Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, September 13, 1894, Image 6

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John Shail, one of South Bend pre
ciuct's prosperous young farmers, was
in the citj Wednesday and RaveTiiE
Journal a call.
Mrs. n. R. Reese, of North Platte,
and Mrs. Walter Scott, of Omaha, are
in the city,the guests of their parents,
II. C. McMaken and wife.
Joe Sedlocek and wife returned this
morning to Alliance, where Joe is em
ployed in the B. & M. repair shop,after
a week's visit here with relatives.
John Robbins, jr.ideparted Saturday
evening for Ashland where he will
attend school and incidentally play
football on the Ashland high school
team. '
The stone quarry at Xehawka is re
ported to be doing a rushing business
having 120 men on its pay roll. That
means that building or improvement
of some sort is going on or in prospect
United States Marshal White had
his right hand crashed Tuesday after
noon by the cords in a weighted win
dow in his office breaking and the win
dow falling upon it. No bones were
broken. World Herald.
John Ellis, a farm hand employed
noar lromnnt a-ta t rvi Tl fr t n fthOOt
some, squirrels the other day when his
gun exploded, with the sad result of
putting out one of his eyes and other
J, wise injuring him about the face. He
, was taken to a hospital in Omaha for
, ..treatment.,
-t c 'John Conway, a Johnson county
:' farmer, has been putln the county jail
i at Tecumseh on the charge of trying
''to carve a neighbor farmer William
"Dyson, over a dispute arising from the
. - ownership of a colt. . lie will be obliged
r-.- to board on the county forty days to
. compensate for two gashes be cut
across his neighbor's face.
Postal notes are no longer issued by
' the postoffiee department. This change
" took place on the 30th of June when
v the. new. and lower rates for money
y orders went into effect. Now money
..order up to $2.50 cost but three cents.
and from that up to $5.00 cost flv
cents, bo that it would be no mor
economic to get a postal note than a
i -f money order. , ... ;
- The first of the Burlington's annual
harvest .' excursion trains passed
through town Wednesday. No. 5 be-
iugin two sections. Both tiains werp
: filled, most of the passengers comirjg
from Illinois and Indiana. Their mis
, sionis to take a look at the western
, farm lands, but quite a few disem
. barked at this station with the inten
tion nf confining their sight-seeing to
Cms county
; Jacob .Vallery; sr., returned from a
'Visit to the state fair -Tuesday. He
.reports that the display in all depart
ments is simply astonishing: that in
arm products, including corn, the dis
play is, in his judgment better than
feer . ever. saw""at the state fair, while
the show which is made by those lo-
Died August 31.1801, Mrs. Polly A.
Oldham, at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Dora Moore, in Platts
moutb, Nebraska.
Deceased had been for some time in
failing health, principally caused by
old age, being past seventy-seven
years, having been born in Howard
count?. Missouri, in 1817. She was a
relative of General Robert E. Lee, of
Governor Jackson, years ago a dis
tinguished governor of Missouri, and
also of Stonewall Jackson, the cele
brated confederate general. Her hus
band, Jackson G. Oldham, preceded
her to the Great Beyond on June 11,
1890. Both now lie side by side in the
Oak Hill cemetery at Plattsmouth,
Mrs. Oldham left surviving her
children as follows: J. G. Oldham and
R. C. Oldham, living near Beaver City,
Furnas county. Neb.; Cuzza Baker,
residing in Holt county. Neb.; II. L.
Oldham, residing a!; Murray, Cass
county. Neb.; George J. Oldham and
Dora Moore, residing in Plattsmouth,
Neb., and Lav in a Connelly, residing
in Sheiidan county. Neb.
Mrs. Oldham and her family located
on a farm about eight miles south of
Plattsmouth in June, 1866, where sne
had lived until a year or so ago, when
she made her home with her daughter,
Mrs. Moore, in Plattsmouth.
Mrs. Oldham indisposition was quiet
and unassuming, and most devotedly
attached to her family. Her disposi
tion was of that character which al
ways attracts, and friend.-hip once
formed with her was lasting. Her
kindly disposition made her a universal
favorite with all who knew her.
