COMMIT THIS TO MEMORY LATEST STYLES LOWEST PRICES JKSCOFIELD 11 GL0AKS.SU1TS.FURS. Cor. 160 aid Firoin Sis., (lMlHA The City Hotel, Corner Main and Third Sts., PLATTSMOUTH. A FIRST-CLASS HOSTELRY IN EVERY RESPECT. REFITTED and REFURNISHED Special Attention Given to the Accommodation of Farmers. First-Class Bar Jr0nConnec: CLEAN ROOMS AND TABLE Rates SI Per Day. H. H. GOOS, Prop'r. SAM GOTMANN & CO, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS IN PXJBE AND THE BEST Cigars. Sole agents for the CELEBRATED MILWAUKEE Pabst Beer. Deliveries Made To any part of the city or ship ped to any place WM. NEVILLE, RESIDENT MANAGER. W. M. cuauiMG, Pretldmnt. J. W. J0HX80S Vi ee- IVe ident. -THE- Citizens' Bank, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Capital paid in $50,000 DIRECTORS: J. W. Johnson. W. D. Merriam. Wm. Weten kanvp, D. C. Morgan, Henry Eikenbary, M. W. Morgan and W. II. Cushing. A general banking business transacted. In terest allowed on time deposits. STREIGHT & SATTLER, Saocsaaora to Htnrj BoMik, Furniture 1 Undertaking Stoves. Ranges, Pianos, Organs. Our Furniture line Is complete In every detail An Investigation Is certain to convince. Park Obsitt Pills will reduce your weight PERMANENTLY from 12 to 15 pounds a month. NO STARVING, sickness or injury; NO PCB LICITY. They build np the health and beauti fy the complexion, leaving NO WRINKLES or flabblness. STOUT ABDOMENS and difficult breathing furely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT, but a scientific and posltire relief, adopted only after years of experience. All orders supplied direct from our oflice. Price 12.00 per package or three packages for 86.00 by mall postpaid. Testimonials and particulars sealed 2 cents. fWAU correspondence strictly confidential. PARK REMEDY CO., Boston, Mass H. A. WATERMAN & SON, DEALERS IN Lumber and Coal. Mendotacoal 4.315 Bard coal 10.00 Canon City coal 7. SO A B G Arnold's Bromo-Celenj. SplradM earatlwa iwrat for Norrans or Sick Lcpacial or enteral Neuralgia: alto for Uheo- mauna, uoot, lunaer LHaordere, Acid Uj iwoda. Aiurmia. Antidote for Alooholio and othararcasiiaa. Price, 10, 26 and CO oenta. THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 161 S.WnUrn Anut. CHWAP IPEEDTaad XiASTTKO RESUIfS. XFAT PEOPLE aaa vet 1 BJCOn Tenlenca, Simple, " vLJ I tl M" A183WTZLI Illll"""! kr from any injurious substance. JW"' J tm tisoi ASBovnn ixiwck). ah 6UARANTEC a CURE or refund your Werner.. Prfoo S.OO Pr bottle. Sand e. la tMafcaa-- TEUUXOXT BLLDICAX. CO Boston, Maaa. RJt AMI S Part. strengthen- inniL.r ed from Half At- BE mem. Mi ht Kmluiou, Wuk Urtli r Nom W 0 romr cared or nous; returned br anas ) X TarkJsh Lost Manhood Cepenlea. $1 bos, 6 far V $i email. Hahn'a Pharmeor, Omaha. of at I nCA Toralah Taaar and Paa. W L.MUICO nrivral Plils never fail, 0 mrnrm ta the dar. Brins saonthllaa recnlar i r wUheei aeia, tlbexbrmail. Afeata wasted. W -4 HAHNH PHARMACY. Zx Z M rarnaam 8t Omaha. Nab. W BEHIND JAIL BARS Sandy Oriswold Sent to Jail For Complicity in a Murder. PRELIMINARY HEARING TODAY Lindsay and GrUwold Dave Their Hear ing IJef ore Justice Archer At the Court House Strode the Nomi neeOther Notes. Sandy Griawold was behind the bars over at the Pearl street jail last night in company with Jimmy Lindsey, charged with being an accessory to the murder of Fletcher Ilobbina. Late yesterday afternoon when the coroner's inquest had been concluded and the jury had retired to formulate a verdict, Griawold was taken before Judge Archer to be admitted to bail. The only charge against him at that time was for aiding and abetting at a prize fight, and after the court had fixed his bond at $2,000 and the same had been furnished, Griswold was for mally released and in company with his father-in-law and lawyers marched down onto the streets again a free man. It was then near to the time of the departure of the north-bound M P. train, and as the party had planned to board that train for Omaha, a hack was hailed to