Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, June 28, 1894, Image 5

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Mrs. Isaac Bowen.of Alliance, is in
the city visiting friends.
Harry Coolidge of Havelock w as a
riattsmouth visitor Saturday.
Walter E. Tailing, postmaster at
Greenwood was in the city Friday.
Will Donelan of Gleuwood, Iowa,
was a riattsmouth visitors Monday.
Thede Ivory, of Glenwood, was in
town Friday arranging a real estate
The newly-appointed city officers
will assume their new duties on the
first of July.
Feter Pitts returned home Friday
morning for a ten day's visit with
relatives at Milwaukee.
Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Wheeler came
down from Omaha on Tuesday to at
tend the funeral of Vm. L. Wells.
A party of Iudians came up from the
south Monday and departed in their
wagons for the reservation north of
Poor old Nebraska City I A stale
balloon ascension will constitute the
chief feature of its Fourth of July
Mr. and Mrs. Will Clement are the
proud parents of a bright little daugh
ter, which arrived at their home on
Granite street Monday.
I). K. Horr, who has been taking the
school census in this district, has com
pleted the enumeration, and reports
that the figures will be nearly the same
as last year.
Mrs. Palmer of Highland county,
Virginia, who has been the guest of A.
S. Will and tamily out in the precinct,
departed for her home Monday over
the Uarlington.
Mrs. T. K. V coster of Nebraska
Jity, who has ben mentally deranged
for some time, has become violent,
nnd has been ordered taken to the
asylum at I,iri:oln.
A party of fishermen brought in two
dozen large German carp Friday af
ternoon, w hich they reported they had
captured in the Missouri river near
Pappillion creek.
Something which w ill prove a vast
bene tit to Plattsmouth's business in
terests seems certain to turn up in the
very near future, and when it comes
the town can hardly fail to take a
healthy b.unu
A party of Plattsruouth people pic
nicked at Cedar Creek Friday after
noon and returned home in the even
ing with a number of line fish Ger
man carp from tie iish ponds of
Christian Metzper.
Father Corbelt has entered the
lecture held, and delivered a lectuie at
Eluiwood on Sunday night. The hall
was filled to tnertlowing, and ti e lec
ture is said to have been instructive,
interesting and forcibly delivered.
Messrs. John Kobbins, Jake IJeeson,
Fred Warren, Geo. Toad, James New
ell, and Hal Johu-on have decided to
be contestants for the Demoret silver
medal, and the contest will probably
be held on the evening of June i&th.
Jno. Tigbe and daughter, Mary, de
parted Monday evening for Sinsinov a
Mound, Wisconsin, to attend the com- i
mencement exercises of St. Clara's
academy, of which institution Mr.
Tighe"s daughter, Lillian, is a student.
The Pullman boycott went into
effect Tuesday and already there are
a dozen railroads which have ceased
pulling the magnate's cars oy reason
of the refusal of employes to handle or
switch trains which cany Pullman's
Grain dealers along the Missouri Pa
clue and Burlington lines to the num
ber of about one hundred were in ses
sion at Xebra?ka City Tuesday night.
Their object was to protest to the rail
roads against the invasion of their
territory by Kansas City and .Leaven
worth commission houses.
The Omaha jobbers are coming to
town Tnursday morning at eight
o'clock on an M. P. special and will
stop off for a half hour to view the
town. They will make a tour along
the M. I'. in Nebraska to cultivate a
better acquaintance with the mer
chants in the towns thereon.
If Judge Chapman would kindly
con?ent to au examination of the ul
terior recesses of his sleeve by an ex
perienced political doctor, it would
'toave a tendencey to reduce the nerv
ous symptoms discernable in certain
circles in Lancaster, Nemaha and
Otoe counties. Lincoln News.
