Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, August 02, 1894, Image 6

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The Platts mouth Journal
C. W. SHERMAN, Editor.
One copy one year, In advance, by mall. . .(5 00
One copy aix months. In advance, by mall, 2 50
One copy one month. In advance, by mall, so
One copy, by carrier, per week 10
Published every afternoon except Sunday.
Siuxlecepy, oueyear 11 00
Single copy, six months SO
Published every Thursday. Payable In advance
Entered at the postolnce at PlatU-inouth, Ne
braska, as second-class matter.
Official County Paper.
The following are the resolutions
adopted at the free silver convention
at Omaha:
"We send greetings to our fellow
democrats of Nebraska and invite their
earnest co-operation and aid in elect
ing delegates from every county in the
stace to the democratic convention of
1814, pledged to vote for the insertion
in the democratic state platform of the
following plank:
We favor tne immediate restoration
of the free and unlimited coinage of
gold and silver at the present ratio of
IB to 1, without waiting for the aid or
cousent of any other nation on earth.
"In the effort to obtain a fair expres
sion of democratic sentiment we urge
upon every democrat who believes in
the principal herein enunciated to par
ticipate actively and vigorously in the
selection of delegates to the state con
vention. "We recommend that in every county
of the state the democrats who oppose
this proposed plank be invited to a
throrough discussion of its merits, to
the end that the democratic party may
act intelligently and harmoniously
upon this great question.
"We propose that this contest shall
be fought out upon clean lines and
with intelligent methods; tut, confident
in the correctness of our position, we
also propose that this fight shall be
vigorous and that no effort shall be
spared to place in the platform of the
democratic party the same emphasis,
the same unmistakable utterance con
cerning the great question of finance,
as has been lastingly imprinted upon
our party platforms concerning the
great question of tariff reform."
Various estimates have been made
shewing approximately what has been
the cost to the people, including the
strikers, of the Debs boycott, says the
Chicago Record. The highest esti
mate, and, perhaps, the most accurate,
i? made by Bradstreet, which puts the
total loss at $100,000,000, more than
one half of which is charged to the em
ployes of railways and other wage
workers. This estimate fixes the sum
of $20,000,000 as the amount of wages
lost by railroad employes and $3o,000,
00ft as the loss of other employes in the
various branches of business which
were closed, or partly so, by the strike.
The rest is made up of losses suffered
tiy railroads, the government, mer
chants and others.
As the strike was purely sympathetic
and with no direct grievance back of
it on the part of the American railway
union it is apparent that it would have
lieen vastly better for the strikers to
have kept at work, earned the $20,000,
OOO they have lost, syul expended a fair
share of it in assisting the real parties
in interest in the strike at Pullman.
II vl the sympathy of the union shown
itself in that direction there would be
now neither appeals for food at Pull
man nor petitions on the part of cer
tain sympathizers for restoration of
their old jobs. Mr. Debs would not be
perplexed with legal proceedings, and
the revival of business, which bad be
gun when the strike broke out, would
not be indefinitely postponed. Strikes
have ceased to be valuable as remedies
for wrongs. Yet who shall say that
the great railway strike has not pre
pared the way, directly or indirectly,
for a better understanding with one
another on the part of the great forces
of the country ? National authority
has been strengthened; the working-
men are turning from the strike to the
ballot box, and are vowing independent
action in politics; the whole world has
been profoundly stirred by the des
tructive warfare. The vast sums
which it has cost will not have been
wasted if the lessons of the strike are
taken to heart by the pubic.
The public papers and speeches of
the Hon. W. J. Bryan of Nebraska,
says the Chicago Times, have been col
lected and published in a neat volume
by F. Schwind of Lincoln, Neb. The
publication is a timely one, coming as
it does when Mr. Bryan is making so
gallant an attempt to cement the
liberal elements of bis state into a
harmonious whole and lead them on to
victory. His speeches on such vital
problems of the day as the free silver
question and the tariff are invaluable
documents, wbile his addresses on more
abstract themes breathe the spirit of
the truest patriotism and the widest
liberality. The book is an excellent
campaign document for progressive
MrPetersoflf irjg the action.
Washington, D. C, July 26, 1SU4.
