nn 3JLI "BE JUST AND FEAR NOT." VOL. 13. SO. 33. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 9. 1894. $1.00 ipVSi?SSvw. , . That PQ o H o m i P-! o H O POISON SORE ENOUGH Havelock Boarding House Affair Due to Poisoned Milk. CHEMIST SUPPLIES THE PE00F. Suspicion Point to a Former l'lat turnout h Ciirl. Who Was Discharged bj the Uoardloe House 1'eople Cur "riujr Too 'Fly. Tbe -wholesale poisoning of the boarders at tbe Stalting boarding bouse in Havelock last Monday morn ing, exclusively mentioned in TriE Jocuxal. promises to cause something in the way of a sensation. As before mentioned in these col-amns, the trouble was traced to the milk used at the breakfast table, and some of the same milk was accordingly sent to a chemist ai University Place. The latter finished his analysis Friday, and found that the milk contained a poiswn. Just what the poison was both the chemist a;id tb boarding house people refuse t divulge, their intention first being to locate the party who "dosed" the mi!k. Suspicion points to a girl who until recently worked in the boarding house kitchen, but was dLnchaiged for uon-atUriition to duties and an e erlast jug penchant to be too "fly.' The girl formerly lived in Plattsmouth and is wellknown here. Her name, however, is with held until the mystery clears :ip. On Sunday afternoon it is stated that the girl made threats against the parties running the boarding bouse and said that the boarders there would soon find another place to live. On Sunday evening a part of the milk was served for supper, but no ill effects resulted Over night the crock of milk was sta tioned in an unlocked refrigerator sit ting outside the housf ;. The milk was evidently "dosed' duTing the night, as every boarder who used any of the raiik at his breakfast on Monday was immediately taken sick. Everything points toward the gi rls guilt, but the authorities will investigate a trifle further before causing her arrest. The Concremnuui Denies It. Anent the story which went the rounds of the state press the other day that Congressman Bryan was to become the editor-in-chief of tbe Omaha World-Herald, the following dispatch in Friday's Lincoln Journal from Washington shows that the original report was not based on fact: "Special dispatches in various eastern papers this morning announce that arrangements have been made by the friends of Representative Bryan by which a controlling interest in the "World -Herald of Omaha has been pur chasea by friends of that gentleman, and that upon bis retirement from congress he is to assume the editorship of that paper. Mr. Bryau was asked by the Journal correspondent this evening w hat truth was in tbe report. He Teplied that he had noticed the item with much surprise. 'Xo ar rangements of that kind,' he said, 'have been made that I know of, and I would, I think, be apt to know if any arrangement of that kind had been consummated. I have been thinking,' he continued, 'of helping to start a weekly democratic paper at Lir.coln ever since the departure of my friend, Calhoun, but I have been too busy to make ar.v definite plans in that direc tion. Possibly the Omaha rumor may have originated in that way. " A to folk' Treacure Huntir. A party of FHttsmouthians, under the guidance of a spiritualistic medium, are hunting along tbe hill tops for bidden treasuies. said to have been buried there by Sioux Indians many, many years ago. It will be re membered that a couple of South Carolinians mysteriously arrived in I'iattsmouth a few years ago aod dag up a pot of gold dust, buried there a quarter of a century jtgo fry an uncle There is no doubt thai a tot or wea' has been buried in Plattsifaouth r one time and another. ."i-inctlon corder. M PIATTSMO DTH Handsome Top-Bu Is the talk of the county. People ask us how we can afford to do it. We do sales. If you have never purchased anything of us, come in and spend And get a chance on it. Who knows? YOU may be the lucky one. And then, you may like us better than you thought you would and decide to trade with us altogether. We have an im mense stock to select from. Some people say we have too large a stock for these hard times. Per haps we have, but we have got them marked down to hard-time prices and we are going to sell them all. ORGAN, The Leading Clothier, ipiattemo-ath, Neb. Medal tioes to a Scratch Man. Tom Patterson walked off with the gold medal in Tuesday night's three mile handicap bicycle race at the fair grounds. Heretofore Tom has been the only rider who started from the scratch, and, as all bicycle enthusiasts i know, to ride in any race and set one's own pace is a rather difficult matter. As a consequence Tom, in the previous races, has not cut much of a figure. The race of last week demonstrated the fact that Harvey Hollo way was eligible to start from the scratch, and it wa3 by his assistance that Tom landed the race. Holloway helped out on the pace, and before the race was half over the limit men had been over hauled. On the last end of the race Patterson let out a few extra notches, and with a magnificent burst of speed. pulled ahead of the bunch with appar- entease and finished, ridingeasy, some titty feet in the lead. Holloway was a good second and Fred Lehnhoff third. The time was faster than ever, Patter son's actual riding