1 e. v WEEKLY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1894. IX AMD AUOIXI) THE TOWS. D. T. Eddy of Union was a county seat visitor Tuesday. T. J. Fountain of South Bend was a l'lattsmoutb visitor Monday. Jos. Hall, of the precinct, departed Wednesday for a visit with his sou in Cuming county. B. O. Tucker, of west Rock Bluffs precinct, was a Plattsmouth visitor Tuesday and gave The Journal a call. The impeachment case against Mayor Be in is of Omaha is still dragging along with the prospects in favor of the mayor. Grandmother Utterback, of Hills, dale, Iowa, and daughter, Mrs. Boyd, arrived Monday for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Martin are happy over the arrival of a new boy, their firsi in fifteen years of married life, at their homeou west Vine street. Arrangements have been made for the appearance in this city of the Om aha Mandolin club under the auspice?, of a local church society within a few weeks. A. S Cooley, who is currently re ported as being a candidate for the legislature on the republican ticket, returned to Eagle Saturday after a two days' visit in this city. Deputy Sheriff Harvey Holloway de parted Monday on his wheel for a hundred-mile trip over the county, serving papers. Fred Lehnhoff ac companied him as far as Union. J no. Tighe and daughter, Lillie. de parted Sunday evening for Sin sinawa Mound, Wiscousin, where the daughter will puisue her studies for another year in St. Clara's academy. The score of nien who are anxious to be postmaster of Omaha are on the anxious seat, for Mayor Clarkson's term expires October 1. The appoint ment of his successor is daily ex pected. Arthur It itliery and Fred O'Neill of Omaha, who served its seconds in the Lindsey-Robbins tight for the former and asiiinst whom is lodged a com plaiut for aiding and abetting a prize right, were in town Monday. The ladies of the two lodges of the Degree of Honor, A.O.U. W., are at work this week arranging for the en tertainment of the grand Lodge, which istonoeetinth'HCity next month. They will give another social sometime this week. C. W. Bryan, agent for the V. A. Page Soap Cj., of Omaha was in town Monday taking orders for their goods. He is a brother of the famous Congress man, William J. Bryan and as a sales man is quite as successful as his big brother is on the stump. Chas. Grimes, Eq , was at Nebraska Citv Saturday and savs the combina tion of floaters" there were de termined to nominate somebody for lloat representative, regardless of the rizh'.s of Ciss county, and he declined to act as :i delegate f"m Cass county, so that the O:oe crowd was powerless to act, and adjourned till the 2Sth. Messrs. S. II. At wood and D. S. Guild ate home from a ten days' hunt in the Bi j 1l rn mountains in Wyom ing. They failed to ban h grizzly bear, as was threatened ly Mr. Guild on his departure, but they nevertheless de rived considerable sport in catching mo.intain trout, the sti earns in that section being fairl alive with tish of that variet. J. B. Lohm inn, ni-mber of the local implement firm of Meisinger & Loh mann, is home from a t hree months" tour through K iiia. Oit'adoma and Cherokee Str-ji in thi interests of a wholesale implement house. He says that crops in southern K insas and Oklahoma were good this year, and he was much phased with both sections. He will st av here for a two weeks' visit with his family and will then depart for a tour through Texas. Charles ami Jacob Neff are under arrest at South Omaha on the charge of assaulting and severely injuring John Peterson, a cooper working at Swift's packing house in South Omaha. Peterson lives in Omaha, and was go ing to work Monday morning, when he ' and two or three others were assaulted by a gang of men, who called them "scabs." The others ran away, but Peterson was overtaken and badly beaten with a gaspipe. His skull is fractured and the chances are that he will die. But for the timely arrival of Cade Rogers, a Plattsmouth citizen, a drunken occupant