Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, October 18, 1894, Image 3

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G. W. Majfield of Louisville was in
the city Monday.
Robert Troop returned home Satur
day from a two weeks' visit at his old
at Davenport, Iowa.
C. S. Stoehr, of Cedar Creek, was a
l'lattsmouth visitor Monday and made
Iiie Jouuxal a call.
Bennett Criswisser, one of the most
prosperous farmers - of Murray pre
cinct was in town Tuesday.
Alba 1). Ilobsoo of Nehawka way
was a Plattsmouth visitor Tuesday,
and called on The Jouuxal.
The Misses Mary and Maggie Con
nor of Coal Valley. Ills., are out in
the precinct visiting their uncle, Robt.
The blacksmith department of the
Ilavelock shops is now working on full 1 the employeslike the change
Jos. Hobenshull. one of Salt Creek
precinct's oldest settlers, was a l'latts
mouth visitoi Saturday and made The
Journal a call.
Sam Gutmann. a former l'iattsmouth
merchant, but now of Des Moines, la.,
was iu town over Sunday shakiog
hands with friends.
A typographical error in an exchange
recently concluded a wedding notice
by wishing the happy couple ''uninter
rupted pappiness."
The clothing store of Jacob Sichl at
Nebraska City was robbed Sunday
night and about 300 worth of goods
stolen. It is thought to be the work of
local talent.
Oaline, the champion four-year-old
paciug horse, reduced the world's
record for the mile at that age at
Sioux City Friday to 2:04. Online
is a Nebraska bred horse.
Xiue prisoners confined in the Otoe
county jail attempted to break jail
Sunday night. Tltey removed several
locks from cell doors and were at
tempting to burn through the ceiling
into the recorder's office when dis
covered. Omaha has just developed an in
dustry that is destined to boom the
suar beet and cheapen the jag. It
gave to the world last Saturday an ex
cellent brand of whisky made from the
beet. Whisky with the sugar already
in it will strike the right spot. Lin
coln News.
J. I'. Falter, democratic candidate
for county commissioner, is making a
clean, honorable canvass, and every
thing points to his success at the polls.
Mr. Falter is well-qualiGed and will
make a first-class member of the
county board.
The grand lodge of Nebraska,
Knights of Pythias, which has been in
cession at Lincoln, amended its con
stitution so as to exclude liquor deal
ers, bar-keepers and gamblers. This
does not apply in cases where men in
these occupMtious are members now,
but in case of their suspension they
can not be reinstated.
The Morse-Cop shoe factory, situated
on Howard street in Omaha, was well
nigh destroyed by Cre on Saturday
night, the loss reaching $200,000. The
insurance, liowevei. will fully cover
the loss, and the manufacturers have
announced their determination of re
building. In the meantime 150 em
ployes will be out of work.
Miss Florence Richardson, of Eight
Mile Grore precinct, has been the
guest of her friend Mrs. A. R. Eiken-
bary this week. Wednesday evening
a few invited guests assembled at the
Eikeubary residence where a very
pleasant party was given iu honor of
Miss Richardson, and all enjoyed an
excellent entertainment. Union Led
ger. Train robbers have had things pretty
much their own way of late. On
Thursday night two daring bandits
held up a Southern Pacific train and
looted the express car, their booty
amounting to sime $50,000 in gold.
Another gang stopped a train down in
Virginia and carted off about the same
sum. Truly the express companies are
in bard line".
In the. state leairne foot-ball games
played on Saturday Omaha downed
Nebraska City by a score of 36 to 0,
while Ah'and was victorious over
Lincoln by a score of J to 0. The
latter (t ime is said to have been one of
the hardest fought of any ever played
in Nebraska. Ashland has previously
had such a walk-away in all of its
games that th Lincoln boys are
worthy of considerable credit for
their good showing.
The officials of the national treasury
are considering the question of ex
changing at par for gold the $1,700,000
in Columbian half dollars now in the
treasury or sub-treasuries. These half
dollars were held by the Columbian ex
position at $1.00 each, and at the close
of the fair about $1,700,000 remained
undisposed of and were redeemed by
the government at their face value.
What action will be taken, if any, has
not yet been fully determined, but it
seems to be very likely that an offer to
take the exchange will be made soon.
