Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, August 02, 1894, Image 3

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Miss Ilattie Walker arrived yester
day morning for a visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Horsley, who
live just west of town, are the parents
of a new ten-pound boy. The young
ster arrived Monday morning.
A niue-year-old girl named Mary
Wagner was instantly killed at Al
bright on Saturday morning by a south
bound train on the Missouri Pacific.
Miss Happy Van Wyckof Wyoming,
Otoe county, daughter of ex-Senator
Van Wyck, arrived yesterday for a
visit here with her cousin, Mrs. Mott.
E. Ii. Coleman, the man sent up from
Greenwood, this county, to tbeLincolu
asylum some six weeks ago, died last
week and the remains were taken to
his former home at Greenwood and in
terred. Andrew Kern, one of Cass county's
prosperous farmers, was in town Sat
day and remembered The Journal
with a call. Mr. Kern was sixty
three years old Saturday, but doesn't
look it by at least ten years.
Christian Gauer, the well-known
German farmer, living in the vicinity
of Cedar Creek, expects to leave next
week for a visit to the old country.
He expects to be absent for some time
and will thoroughly enjoy his trip:
Messrs. W. R. Iiildwin and A.
Weldou, two of Salt Creek's most pro
gressive farmers, were in the city Satur
day looking after the sale of some
farm realty belonging to an estate for
which Mr. Baldwin is executor.
John, the seventeen-year old son
of Jos. Lloyd, the 11. & M. engineer,
had the misfortune to break his collar
lone on the right side Sunday evening.
The lad was riding a pony and ran
into a cow while sending the pony
along at a rather rapid gait. The boy
was thrown to the ground with re
sults as above stated.
It might he well for Polk's 2sews to
thoroughly investigate before printing
depressive and unauthentic stories
"about the 1. :! railroad shops shutting
down to live liniiis per day and four
days in th- week. Very happily the
tale n't bused on positive informa
tion, but to print such rot injures the
town. The News deserves to be reas
onably careful.
Now tit it .If sie 11 t has formally
announce I himself as a candidate tor
the republican nomination lor county
attorney. Sigey Polk's chances have
gone glimti.ei ing. This .Iovilnal
sincere! regrets that Mr. Root affili
ates with iieh a corrupt party. lie is
too good a man to belong with any
party other than the detn u-racy.
The contract for budding Antelope
county's new court houe at Neligh
was let Fridav. Twelve contractors
were present from abroad, but John
N. Mi. -Is. i f Nelign. was siirrrssf il.
George H. Mrl n:Il. of .Lincoln, is
the architect w hose plans werechosen.
He w ill sui' : ise i be woik of build
ing. The stiuc uie will cost some $;;0.
00 Ii is believed that A. M. BlazeU. a
cooper, wlm luvsterionslv disappeared
from his Lome in South Omaha last
April, leaving money due him for
wages, his tools and clothing, was
drowned in the Missouri river and
that it was his body that was found by
the Nebraska City authorities, July 4,
floating in a hnde condition down the
river. Blazek's parents reside at
Cedar Rapids, la.
A great deal of seining has been
done in Salt Creek, near Ashland, of
late and the authorities have decided
to put a stop to it. Fish Commission
ers May of Omaha and Oakley of Lin
coln were in Ashland last week look
ing alter the matter. On Saturday
last the trial of J . C. Simmons, Jack
Hobbins and M. English for seining
in Salt creek, was held and each fined
2o and costs, amounting in all to
about $l-r0.
The B. & M. has had another fit of
economy and the result is that all
brakemen on the south passenger
trains on the Beatrice branch have
been laid off. The force of section
men has been cut down everywhere
and reductions will be made in other
departments until the officials feel
that they have cut their forces down
as small as they cau and still be able
to operate their trains. Nebraska
City News.
A swarm of bees, which tlew across
the river from Iowa, furnished a
rather novel scene on lower Main
street on Monday. They settled in
front of Gorder's implement store, and
at once there was a hurry on the part
of bystandeisto secure a box, so that
they could claim the bees. Joe Rakes
arrived first with his box, and after
some trouble Induced the bees to enter.
A hive of bees is worth a neat sum of
coin, and Rakes is ahead just that
much without being out much in the
way of time.
Tuesday's Lincoln News is respon
sible for the following: There is a
quiet rumor circulating about today
that a change is imminent in the ed
itorial management of the World
Plattaraoutb a few years ago anu uug
up a pot of gold dust, buried there
quarter 01 a century rro (vy an uncie
Thoro is nn Hnnlif tht a ftt Of WeV
Herald, and that the new editor will
be none other than Representative W.
