Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, September 13, 1894, Image 3

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c f
Our new Fall stock of Men's,
Boys' and Children's Clothing is
now in. The styles are all new,
the variety is simply endless, and
the prices well you can only ap
preciate how low they are when
you see the excellence of the
quality and hear the prices named
to you on these goods.
Everything in our store is up
to date, and the prices are beyond
competition. A guaranteed sav
ing of one-third on anything
bought in this Department. You
can pay fare 200 miles and still
make money by buying your fall
goods of us.
Men's Ario Melton suits in
round or straight cut sacks for
$6.50; cheap at 10.00.
All wool men's clay worsted
cassimeres or cheviot suits for
$7.50; worth $12.50.
All wool Melton and Beaver
overcoats for 56.50; worth $12.00.
A good Goat Skin overcoat for
$7.50; elsewhere it would be
$10.00 for no better.
Boys' long pant suits, ages 12
to 19, single and double breasted
styles, in Meltons, Cassimeres and
Cheviots, at $3.75 and $5.00;
others will charge you at least
$2.00 or likely $3.00 more.
Children's school suits, knee
pants styles, ages 6 to 1 5, double
i reasted coats, no shoddy goods,
but good and durable Cheviot
that sells at other stores for $2.75.
Our price $1.50.
A finer grade of two-piece suits,
same style and size as above,
made of fine Oxford and Brown
Meltons and Cassimeres. Pants
made with Patent Elastic Waist
Band $5.00 would be nearer
what they are worth. Our price
wHle they last, $2.50.
16th and Dodge Streets,
)2,AHA, - - NEB.
Watches us&jztm--1.
OTA&EK Jewelry mr;
SKS Silverware, &cH3f
;Flne Watch Reoalrlng;?3
Opposite ot OfflM fi'ft 'f.
Will be Better than Ever and Enough Good Horses Are Already Entered to Insure
For Further Particulars Address,
The Plattsmonth Journal
C. W. SHEE2IAN, Editor.
On copy one year, in advance, by mall. . .$? 00
One co 1 1 j' six months, in advance, by mail, 2 50
One copy one month, in advance, by mall, 50
One copy, by carrier, per week 10
Published every afternoon except Suuday.
Slnjrle copy, oneyear fl DO
Mingle cony, six mouths 50
Published every Taursday. Payable In advance
Entered at the po? to nice at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, as second-class matter.
Official County Paper.
Men are commanded in the qld book
to "love one anotber," but from the de
monstrations reported as occurring in
tbe populist convention at Wabash
Saturday last, we are inclined to be
lieve they have forgotten the injunc
tion. Tbe democrats must be accredited
with great forethought in placing Balm
of Gilead on the free list. Nebraska
City Press (rep.).
That would be very witty if it were
not old. Balm of Gilead was on the
free list under the McKinley act see
Bection 493. Try again, neighbor.
Git anting tbat the democratic con
gress didn't do all it ought for tariff
reform, it is entitled to great credit for
having abolished the McKinley mons
trosity. What did the republican con
gress do? They delayed action in the
senate for three months, and finally
prevented the passage ot a free sugar
bill. That's their record.
Farmers should plant more trees on
their places. Those who have groves
or rows of trees on the south side of
their fields will hav e a good many more
bushels of corn this year because of
that fact. The trees formed a break
to the hot winds, and sent the heated
waves high up over the tops of many
rows of corn. Flant more trees on
your farm.
The Union Pacific has recently is
sued an order for its employes to keep
out of politics, and threatens with dis
missal any one who runs for office.
That doesn't seen to include John M.
Thurston, however, who is out stump
ing the state, while enjoying his $ 12,
000 a year salary, running for the U.
S. senate on the republican platform.
Probably the order was only meant to
apply to the men n work.
Already tbe bum of industries long
idle uuder a McKinley tariff has begun
to be heard in many factories in the
east under the inspiration of newly
awakened demands for goods under the
new tariff bill. Business, too', 's pick
ing up everywhere, caused by -lower
prices on all manner of dress goods,
clothing and wares, secured through a
reduction of the rates of duty. Better
times are coming as a result of the
Wilson bill enactment.
Cass County
$3,900 --In Premiums and
The Lincoln News, it occurs to us,
goes out of its way to abuse Secretary
of Agriculture Morton, and denounces
one of his recent letters to the irriga
tion convention at Denver as "official
insolence." The secretary had been
solicited to send a representative of
his department to the convention, and
he declined to do this because there
was nothing within the scope of the
law which was embraced in the prob
able action of the convention, as such
conventions usually did nothing to aid
practical irrigation, but were devoted
to petitioning congress for grants of
land for the states and for the privilege
of using and controlling water courses
which might belong to the government.
