Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, August 02, 1894, Image 2

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R tj. Leaders Answer to the
' charge Contempt.
nenlea tho Chre Outlines II U
Tetltion The Public I'rfred to Aid
Im th Clioycoll niu ina strike
B0 Continued?
Chicago, July 25. On Monday Pres
ident Debs, Vice President Howard,
fceretary Keliher and Director Rogers,
jofihe American Railway union, by
hir attorneys, W. W. Erwin, S. S.
Crreffory and John F. Geeting, filed
answer to the contempt rule is-
by the court against them last
ik. The case was heard by Judges
up and Wood. Mr. Gregory of
fered a motion to quash the writ be-
ense of insufficient supplemental in
rmation. The motion was laid over.
Attorney Gregory's suggestion that
jibe hearing be postponed until after
jtlua trial unaer ine indictments pend
Bnjj against them was not entertained
jlry the court. The court then heard
arguments on Mr. Gregory's motion to
jAiamias the bill and discharge the de
fendants. Mr. Milchrist read the in
formation filed by the government re
jetting the telegrams sent by Debs to
Uaer officials of the American Rail
Tray anion after the writ of injunction
was issued.
Attorney Erwln then read the answer of the
AefeodanU. The answer denied that the de
fendants ordered the employes of any road to
taTMhelr work. By the laws of the union a
dike can be ordered only by a vote of its
Members. The defendants denied that the or
' puliation of unions was carried on other than
.kjr tenorally advising employes to become
pnembers of unions and receiving to member
akin persons so applying therefor. They ex
pressly denied that the organization of such
tonSoos conferred upon its officers or directors
authority to order strikes as alleged in the in
tonnatlon. Sent But One Telegram.
The defendants deny that after the service
C the injunction they or either of them
carried on the work of organization other
tkaa by generally advising railroad em
xrfojr to become members of such union
mm! receiving to membership persons so
applying therefor as aforesaid. They deny
that orders to strike were at any time or in
aaj manner communicated by said American
Railway union to said local unions, as alleged
said information.
The defendants deny that any one of the tel
cramsaet forth in said information was sent
r caused to be sent by them or -any of them.
or lb at they authorized or approved the same
r anyone thereof, except a certain telegram
ated July 6. 1M, as follows:
"Vfe have assurance that within forty-eight
hours every labor organization in this country
rill come to our rescue. The fight is on. and
cw men are acquitting themselves like heroes.
Here and there one weakens, but our cause Is
fttraagthened by a dozen going out In his place.
Bray true man must quit now and re
ndu out until the fight is won. There
can be no half-way ground. Men must
It (or us or against us.
This, telegram, defendants admit, was
caused to be sent by defendant Debs, as al
lseed, but save as hereinbefore admitted de
fendants allege that they had no knowledge or
aotlee whatever of the sending of said tele
fmna or of the contents thereof until the HI
tag or the information.
A 1 wars Counseled Peace. j
The defendants admit that upon some of (-aid I
Hans of railway there was exercised upon the I
part of some persons, to the defendants un- !
tanon. violence against persons and property, j
!)pca Information and belief they deny that
any dcinber of said American Railway union
fas any manner participated In said acts of vio
lence or any of them.
1ey allege that they did all said times
ocnsel and advise all members of the said
American f lutlway union, with whom they were
Ueorcmuiilcatlon. to at all times abstain from
violence, threats and Intimidation. and to all
Units respect the law and the oSlcers thereof.
The ansner makes other sweeping and more
fticilc denial of the charges and concludes by
Oeclairing that all of their action after the
senict upon them of said Injunction were
taken under advice of competent counsel, and
the defendants, each for himself, denies that
In intended In any way to violate the injunc
tion of this court or to act in defiance or con
tempt of its -authority in any respect.
Attorney Walker then arose and
vade a short, crisp speech for the
prosecution. He first reviewed the
facts set forth in the information and
then took up one by one the charges of
the bill. He said:
"We claim that the transmission of those
letters and telegrams was a willful violation
of tbe injunction. Does this answer, although
It be verified, purgo the contempt and can the
Attendants go out of court free men? We
oncfcl to have the right to bring witnesses to
ckuilense the truthfulness of the allegations
4 aarh answer, although we do not charge
tact the answer is not true.
0ir position is this: The strike and boy
cott emanated from the officers of the Amer
ica 1U.11 way union, and these defendants
were to Mame for it. They are responsible for
etry act of violence, every murder, every as-
Malt which followed the Issuance of their
vrders. They say they did not issue the or
em we ilesire to probe their source. One
Iking we know they admit the violence and
koutot It."
Debs' Appeal.
