Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, July 26, 1894, Image 3

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THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1894.
Dr. Iiutler, of Weeping Water, was
;i county seat visitor yesterday.
Josias Tighe of Center precinct was
in town Friday visiting his brother.
J. Q.Adams, of Eagle, was in the
city Saturday, a guest at the home of
Oliver Dovey.
C. J. Zar. one of r?outli Jiencl pre
cincts' most thrifty fanners, was in
the city Saturday.
L'ostmaster Walter Failing and At
torney George W. Clark, of Green
wood, were in the city Tuesday.
J. W. Thomas is again running his
Platte river ferry at Oreapolis, and is
ready to serve all who are travelling
his way.
A little daughter of Geo. P. Meis
inger, living near Cedar Creek, was
kn teked down by a cow on Thursday,
and received painful but not nerious
Miss Kittie Russell of Weeping
Water, who has been visiting at the
home of A. II. Knotts in this city, left
Tuesday evening for a visit at Val
lisca, la.
.Ino. Eriekson. one of the best known
:i!,tl most progressive farmers in the
vicinity of Greenwood, was in town
Saturday and gave liu: Jovrkai. a
pleasant call.
J.Q. Adams and son. Alpheus, of
Eagie were iu town Sunday even
ing visiting w ith the former's daugh
ter, Mrs. O. C. Dovey, and jaurneyed
to Omaha Monday morning.
The town of Glenwood, la , is ac
tually so sleepy that it does not pro
vide a public watering p'ace for teams.
Perhaps that accounts for the large
number of Iowa farmers who come to
Phut-mouth to trade.
Prof. Waterhouse. superintendent of
the Weeping W .ter schools, arrived
last Friday from a visit with his
children in Pennsylvania. He was
visiting with County Superintendent
F nit y in this city FiiJay.
no. D t v;s lias moved his iamiiv and
f'irtnii'i! f1;-ts back from Frontier
co'irit. is now rattier thoroughly
c-'uvin-v-ii t hat Cass count is the place
for him. Western Nebraska has no
fin 1 li'T charms tor him.
D.r.v.i at Veeping Water they have
quite a number of enthusiastic bicy
clists, but they don't care to ride on a
Sunday for fear of liein.: ill umined out
ofsociftv What rot ? It must he un
bearable to live in a country town.
Th oratorical contest lor a Deroot
est silver medal, which wa? to have
been held aC the Pret,ly tel dan chord: ;
on TweMia . has bet n postponed for
the reason t ha? s -.,.- of t he contestants
were not fully pi t pan d Ti e date for
holding t he '"mil M v- ill be announced
Miss ( li ? rn ile M ai .-1 and h is gone to ford. Yorkshire. England, and
tvili ierii:i;i iibr-ift ;U November,
visiting relatives and tiieiils. Mr.
Marsl ai-d accompanied her to New
York. 1 1 "in iitcti plao-c she will sail
Saturday in the Cunai ah r, Servia
Lincoln Journal.
During the storm which passed over
e! rn Nrbra.-ka the other day a far
mer named J. W. West, w ho lives near
Gaudy, and his wife were struck by
light.iir.g. Mis. West was instantly
killed. Mr. West had strength enough
left to go for assistance, but it is now
thought that he cannot survive.
Oass county is soon to lose one of
its newspapers the Xehawka Regis
ter. In last week's issue Mr. Carlisle,
the publisher, announced that this
week the publication w ill be discon
tinued, and the plant removed to
IJurchard, Pawnee county, where a
new paper will hi established.
The funeral of the late II. A. Water
man was held from the residence of
the son of the deceased, John Water
man, last Friday and was attended
by a large number of friends of the
family. Rev. J. T. liaird preached the
funeral sermon and the remains were
interred in Oak H ill cemetery.
A man whose business was putting
in burglar alarms stopped on the road
between Springfield and Enuisvilie to
take a hath in the Platte. lie forgot
to attach one of his machines to the
pockets of his pants, and when lie
went to dress he found that all his
money and a gold watch were missing.
No trace of the thief lias been dis
covered. The track of the Rurlington exten
sion from Sheridan to Hillings is being
laid at the rate of one mile per day.
