-L- -i. IX ASI AROUND THE TOWN. Geo. I). Mattison, of South Bend, was in the city Saturday. Henry A. Kubge aud wife of Avoca precinct, were in the city Tuesday. Thos. V. Shryock, postmaster at Louisville, w as in the city Tuesday. G. S. Upton of Union was in town last week, and called at these head quarters. Peter Pitts of the precinct departed on Friday for a two weeks visit with relatives at Milwaukee. Burglars broke into the Missouri l'a cihc depot last week, and took w hat change there was in the money drawer. V. II. Johnson returned last Fri day to his labors at Ashland, after a visit of several days here with his family. Miss Belle Stephens of Waterloo, Neb., returned home last Saturday, after a short visit here as the guest of Miss Grace "Wiles out iu the precinct. The Nebraska City Press says the report that Congressman Breckeuiide will address the people at their fourth of July celebration is a fake pure and simple. J. G. Oldham returned Friday to his home in Furnas county accom panied by his daughtei, Jessie, who has been attending school here for a year past. The Nebraska City Independent argues against the securing of Con gressman Breckenridge as a fourth of July orator, on the ground that Made line would prove a better drawiDg card. Several members of the Omaha board of trade have struck it rich in the re cent advance in the wheat market. Our old fiiend. Joseph Alexander Con nor, pleads guili to cleaning up a cool ?HUUO on tl.e deal. BfV. Guy W. Smith has become a benedict, his marriage to Miss May Druuimoiid having been consummated last Monday at Omaha. tiny has many friends in Plattsiuonth who will wish him much joy. The I 'eiiver contingent of the coiu iiioii we.il army have abandoned the project ml going eat via the Platte river. At Brighton, titty miles from Ien-r. fifteen members of the army wrif dnivuit-il b their boats capsiiug. The thirteenth annual meeting of the rtt!e pharmaceutical association closed their M-iiii at Hastings Fri day. The next annual meeting ill be held in Omaha Henry K. t iering, of this city, was cle.ted piesident for the coming ear. Chief Kildow of the local tire de partment repot ts that the department Las been i n vited to go to Ashland ov the Fourth to participate in a big hose race in that town. The purse offered i 1(M. and the fitiet' lather thinks that the dcpaiiment will accept. Ashland will godrv this tar Max J.enmi and John Moher. the two ap plicants for saloon licen..e won their case atraint the remonstrance, but the pel itionsof the applicants did not state in which waid ot the city they wished to open their business, hence the writ was not granted. The team of driving horses which strayed from the home of ex-'ount Commissioner Loder near Greenwood were found Thursday by Godfrey Fickler at the latter's farm southeast .of tow n. Mr. Loder came down from Greenwood Friday morning to take ihe horses back to his home. The small-pox at Pacific Junction is gradually djing out, no new cases having been reported during the past week. One of the afflicted families have been released from quarantine and have removed to another building, and the other cases are reported to be on the road to recovery. Four patients were received yester- Uay at the Lincoln asylum for the in sane E. B. Coleman, E. Crook and Louise Port from Cass county, and M. Wessel from Gage county. The in stitution is now crowded with about 340 patients, and there are a great many applications now pending. Lin olu Journal. John llottery has commenced at tachment proceedings in Judge Arch er's court against S. 1. Vanatta, to recover the sum of alleged to be due him on a mail carrying contract. Garnishment processes have been served on IW Hart and J. N. Black, two of Vanatta's tenants, for rent money. G. S. Upton came up from Union last week and perfected a final settlement with County Judge Ramsey in the es tate of Jos. Upton, deceased. This estate has been pending in county court for over fourteen years, final settlement in the matter having been deferred by request of the heirs until all were of age. A. S.Will