cere monies at the unveiling of the Mc Clellan statue were opened by prayer by Rev. Dr. McCook. Gen. Smith then made an address, referring to the dead general as the creator of the army of the Potomac. A poem written for the occasion by Dr. S. W. Mitchell was read. As the flags fell from the statue of m'cxellax. statue a salute of seventeen guns was fired by battery A of the national guard of Pennsylvania and the First regiment band plaj-ed "Hail to the Chief." The programme was then resumed with orations by Gen. William H. Franklin, of Hart ford, Conn., Gov. Pattison and others. The statue is 23 feet 9 inches from the ground to the top of the hat. The casting, after a model by Sculptor S. J. Elliott, of Washington, D. C, shows the general in full field uniform. BADLY SHAKEN UP. Earthquake Felt on ltoth Sida the Pa cific Ocean. London, Oct. 25. Advices from Tokio to the Central News state that the town of Sakaite in the province of Akita was visited by a violent earth quake Monday eveniug and almost en tirely destro3'ed. Many of the resi dents of the town were killed and a large number injured. San Francisco, Oct. 25. Dispatches received in this city Tuesday evening show that southern California was shaken by several earthquake shocks shortly after 3 o'clock Tuesday after noon. At Los Angeles they were light and scarcely noticed, but at Oceanside, Santa Ana. San Diego and other places the troubles were more severe and drove people from the large buildings into the streets. Windows were broken and clocks stopped at San Diego, and a telephone message re ceived there from Campo, a small town on the Mexican border 55 miles east, sp.ys the shocks were very severe, but the damage was not serious. Seismic disturbances were heaviest at San Juan Capistrano, where, besides the breaking of win dows, crockery of all descriptions was shattered in many houses, and the old mission bells tolled in low tones. The vibration were from northeast to southwest, and each shock was of about a minute's duration. SWIFT RIDING. ltlryele Records Uroken at ItufTalo and St. Louis. ErrFAi-o. N. Y., Oct. 25. John S. Johnson on Wed nesday afternoon rode a mile in the unparalleled time of 1:35 2-5, almost fourteen seconds faster than any single rider lias ever covered the distance in the world; six seconds faster than any tandem has ever traveled the distance, and one-tenth second faster than the world's record for running horses 1:353, made by Salvator on a straight track at Mon mouth Park, N. J., August 23, 1S90. St. Loris, Oct 26. The cycling rec ord for 100 miles, paced, formerly held by Frank Redway, of Canada, 5 hours 1 minute, 12 2-5 seconds, was beaten on the Fair Grounds track here Wednesday afternoon by Bert Hard ing, who went in 4 hours, 37 minutes, 50 4-5 seconds. G. A. Maxwell beat Johnson's 8-mile record, 7 minutes, 15 seconds, going the distance in 7 min utes, 5 3-5 seconds. NO PENALTY FOR REPEATING. Discovery That All Laws for Punishing Itepeaters Have lirrn Krpealed. Kansas City, Mo., Oct 27. Accord ing to a decision by Assistant United States District Attorney Draffen, ren dered Thursday afternoon, vote repeat ing at the November election can go on uninterrupted ad infinitum without the slightest danger of prosecution of offenders by the United States author ities. Mr. Draffen says that after care ful investigation and research bearing on the elections he is unable to find anything in the statutes authorizing the United States to punish persons for fraudulent registration, except section 6.513 of the revised statutes, known as the crimes act, and he finds that this section lias been repealed. ARE AFRAID OF SMALLPOX. More Than 5,000 Kesldents of Washing ton Are Vaccinated. Washington. Oct 27. There Is a bad smallpox sjare in Washington. The disease seems to have started in the family of a clerk in the pension of fice. Already there have been two deaths and six cases attributed to the same source. Washington, Oct 27. Up to noon there were no new cases of smallpox reported here. The health authorities are using their utmost endeavors to prevent an epidemic. The news of the spread of the disease has caused con siderable alarm and it is estimated that over 5,000 people have been -vaccinated. Opium Smugglers Sentenced. El Paso, Tex., Oct. 27. Joseph Rog ers was given eighteen months and his brother, Stephen Rogers, fifteen months in the Kings county (N. Y.) penitentiary in the United States court for smuggling opium. L f t I FEASTED ON THE FREE LUNCH. The Man from Alabama Enjoyed the Dain ties of a Saloon and Wanted to Die. A party of boys playing near the cor ner of Twelfth and Canal streets ran excitedly to a policeman and told him that they had found a dying man in a lumber yard near by. The oflicejr has tened to the place pointed out to hinx, and there he came upon an old fellow lying on his back, groaning. He ap peared to be suffering greatly; he was rolling his eys, and wholly regardless of any possible punishment that might be waiting for hiniin the eternity which he was unquestionably approaching, he would bellow a blasphemous maledic tion upon all life and all causes that lead to death. "Go on away from here now," he com manded, raising up and "walling'' hla eyes at the officer. "What's the