1 I I ; ' 1 J DEBS IN DURANCE. Judge Grosscup's Instructions to the Special Grand Jury. Charge of Conspiracy and Inciting to Insurrection Preferred A galas t American Railway Vnlon Leader. A special federal grand jury was sworn in at Chicago on Tuesday, the 10th, for the purpose of investigating the charges of inciting- to insurrection and of conspiracy that have been brought against President Debs, of the American Railway union, and the offi cers, directors, organizers and all who 'have, by word or action, interfered with the transportation of the govern ment mail and interstate commerce law. In his instructions to the jury Judge Grosscup said: "In your deliberations, gentlemen of the Jury, sixteen of your number will constitute a Quorum. A grand Jury can consist of any number from sixteen to twenty-three, not less than sixteen. You will elect, after you retire, somebody to act as your clerk. You will have the attendance of the district attorney and such other officers of the irovermcnt as may have been designated for that purpose. You will have the right to tend for witnesses and for papers and for books. You will have the right to inquire of the pivernmcnt and of counsel what their conception of the law of any Riven state of facts is. and if you are not satisfied with that you will have the right to present such ques tions directly to the court. Your deliberations houid be conducted in secret. No grand Juror should allow the secrets of the jury room to escape either from the jury room or from his breast. The newspaper fraternity is very en terprising and is a force in modern life that is of great usefulness, amusement and pleasure to the citizens, but you should not allow the newspapers nor anybody else to obtain in formation of what is going on in your room until the work is completed and you have made . u formal report to the court. Any violation of this duty will be a violation of the obligation which you have taken. -I have regarded the occasion that has sum moned you here as of sufficient consequence for me to incorporate what I have to say to you n writing. I may add. what you probably know, that it will require the affirmative vote of twelve of your number before you can find an indictment. The I'urpope of the Inquisition. You have been summoned here to inquire whether any of the laws of the United States within this judicial district have been violated. You have come in an atmosphere and amid oc currences that may well cause reasonable men to question whether the government and laws of the United states are yet supreme. Thanks to resolute manhood and to that enlightened in telligence which perceives the necessity of vin dication of law before any other adjustments are possible, the government of the United State is supreme. "You doubtless feel, as I do, that the oppor tunities of life, in the present conditions, are not perhaps entirely equal, and that changes are needed to forestall some of the tendencies of current industrial life: but neither the torch of the incendiary, nor the weapon of the insur rectionist, nor the inflamed tongue of him who incites to fire and the sword is the instrument to bring about reforms. To the mind of the American peop'.e. to the calm, dispassionate, sympathetic judg ment of a race that is not afraid to face deep changes and responsibilities there has as yet been n adequate apeaL Men who appear aa the advocates of great changes must tirst sub mit them to discussion, discussion that reaches not simply the parties interested but the wider circle of society, and must be patient as veil as persevering, until the public intelli gence has been reached aud the public judg ment made up. An appeal to force before that hour is a crime not only against the govern ment of existing laws, but against the cause Itself: for what man-of uny intelligence sup poses that any settlement will abide which is induced under the light of the torch or the ahadow of an overpowering threat? "With the questions behind present occur rences, therefore, we have, as ministers of the law and citizens of the republic, nothing now to do. The law as it is must first be vindi cated before we turn aside to inquire how the law or practice as it ought to be can be effect ually brought about, tiovernment of law is in peril, and that issue is paramount. What the Law Terms Insurrection. "The government of the United States has enacted laws designed. Erst, to protect itself and its authority as a government: and sec ond, to protect its authority over those agencies to which under the constitution and 'aws. it extends governmental regulations. For the 'former purpose, namely, to protect itself and its authority as a government, it has enacted that every person who entices, sets on foot. iKsir-t-s or engages in any rebellion or insurrec tion against the authorities of the United States or the laws thereof, or who gives aid or comfort thereto, and any two or more persons in any suite or territory who conspire to over throw, put down, or destroy by force the gov ernment of the United States, or to levy war against It or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by foice to seize, take or possess any prop erty of the United States, contrary to the authority thereof, shall be visited with cer tain severe penalties named therein. Insurrection is a rising against civil or po litical authority, the