J 7 OMTE Philippe de Kosny.agood looking bachel or of tolerably easy fortune and morals, had taken to himself wife at 5 and 30 years!" not that he wanted a wife with any particular f e r vor, for love or passion he had soleli- because it the men of his never known, but was the 'custom of world to marry at that age. Marriage, however, he found to be a bondage, and he was lored to death with it, when, approaching1 his for tieth year, he began to amuse and sol are himself with the pleasures of pho tography a solace suggested to hi:n by the accidental winning1 of a prime Kodak offered as a prize by a certain journal of Paris to which, for years, l.e had subscribed. From that moment his new born passion took on a character of selfish iif of personal .indulgence in his fad that swept the money from his pockets faster than once had done the had done the necessities of his stable of racers training for the Grand Prix. Now "films," new '"baths." new "ob jectives," or a patent "new" some tiling or other every day of the week. A pungent odor of chemicals per vaded the house turned to a labora tory from mansard to cellar, kodacks ere in the salon, tripods in the cor ridors; madame's own boudoir, even fceired to provide him with a dark de veloping rora a seizure for which she avenged herself by passing1 nearly all her time promenading1 on the arm of his frit id Victor, which, of course, set the tongues of the gossips wag ging, and 'was finally, this gossip, brought by a friend to the photogra pher's ears. "Yes," answered he tranquilly, "it is true ray wife and Victor take not the slightest interest in my experi ments. Hat what they do, talk of, amusf themselves with or approve of, is their own affair. Moreover, if they want to marry each other, divorce, to.i, is theirs, but they must first ar range to furnish me with a reasonable pretext. I ask nothing1 better than to find myself alone again in my own shoi-.e. with no one to mix up my bot-t'.e- and upset my proofs." One day it is always the ease the lovers committed an imprudence. Yielding to the solicitations of the maniac, they had consented to-pose for him in the garden, in 'broad day light, arm in arm with each other. And while the husband dallied in an interminable "sighting" under his s'iuar. of velvet, Victor, forgetting that he could see them through his black chamber, bent ardently forward and cropped a hasty kiss upon the tempting nape of the young wife's milk-white throat. She uttered a stifled cry. but the operator under his black square never budged. "He .-a'w nothing, thank heaven:" murmiireii, relieved, the two lovers ohispitg tenderly each other's hands. They were wrong; he had seen and was iaughing in his sleeve at an idea mm ' ' KENT ARDKXTI.V OVFR. that had suddenly come to him, a cap ital farce! It amused him so much that he upset his water bath and ruined his proof; but this time he didn't care: he had other things at that moment than "proofs" in his Lead. That same morning at table, Vic tor, as usual, lunching with them, De Kosny said to the culprits: "In weather so beautiful as this the light is simply superb to operate in the open air. What do you say to going to-morrow to eat a fritter at r.as-Meudon?" And as the day was still young and the others willinsr, he set out at once, alone, for the restaurant to select and rent a cabinet. It opaued upon a glass covered gallery so arranged that it formed this gallery, a huge projecting window to the cabinet pro per, and overlooked a wide expanse of sunny terrace stretching between the cabinet and the river. Nothing could have been better for his plan. l)e Kostiy, delighted, demanded of the waiter: "This: beautiful spot. Has no one ever attempted a photograph here? No? O. bion, then, I'll try it to-mor' row: the pictures of some frisnds of mine. Hut the light is not right. I must change it. it must come from :abnve: yet if I cover the .who! a liay my proof will be too black. I!ring me a t-'.imi, please. Eh? You have none? A curtain, then, a blue curtain preltr:eu, like thos I saw down stair- ! entered."' An t there, in his shirt sleeves, in the brilliant, sunlight, he worked for two hours arranging and rearranging 'his curtiins, whistling and humming to himself like a worker whose heart is in his work, his mouth full of nails and hammering away ardently. Then lie had broaght up from the smoking room below an old sofa, With his own hands he installed it invitingly iu the corner of the bay directly fac ing the entrance to the cabinet so that it. would be the first thing visible .the moment the door openad. "Back of the sofa he draped another 'blue curtain to give it the '"'prepared" effect of a theatrical "aeoessorv," ;stood a table in the corner, with a I miw bracket above