Many scenes of great dramatic interest
have been witnessed in congress dur
ing debates on the tariff question, but
it is doubtful if the scene when Senator
Gorman called Senators Harris, Jones,
Vest and Voorbees to the witness stand
to verify his statement in which be ac
cused the president of peifldy, was
ever approached in dramatic power or
intensity of interest. The galleries on
all sides of the senate chamber were
crowded to repletion, and from every
entrance were long rows of people who
could not get in and awaited their turn,
whenever some one came out, to take
his place. The seats in the rear and
at the sides of the chamber were
crowded with members of the house
who had come over to witness the an
ticipated scene. As a consequence the
house was without a quorum in fact,
it would be an exaggeration to say that
less than fifty members of that body
were in their seats; the balance were in
the senate. Whatever I may hitherto
have thought of Senator Gorman as a
man of principle, or destitute of prin
ciple, I must admit that he won my ad
miration by yesterday's masterly and
manly effort at self-vindication. With
out a note or memorandum to reter to,
he held the senate floor for two and a
half hours, and during all that time
every eye in that vast throng was upon
him and every ear was open to hear
every syllable and word that he uttered.
Every word seemed to quiver upon the
air with the intensest interested when
he referred: to the campaign of 1884,
when, with Cleveland as the candidate,
be bad been compelled to walk through
slime and filth,''a shudder as of terror
ran through that audience. The vigor,
the earnestness, the deep and profound
sincerity of bis every utterance soon
won the sympathy of his hearers, and
it was very difficult for the presiding
officer to prevent frequent outbursts of
applause. His gestures were few, but
appropriate. Most of the time he stood
with his back resting against the desk
behind him and supported by bis left
elbow, thus nearly facing his demo
cratic associates, and without any ap
parent attempt at oratory, but with
the magnetic ardor of a man thoroughly
in earnest and feeling the justice of his
cause, he talked quietly but thrillirgly
to his democratic colleagues. His
voice, without being loud, was full,
round and resonant. There was no
evidence of canting hypocrisy lebind
it. as one fee's whenever Senator Hill
is talking. He alluded to the recently
published letter of the president to
Chaiiman Wilson, of the bouse ways
and means committee, as "the most
extraordinary, the most uncalled-for
and the most unwise communication
that was ever penned by a president,"
ami that it placed the senate "in a
position where its members must see to
it that the dignity and honor of this
chamber shall be preserved," by dis
closing secrets of the caucus which are
rarely revealed. And then he raridl
sketched matters leading up to the
filial ienuiicement, which was the
ciou ning act in the drama, aud prov
ing that the president had been false
to himself as well as to the senators
who had been taken into hid confidence.
From the standpoint of the senate
combine it was a peerless effort, and in
impressiveness was perhaps the great
est speech of Mr. Gorman's senatorial
life. The effect of it was quite visible
in the formation of public opinion here
in the direction of an agreement with
the senatorial compromise as the only
thing that is possible at present, and
that that is much better than a con
tinuance of the McKinley act much
on the principle of the man who sub
mits to be robbed by the highwayman
at the point of a pistol. There is a
general feeling among the members of
the house that they will surrender their
contention for free coal and iron ore,
and a lower tax on sugar, and that
a compromise will be made with the
senate on the best terms possible
rather than defeat the bill entirely. It
is as well to recognize the fact that
Senators Smith and Murphy are tied
up by promises to particular manu
facturers and will not recede at any
cost, while the Louisiana senators are
tied up to the sugar interest of that
state to such an extent that they bad
much rather have the McKinley dif
ferential rate on refined sugar than
the senate bill, even as it is, because
the planters are all refiners also, and
any rate which benefits the sugar trust
gives them an equal benefit, so that
their interest is co-equal with that of
the trust so far as their business ex
tends. It is a bad condition for the frui
tion of democratic hopes in the carry
ingout of the democratic policy; but the
afronrro that, r Vi a farloral PAnrta f fKia
man who finds himself suddenly con
fronted by a highwayman will tome
times do very ridiculous and unseemly
things and this protected interest is
and always was of that character, and
it is not surprising that in its thirty
years of power it has been able to gain
a foothold o.itside thn ranks of the
party which has been its founder and
benefactor. The history of the world
is full of instances of like treachery
and betrayal. The apostle s of Christ
had their Judas I.scariot, Cesar had
his Brutus and the American revolu
tion its Arnold; it is not surprising,
therefore, that tariff reform should
have its Murjihy, its Smith, Mcl'her
son, Brice, Blanchard and Caffery.
