AROUND THE CAHPFIRE. L Tlie Plattsraouth Journal DAILY AND WBBKtT. C. W. SHERMAN, Editor. TERMS FOR DAILY. ., bT mail. . .13 00 Oue cop; x manias, in novm c, j -copy one month, in advance, l.y mail. t tnA cnnv One copy, Dy carrier, per we" : Published every afternoon except Siiuia. weekly journal. single codv. one year mip v(ir ........... ... I . M) I PubTlIhXeVeVy ThSta. Payable in advance I Entered at the postoffice at Piattsmoutn, Ne braska, as second class matter. Official County Paper. . i l ; o Krm t. I KTEK all tliese years I1U uug brineinz religion into pontics ussuucucaauu iiuuiuicuuni'iaii iu publicans are hastening to force poli- tics into religion. The A. P. A. will name the republican state tickets in Illinois and Iowa. . . , ., , I : ..m ioriior autlumtv than 1 J, , VfnV fnr rPnndiatiuc the president s letter for repudiating w, Lnt abomination. It is to be found in the national democratic plat- form which we very much fear, is a document too little known or read at Washington. The same high author- might be added, is not much more kindly disposed toward the house bin. It is said the Masonic fraternity has expelled Col. Ureckin ridge from mem bership. Well, it's a secret society, and the silver-tongued humbug has proved his inability to keep even the one vital secret which the lowest of men regard as binding that touching a woman's honor. The Masons acted wisely as well as justly. The argument we are now hearing that an income tax must be bad for the United States because France has de clined to try it, is another revelation of the weak disposition to cut our cloth bv an EuroDean pattern. The American people have done many things without consulting Europe about it, not to mention the declaration of independence. Tiie senate's reception of the presi- I uem s letter was w nat luigui nave ucm expected. The small boy can never I understand the justice of a spanking. The senate is out of sorts. It knows r IU9 iiiuuiii IIOCIl UIIU LUUlCtUUl. 11 knowTTThlta'dTsbOnoreti the pledges of the democratic party. It has managed to quiet its own conscience by specious arguments, but it bas bad a restless fear that there is going to be trouble to make these arguments stand with the people. They are not too far gone to j recognize in the president's letter the! opinion that the people entertain of tda m (lMif (l.av Ktra liaan 1rir!nrr t no mcui-iuaw lucj ..a, u . , . , fe . ueiuuui, i'" "j - party dishonor." Wheat growers in this country will not be encouraged by the report of the minister of the United States at Bueuos Ayres that the Argentine wheat acre " age this year will exeeed that of the last crop by 20 per cent. It is pre-j dieted, however, that the coming crop will be only a little larger than the last one, because the yield per acre last , . i year was pneiiomeuai, tue .icge oe- ing estimated at seventeen bushels. The rapid growth of the Argentine nihusit. inrtnslrv has tiroutrht a new and imoortant factor into all calculations as to the quantity and distribution of the world's supply. A country that was forced to meet the wants of its people a few years ago by imports now has an expjrta'-le surplus of 5",000,iOft bushels. The shipment of this surplus to Europe has seriously affected the price wi nui,tau " J ' "ul only because or the quantity inus ap- vAnftn in lirair nnmnot 1 1 inn iril n mir " .:v:::; rz:; : z : Own CApui to iu luc n iicat-uuj nig luuu- tries, but also, as we showed 6ome time ago, because of the commercial methods prevailing in the Argentine trade. The average price received for last year's crop is reported to have been 37 cents a bushel in gold. That fertility of resource and won- Hrniii rnnninff with whicli Mr. CooriTP u.u... ....-..