it, and on the bracket again a pot of flowering palm. "Capital! Capital!" he murmured admiringly, and turned his attention next to his arrangements in the corri dor, simply the chalking of the exact spot on the floor where the camera tripod must stand, proper range of focus by seating the waiter on the divan and finishing the business by giving him a louis to hold his tongue and to keep the camera safe in a closet for him until to-morrow. "Next morning, at the mo ment of taking the boat that was to carry them to Bas Meudon, Da Rosny stopped suddenly, struck his hand to his brow and said to his wife and Victor: 'Heavens! I have forgotten my ac tinometre. Go on without me. I'll run back and get it and rejoin yon in an hour." He climbed to the quay again; waited till the boat had backed from the dock and passed from sight under the bridge; then entered a neighbor ing cafe and scribbled hastily the fol lowing note: "Actinometre out of order; must stop at a shop. Lunch without me. Will roach you by 2 o'clock. The sun will still be high enough." The mes senger bearing thi note arrived just as the hungry turtle doves for even turtle doves grow hungry if too long deprived of lunch were growing thoroughly impatient. And the two convives fell to feast ing with hearty good will, merry and amused as two children on a lark. But pleased as they were, they were still not half so pleased as the hus band behind the door. At last came the scrape of two chairs pushed back at the same time, then steps on the floor, a . low, pro testing plaint from the springs of the divan, a silence, a soft sigh. Quick as a flash de Rosnoy stood up, pulled off with one hand the camera cover, with the other threw back the door, shouting his usual sacramental phrase: "Be still: Don't stir:" It was 1 1 o'clock the night of that same day. The lamp in the commis saire's office was covered with a yel low paper, and with the tell-tale cam era stationed between them, the mag istrate and Phillippe de Rosny, his liberty he thought so, at least con quered at last, faced gravely each other. "Yes, M. le Commissaire." said he. "I insist upon developing the slide here in your presence in order that its accuracy cannot be questioned; that no one, when I apply for "v divorce, as I tertainly shall do at oace, can possibly accuse me of having re touched it. The idea you see, ?s such a new one, so thoroughly fin de siecle, perhaps, also, a trifle American. In stead of stupidly riddling the culprits with bullets from a revolver, I snap a camera at them and, voila! the thing is done." And with infinite precautions, he drew the slide from the frame and plunged it into the reservoir. The commissaire bent to look over his shoulder; the opal of the gelatine was coloring, the image appearing But suddenly the operator tore the proof from the bath, held it between him and the lamp, gazed blankly a second and a strangled cry escaped his throat. Had they moved, had the camera not caught them, had the actinometre really refused to work? Oh, no; worse than that The picture was perfect; the window, the bracket, the flowering palm, the big blue curtain, so carefully arranged as a .background for the scene, only the curtain, a solid blue w all, with out a wrinkle, hung now in front of the divan. If Victor was kissing again, his, De Rosny's wifo. no one was the wiser, for no one could see it. iflis Painter Shot tns Tramp. Two tramps waylaid Miss Lizzie Painter of Hopewell. Pa., one even ing recently, and one of them re ceived a pistol bullet in his arm. Miss Painter, who is a music teach er, was driving from the home of one of her scholars to Hopewell, in a lonely part of the road, when a man. evidently a tramp, jumped out from tho roadside and commands! her to get out of the wagon. For an answer Miss Painter raised a revol ver and shot, and with a cry of pain the man dropped hU hold on the horsfe, with a bullet in his wrist At this moment another man ran out to catch the horse and the young woman tired at him also, but missed. Tho horse bocar.ie frightened and rushed down tho road before tho second man could stoD it. Since then a dil igent search has been made for the tramps, but they have not yet been found. A V( 1'ioleiiar. In the mathematics class at Will iams college Professor S , who was rarely made tho cubject of college jests, was excessively annoyed by surae man "squeaking" in a small rubber bladder, says Harper's Ba?ai. The noise seemed to come from near a certain Jack Ilollis. and after querying each of his neighbors and receiving a negative answer Pro fessor S said sternly:. "Hollis.doyou know who is making that unbeara ble noise?"' Ilollis. who had been the guilty person all along, assumed an air of stoical bravery and said calmly: "I