time being 8:42 2-5. There were six starters, the handi caps being as follow s: Jas. Bright, SO seconds; .Louie Thomas, 25 seconds; Fred Lehnhoff, 10 seconds; Tom Pat terson, Harvey Holloway and Tom Parmele, scratch. Ah Viewed From Altroad. The fallowing from a Leeds, Eng land, piper, illustrates the wide knowledge which English newspapers have of this country : "The province of Chicago where the riots are occurring is located on the east bank of the Mississippi river. The long delay in getting the troops there was occasioned by the fact that they were engaged in suppressing a whisky rebellion in the province of South Carolina. The movement of the army from South Carolina to Chicago was necessarily very slow as there is no communication between these provinces except by canal. Mr. Grover Cleveland, the president of the country, marched at the head of the troops. This has been the custom of the presidents in America since the time of George Washington. The cause of the rebellion was because Mr. Pullman and his followers refused to be taxed without representation in the city council. They have now been banished to the wilderness on the op posite side of the river." A Sad Drowning. Nellie, the little four-year-old daugh ter of William Trimble, a banker of Milford, was drowned Thursday after noon in the Blue river. Some boys who were bathing discovered the body, but it was too late to resucitate the little one. as the child only gasped twice after the body was recovered No one knows how the accident oc curred. The sudden changes in the quota tions on corn in the Chicago market caught quite a few of the bucket shops in Omaha quite heavily. One house in South Omaha figured up its losses yes terday at over $200,000 for the past week, and promptly proceeded to quit business. They omitted, however, to pay up. One dealer who was $27,000 ahead failed to "cash in" until after the bucket shop people had departed and he will doubtless wait quite s while before they return and whack up the the twenty-seven thousand. The affection of Col. Burton of the Junction Recorder for his former place of abode, old England, is hard to down In referring to the trouble between Japan and China, the colonel remarks that Japan has become "European i.ed." The common expression is that Japan ha3 become '"Americanized;' that she has copied after America and not the European countries, such as uld England. Col. Burton needs to copy after Japan and become "Ameri canized" on his own hook. The merry-go-round people, who have been holding forth at the corner of Seven1""" Main streets for month v 9 ,-wir tent and ma ctun?, e common on Satur X "0pe thet)perate tbei 'rJf a Was ID , i nrnmnt at. , to accede I .rney.Platts medium of i lit It 1 M THE SAME OLD STORK Bethlehem, Across the River, Con tributes a Social Sensation. A WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING. The Cane Has Keen Brought to the At tention or the County Attorney and Will he Ueard at the Next Term of Curt. A Sensation From Bethlehem. The usually quiet little community of Bethlehem, just across the mighty Missouri, has for the past several weeks been entertaining a genuine sensation that has shocked the social circle from center to circumference nd it is just probable that the strong rm of the law will be invoked to ight a few wrongs that have been committed, which have caused much heartache and bitterness and suf fering. The case involves a minister of the gospel and the daughter of one of the well-known farmers living over in the bottoms and. according to the classih- ation of that highly moral publica- ion the Police Gazette ;s another ase of "man's duplicity and woman's worse than weakness, anotner case of "loving, not wisely, but too well." The story Coated across the river several weeks ago, and runs as fol lows: Sometime nearly a year ago an itinerant preacher wandered into the ittle community of Bethlehem and commenced a series of protracted meetings, or revivals. For a while everything ran along smoothly, with tbe exception of the usual mischiev ious opposition that everything per taining to church matters receives at the hands "of certain parties who re side on the bottoms. After some two or three dozen hardened sinners had concluded to turn over a new leaf and had enrolled their names as sol diers of the Lord, a church organiza tion was talked of and preparations made to build a "meeting house" and the minister of the gospel who had per formed such good work at saving souls was to bave charge of the par ish. Thing3 went on, as they have a habit of doing;, and the minister di vided his time between several congre gations in Mills county, had a circuit, and the good people of Bethlehem listened to the spiritual words of their pastor at intervals of several weeks Several weeks ago a climax put in an appearance, when one of the daughters of a well-known resident of the bot toms gave evidences of soon becoming a mother. After much persuasion she confessed who was the author of her unfortunatecondition,and was turned out from the parental roof in disgrace, going to live with a sister-in-law, where the child was born. Then the usual visits of tbe minister of the gospel to Bethlehem ceased, and a week later he was united in marriage to a woman who was living in the