--p " " ... " o m -nramnlifliH in hia nhilit.v to rl pp In ri I " . C4"""" an'i pay me regular per teui quar terly dividend on the $30,000,000 well irrigated capital stock of his company, despite the fact that the Pullman shops have been closed for three months, the Pullman rents unpaid for an equal length of time, and the Pullman cars ruinously unproductive for a month or six weeks past. In the face of greatly reduced earnings, however, the magician Pullman conjares up $ttt)0, 000 in bard cash to pay those dividends, which have always been so regular that one single failure or falling off would mean a stampede of stockhold ers. It is not for us to ask where Mr Pullman got his money. He may have materialized it by some process of alchemy known only to himself. He may have had it Btowed away in a sugar-bowl or au old stocking against a rainy day. He may have "shaken down" the thrifty African porters for a percentage of their world's fair har vest of gold. It does not matter much where be got it so long as he did get it. But it was a remarkable achievement under the circumstances particularly remarkable on the part of a man who has been building cars at heavy lonsea to keep his men at work, and who can prove by his books that to pay hia workmen living wages would bankrupt bis company. (M riTA I- CORKESI'ON PKNC K. Washington, I). C, July IS, 1S94. However much tlie country at large may he delighted at the thought of au early adjournment of congress, to the Washinglonian a short session of congress is a most dreadful thing. While congress is in session nearly a half million a month of government money is being all the tine distributed , , , , J channels of trade and , .. .. ., . i ough the city, that comes thronrh the otherwise thro directly and indirectly from the sit tings of congress. Jiut this is not all that makes congressional sessions de sirable. Social circles of all grades re ceive an impetus from the presence of ..K. 1 1 .. : m : 1 : Ao l . . . 1 . . -1 - n n i . I mriuuni, uicii lamuico, iuc ,nri ohm WUo come from nearly every state to visit the capital, and in many cases to enjoy a season of social lionizing among the acquaintances of their respective members. The session of congress once over Hnd a11 tbi3 ceases, and the . , . city society, thrown upon its own menders, becomes very dull indee.i. Mill, the presence here throughout the year of some 20,000 clerks and em- p0yes of Uncle Sam, all of whom are well - paid, and many of whom have faailiie3 of grown sons and daughters, helps to make up a large element of a social character which raises it above the scale of ordinarv cities. Many of these government oilicials are paid high salaries, and if one believes reports of tradesmen who furnish supplies to their households, generally live fully up to the limit of their pay accounts. They rent expensive flats, cut wide swathes in social circles, entertain their friends often including the members of congress or senators to whose influence they are indebted for their appointments and thus keep considerable of Uncle Samuel's money afloat. The great draw-back to the econo mic life cf a government employe in Washington is the conscienceless greed of the Washington landlord. The ex tortions of English landlords in Ire- land is proverbial, but it bears no com- parison to ine remorseless greea or me flat-owners of this capital city of the nation. The fact that licht revenues has compelled the government to re duce its working force in this city by several thousand, and that one-fourth of the houses in the city are vacant and have "for rent" cards unon their doors, makes no difference to the tribe of rack-renters. They have formed a solid combination all over town, and the same old prices of plenteous times I ati II prevail to all who have to occupy I . . tne, r tiouses. The poor government clerk must be bled out of his last dollar if possible. Houses of six to eight rooms, such as rent for $10 to $12 month in Plattsmouth, brings $22.50 to ?50 here, according to location and they all beloug to the "flat" order I that is, they are in rows of apartments about 20 feet wide and 3 stories hi l or more, frequently extending from I oe corner of a block to the other I Families rent Hima anrtmont-oPn i .