know. sir. but I prefer not to tell " Professor S 's angry face grew calmer and with evident pleasure he replied: "I respect your scruples, Hol.isi they do you credit, and should shame the guilty man, sir!" N. Y. Journal. A Horn Cent le man. The small boy was at a table where his mother was not near to take care of him, and a lady next to him vol unteered her services. Let me cut your steak for you." she said: "if I can cut it the way you like it," she added with some degree of doubt. "I thank you' ho responded, ac cepting her courtesy "I shall like it the way you cut it, even if you do not cut it the way I like it," and the lady actually reached over and kissed him. An Appropriate Title. "I think you do well to call your book 'Fugitive Verses.' " I'm glad you approve." "les, its very appropriate, though I think it's groat pity they don't escaoe. Ju .hire- HOW THEY USED TO PITCH. Those Were the Dayi When Ilase Hall Waa Worth Seeing. 'It's a square manly fame," said the captain.as we clambered through the turnstile, "a noble game, but not what it was a decade ago Why, captain, the game hs steadily grown. 'Steadily what? 'lalk about sci ence! The pitchers, the whole bat tery of to-day don't compare with those old " "What were their strong points, captain?" Delivery. We talk now about in-curves and out curves and up and down shoots, but did you ever see a hook' pitch?" No." "Ha, ha. Then you know a heap about base ball." How was it delivered?" "Well, the best hook pitcher 1 ever knew was Jim Rang, the Gotham terror. .Jim had to have a special ketcher, fer no ordinary mor tal wanted to wind onto his hooK " 'What was it like?" "Like! It was a sort of compound curve. The ball left Jim's hand as if shot from a 13-inch Armstrong, swerved rapidly to the right or left, and just as the befuddled batter struck at it with all his might, ii made a sudden and rapid whirl around his neck, starting back toward the pitcher. Thi.j was also called the boomerang pitch." "But how did the catcher get the ball?" "Always in front of the batter, unless Jim gave him the signal and put on an extra twist, when the ball would whirl around the batter's neck twice, and the pitcher'd git it" That must have been remarka ble work." But not so remarkable as the bunt' pitch of Cracker Jack Short, tht cyclone of the Schuylkill." "You mean bunt hit. don't you " "Who said I meant bunt hit. I mean't bunt pitch." "How was it done?" "Well, in this throw the ball went right at the striker, like an ava lanche, and " "Straight or curve?" "Straight" "Why. captain. I could hit any straight ball, however swift." "Not Jack's. Just as the ball got almost within reach and the batter swung himself to smash it over the fence the ball stopped as suddenly as if striking a stone wall and fell straight to the ground " "And the batter would strike it it?" "Always." "And how would they get him out?" "Three strikes, every time" Remarkable pitching. captain, but how can it be accounted for?" "Easy enough. 1 asked Jack about it Pitching is a science, you know. Jack pitched the ball in such a per fectly straight line that the hole it bored in the atmosphere caused a vacuum and consequent suction be hind it. and its speed made a firm re sisting air cushion in front As it flew onward the lengthening hole in the atmosphere increased the suc tion and lessened the front resist ance pressure, and so nicely did Jack calculate that the ball always dropped just in front of the plate. Base ball is a study, a science. But here's my car now. I'll see you to morrow afternoon at Sunday school." Son Christopher. Professor Royco, of Harvard, has ofttimes need of all his philosophy, writes Walter C Nichols in Kate Field's Washington, to bear with his little son Christopher, who dis tinguished himself some three years ago by turning the hose on the late James liusseli Lowell. About two weeks ago. Christopher was left alone in the house, and when a friend of his mother's came up the steps, he answered the doorbell. "Ah, good afternoon, Christopher," said Mrs. X . and is your dear mother at home?" "No," curtly re plied tho boy. "Well,'' returned Mrs. X , will you kindly re- memler to say to her that Mrs. X called?" Christopher eyed her sharply, and then answered slowly: -I don't know. There are so many things she would rather have me remember and that I would rather remember, that on the whole I don't think I will!" And he did lot: A (iood Wing shot. A schoolmistress in Australia sued three young men for breach ot prom ise. Counsel for one ot them moved for a nonsuit ou the ground that she was too much engaged. The court feemed disposed to grant the mo tion, whereupon the "Judge, did you plaintiff asked: ever go duck shooting? The judge, with the pride of a sportsman