of the PaciGc Junc tion calaboose would have been lit erally roasted alive the other night. The fellow was the only occupant and it is presumed started a blaze in light ing a cigar, after which he went to sleep. Cade happened to come along at an opportune time and found the calaboose all ablaze on the inside, the drunken man being fast asleep. Cade gave the alarm and with some assist ance managed to put out the flames It was surely drunken man. a close call for theltention,D.O. Dwyer, attorney, Platts- I mouth. unto him unto whom boiior is due, and Mr. Travis' records oe tbat tbe peopie of tliis counk"' ne?tlnpt be J w-jr-teu THEY WERE SMOOTH A Couple of Sharpers Succeed in "Working" a Farmer. M. E. CONFERENCE IS ADJOURNED dinner and Assignment Which Pertain to This District Of the Church The Dangeron Jimwiu Weed Variant Other Notes. A Pair of Smooth Sharpers. Nelson Jean, a well-known farmer living two miles southwest of town, was the victim of a pair of sharpers out at the fair grounds Friday after noon. Mr. Jean was in the agricultural hall, when a pair of well-dressed men came in and gave it out as their in tention to purchase the entire display of preserved fruits for an Omaha wholesale house which they repre sented. They addressed themselves to Mr. Jean, and in the course of their conversation asked the farmer if he could give a $5 bill for that amount in silver. Mr. Jean pulled out his wal let, which contained four So bills, and proceeded to accommodate the strang ers. The change was made and soon after the fellows disappeared. Mr. Jean chanced to examine his wealth a few minutes later and found that two of his $5 bills had mysteriously changed into those of the $1 denomina tion, his money, all told, amounting to $12. Through some sharp practice the strangers had substituted two 81 bills for two "fivers." Mr. Jean informed the officers of his loss, but the sharpers were not then to be found. The M. K. Conference. The annual conference of the M. E. church in the South Platte district of Nebraska concluded itssession at Falls City Monday and adjourned. L. F. Britt, presiding elder for this, the Ne braska City district, was re-elected. Rev. D. S. Davis, pastor of the local church for the past year, was not as signed, it being his intention to tem porarily retire from the ministry to look after his farming interests in York county. W. B. Alexander, a former pastor in this city, was given a de served promotion by being made pre siding elder of the Hastings district. The assignments in full for this dis trict are as follows: L. F. Britt, prestdingeldor.nostotlice, Plattsmouth, Neb. Adams, J. G. Slannard. Auburn, G. M. Couffer. Bock and Talmage. M. Dd Motte. Brownville, William Crowley. Cook, B. E. Newton. Douglas, James Williams. Elk Creek, G. E. Price. Falls City, J. A. Barner. Humboldt, J. W. Swan. Johnson, A. V. Partch. Louisville, L. Jean. Nebraska City, II. C. H.irman. Nehawka. J. O. H. Hohbs. Palmyra. C. E. Riwe. Pern, G. M. Gates. Plattsmouth, Peter Van Fleet. Rulo, E. L. Barch. Schubert, G. W. W indie. South Bend, E Wilkison. Stella, J. M. Darby. Sterling, II. E. Wyco!T. Syracuse. J. W.Miller. , Table Rock, P. C. JohHson. Tecum seh, R. G. AdatU3. Union, A. L.. Folden. Weeping Water, .1. II. Woodcock. F. G. Fricke& U., druggists, recom mend Johnson's Magnetic Oil, the great family pain killer, internal and external. I ill ei Count y Tearlierit Mfelinc- The meeting of the county superin tendents and other educators of Cass, Douglas, and Sarpy counties to or ganize a teachers association resulted favorably for Plattsuiouih. as the lirst meeting v ill be hel i heie November 30 anl December 1. Those present were (J. W. Hill, county superintendent of Douglas county; E. J. Broadwell. Florence, Douglas county; Ci. L. Farley, superin tendent Cass county; W. N. Halsey, Plattsmouth, Cass county. G. W. Hill was elected chairman of the joint committee and W. II. Lower and V. N. Halsey were elected secre taries. It was decided that