Salities having the benefit of irrigation
is great beyond description. He ad
vises everybody to go and see the fair.
.U.S. Senator John Sherman, Gen.
Nelson A. Miles and a number of
friends have gone to Cherry county,
this state, on a hunting trip. The
party journeyed over the Northern
from Chicago to Missouri Valley, and
at. the latter place were met by General
Manager. Burt and Attorney Hawley
of the Elkhorn and escorted to Blair,
where a special car was taken. After
the hunt the party will yisit the Black
Hills. ;
j Thursday was certainly a day for
the breaking of records. Robert J.,
the pacing wonder, put the record for
the mile down to 2:02 and Pinkey
Bliss, the little Chicagoac, clipped a
second and over off the bicycle record
for the flying mile and set the mark at
1:62 2-5. -. Two things-are established
by yesterday's records the two min
ute horses i a strong probability and
the. bicyclist, is better than the pacer
or. trotter. - - - . ..
The result of the hot wave of last
July maybe judged by the fact that
instead of 40 to 70 bushels of corn per
acre, as the farmers expected, they will
have to be content with an average of
about 8 or 10 certainly -not more than
the latter figure, so S. A. Davis reports
C. II. Parmele thinks; however, that
there is enough corn in the county, not
counting that which has been kept
over, from former -years, to last the
farmers the year through. . -
A rather interesting case from Cass
county reached the supreme court yes
terday. It had its origin in the voting
of bonds by the township for the build
ingof a bridge' across the' Platte at
Louisville. When the time came for
making repairs the town asked the
county to do it, and upon the refusal
of the commissioners to foot the bills,
the case went to the-district court and
a decision was given against the
county. The matter now comes to the
supreme court on appeal. Lincoln
Journal. .
Firm for 8il.
A well improved farm of 160 acres,
Situated 2 1 miles west.of Mynard, six
miles southwest of Plattsmouth and
six miles nortbweBt of Murray. Has a
good nine room house, also a tenant
house, good barn with bay mow, single
roof shed sixty feet long, bog bouse,
feed lots, double corn crib with a
capacity of 4.500 bushels, good bear
ing orchard also 500 young apple trees,
two wells and cistern, windmill, cellar,
cave, etc.. All surrounded with a
3-Htrand wire fence. One of the most
desirable farms in Cass County. In
quire of or address
Vill'T. Richardson, "
4-St-w-tf ' Mynard, Neb.
Card of Thanks.
To the many friends, who so kindly
gave assistance and sympathy on the
occasion of the death of our dear
mother, we tender our sincerest and
most grateful thanks. May they long
be spared the sorrows of similar be
reavements. Geokge J. Oldham.
Doha Moore.
Why undergo terrible sufferings and
endanger your life when you can be
cured by Japanese Pile Cure; guaran
teed by Fricke & Co.
Lint of Latter
Remaining uncalled for in the post-
office at Plattsmouth Sept. 22 for week
ending Sept, 5, 1894:
Hayes, J no. U. Kloth, Fritz
Sharrin, Mrs. Ann Winsie, Sadie
Persons calling for any of the above
letters or parcels will please say "ad
vertised." W. K. Fox, P. M.
Johnson's Magnetic Oil kills all
pain whether internal or external.
Sold at Fricke & Co's.
Hatt & Otto have on tap at their
meat market a sample caskof sorghum
nolases made from sugar cane raised
this summer on their farm out on the
Platte bottom north of this city. Two
acres of cane were planted this year
as an experiment and the crop will
prove sufficient to make 300 gallons of
sorghum. The latter product sells for
fifty cents per gallon, and Hatt &Otto
will thus realize $75 per acre on the
sugar cane. Next year they propose to
put more of their farm into sugarcane,
this years returns being entirely satis
Deafuean Cannot be Cared
By local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion ot the ear.
There is only one way to cure deaf
ness, and that is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by an
inflamed condition of the mucous lin
ing of the eustachian tube. When
this tube gets inflamed you have a
rumbling sound or imperfect hearing,
and when it is entirely closed deafness
is the result, and unless the inflamma
tion can be taken out and this tube
restored to its normal condition, hear
ing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed con
dition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give one hundred dollars for
any case of deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars. tree.