own and active opposi tion of a number of persons to the execution of law in a city or ttiite The laws of the United States forbid, under penalty, any person from obstructing or retarding the passage of the mail, and make it the duty of the officers to ar rest such offenders and bring th ra before the court. If. t'.jsvefore. it shall appear to you that any person or persons have willfully obstruct ed or retarded the mails, and that their at tempted arrest for such offense has been op posed by such a number of persons as would constitute a general uprising in that particular locality, and as threatens for the time being ttie civil and political authority, then the fact of an insurrection within the meaning of the law has been established: and he who by speech, writing, promise, or other inducement, assists In setting it on foot, or carrying it along, or gives it aid or comfort, is guilty also of a violation of law. When .Men Hrrom Insurgents. "It is not necessary that there should be blood shed. It is not necessary that its dimen sions should be so portentous as to Insure probable success to constitute an insurrection. It is necessary that the rising should be in op position to the execution of the laws of the United States, and should be so formidable as fur the time being to dery the authority of the United states. When men gather to resist the civil or political power of the United States, or to oppose the execution of its laws, and are in such force that the civil authorities are inad equate to put them down, and a considerable military force is needed to accomplish that re sult, they become insurgents, and every per son who knowiugly inrites. aids or abets them, no matter what his motive may be. is likewise an insurgent- This penalty is severe, and. as I have said, is designed to protect the govern ment and its authority against direct attack. Laws to I'rotect the Mails. "There are other provisions of the law de signed to protect those particular agencies whinb come within governmental control. To those I will now call vour attention. "The mails are in the special keeping of the f overnment and laws of the United States. To nsure their unhindered transmission it is made an offense to knowingly and willfully ob Ktruet or retard the piixm-'o of the mails, or any carriage, horse, driver or carrier carrying the same. It Is also provided that if any two or more persons cousprre together to commit any offense against the United states, and one or more of such per-ons do auy act to effect the object of the conspiracy, all the persons thereto shall be suited to a severe penalty. "Any person knowingly aud willfully doing any act which contributes or is calculated to contribute to obstruct or hinder the mails, or who knowingly nu willfully takes a part in such acts, no matter how trivial, if intentional, is Cwllty of violation of the Bret of these provis on8. and any such person who conspires with one or more other persons, one of whom subse quently commits the offense, is likewise guilty it aa oSena against the United Mate. 'a pi act? urn re a tnrouen four inches of j cupancy of the office the court baa rock and n through four feet of a j elevated from a common justice Ofter substance. A blast was Tint in rr the rtirnitv nf n rnnl fnnrt "What constitutes conspiracy tc hinder or obstruct the mails will be touched upon in connection with the subject to which I now call your attention. "The constitution places the regulation of commerce between the several states and be tween the states and foreign nations, within the keeping of the United States government Anything which is designed to be transported, for commercial purposes, from one state into another, and is actually in transit, and any passenger who is actually engaged in such in terstate commercial transaction, and any car or carriage actually transporting or engaged tc transport such iassenger or thing, are the agencies and subject matter of interstate com merce; and any conspiracy in restraint of such trade or commerce, is an offense against the United States. Commerce Must Be Free. "To restrain is to prohibit, limit, confine or abridge a thing. The restraint may be per manent or temporary. It may be intended to prohibit, limit or abridge for all time or for a day only. The law draws no distinction In this respect- Commerce of this character is in tended to be free except subject to regulation by law at all times and for all periods. Tem porary restraint, therefore, is as intolerable as permanent and practical restraint by actual physical interference aud as criminal as that which flows from the arrangements of business or organization. Any physical interference, therefore, which has the effect of restraining any passenger car or thing constituting an ele ment of interstate commerce, forms the foun dation for this offense. "Rut to complete this offense, as also that of conspiracy to obstruct the mails, there must exist, in addition to the resolve or purpose, the element of criminal conspiracy. "What is criminal conspiracy? If it shall ap pear to you that any two or more persons cor ruptly or wrongfully agree with each other that the trains carrying the mails and inter stale commerce should be forcibly arrested, obstructed, and restrained, such would clearly constitute a conspiracy. If it shall appear to you that- two or more persons wrongfully agreed