Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, October 04, 1894, Image 6

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The Plattsmonth Journal
C. W. S HERMAN, Editor.
One copy one year. In advance, by mail... $5 00
One codv nix months. In advance. bT mail. 2 50
One copy one month. In advance, by mall, 50
One cop v. bv carrier. ter week 1
Published every afternoon except Sunday.
Single cepy, one year II 00
Single copy, six months 50
Published every Thursday . Payable In advance
Entered at the postoffice at PlatUmouth, Ne
braska, as second-class matter.
Official County Paper.
For V. 8. Senator
In view of the peculiar position taken
by J. Sterling Morton and some of bis
friends in this state at tbis time, the
following will prove interesting reading:
Arbor Lodge, Neb., Nov. 10, 1S90.
To the Editor of the World Herald.
After so vigorous arid effective a
warfare against protection and pro
hibition by the World-Herald, I am
very much gratified to observe the
wisdom and good policy which directs
its editorial advice to the alliance men
and democrats as to the important
questions which are vital to popular
forms of government.
While during the great storm upon
the sea of Nebraska politics, the alli
ance and democracy sailed seldom on
the same tack, there was never any
thing iu their signals or maneuvers
of hostility to each other. And, there
fore, there should be now a mo
mutual and cordial friendship between
property except gold has gone down
or, rather, gold has gone up while 1
property has remained stationery. If
this condition continues it cannot im
prove much, no matter if the tariff is
reduced and living expenses lesseued.
Give us free coinage and all tbis will
be changed at once for the better.
For Lieutenant Governor JAS. N. GAFF1N
For Secretary of State. ...FRANCIS I. ELLICK
For Audltorof State JAMES C. DAULMAS
For State Nreasurer GEORGE A. LU1KART I tl,e two parties which SO thoroughly
ror Attorney -Genera v.a. cakm
For StRtA Snr.rlnfn, lent ...W A. JONES
Forsupt. of Buildings SIDNEY J. KENT lions of our day and generation
In this election the democracy were
For State senator B. F. ALLEN I against the high taxation, whether tor
Fjr Representatives.... u- . yYiVm' oig I ttate revenue or the pockets of protec-
For Float Representative. .. .GEO. W.LEIDIGR I tioniste; and the alliance antagonized
For county Attorney. ...HARVEY D. travis I lhe same evils, and together they have
ror touuiv commissioner j.r. rAumni. . , . , . - a ,v, lr.
tail ly aim unnci vcuj j uiru iuv ivu
Now that the tickets are all in the entrenched, eminently venal and per-
flnl.l ir."nn hnvn anil at Vm" petuaiiy pioiecniig urui.ju0u-i.
- " I . e- . t v r
tion-upon-au-or-us-io euricu-ci-icw-ui-
Now that the contest for governor us republican rioters in Nebraska.
lio hfltwopn Maiors and Holcomb. of A convention to form a more perfect
course no honest democrat will sup
port or vote for Majors.
union between the alliance men and
the democrats, made up of conserva
tive, thinking, discreet men, to be held
Grand Island Democrat.
It Is a serious question whether or
not the convention acted wisely in
making tkeir choice. The editor of
thispaper went there and opposed the
nomination of a populist on the state
ticket, for reasons which to our mind
Hard and close as times are they were good and sufficient, and also be-
would be much closer and harder but Heving that we were voicing the senti
for the fact that some $35,000,000 of ments of the democrats of Hall county,
trnld hav Loon mlntpd In rl.U rnnntrv OUl Hie COmuineu wiaui.ui ul a
B j .
s sentauve eaiuerme oi ueuiutiaia
wunin uie past year: anu ine iurnier - . .,
. u . .i should be Letter than our humble
fasti- fr V fr Mtf rtnf jv r Mia rml it rvMnoa I
F b iiKltrmpnt. therefore we bow to the re-
of Australia, Africa and the United ! . . k n,Mnt.
tives who were elected by the demo-
over last - thus to some extent keeping -rat in the var!OUS counties. We do
pace with the increased demand for this because we believe in the good old
gold as a basic money metal caused by democratic doctrine of majority rule
the closing of the Indian mints to sil- We believe that the majority of the
ver. the repeal of the Sherman law and people should rule under .all circum-
tha Hrra nr thn cmirf atanil-irri in stances. This has been one of the car-
Austria and Hungary, by which acts
350,000,000 people have been added to
those competing for gold as money. Is
it not a wonder that times are not
Tub indeoendent county central
dinal principles of thedemocratic party
from its inception down to the present
time. We claim to be a democrat.con-
sequi ntly we cannot do otherwise than
accept the result.