Well, 1 should say so! Many's the time I brought down half a dozen at ashot I knew it."' eagerly exclaimed the fair plaintiff. "That's just the case with me. judge. A flock of these fellows besieged me. and I winged three of them" The motion for a nonsuit was re fused. Meat From New Zealand. A vessel laden with frozen meat from Now Zealand, owing to a colli sion with an iceberg, was twelve months in reaching England. The meat, notwithstanding the delay, was in excellent condition, and many who tasted it pronounced it as ten der as any they had ever eaten. I'altlruors a Maritime City. Bait iraore is the fourth maritime city in tarn country, being exceeded by New YorK. Boston and New Or leans, and nearly S.OdO foreign ves sels arrive and depart every year. The exports exceed 150,000.000 a year. All in Five Acres. In a patch of five acres in Burnett county.Texas, are to be found nickel, gold, silver, lead and tin and a large number of rare metals, such as ceri um, lantharum, erbium, thorium and uranium. Chicken From Preserved. Kgji. A French naturalist has hatched chickens from eggs which he has kept fresh for two years. To pre serve the eggs he dips each in a so lution of gum lac dissolved in aleo-hoL OX THE MEXICAN TRAIL. ONE OF THE HEROIC DEEDS OF KIT CARSON. lie and BUI William Thluned Oat a Hand of Troublesome Savages Indian Had Massacred All the Inhabitants of at Village Kxcept One Small Hoy. Near Peach Springs, Ariz., on the "Old Mexican trail" leading from Sonora to California, there is a piie of stones marking the spot where occurred one of the most bloody masstcres in the history of Apache cruelty.- Just prior to the American conquest of California -a number of Mexicans and Indians formed a set tlement on the mesa or table land near a cluster of springs from which the railroad station of to-day has de rived its name. There were perhaps forty or fifty settlers in this Mexican-Indian village, the majority be ing women and children. They culti vated patches of mai.e and corn, melons and fruits in the well-watered canyons, and pastured a few cattle. The springs was a halting place for emigrants from Sonora and other Mexican states to California, and frequently parties were intercepted and murdered by the "blood-thirsty Apaches, the Ishmaelites of the West." The noted Indian scouts, Alexan der (Jodey, Kit Carson and Bill Williams had in turn made it very warm for the savages, and usually it was a figlit to the death, very little quarter being shown by either side. Keturning trom a scout Bill Will iams and party having -finished up" a lot of savages near the spot where now stands Williams, Ariz., they en camped at the "Ojo" spring. On approaching the settlement they were surprised by the quietude and stillness which pervaded the appar ently deserted country a painful quietude which always prepares the mind for its worst realization. On approaching closer tho party saw the smouldering embers of tho few tule huts, and on entering tho only adobe house on the rancheria they were horrified to find the dead bodies of several, men, women and children lving upon the floor. .slashed and mutilated in the most horrible manner. A boy about eight years old was found clinging to tho dead and mutilated bodv of his mother crying piteously. 'J his boy was the only one of the party who 'had escaped massacre. How and in what manner is not known. Around the child's neck was suspended tho figure of the crucifix and a locket bearing the name of "Paulo." The bones of the massacred set tlers were buried iu a large grave and a monument of stones placed upon the spot in memory of the tragedy. Alex Godey and Kit Carson, with a small party of scouts, took the trail of the Apaches and killed a large number of them, says the Chicago Times. Other scouting parties on hearing of the massacre made expe dition to avenge the outrage, and for a number of years the Apaches were hunted as wolves and slaugh tered without mercy, no quarter be ing shown even to prisoners. The scouts knew that no quarter would be shown them, for the Apaches had raised the black flag painted their faces and bodies black, which is their tribal black flag. No relatives of the little boy ap pearing. General Fremont sent him to Washington, where he was taken in charge by United States Senator Benton, father-in-law of General Fre mont Senator Benton gave the Mexican boy a good education, but being naturally an ingrate, he de serted his benefactor and came to the pueblo of Los Angeles. Here the daring and ungrateful Pa blo naturally drifted into the worst element of a frontier town. He became connected with an "underground railroad" of horse thieves, who stole droves of horses from the ranchers and spirited them away to Mexico. Finally he