Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, August 30, 1894, Image 3

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    I )
Jacob Horn of Cedar Creek was in
the city Tuesday.
Fred Iluhge of Avoca was a I'latts
moutU visitor Tuesday.
W. A. Swearingen, deputy county
clerk, and wife are the guests of rela
tives in Weeping Water.
The state sangerfest, just closed at
Columbus, was a tremendous suc
cess and the attendance larger than
any of the previous meetings.
The Sidney (la.,) Herald says that
three weddings in liiverton, in that
county, have been postponed on ac
count of the dry weather. Lincoln
InvitationB are out aunouncing the
marriage of Mr. Jno. A. Donelan,of
Weeping Water, to Miss Edith White,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. White,
of this city, on Wednesaaj, Sept. 5th.
The sporting department of the Sun
day World-Herald says: Only two
men from Omaha went down to St.
Joseph, Thursday, to see the Ryan
Layton mill. The Plattsmouth affair
has killed all desire for pugilism in this
Murderer Harry Hill is ill, although
his sickness is reported by the county
physician as not likely to prove seri
ous. II is close conlinemenfat the jail
and the worry over his impending fate
are doubtless the reasons for his in
disposition. A western rxcliauve says: "A man
singing 'Tush tliem Clouds Away' met
with a horrible fate on our streets.
I'll tell you we want rain and want it
bad, and when a blear eyed, knock
kneed son-of-gun tries to scare the
clouds away. he"s going to get hurt.'
Jack McKeuzie. a farmer living
near Stanton, Xeb , was held up Fri
day night on his way home from Nor
folk and robbed of I3H0. the proceeds
of his wheat crop. In the light to save
his money he was slashed with a knife
and only gave up his wad at the threat
ot a bullet. The villains were unrecog
nizable in the daikness.
The remains of Michael McEntee.
father of i has. McEntee of this city,
were brought here Sunday from
Chariton. Iowa, the late home of the
des'faffd, and were interred in the
Catholic cemetery west of town. The
deceased was seventy-eight years old,
and his demise, which occurred Sat
urday, was due to his extreme old
Last Friday's Bee says: "Xehawka
as considerably stirred up yesterday
by the arrest of one of her citizens for
the alleged selling of spirituous drinks
without a Iic-euse. Deputy Hubbard,
who made the arrest, also subpa'uaed
a number of witnesses. No one knew
anything of such offense having been
Ct'inuiitteil, and the matter was dis
nnsed. The Missi s E.hel and Alice Dove
departed last Friday evening for Eng
land, where, they will p.nsue their
Studies in vocal culture under the care
of the masters in that profession. The
little girls have a bright future before
Ilium in the musical w oi Id. and their
progress will be watched with keen in
terest by their f riends and admireis in
this city.
Gov. Crotuide has issued his Labor
day iimn in which he recom
mends 'that on Monda. September
3, 1M4, all places of business be closed
that opportunity be given those who
toil by hand or brain to celebrate the
day in such a maimer as is calculated
to recognize and teach the worth of
earnest effort, to elevate and dignify
labor and improve the conditiou of
wage earners in our midst.'
Jerry Farthing pretends to be in
dignant be ond all description at the
criticism in the News in refer
ence to Lindsay's bail bond, which
stated that a '"judgment against Jerry
for soD would not be worth five cents."
Tiik JofKXAL extends the. right to
Jerry to get just as indignant as he
wishes providing his account for daily
subscription amounting to some $22
owing to this office is paid sometime
this side of the miUenium.
The Cass county base ball champion
ship banner which was offered at
Weeping Water last week to the
-winning team during the series ot
frames piajeu mere was won by tte
Wabash team. The club did excellant
playing and is composed of the fol
lowing players: Steve Frans, c. Will
Graves p. and 1st b., J. II. Johnson p.
and 1st b.,13ert Coglizer 2d b., Hen
Frans ss., Joe Clemmons 3db.,Chas.
Doty 1. f , Will Coglizer c. f. and Will
IJetts r. f .