Chicago, July 24. President Debs
nd his associates prepared an appeal
to the American people asking them to
boycott the Pullman cars by refusing
to ride in them. The document says
that the obstinacy of the Pullman
eonupan3" in refusing to submit to ar
bitration in any form (even to decide
the question if there was anything to
Arbitrate) is deserving of the severest
condemnation. It goes on to say that
the Pullman company has robbed its
employes and that an investigation
'would have disclosed a state of affairs
which would have horrified the nation.
This, the union claims, is why arbitra
tion was refused.
The document continues:
"It is notoriously true that the Pullman
company pays Its conductors and porters such
ynltry uajres that they are obliged to depend
ooti the public to support them. Yes. this
ibk tnA powerful corporation virtually com-jp-ht
tbe jmblic to pay the wages of its sleeping
car employes, and this notwithstanding ex
butlonute rates are charged for sleeping car
ccotj mod at Ions.
Then, after stating that they pro
Hise to continue the strike regardless
of consequences until justice be done,
St says: "The struggle is for humanity
ml against the most cruel tyranny,
and, unless we are dead to every im
IuIm of mercy and fellow-feeling,
' mart be crowned with success."
-V- propose that the Pullman company
tubii te brought to justice and this in a way
tliat v 111 not necessitate a strike with Its at
tcacfcint ills. It may be suggested that this
ahooiii have been thought of before the great
irtte w.-is inaugurated. In that case little. If
mt. Attention would have been paid to the ap
fieal we are cbout to make.
-As one of the results of the strike the coun
try is iiro;isod and any proper appeal will com-musa-;
tt.'ntio:-.. The I'ullman company, still
tteltcnc. tnd as cruel to Its former employes as
lib inriiUcrcnt to tho public weal, is deter
mined is starve Its employes into subcussua.
Mr. Peterson! fug the action.
rnnlists of the I - " .
jry jrree-Jej Johnson's Magnetic Qil kills all
As retnorsolos as a ruaa-Mtlng tiger. !t walU
complacently until their last p-uny Is gone and
the are thus forced to crawl back Into their
i m" 'plreHHOlr' 'niploy. The spectacle
U well calculated to make una and angel
'"hn,lhol,u"n"in company have the sop
T. tof."1P"hllo n carrying out this hellish
j..rjrr oaau me publlo be a party to the sUr
T""on anJ degradation of the more than
4.CW) employes-men and women whose only
crime is that they ask living wages?
We believe-Indeed, we know- what the
answer will bo. We have faith In the Ameri
can people. They uphold justice; they love fair i
jr. niiu uow. in tne name of justice and fair
Play, w appeal to the great American
public, to every good man and every good
woman, not to ride in a Pullman car until the
Pullman company does Justice to its employes.
Let the cars run absolutely empty. No friend
of labor, no friend of humanity, will occupy a
aeat or berth In a Pullman car. Let this policy
be Inaugurated and we will then see how long
the railroad companies will be bound by their
contracts, as they have Induced the publlo to
believe, to haul Pullman cara.
Out of Jail.
Chicago, July 27. When court met
for the morning session Judge Woods
rendered a decision holding that,
under the information filed in the
contempt preceedings against Debs,
Howard, Keliher and Rogers, of
the American Railway union, the
defendants must answer to the court for
the crime of interfering with inter
state commerce and with the United
States mails and formally overruling
the motion of the defense to quash
the informations against them for con
tempt. Judge Grosscup then announced that
he had taken no part in the decisions
on the motions to quash, and he an
nounced further that he would take
no further part in the contempt pro
ceedings for the reason that the de
fendants are under indictment in the
United States district court over which
he presides, and the same questions of
law will be raised under the indict
ments. Further action in the case was dis
continued until September 5. Debs
and the other defendants, after con
sulting with their Attorneys, decided
to abandon their policy of remaining
in jail under the charge of contempt,
and give bail.
Debs and Howard were already un
der SI 0,000 bail each, under the first in
dictment for conspiracy. Since then
five other indictments have been re
turned against them and Keliher and
Rogers. In these cases the bail was
reduced to 81,000 from 53,000 in each
case, and it was also cut down from
83,000 to S1.000 in each of the two con
tempt cases. So that the new bail
entered in all the cases was $7,000 for
each man.
It is thought Debs and his associates
will endeavor to ,plead a conspiracy
among railroad managers against or
ganized labor.
Troops Ordered Home.
Chicago, July 27. Twelve hundred
militiamen, comprising the Third
brigade, Illinois national guard, have
been ordered to leave the city.
To Investigate the Strike.
Washington, July 27. The presi
dent lias appointed John D. Kernan,
of New York, and Nicholas E. Worth
ington, of Peoria, 111., to act with La
bor Commissioner Carroll D. Wright
on the presidential commission to in
vestigate the Chicago strike.
Mr. Kernan is a well known lawyer
in Ltica, . ., and a son of ex-United
States Senator Kernan. He has been
a particular and thorough student of
labor questions, and has written sev
eral important contributions to litera
ture on this subject. He was chosen
because of his undoubted thorough
understanding of the subject and his
well Known sympathy with the labor
ing classes. Nicholas E. Worthington
is now a judge of the Illinois circuit
court. He represented the Peoria dis
trict in congress about eight yearsago.