trouble with you?" the policeman asked. "None of your business. Goon away from here, I tell you. And I want 3'ou, to drive them there boys away and not let 'em stand a gazin' and a ga pin' at me." "I guess a little too much whisky is about all that's the matter with you." "Ain't touched a drop of licker. Wish I had wish I had luck enough to kill me. Go on away now and let me die." "You are all right. You are not go ing to die." "Look here," he said, propping him self against a pile of lumber, "I reckon I know my business better than you do. I didn't come all the way from old Alabama for yon to tell me what I am goin' to do. Reckon I know my own affairs." "You say you are from Alabama?"' "Yes; fotch a car-load of calves up here, and dinged if I. hain't found that I am the biggest caif among the whole lot." "Well, you'd better tell me some thing about yourself, so that word may le sent to your people in case yoa do die." "Never mind about my people. A man that's as big a fool as I am ought to go away off somewhere and die and not let his folks know anything about it." "I don't know whether to call a patrol wagon or not," said the officer, laughing, but with a severe look com manding the bo3s to cease their merri ment "Don't call nothin. Jest go on away from here and let me die alone. I tell you that as big a fool as I am don't de serve no sympathy at all." "What have you done?" The old fellow eased his position and thus answered: "I told you that t fotch some calves np here fiom Ala oam. Well, after I sold 'em I put the money in a letter and sent it home, afraid that these sharp fellers here might git the best of me, and then I started out to see if I couldn't git t'ae best of somebody myself, knowin' that as I had no money to speak of I was on the safe side. Well, I went along down the street, and feelin pretty hungry as I hadn't eat much to amount to anything since I left home, I stepped into a place and set down at a table. I never did see as much stuff piled on a table. There was a great bowl of mar malade in the center of the table, and in it was a ladle: there was big bowl of beets, a peck of butter in little cakes, pickles by the jar, and great piles of bread. After I had looked at the lay out I naturally concluded that it would take a small fortune to eat there, and I was about to get up, when the thought struck me that this might be a good chance to get ahead of the feller that run the house thought I would order about ten cents worth of something and then stuff myself while he wasn't looking. Well, that's exactly what I did. I dipped into the marmalade, gouged out a handful of pickels, dived into the beets and pitched into the butter, dobbin' on a whole gob at a time. Yes, sir; I'd glance around at the feller, and whenever I'd see that he wasn't lookiu' I'd dive in again. I was determined that for once a man from my section of country should get ahead of a Chicago man. I never did stuff so eat till I could hardly breathe, and was about to get up and sneak out when the feller that I thought I had been foolin' came along and told me to eat all I wanted to said that I was welcome to everything in sight. Well. I got up after several attempts and staggered out. I wandered around till I iound itself here, and I have laid down here to die. I don't deserve any attention. I'm such a blamed fool, and I want you to g- on away and let me alone. Chicago Inter-Ocean. Itnylns Apples in Maine. "The apple buyers have to be fellows who can see through a millstone." says one of the Maine fraternity. "We do not often get taken in, for there's a sort of mental telegraphy that tells us when to investigate, and that's what I mean by 'seeing through a millstone.' I was taken in once, though, by a man who brought seventeen barrels a dozen miles, and looked me calmly in the eyes as he assured me quietly they were all Al in size and quality. I looked one barrel all through, and as they were all right, ray mental alarm bell re mained quiet. So I paid him a first class price and he went off with his money. In less than ten minutes, hav ing occasion to move one of the other barrels, a loose heading dropped out and the contents rolled upon the floor, displaying as mean a deaconing as it was ever my lot to see. There -Here good apples at the ends, but the middle part was good for nothing. I examined the other barrels and found every one, except that I looked through at first, a rank fraud. I went for the seller be fore he had time to leave town and made him pay back the money and take his apple v home with him. You can bet I notified all the other buyers in that part of Maine, and now that man can't sell a pei-k of potatoes without it being well looked over beforehand." Lewiston Journal- Wa; Young Spendley is trying hard to raise the wind. Botcher What for? Wade Same old thing. Wants to Mow l.imself. Puck, SCHCCL AND CHURCH. The church of England is to nava a college at Jerusalem. Bishop IJlyth has received the firman from Constan tinople sanctioning the erection of the proposed college. The Congregational Home Mission ary society reports receipts for five months of 5175,406, an advance of near ly $50,000 on tho receipts for the corre sponding period of last 3"ear. . It is proposed to use St. Saviour's church, in