A force of bill posters were in town
Saturday decorating the boards with
flaming bills, announcing that Sells
brothers' circus would be in Omaha on
June 30th. Local parties who tried to
beat the shell game with this circus
last summer will take due notice of
day and date and govern themselves
The body of a man w as found on the
M. P. tracks at Omaha last Friday
ght, and an examination proved that
life was extinct and that his name was
Jacob Mayfield. colored. The flagman
at the Cotirtland Beach crossing Bays
that Ma hVld went up the track ana
he heard th pai! which b carried
rattle so-n after passii.g. A few
ponds later two men were noticed
running up the track. Mayfield's
pockets were turned inside out and all
tfee bottom. The explosion I irew r-1-
of the well a number of pieo s ofi
of tfood eolor and appearance. 1
c-u HOHI i
articles removed. The strange thing
about it is that the body shows no
marks of violence.
Found The finest soda water in
the city at Gering & Co's.
The Herald and News are exchang
ing compliments of late at an alarm
ing rate. Here is what the Blanchard
sheet says of the Polk circular:
"The News comes out in an article
and strenuously objects to being called
au independent sheet, but if anybody
wishes to take the trouble to step into
our sanctum we will prove that it is by
the publishers sworn statement. It
also says:
"The News is not the organ of anv chronic
office seeker, who could not live except on a sal
ary, filched from the public treasury."
"In part this is possibly true. It is,
however, "the organ of a chronic
officer-seeker," but up to date he has
not "filched" any salaries. Hi9 will is
good, but somehow he can't get in his
All legal business given prompt at
tention, I. O. I )wyer, attorney, Platts
uiouth. The tchool election at Louisville
Monday was one of great interest,
the issue being Killen and and anti
Killen. II. E. Panknin and Peter
Jacobsen were the anti-Killen candi
dates and Chas. Vanscoy and C. W.
Spence represented the Killen forces.
The former were elected by majorities
of 41 and 39 respectively. Fully half
the voters were ladies. The district
is in splendid shape financially, hav
ing no debts and $1 .GOO in the treasury
See Brown and save money this year
n your wall paper, paints and oils.
Deputy Sheriff Harvey Ilolloway is
becoming quite an enthusiast over
bicycling and a rider as well. Mon
day morning he departed on a paper
serving expedition and touched at
Manley, Murdock, Greenwood, Alvo,
Elmwood, Victoria, Weeping Water
and Louisville, returning from the
latter town Tuesday noon. In all the
distance is ninety-six miles, and, con
sidering the roads, he made it in re
markably good time. He insists that
it would have required almost three
day's to have made the trip by team.
Try Gering & Co's for cigars they
keep all kinds.
On account of the rigid economical
course that the state officials propose
t puisu in connection with the in
stitute for the blind at Nebraska City,
some five of the best teachers have
tendered their resignations, and the
result is that nearly an entirely new
corps will be selected. The salaries
were reduced io per month. The
ri.mor is current that politics p'ayed
some little part in the resignations.
For summer complaint use Gering's
Blackberry Cordial.
W. II. Cushing of Plattsmouth is
quoted by the News as predicting that
the dark horse who will be nominated
by tiie republican state convention
will be none other than Allen W.
Field, and that is why be declined a
congressional nomination . It is need
less to add that if any daik horses are
dt maimed, it is not necessary to go
any farther, for one w ho can w in, than
Judge Field. Lincoln News.
Can you afford t throw away a dol
lat? If you can't, grt my prices on
wall paper and save a dollar.
Fire started Friday in the cellar
of Leach & Beed, grocers, of Weeping
Water, but prompt action by the fire
department squelched the flames be
fore material damage was done. The
drug store of T. C Kunkle. which
stands next to Leach & Reed's, was
also scorched. Leach & Keed were
damaged lo0 and Kunkle Both
were insured.
Try in for lightharness. We use the
very bt-st of leather and employ only
first-class workmen. The prices will
please. FliED GoUDEK & SON,
The Omaha friends of Iiu3sell ( on
don, who went dow u to Kansas City to
participate in the bicycle tournament
there, were more than happy today, a
telegram having been received an
nouncing that Condon had broken the
mile record made by the speedy John
son some time ago on the Kansas City
quarter-mile track. Condon covered
the distance in 2:132. Omaha World-
Omaha ain t in it with me now
when it comes to prices on wall paper,
and it is the same way with drugs,
paints and oils.