Over sixty-five miles have been already
completed. Over 2.000 men have been
sent to Sheridan, but many of them
refuse to work after they arrive there,
bo that the company has finally de
cided to only send out those who show
symptoms of being willing to work.
The Nebraska City Presa says:
Judge Strodet over-enthusiastic
friends in Aincaster county must re
alize by this time that the Cass county
delegation can not be depended on to
serve as Lancaster's cat's paw in the
congressional convention, just because
Judge Chapman and his Cass county
supporters were generous enough to
yield to Field two years ago.
A most distressing accident occurred
Thursday at Syracuce, in the drown
ing of Miss Clara Doman, aged 17, in
the Eittle Nemaha river. It seems
that she, in company with her brother
went fishing. He left her on the bank
and went around a bend a few rods
from her. On his return he did not
see her, but found bepfhat and fish
pole, ad aiTjn was at once given
was found. She was the daughter of
the oldest resident of Syracuse, and
was one of a large family. This is the
first time that the circle has been
broken by deal h.
The members of the w heel club have
abandoned the project of construe ing
a race track on the Chicago avenue
ball grounds by reason of the fact that
too much expensive grading would be
required to make it level. The scheme
now advanced is to wait for the falling
of the Missouri and then lay a track
out on the sand-bars east of town.
A three-inch layer of cinders mixed
with earth spread over the course
would make a fast track, sure enou. h.
and it ought to be constructed without
any great expense. Meanwhile the
club races will be held out at the fair
The Chicago Inter Ocean, speaking
of the destruction of property by the
mob at Chicago, says the Rurlington
lost 170 cars. About 5 pier cent of
these were loaded with grain and the
balance were empties. An ordinary
box-car is worth $). Averaging the
value of the above 170 cars at $400 each
makes a total loss to that company of
$6S,000. To this must be added the
damage to rails, ties, switches, etc.,
about $ 5.0(H), or a total of $73,000. The
total loss will foot up over $800,000,
which Chicago or the state of Illinois
will have to pay.
Joe Warga and Fred and William
Ohm furnished a little divertisement
for the neighborhood around Four
teenth and Main streets on Friday
night, in which the reputations and
records of both families were fully
discussed. After the usual threats
were made by both sides, Warga ad
journed to police court and caused a
peace warrant ta be issued against
the Ohms. The case was heard Mon
day morning, w hen Judge Archer arbi
trated their differences and threw the
case out of court.
Judge Chapman held a short session
of district court Tuesday morning and
then adjourned court until Friday
J udge Chapman returned home from
Nebraska City last evening and will
hold district court tomorrow to hear
the case ot Jausen vs. Lewis. The
judge hopes to clean up the docket by
tomorrow and thus adjourn the pres
ent term of court which first convened
in May.
Judge Ramsey last Tuesday heard a
charge of incorrigibility preferred by
John Friech and wife against their
daughter Anna, and decided to com
mit the girl to the reformatory at
A warrant was issued in county
court Friday for the arrest of Frank
Wannamaker, who is charged with
making threats against the life of his
father-in-law, Carl Pankonin. Jioth
complainant and defendant reside
near Louisville. A trial of the case
will be had before Judge Ramsey next
Tuesday. Pankonin made the same
kind of a charge against Wannamaker
several months ago but withdrew the
complaint before the case went to
The Joi'knal, freely admits that it
would be wasting space to tell of the
incompetency of Col. Polk's little
brother while serving the city as i!s
rttorney. The public, however, can
expect the "lillle brother's" rec iil
in detail should the republic-ins of
Cas county clioose to ni;ike him their
candidate for count v attorney . and we
promise faithfully th it we shall -e.l
onlv facts. In the mcai-lime !h-
little brother" v ill not be given 'he
chance to poe as a martyr.
The case of John Swoboda vs. Phil
lip Fornoff was heard before Judge
Archer on Tuesday and taken under
In Judge Archer's court today Kopp,
Driebus & Co., w holesale confection
ers of Omaha, were awarded a judg
ment by default for $147 and interest,
against D. T. Dudley of Weeping
"liarnum" Miller is alter the
stranger who has been running
a spindle on the streets for a few days
past. JJanuan" loaned the spindle
man a couple of dollars the other day.
but the feilow failed to return it ac
cording to the agreement . Asa con
seq'ietire 1! -.rnt Tii" levied on the lei
I in 's spMidh out ti; last Silnrd.iy snot
unless I lie money is produced, the
natlit will be sold to sat isfv the claim.