Harry Green of the Weekly Herald
and a Mr. J. W. W.. of Louisville,
are indulging a wordy war in the
newspapers over a recent game of ball
played between the Plattsmouth and
Louisville teams. Harry had the last
inning in last week's Herald, and his
screed commenced with the statement
that he "wouldn't say much." Harry
was possibly correct. He didn't say
much, but it required three-quarters
of a column for him to conclude bis
inning at any rate. Xow for J . W. W.
Total 142,811.20 TLe'TlanSifter'fiouns ice popular
From a perusal it will be seen that ' brand. Ask for it from vouSgrocer.
To Cass County Populists.
The populist electors of Cass county
are hereby requested to send delegates
to meet in convention at Wabash on
Saturday. September Sth, 1894, at 10
o'clock a. in., for the purpose of placing
in nomination the following candi
dates: One state senator.
Two representatives.
One county attorney.
And to transact any other business
that may properly come before the
The basis of representation will be
one delegate at large from each pre
cinct and ward and one additional
delegate for each ten votes, or major
fraction thereof, cast in 1893 for Silas
A. Holcomb for judge of the supreme
The primary elections of the several
precincts and wards will be held on
Friday, S3ptember 7th, 1894. The
hour and place of holding will be the
same, and the number of delagates
each ward and precinct is entitled to
is as follows:
Tipton, 11 delegate;, at Eagle 3:00 p. m.
Salt Creek, 10 delegates, at Greenwood 4 :00 p. m.
South Bend, "delegates, at South Bend, 7 :30 p.m.
Greenwood, 10 delegates.
Center, 5 delegates, at Manley S. II., 4:00 p. in.
Liberty. 12 delegates, at I'nion.
Weeping Water, 8 delegates, at Cascade S. II.
7:30 p. m.
Stove Creek. 10 delegates, at Elmwood 7:30 p.m.
Elm Hood, 10 delegates, at Murdock 3:00 p. in.
Rock Bluffs. 1st dig., 2 delegates, at Rock Bluffs
5:00 p. m.
Hock Bluffs, Sd dis., 5 delegates, at Murray
7:30 p. in.
Louisville, 5 delegates, at Berger S.II. 7:30 p. m.
Avoca. 6 delegates, at Hutt hings S. II. 3:00 p m.
Mt. Pleasant, 4 delegates, at Gllmore S. II.
3:00 p. m.
Eight Mile Grove, 3 delegates, at voting place
7 :30 p. m.
Nehuuka.6 delegates, at Nehawka, 4:C0 p. m.
Plattsmouth, 3 delegates. Taylor S. II., 7:00 p.m.
Plattsmouth city :
First ward, 2 delegates. Plattsmouth 8:00 p.m
Second ward, 3 delegates, " " "
Third ward. 2 delegates. " "
Fourth ward. 2 delegates, " "
Fifth ward. 1 delegate. " '
Weeping Water city :
First ward. 4 delegates. Eagle c fluc S:i"0 p.m.
SwonJ ward, 4 delegates ' " "
Third ward, 4 delegates, "
We recommend that no proxies be
allowed, but that the delegates pres
ent cast the full vote to which their
respective precincts are entitled.
We extend a cordial invitation to
all citizens of Cass county, irrespec
tive of party, who are in sympathy
with the principles set forth in the
platform adopted by the people's party
at Omaha. July 4, 1S92, to meet with
Arrangements are being made for
speakers and for a grand picnic, and
all should bring well-filled baskets.
I)y order of the county central com
mittee. A. M. UrssEi.L, Chiirmau.
H. F. Allen". Secretarv.
Window glass of all sizes at Gering
& Co.'s.
THe CHimoii lit Vtnif Watrr.