witli each other that the employes of the several railroads carrving the mails and interstate commerce should quit, and that suc cessors to them should by threats, intimida tion, or violence be prevented from taking their places, such would constitute a criminal conspiracy. Rights of I-alor Defined. I recognize, however, the right of labor to organize. Kach man in America is a freeman, and so long as he iloes not interfere with the rights of others has the right to do with that which is his as he pleases In the highest sense a man's arm is his own. and aside frora contract relations no one but himself can di rect when it shall be raised to work or be dropped to rest. The individual option to work or to quit is the imperishable right of a freeman, but the raising or dropping of the arm is the result of a will that resides in the brain, and much as we may desire that such will should remain entirely independent there is no mandate of law which prevents their as sociation with others or their responsibility to a higher will. "The Individual may feel himself alone un equal to cope with the conditions that confront him. or unable to confront the myriad of con siderations which ought to control his con duct. He is entitled to the highest wnge that the strategy of work or cessation from work; may bring, and the limitations upon intelli gence and opportunities may be suc h that he does not choose to stand upon his own percep tion of the strategic or other conditions. Hii right to choose a leader, one who serves, thinks and wills for hfm. a brain skilled to ob serve his nece-sity. is no greater pretensioa than that which is recognized in every othef department of industry- So far and within reasonable limits, associations of this char acter arc cot only not unlawful, but are in mj judgment benelicial when they do not restrain Individual lilerty and are under enlightened and conscientious leadership. But they are subject to the same laws as other association The Responsibilities of Leaders. "The leaders to whom are given the vast, power of judging and acting for the members ure simply in that resnect their trustee?;. Their conduct must be judged like that o other trustees, by the extent of their .'awful author ity and the good faith with which they can ex ecute it. No man in his individual right can lawfully demand and insist upon conduct by others which will lead to injury W a third per son's lawful rights. The railroads carrying the malls and inter state commerce hare a ri-rht to the service ol e:ich of their employes and until ach lawfully chooses to quit, and anv concerted action upon the part of others to demand or insist unde ef fective penalty or threat upon t&eir quitting, to the in'urv of the mail service or the prompt transportation of interstate con merce. is a conspiracy unless such demand ct insistence Is in pursuance of a lawful authoritv conferred upon them by the men themselves, and Is made In good faith in execution of sucft authority. The demand and insistence unir effective penalty or threat, injury to the transportation of the mails or interstate commerce being proven, the burden falls upon th-jse making the demand or insistence to show lawful au thoritv and good faith in its execution. "Let me illustrate: Twelve carpenters nro building a house. Aside from cor.tract rela tions each can quit at leisure. A thirteenth and a fourteenth man. strangers to them by concerted threats of holding them Cp to public odium or private malice, induce them to quit and leave the house unfinished. The latter in no sense represent the former or their wishes, but are simply interlopers for mischief, and ure guilty of conspiracy against the employer of the carpenters: but If upon the trial for such results the thirteenth and fourteenth men prove that instead of being stranpers they are trusts. agents or leaders of the twelve, with fall power to determine for them whether their wage is such that they ought to continue or to quit and that they have in good faith de termined that question, they are not then. so far as tho law goes, conspirators: but if it should further appear that the supposed au thority was not used in the interest of the twelve, but to further a personal ambition or malice of the two. it would no longer justify t heir conduct. Ioing a thing under cloak of authority is not doing it with authority. The injury of the two to the employer in such an instance would only be aggravated by their treachery to the associated twelve, and both employer and employes should with equal in sistence ask for the visitation of the law. How to Determine Guilt. "If it appears to you. therefore, applying the illustration to the occurrences that will be brought to your attention, that any two or more persons by concert insisted or demanded under effective penalties and threats upon men quitting the employment of the railroads to the ol struction of the mails or interstate commerce, you may inquire whether they did these acts as strangers to these men advised to quit, or whether they did them under the guise of trustees or leaders of an association to which these men belonged: and if the latter appears you may inquire whether their acts and conduct in that respect were in good faith and in conscientious execution of their supposed authority, or were simply the use of that au thority a- a guise to advance personal ambi