was looking over the cattle market at South Omaha last week with a view to marketing two hundred head of fat steers. Mr. Will has achieved the enviable reputation of marketing some of the finest lots of cattle ever sent to the South Omaha market, and his eood fortune in securing top prices is almost phenomenal. The county commissioners wound up their regular monthly session last Thursday by granting a saloon license iff that ho'troa nnt rrtflri ff His I to Leroy E. Lee, which will allow the later to operate at Murdock. The con sideration was fixed at $750. Fri day morning the commissioners departed for a short trip out into the county for the purpose of inspect ing roads. Glass of all kinds at Gering & Cos. DKOWSEU. Sunday afternoon, June 10, in the Platte river.just below the south end of B. & M. bridge, M. L. Andrews was drowned while bathing. The young man was twenty-eight years of age, about five feet, six inches high, broad, high forehead, brown hair, rather closely cut, light mustache, weight about one hundred and thirty pounds. Will give $:2o.u0 for the recovery of the body. If found, telegraph C. G. Scott, 1211 Howard street, Omaha, Neb. Dr. Marshall Teeth on rubber plates. Sam Payne, the negro who is sus pected as being the murderer of Maud Rubel at Omaha, has been returned to Omaha from Mystic, Iowa, where he was captured. Payne says he is inno cent of the crime, and says; "I think I can square mvself when the time comes. I was surprised when I heard that the police w ere looking for me, for I have made no effort to conceal myself. When 1 left the Drexel hotel I weut down to l'lattsmouth, and I have been running on a dining cur on the Builington between that town and Ottumwa ever since If I was wanted so badly it is strange they didn't find me." ..- a w w fv-uu u a aa v. w M u t vv u of w all paper at Gering & Co's. The supreme court has decided that the eight-hour law, passed by the legislature three years ago, is uncon stitutional. The case decided was Lowe vs. Kees piiuting company, ap pealed on eiior from louglas county. The court held that the provisions of the act were unconstitutional because of discrimination against farm and domestic labor, and because the con stitutional right of parties to contract with reference to compens ;tion for services is denied. Wall paper of ail kinds ants!!es tt Gering Jc Co's. Chicken thiees have been enjoy im; a harvest of fowls up in I! I.elnia town for some time past, .lol.n Kaivonak reporting that he had 1 si i.er a hun dred chickens. Shot ;ins are being loaded for instant use. and the thievts tie liaLle to meet with a v. aim recep tion if the aie ever caught at their pilfering. I)r. Marshall Graduate dentist. Piattsihout h . WANTED At lift A n-uul en- eiLi-tic man in eveiv Township in this u-' " i lit V Inn-lie the ' 1;iisv'' Wind Mill Regulator. One who will put his -htire time to !he business can make go.--I money. Write at once tor terms md territory to Ihiisv Regulator Co.. Omaha, Neb. P (). box ;IT. A wouderful stomach correctoi Gei ing's German Liver Pills. Friday morning last as S. K. Suther land, a farmer neailv sixty years of aire, was going into Elmwood with a load of hogs, his team hecnme fright ened and ran away, upsetting the wagon and load of h-tg-i on liim. break ing his arm anil bruising him up severely. A large hog weighing about 6i i( pounds was killed. Can you afford to throw away a dol lar? If you can't, get my prices on wall paper and save a dollar. B no w x 's Pn a u m a c V. The republicans of Cass county are already figuring on whom they will nominate this fall and suggest a man named Steve Orton for float represen tative. Does this mean that Johnny Watson is to be laid on the shelf? Nebraska City News. Dr. Marshall "Perfect fit" plates. Try us for light harness. We use the very best of leather and employ only first-class workmen. The prices will please. Fred Gordek & Sox, Plattsmouth. T. II. Pollock, the real estate hustler, made a sale of E. G. Dovey's quarter section at Eight Mile Grove to Fred F. Gunther Saturday for iT,200 cash. Dr. Marshall Gold and porcelain crow ns. People who like to make up their clothes at home w ill do well to call at F. Dresslei's tailor shop for good wearing cloth. The stock on hand will be closed out at about half cost, in any length desired. Sherwood block. Fifth street. Plattsmouth. 