This statement is denounced as "offi
cial insolence" by the News. If telling
the plain truth in a plain, but not dis-
courtous manner, can be so classed it
is something new to us. We believe in
giving the devil his due. Mr. Morton
is very wrong in his attitude on the
moufv question, and may be called a
crank in h:s advocacy of the single gold
standard, but he is entitled to be
treated justly, nevertheless. He is
eminently right as to his letter to the
irrigation convention. Two years ago
Nebraska and all the states in tbe
trans-Mississippi country were asked
to send delegates to what was called
a "Trans-Mississippi Congress" at
Denver. In common with many
others from this state the writer went
out there as a representative of the city
of Plattsmouth and Nebraska. It was
a big affair, and was reckoned a sue
j cess. Uut among its doings was the
passage of a series of resolutions ask
ing congress for the-granting of large
bodies of arid land to the several
states under similar conditions under
which swamp lands had been granted
western states in former years, giving
to the states the power to irrigate and
to dispose ef to private parties for irri
gating purposes, any also asking the
government to give up its control of
the water courses, so that tbe states
might farm out or sell privileges of
that nature. It was openly charged
iu the convention that syndicates had
already been formed in Colorado and
same of tbe other mountain statesfor
takingadvantage on alarge scale of the
privileges set forth in the resolutions
but they passed, and were afterwards
duly presented to congress. While the
debate was in progress no man ven
tured to throw any light whatever on
the subject of practical irrigation, and
as applied to that convention and we
believe to every other one that was
ever held Mr. Morton's criticism was
eminently just, and it would have been
manifestly improper for the depart
ment of agriculture to send a repre
sentative there to give at least infer
ential endorsement of plans for asking
favors of congress. If the Lincoln
News would revise its history of "Irri
gation Congresses'" it would see that
Secretary Morton was eminently right
in his estimate of his duties toward
such an aggregation.
There are a few single, gold standi
axemen in this county who call them-
Agricultural Association
313 DEfAtfTMEfl
F. M. RICHEY, Pres., or GEO. M. SPURLOCK, Secy
selves democrats and some of them are
said to be very anxious to have them
selves appointed or elected as delegates
to the democratic county and state
conventions. In a personal sense these
gentlemen are pleasant fellows, and
are in everyway worthy of such an
ambitious distinction. But we sub
mit that they are not consistent or
deserving in a political sense. They
know they are a very small minority of
the party, and under ordinary political
rules ought to be shut out. They can
bask in the favor of a gold-bug presi
dent and his cabinet, and we submit
that that ought to satisfy them. The
democrats of the county, who largely
j favor free coinage at 1C to 1, are not
j likely to forget how that these same
j men tried every effort in their power to
get on the Htate delegation last year,
and how that one of their kind of men,
who was placed there by either a mis
apprehension or false pretenses, be
trayed the sentiment of the county on
that state delegation, and helped to
adopt a gold-bug platform and to de
feat a free coinage plank. No man
should be put on the delegation unless
his position is thoroughly understood
It may be set down as a fact that
most of this "middle of the road" talk
on the part of populists in Nebraska
emanates from II. L. Taubeneck. who
was unfortunately placed at the head
of the uational committee of that party.
He used to be a republican and is still
a tariffite. It will be noticed that his
adherents do not go far enough to ad
vise the populists in the south against
fusion with tbe republicans to beat
tbe democrats, and they did fuse in
Alabama and Arkansas and North
Carolina for that purpose; but in Ne
braska, where there is a good chance
to defeat the republicans by fusion,!
they prefer to take to the "middle of
the road."
From President Abraham Lincoln's
message to the second session of the
Thirty-Beventh congress to be found in
the appendix to the Cocgressional
Globe, of the Thirty-seventh congress,
second section, page 4:
Monarchy itself is sometimes hinted
at as a possible refuge from the power
of the people. In my present position
I could scarcely be justified were I to
omit raising a warning voice against
this approach of returning depotism.
It is not needed nor fitting here that
a general argument should be made in
favor of popular institutions, but there
is one point with its connections not
so hackneyed as most others to which
I ask a brief attention. It is the effort
to place capital on an equal footing
with, if not above, labor in the struc
ture of government. It is assumed
that labor is available only in connec
tion with capital, thC nobody labors
unless somebody eli owning capital
somehow by the useW It indluces him
to labor. Ifcbor is prior to
and independent of enital
20 and
Purses --$3,
is only the fruit of labor and could
never hare existed if labor had not
CrBt existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher
consideration No men living
are more worthy to be trusted than
those who toil up from poverty; none
less inclined to take or touch aught
which they have not honestly earned.