tion or satisfy pride or malice. "There is honest leadership among these, our laboring fellow-citizens, and there is doubtless dishonest leadership. You should not brand any act of leadership as dishonest or in bad faith unless It clearly so appears: but If it does so appear, if any person is shown to have be traced that trust, and his acts fall within the dellnition of crime as I have given it to von. it is alike the interest and pleasure and the duty of every citizen to bring him to swift and heavy punishment. I wish ngnin. in conclusion, to impress upca you the fact that the present emergency is to vindicate law. If no one has -violated the law under the rules I have laid down, it needs no vindication: but if there has been such viola tion there should be quick, prompt and ade quate indictment. "J confess that the problems which were made the occasion or pretex for our present disturbances have not received, perhaps, the consideration they deserve. It is onr dory, as citizens to talrc them up and. by candid and courageous discussion, to ascertain what wrongs exist and what remedies can be ap pli d. But neither the existence of such prob lems nor the neglect of the public hitherto to fdequately consider them justices the viola tl m of law or the bringing on of general law lessness. Let us first restore peace and pun- l isa tne offenders of law. and then the atmos- nhere will be clear to think over the claims of t iose who have real grievances, h irst vindi j cate the lav . Until that is done no other ques tion is in order. , A United States Marshal Shot. Since preparing this charge my attention has been called to the fact that a deputy mar Khnl of this court has probably been shot. In that cornier ion I wish to call your attention to section .t.t of the revised statutes, which p-ovtdes if any two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threnten or intlm idate any citizen in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the consti tution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so e.rercised the same, or if any two or more persons go in disguise on the high way or on the premises of another with the in tent to prevent his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privi'ege so secured, they shall be lined not more than $5,000 and imprisoned not more than ten years. "If a deputy marshal exercising his powers under thi; constitution and laws of thefcnned States has been injured, oppressed. tieat ened or intimidated by any citizen anywhere, and that has been the reult of a conspiracy under the uelin.tions of conspiracy that i have (riven to you. the offenders have made them selves liable to indictment under this section "tientioiaen. j&a may retire. - PROTECTION BLACKMAIL. How the McKlnley Doctrine Is Preached by Pampered Panderers. No rogue e'er felt the halter draw with good opinion of the law or the district attorney, and the Manchester Mirror and Farmer, chief protection bunco steerer for the state of New Hampshire, protests most earnestly against my kicking its large protec tion paunche. In reply to my indict ment, it assures the republican voters whom it is misleading and befooling on this question: 1. That I am a hired writer for the sugar trust, paid by it to defend its thefts. 2. That there is now no tax on su gar; that the McKinley bill put sugar on the free list, and that the wicked democrats are now trying to put a tax on sugar that will benefit the trust by S2.80 per ton. 3. That there never was a sugar trust under republican legislation, or while the republicans taxed sugar, and that it is under the law putting sugar on the free list, under, the abominable "free trade" in sugar of the McKinley bill, that the sugar trust has grown rich and insolent. 4. That every man (except one) in the sugar trust is a democrat, and that all the contributions of the sugar trust have been made to the democratic party. There are many more statcmeats of this kind with which it proposes to hoodwink the ignorant and vicious re publican voters of New Hampshire too 'Ignorant to refer to the law and sec for themselves what the facts are; too vicious to even care what the facts are when the truth has been shown them. Each republican vote which this protection bunco-steerer can re tain for the republican party next No vember is worth $110 in crisp green backs to the league of four hundred and fifty American protected trusts, and if bluffing will keep even one vote from straying, it does not propose to les" that one, or its percentage on any one it can steer into the game for its employers to swindle. That it is crim inally dishonest, that it is a partner of the protection thioves, sharing their plunder, must be the unbiased opinion of nny honest man who reads its an swer to my straightforward statement of facts and ligures, not one of which it attempts to impeach. "This World hireling of the gang that has plai.ned and is about to execute this stu pendous robbery calls the pending bill one to reduce the profits of the trust three-fourths, and says he proposes to plant his well-shod heel square in the stomach of all who oppose It. 