22-4 Omaha ain't in it with me now w hen it comes to prices on wall paper, and it is the same way with drugs, paints aud oils. Buowx's Pharmacy. Fire at Nebraska City at an early hour Tuesday destroyed the street car barn, and eighteen head of horses were consumed, together with one street car. The loss is unknown. Buy your next bill of wall paper from Gering & Co's. Gering & Co. guarantee a fit in spectacles or no sale at thd very lowest prices. .'Y' County Treasurer' Certificate of Tux Sale No. 4W6. State of Nebraska, i Cass County, I, L. C. Eicthoff. treasurer of the county of Cass, in the state of Nebraska, do here by certify that the following described real estate iu said county aud slate, to-wit lot to. see. 13, town l'A raufte l'-i. consisting o forty one hundredths acres, was on the Tib. day ut November, lMZ. duly sold by me in the manner provided by luw, for the delinquent taxes for the year lsyi thereon, amounting to four and 55-llu doliars (4. 55), including interest aud j-u alty thereon, md the costs allowed by law, to Mrs. A. swift for the said sum of four and 55 loo dollars, she being the highest and best bidder for the same. And 1 further certify that unless redemption is made of said real estate, in the manner provided by law, the said Mrs. A. Switt.her heirs and assign's, will be entitled to a deed therefor on and after the Tlh day of No veuiber, A. t)., lsvi. on surrender of this certifi cate. Iu witness whereof. I have hereunto set my hand this Tth dav of November. A .I . ls(. L. C. EK KHOFK, Treasurer. 24 3 Thus. Pollock. Deputy. Notice. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska; iu the matter of the estate of Solomon Ward, deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of Samuei M. Chapman. jude of the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, miide ou the Tth day of April. A. D.. Ism. for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described there will be sold at the south door of the court house in Plattsmouth. Cuss county, Nebraska, on the ltiih day of June, A. D.. ls:4, at 1 :M o'clock p. m.. at" public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands and real estate, to-w it : The south half of the southwest juarter of section twenty In township eleven 111), north, of raiiye niue ilj. In Cass courty. Nebraska. Said sale will remain open one hour. ALFIiEl) S. OH LEY. Administrator of the estate of Solomon Ward, deceased. by ron Clirk, atfv for adui'r. 22 4 Notice of Probate of Will. State of Nlbkaska, i Cass Coi ntt. i In county court In the matter of the last w ill and testament of tieorge Krank, deceased: Notice is hereby given that u the ?sth day of .1 line. A. D., iss4, at the office of the county judge in Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebrt.ska at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon the f ol low ing matter w ill be heard and considered : The petition of Peter .1. Hansen to admit to probate the last will and testament of iieorge Prank, deceased, late of Plattsmouth, in said couuty, and for letters testamentary to 1'eter J. Hansen and Catherine Prank. Dated this 4th day of June A. D.. 1'.M. Uy order of the court. 24-j 11. S. Kamset, County Judge. Fiuul Settlement Notice. In the matter of theestale of John 15. Beverage, deceased. In the county court of Cass county. Neb. Notice is hereby given that t.eotge W Snvder H-iUiiiiislralor ot the estate of the snid John If. IVeverMge deceased, Iihs niude application tor Imiil settlement, and tnat snid cause is set for hen ring t my ollice t I'laltsuioiiTii. on tiie -1st day -t June. A. 1 . 1M'.'. at ten o clock a. m.. n s-i id du : at which 1 iine nml place all persons lu -crested nniy le present and examine said accounts. I'- S. ;my. 'ounty .1 udgu. I'ialtsuionth, Net , Mv -ji'., 1h4. 