Don't buy a bicycle unln ou sec us.
i'hc "titty-doilar ladies" " is cerium!
a sensation. v e ,ie snie agents loi
lllt-IU. 1-fcii.MIOr K IJUCIS.
Ciit'UT Koo.M NoTKS.
A . S ".iol-v.of lvuie. Casscoimty's
s. eet est si: per. w as in town Sat ui day
looking after some busiiass for the
Solomon Ward estate, fi r which he is
We have seen a number
chains ornatuenlei! w uh a piettv charm
in the shape t! a w alcn case opener.
which obviates the use of akuileor
iiiigeinail to open the watch. Tbe
are sent frte o.i request by the Key -
stone V atch (.'ate Company , of Ph:la ;
deiphia. Pa. Vo- i jeueier heiemay ;
have one lor you: i' not, send to Phila
delphia. The Keystoi e H a'ch (Jase Company ;
is the laigesl coi.ceru ot its kind in the :
world. lis c:ipaci;y i.- 2oOO watch cases :
per day. It uianii' act tire- every Ie- ,
cript'on of case, but its great specialty !
is that most popular o all watch cases,)
the -las. Ross tin d fi led. These are j
equal in beauty ami wear to solid gold !
while thev c-rt oi ly about one hall ;
as much. R iss and other Keystone!
cases are the onlv c ises that have the
famous Noii-pttll-oitr bow or ring,
which saves the watch from theft and
accident. The Keystone Company
does not retail, but our local jewelers
handle the cases and swear by the
thief-proof qualities of the ring.
Governor Crounse has issued a proc
lamation offering a reward of S200 for
the arrest of Robert Moorehead for
the murder of Alva Sharpe at Falls
City Morehead is charged with
striking Sharpe on the head with a
shotgun on the fourth of July and
from the effects of the blow Sharpe
lied shortly after. Morehead escaped
and his whereabouts are unknown to
the officers.
A number of Hastings citizens, says
a dispatch from that tow n, have en
tered into a guessing match with a
couple of rainmakers named Morris,
who arrived Monday from Iowa.
The citizens guess that it won't lain
there within the next five days and
the Morrises that it will. If the for
mer lose the; lorfeit $400. ar.d if t lie
latte- lose they are out their time and
the cost of material. Operations com
menced Monday.
County Treasurer EickhofT returned
last Monday from a hurried trip on
business to Chicago. He reports that
everything is quiet with the railroads
at that place and that there is very
little likelihood of any further disturbance.
of watch ; Heart.- chine, inifliisfiiics crow.
I The thins yon ltvet a little wntle hk
1 common now, nni small him tmne
itu 'on !-l uiiike- you t'ni-li with haine
To t h :ni; on lnve-1 it m.
Ami yet, someway, you do not realize
Tlmi what t :l.iy yea dcitrly 1 ve iir,-! .;i.e
Will iiniH r;:" much of cliiiiifie
: W: i ! -eem us jtil i f ui -'-rmiire.
Ainl ii will il;e--ise
, There"), notliiim constant uii'leriiemii tlit- mh.
! We're s-etiiiiLj some: iiiu- better, everv one.
t hai u-o is ilie universal law
' We follow n here the magnet:-il raw
: Till otir brief nice is run.
! 1 - A HI. I. h ICH KT.
1 O lienartl. $HIO
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
oue dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure iu all its stages and
that .s catarrh. Hall's Cataiih (-ure
is tiie only positive cuie now known to
the medical fraternity. Catanh being
a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Cat
arrh Cure is taken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby
destroying the foundation of the dis
ease, and giving the patient streegth
by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith
in its curative powers, that they offer
one hundred dollars for any case that
it fails to cure. Spnl for list of testi
monials. Address, F. J. CHENEY &
CO.. Toledo. O.
Cg-Sold by Druggists. Toe.