-- eral, havinc - room or ,wo to and these are then re let to young men or women clerks who have no families and t,1U3 tl,e "ntisoften brought down t0 a half-way reasonable figure. But I ltie frequency with which one meets the sign "rooms," or "rooms with board," in walking through residence district, shows many occupants are I "short" on their sub-let account but I am told there is no thought of reduc I ing rent charges on this accouu t. The remoraeleS3 ,andlord hag the tenant , I his pw", and he k.,w3 it, and makes him come to time. There is noremedy for this condition that I know of. Last Saturday's session of the house was devoted to the pronunciation of j eulogies upon tLe life and character of I the late G. W. Ilouk, a member from Uhio who died last February. He was . a very strong and able man. and mem I i ... ... ... I 1 111 S V 1 H i I Willi Psntl At liar rl aonivw j b graceful thin? in liia Imnm- M t- Bryan was Lis seat-mate, and knew him intimately. His tribute was peculiarly appreciative and heartfelt. Here is an extract: "He found his inspiration at his fire side, and approached the ideal in his domestic life. He and his taithful wife, who was both his help-meet and companion, inhabited as tenants in common that sacred spot called home, and needed no court to define their relative rights and duties. The in visible walls which shut in that home and shut out all else had their founda tions and their battlements in the skies. No torce could break them down, no poisoned arrows could cross their top, and at the gates thereof love and conhdence stood ever upon guard. Again, toward the close of his ad dress, he spoke of the deceased as an immortal, thus: "If the Father deigns to touch with diviue power the cold and pulseless heart of the buried acorn, and make it to burst forth from its prison .walls, will He leave neglected in the earth the soul of man, who was made in the image of bis Creator? If He stoops to give to the rosebush, whose whitbered blossoms float upon the breeze, the sweet assurance of another .spring time, will He withhold the words of hope from the song of men when the rroBta ol winter , conoe? If matter, mute and inanimates itiouzh changed by the forcer of nf.e into multitude of forms cari iifcV.. diewill tht tmnper. ial spiri- of cu-AufTer annihilation ter it had paid a brief visit, like a royal guest, to this tenement of clay V It is refreshing to know that in this case the eulogy was deserved. The conference committee on the tariff bill has come to a standstill, be cause of a disagreement between the senate and house conferees, and have asked for instructions from the two bodies how to proceed. "Writing before action has been taken by the house I venture to predict that the house will J . . stand by Chairman llson and his fel- J low members of the house committee. Whether the senate will do the same is a question, but the presumption is that it will. Then comes the question whether the same mem bers shall be re-appointed to the next conference committees. My guess is that the conference will be changed to some extent, and the battle in com mittee will be fought over again. This will take time just what the repub lican managers are fighting lor. Is it not stiange that the scoundrels in the senate--no other word will fit the case who have caused all this trouble, by insisting on ''protection" to interests in which they have investments, can not see that the eyes of the whole country are upon them, and that they are, as the saying goes, laying their snare in full view of the bird, and that their motives are thoroughly under stood? Yet these fellows have the gall of republican protectionists in assum ing that their "interests" cannot live without this privilege of taxing every body for their especial advantage. Their pretense is a false one. as every one knows, and deserves the universal condemnation of the country. As to the fate of the tariff bill, it still hangs in the balance local newspapersclaim