F. J. Cheney, & Co., Toledo, O.
&Sold by druggists, 75c.
It comes with mighty poor grace for
the republican candidate for county
attorney, Sigel Polk, or hisbigbrother,
Milton, to solicit votes among repub
licans for the former. During both of
the campaigns waged by County At
torney Travis he was openly supported
by the Polks. The latter gentlemen
will awake after election to a realiza
tion of the sad truth that party perfidy
basits reward. Sigel is a gone gosling.
(t'pon the death of Mrs. Annie O'Rourke.)
I think that while she stood there all alone
An angel rose before her, and he said
"Dear sister, all thine earthly years have fled :
Beyond the things of earth thy soul hath grown.
The Father bills me bring thee to thine own.:'
And then he set a crown upon her head.
Bright, but to us Invisible, and led
Her shining spirit upward to the throne.
And then her eyes took on a clearer sight,
As, dropping down her burden, she arose.
She saw four Pathways, leading up a height,
To enter one white Gateway at the close.
She smiles! all care foreyer laid at rest
That gate leads to the City of the Blent.
I reckon this Is a bitter loss to me ;
It is no little thing to lose a friend.
In such deep, awful solitude, to bend
Above an unfamiliar face, and see
No answering smile In eves that uoad to be
So full of light. Lo ! this is all-the end
Of earth. Her way leads up, its paths extend
On, and still onward, to eternity.
Yet there could be no night had not the day
First charmed us with Its rose and silver hues.
Be thankful for the rose, and let the grey
Drop on thy heart its soft and healing dews:
For it Is much, in this bleak world, to say
One had so kind and true a friend to lose!
Buy the improved Sinersewing ma
chine. Anton Trillity, local agent,
office iu Unruh's furniture store.
Dr. Humphrey can be found at his
office day or night. 4-1-m
Jiotioe of l'robne of Will.
State or Nebraska, i
In county court In the matter of the last will
and testament of Po'.ly A. Olilhnm, deceased:
Notice is hereby given that on the th day of
October. A. D. 18M. at theofliceof the county
judge in Plrtttsmouth, Cass countv, Nebraska,
at the hour of 2 o'clock, in the afternoon, the
following matter will be hear and considered :
The petition of George J. OKI hum and Dora
Moore to admit to probate the lust will and tes
tament of Polly A. Oldham, declined, late
of Plattsmouth, in said county, and for letters
testamentary to George J. Oldham and D6ra
Dated this 11th day of September. A. D. 1S94.
By order of the court
38-3 H. S. RAMSEY. Countv Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, )
Cass County. f
In the matter of the estate of Philip Puul Rheln
frank, deceased.
Notice is hereby given thnt the claims and de
mands of all persons against Philip Paul iibein
frank. deceased, late of said county and state,
will be received, examined and adjusted by the
county court at the court house in Plattsmouth.
on the 13ih day of March, A. D. 195. at 10
o'clock in the forenoon: and that six months
from and after the 1.1th dy of September, A. 1).
lsM. Is the time limited for creditors of said de
ceased to present their claims for examination
and allowance.
Given under my hand this 10th dav of Sep
tember. A. D.
3-4 U. S. RAMSEY. County Judge.
Legal Notice.
To.Tohn P. Berger, nop.-reddont, defendant:
You are hereby notified that on the 'jsth day
of August, A. li. l4. Mollie Berber tiled a peti
tion acainst von in the district court of Cass
county. Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which are to obtain a divorce from you on the
grounds that you have wilfully, grossly and
wantonly omitted, neglected and refused to
support and maintain the plaiutMf and hPr In
fant children, and have abandoned said plaintiff
and infant children without good cause, or anv
cause whatever, for more than two ears last
past; and f or the furthercause that, in disregaid
of your marital duties and obligations, you have
at divers times committed adultery during the
year 1H32 without the consent or connivance of
said plaintiff, which ofi'enses have never been
condoned by this plaintiff. You are further
notified that plaintiff in her petition prays tor
the custody of the minor children, the fruits of
said marriage, for the restoration to her maiden
name, and for a decree of court quieting title in
her to the f olio wingdescri bed real estate, to .wit:
The southeast quarter of section thirteen (13.