Rurlington freight engine No. alto
gether with two cars of merchandise
and one of stock, were ditched just this
side of White Cloud, Kas., Tuesday
evening. Engineer James Napier,
Fireman Schriner and a brakeman
were on the engine at the time of the
accident, but all escaped unhurt. The
three cars and engine were badly
wrecked. The accident was caused by
a landslide.
Judge J. B. Strode of Lincoln was in
the city Friday to look after his con
gressional fences. He wants the re"
publican nomination for congress so
bad that he can almost taste it, but the
chances are against him securing the
support of the Otoe county delegation.
Judge Chapman also wants the nomi
nation. so his friends are pullingstrong
for him, and it looks as if he would
caBtureJthe delegation, provided, how
ever, John tJ. Watson don't want it
Nebraska City News.
Pimples, ibejk heads. moles,frecke!s,
tan and suriVrn removed by John
son's Orientalpoap. Medicinal. Sold
by Fricke & C
1. 1st nr. Letter
Remaining uncalled for in the post
office at Plattsmonth July0,"), for week
ending July IS. 1804:
C'dSMmer. r., M. Emma
(Jravey, s. (iarhes. John
Hayfticker. Henry (2 Hat per. 11. P.
Hail. Wilbur Parker. Her. .T.
S liaefer. Mrs. Mary
Persons calling tor any of the above
letters or parcels w ill please say ''ad
vertised." W. K. Fox. P. M.
Call for the horse biand of John
son's Magnetic Oil. It has no equal
for the diseases of horses and cattle.
Sold by Fricke & Co.
The long dry spell has struck west
ern Nebraska with unusual severity,
and a large per cent of its farmcj-s
have been literally starved out. As a
consequence they are moving back
east, and in travelling out in the
county one will meet emigrant's
wagons by the dozen moving eastward.
The real estate agent who has western
lands on his books will Gnd it hard for
a while, at any rate, to make a sale on
the strength of this year's crops.
Cool nd Itoautiful
Is Hot Springs, South Dakota, best
reached by the Burlington Route.
Palatial hotels, wonder-working
waters, pure air, and magnificent sur
roundings are only a few of its attrac
tions. The Burlington's local agent will
gladly give you full information about
Hot Springs, and also if you ask for
it a beautifully illustrated folder.
G. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb.
Notice of ForeoIoHure.
Thomas Baker. John W. Martin, and their as
sipns. defendants, will take notice that on the
L'.-tti day of June. ln'.H. William M. Clarr and
William M. Clary as administrator of the estate
of liuniel lirec;;, deceased, plaintiff herein
iiled a petition in the district court of Chrk
county. Nebraska, against said defendant, the
object and prayer of which are to foreclose a
certain inortptiue executed by the defendants
W llliamand Marv Kduerton to said defendants
Thomas Uaker and John W. Martin and their
assigns, upon lots numbered twenty-four i4i
and thirtv two, in section numbered twenty
CAM township twelve, il2i north, ranee nnin
tiered fourteen (14 east of the sixth principal
meridian, in the county of Cass anil state of Ne
braska, and containing seven anu ninety nun
dredths (7 90-ino acres more or less, to secure
the payment of two certain promissory notes
dated October l. IssS. for the sum of JiSK-OO
earh, and due and payable, the one on January
1. lss'J, and the other on July 1. 18S!. that there
is now due upon said second note and morttraee
the sum of ii5.oJ and interest thereon from o
tuber 1, HS8. at the rate of ten per cent per
annum, for which sum, with interest to date of
judgment, plaintiffs pray for a decree that said
defendants William and Mary Edeertou be re
quired to pay the same with" the costs of this
suit, or, that said premises may be sold to sat
isfytlie amount found due, and that the said
defendants. Thomas linker. John W. Martin
anil their assigns, as to the first note, be forever
barred of all riht. interest or equity of redemp
tion In said mortgaged pieinises.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before the 27th dav of August. lHiil. Dated
July 7. ls'.H. William M. Clary.
2t Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Notice of Adjourned Male.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska;
in the muter of the estate of Solomon Ward,
deceased .