vicinity of Hillsdale, which place was also on his pastoral circuit. The unfortunate young woman con tinues to make her home with her sister-in-law at Bethlehem, and last week called upon the county attorney at Glenwood and made arrangements to have the author of her misfortune and partner in crime brought to justice so that at the next session of district court in and for Mills county the Bethlehem sensation will be given legal hearing. Hogan's commonweal army, which passed this city several weeks ago, travelling hy boats down the river disbanded at St. Louis on Friday and but one of the eight boats continued on the way to Washington. The rea son given for disbanding tbe "army was because the public had become in different to their cause and would not furnish provisions, and because "Com naodore" Edwards, their treasurer, had absconded with all their funds amounting to 4.u. ine "commo dore" will be remembered as one o the speakers at tbe mass meeting when the "army" was here and it was he who so beaatifslly "roasted" our own Judge Sullivan. A Different Anpert. Anent the alleged charge of brutality made against Peter Fogel, a well-known farmer livingnear Louis ville, the Courier-Journal of that town has the following to say in Mr.Fogle's defense: "While Mr. Fogle had no right to take the animal to the river to kill it and then dump it in, he did not com mit thecrimeof cruelty through heart lessness or any thing of the kind. When he fired the first shot tbe animal gave a lunge, jerking his son into the water, and while he was assisting him the horse got away and made for a sandbar not far distant. Mr. Fogel shot it repeatedly with the rifle and satisfied himself before he left that the horse was dead. We do not be lieve there will be any farther trouble I over the matter, for the officers will be as willing to let the matter drop as Mr. Fogle, as they laid themselves fully as liabie to a fine by burying the animal in the river." Her Kepeiitance Came Too Late. C. E. Mumford, says the World-Her ald, of Battle Creek, Madison county. Nebraska, is a farmer. It seems that he had become smitten with the charms ot a winsome country lass near bis home, lut, as usual, tbe course of true love ran like a break- ng plow in a red root prairie and they had a violent lovers' quarrel. Bright and early Monday morning Mumford disappeared from home and the next day his forsaken best girl received a letter from him at Council Bluffs, bid ding her good-bye forever, and declar ing that before another rising of the sun his lifeless body would be floating in the turbulent waters of the "Old Muddy." Almost heartbroken, the girl took the letter to Mumford's brother, who is now prosecuting an active search in this city and Council Bluffs for the body, dead or alive, of the disappointed lover. A Peculiar Case. The following special to tbe Lincoln Journal from Nebraska City refers to a married couple who formerly lived in Plattsmouth and their case is a rather peculiar one: "A year or more ago Mrs. Jesse Williamson obtained a divorce from her husband, Frank. The case at the time attracted consid erable attention and was followed by the abduction of the children, tbe bus band's arrest and other incidents, in cluding tbe death and burial of their youngest child. After tbe divorce the couple went to Chicago and from in formation received from that city it appears they met there and lived to gether for some time, but Frank re fused to remarry her and she had him arrested on the rather peculiar charge of seduction. This brought him to time and the couple once more united their fates." The price pf grain took a jump Tues day on the Chicago board of trade corn going up almost seven cents Many western speculators who had successfully called the turn on the market cleaned up small fortunes. A syndicate at Hastings is reported to be $30,000 ahead on the deal, and the World-Herald says: It is asserted by knowing ones that every dollar that Chicago has made off the country deal ers for the last two years has been won back in the last three days. While the poor farmer who has lost part of his crop is not appreciably benefitted by these board of trade figures, it is gratifying to a western man to know that a portion of the spoils are coming to western dealers. The city of Plattsmouth could use $50,000 of the government's money in reclaiming the several hundred acres which lie between the eastern limits of the city and the Missouri river, and it w ouldn't be wasted, either, as is tbe case with nine-tenths of tbe appropri ations made by congress for river im provements. A determined effort should be made before the next con gress to secure an appropriation for this city. Some few years ago we bad an appropriation of $30,000, but tbe river commission bilked us out of it and divMed the appropriation be tween Omaha and St. Joe. Dr. Marshall, DENTIST, Fitzger- ua Diode. t WEEKLY WE ARE GIVING AWAY One 3Dollatr l ONDER THE WHEELS. Cal Walton, a Colored Man of Local Fame, Loses a Foot at Gibson. THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES. The Boot and Polk Forces Have a Merry Old Time of It The Latter Lays Claim to the Best of the Flcht Other Notes. Will Lose His Foot. Cal Walton, jr., met with an acci dent on Saturday night which will re sult in the