it would be desirable that two meetings be held during the year; that the first be held at Plattsmouth at 1:30 p. ro., Novem ber 30, and December 1, morning and afternoon. On motion, the chair ap pointed Halsey, Fox and Broadwell a committee to. arrange a program for that meeting. List of Letter Remaining uncalled for in the post office at Plattsmouth Sept. 26 for week ending Sept, 19, 1894: Beals, Frank Shurdler, Albert Christianson, Ida Itamsel, Aug. Erikson. Eliu Sprute, Anna Jonsin. Martin Slambough, Geo. Grny, Belle Slavicek, Frank Kalina, Miss Mary Volk,Nick Renehan, Frank ' Hasen, J. P. Persons calling for any of the above letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised." V. K. Fox, r. M. All legal business given prompt at- -viisirpauoTr ana bicst neadacnelfi cur. aia piles prevent wu vtisu " f -r l-eiiets; especi aaaress 10 Cll ' 'a ijsp . lllll hfl Farm for Sale. A well improved farm of 160 acres, situated 2 I miles west of Mynard, six mile9 6outhwest of Plattsmouth and six miles northwest of Murray. Has a good nine room house, also a tenant house, good barn with hay mow, single roof shed sixty feet long, hog house, feed lots, double corn crib with a capacity of 4,500 bushels, good bear ing orchard also 500 young apple trees, two wells andcistern, windmill, cellar, cave, etc.. All surrounded with a 3-stracd wire fence. One of the most desirable farms in Cass county. In quire of or address Will T. Riciiakdson, d-3t-w-tf Mynard, Neb. A converted western real estate agent was "called" and went to preaching. An old-time friend of his went over into the rival town, "within convenient hearing distance," to hear him preach. When asked how he liked the s-rmon, he said, "Sermon, rothing; he's at his old tricks again, booming an audition he calls Paradise. Says it's going to be laid out with golaeu streets, and all that kind of rot." Notice o Non-resident Defendants. In the dUtrtPt court of Cass county, Nebraska : Omaha Loan ami Trust companr, plaintiff, vs. W. K. Bald will, admlninrator of the estate of Samuel Lewis, defeased, W. It. Baldwin, administrator of the estate of Ann Lewis, de ceased, William S. Lewis. Ilowurd Lew is, An nie ! Mastin, Willa Weldon, Auumda K. Mowrer, Mary Alice Sthoolev. Fannie K. Shel ledy, badie J. Lewis and Samuel Lewis, a minor over the age of fourteen 14 years, children and heirs at law of Samuel ami Ann Lewis, deceased, and Ida Lewis, wife of Wil liam s. Lewis. Verner Mastin. husband of An nie M . Mastin, Amos Weldon, husband of V ilia Weldon, Lozene P. Mowrer. husband of Amanda K. Mowrer, F. M. Schooler, husband ot Mary Alice Schooley, M. V. Shelledy, hus band of Fannie K. Shelledy, and Frank J. Clark. William Van Doren, Seabury L. Sears, defendants. To Amanda E. Mowrer. Lozene P. Mowrer, her husband. Mary Alice Schooley, F. M. Schooley, her husband, Fannie K. Shelledy, M. F. Shelledy, her husband, Sadie J. Lew is and William Van Ioren : Youandeachof you are hereby notified that the Omaha Loan and Trust company, as plaintiff, has tiled its petition in the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, aiiainst the above-named defendants, the object of w hich petition is to foreclose a iuorU:aee ex ecuted on the first day of April, tsin;, by Samuel Lewis Jo the Omaha Loan and Trust company, conveying the following described real estate in the county of 'assand state of Nebraska, to-wit: The north half n'i of the northwest quarter n1; of section twenty-five 251, township twelve flat, ratine nine 9 east fl P. M .. to secure payment ot two notes, each for the sum of fiftj five dollars li.5, one due and payable on the first day of A pril. ls'.i.'t. and the other due and payable on the tirst day of April, lsn: also to secure the amount which the plaintiff should Phv for taxes and prior encumbrances on the siii'd real estate, upon which noieand mortgage there Is now due and owing to the plaintiff the sum of two hundred elshty one dollars If-Nl !, with interest on the same at the rate of ten 10 it cent per annum from the first day of April. 