ing that a combination has been made to defeat it. The house on Tuesday passed the Bailey bankruptcy bill by a vote that was almost unanimous only twelve voting against it. Among those who voted for the bill were Bryan, Kem and McKieghan of Nebraska, while Mr. Hainer voted against it and Mercer and Meiklejohn did not vote. The bill Is a conservative measure, and does not attempt to force business into bank ruptcy, but permits honest debtors to submit schedules of all their property to local courts for adjudication among creditors, so that local instead of fed eral courts can have jurisdiction in the settlement and discharge of the debtor. All the attorneys of corporations fought the bill, but not all of them went on record against it. I notice, by the way, that the silver plank of the Nebraska conference has been adopted by quite a number of conventions in other states, and ap pearances indicate that many of the states will fall into line soon ., The ball is rolling. C. W. S. KXFOKTS AS1) IMfOKTS. This year bas been a good one for the United States as regards inter national commerce. During the jear ending June 30th our exports of u:er chandise amounted to $SG9,000,000, an increase of 121.000,000 over last year. On the other hand their is a large de crease in imports amounting to ?212, 000,000 as compared with last year. The balance of trade is in our favor in the amount of 5214,000.000. This ac counts for the abundance of money in trade centers and for the scarcity of money in the national treasury. The decline in imports amounting to $212, 000,000 made a great reduction in the amount of revenue and thus crippled the nation's available cash resources. The increase in exports and the dis parity between exports and imports resulted in the return of large amounts to trade centers. The exports of gold exceeded the imports by $4,oS5.GC3. while we exported $37,000,000 more of silver than we imported. In the face of trade restricting legislation this is certainly agratitying showing. Col. I'oi.k's threat to down Chap man the very next time the latter sought anything in the line of politics doesn't appear to materialize. The judge has a dead cinch od securing the delegation, and there is some talk among the knowing ones that he will even put Polk on the delegation and make the latter vote for him. We trust, however, that nothing of that sort will be done. The colonel's humiliation will be complete enough without putting him through such an awful ordeal. What is this strange revelation made by examination of the books of the Santa i'e railroad ? Seven million dollars paid to shippers in rebates in the last four years in direct violation oi tne plain provisions of the inter state commerce law ? Will any of the officials of the railroad be indicted for this colossal law-breaking conspiracy ? Is the matter to be brought to the at tention of the federal grand jury ? Will that eminent counsel to corpora tions, the attorney-general of the United States, take action against the insolent violators of the law ? The at torney for the Santa Fe took a promi nent part in the proceedings of the inter-state commerce law. Did he go into court with clean hands or had he guilty knowledge of the way in which his corporation was violating the same act ? These are very pertinent ques tions just now. For summer complaint use Gering's Blackberry Cordial. T 1 1 K I'llKMDKNl'S OATH. According to reports in moie than one newspaper, says the Chicago Times, wheu President Cleveland heard at a cabinet meeting last Fridty that the general managers had refused 'o confer with Eugene V. Debs, he ex claimed: "Well, that is a outrage! If the president of the United States can confer w ith labor organiza-, tions the rail wav managers can well afford to do so!" A good, honest, commendable oath was that. It will he remembered by the people with more gratitude than the oath U. C. swore when lie was in augurated. Profane it was, no doubt, but the recoidinsr angel will blot it out with a tear, as he did Uncle Toby's celebrated burst of profanity.