J. Bryan. It is understood that G. M.
Hitchcock will remain in charge of the
business department. The rumor is
that the deal was to be effected today,
some of the stock passing into the
hands of prominent free silver demo
crats of this state.
A delicate odor in perfume "Lilac
Spray." Sold only by Gering & Co.
Sunday morniDg about 1 o'clock,
as Burlington train No. 4 was pulling
into the yards at Iloldrege. it ran into
an open switch. The engine and ten
der were overturned and both were
badly wrecked. The baggage and mail j
cars were both somewhat damaged.
George Oyster, the engineer, jumped
but fell, and the engine toppled over
on him, pinning him to the ground.
After some trouble he was released
from his painful position, when it was
discovered that one leg was broken at
the ankle and the muscles on the same
leg torn loose at the knee. It was a
very close call for him. The fireman
escaped with a slight injury. At pres
ent it is not known how the switch
came to be open. The wrecking crew
were at work all day yesterday clear
ing up the wreck.
Dr. Marshall, DENTIST Fitzger
ald block.
The strike among the butchers last
Monday at the South Omaha packing
houses has well-nigh paralyzed the
cattle and hog market, there being
little cr no demand for the animals.
The butchers claim that their wages
have been unjustly cut, and that at
other packing centers the wages re
main the same as before. The packers
appear confident that they will be able
to secure enough men to take the
places of the strikers in a very short
time, and that they will soon be run
ning at full blast. In the meantime
shippers will be a trifle chary of send
ing live stock to South Omaha.
Don't buy a bicycle until you see us.
The "fifty-dollar ladies' " is certainly
a sensation. We are sole agents for
them. Leiinuoff Bros.
Only a short time ago Polk's News
was calling De' s an outlaw, anarchist-,
bandit and. in fact, almost everything
in its cut-throat vocahulaiy. Just
then, however, the circulation com
menced to dwindle. Laboring men
who resented such uu crai ranted abuse
of Dubs, promptly ordered their paper
stopped. As a result the sheet is taking
it all back aHd is ready to swear by
Debs and every labor organization in
th e i'intry. It is nothing unusual for
the News editor to stultify himself,
but in this particular case the ruse
won't woik.
Buy the improved Smgersewing ma
chine. Anton Triliity. local agent,
office in Unruh's furniture store.
The firemen on the Wyoming divis
ion of the Union Pacific, says the Lin
coln Journal, are "eating cold turkey"
with a rapidity that awes them. Thus
far 125 firemen have been )e. tint, and
five firemen were discharged at Chey
enne for incetidiar) nrnatks during
the latestrike. Aside fioiu the fire
men thirty engineeis ai i five conduc
tors on the division are hustling for
other jobs. A number have also been
discharged at other terminal points,
and yet the work has not fully begun
of l:smissing those who were active
durirg the strike.
For summer comolaint use Gering's
Blackberry Cordial
Hugh D. Biyce's S25JMMI damage suit
against the Burlington & Missouri
River railroad, in the Douglas county
district court, has taken a sudden
turn. The company insists on having
a lot of the petition stricken out be
fore it will agree to make any answer
in the case whatever. Bryce is the
Ilavelock blacksmith who was struck
a tremendous bhw with a sledge ham
mer, j-ist above the heart. March 2-5, a
year ago. At the time he was working
in the shops and says an unskilled as
sistant, in trying to hit the anvil,
landed the force of his blow on Bryce's
Drop into Lehnhoffs and drink a
glass of cream soda water.
A social will be given at the home
of S. J. Tidd near the fair grounds on
the eveningof Augu.-t 11 for the bene
fit of the U. B. minister. The public
is invited to attend.
List or Letttr
Remaining uncalled for in the post
office at Plattsmouth Aug. 1 for week
ending July 25, 1S94:
Boyle. C A Atihborn. Mm Bell
Dolezal, John -'lary, John
Fcrhull. Georgo Grapmuck, Pastor
tloge, R W Louthen, HI iter
Mutter. M A Pollard. Mildia
Port, Mrs C II Rose. C II
Shorn, Mr J Seuor, Gertie
Wedworth, Vinuie.
Persons calling for any of the above
letters or parcels w ill please say "ad
vertised." W. K. Fox, P. M.
All legal business given prompt at
tention. 0. 1 wyer, attorney, Platts
mouth. Consumption. Bronchitis, CaUirrh. and all
diaeaes of the respiratory organ are of like
germ origin, and it is only lately that they have
been "nccesHf oily treated.