loss of his left foot. He was beating his way to Omaha on a freight train, and when the train was between Omaha and Gibson as he was stepping from one car to another he fell between the cars and under the train, the wheels passing over his left foot, crushing it so badly that amputa tion was necessary. He was picked up by the train crew and taken to the union depot, where the patrol wagon was called and conveyed him to tbe Presbyterian hospital. The accident happened at 11 o'clock at night. Kepab at War. Our republican friends had a merry old time of it Satnrdav afternoon in holding their ward primaries in this city. The principle fight was between Jesse Boot and Sigel Tolk, both of w bom are aspirants for the nomination for county attorney, and the friends of both men were out in full force. The battle was a bot one, and enough bit terness was engendered to insuie the elaction of a democratic county at torney, as far as the vote of this city is concerned, by a good round majority. It was nip and tuck in almost every ward, and although the Polk forces claim to have secured much the bestof the fight, the friends of Root refuse to concede that such is the case and claim that the advantage, if any exists, is in the latter's favor. Tbe delegates chosen in the several wards are as fol lows: First ward II. N. Dovey, W. F. Hamilton, Joe Klein, John Lindeman, S. Buzzell, W. G. Keefer and E. A. Dodd. Second ward R. B. Windham, L.D. Bennett, II. J. Streight, Frank But tery, II. C. McMaken, Jno. F. II in shaw, John Smith and Jas. Mitchell. Third ward J. G. Ricbey, J. M. Craig, J. N. Summers, F. H. Steimker, Frank Dickson, Geo. Copeland, J. K. Pollock, R. W. Hyers. W. II. Newell, A. N. Sullivan and L. C. Anderson. Fourth ward Wash Smith, J. R. Barker, J. W. Sage, Will Coolidge, Henry Boeck, D. B. Smith and Chas Hassmann. Fifth ward A. J. Graves, Ed Barker, J. M.Young and R. H.Patton Will Be Taken to Kearney. The examination of Wm. Smithlap and Jos. Latour, for participation in the burglary of an M. P. freight car in the local yards last week, was taken up before County Judge Ramsey on Monday: The evidence was rather conclusive that Smithlap aided the colored man, Smith, in breaking open the car door. Under ordinary circum stances this would have constituted burglary, but because of Smithlap's extreme youth, the prosecution asked the court simply to order him sent to the reform school at Kearney. The court acted on the advice and sentenced the boy to the reform school. Latour, the other youth, did not, ac cording to the testimony, appear to have played a very important part in tbe burglary, in fact, he was asleep when the affair was committed, and simply assisted in carrying away the stolen property. On suggestion of the prosecution the judge give him his discharge. Sheriff Eikenbary will take Smithlap to Kearney in a day or bo, and while enroute will turn Smith, the black man, who plead guilty last week and was given a year's sentence to tbe penitentiary, over to the penitentiary authorities at Lincoln. A delicate odor in perfume "Lilac Spray." Sold only by Gering & Co. JO UREALo it by our increased Will Investigate the Cane. Headers of TnE Journal, will re member that some months ago a report reached this city to the effect that Joseph Bruhl, an inmate of the insane hospital at Lincoln, was suffering from the effect of a broken jaw, which he had acquired in some mysterious manner, presumably by coming in contact with the .clenched fist of some of the attendants. The affair was ex plained away by tbe asylum authori ties, but the case was again brought up at the recent investigation of the affairs of the asylum by the board of public lands and buildings. The ex planation of bow Joe happened to get his jaw broken did not exactly suit several members of bis lodge in this city, the Germania A. O. U. ,VT., and the case was brought up and discussed in the lodge. The affair was also re ported to the grand lodge of A. O. U. W. and a complete investigation de cided upon. The grand lodge ap pointed one of their officers to act in connection with a member of the Ger man lodge to conduct the investiga tion. P. J. Hansen was appointed Dy the local lodge and he journeyed to Lincoln Tuesday morning to com mence the investigation. Poshed Ofl By a Brakeman. .V man named Andrews, who is in the employ of Contractor O'Keefe at Fort Crook as a baker and cook, was stealing a ride Saturday evening on an M. P. freight train from tbe fort to Omaha, but now he has good reason to wish that he had kept off the cars hen the train reached Gumore a brakeman came along and upon An drews' refusal to jump off, the brake- man gave him a shove which sent him off in a great hurry. Andrews feu on his head and as a consequence re ceived two big gashes in his scalp and many painful bruises about the head, He was brought down to the M. P, depot in this city at about ten o'clock, and Dr. T. P. Livingston, the B. & M surgeon, was called and attended to his injuries. A Sad Case of Drowning. A sad mishap occurred Tuesday evening at tne nome ot Herman 1111 genkamp, a well known farmer who lives in Washington county, about three miles north of Arlington. His little child, a son fourteen months old accidentally fell into a cistern in which there was about five feet of