'The well-shod heels' of that animal are the heels of an ass that is staggering under the load bis brutal owners have piled upon him. and w hose voice is badly broken by the bray ing which a cruel keeper extorts from him with the goad. But listen further to the noise that fomes echoing from among the bats that nest In his stomach up through the vacuum in his siiull and out through the orifices of his vile uose." That is its only answer to my state ment that the McKinley bill pro tect" the sugar trust with a duty of Sll.'-O per ton; that the proposed sen ate bill reduces this McKinley protec tion of the trust to a dutj- of S2.S0 per ton. It cannot deny that the sugar trust yearly receives under the Mc Kinley law S'20.000,000 blood money and blackmail. It cannot deny that the senate bill substitutes a tax of one eighth of a cent in place of the present tax of one-half of a cent, as the pro tection of the trust. It cannot deny that the senate bill compels the sugar trust to pay into the treasury S1-V000,- 000 of the S20.000.01K) blackmail now paid to it yearly by the people, and that all other taxes on sugar levied by the senate bill go into the treasury. Itdoesnot deny, and cannot deny, that under the McKinley bill we must pay to the sugar trust S'-JO, 000.000 blackmail yearly, as we have done since 1'JO. and it does not den3that the defeat of a dem ocratic reform measure which cuts this blackmail down is what the trust is working for. It cannot meet facts or figures. It dare not quote the present law or the proposed law. There is nothing left but to denounce me as the paid advocate of the sugar trust! Retween 1SMS and lfSOO there was not a fact or a figure in connection with the exposure of the sugar trust's thefts used in any newspaper or in any public utterance that I did not supply: no other writer furnished anything; and tiiis same defender of protection ther. denounced me for my persistent attack on the sugar trust, as 'the paid clerk of a gang of foreign importers," as '"a liar hired by British gold" to de fame honest men. The exposure that 1 made of the sugar trust blackmail between lSG and 1890 forced a reduc tion to the present theft of S20.000.000. Because I am fighting now to either cut this blackmail off altogether or reduce it to Sj,000,030, this protection bunco Bteerer denounces me as the paid agent of the trust, in order to defeat any change and keep the 20,000,000 black mail for the trust. It is an old trick of the pickpocket to shout "Stop thief at his accuser. This editor has such confidence in the stupidity and ignor ance of his readers that he knows it will be successful in diverting atten tion from himself to call me a "hire ling of the sugar trust" Not one of his readers cares enough for the truth to pin him down to the figures and facts, if he had sufficient intelligence to understand them. Tariff Rule, in N. Y. World. PIEBALD POLITICS. Repabl leans Resort to Any Means to Gain Votes. It is anything to win with the repub licans this 3-ear. IVinciples don't count Nothing counts but votes twice if possible. Nothing matters except to get back to power, staked recklessly and iost on McKinleyism. To that end no deal will be surprised, no concession of principle refused, no fusion untried, no straddle too great to be attempted. As to the silver question the repub licans propose to be all things to all men, but with a decided tendency to abanO.on former declarations in favor of sound money, and join hands again with the silver extremists in an effort to save protection at the expense of the currency. As to the tariff they will reaffirm only so much of their devotion to Mo- been mill lumaiucu iui h,tv MiMi att0n,i,nnn - moned.andit is feared that the Kinleyism as they think they can win on. ishould they win by a pledge of moderate protection, their treatment of former promises of this character leaves no doubt of what they will do when they have the chance. They are prepared to trick the country if they can, by any pretense of repent ance and reform, such as they made at the time of their famous tariff com mission. One republican member of the house from Pennsylvania was frank enough to say the other day that in his judg ment his party, in selecting a presi dential candidate and constructing a platform in 1896, "would be governed, not by what is right or wrong in an abstract sense or by what this or that candidate thinks, but by considera tions entirely apart from either morals or statesmanship" probably very far apart and partly financial. These con siderations were further explained in this simple fashion: "The democratic party is going to pass a bill which will be moderately protective, but will impose lower taxes on the whole than the Mo Klnley act. If business revives next winter and keeps up pretty well the republican na tional convention will undoubtedly adopt a moderate protectionist platform, contending thac the revival U due to the fact that the pro tective principle has been preserved in the democratic bill. If times continue hard, how ever, the convention will insist that the reason of this is to be found in the fact that duties were reduced too far. and will accordingly adopt a stiff tariff programise, outdoing the McKinley act If anything." And 6o they hops to catch us "a-com-ing aud a-gwine," and pen us between the sea and the iron works, where the blundering cowardice of oir leaders has placed us. At any rate, tills utter ance, and the demand of the Ohio re publican state convention, that the McKinley rates be left untouched un less they can be made higher, express the real purpose of the republican leaders, whatever may be the promises by which, before the election, they may seek to bamboozle the voters. They are for protection, the highest they can get, and to get it they will promise tariff reform, free silver coin age, more pensions, comfort for the populists, offices for everybody, and anything else that is good for votes. Louisville Courier-Journal. AN INCAPABLE PARTY. Incompetency of the Republicans aa Shown by the Harrison Administration. The receipts of the government from all sources for the fiscal year ending June 3. 