To Meet Next Meek.
Chicago, July 28. o Whether the
American Railway union should de
clare its strike at an end or whether
it should be continued along an
altered plan of operations are ques
tions which will be considered at
a delegate convention of the order
to assemble at Uhlich's hall Thursday.
August 2. The call for the convention
was formulated at the meeting at the
Revere house Thursday morning of the
American Railway union directory
its first session since the arrest of the
officers of the organization.
President Debs said the delegates
would not come from all the 500 subor
dinate unions, but only from unions at
points which have been directly af
fected by the strike.
In the meantime the strike will be
in force, but it is said that nothing
will be done looking to its spread, and
it is probable that those who are left
in charge of matters at this end will
issue no orders to those who are out
until the delegates have decided on
some plan of action. President Debs
left for Tene Haute Thursdaj- after
War Again Said to Have Ilcgnn Between
China and Japan In Corea.
New York, July 28. The Herald's
London dispatch says: The Central
News has this dispatch fioni Shanghai:
'War has been declared between
Japan and China. The Japanese
have seized the king of Corea
and hold him prisoner. Eleven Chi
nese steamers are on their way to
Corea. Most of the troops are coolies
armed with bows and arrows. Some
Chinese steamers which have arrived
at Corea have been prevented by the
Japanese from landing troops. It is
reported that the Japanese artillery
sank several of them.
Washington, July 23. M. Tateno,
the Japanese ministei to the United
States, has been recalled. The recall,
it is stated, is due not to anything
connected with the present Japanese-Chinese-Corean
difficulty, but owing to
matters growing out of recent treaty
Charles Wilson Hanged.
St. Lons, Julj- 2S. Charles Wilson,
(colored) was executed in the jail
yard here on Thursday for the murder
of Moses Hodges November 8, 1892, in
a quarrel over a woman ol whom both
were enamored. Wilson, after the
murder, escaped to Chicago, wiiere he
was captured and turned over to the
St. Louis authorities.
strange that tbe federal. courts of this
great country can be so easily bought
, n...n all
The Conference Report on the Bill Do
bated. On the S3d Senator Gorman (dem., Md.) drew
a graphic picture of the anxiety with which
the country awaited the fate of the bill, the
Idle factories, the closed workshops and the
unemployed, saying that no one more than he
appreciated the gravity of the situation. Fur
ther auspense was neither to the best inter
ests of the country nor of the party. He eulo
gized Senators Vest, Jones, Voorhees and Har
ris, who had accomplished the feat of adjust
ing the differences between senate and house,
and had made possible the passage of any bilL
The Infamous calumnies heaped upon the heads
of the senate forced from him, he said, a plain,
unvarnished statement of the facts, making it
with malice to none.
"It was the most uncalled for, the most ex
traordinary, most unwise communication,"
aid he. in bitter tones, "that ever came from
a president of the United States, it places
this body in a position where its members must
aee to it that the dignity and honor of this
chamber must be preserved. It places me in a
position where I must tell the story as it oc
curred The limit of endurance has been
Senator Gorman charged directly that every
one of the senate amendments had been seen
by Secretary Carlisle and scanned by htm be
fore they were agreed upon. He drew from his
desk and had read an interview wlrh Secretary
Carlisle on April 30 In which the secretary of the
treasury gave the same bill his sweeping In
dorsement. The secretary of the treasury neces
sarily spoke in a great measure for the presi
dent in matters relating to his department. On
the morning following the publication of that
interview the papers announced that the presi
dent was In entire accord with his great secre
tary of the treasury.
As a compromise Senator Gorman asserted
that the bill as completed was satisfactory to
not a single, solitary human being In all its de
tails, but as a whole the structure presented
was acceptable as the best bill that could be
passed. There was no suggestion anywhere,
either from the president or the secretary of the
treasury, that the bill as modified was a viola
tion of the democratic principle.
With dramatic emphasis Senator Gorman
called upon Senators Vest, Jones and Harris
to bear testimony as to whether his state
ments had varied a hair's breadth from the
truth. "Let the people have the truth," said
he, as he paused.
Senator Vest said that he had not himself
aeen the president since the repeal of tho Sher
man law last summer, but with the secretary
of the treasury he had frequent conversations.
Mr. Carlisle had repeated and distinctly stated
to him that the greatest possible calamity that
could happen would be the failure of any bill. He
had distinctly stated to him that no difference
In rates should be allowed to stand in the way
of the consummation of some scheme of tariff
reform. His colleague. Senator Jones, had
aeen both Mr. Carlisle and Mr. Cleveland and
they had both declared that the bill was ac
ceptable to them. Senator Jones said:
"I told the secretary of the treasury, after he
had approved the bill, to lay It before the
president. He promised to do so. The next
day I called on the president and asked him if
Secretary Carlisle had done so. The president
said yes. I then said I wanted to know the
attitude of the administration toward the MIL
He must, I told him. indorse it or I would not
go farther with it. The president said he ap
proved of what we had done, and would do all
In his power to effect a compromise."