water and was drowned. The ci?tern is un der the front porch and the cover to it was rooted off by pigs which were allowed about tbe house, and the child fell in. The mother saw her little one disappear and screamed for help. Her brother-in-law, Carl Vogt who lives near, heard her cries and came to the rescue. He went into the cistern after the child but it was al ready dead. Denver has a character whose history deserves to be published in book form sold only by subscription, says Col Bixby in the Lincoln Journal. When the gold fever struck Pike's Peak he struck a claim on Cherry creek, above the little town of Araria, and began a chequered career that has no parallel in the history of chequered careers His faith was centered in potatoes The early settlers wanted them at any price, and this man, who soon became to be known as "Potato Clark," was willing to dispose of all he could raise upon those terms. It is thirty-five years since he planted his first crop and his success has been phenomenal His wealth is estimated at $1,500,000 and though somewhat warped by age and infirmity, he is working like ahired man to make it an even two millions before he goes to tbe land that is trifle too sultry for potato culture, but none too warm for him. He is a kind neighbor, an indulgent husband and father and a clever citizen, but the hundreds of men who have worked for him claim that his daily bill of fare would make a graven image more or less dyspeptic. Elmer Smith of Denver was in town Thursday shaking bands with friends, and boarded a west-bound B. & M. train Friday morning. c Seth Dean of Glenwofjrtt; Iowa, was a Plattsmouth visitor tdday. Sliita Hisioilcul bockij 3 -3 O d o -3 O W BECOMING SERIOOS. Striking Eutchers at South Omaha Cause a Deal of Trouble.. NEW WORKMEN ARE ASSAULTED Strikers" Lay for "Scabs" and In Sever al Cases Give the Latter Brutal Beatings More Trouble An ticipatedNotes. The Kiotlug Continues. Riots were in full vogue at South Omaha last ;i :'t between the strikers and the men who l.:ive taken their places. When the men who quit work at five o'clock passed out of the works the majority organized themselves in squads for mutual protection. With one hand in their pockets holding a re volver ready for action they passed up the street and past crowds of strikers, but were allowed to pass without be ing molested. Later, when a few single ones left the works they were assaulted and in many instances ser iously injured. While two of these men were passing up rwenty-Tu-sc street a crowd of two hundred fol lowed them closely, continually shout ing "scabs." At the corner of Twenty-seventh they overtook the men and as many as could struck the men who had filled the strikers' places. They fell seriously hurt, but not fatally, be fore the police arrived. Another lone packing house workman passed up Twenty-first later and was knocked down and badly cat by the jirikers. He was surrounded bypolice aTm-v.es- corted to a street car which took him - to Omaha. Five men were attacked by the strikers but turning about they stood the mob off with revolvers and backed to the street car. nenry Folander, who was going af ter his father, was assaulted and his front teeth knocked out besides being othe.wise injured. Twenty strikers assaulted four Union Pacific car men, thinking they were workmen, and ser iously injured them before the mistake was discovered. The police were not ified that an attempt would be made to burn stock yards and freight cars and were patrolling the yards all night, but the rumor was without foundation a3 the strikers made no such move. Acting Governor Majors was in Om aha yesterday discussing the advisa bility of calling out the militia but it was finally decided that the matter of preserving order would be left with Sheriff Drexel. The latter official has begun swearing in deputies by the score and by tonight will have the scene of the trouble fairly swarming with officers. It is thought that order can be better preserve in that manner than in calling out the militia. The Havelock Mechanic says: "That Waverly-Plattsmouth horse deal was finally disposed of this week. J. C. Benfer of Plattsmouth sued Mil ton Broadwater for the price of the horse which the latter purchased from. 'Reddy' Wood3 in Waverly on the sec ond of July. The case was tried be fore Justice Spencer of Lincoln and resulted in a victory for Broadwater." From the above it would appear that Benfer is out his Bhare of the horse that be and "Reddy" Woods owned in partnership, in addition to the heavy expense to which he has been put in looking up and seeking to recover his share of the property. The Lincoln News slobbers all over our John Davies in the following, and it is a matter of some comment just how much it cost: "John A. Davies, the brilliant young republican who made such an excellent record in the house at the last session of tbe legisla ture, is booked to go up higher this year, and everybody seems to think that he will get the nomination for the senate. John 13 the kind of represen tative who represents." The railroad earnings of tbe country f or July, a3 reported by Dun's agency, are 26.6 per cent less than last year, and partly because of the sharp decline a year ago, tbe decrease for the lasc week was only 13.1 per cent. 7 1