Brown's Pharmacy.
The old building on lower Main
street, which has long been a public
nuisance, has been torn down
Twenty years ago this wcs one of our
best business locations, and Ben Hem
pel conducted a restaurant and oyster
parlor therein. That the building is
an old timer is evidenced by the fact
that it was constructed from cotton
wood lumber.
Buy the improved Singer sewing ma
chine. T. J. Yarbrough, local agent,
one block north of postofhee. d&w
Consumption. Bronchitis. Catarrh, and all
diseases of the respiratory nreans are of like
serin origin, and it is only lately that they have
been successfully treated.
In Htlo. taken by steam inhalation. Ameri
can scientists have sue -ceded, where Koch and
Pasteur failed, in perfecUnp a cure that cures.
For particulars address California Chemical
,Vorks, uinaha, Neb. 13-U
for ihe prse biand cljohn-
Nehawka liegister.
The Plattsmouth News goes past its
esteemed fellow townsman to support
a Lincoln man for congress.
Elmwood Echo.
Sheriff Eikenbary was in town
Wednesday summoning a witness in a
case wherein one Thrasher stole a
photograph and some clothes from his
partner from the Elmwood hotel last
winter, at this place.
Union Ledger.
Mrs. Mary 0'Larey,of Plattsmouth,
mother of our postmaster, made a
short visit in Union the latter part of
last week.
Phillip McCully, the Plattsmouth
contractor who built the Keil building
and the village jail, was in town
Wednesday on business.
The advance price in hogs has caused
many of our farmers to sell to buyers.
Fully twenty loads were brought in
Wednesday morning.
Col. Fred Kroehler, of Plattsmouth,
who led the expedition that attempted
to rescue the cannon at Nehawka, was
visiting amongour merchants Tuesday.
Wanted an Injunction.
W. M. Clary was in Plattsmouth yes
terday for the purpose of having Judge
Chapman issue a temporary injunction
restraining the board of public lands
and buildings from discharging the
scholars tkat graduated two weeks ago
at the institution for the blind. Judge
Chapman was not at home so the in
junction was notsecured. In his peti
tion Clary claims that the institution
is an asylum, that the blind are wards
of the state, and that the graduates are
not yet ready to go out into the world
to make their own livelihood. The
attorney general has decided that the
institute is not an asylum. Nebraska
City News.
Lint of Letter
Kemaining uncalled for in the post-
oflice at Plat tsmouth June 20, for w eek
ending June li, 1804:
Alice, Ilarvy Mctiuire, Sum
Fort!. L. C. ! itcht-II. John C.
UaM-rt. II. N. Mather, C. S.
Persons calling tor any of the above
letters or parcels will please say "ad
vertised." W. K. Fox, P. M.
1.2;h1 Notice .
To U :nl.l ;.h Keeker. !I?:irir:tu Ilnrlow urnl
I'uiisom Ie ter. i on rt.Miic nt hi irs tit law of
Uosuii 1 NM-ker, iecisel, vou wnl each of vou
are hereby notilifi thiit on Kri'iiiy the IS'.h lar
oi June A. l.. lm.t narie-u iiuuiritte. Harrison
lluugiite . .John liunsH:e. Miirvs. hoherts. Cvn
tniu J lieeil. Jauiea A. Hiiiiiznte. Nancv E. Kob
iliMn, I.iiia B. Iiicrahin: tlith .lierand Myr-
tlei'ainer infant by i,ext friend anl puardian.
hn llunea'e: t re.l llunate. kulh H'lueate.