in township twenty-six (2;. range forty-nine
(49). west of the sixth principal meridian ; also
the northeast quarter of section nineteen (HO.
township twentv-six (2fi), range forty-eight 4!),
all of said lands being located in Box Butte
county. Nebraska: also the northwest quarter of
the northeast quarter of section seventeen (IT),
township ten (10), range thirteen (13). in Cuss
county, Nebraska, and also the northeast qu r
ter of northwest quarter of section eieht (8).
township ten (10, range thirteen 13 in Cass
county. Nebraska.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Mnndav, October the 8th. A. D. i!4.
3H MOLLIE BERGER, Plaintiff.
By B. S. Ramsey, her Attorney.
Notice to Creditor.
State of Nebraska,
Cass County, f KS
In the matter of the estate of Helena Egen
berger, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the claims and
demands of all persons against Helena Egen
berger, deceased, late of said county and state,
will be received, examined and adjusted by the
county court at the court house in Plattsmouth
on the 16th day of February, A D. 195. at ten
o'clock in the forenoon, and that six months
from and after the Kith day of August, A. D. 1894.
i the time limited forcreditors of said deceased
to present their claims for examination and al
lowance. Given under my hand this 10th day of August.
A D. 1894
"3C 4 B. S. RAMSEY, County Judge.
Final Settlement Notice.
In the matter of the estate of John Ritchie,
deceased :
In the county court of Cass county. Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that A. Baxter Smith
administrator of the estate of the said John
Ritchie, deceased, has made application for
final settlement and that said cause is set for
hearing at my office at Plattsmouth on the 2d
day of October, A. 1). 1S94, at 10 o'clock a. m.
on said day, at which time and place all per
sons interested my be present and examine
said accounts. B. S. Ramskt, County Judge.
Plattsmouth. Neb., Sept. 6th. 1S94. 38-8
Elmer Fulton, an inmate in the
Iowa institute for feeble-minded
children, located at Glenwood. was
drowned at Twin lake, the fishing re
sort situated on the Iowa side of the
river about ten miles south of this
city. A party of inmates were on their
annual outing when the accident occurred.
Passenger trains on the Burlington
will be discontinued Saturday west of
lloldrege and mixed trains, daily, sub
stituted. The people in the section
affected are up in arms, but it will
avail little as the fiat to cut expenses
wherever possible has gone forth.
Omaha Bee.
Consumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all
diseases of the respiratory organs are of like
germ origin, and it is only lately that they have
been successfully treated.
In Htlo. taken by steam Inhalation. Ameri
can scientists have succeeded, where Koch and
Pasteur failed, in perfecting a cure that cures.
For particulars address California Chemical
Works, Omaha, Neb. 13-14
I "..
Ijf hi
These tinyX7apsules are superior
Balsam fox t Copaiba,
Cubebs and Injections, f fTTH'l
tvej cure in 48 hours the J
same diseases -without anylncoa-'
Could Hot Sleep.
Prof. L. D. Edwards, of Preston,
Idaho, says: "I was all run down,
weak, nervous and irritable through
overwork. I suffered from brain fa
tigue, mental depression, etc. I be
came bo weak and nervous that I
could not sleep, I would arise tired,
discouraged and blue. I began taking
Dr. Miles' Nervine
and now everything is changed. I
sleep soundly, I feel bright, active
and ambitious. I can do more in one
day now than I used to do in a week.
For this great good I give Dr. Miles'
Restorative Nervine the sole credit.
It Cureso"
i win oe sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
toy the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind.
Sold by all druggists.
space I
Zt IE3elozD.s to
Straight From the Shoulder
C. O. D.
Anywhere, - - - $ 35 Uicycle $12 50
To Any one - - - 50 Hicycle 25.00
All Styles anl I'riees, 75 Bicycle 37.50
Save Dealers' I'roGts 125 Bicycle 62.50
Send for illustrated catalogue.