Are You Alive 1
To Your Own Interests? 5
PERHAPS you are, but if not, you ought to be.
There's one good way to prove that you're in the
land of the living buy your
Furniture, Stoves and
House Furnishings
HIS PRICES will not admit of Competition
they're so downright low. Give him a call.
PFARLMAN. The House Furnisher.
There never was so
committee held a meeting on Monday prospect of beating the railroad I
at Weeping Water at which the with- party in Nebraska out of its boots
drawal of Dr. Madding, the candidate as there is this year, lhe nomi
for representative, was accepted, and natiCn of Tom Majors and his
the name of tuj Livingston was put friends and the bolt of the railway
on in his place, with the understanding democrats from their party have
mar. me democrats were to Buppun , . , . it,.,
. , . .. . . made the issue plain, and the peo-
m ' xf r;,.: Q, pie see that if they would be free
for renresent;itive. Mr. Livinsrston I J
was present, was called on and stated and have an honest government
that if elected he would support Mr. they must lay aside minor ques
Bryan for U. S. senator as long as tions and unite to crush the whole
"Liberty cannot long endure in any at Lincoln, say Jackson s day, January there was a possible chance for him, COrrupt, boodling outfit. With
Holcomb in the governors chair.
country where the tendency of legisla- 8, 1S91, might prove a judicious move- and if the time should come for him to
tion is to concentrate wealth in the ment. change he would support an advocate
hands of a few." Daniel Webster. Wisdom and moderation in the hour I 0f fiee coinage at 16 to 1 only.
of victory are essential to prove that
Those who want democratic success I victors are large minded and worthy
can have it by dropping minor differ- I of confidence.
ences and uniting with the majority of
the people to defeat the republicans.
Mr. Travis, the county attorney,
has been careful, vigilant, industrious,
faithful and competent, and if the
The democracy and the alliance have
declared for a government of the
people, by the people, for the people.
as against McKinleyism and protec
tionism, which, said in substance, this
Til eke are those who profess to be
lieve that Editor Itosewater's opposi
tion to Majors is an advantage to the
latter. Singular to say, however, such romy
people are continually abusing the of boodlers they know not what
Bee's editor, and say all manner of evil w ;u happen whether the treasu-
againsthim. To be consistent, if they ui1, h, nntt.i a(r,ina!i ;t was
i, ti. a ,n. v " -
Is distinctively the place where the Farmer's Dollar Goes the
Farthest. We lead, as ever, in
and a competent set of stale offi
cers to back him, the people can
depend on having an honest gov-
ernment, administered witn econ- .- 1 r-r c
With Majors and his gang DUU U lOT CXLLLX CX 1 I lay OO.
This year's line is larger than ever and the prices
cannot fail but suit.
raitnrui ana competent, ana u ine ig a government of caSh, by cash, for by the Hill-Thayer-Mosher gang
county is wise he will be retained in Laah courage Rosewater as much as pos- u luc 11,11 " ' , s &
his place.
Certain democrats are very certain
that Mr. Bryan could have been
elected in this district "hands down,"
had be stood for the nomination. It
is well to keep their sayiugs in remem
Democracy and the alliance denied
the right of lawmakers to rob many to
enrich a few.
Democracy and the alliance should
form a trust to further conserve the
rights for which they have fought.
J. Sterling Morton.
sible,but they don't. They seem to or not ; but they have reason to A Q 1"0 IiTinlPiTlOntS
think people know they are not sin- fear that it would, for men are to LV- 11 1 1 1 K.kJ9
cere. The trouble with Majors' record De judged by the company they
keep. No man will make a mis
take in supporting Judge Silas A.
Holcomb for governor.
is that Rosewater didn't commit the
forgeries that Tom Reed's committee
found in those congressional docu
ments. The writing was done by Ma
jors himself.