B"-Me lluntrute and Eugene lluncate. infants by
next friend and ruardiau. Julia A. llunirate,
and Suan tlnwlatide a administratrix of toe
etHU' of Theodore Ie ker and Nathan W.
ilutnxute. deceased, tiled theirawdieation in the
county court of i nss-county. Nebraska, in the
estate of kosan Hecker. deceased, the object
and irver of which are to modify the order
niaue by the county judge In this estate on the
2d day of May. ls-.i-t. sti that as to two-ninthn of
the estte of Kosm ti Darker, deceased, the same
be held to await :i p.ccountini; between the p
tate of Jefferson licckcr, deceased, and thees
tKte of liiwnn Ilecker. deceased, and to have the
estate of Kosun Itrcker. deceased, charted with
X.0 as assets of the estate of Jefferson
becker, deceased, and to only permit seven
ninths of the estate of Kosan Decker, deceased,
as reported by the sdniitiistator to be distributed
to you and to s. P. llecker, liosa Harnes. Misan
Groschiude Htid Jefferson llec ker as the joint
property of the estates of Jefferson Decker, de
ceased, and kosan Decker, deceased, and to
claim all the estate of kosan Decker, deceased,
as th'.-property of Jefferson Decker, deceased,
and his devisees, and for equitable relief.
You are hereby required to answer or object
to hi application on or before Monday, the
Fhith day of July, l'M. or said application will
b taken as confessed and true and said orders
entered and said estf.te be compelled to account.
Ohakles (. HrsiiATK, etal..
Py their attorneys, I-.vron Clark and Beeson t
Hoot. " lit; 4
Notice of Adjourned al.
In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska;
in the matter of the estate of Solomon Vard,
Notice is hereby pi ven that in pursuance of an
order of Samuel M. Chapman, judge of the
district court of Cass county, Nebraska, made
o: the 7th day of April. A- D .. Ism. for the
sale of the south halt of the south west quarter
of section twenty il. in township eleven 11 1,
north, of rantre nine ', as county. Ne
braska, and in pursuance of a notic e "of the
time and place of sale of aid lands, given and
published according to law, I offered said above
descrihed lands for sale on the lfith day of June.
A. D., InjI. as in said not'ee provided, and held
the same open for more than one hour and hav
ing received no acceptable bid for said lands, I
adjourned said sale to the 21st day of July. A.
D.. ism. at which time sail! alov described
lands will tie offered for sale to the highest bid
der for cash : said sale to take place at the south
door of the court house in Cass county, Ne
brnskn. at 1 p. m. of said i!lst day of July,
and to remain open for one hour.
Administrator of the estate of Solomon Ward,
deceased. 27 3
Mrs. J. Benson,
Ladies' Skirts from 75c. to $14.40.
.Ladies' Waists from 50c to SS.50.
Narrow Val. Laces from 15c per
doz. up.
Butter Cream and Black Laces in
Bordon and other styles from 10c a
yard to the finest quality. Our stock
is very large and no old goods on our
We make a specialty of llibbons and
Good quality Gloria Silk Sun Um
brellas from $1.00 to 85.00.
Specially low prices on Ladies' and
Children's Hoisery and Underwear.
We have many lines of Ladies' Fancy
Goods, not kept in other stores.
We are giving special prices in
In short, we make special prices in
every department.
Come in or order by MAIL. We
will give your order prompt and care
ful attention.
1519 Douglas St., nearlGth,
Ui'iru, ami
injuries win result seriously.
' . - i
i 7- rr na9 returned to headquarters at Oma-
u?,"' Uafrom a trip ovelh Nebr"!. and
... mrtu, hi griping;
Are You
Contemplating a Trip ?
If so, JOE, The People's Popular Clothier, can
suit you to a nicety in the way of a TRUNK or a
A Carload of
Trunks and Satchels
just unpacked. Bought at Rock-bottom Prices
and at a big saving in freight, which reduction
will be accorded to purchasers.