Notice is hereb- given that iu pursuance of an
order of Samuel M. Chapman, judge of the
district court of Cass county, Nebraska, made
on the 7th day of April. A. t., 1S!H, for the
sale of the south half of the southwest quarter
of section twenty 'Jli. in township eleven 111,
norm, oi range nine i ass county, -Ne
braska, and in pursuance of a notice of the
time and place of sale of said hinds, given and
published according to law, I off ered said above
described lands for sale on the lrtth day of June.
A. U., is:i4. as in said notice provided, ana ueld
the same open for more than one hour and hav-
g received no acceptable bid rorsaia lands, I
adjourned said sale to the 21st day of July. A.
l., ism, at which tune said above described
lands were again offered for sale to the highest
bidder for cash, and after keeping the said sale
open for one hour, and receiving no acceptable
bids for said lands. I again adjourned said sale
until August Isth, 1-V4: said sale to take place
at the south door of the court house, in Cass
county, Nebraska, at 1 :M p.m. of said ISth
dny of August, 134, and to remain open for
one hour.
Administrator of the estate of Solomon Ward,
deceased. :51-3
Notice lo Creditors.
State of Nebraska, i
Cass county. '
In the matter of the estate of George W. Port
deceased :
Notice is hereby given that the claims andde-man-Is
of all persons against tieorge W. Port. de
ceased, lute of Mitche'l county and state of
Kansas, will be received, examined and ad
justed by the county court at the court house in
I'liittsinotith, on the tr.'thday of January. A. I..
Imi.Y hi l o'clock in the forf noon, and that six
mouths from and after the 12th dny of July,
A. I . 1 sin, is ihetiine limited for creditors
of sni l deceased to present their c ainu forex
ara'iiation and nllowiuice.
(iiven under mv hand this tith dav of Julr,
A I . 1 '..
2-.'-4 I! s. I: AM sky. Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
Slate of Nebraska,
I'ii-s onn iy. i '
Iu the m iller of the estate of George r'ratik.
!-- Msed.
Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mauds of all persons iigninst i.eorge Kre.nk
deceased, btte of said county and stale,
will l e reeei vt d. exam ined and adjust) d bj t hi
county court ut the court house iu Plattsuiouth.
on the l.'tii day of jMiiunry. A 1. lUTi. at two
o'clock in the afternoon : and that six months
from n nd utier the l-.'th day of July A 1. ism.
is the time limited for creditors of said ie
ci nsi-d io present their claims for exitiniuatit n
and allowance.
Giren under mv ban 1 this uh dav of Ju!v.
A l. I'.i4.
2-.-4 It S KAMsEY, Couutv Judge.
Clear to the
This is no Cheap Advertising Fake,
is Absolute and Genuine.
The claim
Notice of l'rnhate of Will.
State of ask a, i
I'ASS I O l" NT V. I " "S
In county court lu the niMt'er of the Inst will
a-id testament t ll'-n nil Egenberger, Ue
oeKsed :
Nni;i c is hereby given that on the 1th day of
August A. !., ls,.n. at tlo- office of the futility
Judge in I'lutt inoutli, iiss county, Nebraska at
the In ur of ten o'clocfe in the forenoon the fol
low ing matter will be bear ! and considered :
The lM'tition of.lohnY, L admit
to prnbali' the lust will ud tesian ent of i lei
enn K.renberger. deceased, late id Plrttlsm uitii.
in s,iii county, and for let'ers It stHinentHrr to
John V. Egcnberger. sr.. and to I.otiis It Kgen
berger. lmted this 11th dny of July A. !.. l-tii.
Hy ii'derof the court.
21I IV S. Uayjsey. County Juilte.
When Baby was sick, rre pare her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorin.
When she became MLss, site clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
43.5P FlNECAlf&KaAhCl
3.5? POLICED Sous.
t, SEND FOR wll ALOuUc
Von can mare money by purchasing V . L
Douglaa fhoen,
Because, we are the largest manufacturers oi
advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee
the value by stamping the name and price on
the bottom, which protects yon against high
prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes
equal custom work in style, easy fitting and
wearing qualities. We have them sold every
where at lower prices for the value given than
nnv other make. Take no substitute. If your
dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by
First National Bank
Capital, paid up $50,000
Jons FiTZHEUALD TreHldent
F. E. White Vice president
S. War-iiit Cashier
John Fitzgerald. D. Ilawksworth, F. E. White
S. Waugh and Geo. E. Dover.
Careful attention given to the interests of
customers. Collections made and promptly
remitted for. Highest market price paid for
county warrants and state and county bonds.