Our two large store-rooms are brim-full of the BEST and
MOST PERFECTED to be found in the Implement
speaking ok Harness,
The democrats did an exceeding There are some interesting prot-
Timks are brightening and wages are
wise thing when they nominated Guy I lems for Mr. John A. Davies to solve 1 going up in the east. One woolen
Livingston for the house of represen-1 in this campaign. He is a young man I manufactory Rawitzer Bros., of Staf-
tatives. He is young, energetic, am-1 of good morals, good aims and fair ford Springs are mentioned as having
hitioua practical, and has the elements ability. He prides himself on his de- recently settled with their dissatisQed
Jt , i . ,...
f ,iaritv well rfeve.nned. s" to see economy, prevail in me
sire to
management of state affairs.
weavers at an advance of zo
Gov. I per cent iv wages. The Wool and Cot-
Judge Holcomb has an appoint-1 Crounse is his sort or a man. xne ques-1 ton Keporter gives an account of
ment to speak at Weeping Water in I tion is: now can ne consistently support I twenty woolen mills starting up last
the afternoon of Oct. 11. The repub- I iom Majors anu tne state ticket i Ml I week and only four shutting down, and
he Rno fvs anything at ail ne Knows I they for repairs, for a snort time. It
licans will have a meeting there in the
little ?
Isn't that rushing things a
that Majors is the perfect opposite of I also names five new mills projected,
Crounse in his leanings, associations, I costing in the aggregate millions of
habits and purposes. He knows that I dollars. In the wool and cotton indus-
m r a. t . . . . I . - , -
Trr nriii nt tha nonni shmilrl ho thn I aiaiors is me associate oi me worsi i try aciiviiv is wie oraer or i ne aay .
law. When three-fourths of the demo
It means
element that has infested the state 1 much for the new tariff law
crats of the state decide upon a line of house and the etate legislature; yet, far better times for labor.
The Nebraska City News has ceased
to beademccratic organ. Well, there's
not much loss to the party. For years
it has practically been acting under the
control of John Wa'son and his crew
ntinn anrelv that nncrht tn he hindinir "e runs ou me aame iicnei wuu mm.
u .., ,cm5, a rA if I and is supporting him against a man
UU LUU Ivn lEUJaiUlUK vuto. 11UU V 1 -
would if thev were at all disposed to who ,s the complement of
be fair ivyrouuse iu every way. v uoiutrsa
that Mr. Davies is a likable young man
The county attorney should be a I and a personal friend, yet, he is et-
man well up in the law, who has been tirely inconsistent in staying in such a
at least moderately successful in the Party, and with such a gang. Politics
practice. The fact that when Sigel has its myteries, and here is one we
Polk was city attorney the city was woul1 1,ke Mr- Uavies to explain to
mulcted out of several judgments be- me Puoc wnne ne is on rne stump.
ranse hn didn't know hia hiisirenn.
xhe tact mat a lutie rump or omce-
Some people are very enthusiastic ldera and railway strikers from eight
for their party as long as their faction counties in tne siaie snouia ooit me
is on top, but when they are beaten in J demociatic state convention ar.d set
a fair, stand-up fight they are ready to I up for themselves as the simon pure
of corruptionists, and could not be de
pended on to Btand honestly by its pro
fessions. The democrats of Otoe could
have a chance to win if they had an
honest newspaper, but it has been some
time since they could trust the News
Messrs. Dutton and Hayes of the
county board of commissioners must
feel very small to content themselves
with their decision not to permit
Judge Holcomb to speak in the court
room Tuesday. With the two pub
lic halls in the town occupied with so
cial gatherings, it was a most un
gracious thing to do to refuse the use 307 -SO1.) Milill Street.
of the court room, and when it is
knoAn that T.M.Marquette of Lin
coin was allowed to speak there in the
beat of thecainp.Mgu two years ago, it
will lxs very h.ird to convince the ptil
lie that the refusal was not tast u on
partizan grounds.
The democratic platform adopted at
Omaha is a model of go d Kticli!-h and
of democratic sentiment. It s'rikoa at
the evies that have grown upas the
result or republican legislation ;iiki
suggests rtnirdus that are recognized
as efficient and necessary. It is a
statesman-like document and foinis an
eloquent and powerful appeal to the
patriotism and good sense f the reader
for the promotion of the ends of hon
est government a "government ot the
We Manufacture
The Ver)- Best
For the Money, and are the only firm using "Old Fashioned Oak
Tanned Leather" in Cass County. Consult your own interests and
Deal with an Establishment which conducts Business on the Plan of
Giving Real Worth in Return for the Buyer's Money.
IMamsmoutli. N'1.
to do anything inconsistent with the Pp0Ple-. by the tV. for the people."
wishes of the Watson ring.