- Out here we, too, think it a (J well, that is just the same kind of an outrage Presi dent Cleveland called it. But why should the president swearV lie has been drawing his inspiration from these general managers tince the strike started. When they wanted in junctions he ordered his district at torney to get them all they could use. When they thought one of their own lawyers would be more efficient than a government official the administration complaisant!' made the appointment. When the general managers thought they would rather have federal troops to patrol their tracks than policemen. who might recognize the hiielings who incited riot, the president kindly mobilized the army in their behalf. Now, after doing everything they have asked of him, Mr. Cleveland discovers, all too late, that the managers are simply a lot of self-seeking individuals, and the discovery makes him profaue The president's wrath is too late to do any good. The time to have "cussed" the general manageis was when they asked him to do things which no democratic executive could do and retain the good opinion of the people. Buy the improved Singersewing ma chine. Anton Trillity, local agent. office in Unruh's furniture store. First Premium at the Columbian Exposition The Singer Maa'f'g Co. 54: First Awards. HeiriR the largest number of awards ul.taiii' il by any exhibitor ami more than double tlie number received by all other Sewini; Mac hine cumpanies. Awards received on the following: Family Sewini? Machine", V. S. No. 2. 1. Y. C. H. and Single Thread Automatic Chain Stitch Machine, sewint; Machine Cabinets, Art Embroideries, l.aces. Cur tains. I'pholstery, Artistic Furnishincs. Sewinuand Embroidery. Tapestry Ma chine Work. A I no 43 Atvardn, covering ni'ichine for manufacture in every line where n Sewin Machine can te used on Wool, Cotton and Silk Cloth. Knit -Woods, leather, etc.. for Ornamental Stitching. Ituttoii holes. Eyelets, Harrintf, over seaming, staying, etc. AGENTS WANTED. The Singer M'fg Co "All Over the World." Branch OfHce Lincoln Nelt. 1894. HIGH GRADE SHIPPED C. O. D. BICYCLES ny where, - - - $ 25 Bicycle $12 50 To Any one - - - 50 Bicycle 25.00 AU Styles and I'i ices, 75 Bicycle 37.50 Save Dealers' Profits 125 Bicycle 62.50 Send for illustrated catalogue. ttlSEZJDT SZ CO., OMAHA, NEB. Ai Arnold's BrGmo-Geieiy. PplenrJM curative agent for Nervous or Sirk end ache. Brain Exhaustion, Sleeuiessnec-, viiecial or (reneral Neuralgia; al(o ior Kheu- Headache, israin iLXhaustion. leeuJessnec-, matitttn. Gout. Kidney liorden, Acm ly pepnia, Anipmia. Antidote for Alcoholic a nd other excesses. I'rice, 10, 20 and 00 oeutt e Effervescent. THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 1 51 8. Western Avenue. CHICAC BYRON CLARK, Attorney at Law, PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. OFFICE Second floor of the To.1.1 block, east of the court house. CHAS. GRIMES, Attorney at Law, PLATTSMOUTH. XEH. OFFICE: Second floor of tbe Todd Mock. eH of the court house. "'".: 'i.';.:'!'ivv''':': Watches Diamonds Jewelry i Silverware, &c Fine Watch Renal ring? JOS. P. FREIMZEH '.r:: viviV-v 3'i Si Mi f-.";:::::K.ra!s"'i."..?af. ? BE MANLY TSXt'Xt one. Mitiht FniiHinafl, Weak Brain or Nerve w t'owflr curen or taootty rtituraeu by UHiuff lurktxti i ami Mantvxxt 'mau:t. f l ooz.ei $0bymail. Huhn't Pharmacy. Omih.. I m I rrr Tarkwh Ti and Pei a CZ, J iyroTal Villa never fail are vo me ay. llringa montnlia regoln wiiMMpua. 