In IItlo. taken by steam Inhalation. Ameri
can scientists have succeeded, where Koch and
Pasteur failed, in perfecting a cure that iTBts.
For particulars address California Chemical
Works, Omaha, Neb. 13-14
j - - . -
?.r com'lon on Satur-
i tain ing j .
Farmers are cutting their corn for
Miss Clara Cleghorn, of Louisville,
spent a few days here and had a good
Mr. O. M. Peterson, of Plattsmouth,
Sundayed at College Hill very pleas
antly. Miss Carrie Schulhof, of Platts
mouth, is spending a few weeks at
College Hill.
The school house in our district will
soon receive a coat of paint. The
same is badly needed.
From the looks of the many grain
stacks surrounding us, small grain is
not a failure by a good deal.
John C. Current and brother-in-law,
from Elmwood, paid College Hill a
visit on that hot Thursday.
We shook hands with Mrs. E. Foe, of
Red Cloud. Mrs. Foe is one of our
former College Hill school girls.
Young Woodruff,of Wetpicg Water,
will hereafter pound knowledge into
the heads of the College Hill scholars.
The planted corn is badly misused
from the heat. Listed corn looks fresh
yet, but unless we get rain, it will go
in the wake of the planted corn.
Our old settler friend,Rev. Emanuel
Hartig, of Nebraska City, will come to
see his many old friends around this
part of the world next Thursday,
August 9th.
Thursday last will long be remem
bered, as it was the hottest day we
ever experienced. It was also killing
day on corn, and farmers are very
much discouraged.
Grain thrashing is in full blast.
John Shoenman, George Frampton
and Wm. Fitzgerald are the boss
thrashers. C. S.
An operation or injections of car
bolic acid are extremely dangerous.
Try Japanese Pile Cure. Positively
guaranteed by Fricke & Co.
Nwtic-e of Koreoloaure.
Thomas Baker John W. Martin, and their as
aimia. defendants. ill tuke notice that on the
.'.'til tiny il June. 1.U. William M. 'lary and
William M. t'lary a adminiMrator of the'estate
of Daniel (iregg, deceased, plaintiffs herein,
tiled a petition in the district court of t'nss
county, Nebraska. ncalnt said defendants, the
object and prayer of which are to foreclose it
certain mortgage executed by the defendant
Vl:liani and Mary Edgertoii to said defendants
Thomas Baker and John W. Martin slid their
aMcns. upon bt numbered twenty four cit
and thirty tw o. (:i'' in t-e tion numbered twenty
CJO' township twelve. tl"-' north, range num
bered fourteen ( 14 ' east of the sixth principal
meridian, mi Ihe county of t'ass and state of Ne
braska, mid eontainiiiK even and ninety hun
dredths i7 KO lmo ncrew more or Ics. to secure
the puyrrent of two certain promissory notes
dated ( ictober l, lsS. for the sum of '.' 00
eat h. and due and payable, me one on .January
1. IrvW. and the other on Julv 1. thst there
is i'ov ilue ni"in sRid second nteand mortgage
the sum r-f iJ.V.oo and interest thereon from Oc
tober l. iKss. nt the rate of ten per cent per
annum, tor w nich sum. with interest to date of
judgment, plaintiff's pray for a decree that said
defendants William and Mary Eugerrou be re
quired to paj the same with the costs of this
suit. or. that said premises mav be sold to sat
if v the amount found due. and that the said
defendants. Thomas llaker. John W. Martin
and their assigns, as to the first note, be forever
barred of all right, interest or equity of redemp
tion in said mo-tirnired piemises.
V 'U are required to answer said petition on or
before the 27th day of August. 1S1M. bated
JtilvT. !!'!. William M. Clart.
It) 4 Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Nolle i,f Adjourned sale.
In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska;
in the m liter of the estate of Solomon Ward,
deceased .
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of Minufl M. Chapman, judge of the
district court of Cass county, Nebraska, made
on the 7th day of April. A. IV. isw. for the
sale of : he south half of the southwest quarter
of section twenty 30, in township eleven (ll),
north, cf range nine ), Cass county. Ne
braska, and in pursuance of a noli- e of the
time and (dace of sale of ald lands, given and
published according to law. 1 off ered said above
deMTibe 1 lands for sale on the lrtth tiay of June.
A. D., l"i:H. as in said notice provided, ami held
the same open for more than one hour and hav
ing received no acceptable bid for said lands. I
adjourned said sale to the 21st day of July. A.