The Weeping Water Republican
says: Our citizens were awakened
this morning by the firing of the can
non about six o'clock. It, came in on
the 9:30 freight last evening, and was
pieced in position on the hill above the
Dinp this morning. The trim will have
a stroi.g guard o er it da and night to
prevent IMattsmouih people capturing
The people of lh- "vest end" ap
pear to believe that l'iattsmouth peo
ple really want the old cannon back
again, and that the Nehawka boys
played quite a joke on us when they
came up here and stole it. The fact of
the w hole matter is that ourpeopleaie
really glad the dangerous old gun is no
longer quartered b t Iii- community,
and the "west end" people need not
lose any sleep in guarding it. They
could do us no greater favor than to
keep it. When the gun was first
brought to Plattsmouth, over a dozen
years ago, it was carefully guardedand
hid away, for fear that the parties
from whom we stole it would make an
effort to get it back again. But they
did not appear to want it, and for six
or eight years it was allowed to stand
where it w as last used, until a dozen
half-baked fools from Nehawka came
up and hauled it away.
Orion for float IC-prentrnrati v.
The republicans nominated S. W.
Orton of Weeping Water for float
representative by acclamation at their
convention at Nebraska City last
Jno liuck, one of Cass county's best
known fanners, was town Wednes-
i day exhibiting some sample stocks
, of weat. barlev. oats and grasses re
Icently cut in Wyoming, where the
country is irrigated. The stalks were
taken from the farm of Mr. Buck's
son. AH of the stalks were over six
feet high, and illustrated quite con
clusively that irrigation is a success.
The Xebraskii City News says: "The
republicans did their utmost to con
vert the Weeping Water reunion of
old soldiers into a political meeting.
Church Howe opened Strode's cam
paign there with a strong political
speech; Strode followed the next day
and told what he would do should he
i be elected to congress, and then came
John M. Thurston with his denuncia
tions of everything democratic.
Church Howe seems to lie working the
old soldiers as smoothly as he worked
J the grange.
District Judge Chapman is at O'Neill
presiding at the trial of Barret Scott,
Holt county's defaulting treasurer.
Scott got away with some $40,000 of
the county funds and a strong effort
is being made to secure his punish
ment. Edwin Irey et al. vs. Geo. W. Eaton
and Martha Irey Frazier is title of a
suit filed in district court. The
title to a $6,000 farm, situated in Lib
erty precinct, is involved, and the trial
of the case will therefore be warmly
License to wed was issued in county
court Wednesday to Jos.F. Simington,
of Ashland, and Miss Harriet Hinkley,
of Salt Creek precinct, this county.
The groom is one of the wealthiest
men in Saunders county. The cere
mony will occur at the home of the
Justice Archer listened to the testi
mony in a forcible entry and detainer
suit Tuesday between Jas. Pittman
and A. L. Branson. The parties live
near Union and the possession of a
house was in dispute. Justice Archer
held that Pittman had the right of
Mixed paints at Gering & Co.'s.
To John W. A. Bird, non-resiilent defendant:
You are hereby notified that ou the 4th day of
Auirust. Osta r.. Mini tiled her petition
aeainst you in the district court of Cans county,
Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are
to obtain a divorce from you ou the (around
that you have wilfully abandoned the plaintiff
without just cause for the term of two years
lat past . and asking for the custody of the mi
nor child, the issue of her marriace with you.
You are reuuired to answer said petition on
or before the 10th day of September, is;n
osta r. . mui. einiiitirt.
33-4 By Cuas. L. C raves, her attorney.
Notice to Creditor.
State of Nebraska, i
Cass County, i '
In the matter of the estate of Helena Epen-
berner. deceased.
Notice is hereby (jiven that the claims and
lemands of al! persons acainst Helena Euen-
bersrer. deceased, late of Raid county and state.
will be received, examined and adjusted by the
county court at the court house in Plattsuiouth
on the l;th day of February, A. 1. 1V5. at ten
o'clock in the forenoon, and that six months
from mill flr the tilth dav of Aufflist. A. I. lsyl.
is the time limited forcreditors of said decesed j
to present their claims for examination and al
Ciiven under my hand this pith day of August.
A. 1). 1SU4.
36-4 B. . IAMt . C ounty Jtidse.
l.rk'al xsotloe.