1 rtTihyraail. Airenie waatej 7jV.n.m rm.l.. K.k I it arnam SAM GUTHANK & CO, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS IN- acinous AND THE 15EST Cigars. Sole agents for the CELEBRATED MILWAUKEE Pabst Beer. Deliveries Made To any part of i the city or ship ped to any pU;ce WM. NEVILLE, RESIDENT MANAGER. The City Hotel, Corner Main and Third Sts., PLATTSMOUTH. A FIRST-CLASS HOSTELRY IN EVERY RESPECT. REFITTED and REFURNISHED Special Attention Given to the Accommodation of Farmers. First-Class Bar Co,.,,UM: CLEAN ROOMS AND TABLE Rates $1 Per Day. H. H. GOOS, Prop'r. A. H. WECKBACH, DEALER IN FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES QUEENS WARE,. FLOUR and FEED All Kinds of VEGETABLES In Season. FISH OF KVKIIY nKSt'HUTION VYS IN STOCK. We are agents for tle cele brated DIAMOND MILLS COFFEE i'!5V:1,.mE: City Bakery, WIIEItE YOl" CAN WET GOOD, FRESH BREAD At any time. Prompt attention given to orders Agent lor Seven of the Best STEAMSHIP LINES. GIVE ME A CALL. Telephone 36. Main Street. VITAL! I'ilonMiRAPllLD AaIe zi Well tr of VIIMLIO lOthDuy. XxliS joth Day f Ktnun ncmbwi sotn ray. Vroluf tlie AboTr Kesults in 30 Days. It acta powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others laiL Youiir men will terrain their lost manhood, find old men will recover their youthful vijror by usimr VITALIS. It quickly and surely re stores Nervousness. Lost Vitality. Impotency, Nightly Emissions. Lost rower. Failing Mem ory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of sell abuse or excess and indiscretion. ards on insanity and consumption. Insist on having VITALIS. no other. Can be carried in vest pocket. Ity mail. 1.00 per package, or six lor $5.00, with a piisitire written guarantee to cure or rerunrt tlie money. Circular tree. Address CALLSET ItESEftr fWANV, (hlrago, III. Forsale at Plattsraouth, Neb.. byO. II. Snyder and Gerlng & Co,, aruggists. JOHNSON'S MAGNETIC OIL! Instant Killer of Pain. Internal and External. Cures KHKCMATISM, NKUKAL CIA, Ijuue Bark, Sprain-, Uruines, Hweliiiisn'. Stiff Joints, COI.IU and X .'7 (UtAMI'S Instuntly. t'uolera .Mor "StV" j.''fSfc. ?l'us, Cronp.Uiptherla, Sore Throat, -SiaW??": 'HSJlIEADAOHli, il y maKc THE HORSE BRAND. ffiJK?$tiZ the most Powerful and Penetrating Liniment for Hon or Beutt in exi?t?nco. Lurge f 1 cize 75c., 50c. size 40c. JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. Medicated nnd Toilet. The Great Skin Cure nnd Face Beautifier. Ladies will find it tlie imt delicate nnd highly perfumed Toilet Soap m the market. It U absolutely pure. Makes the skin soft and velvety and restores the lost com plexion ! i a luxury for the Bath for Infants. It a': y itching, cleanses the -alp and promotes the growth of hair, i'rico 'Jfc. For sale by F. G. FRItKE & t'0.. DRUGGISTS, Sole agentH. PlattHmouth, Neb. ' ED. FITZGERALD, TUB OLI KELIA11LK Liveryman HAS PURCHASED THE Sixth Street Checkered 8am, AND WILL RUN IT IK FIRST-CLASS'S? K. o 1-1 .ii.niinn ta Funeral. Ilaekn !:! be ruii to all train-. "Promptneas an.l H.ltlity ' CuNlomer. uhlsmot.o - i THE EVER - nvr flETVrtDT -HOUSE OF OF PLATTSMOUTH. Is distinctively the place where the Farmer's Dollar Goes the Farthest. We lead, as ever, in Buggies and Carriages. This year's line is larger than ever and the prices cannot fail but suit. As o Implements Our two large store-rooms MOST PERFECTED to market. SPEAKING OI ? Harness, F'or the Money, and are the only firm using "Old Fashioned Oak Tanned Leather" in Cass County. Consult your own interests and Deal with an Establishment which conducts Business on the Plan of Giving Real Worth in Return for the Buyer's Money. FRED GORDER & SON, 30?-30! Main Mrcet, l'lallsiiioiilli, Xtlt. I Are You Alive PERHAPS you are, but There's one good way land of the living buy your e Furniture, House PEARLMAN HIS PRICES will not admit of Competition they're so downright low. Give him a call. PEARLMAN, The House Furnisher. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE, PLATTSMOUTH. e HXeurSlOnS Omaha's Great Inland Sum.- er Resort. UNsriU'V-KO Hithiiii.'