was driven from Los Angeles. He set tled in Sonora and acted as the re ceiver for his confederates, who con signed bands of stolen animals to his care. In a few years he became prominent in Sonorian politics, or rather revolutions. A Mexican don. named Ainza. owned some rich sil ver mines in Sonora, and the gov ernor, becoming jealous of his in creasing power in consequence of his great wealth, confiscated his mines and exiled him on the usual alleged grounds of conspiring against the government Ainza came to the "pueblo de la Beina do Los Angeles" with his family, which con sisted of his wife and three charm ing daughters proud of their an cestry, educational accomplish ments, graces and beauty. Henry A. Crabbe, a soldier of fortune, was at the pueblo. 1 He married one of the three graces, and when the revolu tion broke out in Senora he thought he saw an opportunity for the re covery of the rich silver mines of his father-in-law. Organizing an expedition of about 100 men he set out by land for Sonora with the view of aiding the revolutionists. Pablo was one of the conspirators. After a long and tedious march over the desert the half-starved and pooriy clad party arrived at Sonoita. in Sonora. There Crabbe learned that the leaders of the revolution had been bought off by the govern ment, and that Pablo, upon whom he mainly relied, had been given an important office bv tho governor. Pablo refused to treat with his for mer conspirator, Crabbe, and in duced the governor of Sonora to is sue that historical oronunciamento, Death to the Filibusters!' Crabbe now saw that he must rely upon himself vainly trusting to the oppressed people, whom he thought would strike for liberty should an opportunity offer. Accordingly he issued his proclamation declaring the country to be free, and marched his little army upon Caborca. After a desperate fight of several hours, their ammunition being exhausted, the filibusters were overpowered, after half the number had been killed. As is well known in history, the men were promised .. protection if thev would surrende . I V.H Yta Mexican officials viola: -the white nag or peace bv ma Lching the prisoners into the plaza, were shot down bv the so' .-here taey tiers with a barbarity equaled only by the Apache massacre of some f their own coun trymen at the Arizona Springs rancheria. Crabbe's head was severed from his body, and at a dinner given the next day by the Mexican officials to commemorate this victory (?). the head was placed on a disb in front of the governor. At the right hand of the governor sat the man who had recently conspired against him but now his chief adviser, the treacher ous Pabla. KEEP POND WATER CLEAR. You May Io It by Means of a Few 4oldflsh and Snntlsh. Fish have their uses to humanity over and above serving as food ma terial or as unwilling caterers, to the sport of the fisherman. Although it may seem old so to speak of them, they are often as indispensable to a country place as a dog or a cat If that country place happens to bo one that is supplied with running water, and this is used for ornament in ponds or fountains, two things are pretty suio to bother the country owner, says the New YorK Sun. One is the well-known green scum which spreads over tho waters of ponds and water basins. hen its growth begins, the plant is pret ty. It starts from the bottom as soon as the sun gets high, in May or June, and sends up a delicate, grace ful, wavy thread of vivid green. Until it reaches the surface it re mains pretty, but once there, it spreads along and rots, and i.j soon offensive in several ways. Tho latter nuisance from standing water, even when it is often renewed and directly from springs is mosqui toes. The wigglers grow there. The remedy for both of these troubles is fish, and the two kinds that will cure them happen to be the most desirable for other reasons. Goldfish will keep the green scum from growing, and yellow perch, or as they are generally called, suniish, will destroy the mosquito wigglers. The sunfish one has to hatch, but the goldfish can be bought, two for a quarter, in the fish and bird stores of this city. A Terrible l'lar. "I say. Mr. Jones, hurry up"' shouted a bo3 running into the res idence of Bledsoe Jones, on Har lem avenue, "your wifo has fainted dead away in the theater." "Fainted away, eh?" said Jones, calmly pulling on his boots, after which operation he threw his slip pers at the blue cat by tho fireplace. "I knew the blamed old play didn't amount to anything, but I had no idea it was quite as bad as all that"1 Texas Sittings. The "Where is he 5 I rate - states man. ' he said, with a roar and a stamp: "That reporter l"d like to get at him: I trave him an interview once and the scamp KeporteJ my grammar verbutim ' Washington Star Not to lie Found. Cora This is a dreadful place. 