1., 1st. at which time said above described
lands were again off ered for sale to the highest
bidder for cash, and after keeping the said sale
open for one hour, and receiving no accertable
bids for said lands. 1 again adjourned said sale
until August lHtb. lv4: said sale to take place
at the south door of the court house, in Cass
county, Nebraska, at p.m. of said lMh
day of August, lsitj, and to remain open for
one hour.
Administrator of the estate of Solomon Ward,
deceased. :il-3
Notice, to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, i
Cass County. "
In the matter of the estate of fieorge W. Port
deceased :
Notice is hereby given that the claims andde
mands of all persona against (ieorge V. Port, de
cesed. late of Mitchell county and state of
Kbiimis. will be received, examined ami ad
justed by the county court at the court house in
Piatlsuiomh. on the lthday of January. A. I..
ls'jo. at V) o'clock in the forf noon, and that six
mouths from and after the 12th day of July.
A. 1).. 1SSM. is the time limited for creditors
of said deceased to present their claims forex
amlnation and allowance.
tiiven under my hand this 9th day of July,
A. D.. 1SV4.
B. S. RAMSEY, County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, I
Cass County. I
In the matter of the estate of George Frank,
Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mauds of all persona against (ieorge Frank
dceaxed, late of said county and state,
w ill be received, examined and adjusted by the
county court at the court house in Plattsmouth,
on the lath day of January, A I), lsya, at two
o'clock in the afternoon ; and that six months
from and after the lth day of July A V. In4.
is the time limited tor creditors of said de
ceased to present their claims for examination
and allowance.
Given under my hand this 9lh day of July,
A I), L"l4.
ly-4 U. S. RAMSEY. County Jndge.
Is sold with written
Jtr tion, Fits. Dixii-
Neunugia and Wak
fulues,caued by ex
v.nuutl Hriinm
s. Tobacco and Alco-
-ho Brain, causing Misery, Insanity and Death;
Jiarreness, Imnotenry, Lost Power tn either sex.
Prematura Old A(to. Involuntary Limm-s, c-ated
by over-uitiulgeuce, of the Brain an 1
Errors of Youth. It rives to Weak Organs their
Smun.1 Vigor and doubles tb Joys ot hfe; cures
i.ucorrhaMi and Female WHaknesa. a month's treat
ment, iu plum package, by mail, to auy address, (1
l-r box, 6 Iwxes i. With every $5ortr we give a
Written Guarantee to cure or refund the money.
Circulars free. Uuurautee issued only by our ex
clusive agent.
F. ii. KKUKi: A. (0.. MtrU-ISTS,
Sole agents. Plattsmouth . Neb.
UtVUVIV - - . .
had absconded with all their funda,
amoiintine to $4.80. The "commo
dore'' will be remembered as one of
Clear to the Hilt
This is no Cheap Advertising Fake.
is Absolute and Genuine.
Cash will buy
Perhaps you doubt this Claim. There's
be convinced
Call and inspect the
The People's Popular
First Premium
at the
Columbian Exposition
The Singer Man'f'g Co.
54: First Awards,
Ileitis the largest number of awards obtained
by any exhibitor and more than double the
number received by all other Sewing Machine
companies. Awards received on the following:
Family Sewing Machines, V. S. No. 2.
I . V . v. H and Single Thread Automatic
Chain Stitch Machine. Sewing Machine
Cabinets, Art Embroideries. Laces. Cur
tains. ( pholstery. Artistic Furnishings,
Sewing and Embroidery, Tapestry Ma
chine Work.
Also 43 Awards, covering machines
for manufacture in every liue where a
Sewing Machine can te used on Wool,
I'otton and silk Cloth. Knit Goods.
Leather, etc., for ornamental Stitching.
Button holes. Eyelets, Barring, over
seaming, staying, etc.
The Singer M'fg Co
"All Over the World."
Branch Office Lincoln Neb
-.. .:m
f;-.-;v Watches .rv -:v
Diamonds r : v
S i:f:--v.;.;2v Jewelry u-:--.v
?;;: Fine Watch Repairing
Opposit Post Oftlc jj-'yjji;
iiv.: .P.M1 vr. ...... .'f
i i : r.:;.:f -:i'i:! ::iS I'--i"i
lhe City Hotel,
Corner Main and Third Sts.,
Special Attention Given to the
Accommodation of Farmers.
CI 4- PUon D I n Connec-
Rates SI Per Hay.