The friends of those men may not be
delighted with this simile, but they
will be forever compelled to bear the
odium which it implies.
Senator Hill has figured on the sur
face of this senatorial controversy, but
all of his talk has been as foam on the
crest of the wave. He has kept up a
good deal of barking, but Grey, Gor
man and Vest on one sid9 and Vilas
on the other have done the fighting.
Hill's opposition to the bill has been of
the spectacular sort, based, he sajs, on
the fact of its containing the income
tax provision; and I see no reason for
changing my guess that in this he is
acting for the great New York life in
surance compauies whose wealth is
only equal to tbeir greed.
I notice that Mr. Anniu, of the Lin
coin Journal, has ceased to detail ac
counts of Senator Allen's alleged in
temperance, and from what facts I
have been able to gather it is just as
well that he did, for bis alleged facts
were so egregiously, not to say mali
ciously, false that their repetition
would only show up his own bad part
in the affair. In the same connection
an inference was conveyeJ that Mr.
McKieghan bad also been remiss in bis
personal conduct. I don't know that I
am called upon to say anything in de
fense of either of these men, from as
saults from that source, yet a simple
sense of justice requires me to say I do
not believe there is the least founda
tion for even the innuendo which Mr.
Annin was so eager to send broadcast
over the state, and to my observation
and belief no man in congress has
all winter and summer, since I came
here, been more exemplary in his per
sonal conduct than Mr. McKieghan.
I have seen him a hundred times, and
never was he under influence of liquor.
Besides that, he is an able and intelli
gent representative, ami honestly
carries out :he wishes of the people as
he understands them to be. I consider
McKieghan the most conservative as
wIl as the ablest member of i he popu
list party in congress not even except
ing Jerry Simpson, of sockless fame.
It may be the part of good politics for
a correspondent to try to break down
the character and reputation of sena
tors by rushing into print with stories,
which, upon full investigation, prove to
be untrue, aud largely the effort of im
agination, but I don't believe it. I
think very poorly of the politics of
Senator Manderson and Hepres-eulii-tives
llainer, Merger a nd Miklejobn,
but I woull not attack them in that
way, ami Bro. Annin w ill find he made
a serious mistake in attempting ii.
Senator Allen has my unbound d res
pect.audas to his personal habits 1
have never seen or known an thing
wrung, lie is a hard worker, is honest,
aud is l!e s 1 1 1 of good fellowship. He
has not spoken to me in his own de
fense, and he does not need to. I
think all the more of him since tlii- ef
fort to break him tlovui.
My idea now is that congress will be
able to adjourn about the 10th o Aug
ustor sooner.
The other day Champ Clark, who
possesses as droll a wit as any member
of the house, was entertaining seme
Missouri friends in the gallery of the
house. Talking of bis duties as i mem
ber of the committee on claims, he said
people in general had no conception of
the multiplicity of claims, and of the
foolish character of many of them,
which came before the committee for
adjudication. "Why," said he, "some
people seem to think it no harm to
swindle the government if they can.
And the committee is obliged to criti
cally examine every one of these
claims just as if they were not honest
and true, and 1 tell you honestly, that
I know of only one thing that gives
me more trouble than the worry and
anxiety I have over these claims."
"Aud what is that ?" queried one of
his auditors. "Aud that is," said be
with a drawl that is peculiar to him,
"trying to get offices for democrats,
under this democratic administration."
C. W. S.
In his speech in the senate Monday
Senator Gorman said that in "New
York, New Jersey, Louisiana and
Maryland there is more manufacturing
done than in all the states which de
mand this radical change." That is it
exactly. The proposition which Sen
ator Gorman defends means that these
four states shall continue to have this
monopoly, whereas "all the other
states" want it so that they may do
some manufacturing themselves. Only
a few states have raw material, and if
there be a tariff on raw material it can
readily be seen that it would be a dis
crimination in favor of the state with
raw material and against the state
without it. Goiman is a local protec
tionist and his views are limited to lo.
cal interests entirely. lie would be
willing to handicap every state in the
union to develop manufacture in his
own state, Maryland. A statesman
must take a broader stand. This
country is a country of states, and laws
should be general as regards restraint
and benefit, not shaded in favor of one
or several states. In legislating we
must legislate for all the states aud
make all laws so that one state shall
not be compelled to pay tribute to another.
llan'H This!