3 l.imf! l it.-. T. ali v h-tni .t innv c-it rn : Tin- cinuiis s.olier appoilite-l t View :Ul'l locate a road, pt Mli uicdt r l- Predo- l and other-, comment iior at t:o- in irr li -a -1 corner ol section 'S- lc- ! Ao-i: (..-( Mii t riiuirimr iln-n- c -:isi ot,cm:ic op .ft-U'ill lint- t-elv-ccli sccli ii- I". aid VJ :n I l.li.i t.ermit.atUit: -it the ll--rtti-ns c.i-licr ot said s-i-U.li h s -ei,ort--l io l,vor of the I.m-m- Iioti ibereot. a' fl a, i ot jt----1- its tiicr to or cl-imis tor damages uris: : iji-.I ii ih,- county cierL s otl.ee o;i or I -e!o o-n i i o It theMltlaV ot .1 ni . A I 1 "4 or s'leh r-d ....; l-e grunted ith out reference t lie re to t- I : N K I 1 1 l s i N . i ,iimn t lerk. L'.' I IS v W. A s a :. i in ., t. s, lieputy. Notice to ( lolitur. Mate til V el-ra ka. I ;is t ou:il . "v In tin- mutter "of the e::tl-. ott.L-ori.-e W. Port le;-ensel : N ot i e i- lj : et. i: ; eh that 'he ' i; i lu - i. l.ii le in-, mis ot a ' 1 i-er -I - ai-a i . t i .forge . port de co I. late ot s,i),i fount'. Hiil s:ute. v. i M i-e receive, I. e. ll. : IK ! II lid M d I y tin o.mhtv c- - i it t : t t he ot. rt hoti-f : n 1 ati -1 e-n! h . on ti l-hr-t-ln o: I i.-i-.-in'. --. A 1 lv4. tit p 'clo k in the tort- noun, a lid I ha! s : . in--lit I I " in mo! : f ter the ::it '! Si . V it . 1VM is the lim t' -l ?'- ere Iiio-s ,,t saf, deee.-e-el to present tht i r c ;.nn to - e -t iti u :tl ii-!i KI:d :i!low anc. t.ivcii hi: !! mv hand Ibis ji li d.iv of Mhv, A 1 1. . I -:' l . ;l 1 I! S. I: aMM;Y. i nuuli .1ml:;-. Notice to Creditors Mate of Nebraska, Cass County. i In the matter of the estate of Kriiestine 1'a.iiKohiii deceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de mands of all kthoiih against Ernestine 1'ankt niii deceased, late of suid county and state, w ill l e receivid. examined and adjusted by the county court at the court house in l'lattsmouth, on the Silt-h day of November. A 1. lsyj, at ten o'clock in the forenoon: mid that six months from ami after the V4lh day of May A 1. ls:4. is the time limited for creditors of said tle ceiised to present their claims for examination and allowance. t.i ven under mv hand this lTlli dav of May, A D, l-.M. S'.-t 15. S. KaM-KY. Countv Judge. Filial Settlement Notice. In the matter of the estate of Henry Mortens, de ceased. In the county court of Cas county Nenraska. Notice is hereby given that William Mertens. administratorof the etale of the said Henry Mertens deceased. has made application for final settlement, and that said cause is set for bear.ng at my othce at Plattsmouth. on the 15:h day of June. A. 1 , 1'.1. at l' o'clock a. in. on said day ; at which time and place all persons inter ested mav be present and examine said ac counts. U.S. Kamskv, County J udge. Plattsmouth, May Mh. l".'l. S.i-.il 1894. L SHIPPED C. O. D. BICYCLES HIGH GRADE Anywhere, - - - $ 2-3 Hicycle -12.o0 To Any one - - - 50 Bicycle 25.00 All Styles and Prices, 7-5 Bicycle 37.50 Save Dealers' Profits V2T, Bicycle 2.50 Send for illustrated catalogue. H-AJESID-- 3S CO., OMAHA. NEB. The Plattsmouth Mills, C. HEISEL. Prop. This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with Machinery of the best manufacture lu the world. Their "Plansifter" Flour Has no Superior In America. Give It a trial and lie convinced. Bran, Shorts and Corn Meal Always on hand. Orders delivered lu city promptly. TEKMS-Casli or 30 ila' tim. LADIES DO lOU KNOW DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S STEEL AND PEHHYRDYBL PILLS arf the original and only FRENCH, safe and re- i liable c ere on the market. Price td.0U; tteat by , aiuii. Genuine Bold only by . F. G. Frick & CO., Iru??ists. I 1 i f'ui n 1 1 fir mPrntfT TTltlr'. iilrilnniiottim . Are You Contemplating a Trip ? If so, JOE, The People's Popular Clothier, can suit you to a nicety in the way of a TRUNK or a SATCHEL. A Carload of Trunks and Satchels just unpacked. Bought at Rock-bottom Prices and at a big saving in freight, which reduction will be accorded to purchasers. SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON Children's Clothing FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. The People's Pupular TIRED, WEAK, NERVOUS, Could Hot Sleep. Prof. L. I). Edwards, of Preston, Idaho, says: "I was all run down, weak, nervous and irritable throuph overwork. 