convey them to the M P. depot. It was then, however, that Sheriff Eikenbary executed a clever coup. During the proceedings before Justice Archer, the coroner's jury had returned a verdict recommending the prosecution of Lindsey on a charge of murder, and Griswold as accessory. Lindsey was already iu jail, but County Attorney Travis speedily made out a new warrant for Griswold and handed it to Sheriff Eikenbary. It was on the latter warrant that the sheriff informed Griswold that he must be held and his action served as a sort of bomb shell, so great was the consternation within the ranks of the Griswold party. A hasty trip was made to the sheriff's office and after a half hour's consultation Griswold came down and was taken over to the iailand nut behind the bars. The man broke down completely when placed in a cell and his sobbings were plainly audible to the large crowd out side, which had witnessed his arrest and had followed to the jail. The preliminary examination of Lindsey and Griswold was set for this morning, but matters were slow in progressing and the hearing was not commenced until after two o'clock. The office of Justice Archer was found much too small to accommodate the audience at yesterday's proceedings and the hearing is accordingly being held in the big district court room. A small army of witnesses have been summoned and as their examination will take considerable time it is hardly possible that the matter will be con eluded before tomorrow evening. The charge against both men is an of fense which will not admit of their being released on bail and Bhould Justice Archer conclude to bind them over, the men will be forced to await their trial in district court behind the bars at the Pearl street jail. Verdict of Coroner's Jnry. State of Nebraska, Cass County, f fcs At an inquisition holden at Platte mouth in Cass connty, on the 14th and 15th of August, 1894, before me, John Clements, coroner of said county, on the body of Fletcher Robbies, lying dead, by the jurors whose names are hereto subscribed, the said jurors upon their oaths do say that the said Fletcher Itobbins came to his death by reason of an unlawful, felonious, pre meditated, deliberate and malicious assault made upon him by one James Lindsay, real name unknown, and that Fletcher Bobbins died from mortal injuries received at the hands of said Lindsay on the night of the 9th of August, 1894, and that one Sandy Griswold, real name unknown, unlaw fully, feloniously, purposely and of a deliberate and premeditated malice was then and there present aiding, abetting, comforting, procuring, assist ing and maintaining the said James Lindsey in the felonious killing of the said Fletcher xlobbins. Signed, Gko. E. Dovey, Clarence E. Wesott, W. D. Jones, J. M. Craig, Asher Clark, Frank J. Morgan. Attest: John Clements, Coroner Strode Picks the Plum. After balloting over twelve hundred times the first district republicans in convention at Nebraska City chose Judge J. B. Strode as the party nomi nee. The nomination was made in this afternoon's session. On the final ballot Strode had over 90 votes and Chapman 42. The gain made by Strode came from Howe's delegates. Buy the improved Singer sewing ma chine. Anton Trillity, local agent, office in Unruh's furniture store. Japanese Pile Cure costs vou noth ing if it does not cure you; samples free. Sold by Fricke & Co. Tariff Bill Frightens Distillers. John Tighe, gauger for the past six months at the Willow Springsdistillery in Omaha, has received notice from Internal Itevenue Collector North that his services are needed at Peoria, Ills., and Mr. Tighe departed for that place Wednesday. The new tariff bill as passed by congress on Monday raises the tax on alcohol, and the distilleries all over the country, and especially at Peoria, which town has more of such institutions than any place in the world, are making a special effort to unload all of their product now on band onto the market before the tariff clause affecting