We offer one bundled dollars reward
for any case of catarrh that can not
be cured by Hall's catarrh cure.
F. J. Cll 12XKY & CO., Props.,
Toledo. O.
We the undersigned have known
F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transaction and fin
ancially able to carry out any obliga
tion made by their firm.
West & Tki:ax, wholesale druggists,
IVedo. O. Walimxo. Kinnan &
Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo,
Hall's catarrh cure is taken inter
nally, acting ditectly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price 7.'n;. per bottle. Sold by all drug
gists. Testimonials free.
Mental depression, wakefulness, lost
manhood caused by errors of youth or
later excesses quickly cured by Mag
netic Nervine. Guaranteed by Fricke
The Keystone Watch
Case Co. of Philadelphia,
the largest watch ease manufactur
ing concern in the world, is now
putting upon the Jas. Boss Filled
and other cases made by it, a bow
(ring) which cannot be twisted or
pulled off the watch.
It is a sure protection against the
pickpocket and the many accidents
that befall watches fitted with the
old-style bow, which is simply held
in by friction and can be twisted off
with the fingers. It is called the
and CAN ONLY BE HAD with
cases bearing their trade mark
Sold only through watch dealers,
without extra charge.
Don't Dta yanr knit or finger nails to opsn your
watch cast. Sond lor an opener (tree).
Could Hot Sleep.
Prof. L. D. Edwards, of Preston,
Idaho, says: "I was all run down,
weak, nervous and irritable through
overwork. I suffered from brain fa
tigue, mental depression, etc. I be
came so weak and nervous that I
could not sleep, I would arise tired,
discouraged and blue. I began taking
Dr. Miles' Nervine
and now everything is changed. I
sleep soundly, I feel bright, active
and ambitious. I can do more in one
day now than I used to do in a week.
For this great good I give Dr. Miles'
Restorative Nervine the sole credit.
It Cures
Dr. Miles Nervine Is sold on a positive
guarantee that the first bottle will uenefit.
AUdruKKists sell it at (1,6 bottles for $5, or
It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
fcy the Ir. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lud.
Sold by all druggists.
Dr. Agnes V. Sweiiand,
Special attention to Obstetric. Diseases of
Women, and Woman's SurtteiT
Office : 'eWhVn? Omaba, Neb
arwtho original and only FKKNt'H. fuifoand re
liable enrv on the market, l'ricejl.00; bent by
muil. Uenuiue Bold only by
n li i . v. 4iA ik-..i..i.
tYy the c"'""'5fbr;T ABuum--1MEjT;
Is distinctively the place where the Farmer's Dollar Goes the
Farthest. We lead, as ever, in
Buggies and Carriages.
This year's line is larger than ever and the prices
cannot fail but suit.
As to Implements,
Our two large store-rooms are brim-full of the BEST and
MOST PERFECTED to be found in the Implement
f Harness,
For the Money, and are the only firm using "Old Fashioned Oak
Tanned Leather" in Cass County. Consult your own interests and
Deal with an Establishment which conducts Business on the Plan of
Giving Real Worth in Return for the Buyer's Money.
307-300 Main Sliwf,
I Are You Alive 1
To Your Own Interests?
I I ERIIAPS you are, but
5 There's one good way
land of the living buy your
HIS PRICES will not admit of Competition
they're so downright low. Give him a call.
PEARLM AN, The House Furnisher.
LXeiirSlOIlS Courtla.ul Bench
Omaha's Great Inland Summer Resort.
UN"ri PAK1 Hathinc. llo-ft'inr. Splendid Mi'sir Steamboats i l.d si in . II 1 1 tii i
of ail kin. N. Iv-ep lrci; of the rheiip e.V'ir-i ins. N thiin:,,li..uiblc a'lowid on the
ground. Speeinl rates to Sunday school and family picnics. 1'eifeet order preset ved.
Oc-u.rtla.xa.cL Beacli Omalia 2Tc-w Open.
Look out for the Excursions. Cars laud jou right in the prounds. .
Mrs. J. Benson,!1894- $
L tdiea' Skirta from Ton. to 14 4.
Lailirs' Waists from .Olio lo -S t'Al.
Narrow '. Laces lrotn Ioc per
hz.. tip.