S. S. Alley and his coterie of bolt
ers are a nice set to call themselves the
democrats paity of Nebraska ! With
hsit A Anctini, r afant f Via nftia. 1 .4 x-K.i. s i.. I only eight counties represented in
fellows. There ought to be consis- riduculous. If they were men of su-
tency in some things as well as othrs. Derior character in Drivate life and
There is no protection to trusts, mon
opolies or oppressors of the poor be
hind that document.
their "rump" convention they will cut
a nice figure in state politics. They
know and so does everybody else that
their chief object is to help out the
A. II. Wier, the populist candidate
for congress whom the democrats have
also nominated, has thus far been very
successful in his political ambitions.
He has twice been elected mayor of
Lincoln a republican stronghold
Short Breath, Palpitation.
Mr. G. W. McKinsey, postmaster of
Kokomo, Ind., and a brave ex-soldier,
says: "I had been severely troubled
with heart disease ever since leaving
the army at the close of the late war.
I was troubled with palpitation and
shortness of breath. 1 could not
sleep on my left side and had pain
"Nn WF.FORM mnrftl nr in ttllprt nal "I r J
said Wendell Phillros "evercame from swtles" lntegitr tbe? misbt le e" Tom Majors and railway crowd. Tlrej ai,d l,as had tbo streoglh ot cliaracter around my heart. I became bo ill
Sl are mad because they couldn't ge. the ' '-eakers fear and &J'tt383fc
all cnrriA from th nrnteat nt m9rirr I themselves, and everybody else knows I nartv to do their biddint?
"I - ...... . I I n m -v I f -vm i t tr"W o f i nrt iloiiiAtpnttit
nrl irinfim Tna am o r; n t inn Ka I that their action was based on tivno- 1 I a . .c.. v,, ..v.
working people must be achieved bv I crisy and fraud. Many of them have
That Nebraska has been robbed I principles, and should get every demo-
the working people themselves."" Who reputations as notorious lobbyists and and plundered without conscience j-riltlc vote iu preference to strode, the
would be free himself must strike the I corruptionists, some are known as for years by a set of political b
blow, was an equally wise saying. I creatures of corrupt, railway corpora- bummers, who have always con- Tim republicans of Otoe have norai-
ROSEWATFR nf tflA TJaa filial th I iIuuoi ovu, ic vuiauj uuiucuuiuno, 3U1 ICU VV 1 til Llic lauiUctu isJUUy f 13 I "i- u .-vwi v atoi ovw-
Lansing theatre at Lincoln to the door, and none are "cognized as men of a fact too well known for dispute. te- IIere'8 ano,her chame fo'
gooa or nonesc mouveB in politics, and TVit-T-.fn TVTare Vioo K o ,- ine .emsKH kai Aews 10
Fridav evenintr last, and fnr over iwn
hours interested his bearers in hisef- their motives in thia matter are the
fort to reform the republican party by meaDetJt anl vilest that ever actuated
defeating its candidate for governor. I men in Politics Under these circum-
If Rosewater were as ereat an orator I stances the bolt is a most ridiculous
as he is a collector of facts he would I Gasco.
drive Tom Majors off the ticket in a
The case with the populists is evi
dently that there are a good many
people among them who are not in
fected with any desire for a reform of
the government so much as they are
with a fear they will hurt the republi
can party. Hence they talk and act
as if they had no interest in local or
legislative success by means of com
promise or fusion.
Thk stocks of railways and other
corporations in the United States
have decreased in value on the market
more than seven thousand million dol
lars in the past year and a half the
r . i ....11 i l sen out n uariy uomiueo 10 mai
I .nrran Vlllrndor . o a it 1 . . . n
, , , . , , , . . . . I LUILL11 inut k lb uaa UCCU
anrl that h rnr hie nnminannn rv I
, ., , ... doing for years. No doubt the sell-out
bribery and gang methods is well . . .. , ...
J will be accomplished, if it hasn t been
l,- - l.. i .i i : .
iwuuwii, upcu uwigcu mu is uui done already. That venal crew of poli
denied. That the Castor crowd ticai pirates can't be trusted as far as
of politicians who are masquerad- one can fling a bull by the tail
ing as democrats is in consort with
tunately my
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
I decided to try it. The first bottle
made a decided improvement in my
condition, and five bottles have com
pletely cured me."
G. W. McKINSEY. P. M.. Kokomo, Ind.
Dr. MilAs TTpfirt. Cure Is sold on a DOsltlve
fruurantee t hat the first bottle will benefit.