alcohol becomes opera tive. As a consequence the distillers at Peoria have filed a request with the revenue department for more gangers, and the request, out of necessity, must be recognized. Peoria already has a large staff of gaugers, but the number will be increaseed forthwith some twenty men, gaugers going from all over the country. It is nothing short of a slick scheme on the part of the distillers to bunco Uncle Sam. D.O. Dwyer, attorney, Plattsniouth. Where the Finn Go. The following from yesterday's World-Herald will explain bow it is that the tisb from La Platte slough are disappearing so rapidly: "The Nebraska fish commission car 'A' passed over the Burlington Satur day evening enroute from the state hatcheries at La Platte to Lincoln, where it is intended to stock the streams in Lincoln park with 1,000 yearling bass. Fish Commissioner May says that the hatching ponds at La Platte are drying up, and that the young fiish will have to be moved to the live steams over the state, where ever there is a certainty that the fish and game laws will be enforced. Four or five carloads of the young fish will be distributed as soon as possible. The next carload goes to Hastings." Death of Mrs. Tucker. After a protracted illness of several months with dropsy, Mrs. Wm. L. Tucker died this morning at her home on north Sixth street. Mrs. Sarah Ellen Tucker was born at Knigbtstown, Indiana, on August 3d, 1831. On June 26, 18-50, she was united in marriage to W. L. Tucker in Holt county, Missouri, and afterwards removed to this city where she has since resided. The funeral services will be held to morrow afternoon at five o'clock at the Episcopal church, of which de ceased was a member. A child can do as well as you. Wheie? At Gering & Co.'s. List of Letters Remaining uncalled for in the poHt office at Plattsmouth Aug. 15 for week ending Aug. 8, 1S94: Bichford, Jhn Davis, James Littlefield, C. G. Madsen, Henry Miller, Geo. F. Paye, Stella M. Persons calling for any of the above letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised." W. K. Fox, P. M. Tanglefoot sticky fiy paper is the very best. Sold by Gering & Co. The Weeping Water Republican says: "The writer visited Plattsmouth on Monday, and for the first time gazed upon that magnificent structure, our $SO,000 court court. The building is an honor, as well as an ornament to Nebraska's best agricultural county. The officers who occupy it by the will of the people, together with their deputies, are a genial, courteous lot of gentlemen who seen to take pride in making county visitors feel themselves at home, and notwith standing the very hot weather, they were all found at their post of duty. We took great pleasure in examining Mr. Hempel's museum, consisting of a large variety of war relics, old legal documents of this county, ancient coins, rare script, Indian relics, etc. Mr. Ilempel has his collection in the reading room in the basement of the building, and it is well worth seeing. Taken up as estray A red calf at my place on Main street. Owner can have same by calling at Kelly's Island. Frank Benfer is home with his two running horses from the races at Sil ver City, Iowa. In the regular races Frank was not very fortunate as he was only able to land third money in one event, but in a private match on Saturday night one of his nags won out a nprize of $475 and thus made Frank quite a bit ahead on the meet. It is dry now, but Gering's soda is splendid, and not all foam, either. Louis Foltz is being strongly men tioned by his democratic friends as one of the men who should bear a por tion of the burden of the party by ac cepting a nomination for the legisla ture. Weeping Water Republican. Josias Tighe came in last Friday from his farm near Weeping Water to attend to some matters connected with the settlement of his father's estate in county court. Don't buy a bicycle until you see us. The "fifty-dollar ladies' " is certainly a sensation. We are sole agents for them. Lehnhoff