ToJohu P. llenrer, nou-reldent. defendant:
You are bert-oy untitled that on the 2sth day
f August. A. 1. ls'.l. Mollie Herder tiled a jtetl-
lion auainst you in the district court of c ass
county. Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which are to obtain a divorce from you on the
urounds that you have wilfully, grossly and
wanton v omitted, neuiccted and refused to
support and maintain the plaintiff and her in
fant children, and liaveauandoiiedsaid plaintiff
and infant children without pood cause, or any
cause whatever, for more than two years last
past: and for the runner cause that, in disreuai d
of vonr marital duties and obligations, you have
at divers times committed adultery during the
year l:f' wirhout the consent or connivance of
said plaintiff, which oflenses have never been
cond. med by this plaintiff. You are further
notified that plaintin in tier petition prays ior
the custody of the minor children, the f ruits of
said marriage, for the restoration to her maiden
name, and for a decree of court quieting title in
hr to the foil owing deseri bed real estate, to wit :
The southeMst quarter of section thirteen ( 13 .
in township twenty-six iSti'. range forty-nine
4:i. westof the sixth principal meridian : also
the 11-irheant quarter of section nineteen ( l'.'i.
township twentv-six CJto. ramie forty-eight 4si.
nil of sa'd lands neing located in nni i.nue
nut v. N e bra ska : also the northw est utiur:er of
the northeast quartet of section seventeen 1 17 .
iiiuiishin ten ilni. rsnge thirteen i!3. in l':is
county. Ncbi riska. and also the northeast quit
ter of northwest ouartcr or scticn eieiit fi.
wnshipten 110. rane thirteen 113 in C ass
county. Nebraska.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday. October the Mh. A. 1). 94.
;-4 MOLLIE HEK'iEli, Plaintiff.
P.y II. S. Hamset. her Attorney.
Legal Notice.
S. O. I.feson. whose first name is unknown.
John D. Parsons, Jesse L. Hoot. Edwin M.
Parker, Frederick . Fowler. ii. Pickens,
wnose hrst name is unknown, and c. J. liotl-
uinli. whose first name is unknown, wni take
notice that ou the iUh day of July, l.s'.il Alex
ander 11. Robertson, trustee ot the estate of Ella
V. iJ..vls. deceased, as piaiutirl. hied his pennon
in the district cou:t m and tor Ciis- county.
siute of Nebraska, against Mil hael O'loiiohoe.
Anne O'Donohoe, Milton I. Pink. Kate Poik,
John F'. Pols. Martissa E Polk, S i. Leeson,
first name unknown, rrniin c arruth. John 1.
Parsons, Kichey brothers, J ese L. Root, Wil
liam 11. Anderson, executor of the estate of
William Wheeler, deceased, Edwin M. Parker.
Frederick W. F'owler, tieorge W. t'oveli, W. 11.
Pickens, first name unknown. William Neville.
Thomas wobe. C.J. Hoffman, first name un
known, Peter McC'ann, Mary A. lloyle and E. T.
Hartley, hrst name unknown, as defendants,
the object and prayer of which are to foreclose
a certain mortgage executed and delivered by
the defendants, Michael O'Donohoe and Anne
O'Donohoe. his wife, to the plaintiff, Alexander
H. K ibertson. as said trustee, on the 11th day of
December. 1K", upon the following described
real estate, situated in the county of Cass, and
siate of NcbrasKa, to-wit: Lots one 1 1) to six (rti,
inclusive, in block two 2i and lots four 4. live
." and six (Oi. in block eightv nine (-'., all in
the city of Plattsmouth. and also upon the south
one half of block live t.i: and lots four 4. five
Sj and six (6 in block eight Is, in White's ad
dition to the city of Plattsm .nth. which mort
gage was executed ami delivered to secure the
payment to sa;d ponntiti of luree certain
promissory notes, dated December inth. lrts'i.
and made by said defendant. Michael O'Dono
hoe, to the order of said Alexander H. Rotert
son. trustee, each for the sum of one thousand
dollars, and due and payable respect! vely on or
before December lmh. lvsc. December loth. lvC,
and December Mlh, isss:that the tirst of said
notes has been paid, and that there is now due
upon said other two notes and mortgages the
sum of one thousand dollars, together with in
terest thereon at the rate of 7 t?r cent per an
num from the loth day of December. IsKi, and
the further sum of eight hundred seventy-three
and 15 100 dollars S73.1.1. together with in
terest thereon at the rate ot 7 ier cent per annum
from March 10th. 17. for which sums and in
terest said Alexander U. Robertson, as said
trustee, prays for a decree that the defendants
be required to pay the same, or that said prem
ises may be sold to satisfy the amount found
due, and that all of said defendants be fore
closed and forever barred of all equity cf re
demption or other interest in said mortgaged
premises. You. and each of you. are required
to answer said petition on or" before the 10th
dav of September, sij.