Senator Vilas jumped up with a question.
"During that interview," he said to Senator
Jones, -was anything said by you about put
ting a duty on coal and iron?"
"Yes," Senator Jones exclaimed: "I told him
distinctly that this duty had been put on."
'Hut, " persisted Senator Vilas, "was there
a single interview between you and the presi
dent in which the president did not impress the
hooe for free coal and iron?"
"There was not," Senator Jones replied, ' but
he did not even suggest that putting on the
duty was an abandonment of democratic prin
ciples." Senator Gorman then railed on Senator Har
ris to affirm or contradict his interview In the
morning papers, in which he was quoted as
telling the story of the tariff legislation in the
senate substantially as he (Gorman). Senators
Vest and Jones had told It. Senator Harris
said, in his usually Impressive manner, that
the Interview was correct.
'Did the president ever say to you." Senator
Gorman asked him. "that a duty on coal and
Iron ore was a violation of democratic prin
ciple?" "No such sentiment was ever expressed to
me." Senator Harris cried, melodramatically,
"by the preside nt. by any member of his cabi
net or by any human being."
Senator Gorman spoke of the deep regret
that he was compelled to ask the public testi
mony of these senators. But the time had
come to speak. The limit of endurance had
been reached. The senate had been traduced.
An attempt had been mude to "try und gibbet
It before the country." These charges had
been foully made from distinguished sources."
They mst be met und refuted.
Senator Gorman said he had nothing but the
kindest feeling for the president. He had la
bored hard to secure his election on the occa
sion of his first candidacy. He had stood by
him throughout his second and third cam
paigns for the presidency. He did It with an
admiration for the man, with a bolief that he
would serve his country well, but he did it also
in order that there might be democratic con
trol in this government. The senator contin
ued: "I have Kiven the president a fair sup
port and an honest support; never subservient,
never swayed by the want of patronage, ready
to stand with him on wnatever was right. He
has no cause of complaint against me. I urn
not his debtor. Let him answer for himself."
Never before since the declaration of Inde
pendence, Senator Gorman went on. had a
president of the United States been guilty of
such a violation of the spirit of the constitu
tion as had Mr. Cleveland in writing his letter
to Chairman Wilson. ' The liberty of the sen
ate should not be invaded." he said in thun
derous tones, "though 1,000 hirelings write us
down and traduce us."
The president, he continued, had said It
would be dishonorable to tax coal and iron.
The house, parrot-like, repeated the cry.
"Men who set up high standards," said the
senator, "should come to us with clean hands."
Senator Gorman then defended the senate
bill at length and In considerable detail, lie
told how President Cleveland In his letter of
acceptance of his nomination had declared for
freer, not free, raw materials. "And but for
that declaration he could not." Senator Gor
man exclaimed, "In my opinion, have been
He hoped the senate conferroes would say ,
the house conferrees that the laws must be
obeyed, and that the law was that when one
house of congress proposed to change an ex
isting law and a difference of opinion existed as
to how much change should be made, the house
proposing the most radical change should
adopt the less radical propositions of the
Senator White followed Mr. Gorman. He
said that the question of merits on tho tariff
was infinitely superior to the question of taste
as to the president's letter read In the house.
He reviewed the ditllculties In framing the
tariff bill. Free coal and free iron would be
a great boon to California. The state pays al
most the entire coal tax. and yet this bill was
cheerfully accepted because It was the best
that could be had. There was nothing for the
senate to do but to vote for the resolution of
the senator from Delaware (Mr. Gray) to In
sist upon the senate bill. If the Vilas resolu
tion were adopted it would open the door to
a flood of amendments and would precipitate
another long and acrimonious contest over the
tariff. If tho bill was amended to Include free
Iron and free coal tho senator from New York
(Mr. Hill) knew that the bill would be imperiled
and he would probably shed no tears at Its
On the 24th Senator Hill (dem., N. Y.) said
that he agreed with Senator Gorman that the
democratic party was In the midst of a great
crisis. The party after a long struggle had been
intrusted with power. It had gone to work to
redeem its pledges, the greatest of which was
that looking to tariff reform. The house had
passed a bill which, aside from the income tax
feature, had met with general approval. A It
passed tlo senate, however. It wae not satis
factory and It violate the pledges of the party.