Catherine lledlund was born in
Sweden Aug. 7, 1S20, and died Oct. 11
1S94, aged 74 years, 2 months and four
days. The deceased was a member of
the Swedish Lutheran church from
the time of childhood and died in the
triumphs of faith. The funeral ser
vices were conducted at the residence
of her son, Andrew T. lledlund, by
Rev. P. Van Fleet, pastor of the M. E.
All legal business given prompt at
tention, D. O. 1) wyer, attorney. Platts
Col. Berry, the well-known ticket
puncher on the U. & M., denies stren
uously the statement that he will ref
eree the Corbett-Fitzsimmons fight.
He &ays that the rules would compel
him to enter the prize ring dressed in
tights, and such a proposition he could
not entertain. It may be added, how
ever, that the colonel has leased a
tract of land at Pacific Junction for
the purpose of propagating frog legs.
He has long been impressed with the
notion that it is possible to grow frog
legs without going through the usual
formality of raising the whole frog,
and he proposes to give his plan a fair
The following from the Papillion
Times goes to prove the utter ineffi
ciency of the state crop statistician:
recent state crop report says that
only 10.000 bushels of wheat were
grown in Sarpy county this year.
John R. McCarty furnishes positive
proof of the unreliable nature of state
crop reports. During the past season
Mr. McCarty has threshed with his
machine 9,265 bushels of wheat and
23,S31 bushels of oats and barley.
There are a dozen other threshing ma
chines in the county, and if each has
done as well as John's machine, then
it proves the state statistician is a
dozen-to-one liar."
New Train Service Delmyrd.
The new train service that was billed
to begin between this city and Hillings,
Mont., next Sunday has again been
cancelled, and it is not known now
when the new time card will go into
effect. The cause of the delay is the
inability of the receivers of the North
ern i'aciuc to inaugurate the new
traffic arrangement with the Hurling-
ton before their action has received
the sanction of the court. The folks
all along the line are anxious to have
the new flyers put on and they will be
considerably vexed over the postpone
ment. It is hoped to receive a satisfac
tory ruling from th- court in a few
davs. Lincoln Journal.
Albert Reaver, of Cullom, was the
liicky holder of the card which called
for the buegy at F. J. Morgan's cloth
ing house. He came :n with the card
which was numbered 2570."
Our candidates f.r representatives.
Captain D. McCaig and Guy Livings
ton, are thoroughly identified with the
interests of the state. They will up
hold the credit of the state and sit
squarely down on all unjust and un
fair legislation. Their vote and in
fluence will go to aUnited States sena
tor that will not be dictated by the
moneyed power of Wall street. Cast
your ballot for these gentlemen and
help to wrest the nation from the grip
of the gold-bugs. Wreping Water
County Commissioner Dutton is as
silent as an oyster in regasd to the re
cent lettinc of the county coal con
tract to a bidder whose figures lacked
considerable of being the lowest. Mr.
Dutton is usually full of excuses for
his numerous official misdeeds, but
this time he doubtless realizes that
his act cannot admit of any excuse
and is consequently very silent. Dut
ton's defeat is a certainty. The tax
payers want a man who will guard
their interests and not one who
manipulates county affairs in such a
manner as to be eternally looking for
a chance to even up on some personal
Lawyer Allen Reeson was skirmish
ing about this morning in search of his
pet driving horse. His son, Charles,
rode the horse down town last evening
and hitched it to a post at the north
west corner of the Fitzgerald building.
When h returned for the horse at
about eleven o'clock the animal was
missiir. The Grst supposition was
that the horse had been stolen, but
the officers loc ited it this morning up
at the home of ("has. Miller, near the
water works stand pip, where it had
strayed during the night. Some prac
tical joker evidently untied the horse
last night and let it run loose.
Frauk Heeson, wife and children of
Creston, Iowa, arrived this morning
for a short visit heie with Lawyer
Allen Beeson and family.
We HaveMoney to Loan at 6 percent.
On farm or city protHjrty In any section of the
country where property has a fixed market
value. Money ready for immediate loans where
security and title is Kood. Nocommifsion. We
BOlicit applications. Blanks furnished upon
ALLEN & CO., 40 & 43 Hroadway.Jiew York
List or Lett in
Remaining uncalled for in the post
office at Plattsmouth Oct. 17, for week
ending Oct. 11,1894:
Busklek, Mrs Jane Banner, Ed
Bow, Geo. English, R B
Persons calling for any of the above
letters or parcels will please say "ad
vertised." W. K. Fox, P. M.