W. L- Douglas
3.5P P0LICE.3 Soles.
2.l.7-5 BoysSchcolShoes.
: ;v .s. BROCKTON, .MASS.
You can aTe money by purchasing W . L
Douglas tShoea,
Because, we are the largest manufacturer! of
advertised shoe in the world, and guarantee
the value by stamping the name and price on
the bottom, which protects you against hifjh
prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes
equal custom work in style, easy fitting and
wearing qualities. We have them sold every
where at lower prices for the value given than
any other mate. Take no substitute. If your
dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by
Ho Inconvenience. Simple, J
from any injurious substance. .
Wa GUARANTEE a CURE or refund nur menw.
Price S3.00 per bottle. Send 4c. lor treatise
I en get I
feu stay I
Splendid curnttae airpnt for Nervous or S:c!t
Headache. Brain Kxhmiatinn- KlMiilomnMii.
Lspecial or general Neural nia;alo for lihmi-
maunm. uout, h.ldo.7 lioniero, Acid AJy:
pepwia. Anaemia. Antidote ?or Alooholij
and other excesaua. Price, 10, 25 and UoenU.
1 51 S. Western Avenue. CHICAC"
Park Obbmty Pills will reduce your weight
PKHM ANENTLY from 12 to 15 pounds a month.
NO STAHVIXtJ, Flekues or injury; NO PUB
LICITY. They build up the health and beauti
fy the complexion, leaving No WRINKLES or
tiabblness. STOUT ABDOMEN'S and dlrlicMilt
breathing ureiy relieved. NO EXPERIMENT,
but ascienttrlc and positive relief, adopted only
after years of experience. All orders supplied
direct from our office. Price i2.00 per package
or three packages for $5 00 by mall postpaid.
Testimonials and particulars sealed renin.
JifAll correspondence strictly confidential.
Park Remedy Co., Boston, Mass.
We Have Money to Loan at 6percen
On farm or city property in any section of the
country vhere proierty has a fixed market
value. Money ready for Immediate loans where
security and title is good. No commission. We
solicit applications. Blanks furnished upon
ALLEN4C0..40 4 4i Uroa.l way.Ne w York
Attorney at Law,
OFFICE Second Hoor of the Todd block,
east of the court house.
are the original and only FRENCH, safe and re
iiablo core on the market Price jl.OU; sent by
mail. Cionuine sold only by
F. G. Fricke & To., Druseist!.
Is sold with written
guarantee to cure
Nervous Prostra
tion, Fits. Dilil-
riess.ncadurne and
Neuralgia unilWake
fulni"f,cau 1 by cx-
.uuinnnn( OlilllTll-
Tobucco nu Alco-
C&F-ORE - AFTER .ion. Softninw -t
. earnin, causing Misery, Insanity and Death,
ir.'eueiw, Impotency, Lot Power in either wax.
Premature Old Ant, involuntary Jwf, caued
jy over-lmlultfeuce, overxerlion of the Brain and
irroro of Youth. It cives to Weak Organs their
:,'attral Vigor and doubles the joys ot life; cures
",ueorrhaa and Female Weakness. A month's treat
ment, in plain package, by mail, to any address,
' r box, G boxes $5. With every 5 order wo give a
Written Cuarantee cure or refund the money.
'irculiirs free. Guarantee issued only by our ey
1 isivo agent.
F. . FKII KK & TO.. !Rn.GlS1V,
Sole ajauts. PlAttsinotith . NcN
DlFORC -after
Or. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment
Is sold under positive written guarantee, by author
ized aentp only, to enra Weak Menyry; Loss of
Brain and Nerve tower; Lost Manhood; tVuirknes?;
Night Losses; Kvil Dreams; Lack of Confidence;
Nervousness; LnssilutK; ull Dn.In.; Loss of Powur
of tho Generative Organs in eithr sex, caused by
over-exertion; Youthful Errors, or Excessive Uf e of
Tobacco, Opium or Liiiuor, vMcL sooa lead tu
llir-er. Consumption, Insanity and Teath. fcy mail,
tl a box; 6 for with written guarantee to cure or
rcfu-nd mony. 1ST'fl COUOII SYRUP. A certain
cure for C nit-hs, Vfi Asthma, Bronchitin, Cronp,
Whoopinff-Jnuj.'lu Yy Throat. Plo.-isant to take.