Bros. REPDBS AT WABASH. Judge Chapman Names His Delega tion Despite the Folkites. POLK FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY. Dutton for Commissioner Judge Chap man Allowed to Selert the Dele gates to the Congressional Convention Notes. Cass County Republicans Convene. The republicans of Cass held their county convention at Wabash Satur day, and from all accounts it was an exceedingly tame affair, enthusiasm being a stranger to the assembly. The convention was held in the park, a pretty place with plenty of shade trees on every side, and at the conclusion of the convention the delegates were rather thankful to the central com mittee for giving Wabash the conven tion, for more pleasant surroundings could not have been secured. Hon. R. B. Windham of this city was made chairman and R. S. Wilkin son, of Weeping Water, was chosen secretary, and after the usual delay over credentials, the convention got down to business. The congressional fight showed its hand at the very first and a resolution was intro duced giving Judge Chapman, the candidate for the congressional nomi nation from this county, the right to name his own delegation. The resolu tion further extended the same right to S. W. Orton to name a delegation of his own to the float representative convention between Cass and Otoe. The Polkites, under ordinary circum stances, would have resisted the ex tension of this privilege to Judge Chapman, but as C. Sigel Polk had an ax of his own to grind, and as to resist it meant to down the latter and Mr. Orton, as well, they could do aught but fall in line and help pass the resolution, which was done by a unan imous vote. There was no contest over the nomi nation for the state senate, and Or lando Tefft, who seemingly has given up the hope of becoming lieutenant governor, was given a renomination by acclamation. John Davies for the house went through by acclamation, but Cooley, the "sweet singer," had au opponent in the person of Peter Eveland. The ballot stood 107 for Cooley and 51 for Eveland, and Cooley s name was also added to the ticket. The contest over the nomination for for county attorney was more interest ing, but C. S. Polk won out in four ballots over Jesse Root and Jake Haldeman. The ballots stood as fol lows: First ballot Po!k, "7; Root, 30; Haldeman 50. Second ballot Polk, 77;ltooi., 3.5; Haldeman 47. Third ballot Polk, 77; Root, 4S; Haldeman, 33. Fourth ballot Polk, !)S; Root, 4S; Haldeman, 11. The convention was then adjourned to allow the delegates from the first commissioner's district to make a nomination, and after S. W. Dutton had been put up for the slaughter, the hostilities were called to a close. Delegates to the congressional con vention are: R. B. Windham, Joseph Klein, A.N.Sullivan, R. W. Hyers, A. J. Graves, J. C. Eikenbary, M. M. Butler, D. Woodard, Alex Clifton, II. N. Dovey, S. S. English, James Pol lock, G. W. Clark, G. W. Mayfield, George Edson, George La Rue, J. H. McKinnon, W. Delesdernier, J. A. Davies, Clark Newlon. State A. Sheldon, A. J. Graves, William Wallen, J. II. Hall, II. D. Reed, A. II. Waterhouse, S. Buzzell, D. B. Smith, II. Eikenbary, J. Mc Clain, J. P. Burdick, S. L. Furlong, G. A. Rose, George Sheldon, John Clem ents, A. Jenkins, T.A.Miller, J. Erick son, R. T. Dean, II. C. McMaken, Clarence Mayfield, A. L. Van Dorn and Frank Creamer. Float W. II. Newell, Joe Klein, Robert Case, John Becker, Isaac To land, Frank Sackett, Clark Newlon, Geo. Ashmun, Henry Boeck, L. C. Pollard, S. L. Thomas, S. M. Cox, J. W. Teegarden, Wm. Maple, Henry Creamer, J no Philpot, jr. Mrs. Nannie Liest of Milwaukee, Wis., arrived this morning for a visit out in the precinct with her sister, Mrs. Robert Troop. F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists, will tell you that Johnson's Magnetic Oil always gives satisfaction and is the cheapest. Consumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all dlHcaties of the resiiratory organs are of like Kerm origin, and It is only