1S94, were 5290.9003311, and the expenditures, 5300.593,359. This shows a deficit of 509,033,023. The dull times had much to do with the discrepancy, but the important fact to be consid ered in relation to it is the inadequacy of the existiner revenue laws. When the McKinley bill was passed it was the boast of its friends that an in crease of the revenue would be the re sult. It increased the taxes, but ma terially reduced vhe revenues, and th consequence is the deficit That this is true may be proved by the records. There ltas been no defal cation on the part of any of the col lecting agencies. No complaint comes of a lack of zeal in the collections. No money collected has been withheld from the treasury. The plain Infer ence, therefore, is that the law is de fective, and the obvious remedy is in the change of the statutes. It will not do to rely on withholding payments, as the Harrison administration did during the closing months, or to issue bonds now and then as the present ad ministration was obliged to do once. The laws must be adjuated on such a basis as will meet the conditions. No better evidence could be pre sented of the incompetency of the re publican party to administer the gov ernment than the present condition of the finances under the laws passed by that party. It will be claimed, no doubt, that during and for many years after the war. that party displayed its capability. lut that was before the control of the part- passed from the great men who organized it into the hands of the boodlers who now direct its affairs. It is neither unfair nor un just to say that now there isn't a man in the leadership of that party suffi ciently equipped in statesmanship to frame a revenue law that would serve the purpose of bringing the receipts and expenditures of the government anywhere nearly- together. Kansas City Times. POINTS AND OPINIONS. McKinley has alwa-s contended that the presidential nomination should seek the man. He is keeping himself as prominently exposed as pos sible in order to minimize the difficulty of finding him. Detroit Free IVess. Conger, of Ohio, in denouncing McKinley and McKinleyism, is calling down the wratli of party manipulators and narrow-guage organs on his de voted head. . What hurts and galls is that he is telling the truth, a potent force in political discussion with which the g. o. p. leaders have as little as possible to do. Conger is stirring up the animals with a cattle puncher; and the people are opening their eyes to the meaning of the resulting exhi bition. Detroit Free Press. It is no new or extraordinary thing for congress to extend the appro priations for carrying on the govern ment for a period of thirty days. It has been done repeatedly before now and without such a valid excuse. The time of the senate has been all taken up with the consideration of the tariff bill, and properly so. The protest of Senator Hoar against the adoption of the concurrent resolution extending the appropriations was only another expiring grasp of McKinleyism. Bos ton Herald. "The amount of income tax Pres ident Cleveland would have had to pay," says a journal which holds that every thing the democrats do is wrong and everything the republicans do is right, "would have been over one thousand dollars annually. The sugar trust senators on the motion of Senator Hill have relieved him from the burdens of this taxation." "The sugar trust sen ators" is one of those shafts of truth which "find mark the archer never meant," for the republican senators voted solidly for Senator Hill's motion, Louisville Courier-Journal norm 1 1 oiLuiu 13 ixiuie com meuuauie ; . t ,i..v -utjiBaruwAcwi. boy's T ni.; , ,r Vfzr ; ; FOR SUNDAY READING. A MORNING HYMN. A Paraphrase from It is hop Andrewea' De votions. Glory to Thee, all glory. Lord, to Thee. Who grivest sleep by night, sweet sleep, to me; Recruit to wastings. and to toil surcease; For weary mind and body, rest and peace. O grant, good Lord, the new day, in Thy fear. And every day may bring my soul more near To fullness of Christ's stature, drawing thence All sweets of health and peace and innocence. O grant, good IatS. that camping near my side. Thy holy angel, faithful guard aud guide. May ever win me to such works and ways As save the soul and manifest Thy praise. O grant, good Lord, whate'er amiss I wrought. Neglect, offense, in deed or word or thought Of bygone hours, may all be done away; Forgiven now, and in the last great day. O grant, good Lord (be this Thy gracious will) ! The world with plenty and with peace to till; But chiefly. Lord, those mercies now I crave Which sinners need, which souls immortal save. O grant, good Lord, If aupht of lovely hue. Just, honest, pure, of good report aud true. If any virtue, any praise there be. Grant we may think it, do It, all to Thee. O grant, good Lord (so near life's narrow