Children's Clothing
The People's Popular
in looking aronnd for the best
GOODS can do no better than
I.eiiders i.i Large Assort-
I.emler in ;ooii yualities
Lenders iu Low i'riceti.
need loot farther than ,
r great establishment. !
an he can here find all i
the latest styles and standard makes at the low- j
est prices in Oninha our stoi-fc of Mn' j
l lothtnc is complete in every i-ense of the j
word, lu Mrw llatu we. as usual, lend. In
rWirli ( and Ore sdilrtK and Mrn'a Fur
iiishinirx we can save yon money every time J
you trade with us. i
(JS" Remember, a Coupon goes
l22a free with every purchase.
would pass our
able and
ments in Warm Weather Goods without an ex
animation. In Ladies' Wrappers, shirt
Waists. Etc.. our prices are the lowest in the
city. In Millinery we show the finest lines
west of Chicago.
All Mail Orders Receive
Our Prompt Attention.
FREE A Coupon with
Every Purchase.
We carry almost every
thing necessary for per
sonal or domestic use, and
always, when in Omaha,
10th and Dodge Sts.
First National Bank
Capital, paid up $50,000
.Tohx Fitzgerald President
F. E. White Vice president
8. Wiiuu Catihler
John Fitzgerald. D. Hawksworth. F.E.White
S. Waugh and Geo. E. Dovey.
Careful attention pi ven to the interests of
customers. Collections made and promptly
remitted for. Hieheht market price paid for
county warrants and state and county bonds.
Dr. Agnes Y. Swetland,
Special attention to OHstetrlca, Diseases of
Women and Woman's Surgery.
Office: ,seVhTuTnet-OmalialHel)
. O. Phillip! nfVthe Missouri Pntirid
Kansas division
I aa ZUVO T hlT n i n t L.
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, IXrops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of 3Iotlers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea
the Mother's Friend.
"Can tor la is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
l,nown to me." H. A. Ajii HrR, M. I).,
Ill So. Oxford St,, Brooklyn, . Y.
"The use of Castoria ' is so universal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to mdonw it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Ga&los Maktyn, D. D
New York City.
Tax Certack
1 s
Consumption cure
Tha G-atJfoffipfrCura ! 7TS Great JT?oup ore ! The Great
Lun? RextorT isSld by 4?ery druggist $i the continent of
America on A positive arrant ac 5oc $ pfr bottle a test
so wonderfi$and severs! thatno O'Jgk jor hypg Remedy vet
discovered Kai successfully stood xreptSiLOi Cure. A dose
in time will e you epess aiety an4 foubl' Mothers, keep
a bottle at y6feedsi&( it irrediatelytrslicvei Croup, and you
Know roup snogijia'vc promryrtTenriiia j j
MSI A UQ f 1 1 d r
n. J. Streight. J. Sattler i
Successors to Henry Boeck,
Fnrnitnre i Undertaking
Pianos and Organs,
Our Furniture lino Is complete in every detail
An investigation is certain to convince.
Lumber and Coal.
Mendota coal t 4.15
Hard coal 10.00
Canon City coal 7.50
m era? Iucun en5ence- Simple, a. V
lirM"1- ABSOLuTIiT TEXXl6"!
XHia. J bom any injurious substance. P"
Wa GUARANTEE a CURE or refund your mosey.,
Prtae SS.OO per bottle. Send 4c. tor treafasa.7
and Ida to her mother, who firmly"aij
nounced thatslie was "going to epank
her till she-couldn't sit down." And
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sinep, and promotes di
Without injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommended
your ' CaKtoria,' and shall always continue to
lo so as it has invariably produced beneficial
Ed ww F. Pa&dkb, M. TX,
125th Street and 7th Ave New York City.
Compart, 77 31 en kit Struct, Kbtt Yobx Cttt
Main street, riattsmouth.
Teas and Coffees Unexcelled,
Curtice Bros.' Celebrated
The Best in the World.
The "XXXX" and "Best7' Brands.
Attorney at Law,
OFFICE: Second floor of the Todd block, as
of Uie court house.
retiir ae
iljire fo'
I people, it would be ;
until it would be