1 haven't seen a man yet Madge It's as bad as looking under the bed for one. Judge. NATURAL HISTORY NOTES. There is a twin crystal of emerald in St Petersburg seven inches long, four inches broad and weighing four and one-half pounds. The sundews are carnivorous plants. When an insect touches the liquid on the leaves it is held whila the leaf covers over it, smothering it. The Venus flytrap,a flower indigen ous to our" Southern states, catches flies by an apparatus exactly like the ordinary spring trap or fox trap. Bolaa is the name of a new discov ery made in the forests of Surinam. It is a substitute for the rapidly dis appearing india rubber and gutta percha. It is said that a man in Philadel phia has a collection of minerals sec ond to one in the world, that of the British museum. It is valued at SjOO.OCK). While tlustav Hess of Brooklyn and party were fishing off Fire island re cently they anchored an eight foot shark. Before it was finally landed it had towed the boat a considerable distance. ALL SORTS AND SIZES. The late Dr. Parkes is reputed to have said: "When a man dies of ty phoid fever somebody ought to hang." A Chicago man has invented an ap paratus which he claims will reduce the price of soda w;ater to one cent a glass. William Cameron met his death in a peculiar manner at Chattanooga, Tenn., lately. While "making up" for an entertainment he used some powder on his face. In some way the powder got up his nostrils and into his lungs, resulting in his death. A bicycle ambulance is one of the latest inventions and consists of a bi cycle with an ambulance attached. The stretcher is fastened to the top of the bicycle, and the wounded or sick person lying on the stretcher can then be rolled along in a gentle man ner. Masses of petrified fir wood and bark, which shows the lines plainly marked of the different stages of growth, ara reported to have been found in the regular formation of a sandstone reef in tha mines at New Castle, Wash. A remarkable point about both specimens is that on the inner side of the bark is a deposit of white crystalline substance, and run ning in the veins through the wood is the same material. It is harder than steel and cuts glass like a diamond, but it seems to be nothing but crys tallized pitch. Probably no woman after the age of eighty can show such a record as that of Julia Smith of Glastonbury, Conn. At the age of eighty-two she had a lawsuit in her town which was de cided in her favor and was then ap pealed by the defendant to the court of common pleas in Hartford, result ing in a long trial, the Smith sisters coming over every day, Julia being the brightest witness on the stand, in spite of her four-score years and two. At the age of eighty-four she published her translation of the bible. At the age of eighty-six she was married, making a record which easily distances the records of ordin ary mortals in the eighties. THE 'BLIGHTING CURSE. DON LUIS CRIME AND ITS AWFUL CONSEQUENCES. A. Legend of the Orought of F.l Tlerra Templadas, When the Cattle IMed and Man Fled From the I'lare Aerursed How Avarice Wrought Ills Kulu. Fifty years ago, as the story runs, there lived on the broad plateau of the tierra templada. between Tres Titas and the Kio Metape. about thirty miles eastward from the port ef Guaymas. a very wealthy Mexican senor, Don Luis Domingues y Men dez. Many years beforo Don Luis, then a young man recently enriched by the death of his father, returned from the City of Mexico with a beautiful bride. It was told as truth tht.t the fair Inez had forsaken her lawful spouse to companion with Don Luis, that the aged father and the husband of the erring one had start ed in pursuit, and somewhere in tho fastnesses of the Sierra Madre held the fugitives at bay. It was told in one story that both father and hus band perished in the combat, but an other narrative relates that only the husband was killed by Don Luis that the father left for dead on the mountain side revived and contiuued the pursuit The years went by and Don Luis prospered. His cattle roamed in vast herds over the broad plains and there was much gold in his coffers. Children came to him. but these were not a comfort or a heart's ease to the mother. Her countenance was always sorrowful, and a great gi-ief seemed consuming her. The nature of Don Luis had changed. not only towards this woman, but towards all who bore allegiance to him. It was not the brutality of physical violence that made him abhorrent to those around him. but a subtle influence that seemed to emanate from his pres ence, provoking hatred and inspir ing fear. His scowl was more dreaded than another's blow, and his sneer pierced like a