bound)! That with a Christian death my life be crowned: A death all void of sin and void of shame. And painless, if I ask it without blame. Above all grant, good Lord- since men must die And then, be judged, that, with good comfort, I Before my Judge appear at last, and stand Among the blessed sheep at His right band. J. E. C. Smedcs. in N. Y. Independent. THE CLASS THAT WINS. The Ambitions Not the Doubtful Are the Successful Ones. "It is a tough old world," says one of our eastern profossors in a late number of a popular review. And what is his conclusion from this fact? IJctter leave the world alone and spare your foolish pains. That is not the Chris tian way of regarding a mighty task. Roughly speaking all men are to be divided into two classes; those to whom nothing is possible and those to whom all things are; possible. These two classes to lie sure, overlay and shade into eac other, but a man belongs to that class whose animating spirit shows itself in his views of life. There are, for example, those who believe it is pos sible to chop down a tree, but shake their heads doubtfully over the propo sition to tunnel the Rocky mountains. "I have lived in Chicago now thirty odd years." baid an acquaintance to us the other day. "and in that time it has been the crazy men who have become rich." The men to whom it was impos sible that this swamp should be con verted to a metropolis are poor to-day. They who have studied the past know that there are no forces so mighty as the silent forces. Our ora tors talk about the power of a cyclone, but the scientist knows that the pow er which builds up a forest is mightier than that which uproots a tree. That which tosses a house in air is but a feeble thing compared with the force that (swings through immeasurable or bits systems of suns and worlds and satellites. Rude men were able to per ceive that in the leaping mountain tor rent which filled all the gorge with uproar there was a power to grind their corn; but a wise man came who saw in the whispering steam from the spout of a kettle a still mightier force; and by and by a wiser dreamed that in this silent and awful light which played about the pole there was a still more tremendous force which should revolutionize the industries of man kind. He who is looking for power looks to find it where the silence is as deep as that which wrapped the mount of God when the prophet awaited the revelation of the Divine presence. And the mightiest of such silent forces are the noblest ones. There are those who assert that "Every man has his price." It is a coarse away of say ing that the meanest passions are the most powerful. There were those who thought that the pride and bi.rotry of the duke of Alva were mightier than the love of country and of liberty which animated the beggars of Holland; but they were feeble forces when brought into conflict with the unselfish passions of patriots and Hible lovers. During those terrible years between 1S01 and 1805 there was not a day in which the nation might not have saved its silver and gold, by simply giving up its flag! You could not plunge our republic into war to-day for all the cod that swim the banks of Newfoundland, or all the seals that sprawl upon Alaskan islands; but lay one rude touch upon the em blem of its liberty and every rusty sword from Maine to California would leap from its ragged scabbard. It is the "weak things" which always con 'ound the mighty. The philosopher as well as the be liever can thus understand why the Christian does not fear to attempt the transformation of this ungodly world. For of all the noblest passions love is still supreme. There is not a morning in which the daily press does not record some death for the sake of love. Now it is a father snatching kis loy from the flames; now a mother dying upon the track where her babe had wan dered. 15ut always and everywhere love is the strongest as well as the swertest thing in the world. And they who sneer at the tht-ght that the cross can ever conquer this "tough old world" know not that the force which ani mates the Christian life is the might of personal and loving devotion to a per sonal Redeemer. Paint the sins of the world as black as you may, love makes light of its con quest. Christendom is not simply so many people holding a common creed which some consider it a du ty to propa gate; it ie. so many millions of saved souls who cherish in their hearts a love for Christ, a love constraining them to fortitude, and, if need be, to martyr dom. No religion among all tV.--se pren- J ed at the late parliament presented one j to caU out love as did the Christian faith. It is this power of a constrain- j ing love which has made it victorious i where others have fallen defeated. It j is this love in th,e heart which enables the soul to believe all things. Love ! ever questions its ability, but to every ; ltnn vt t rf,o W v,5o or0nto norace to ni i parents, 3, s fter promising that he would give up his ladylove, v, .L t ... . .,.., ' command: "Disciple all nations," re sponds unhesitatingly: "I wilL" Chi cago Interior. STRUGGLE FOR ATTAINMENT. The Blessing of the Unattsined May B Greater to Is Than All That We Win and Hold Besides. Life is, in the main, a struggle for at tainment. Without the hope of attain ing that which seems worth striving for, most of the toil of life would be hopeless drudgery. The child and