Senator Hill said that the sentiments ex
pressed in tLe president's letu.-r were his senti
ments. The yresident, t0 declared, violated
fifteen dinerencmian-.. k 1 tj
r; tf V
no clause of the constitution when he sent that
letter. He had the right to do It. No demo-
crat on the floor could controvert the position
taken by Mr. Cleveland. Placing a duty on
4-A 1 ,1 vlnl.tA t Vl Q Tl 1 rt f fTm aA.
laratlons of the party. The democrats of the
country were in sympathy with Mr. Cleveland.
The Wilson bill had been generally Indorsed
all over the country in respect to free raw ma
terials. The senate bill had been received
everywhere with signs of disapproval.
Senator Hill read from President Cleveland's
message of 1887 to prove that Senator Gorman
had erred la saying that Mr. Cleveland had in
that message said nothing in favor of free raw
materials. Neither could Mr. Cleveland be
held responsible for the unofficial utterances
of Secretary Carlisle, but. referring to the offi
cial utterances of the secretary of the treas
ury, he pointed out that until the present ques
tion arose both Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Carlisle
were consistent and in harmony.
Continuing. Senator Hill advanced a step
toward Senator Gorman, and referring to the
latter's speech on Monday said, with empha
sis: "The senator reveatel prlvute conversa
tions which had taken place between him and
the president. What for? It was to place the
president in a false position before the coun
try. I have my grievance with the president.
I owe him nothing. But I believe it my duty
to now defend him and I shall do so."
Commenting on Senator Gorman's admission
of having assured the sugar men before Presi
dent Cleveland's election that sugar would
have a duty, he demanded by what right Sen
ator Gorman had given that assurance, i.nd be
denied that the democratic party was bound to
carry out such a promise, "even though the
senator from Maryland never breaks his
In repeating Senator Gorman's declaration
that an altered bill could not pass the senate,
he recalled tho fact that during the Sherman
repeal fight Senator Gorman had declared that
unconditional repeal wus impossible. "But It
did pass." he cried.
His defense of Mr. Cleveland was followed
by a condemnation of the income tax In which
Senator Hill again deHned hit future policy
with regard to It. He said he wanted to de
feat "the popullstlc Income tax," and added:
"I shall resort to every honorable method by
which It ran be done."
The senator ended cleverly and humorously
by turning the tables on Senator Gorman for
referring to him as Iago. "I might liken this
attack on our president." he said, "to tbe great
conspiracy of Kome. I would (pointing to Gor
man) call the distinguished senator from
Maryland the lean and hungry Casslus."
Then, leaning toward Senator Gorman, he ut
tered in a stage whisper: "He thinks too
much." He likened Senator Jones to honest
Brutus and Senator Vest to Casca and Senator
Harris to Martellus Cimber, and finished
"It Is the same plea as when they killed
Caesar, not that thev loved him less, but that
they loved Kcme more. And with these gentle
men It is not that they love Cleveland less, but
that they love their party and this bill better.
With Mare Antony 1 say: 'Yet with all the pri
vate grievances they have, they are all wise
and honorable men ' "
Senator Caffery rose when Senator Hill sat
down and offered an amendment. Instructing
the senate conferrees to insist on the Inser
tion in the bill of a bounty of nine-tenths of a
cent on sugar testing over ninety decrees and
of eight-tenths of a cent between eighty and
ninety degrees. This was an amendment pre
pared by Senator Jones (Ark.) for insertion In
the bill, but It was never offered. In speaking
to this amendment Senator Caffery warmly
defended the president for the views ex
pressed in his letter to Chairman Wilson.
Senator Teller interrupted Senator Caffery
to ask how he would act towards the bill If
sugar were made free. .
"I have always said and say now," said the
Louisiana senator, "that if free sugar is put in
the bill I will not vote against it. I hope that
is emphatic."
On the 2Sth Mr. Caffery resumed his speech,
speaking principally as to the justice of the
duty on sugar Mr Laniel (dem.. Va.) also
made a speech.
Mr. Quay (rep. Pa.) gave notice of tfcrefe
imendments he should offer to the pending
motion before the senate first to amend Mr.
Vilas' motion, that the senate recede from the
one-eighth differential in the sugar scheduleso
as to recede from the whole of the sugar sched
ule: the second to add to Mr. Gray's motion
that the senate insist on all of its amendments,
that it recede from the sugar schedule: and
the third to add to Mr. Gray's motion auother
motion, viz.: That it recede from Uie differen
tial in favor of the refiners.
On the 2'th Senator Quay withdrew the
amendments he had offered the day before.
Senator Vilas then reviewed the action of Sen
ator Gorman in attacking the president upon
Monday characterizing that attack as a person
al assault upon the president and his character.
The Hrst charge was. he said, that of duplicity,
bused upon Mr. Cleveland's letter expressing
the hope that iron and coal should go on the
the free list in the tariff bill. The second was
that the executive had encroached upon tbe
prerogatives of conpress. and third that the
president had traduced the senate. He thanked
Senator Hill for his defense of the president.