1 Sutler Cream and Black Luces in
Holdall and oilier six less lieu: 1()c a
aril to 1 he llni- st qtialit . Our stock
is very larpe and no old goods on our
We. tn:ike a spi cialty of Ribbons and
(;ood quality (Iloria Silk Sun Um
brellas from 1(K) to (0.
Specially low prices on Ladies' and
Children's Iloiseiy and Underwear.
We have many lines of Lndies' Fancy
Goods, not kept in other stores.
We are giving special prices in
In short, we make special prices iu
every department.
Come in or order by MAIL. We
will give your order prompt and care
ful attention.
1519 Douglas St., near Kith,
Count yH
11ns purohaKed the Taruiele A: Kullior
ford flock and will run both the
Main-st. and Schildknecht Barns.
IMjjs of all descriptions, from a Sad. lie
horse to a Six teen-passenger Wagon,
faba. 1'all Hearer WaKon. arrynl!f ami
eerytuiiiK for .picnics, wedding ami
T"mfn Ordi'iu
Prices Reasonable. No credit over .M
davs. Old and new customers are In
vited to call, when satisfaction is P""'
PR'"FEIjx' 3ew Tor City.
We Manufacture
The Very Best
riuttsmoulh, Nib.
of not, you ought to be.
tc prove that you're in the
Stoves and
C. O. D.
Aniwheie, - - - 5 Hioyele $12 o
To Any one - - - ollHicjcIe 2V!
All Sules and Prices, 75 Hicycle 37.50
Save Dealeis' I'rolils 125 Hicjcle K2.50
Send for illustrated cat ah cue.
tt.J33.1Dr SZ. CO.,
l s
H vJ M
I S i:
i OFF!
Ur. E C. West's Nc-;a o.iJ Brain T
l sold ii!nl'r jiositivo i lit.-' cuar.rutee. '; iiu'hc
l.cj u;:'iit-J i:ly, t(r cjiii V.i iK Mi'ni..:-j; Lj.-s t-f
llrain and Nervo I'uj.-i;ijH iI.t ih.fil; . u'-.upr -;
il-'ht l.or-f : Kvil I r. u:.!--; Jjirfc o
NTvnnties; I.ust ituiU ; u.l Dr.iiiis; J,o-.n.; 1 iwer
of the Ufiicral.vo Orrroiw i:i eitli-r m, ctiu-d !.y
over-esi-rtioii; Youthful l:rmrn, or Kii-.-ive lVoor
Tobacco, Opium or J.i 'Uor. w!i!i i soon lead t t
Mier.,-, t'liu-uinption. Insanity a:..l lt-:ith. l: .- uiniV
tlalxn; ii lorfS; Willi written cr-.rnnifo to:t,r- r
refund moiu y. V'i:T"S:oi Uli :-Vlu:i'. ci rU;n.
euro ( .!:'h', t'o'l-. Asthma, Ur. mchitis, t '.-nil-.
Whixipir.i; foutli. Son. ' rie:i;ii.t total."..
Small si.-.e iioolitiim.-l; out, &r. imwiV.;ol.t
f 1 size, now c. ol'AliANXliKM issued onlj l-
F. G. Fricke & t o, druggists.
$500 Reward!
Wri will lav the nbove reward for any eae of
Liver Complaint Dyspepsia. Sick Headache. In
digestion Constipation or Costivcness wccann.l
cure with West' ; Vegetable Liver Pills, when
the directions ate strictly complied with. They
........... . . . . . .'.!.. .n.l ,.... 4 . i 1 t.t r. i i.a . . . . i.rij.ui , r.u uw.t .. . w x .... .
i ismctioii. Mij' a. Cuaini. Larc boxes, cents.
I lit-ware of o.mut.-iteils nnd imitations. Thegfn
! uine o '-fly bv THE JOHN C. WiiaT
company, hhcaoo. ill.
inwettni direct' to Hi iU f
di-4sof ti.eliLntroLrtiiavr O. -
sns. rotjuin n chart tt ohi w
nauseous, merrurt! or i-ut.iuc4 u-i-!cme
to be tuken UtcrusvU Utka
Mijjv in? venereal rwi& ; hut to the ca
With UoooiTha atMl cjiwi, we(uiru
K3tn street ana vm atc new iwioij -