the man alike look forward to some high attainment, in the line of educa tion or of position or of acquisition, which shall meet and satisfy the desires of the whole being, and for which they are willing to toil and endure and suf fer whatever may be essential to that end. If the end striven for be at tained, it may prove to be neither sat isfactory nor worth the effort made for its reaching. If it be not attained, the disappointment is sure to be great; but if it were worth striving . for, the in fluence of it, even though, unattained, may be a blessing in the life of him who struggled for it, beyond all other influence in his earthly career. The hope of a home in the land prom ised to God's people was an incitement and an inspiration to Moses in the long years of his life in Egypt and in Ara bia. Looking forward to this as an at tainment, he was willing to give up the privileges and honors of a royal palace, and to cast in his lot with an oppressed people, in the hope that he might aid in bringing them also to the desired possession. Years passed on, and he wearied in, but not of the strug gle and endurance. His life was lived for this, and death was many a time braved for it. Rut when the attain ment seemed just within his reach, Moses was told of God to go up alone o j to a mountain peak, and there have a glimpse from afar of the goodly land he must not enter. The only blessing of his life was the blessing of the unat tained. Was this nothing to him? Was his life a failure? Nay: This was the truest warrior That ever buckled sword; This the most gifted poet That ever breathed a word: And never earth's philosopher Traced with his golden pen. On the deathless page, truths half so sage As he wrote down for men. And the blessing of blessings for Moses was the blessing of the unattained. No man among the Hebrews gaine d so much from the land of promise is Moses gained. None of them felt w deeply or so sacredly the influence cf that land on their lives as he felt it on his. Even Joshua and Caleb, who en tered into it by struggle, had no such place in its history as had he. When, in the fullness of time, the Son of God1 stood transfigured on a mount cf mounts in that holy land, it was Moses, not Caleb or Joshua, who 6tool with Him there; and the joy of Moses was then all the greater because of what had been to him the unattained in his earthly lifetime. And thus it is in the lives of many through the blessing of the unattained. A mother who has lived in loving hope of a useful life for the son whom she was training for God's service, finds herself shut off from all this hope by the son's sudden taking away, before entering on his active career. All her fond anticipations of the joy that her son's work on earth would give to her and to others are gone forever. Her onlv blessing now in that son's Iife here is the blessing of the unattained. Yet that blessing may show itself in her every look and word, and she may be recognized by others as ministering to many in Christ's service, for her ton and for herself continually. She could never have been what she is in that service but for the opening of her lov ing longing toward that which, while unattained, is to her an ever-present ideal of blessing. A noble and worthy lover, who hrI looked forward through years of strug gle and of hope to a land of promise in a blessed union of heart and life with the woman who was worthy of him, and of whom he was worthy, may be called to take his farewell look at that land from a mound of fresh earth this, side its border. It is thenceforth for evermore the unattained land to him; but his thought and words may ha ve color and tone from that vision of the unattained while life remains, and his fellow-men may feel the force of that which he struggled for, as they could never have felt it had he entered into its possession. The world's deepest thinkers and tenderest writers liava spoken out under the hallowing influ ence of the unattained. , High attainment is a worthy object of aspiration and endeavor, but God may make the unattained a richer blessing to us than ever the attained could be. It is in what we have lookedt forward to that the blessing lies, not in our gain of that toward which we aspired and strove. The lofty ideal re mains to us, even when th? hope of at tainment is gone. God may, indeed,, tell us that it is better for us never to enter the land we rightly longed to live in. but God will never tell us that it would have been better for lis not to hae had such love and longings for that land. The blessing of the unat tained may be greater to us than ail that we win and hold besides. S. Times. FOOD FOR THOUGHT. Some of the Rani's Horn's Rare Bits of Troth. A revival means a recovery of lost power. Self-denial brings ns close to Christ. To feel good is not the highest life, but to be good is. The sin we keep for a servant wil soon liecome our master. Importunity means holding on nnti you get what you want. Many people have been lot beaus their heads refused to follow their hearts. , The body of death is the vacated tent of one who has gone to live in t mansion. One decided, positive step toward God turns the back squarely upon the world. Without praise for God in his heart no man can know just what it mean to be rich. portunity of hean' ites, Ethel an rtie little favor foretlieir de re time policy and instead ...