Never did that senator appear to better ad
vantage nor more ably argue than when he pre
sented his views to the senate on the matter of
free coal and iron on Tuesday.
Senator Vilas, reviewing the various tariff
messages of the president, which he said em
braced no novelty with reference to coal or
iron not familiar to his party friends, asked if
the president could lay aside his views on tariff
reform. There had been no direct testimony
presented, he said, by Senator Gorman
or his witnesses that the president had
acted with duplicity. The senator from
Arkansas (Jones). one of Senator
Gorman's witnesses. hud said that he
laid the 400 amendments to the tariff bill be
fore the president, and now the president was
accused of having agreed to all of them. How
could the president agree to all of those de
tailed amendments? How many senators could
give a detailed account of these amendments
and their effect on the business of the country?
The president had merely considered these
things generally, devoting his attention and
his remarks to tho great principle Involved
In free coal and free iron. He (Vilas)
had asked the senator from Arkansas If the
president had not expressed to him the hope
that free coal and free Iron would be tho out
como of this great question, and the senator
from Arkansas answered truly that on every
occasion such was the fact. Who could say
that there had been a lack of openness on the
president's purt that this Mil before Its per
fection would carry free coal and free Iron ore.
On this single statement of the senator from
Arkansas he would bo content to let rest this
charge of duplicity on the part of that great
officer of the government.
The president has not endeavored to In
fringe on the prerogatives of the senate and
not with qualms of dupllcitv. but with tbe
same open manner that has always character
ized him he said to the chairman of the ways
and means committee thut he hoped that the
result might be accomplished in conference
with reference to free coal and iron, as he had
a perfect right to do. Who would gainsay that
the president had not as much right to give
his views on this question as freely after his
conversation with the senator from Arkan
sas as he had before.
Senator Vilas then quoted and ranged along
side of Mr. Cleveland's utterance the stato
ment of Senator Gorman thut the senate bill
could uot pass if it did not have the hearty
support of Mr. Cleveland. "At the very time
when the president was writing his letter to
Mr. Wilson." Senator Vilas went on dramat
ically, "the senator from Maryland and his co
adjutors were appeuling to Mr. Cleveland to
induce him to support them in an effort to
qualify the enactment of democratic principles
instead of crystallzing them into law. How
utterly wanton Is this cry of Interference now;
because he has seen lit to throw the weight of
his Influence with the hous in favor of demo
cratic principles, because he refused to stand
with them, they make his action a ground of
complaint here and in horror cry out against
'executive Interference." "
Senator Vilas referred to the fact that Pres
ident Washington came to the same chamber
accompanied by his secretary to urge in per
son the ratification of a treaty he had negoti
ated. President Jackson's course in making
his views felt by congress was also referred to.
Senator Vilas said he was content to leave to
fair-minded men whether the president had
wantonly encroached upon the rights of con
gress. the Cumi-yrTT-XB "V-1?- ST-owiBl M EST, 1
i?"Tr stout w bxpbmb f;
More toWSS!, ?iJi&:P!-afl35 1
The charge was made that the senate had
been traduced. Extracts from the letter to
Mr. Wilson were read to shr.w that the presi
dent's purpose was not to traduce the senate,
but plainly to state his aspirations toward
tariff reform. The Dresident had stated mas
the abandonment of the great party principle
would be perfidy and dishonor. No one who
would question such an abandonment of prin
ciple would be dishonorable. The shaft was not
aimed at any senator. It waa not a personal
Senator Vilas said the view of the senator
from Maryland (Gorman) could mean only one
thing. It was an effort to array democrats to
gether in a spirit of resentment and thus carry
out the compromise of tariff reform. The Wil
son bill had passed amid public acclamation
The people accepted It as the honest execution
of a party and public pledge. When this revenue-reform
measure reached the senate iron
and coal were placed on tbe dutable list. More
over it was debated week in and week out. The
public was wearied at that debate and yet the
senate could reached no result. It was at thla
juncture that the senator from Arkansas (Jones)
had brought forward over amendments.
These were to' be the solution of the problem
and were to bring tbe debate to a close. Still
tho discussion proceeded fifty-seven days.
Senator Vilas said he had recognized the ne
cessity of yielding to these amendments. It
was essential to have a revision of the ex
isting tariff quickly. It was essential, too, to
reinforce a depleted treasury.
In conclusion Senator Vilas eulogized the
personal character and public Integrity of Mr.
Cleveland in the most glowing terms, declaring
with dramatic fervor that the president of the
United States, who had received so many evi
dences of the honor and-respect of the Ameri
can people, could not suffer from th's unjustifi
able attack ol the Maryland senator.
After some general remarks by Senator
Stewart against the interference of the execu
tive with the legislative branch of tbe govern
ment. Senator Hill's motion that the senate
recede from Us amendments placing a duty of
forty cents a ton on coal and iron ore was de
feated, the vote standing 0 to 65.