knife One day. in the dusk of the even ing, two vaqueros rode up to the hacienda and called the master. They told him that an old, old man had come out of the Sierra and lay dying in the hut of a peon. He had asked for Don Luis, saying he hud important information for him. Then he went into the house and called his wife. She came to him trembling and he said to her with a j ean toward mercy to her. In wit snee.r: . , ness whereof we, the said jury, have "ou must come with mo I want hereto set our hands and seal the you to renew your acquaintance j dat(3 above. Mary Sullion. Charit,- wun one wnom you nave not met ior many years. I nope it will bo an agreeable meeting, senora." They came to the hut where the old man lay dying and as soon as she beheld him she utteted a 3hriek and fell prone upon the floor. The old man. white-haired, haggard and worn to a skeleton by exposure and disease, but with the fierce flame of unutterable hatr. d gleaming in his eyes, raised himself on his elbow and extended his gaunt fingers to ward Don Luis standing there silent and dehant uttered a curse so fear ful that words may not describe it a curse that was not so much in word? as in the tone and the awTul significance of his meaning. "Keep what you have got!" he screamed. "Keep it forever; never let it oseapo you; and in the Keeping suffer suffer as I have suffered forever!" The old man fell back exhausted, and in a ' low moments he was dead. Sn m-n. 1 liimi ncmoc i nfl uu-.it, in n wasting melancholy until God took her awa3'. Her two sons went away and never returned. One was shot to death standing against a white wall looking at Orizaba's snow capped peak the sacrifice of Men- ! doza's insurrection. Tho other was hanged in Sinaloa the last of as desperate a gang of bandits as ever cut the throat of a muleteer or fought the guards of a bullion train, says the San Francisco Examiner. But Don Luis remained on the rancho and kept all that he had ac cumulated clutched it with a grip that death alone could loosen, and death came not to fullfili the old man's curse for many years. He oe came more sullen, more silent, mora gloomy as age crept upon him, and avarice was his sole passion. He denied himself every luxury; he even curtailed his necessities to the low est limit compatible with a bare ex istence. And still his herds in creased and his gold accumulated. Ho forbade his herders and vassals to kill any of the cattle for food, and they dared not disobey him though they were starving. Gradually they all disappeared, until only Don Luis was left, and then came the drought the fearful season of heat and thirst and death, remembered in that region even to tnis day. The streams became dry arroyos; tho Bio MatapAbecameahottric.cle of un wholesome mud; the grass on the" mesas withered and died: there was no snow on the highest peaks of the Sierra, and all living things groaned in the despair of an insatiable crav ing for water, water, water. Surely God's curse, and the old man's curse, was on the land and all that dwelt therein. The beasts of the plain starved and thirsted, and thirsting died, and their carcasses fed the ever-hungry vultures. Still no rain came, and tho hot sun quivered and blistered and scorched the parched earth, and the cattle died by thousands. And when Don Luis saw this ho prayed to God to take o.1 the curse, f.nd. praying, counted his gold; for he was now alone with the soul-ab-torbing passion of his miserable ex istence his avarice. The drought lasted all that year nd the next and when God had '.aken all that Don Luis possessed except the gold that could not pur chase one drop of water in that thirsty land. He was merciful to the aged, decrepit, solitary -sinner. mi he sent death to ejrQ'the story. yJL- 1 l ong and Xrrjw Maine Farm. Maine probably has many oddly shaped farms, I but we doubt if one can be fou&4 more peculiar in form than ihpjh the east part of Dester. This waieight rods wide and half a ini!o Ice- with the hishway cutting it at rf angles into unequal por- tions The inconvenience of so nar- Mit row a farm, with the pasturage and woodland at one end, is obvious to anyone, but in its form it has con tinued since the -days of tho fore fathers to the present time, in use as a farm all the time. A farm only twenty rods wide and about half a mile long was in use a great many years near Farmington Falls, and may be so used yet but the Dexter farm beats It by nearly two-thirds for narrowness and general oddity. Farms of this shape are numerous in Canada. Lewiston Journal. ONLY WOMEN ON THE JURY. Ninety Years Ago It Asked Clemouey for a Colored Sister. County Clerk Iewis of Lexington. Ky. , while looking ovei some old court documents the other day. dis covered a record of the only ;ury of women ever impaneled in Kentucky, and fo. a purpose without precedent in judicial history, sa3's the Cincin nati Knquirer. It seems that during the month of October in lU. a slave negress owned by Sam Heeler, a rich planter, was chastised by the overseer for some misdemeanor. Lucy, in order to get even, set firo and burned tho homo of Colonel Beeler, her master. a;l the fur niture being destroyed. On the next stable horses. day !