Frank Ireland, of Nebraska City,
says that the unusual large number of
box-elder bugs which infest the air
nowadays is a sure sign that the com-
ine winter season will be a mild one.
Here's hoping that the colonel's
prophesy may prove correct.
Johnson's Oriental Soap ia the most
delicate facial soap for ladies' use in
existence. Sold by Fricke & Co.
W. II. Miller, the carpenter, is home
for a short visit with his family. He
has been employed for some six weeks
in building a new house for his brother.
in-law, Mr. Lippincott, near Ashland
Saunders county. lie brought with
him some samples of corn which Mr.
Lippincott raised this year. The crop
will average 60 bushels to the acre.
Frank Kurtz, sentenced to hang at
Chicago Friday of this week for the
killing of his wife in a tit of jealousy.
has had his sentence commuted by
Governor Altgeld or illiuoM to im
prisonment for life. The prominent
citizens of Omaha, Couucil Bluffs and
other places where Kurtz formerly re
sided urged upon the governor the
previous good character of the pris
oner and pleaded strongly for a commutation.
Notice of Foreclosure.
Thomas Baker, John W.Martin and their as
signs, defendants, will take notice that on the
3d day of September, 1!14. William M. Clary and
William M. Clary as administrator ot toe es
tate of Daniel Gregg, deceased, plaintiffs here
in, filed a petition iu the district court of Cass
county, Nebraska, against said defendants, toe
objec t and prayer of which are to foreclose a
certain mortgage executed by the defendants.
W illiain and Mary E Jgerton. to said defendants,
Thomas Baker and John W. Martin and their
assigns, upon lots numbered twenty-four -4i
and thirty two iSz). in section numbered twenty
township twelve 12 norm of range num
bered fourteen tl4, eat of the sixth principal
meridian, in the county of Cass and state of Ne
braska, and containing sevea and ninetv-
hundredths (7 tf01O0 acres, more or less, to
secure the payment of two certain promissory
notes dated Octoltr 1, ls&S. i'-r the sum of
22.Y00 each, and due and payable, the one on
January!. lS-9, and the other on July 1. lsS!:
that there is now due upon said second noteand
mortgage the sum ol irj.i.ou and interest thereon
from October 1, l-t-H at the rate of ten per cunt
pp r annum, for which sum. with Interest to date
of judgment, plaintiffs pray for a decree that
said defendants. William and Marr Edgerton,
be ie'juired to pay the same, witn the costs of
this suit, or that sai l premises mnr be sold to
satisfy the amount found due, ami thxt the suid
iJefendants. Tnomas l.aker. John . Martin
md tlipir assigns, as to the f:rst note, be forever
birred of nil right, interest or equitr of redein
tioi io said mortgaged premises.
Y'Mi are required to answer suid petition on or
before November 5th.
lated September 2nth. 191.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
YOU that are in need of Clothing. Do you value
your dollars, and do you want the VERY BEST
in quality that the market affords? If you're
constructed on that common-sense plan and
seek to guard your pocket book's interests,
your only conscientious recourse, beyond a doubt,
is to trade with
JOE, the People's Popular Clothier,
N'atlm to Tax Oelinqnent.
Patrick Monanghsn or the unknown owners of
lots 1. 3 and 3 of block Pi. Carter s addition to
the village of Avoca. Cass county, Nebraska:
You arj hereby i otificl that I have become
the purchaser of the above premises at a duly
ivortise l tax sale or same by tne treasurer or
iiss county, for delinquent tuxes for the year
lsWl and previous eitht years, and that your
mitv of redemption trom tne same Will expire
wuiiin six months from the dateot this pubiica
tion. unless you ahull redeem the same, and at
that time a deed will tie asked for, as provided
by law. J. It. CAliTEIi.
October la.iw.
Nolle to Non-resident Defendants.
n the distrtct court of Cass county, Nebraska :
Omaha Loan an 1 Trust company, plaintifr,
vs. W. K. Bald win, administrator of the estate
of Samuel Lewis, deceased. W. K. bald win,
administrator of the estate of Ann Lewis, de
ceased, Williams. Lewis, Howard Lewis, An
nie M MasUn, Willa Weldon, Amanda E.