The Bridegroom Cried "Xtop! HtopI" and
the Bride fainted.
Here is an old story of an interrupt
ed wedding'. The bridegroom was a
working sawyer, the bride a young
lady of corresponding1 rank and social
station. They were married by license
and it was in the evening, which may
be noted by the curious. The officiat
ing clergyman duly legan the ser
vice. When he came to the words:
"To have and to hold." the bridegroom
suddenly cried out, as one in the ex
tremity of terror:
Stop! Stop! I meant it only to be
for a fortnight!"
The clerg3'man stared at him.
"I meant it only fer a fortnight,"
repeated this deplorable person.
The clergj-man closed his book,
shook his head in sorrow rather than
in anger, and departed for the vestry.
The bride screeched and fell fainting
into the bridesmaids' arras. It is
pleasant to think that she did the
proper thin? at the right moment; in
after life the recollection must hare
consoled her.
There were murmurs of gathering
tempest among the male members of
her family; the bridegroom swiftly
marched down the aisle, and so into
the black night. And there he is still;
nor did the bride ever recover Mm;
and according to the latest dispatches,
now eighty-eight years old, she was
still screeching and fainting. N. Y.
Thrown by an Kngiue, He Knocked m
Tramp Into a Mud Hole.
A singular case was tried at the last
term of Wake county, (N. C. ) superior
A little country bull standing on a
railroad track instead of vacating on
the approach of a train answered the
whistle with a bellow of defiance,
throwing dirt over his shoulder.
A tramp who happened to be on the
track a few feet beyond stepped a lit
le off the track and watched to see
the fun.
The engine tmck the little bull fair
and doubled him up like a ball. It
threw him about twenty-five feet like
a catapult and. making a line shot.
knocked the tramp into a pond of mud
and water.
When the engineer backed his train
to take an inventory of damage done.
the trarnn was crawling out upon a
Aetion was brought against the rail
road for personal injuries and indig'
nities. To the surprise and disgust of
the olaintifF the iurv found a verdict
vr the defendant.
To a sympathizing bystander, the
plaintiff placid- remarked that he
had been "knocked into a mudhole by
the bull, and kicked out of the court
house by twelve jackasses." 2i. Y,
I .overs No More.
They were lovers, Mag and Jim, but
last Sunday Mag forgot her promise
and went down to Grand Island with
somebody else. Jim, who lives around
the towpath, somewhere in IHack Rock,
was too late to catch the boat. So he
took his own little skiff and rowed all
the waj- down the river to the landing
place. It was not till the last boat
was going home that Jim saw his Mag.
She was going on board alone. This
was Jim's chance. When she had got
a seat he took up a position beside her
and delivered himself of the following
in a Booth and Itarrett style which de
lighted the other passengers: "You've
done a nice thing by going around
with those cheap people, after telling
me you was not going down at all, and
then I sneaks down and finds you with
some other gny. You'll feel sorry, he
got very tragic here, "when the For
esters' picnic comes round and I won't
be there to take you. Many's the time
you'll stand and the towpath and look
for me and I won't be there. I,er;
take this pin back. Now we are two."
And he pulled a brassy pin out of a
mussy tie and gave it to the fickle one.
Buffalo Express.
Settled Amicably.
He leaned gracefully against the
mantel. "Yes." he repeated, "I love
your daughter." The old man m the
easy chair regarded him keenly.
"Can you support a family?' he
asked, after a pause. The youth knit
his brow. "That depends. How
He looked at the father of his beloved
straight in the eye "how many of
you are there?" Presently they came
to the terms of an amicable under
standing. Detroit News-Tribune.
rxR. f-uv v
Tmc' CtNTAtxa CoHrLnr, 77 Mphrat Snuarr. Yoac Cut
i mm npuuv
Mr. Harter ((.) Introduces a Compromise
Measure Ita Provisions.
Washington, July 25. Representa
tive Harter (O.) introduced in the
house a bill which he proposes as a
compromise tarill measure. It pro
vides that:
"On and after September I. 1KM. all tariff
taxes or duties not herein otherwise provided
for. shall be reduced one-half; provided, such
reduction does not bring them below 0 per
cent, ad valorem. It being the intention of
this act to allow a tariff tax or duty
of not less than 20 per cent, ad valorem to
remain upon all articles now paying a higher
rate. This shall not be construed as In any
way changing existing taxes or duties upon ar
ticles paying a lower rate of duty at this tims
than 20 per cent, ad valorem, nor does rtils sec
tion In any way interfere with the provisions
f sections 3 and 4 of this act.
"The secretary of the treasury is hereby ex
pressly authorized and directed in all caes
where this act reduces the taxes on ar
ticles which now pay a specific or a
specific and ad valorem duty below
0 per cent, ad valorem to charge and
collect upon all such articles on and after
September I. 18W. an ad valorem duty of 20 per
cent. To the taxes or duties provided for In
this act there shall be added upon all articles
which if produced or made In the United
States would be subject to an Internal tax or
duty, the amount of such Internal tax or duty.