lately that they have been successfully treated. In Hyi.o. taken by steam inhalation, Ameri can scientists have succeeded, where Koch and i'asteur failed, in perfecting a cure that cursk. For particulars address California Chemical Works, Omaha, Neb. 13-U vThen Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave them Castorla Special H Announcement. UAVING purchased the stock of goods form'erly owned by Fred Herrmann, we desire to announce that the stock must be closed out within sixty days in order to make room for our new goods. To do this we will paralyze prices. You all know that Mr.Herrmann would buy nothing but the best goods. Such an opportunity to btiy good goods at less than the cost of in ferior articles may never occur again. You cannot afford to miss this sale. "WIDE-AWAKE" Dry Goods House, ( F ed Herrmann's Old Stand.) J. CURRY, Manager. CUT PKIOE LADIES' Red Oxfords, worth $1.50, now $ .75. Tan Oxfords, " 1.50, " l.OO. Black Oxfords, " 1.25, " .75. Black Oxfords, " 1.50, " l.OO. : Dressing- for R ob't. Sherwood First National Bank PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Capital, paid up $50,000 -OFFICERS: John- Fitzoeuald President V. E. White: Vice president S. Wacom. Cashier DIRECTORS : John Fitzgerald, D. Hawksworth, F. E. White 8. Waugh and Geo. E. Dovey. Careful attention Riven to the Interests of customers. Collections made and promptly remitted for. Highest market price paid for connty warrants and state and county bonds. The Plattsmouth Mills, C. HEISEL. Prop. This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with Machinery of the best manufacture in the world. Their "Plansifter" Flour lias no Superior in America. Give it a trial and be convinced. CHAS. GRIMES, Attorney at Law, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. OFFICE : Second floor of the Todd block. eat of the court house. LADIES DO IOU KNOW DR. FELIX LE BRUM'S STEEL BHD PEJIHYEOYflL PILLS are the original and only FRENCH, safe and re liable cure on the market. Price f LOO; sent by mail. Genuine sold only by F. G. Fricke & Co., Dms:cists. BYRON CLARK, Attorney at Law, PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. OFFICE Second floor of the Todd black, cast of the court house. J. S, JOHNSON, Proprietor. IN Tan Shoes. :: First Premium at the Columbian Exposition The Singer Han'f'g Co. HECEIVEW 54L First Awards, lieing the largest number of awards obtained by aoy exhibitor and more than double the number received by all other Sewing Machine companies. Awards received on the following: Family Sewinp Machines, V. S. No. 2, I. F. C. B. and single Thread Automatic Chain Stitch Machine. Sewing Machine Cabinets. Art Embroideries. Laces. Cur tains, Cpholstery, Artistic Furnishings Sewing and Embroidery, Tapestry Ma chine Work. Also 43 Awards, covering machines for manufacture in every line where a Sewing Machine can te used on Wool, Cotton and Silk Cloth. Knit Goods, Leather, etc., for Ornamentf .1 Stitching, Button holes. Eyelets, Barring, Over seaming, Staying, etc. AGENTS WANTED. The Singer Bl'fg Co "All Over the World. " Itranch Oflice Lincoln Kb. Or. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treal-ncnt Is nold under positive written p uarantt'O, by author ized apetits only, to cure Weak Memory; l's of Brain and Nerve power; Lost Manhood; Qul'-l;nt s; Night Losws; Kvil 1i-,'UHih; ljck of Coiirldn.f; NrvonMs: I.amraie; all Drnlns; Ixvaof Power of the Ciennralive Onrian in eith-r m i, raii J hy overexertion; Youthful Errors, or Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, which soon lead tij Miser, Consumption. Insanity and IVmh. I'y mail, f 1 a box; 6 for with written frunrantee tonne or refund money. WEST'S COUGH SYilUP. Avr!atn cure for Cjuuhs, Colds, Athinn, Bronchitis Croup, Wiioopinir Jouph, Sore Thronr. pleasant to tai-e. Rniall fiie ciiooi)tinuei1; ftld. (VV. izn, urntf?.; old (1 sue, now Sue UUAbAKXLiiS issutxi onlj- l v F. G. Fricke & Co, (Ironists. OIFOB.'DS jg f NEW BEFORE . AFTC 7