Mowrer. Mary A'Ice Schooley, Fannie K. Shel
ledy, Sadie J. Lewis and Samuel Lewis, a
minor over the age of fourteen (14) years,
children and heirs at law of Samuel and Ann
Lewis, deceased, and Ida Lewis, wife of Wil
liam S. Lewis. Yerner Uaslin. husband of An
nie M. Maslin, Amos Weldon, husband of
W ilia Weldon. Lozene P. Mowrer. husband of
Amanda E. Mowrer. F. M. Schooley, husband
of Mary Alice Schooley, M. F. Shelledy, hus
band of Kannie K. Shelledy, and Frank J.
Clarx. William Van Doren, Seabury L. Sears,
To Amanda E. Mowrer. Lozene P. Mowrer,
her husband. Mary Alice Schooley, F. M.
ohooley. her husband, Fannie K. Shelledy, M.
Shelledy, her husband, Sadie J. Lewis and
William Van Doren : You and each, of yoii are
hereby notified that the Omaha Loan and Trust
company, as plaintiff, has filed Its petition in the
listrict court of Cass county, -Nebraska, against
he above-named defendants, the object of
which petition is to foreclose a mortgage ex
ecuted on the first day of April, 1H9:, by Samuel
Lewis to the omana Loan and l rust company.
conveying the following described real estate in
the countyof Cass and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
The north half n'i of the northwest quarter
nw5i of section twenty-nve . townshlD
twelve 121, range nine 9 eust 8 P. M.. to secure
paymeut ot two notes, each for the sum of fif ty-
hre dollars IJ35J. one due ana payable on the
first day of April, lbita, and the other due and
payable on the first day of April, ls.94: also to
secure the amount which the plaintiff should
pav for taxes and prior encumbrances on the
said real estate, upon which note and mortgage
there is now due and owing to the Plaintiff the
sum of two hundred eighty-one dollars 1,
with interest on the same at the rate of ten 10
per cent per annum i rum me nrsiuayor April.
IvUt find tha nrftvpr fif thn said ripriflnn (a that
the above-nameJ defendants, or some cf them.
be required to pay to the plaintiff the said sum
so due It. and that In default thereof the plain
tiff be adjudged to have a Hen upon said real
estate for the said sum and interest, and that
the said real estate be sold according to law and
the proceed applied in payment of the said
claim, and tha' the defendants be bv sail decree
and sale barred of ail interest in ssid reul estxte.
ion sre ro;ilred to answer the sii 1 petition
on or before Monday, the 12th day of November,
By F. A. Bkocux, Its Attorney. 140-4
Administratrix's Appointment.
State of Nebraska, I
Cass t ocntv. i
In county court To all persons Interested In the
est-teof AnnaM. O'Kourte, deceased:
Notice Is hereby given that on the 22d dav of
October. A. I). 1894. at the hour of in n'rlnck
a. m.. at the county judge's office, in Platts
mouth, in snid county, the petition, asking for
the appointment of Nellie M. O'Kourke as ad
ministratrix of said estate, will be heard
and considered, at which time and place
all persons interested may appear and show
cause, if any they have, why she should not be
appointed as such administratrix.
Dated nis 2la day or September. A. D. 1S94
41 3 B. S. RAMSEY. County Judge.
Tn,:tt3L. i
Administrator's Appointment.
State of Nebraska,
Cass County. fBS
In county court To all persons Interested In
the estate of Elizabeth Dye, deceased:
Notice Is hereby given that on the 1st day of
November. A.l. 14. at the hour of IOo'cloek a.
m., at the county judge's office. In Plattsmouth!
In said county, the petition, asking for the ap
pointment of Isaac Dye as administrator
of said estate, will be heard and considered ; at
which time and place all persons interested may
appearand show cause, if any thev have, why
he should not be appointed as such adminis
trator. Dated this 10th day of October, A. D. 18M.
42 3 B. S. Kamset, County Judge.
7TIS Fall and Winter stock of Clothing and Fur
4 nishing goods is now unpacked. Suits for the
JLl. ne young, the stout, the fat, the slim, and,
in fact, for all sorts and manners of male
humanity a perfect fit for any or everybody guar
anteed. The prices will astonish you. JOE offers
GENUINE BARGAINS and guarantees to give
more on the dollar than ever oefore. The goods
were bought 25 per cent lower than inpast seasons
and the buyer gets the WHOLE BENEFIT.
School suits by the score. Five hundred out
fits for boys are on our counters. Invest a few dol
lars in this department. You'll be amazed how far
they go. These are facts, not buncombe. Call in
ana see the goods.
JOE, The Clothier.