1!-'!. an J the praver if the suid petition is that tl e above-named defendants, or some of them, he required to pay to the plaintiff the said sum s" due it. and tha't in default thereof the I'lain tiff be adjudged t have a l:-n upon said real c-tate for the said sum and interest, and that tbe snid real estate be s!d according to law and the proceeds applied In payment of the said claim, unit that the defendants be by sal J decree ar d sale barred of ail interest in s-iid realestatd You are required to answer the sai l petition on or before Monday, the 12ih duv of November, 1 'SU. OMAHA LOAN ANI TRl sT COMPANY. By F. A. Bh'x.ax, Its Attorney. 40-4 Notice of Foreclosure. Taomus Baker. John W.Martin and their as eiiciia. defendants, will tike notice thatonttie ;;d day of September, ls-u. William M. clary and 'Aliliiim M . Clary as administrator of the es tate of Daniel tirepa. deceased, plaintiffs here in, tiled a petition in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, acainst said defendants, me object and prayer of w hich are to foreclose a certain mortirncp executed by the defendants, William and Mary E lserlon. to said defendants, Thomas Baker and John W. Martin and their asisrns. upon lots numbered twenty-four (24i and thirty -two (82). in section numbered twenty (LS)i township twelve (121 north of ranee num bered fourteen (14.east of the sixth principal meridian, in the countv of Cass and state of Ne braska, and ciitsinini; seven and ninety hundredths (7 Ho lorn acres, more or less, to secure the payment of two certain nromissorv notes dated October 1, lvH. f--r the sum of 2i" 00 each, and due and payable, the one on January I, 1X9. and the other on July 1. ISNO: that th 're Is now due upon said second noteand mortgage the sum of tt2S.0U and interest thereon from October 1. lsss. at the rate of ten per cunt lr annum, for which sum. with interest to date of judgment, plaintiffs pray for a decree that said defendants. William and Mar Edgerton, beiequiredto pay the same, witti the costs of this suit, or that said premises may e sold lo satisfy the amount found due, and that the said defendant.. Tnomas Baker, John W. Martin and their assigns, as to the first note, be forever birred of all right, interest or equlfr of redem tim in said mortgaged premises. Y"u are required lo answer said etition on or b -fore Novemlr.Vh. lsj4 Hated September 2"th. 14. 4D 4 WILLIAM M. CLARY, Attornev for I'lalntiiTs. Notice in Creditor. Stste of Nebraska, ras County. f ' In the matter of the estate of Philip Paul P.hein frank. deceased. Notice is hereby gjven that th claims and de mandsof a'.I persons against Philip Paul Ithein frnk. deceased. late of said county and state, will be received, examined and adjusted by the county eoMrt at the court house in PlHtfmouth. on the 13th day of March. A. D. l-y.S. at 10 o'click in the forenoon: and that six months from and after the l-'tth day of September, A . I). is:i. is the time limited for creditors of said de ceased to present their claims for examination and allowance. ;iven under mv hand this pun dav of Sep tember. A. D. 111. 3-4 B. S. H.MEY. County Judge. Notice of 1'rohae of Will. -tte or Nebraska, i CiSsC'OfSTT. In county court In the matter of the last will ami testament of Polly A. Oldham, deceased : Notice Is hereby given thst on the filh day of October. A. I). 18i4. at theotticeof thecountv judge in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, at the hour of 2 o'clock, in the af ternoon, the following matter will be hear and considered: The petition of (ieonre J. Oldham and Dora Moore to admit to probate the last will and tes tament of Polly A. Oldham, deceased, late of Plattsmouth, in said county, and for letters testamentary to Ueorge J. Oldham and Dora Moore. Dated this 11th day of September. A. D. 1894. By order of the court. 