. O.'oil HoMt'iis;. SileiiliI Music. Site mboiils i.i. i i inl t 1 1 1 !: i. of all kiiiils. K"ep truck of the cliei exi'iirsions. Notn iim ol jecli'oi.H hie iillou! on Hi Kronmls. Special riucrf to Suii'luy school nnl family picnii s. 1'ertect order preserved. Oc-u.rtla.xa-d. Beacli Omalia 3STo-w Open Look out for the Kxcnr&ions. Cars land you r;pht in the "rounds. Mrs. J. Benson, LADIES' FURNISHER. OMAHA. READ THESE PRICES- Ladies7 Skirts from 75e. to $14.40. Ladies' Waists from 50c to $8 50. Narrow Val. Laces from 15c doz. up. per Hutter Cream and Ulack Laces in Botdon and oilier styles from 10c a yard to the llnest quality. Our stock is very large and no old uods on our shelves. We make a specialty of Ribbons and Handkerchiefs. Good quality Gloria Silk Sun um brellas from $1.00 to $5 00. Specially low prices on Ladies' and Children's y and Underwear. We have many lines of I-adies' Fancy Goods, not kept in other stoies. We are pivinp; special prices in Gloves. In short, we make special prices in every department. Come in or order by MAIL. We will give your order prompt and care ful attention. MRS. J. BENSON. 1519 Douglas St., near 16th, OMAHA, NEB. The Plattsmouth Mills, C. HEISEL. Prop. This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with Machinery of the best mtinufaetnre in. the world. Their "Plansifter" Flour Has no Superior in America, t.iveita trial and be eonvineed. Bran, Shorts and Corn Meal Alwavg on hand. Orders delivered in citj promptly. TERMS Cash or 30 lyn' time. LADIES DO DR. FELIX LC'bBUN'S STEEL BHD PEJiraOYIlL PHIS' liable care on the mark I jgrfca 1.00; eent bj he on e con r wwjt t - iri u"- V" f RELIABLE are brim-full of the BEST and be found in the Implement We Manufacture The Very Best To Your Own Interests? of not, you ought to be. tc prove that you're in the e Stoves and Furnishings! 9 -TO Courtlaml Beach W. II. CVS HI AO, frrmidrnt. Vi re- Preaiilfft. tii i : Citizens' Bank, PI.ATTS.MOLTn, NEK. Capital paid in - - $50,000 DIRECTORS: J. W". Johnson. W I). terriam. Win. Weten ktiinp. I). '. Morgan. Henry Kikenbary, M. W. Morgan and W. ll't'w-hiiiK. A general lianldn? business transacted, terest allowed on time deposits. In SPEEDY" and LASTING RESULTS. FAT PEOPLE, No Inconvenience. Simple, J sure. &S::LUTI.7 T3It from any injurious substance. LAS35 iSmtZS3 EirUCZD. Wa GUARANTEE a CURE or refund your money. Price W.uOprr bottle. Send 4c. lor treatise. TREMOJiX 51EDICAI. CO.. Borton, Mats. Or. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment l sold uiitlfT ititive writtvn jruarHiitee, bynulhor I.ihI mrt'iilr only, to urt V i.k Weinnry; 1xm of Uniiu and Nerve l'ower; L;st Alnnhood; Vui.-kiie.-.'; Nit'ht Issi-; Kvll Dreaiin; l.Bi-k of Coiifideucv; Nervonness; l4is.-itude; all Dniins; Loi-aof rower of Iho Ueneralive (Irpiun in eith-r eex, eau-cil l.y nver-exertion: Youthful Krroif, or Kxcessivo I'm. of Tobacco, tipiuiu or I-iiUor. whii h kxiu li-nd to Miser, Consumption, Insanity and IVath. liy mail, fl n mh' ii for i-". with wrifti-n frunrnntee to cine or refund money. WKST'S COCGH SVKl l'. A certain cure for Coutrhs 'olils, Atlimn, ljroncliitis, i:nU, Whoopinir (Viiiu-h, Sore Throat. I'leantit to take. Kmall size dis-iitiiiu"l: old. .Toe. Pizo, now 'J5c.; old (1 size, now 6Uc. OCA11AN XttS isrued only by F. G. Fricke &. Co, drussists. $500 Reward! WE wilt nv the above reward for any case of I iver Complain'- Hvspepsia, Sick Headache. In dinestion Coit.-tipaiion or Costiveness we cannot cure with West s Vegetable Liver Pills, wheu the directtovs are strtctlv jom plied with. Tl'y aiw purely Vi-.' end ffever fail to pivc sat isiaction. i Coatcu. bores, 2.S cents. Beware of co ;nt. t fcits and imitations. The gen uine matiu'act'ircu onlv bv THE JOHN C. WEST COMPANY. CHICAGO, ILL. LE .BRUN'S fOtt FlTimi HFX. Thlp redy IScuitf iiijecleJ directly to th Mat of thaaodiKam ol tUeGenttu-Urmary Or guts, require no ehit of diet or ntihou3, iurcrial or ptonou med-icmL-3to bo UKea internally. Mlken as a preventive: by ither it U ImpoMiWe to contract tcynncrMld.mic; ! in taecio tiitwo .lrrA.1T l''.ro.TUTi r Awmcm ith Gonorrlxr. nd .l 'tula tf m Cure. Price by mail. p.nug jwu. 9 1 per box, or 6 twe lot f H. A. WATERMAN & SON, DEALERS IN Lumber and Coal. -J- Menrlnit eoal Jx J 4k, ml t 4 m in ." 7. SO City eonl V I cm gat I can fy J BEF0R& ''AFTERS g3 " X X