Waterman Corner.
Our Dress Goods De,t
Has got to be the popular place
to look for the best values in
America; our line never was as
complete, and our prices, owing
to the final settlement of the
We can give you an excellent
(40 in.) All Wool Henrietta for
We can give you an excellent
(40 in.) All Wool Serge for 39c.
We can give you a 52 in. All
Wool Ladies' Cloth for 39c, 48c,
and 69c.
We can show you the largest
and best line of Black Goods
west of New York. We guar
antee our prices and quality sec
ond to none.
Our Silk Dept.
Now is the accepted time for
you to buy a Black Silk Dress.
We are selling this month 1.50
Black Dress Silks for $1.00 a
yard, guaranteed absolutely all
silk and warranted to wear, in
the five popular !weaves of Gros
Grain, Peaude Soie, Royal Ar
mure, Faille and Satin Rhadzi
mer, full 24 inches wide, regular
$1.50 goods, for $1.00. Scfmples
cheerfull) mailed.
Blankets and Flannels.
Haydens are headquarters for
Blankets. We carry the largest
stock, have the best asscrtment
and make the lowest prices or
money cheerfully refunded.
Blankets at 49c, 59c, 65c, 75c
and $1.00 pair.
1 1-4 All Wool Red California
Blankets, worth $7.00, on sale at
$4.75 pair.
Our Gray Blankets at 1.25
and 1.65.
Finer grade at $2,25 and 52.50.
Full Stock of Bed Comforts.
Onr Clothing Dept.
Is filled with the latest styles in
Suits and Overcoats at prices
which defy competition.
Send us a trial order.
16th and Dodge Streets,
02VLX3:., NEB.
i HE
Is distinctively the place where the Farmer's Dollar Goes the
Farthest. We lead, as ever, in
Buggies and Carriages.
This year's line is larger than ever and the prices
cannot fail but suit.
As to Implements,
Our two large store-rooms are brim-full of the BEST and
MOST PERFECTED to be found in the Implement
We Manufacture
The Very Best
For the Money, and are the only firm using "Old Fashioned Oak
Tanned Leather' in Cass County. Consult your own interests and
Deal with an Establishment which conducts Business on the Plan of
Giving Real Worth in Return for the Buyer's Money.
307-30'J Main Street.
Plnttsmoutli, Neb.
14th and Farnam Streets. OMAHA, NEB.
If told with written
guarantee to cars
N ervou Prostra
tion, Fits, Dizzi
ness, Headache and
K tturalgia and Wake
falnem,cauted byex-
if. Tobacco and Alco-
1 1 n . -1 rA
cr sion. 8ofnlna. -f
u Brain, eauBinir Misery, Insanity and Death
ihi rt'Li'.'s, Impotency, Lost Power in either aex,
lemature Old Aieb, Involuntary Liiasea, capaed
V ivoi"-m lulftuce, over-exertion ot the Brain and
rror of Youth. It pivee to Weuk Orpant their
fiurhl Vigor and doubles the Joya ot life; cores
,c -orrhceo end Female Weakness, a uicoth's treat
rifiit, in plain package, by mail, to any address, el
r box, 6 boxes $5. With every $5 order we give a
iVritten Cuarantee to cure or refund the money.
Circulars free, tiuarantoe issued only by our ex
F. G. Fill IKE & CO., DRUGGIST?,
Sole amenta Plattsmouth. Neb.
Cor. I6tn aid Farnam Sts., OMAHA
PATTOWBrOTC. V 111 n 1 1 fl
Attorneys at Law,
OFFICE-Fttxgbrald bloctover First Nst'l bank
Attorney at liaw,
j OFFICE Second floor of the Todd block
east of the court bouse.
V"-1' "ita.-.r . "V-a-'.V ?"Ti4'a-'-l! '-"i..a:.i- -:
e.- -::;.t-.-: a- ?:;..:. -.-:;..-. .::;.-...:
Watches z&i&i&X
WZ&M DIamondslji
mmmmm jeweuy
Silverware, &c
F i ne Watch Repairing?!
i""ri;: Opposite Post Offlo iVjJjVjji
i".":- O Rrl AH A .'. ml- .
The Plattsmouth Hills,
C. HEISEX. Prop.
This Mill bag been rebuilt, and furnished with
Machinery of the best maaafscture
in the world. Their
"Plansifter" Flour
lias no Superior In America. Giy ita
trial and be convinced.