Dated Plattsmouth , Neb.. A"g. 0th. 1V4.
Trustee of estate of Ella V. Davis, deceased.
By Isaac . Cosc.dox, Attorney.
Notice or I'robate or Will.
State of Nebraska. I
Cass Coi.stt. f 88
In county court In the matter of the last will
and testament of Philip Paul Kheinfrank, de
ceased :
Notice is hereby given that on the 10th day of
Septeinber.A D, lU4,at theoffice of county judge
in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, at the
houTof 10 o'clock in the forenoon the follow
ing matter will beherd and considered :
Tne petition of Joseph Cook to admit to pro
hate the last will and testament of Philip Paul
Rheiufrank. deceased, late of Plattsmouth pre
cinct, in said county, and for letters of admin
istration with will annexed to Joseph Cook.
Dated this 14th day of August, A. P., lSi4.
By order of the court.
:;4 3 B . S. KAMSEY, County Judge.
.xwu- w j ua.i -w.w wi
recommend the nomination bv
This is no Cheap Advertising Fake.
is Absolute and Genuine.
Cash will
Perhaps you doubt this Claim. There's
be convinced
Call and inspect the
The People's Popular
Final Settlement Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Mattes Akeson.
deceased :
In the county court of Cass county. Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that Isaac Wiles,
executor of the estate of the said Mattes Ake
son. deceased, lias made application lor
final settlement and that said cause is set for
hearing at my office at Plattsmouth on the 18th
dav of eptember. A. P.. lns4. at 10 o'clock a. m.
on'said dav, at which time and place all per
son" interested may le present and examine
said accounts. li. S. Rahset. County Judge.
Plattsmouth. Neb., Aug. loth. J4-S
Application For Liquor License.
Notice N hereby given that the undersigned
have riled their petition and application before
the countv commissioners of Cass county, Ne
braska, asking that a license be granted them
to sell milt, spirituous and viuous liquor with
in the village of Cedar Creek, said county and
state, for a period of one year, and that the
said matter will be heard and considered by the
county commissioners at their regular session
In vptember, 1S94.
We Have Money to Loan at 6 per cent
On farm or city property In any section of the
country where propertv has a fixed market
value. Moiict ready for immediate loans where
securitv and title is good . No commission. We
solicit "applications. Blanks furnished upon
ALLEN & CO.. 40 42 Itroad way.New York
Consumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all
diseases of the respiratory organs are of like
germ origin, and it is only lately that they have
been successfully treated.
In Htlo. taken by steam inhalation. Ameri
ctn scientists have succeeded, where Koch and
Pasteur failed, in jertecting a cure that of res.
For particulars address California Chemical
"Vorks. Omaha, Neb. 13-14
C. O. D.
Anywhere, - - - 8 25 IJicycle S12 50
To Any one ... 50 Bicycle 25.00
All Styles arid IN ices. To LSicycle 37.50
Save Dealers' Prolits 125 Hicycle 62.50
Send for illustrated catalogue.
S3 CO.,
Dr. Agnes Y. Swetland,
Special attention to Obstetric. Diseases cf
Women and Woman's Surpeir
ftfTlPP . 1933 Farnain Street.
ULUbC , Telephene ll.4.
Omaha, Feb
Mrs. J. Benson,
Ladies' Skirts from 75c. to $14.40.
Ladies' Waists from 50c to $8.50.
Narrow Val. Laces from 15c per
doz. up.
Uutter Cream and Black Laces in
Bordon and other styles from 10c a
yard to the llnest quality. Our stock
is very large and no old Roods on our
We make a specialty of Ribbons and
Good quality Gloria Silk Sun L'm
brellas from $ 1.00 to $5.00.