Small elze uiHcnnvvl; o'd. ic. size, niiw2"c.; old
(1 size, now CUc. GlTBANTEES tamed only by
F. 6. FrlcWe & Co, druggists.
YOU that are in need of Clothing. Do you value
your dollars, and do you want the VERY BEST
in quality that the market affords? If you're
constructed on that common-sense plan and
seek to guard your pocket book's interests,
your only conscientious recourse, beyond a doubt,
is to trade with
JOE.the People's Popular Clothier,
TTIS Fall and Winter stock of Clothing and Fur
H nishing goods is now unpacked. Suits for the
11 old, the young, the. stout, the fat, the slim, and,
in fact, for all sorts and manners of male
humanity a perfect fit for any or everybody guar
anteed. The prices will astonish you. JOE offers
GENUINE BARGAINS and guarantees to give
more on the dollar than ever before. The goods
were bought 25 per cent lower than inpast seasons
and the buyer gets the WHOLE BENEFIT.
School suits by the score. Five hundred out
fits for boys are on our counters. Invest a few dol
lars in this department. You'll be amazed how far
they go. These are facts, not buncombe. Call in
and see the goods.
JOE, The Clothier.
Waterman Corner.
Main street, Plattsmomlr.
Al-.WA.Ys-i lllT . !-S H .
Teas and Coffees Unexcelled,
Curtice Hros.' Celebrated
ll-st in th World.
I : OF :
Pillsbury's KE
The "XXXX" an.l "Best" Brand?.
Has purchased the PartnPle A Ruther
ford Mock and will run both the
Main-st. and Schildknecht Barns.
HIrs of all descriptions, from a Saddle
horse to a Slxteen-passentrer Wagon.
Cabs, Pall Bearer Wason, Carryalls and
everything for picnics, weddings and
Tralii Orders
Telephone 7lt. i
Trices Reasonable. No credit over 30 I
days. Old and new customers are in-
vlted to call, when satisfaction is guar
anteed. W. D. JONES
Is distinctively the place where the Farmer's Dollar Goes the
Farthest. We lead, as ever, in
Buggies and Carriages
This year's line is larger than ever and the prices
cannot fail but suit.
As to Implements.
Our two large store-rooms are brim-full of the BEST and
MOST PERFECTED to be found in the Implement
We Manufacture
The Very Best
For the Money, and are the only firm using "Old Fashioned Oak
Tanned Leather" in Cass County. Consult your own interests and
DmI with nn Establishment which conducts Business on the Plan of
T I 7flVTTl 3 ' ' j Giving Real Worth in Return for the Buyers Money.
" kJ 'I
Sixth Street Checked Ram,
Special attention lo Funerals. iIhcW: .. . 1 be
run to all trains. "Promptness and i i.leiiiy m
Customer ihlmo-o
The Plattsmouth Mills,
C. HEISJX. Prop.
This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with
Machiuery of the best manufacture
In the world. Their
"Plansifter" Flour
Has no Superior In America. Give It a
trial and be convinced.
Attorney at Law.
0PFICK: Second floor of tbe Tod-1 block fft
of the court nonse.
307-300 Main : IrtH,
I'luttsmoutli, Nib
Consumption cure
The Great ps$g&ur9 1 75 Great ftovpgfyre ! The Great
Lung ffestore'nf' Isold by pyry druigfet ri- he continent of
America on if positive nfeiranteat 50c irtti $t 'gpr bottle a lest
o wonderfi iand severs thatk;nt:H3rreft jor Luhff Remedv vet
discovered hi successfj?uy stoodxrrpt-SiLO Cure. A dose
trouois iNioiners. Keep
slievel Croup, and you
tn time win sie you enaiess aouciy anq
a bottle at ytAjr'fcedsidf it imjtdiatelyi.ri
know Croup slitkilSSiaVe promjiLiattentirfa
1 I
t -