.Main Street, Plattsmoutb.
Consumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh, and ail
rtispHse. of the rvKniratorv otchiik are of liln
eerni origin, and it is only lately that they baveM
been loircegsf tillT treaiea.
In Htl. taken by steam inhalation. Ameri
can scientists have succeeded, where Koch and
Pucrui.r f.ilert in nertectiDir a Cure that cntES
For particulars -address California Chemical L,.
"A orks, Omaha, Neb. 1S-H 10.06
Teas and Coffees Unexcelled,
Curtice Bros. Celebrated
Cash will buy
More and Better Summer
Clothing of JOE than mor
tal man could fairly ask.
Perhaps you doubt this Claim. There's but one way to
be convinced
Call and inspect the Goods.
The People's Popular Clothier.
TIWo iwt in the World.
d "Best" Brands.
Shortness of Breath. Swell
ing of Legs and Feet.
"For about four years I was trou
bled with palpitation of the heart,
shortness of breath and swelling of
the legs and feet- At times I would
faint. I was treated by the best phy
sicians in Savannah, Ga., with no re
lief. I then tried various Springs,
without benefit. Finally I tried
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
also his Nerve and Liver Pills. Af
ter beginning to take tftem Iff It better! I
continued taking them and I am now
in better health than for many years.
Since my recovery I have gained fifty
pounds in weight. I hope this state
ment may be of value to some poor
E. B. SUTTON, Ways Station, Ga,
rr. Miles Heart Cure Is sold on a positive
fm a ran tee that the first bottle will benefit.
All druggists sell it at tl, 6 bottles for to, or
it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the lr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Sold by all druggists.
Dr. Agnes Y. Swetland,
Siecial attention to Obstetric. Diseases of
Women and Woman's !urceir
123 Farnaiu Street,
Telentene 1154.
Omilia, Neb
A Specialty.
One door North of Postoffice.
n. J. Streigbt.
J. Sattler
Successor to Henry Bcuck,
Furniture i Undertaking
Pianos and Organs,
Our Furniture line is complete In every detail
An Investigation ii certain to convince.
Attorneys at Law,
OFFICE-Flliefcrald block.over First Nl bank
These tiny Capsules are superior
to Balsam of Copaiba, xv
Cubeba and Injections, (ifJTTt
cure in 48 hours the V J
same diseases "without any incon
What is
sr r. rs ivy
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescri: 1! for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Moriiii.e nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Irops Soothing SjTTips, aiilJfjr-(5tL,
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee i thirtv yi'rs uso hy
Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children Pauaceu
the Mother's liend.
- Castoria.
'Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I rtvumiueiiil it as superior to any prescription
known to me." II. A. Aotbeh, M. I.
111 Po. Oxford St,, Brooklyn, X. Y.
"The use of 'Castoria' is w universal and
Its merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Ca-storia
within easy reach.
Carlos Xutmi, I). IX,
New York City.
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour SUiuxach, Iharrhu-a, Eructation,
Kills Worms, pivt-i sleep, and promotes di
Without injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommend.!
your 4 Castoria,' and shall always continue t j
do so as it has invariably produced beneficul
Edwtw F. Paodek, M. IX,
t5th Street and 7th Ave New York City.
Tbx Ccntacb Co!oa-t, 77 Mckhy Stueet, Xrtr York Cm
Mjii'iLii row mwmmu - -m.i .. . ! w njn
Red Oxfords, worth $1.50, now $ .75.
Tan Oxfords, " 1.50, " 1.00.
Black Oxfords, " 1.25, " .75.
Black Oxfords, " 1.50, 44 1.00.
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Dressing- for Tan Shoes.
Rob't. Sherwood
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The Great Ctfuljh'Cure ! Tfi Great Troup ttre ! The Great
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in time will Ue you eodiess aaxiety and troublf Mothers, keep
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and in a sh' ytime her l'' lHS'
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