"All tariff taxes and duties In excess of 1?
per cent, ad valorem shall be reduced to and
collected at the uniform rate of 12 per cent, ad
valorem, to which shall be added internal
taxes or duties as provided for in section J.
"A uniform duty or tax of 1 cent per pound
shall be levied and paid upon all sugars, all
tank bottoms, all sugar draining and sugar
sweepings, sirups of cane juice, melada, con
centrated melada and concrete and
i od molasses, and molasses Imported into the
United States from any part of th
world having 100 degrees of saccharine strength
and a reduction of 1-10D of a cent per pound
fchall be made for each degree of sacchariue
strength below 100 degrees.
"A uniform duty of 4 cents a pound upon -ill
;ofiee and of Scents a pound upon all tea in
ported into the United States shall tc levied
and paid. '
"The Internal duty or tax upon beer ad all
other malt liquors shall be 82 a barrel of thirty
one gallons, and an Internal duty or tax at the
same rate a gallon as is collected upon beer and
malt liquors shall be levied and collected under
rules to be prescribed by the secretary of the
treasury upon all wines produced or made in
the United States."
A Disaster on the Itlg Four Six Killed
In Texan.
Cincinnati. July 25. There was a
head-end collision on the Cleveland.
Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis (Big
Four) railway at Griffith's station, 15
miles from this oit3 at 7 o'clock a. m.
Three people were killed and ten in
jured. The express from Chicago, due here
at 7:33 was on time, but the St. Louis
express, which runs fifteen minutes
ahead of the Chicago incoming train,
was an hour late. At Griffiths a light
engine was running down to the gravel
bank in charge of Engineer Hart. He
forgot his orders. Knowing the
St. Louis express was late, he pulled
out and was met by the Chicago ex
press. Hart will die, probably, with
out telling how he made the mistake
in orders. His fireman. Frank Taylor,
of Indianapolis, was killed outright,
also Charles Sherman and another
tramp who was stealing a ride. There
are ten roported injured, none fatally
except Engineer Hart.
Atlanta, Tex., July 25. A collision
occurred Monday evening on the Texas
& Pacific road, 'J miles north of here,
near Forest Station. Six persons were
killed and several wounded. They
were Engineer Gremm, Fireman
Marshall, two express messengers, the
baggagemaster and a passenger.whose.
names are unknown. Two of the
bodies are still in the wreck and a
third was torn up and the remains
scattered in the debris. One engine is
completely wrecked and the other
badly disabled. The baggage, express,
mail and smoker of botli trains were
shattered into a mass of splinters.
Tbe Disastrous and Fatal Work of tho
Wednesday Fire.
Washington. July 27. Three fire
men were killed, a score or more were
injured and 200 draft horses were
burned in the fire that destroyed Knox's
stables and a dozen or more adjacent
buildings at 3 a. m. Wednesday. It
was the most terrific fire in Wash
ington since the big blaze in the
patent office many years ago and it
bested the full efforts of the fire de
partment. The bodies of the dead
firemen have been recovered and the
wounded are all being cared or at the
hospitals or in their homes.
Nearly all of the company's express
wagons and the contents of the large
storage building were burned. The
Adams Express company's stable, ad
joining the Knox building to the
north, was almost entirely consumed.
About 150 harses were in the Adams
Express company's stables, but all
were taken out by the hardest kind of
work on the part of citizens and po
licemen. Eight two-story houses on the alley
north of the Knox building and two
small frame houses back of the Adams
stables were destroyed. Six or eight
other residence houses were more or
less damaged. Mitchell's blacksmith
shop on Second street was crushed by
falling walls. The total loss will ex
ceed S250.000.
British llrtrk Wrecked and All " Konrd
io to the Itottom.
San FKAXcisfo. July 27. Word has
heen received here of the wreck of
.... i;-;t;i, l.ark- William La Lacheur
off Cape St. James, on Trevost island
rtiW miles from Singapore. The ves
sel left Singapore for Hong Kong
Mav 4. to load at me i- - -
for San Francisco. She never readied
i... niwl her bones are now
bleaching on the rocks off tape St.
i ,-i,n the bodies of her crew
iiaiuci, . .
are strewn along the shore or are Ivjng
.... ittAm of the ocean. Out of the
14L Vll fc -' -
crew of seventeen not a man was Ielt
to tell the tale. When sue went asnoro
is not known.
Jump from the Third Story.
iv.,vn W. Va.. -TiJv 26. William
II. Peoples, a Pittsburgh man. commit
ted suicide by jumping from the third
storv of the St. diaries hotel. He wa
skilled cement woruman j
waterworks here. No reason can t
assigned for the act.