-he burned and a number Colonel Beeler had I the of .ii cy and arrested on the charge of . arson she was confined in jail. The county court, with Judge Henry Payne on the bench, was convened on Novem ber 20 and Lucy was tried. The jury found her guilty and the judge over ruled a motion for a new trial. Lucy was asked if she had anything to say. She arose and stated that sha ishmentoi- that r,i Thi- u9ia. mont matin .Indfr I'li na in;t.ito about passing sentence on her. He remanded her to jail an 1 ordered ; the sheriff to impanel a "jury ! of twelve matrons to inquire into Lucy's condition and ro- ' port to-morrow." The next day Deputy Sheriff Charles Carr impan eled ine nrst jury oi women ever mentioned on tho court records of Kentucky. The women, who were the wives of well-known planters, met at the jail and after a consulta tion and examination of Lucy made the following repo.-t to Judge Payne: We. the jury, matrons of said county of Fayette, upon our oaths do say and find that Lucy, a ne'o woman slave, the property of Sam uel Beeler, of said county, is proba- bl V in M. rtt.Iltf nrfl rr n "l rl n l- W'ti Emmons. Elizabeth Monteer. Sr., Elizabeth Monteer, Jr., Margaret Woods, Anne Jones. Anue Barker, Mary Columby. Vanity Winjate. Kli.a Smith and Susanna Murphy." Judge Payne, however, lefued . t& sustain the plea and sentenced Lucy to be hanged on September 21. 1H0.". Lucy, however, never went to the gallows, for she escaped before the day set for th5 execution. Jailor Prentis was tried for being an acces- I sory to her escapa, but was acquit ted. Dream and Sound Sleep. When a student asked the great Professor Marne if dreams were "a sign of anything." he repliel: "Yes. a sign that the dreamer was only about half asieep, when some vaue idea flits through his brain.'" An opinion exactly contrary to the above was once expressed by Dr. Tanner, the faster. When asked if he did not dream of feasts during his lonz fast he replied: "The fact is. I did not dream at all. simply becausa I had no sound sleep during the ordeal. I was sorry for that, because I had hoped to make a physiological study j of myself. jy sieep was : so disturbed and broken by those constantly around me that I had no : opportunity for dreams." Whose j theory respecting the dream condi i tion is correct. Marne's or Tanner's? COLLEGE OF WIT. Bicycle Teacher Now. all you neea is confidence, don't you see". Student Oh, yes; I tumble. Young Husband -It is just a week to.day since we were married, my dear Lisette. Young Wife Ah, what a memory you have, darling! "Beg pardon."' said the missionary, "but will you translate his majesty's remarks again? Did he tell his daugh ter that he was to have guests to din ner or for dinner?"' Hicks, after a slashing speech by Wieks-1 A rousing speech, but vituper ation is not arsrument. Wicks I am ' aware of that, but it makes one feel a good deal better than the best argu ments. Snaky Jim I see you slid in' away from that house pooty swift Wot's the matter up there? Weary Wrag gles Well, by this time the wet ternary surgeant is digging bullets out of the cow. The mLsseis had a gun. "Did Miss Flyppe receive many pro posals while at the seashore?"' "Many? Why, receiving proposals got to be a habit with her. She got so she couldn't ever hear a soda water bottle pop without exclaiming. 'This is so sudden" Aunt Maria Are you sure that Mr. Spoon?r loves you? Carrie I guess you would think so, to hear the silly things re says to me. Aunt Maria But how do you know you love him? Carry Because they dou't seem silly to me." Nurse Sure, ma'am, the tw-ins have been making a fuss all dav, ma'am. Mrs. Olive Branch What about? Nurse It's because they can't have a birthday apiece, like the Smith children next door. They think they have been cheated. Countryman, to dentist I wouldn't pay nothin extra fer gas. Jest yank her out if it does hurt Dentist You are plucky, sir. Let me see the tooth. Countryman Oh, 'taint me that's got the toothache; it's my wife. She'll be here in a minute. A caller had mentioned that a ueighbor had been obliged to shoot his dog because it had grown old and cross. After he had gone, little Edith, who had been very quiet since the dog was spoken of, surprised her mother - by asking: "Mamma, when do you I think papa will shoot Aunt fnld bli