H. H. GOOS, PropV.
First National Bank
Capital, paid. up. $50,000
Johh Fitzgerald President
F. E. Whits Vice president
S. WiDOH Cashier
Johu Fitzgerald. I), llawksworth, F. E. White
S. Waugh and Geo. E. Dovey.
Careful attention given to the Interests ol
customers, collections made and promptly
remitted for. Highest market price paid lor
county warrants and state and county bonds.
m-w us r n , -1 uu i' i i i m 1 1 ! M f 1 1 K I'.HCT .k
ono Nitf hi Kminxinnii. WraK tirain or N.rru
r cured or mnnpf rt n r l i,v h - -
'I urkmli loat Manhood 'niMlla. (1 box. 6tor
t5biuail. Halm' l'linriuCT. Ouiaha.
"") C" 5 1 "rtwli I "y and Pon--l-J
I CZ. O nrroTnl I ill. n.v.r fail.
nra to the amy
HriliH monthliM r mi I k r
r wiinaut ym
without HUa. 1 ri hy mail Airnuia waabxi.
H1H. b raAKaACV
)1J linumliL, Omu.
air njjrtyi innva vb v
river commission bilked us out of it
and divwed the appropriation be-
More and Better Summer
Clothing of JOE than mor
tal man could fairly ask.
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty year3 use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea
the Mother's Friend.
Caatoriaisao well adapted to children thai
I recommend it aa superior to any prescription
known to me." II. A. A&cbxk, 51. D
111 So. Oxford SU, Brooklyn, N. T.
" The use of 'Castoria ia so universal and
Its merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach.1
Caklos Mak-ttk, D. D
New York City.
Ths CxiTTAua
H i LOH'S"
Consumption cure
The Great QQur I TTi Great V?oup$Tare The Great
lung RestorefTlsd by vry dmgki 4a-he continent of
America on positive 4aTantee,?at 50c 'nji S rr bottle a test
so wonderful sand severe thatimi-"Gwg r tuiiff Remedy vet
discovered la successfully stooti -exrept tii-Orb& Cure. A dose
in time -will $ie you ewdiess afxjety an4 troubll Mothers, keep
a bottle at yonfHedirf$; it in;idiate!ytilievdL Croup, and you
Know UP up SlltiJiave prom
f. s. white, Hniou's BromiHleiEig.
Iflain Street, Plattsmouth. special or NeSrIiu'aiJSTor kr
aavK Gout. Kidney liiorderm. Acid
AO.WAVS FKEHII. bb 151 S. Western Aenue. CHICAB
Teas and Coffees Unexcelled. BYRON CLARK-
,rue(7Fe,rtr..ed Attorney at Law,
CANNED GOOD S. OFFICK-Second floor of the Todd block,
. east of the court house.
I IlluUlill U Tha Meat In the World. Park OnErrr Pills will reduce your weight
J PERMANENTLY from 12 to 15 pounds a month.
Th "TYYT" anH "Tloof" Ttranrlo NO STAKVINti, sickness or Injury; NO PUB
lne AAA A ana liest iiranas. liCTTY. They build up the health and beautl-
fy the complexion, leaving NO WRINKLES or
flabbiness. STOCT ABDOMENS and dimcclt
REFROTff At ROOT breathing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT,
HXiXAUU AUVl. but ascientiec and positive relief, adopted only
a . i . -y after rears of experience. All orders supplied
T1t"OT71 fiVS fit I i51 XXT direct from our office. Price tiOO per package
'"t'U1 AC'a7 0 " J-,c' V y OT tnree packa(res for ts.00 hy mall postpaid.
m iTrcnTwn TectimonialR and particulars sealed 2 cents.
I iATTMiULTiI. EB. fSfAll correspondence strictly confidential.
O rTICE-Flugtrsld block.over First Nat'l bank PABK REMEDY CO., BOStOD. Ma3S
was given a year's sentence to the
penitentiary, over to the penitentiary
a, i e, T Z-.l
The claim
but one way to
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
gestion, Without injurious medication.
Tor several years I have recommended
your 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to
do so as ft has invariably produced beneficial
Edwih F. Fabdek, M. D
125th Street and 7th Ave, New York City.
CoKPAmr, 77 M curat Srurr, Bxw ToaK Crrr
:f prrrn n ffoj J
J Thursday shaking hands with friends;
and boarded a west-bound 13. & M.
I n?n Twif a mnrtiinrr I
e railro;
for Jaly, as
are 2S.6 per