Southwark, which is second, only to Westminster abbey as a speci men of pure early English architecture, as the procathedral for south London. The Swedish parliament has shown its interest in religious influences for Swedish sailors b3 an appropriation of 10,000 crowns for church work among those who are gathered! in foreign har bors. A church in Vermont recently ad vertised for a minister, and, besides stipulating that he should be 3-oung, married and interested in social and church club work, insisted that he must be a republican. A meeting was recently held in Westphalia for the purpose of organ izing Christian workmen, both Prot estant and Catholic, into trades unions in order to counterbalance the effect o' the social ist unions. A medical school for womeT: is to be established by the Russian government at St Petersburg, through the efforts, it is said, of Prince Wolkowski, who represented the government in matters o education at the Chicago exposition. The fifteenth annual report of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist 1'rotestant church is highly creditable to that society. The treasurer's report shows an income of 3,628.20 and disbursements of S3.5-i4.43. The First Baptist church of Port land, Ore., has recently dedicated a house of worship which cost 8175,000. It will seat 2,000 persons. The Congre gationalists are erecting in the same city a church which will cost over 100, 000. Prof. Todd, of Amherst college, who has for some -ears been an enthu siastic student of eclipses and of the sun's corona, is perfecting plans for his expedition to Japan in 1S9G, where an important eclipse of the sun will be. visible on August 9 of that year. The increase in thenuinberof med ical missionaries in all lands is signifi cant. In lt49 the3 numbered thirty nine; in 1S94 they are fonr hundred, ot whom eighty are lady doctors. Dur ing 1893 not fewer than one hundred and sixty applied to the International Medical Missionary institute. New York, to be received to prepare for the came service. Ram's Horn. The great organ which stood in Festival hall, has been purchased and presented to the University of Michi gan by friends and graduates of the institution. It is now being set up in University hall, which has a seating capacity pf about 3,500. The instru ment contains 3.901 pipes, and while ranking fourth in size among thelarge organs of the United States, it stands first in completeness and perfection of mechanism. Life is not a mean succession of idle triviality. Man is not a mere crea ture of appetite and passion. God has lifted the world and man into the sweep of h!s great thought. The world he is remaking glorious. You and me he will recreate divine. It rests with us to place ourselves in the line of re demption. Look up that you may be lifted up. Your Saviour, your destiny, your guiding star, are not beneath, but above. Then let 3-ours be the upward look and the onward effort! Berry. A school of sociology has been es tablished at Hartford. Conn., tinder the auspices of the Society of Education Extension. The curriculum covers three years. Seventeen names of instructors are already given and others are to be announced. The school is to be open to men and women. For regular students a college diploma or its equiva lent is required. Non-graduates can take the entire course, but will not be admitted to matriculation. The terms area matriculation fee. two dollars., tuition for the full coarse of the jear, fifty dollars. CLYDESDALE HORSES. Hoir These Splendid Dranirht Animals Were First Produced. The Clydesdales, perhaps the horses most highlt'-esteenied hy farmers, es pecially in the hilly countries, are bred in districts bordering on the Cl3'de. and owe their origin to one of the dukes of Hamilton, who crossed some of his best Lanark mares with stallions he imported from Flanders TlJs breed is conspicuous for its high coarage, activity and endurance. Sev eral 3-ears ago the late Gen. Peel told me how successful he had been in mat ing his thoroughbred Toxophylite with Clydesdale mares. "When 3-ou use," said he, a "thor oughbred for draught mares, always use the biggest and best 3-011 have, and you will be sure to produce draught horses second to none. Horses good as Stock well are not too good for Clydes dales. What I have bred will go on their knees to move the heaviest loads. They won't be beaten."- This fact proves how beneficially a. good cross of fresh blood operates, and particularly so when the new blood is obtained from the thoroughbred not from inferior specimens of this breed, but from the very best from "horses as good as Stockwell." The Clydesdale differs from the Shire horse in that it has a long, low back, short, flat ribs, good, hard legs, and long pasterns, which would seem to have been de rived from a cross with a half-bred o thorough-bred horse. This certainty is not a desirable conformation, and Dur Scottish brothers have for several years past inoculated this breed by the Introduction of the best Shire blood, both male and female, which has re sulted in the production of animals with shorter and stronger pasterns. This breed is much in request in this country, and the best sp.icin.ens are readily sold to American. at high fig ures. Nineteenth ' 'UV.