Specially low prices on Ladies' and
Children's Hoiseiy and Underwear.
We have many lines of Ladfes' Fancy
Goods, not kept in other stores.
We - are giving special prices in
In short, we make special prices in
every department.
Come in or order by MAIL. We
will give your order prompt and care
ful attention.
1519 Douglas St., near 16th,
bUCI I " 1
the tion
to the Hilt
More and Better Summer
Clothing of JOE than mor
tal man could fairly ask.
The demand for reduction in the
cost of necessaries, we have made,
for the month of
Great discounts on our former
prices. Through all our depart
ments the knife has been un
spairingly used and its result is
we are offering many tempting
Clothing Department.
The "leader" here is a S7.50
Suit. This lot is made up of all
the broken sizes in our men's
light suits. There are cheviots
and cassimeres, in tan, grey and
other colors. Not one of these
suits ever sold before for less than
S12.50. Your choice for August
S7.50. (Send measurement.)
A good pair of Never Rip pants
at 95 cents.
A fine line of all wool pants in
cheviots and cassimeres that have
been selling at $3.00 and up, new
All wool Jersey cheviots and
children's worsted knee pant suits
at Si. 48.
Finest made light summer knee
pant suits at 23.25. These are
worth S5.50, $6.25 and $7.00 per
The largest line of
and the best values. Note the
following sample prices:
Best tomatoes, 8Jc per can ; cnoicest
sugar corn, 51c per can ; Golden
Pumpkin. 6c per can : mixed pickles
and chow chow, 5c ; French mustard,
2c per bottle ; large pails jelly, 35c ;
oil sardines, Sic per can ; sweet choco
late, 3ic per cake; Baker's chocolate,
l"ic per package; pure corn starch.
3c ; one lb. can pure baking powder.
10c ; standard soap. 3c per bar ; Japan
tea. 19c ; sun-cured Japan. 23c and up;
broken Java coffee, l"ic; Golden Rio
coffee, 25c per lb.
Send for samples of our silks
and wash dress goods, and prices
on furniture, hardware, jewelry,
music, or in fact anything you
may need. Prompt and careful
attention to all mail orders.
Flee- PrldeKt.
Citizens Bank,
Capital paid in
- - - $50,000
J. W. Johnson. W. D. Merriam, Wm. Weten
kamp, I). ". Morgan. Henry Elkenbary,
M. W. Morgan and W. H. dishing.
A freneral banking business transacted. In
terest allowed on time deposits.
Attorney at Law,
OFFICE: Second floor of the Todd block, east
of the court house.
- IsiTWisi 1 1 1 sin
f ' .K.V.- .1 X"."Z J"suea. JM be nd his cow with a shot in
The claim
but one way to
is stamped in the best watch
cases made. It is the trade
mark of the Keystone Watch
Case Company, of Philadelphia,
the oldest, largest and best
known factory in the world
1500 employees, capacity 2000
cases daily. Its products are
sold by all jewelers. It makes
the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled
Watch Cases, now fitted with
the only bow (ring) which can
not be pulled off the case the
Chronic Nervousness
Could Not Sleep, Nervous
Gentlemen: I have been taking
your Restorative Nervine for the past
three months and I cannot say
enough in its praise. It has
Saved Hy Life,
for I had almost given up hope of
ever beintr well again. I was a
chronic sufferer from nervousness and
could not sleep. I was also troubled
with nervus headache, and had tried
doctors in vain, until I used your
Kervine. Yours truly,
UBS. M. WOOD, Elngwood, I1L
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Dr. Miles Nervine Is Fold on a positive
fruarantee that the first bottle will oenetit.
All druirKlsts sell it at $1, a bottles for 15, or
it will t sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Miles' Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Sold by all druggists.
Main Street, Plattsmoatb.
Teas and Coffees Unexcelled,
Curtice Bros.' Celebrated
Th. lieftt In the World.
The "XXXX" and "Best" Brands.
a 11 1 11 - " "
: . jtic
her j quiet rest a
I Fricke & C
. w, (iwnreiiwimKuiu come oiner l bod v. V