3S-3 B. S. KAMSEY. County Judge. Lrral Notice. To Joseph Leuchtweis, non-resident, defend ant: Y'ou are hereby notified that Margaret Leuchtweis tiled her petition in the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, on the 20th day of September. 1H:U for a decree of divorce from you and lor care ani custody of your minor children, and to exclude you from any interest in her separate property, lots 7 and s in block NJ in the city of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne braska, on the ground of extreme cruelty prac ticed by you against her, and for more than two years wilful absence from her by yon. Y'ou are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 29th dav of I ictober lsiu 394 MAKGAKET LELCIITWEls. Final Settlement Notice. In the matter of the estate of John Ritchie deceased : In the county court of Cass county. Nebraska Notice is hereby Riven that A. Baxter Smith administrator of the estate of the said John Kitchie. deceased, has made application for final settlement and that said cause is set for hearing at my office at Plattsmouth on the 2d diiv of October. A. D. 194. at 10 oV1r-lr m on said day, at which time and place all per- Boim iu,cnri.i uiiy lc present ana examine said accounts. B. S. Rahsrt. County Judge Platuiuoulh, Neb.. Sept. 5th. ie4. a-S tu nave sucn work done will rue at Rnt T5inTa vu dental cu.. IDfcir rirf.rnill ... . YOU that are in need of Clothing. Do you value your dollars, and do you want the VERY BEST in quality that the market affords? If you re constructed on that common-sense plan and seek to guard your pocket book's interests, your only conscientious recourse, beyond a doubt, is to trade with JOE, the People's Popular Clothier, HIS Fall and Winter stock of Clothing and Fur nishing goods is now unpacked. Suits for the old, the young, the stout, the fat, the slim, and, in fact, for all sorts and manners of male humanity a perfect fit for any or everybody guar anteed. The prices will astonish you. JOE offers GENUINE BARGAINS and guarantees to give more on the dollar than ever before. The goods were bought 25 per cent lower than inpast seasons and the buyer gets the WHOLE BENEiFlT. School suits by the score. Five hundred out fits for boys are on our counters. Invest a few dol lars in this department. You'll be amazed how far they go. These are facts, not buncombe. Call in ana see the goods. JOE, The Clothier. Waterman Corner. WHEN IN OMAHA DID YOU SEE HAYDEN BROS. GREAT CLOTHING DEPARTMENT? Our new Fall stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing is now in. The styles are all new, the variety is simply endless, and the prices well you can only ap preciate how low they are wnen you see the excellence of the quality and hear the prices named to you on these goods. Everything in our store is up to date, and the prices are beyond competition. A guaranteed sav ing of one-third on anything bought in this Department. You can pay fare 200 miles and still make money by buying your fall goods of us. Men's Ario Melton suits in round or straight cut sacks for $6.50; cheap at $10.00. All wool men's clay worsted cassimeres or cheviot suits for S7.50; worth $12.50. All wool Melton and Beaver overcoats for $6.50; worth $12.00. A good Goat Skin overcoat for $7.50; elsewhere it would be $10.00 for no better. Boys' long pant suits, ages 12 to 19, single and double breasted styles, in Meltons, Cassimeres and Cheviots, at $3.75 and $5.00; others will charge you at least $2.00 or likely $3.00 more. Children's school suits, knee pants styles, ages 6 to 15, double breasted coats, no shoddy goods, but good and durable Cheviot that sells at other stores for $2.75. Our price $1.50. A finer grade of two-piece suits, same style and size as above, made of fine Oxford and Brown Meltons and Cassimeres. Pants made with Patent Elastic Waist Band. $5.00 would be nearer what they are worth. Our price while they last, $2.50. HAYDEN BROS. 16th and Dodge Streets, 02uL-A.I3LA, NEB. Dr. Agnes Y. Swetland, .HOMEOPATH 1ST. Specie attention to Obstetric, Diseases of Women and Woman's Surgeir. Office: 19eTe18iet'OiiialialKeb These tiny Capsules are superior to Balsam of Copaiba, """"V Cubebs and In jectionat WTtl J iey cure in 4Q hours the V J same diseases without any incon venience. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST rv x 1 .7 w ..wOP s were near tue crossincr nCiT.. . t j ft Wwjftj1 a widow and STOP A MOMENT! What is fCMM Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria Is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Cat torts is so well adapted to children that I recommend it aa superior to any prescription known to me." E. A. Ascheb, M. D., Ill 60. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. ' The use of Castoria la so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Cajum Makttx, D. New York City. Tbz CnrrAUB SHDLOH'S c ONSUMPTIOM CURE The GreatJtetfptCurt 72? America on positive jiirantecat 50c an $1 .pr bottle a lest so wonucni$anci severt inaifrt7ttrgn jor i,vg Kemea y vet discovered hai successfully stood Tixrt?pti$iLOrt Cure. A dose in time will $u.e you epi-iJ ess asety an4 troubll Mothers, keep a bottle at yorH(dsui$ it inrp!diatelvralicvei Croup, and you si Know vroup sivoiiijiave promptiroenuqEU w ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR HI LOWS CUR jr. NEW LIFE BEFORE AFTEFO Or. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment Is sold under pooitive written miarantee, by author ized agents only, to cure Wrak Memory; Loss of Bruin and Nerve Power; Lout Manhood; vui-knes.; Niirht Lows; Evil lireamn- l.ack of Confidence; Nervononeas; Lassitude; all rrn!ns; Lohs of Power of the Generative Ortrnns in either sex, caued by over-exertion; Youthful Errors, or Excessive l"M ot Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, which soon lead to Miner, Consumption, Insanity and Death. By mail, 1 a box; for 5; with written eunrnntee to cure or refund money. WKST'S COTGH SYRl'P. A certain cure for Oouehn, Colds, Atbma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Toutrh, Sore Throat. Pleasant to take. Small size discontinued; old, sue. itixe, now 25c; old tl fize, now 60c GUAKANTEES issued only by F. G. Frlcke &;Co, druggists. - aa sfafa,taa POK EITnEK SFX. Tlito madf IF HRIIIJ Stttina tlumxl diraetir th rf aa taoM jiiaia of tha Uanito-Unaary Ot. - maim m chknc of diet or m.reari.1 or poiraooti. mod icum to taken tntfriallj. ft tun oud AS A PREVENTIVE by cither x it Is Impmnbl.toeontrw any vwmji I diiaaa. ; but in th. csm m thoaa already tKKMTini.TBi.v Arrucna with Gonarrhore and UImI. we gumr tee a core. Price by mail, poetace pea. Si ymt Ua. uc S Imu Um Se 1 A TiieJockxi. needs all the money that is its due on subscrip- D1 uuJAA! Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Balls Worms, gives Bleep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria, and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Passes, M. D.. 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Ouxpaxt, 77 Moirit Stuzt, Jirw Tokx Crrr Great V?oup4Ckre ! The Great MAGNETIC NERVINE. t ll told with written guarantee to cure Nervous Prostra tion, Fits, Dizil ness.BcaUarhe and Keurajgla and Wake fulness, caused by ex .. . .m &m e3j Tobacco and Aloo- BEFORE - AFTER' i e Brain, causing Misery, Insanity and Death Iiarreness, Iinpotency, Lost Power in either sex Premature Old Axe, Involuntary Losses, caused hv over-indulrfenee, over-exertion of the Brain and Errors of Youth. It fives to Weak Oreans their mural Vitror and doubles the Joys of life; cures I.u-orrhBa and Female Weakness. A iuonth's treat ment, in plain package, by mail, to any address, U jr box, 6 lioxes 5. With every fs order we give Si Written Cuarantee to cure or refund the money. Circulars free, (i oar an tee Issued only by ourex Visive streiit. F. G. FRIIKE & CO., DRUGGISTS, Sole ascents Plattsmouth. Neb. H. A. WATERMAN & SON", DEALERS IX Lumber and Coal. Mend ota coal 4 . 25 Hard coal 10.00 Canou City coal 7. B0 - Machinery of the test kanuficTu-re in the world. Their i-Pa- 1 Til 5e