Let them beware of surrendering a po
litical power which they already pos
sess and which, if surrendered, will
surely be used to close the door of
advancement against such as they,
and to fix uev disabilities and burdens
upon them till all of liberty shall be
The Lincoln Democrat is the name
of a new candidate for favor just
launched on the newspaper sea. It
has J. C. Morgan, late of the Kearney
Democrat for its editor, which is indi
cative of success, as Mr. M. is an ex
perienced newspaper manager. The
paper looks well typographically, and
its initial number is edited withability,
force and discretion. The paper favors
free coinage of silver and the election
of Mr. Bryan to the senate. Shake
Mr. Democrat.
The republican state convention
did not have the courage to nominate
anybody for U. S. senator, but their
state committee has given its assent to
the stumping tour of John M. Thurs
ton, who is looked up to as their
party candidate, and is making
speeches for the party on a $12,000
salary from tbe Union Pacific railway
What a fine thing it is! Shades of
Abraham Lincoln, how the party has
fallen !
Does the democratic party belong to
the railways ? is the question that will
be decided by the majority as repre
sented in the state convention. The
railway managers are as completely in
control of the republican party as if
they owned the party, bng and baggage,
but they haven't yet captured the demo
cratic organization, and it is the part
of honest democrats to see that no
such fate should befall it.
The republican press is publishing a
list of articles on which the duties were
increased by the Wilson bill. Tbe list
is a brief one, but they onght to be very
proud of it, as it gives the foreigner
such a good chance to pay the duties.
Dollars to doughnuts, however, that
they don't print a list of the articles
on which the duties have been reduced
or that have been put on the free list
Congressman Soro, elected in the
third Ohio district to fill the vacancy
caused by the death of Mr. Uouk, has
declined to run again. He experi
enced the same disappointment about
getting his district recognized by the
president as did Champ Clark, and he
will retire.
It is proposed to put tbe state fair
on wheels. That being the case why
should not Plattsmouth put in a bid
for it ? We have the room and the
track .and could accommodate the crowd
as well as some other towns th.t want
it. r
What is
Castoria is Ir. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ,
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing: Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty ycra use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea
the Mother's Friend.
Tatoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Ahchkr, 31. J.,
Ill So. Oxford BU, Brooklyn, !i. Y.
"The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and
Its merits so well known that it set-ms a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach.
Camuob Habttm, D. D
New York City.
Thk Centaur
Mrs. J. Benson,
Ladies' Skirts from 75c. to $14 40.
Ladies' Waists from 50c to IS.50.
JS arrow al. Laces from 15c
doz. up.
Butter Cream and Black Laces in
Bordon and other styles from 10c a
yard to the tlnest quality. Our stock
is very large and no old coods on our
We make a specialtv of Ribbons and
Good quality Gloria Silk Sun Um
brellas from $1.00 to $5.00.
Specially low prices on Ladies' and
Children's lloiseiy and Underwear.
v e have manv lines of Ladies I ancv
uooas, not Kept in other stores.
We are civinir BDecial nrices in
In short, we make special prices in
every department.
Come in or order by MAIL. We
will give your order prompt and care
ful attention.
1519 Douglas St.," near 16th,
Dr. Agnes V. Swetland,
Special attention to Obstetric. Diseases of
Women and Woman's SuTgeif
Office : awkWTisr- Omaha, Keb
it .
1 J
rai ai
1 r
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
gestion. Without injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommended
your 'Castoria, and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneficial
results. "
Enwnt T. Pardxs, X. D
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
Company, 77 Mckkat S toilet. New Tokx Cmr
Cor. IBtfi and Firnan Sts., OMAHA
Here's the Idea
Of the Non-pall-oat Bow
The great watch saver. Saves the watch
from thieves mod falls cannot be polled off
the case costs nothing extra.
Tbe bow hat a groore
oo each end. A collar
runs down inatde tbe
pendant (stem) and
fits into the grooves,
firmly locking the
bow to the pendant,
so that it cannot be
pulled or twisted off.
Pan nnl K fia?i wttli rave
stamped with this trade mark. 108
Jas. Boss Riled Watch Cases are
now fitted with this great bow (ring). They
look and wear like solid gnld cases. Cost
only about half as much, and are guaranteed
for twenty years. Sold only through watch
dealers Remember the name
I Keystone Watch Case Co.,
$500 Reward!
WE will pay the above reward for any case of
Liver Complaint. lypepsia. Side Headache. In
digestion Constipation or Costivencss we cannot
cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when
the directions are strictly complied with. The"
are purely Vegetable, rnd never fail to give sa;
isiaction. Snpar Coated. Larjre boxes, as cent.
Beware of counterfeits and imitations. Tbe ten-
nine mannctured onlv bv THE J OHN C WEST
: f