All rl fn r.rrlat.a ull itRtfl. ft bottles fori), or
It will le sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Sold by all druggists.
i ii j'- ii t
the boodle gang of republicans is . , . t .
1 I nraalra Citv Tnesdav nnminntBrl ITnn
a fact as patent as the nose on a Jobn Leidigh, the democratic member
result of the adoption of the single man s face, and every nonest man of the last house, for float representa-
gold standard. Farm products and wni shun them and their oroiects tive. It but remains for thedemocratic
nearly all other forms of property have as one WQuld the haunts of a vi. float convention for the two parties to
cause-that is, the gold dollar is so Per' Anere need. be nu mifke sure. The recent rump affairs in Otoe
mucn Harder to get than formerly, be- un incPri 01 an uuc wm wls"Ci county will cut no figure, and Steve
cause it has to supply no many more to promote the well-being of the Orton may as well told his tent and re-
peopie with basic money, that all "good state of Webraska. 1 tire from the field.
These tiny Capsules are superior
to Balsam of Copaiba,
Cubehs and Injections. (tiTtl)
They cure in 48 hours tho V y
same diseases without anyincoa-
it is easy to steal er ring watches from the
pocket. The thief gets the watch in cue
hand, the chain in the other and gives a
short, quick jerk the rinji slips orF the
watch stem, and away ges the watch, leav
ing the victim only the chain.
This idea stopped
that littla game:
The bow has a groove
on each end. A collar
runs down inside the
pendant (stem) and
fits into the grooves,
firmly locking the
bow to the pendant,
so that it cannot be
pulled or twisted off.
Sold by all watch dealers, without ,
cost, on Jas. Boss Filled and other
cases containinr this trade mark
watch casa opener sent free on request
Keystone Watch Case Co.,
500 Reward !
WE will nny the t.wove reward for any c.iso of
Liver Cora r' aii. t I'l .'-pepsin, rU-c Heailar h? In
digestion Con?:i' it.or. or Costiveness we caniift
cure with vY;t' ; Y;vtab!e Liver Fills, when
the directions strictly complied with. Tlx
are fjurely Ve'.;et :it'.. pud net-er lail to give sa.
istaction. futsrOir.tca. Larjjc boits. a j cent-.
Beware of coi'r:'-fiv.:i nud imitntior.d. The gen
uine mami!uctnro! c-ii!v bv TliK JOtiN C. Wiir
company. c;i:ca.;o. ILL-
No inconvenience. Simple,
sure. as::ltjtilt tbzs
from any injurious substance.
Wa GUARANTEE a CURE or refund your money.
Price 3.oOp-rbottle. Send 4 c. for treatise
"BUIONI SltlDlCAL, CO.. Bunon. Mar
cm get
Vthln. J
I can stay
txur; inject eU rinecJy 1 :ti&icf
frni, rcqiiires no chsns 5 ilt.-t rr
tauboous, mere! j-iil rr jkiki.ou-
nsU bo tkeu lutcruauv. . ea
cither sex it H iinixiUctjOont
any venereal dtea: lut in tao cufe h
tio already U.raTJTt.T Afrxii-ria
With Oonorrhoj nJ ;!t-rt, we Ci4ru
TT ZLf tacur. rr ice I y mail, ttjo
AT aVkaiaAia-aCi
i per Ux, or ii buxks lux .
are the orisinal and only FREXCH. eafeimd re
liable rnre on the market, frico $1.1)0; bene bi
mail. Genuine sold only by
F. I. Frlcke Sl Vo.t Drusists
apacity Q
wo we)U andclatef nTwIndmin.'cenrTJ
ave etc.. All BiirpMinaeu wuu a
-Htrantl wire fence. One of thn most
to Balaam o iCJoDaiba. X""
Calebs i and Iniectioni FZm
m . .
TbrY enre ln4o houss ine
Tv HTItoa Knrxrlnn la Hold on
fftiar&ntee that tho first bottle will
All drnKguita eeu it at tu o ootnea
SoiiTilVdT F.!W I Tett3CZZrA?Z&vrv-l ;fai
bene tit. I f(r c .hB .V,; Arthmn. Bronchitin, Cronp
t ot price I Bmnn gize oicouivIB 1; o'd. m. aire, now 2c.; old J
r,Al l)10C..1ftt
J,t.4 r5 '.
-4 A
- .i x - r.