1 suffered from brain fa tigue, mental depression, etc. I be came so weak and nervous that I could nut sleep. I would arise tired, discouraged and blue. I began taking Dr. Miles' Nervine and now everything is changed. I sleep soundly, I feel bright, active and ambitious. I can do more in one day now than I used to do in a week. For this great good I give Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine the sole credit. It Cures. 99 Trr. Miles Nervine la sold on a positive puarmu that the tirst bottle will benefit. All druggists Hell itattl. 6 bottlts for (5, or It will le sent, prepaid, on receipt of price i3 the Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, lud. Sold by all druggists. FAT PEOPLE ! Park iieitv l'n.i.r will reilure vour weieht PKKMAN'KXTIA Irom -J tu 15 ijiiim1 a month. No M'AliVINti, sicklies tir injury : No KTlt Lll'l l V. 'I'lifV ltiil'l up the lienltli'itiKl (.eHtiti f y the .oninlt-xititi. leHVint? No W'lilXM.ES or tlHbt.ne... M'ui T A It WOMEN'S hii1 tlitliotilt hreKlhitii? xiire y n li. v. .1 M) KM'EKIM ENT. hut a .eieiiiirii- hii 1 intuitive relief, atlopted only after years of experience. All orders supplied direct I roni jur ollice. 1'rice fj.im er pact ace or tliri-e packaKes for iU.iX (" mail postpaid . Test imonials and particulars (sealed 2 centB J"A11 correspoicieiice strictly eonfidentlal. 1'tKK lii:Ki:iV 1(1., ISostoo Mass W. B. JONES. LIVERYMAN,; Count: Oltlt lias purchased the I'ariuele A Hutlier ford stock and will run both the Main-st. and Scliildknecht Barns. l.iirs of all desttriptious, from Saddle- horse to a Slxteen-passenuer Wagon. j l abs. Pall Hearer W'tiiioti, Carry allii and everythluK for picnics, weddings und j funerals. j Trnl 11 rlr AT KEG I LA It KATKS. Prices Itenstiiiahle. No credit over SO days, ttlil and new customers are in vited to t all, when satisfaction is guar anteed. W. 1. JUNES F. S. WHITE, .Mailt Street, l'lattsmouth. AIRWAYS Teas and Coffees Unexcelled, Curtice Kros. Celebrated CANNED GOODS. SOLE AGF.NT KOH Pillchnru'o iNNESOTA FLOUR, I llloUUIl U Tin. nest iu the World. ! TLe "XX XX" aud "lieat" Brands. JOE CUT Red Oxfords, worth $1.50, now $ .75. Tan Oxfords, " 1.50, " l.OO. Black Oxfords, " 1.25, " .75. Black Oxfords, 44 1.50, 44 1.00. Dressing- for R ob't. Sherwood SH ILOH'S Consumption cure The Great JttgSKCurB f 71? Great f&oupl&re ! The Great Lung Restorer IsrAd by ivtry druggist oi he continent of America on . positive jpprantetat 50c iml S pjtr bottle a test so wonderful and sevetss thatintrrji hr Lvhg Remedy vet discovered la successfully stood Tfreprt5iLOi. Cure. A dose in time will ?ae you eless aaxjety and Woubl Mothers, keep a bottle at yoif tfdsufV. t inidiatelyr8hevei Croup, and you know Croup slvtHtS3ve promiiatienui&J w ASK YOUR HILOHe'S CUR iArtfa NEW LIFE Or. E. C. West' Nerve and Brain Treatment It sold under positive written truarantee, by author ized atrents only, to cure Weak Memory: Lot of Drain and Nerve Power; Lout Manhood; Vul' kuese; Nitttit IxMsex; Evil Dreams; Lack of Coiiridence; NervoQfUew; lassitude; ali Dratus; Loss of power of the Generative Orvann In eith-r aex, caused by over-exertion; Youthful Errors, or Excessive Ue of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, which anon lead to Mister, Consumption, Insanity and Death, by mail, fl a box; 6 for tftwith written miarantee to cure or refund money. WEST'S COl'GH SVKVP. A certain cure for Coutrho, Colds Athma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Couvh, Sore Throat. Pleasant to take. Small 6iza discontinued; old. fioc. gize, nnv2Sc.; old II sue, now fioc GL AKAM'tXij isttued only by F. G. Fricke &. Co, druists. A B G flrnoia's Bromo-Geisrg. Splendit) curative aaent for Sentm or Sick Haadache. Brain Exhaustion. HieeuleasnwH. Lsptwial or general Nauraluia; aim for Khaa niuiia, fjrooi. saaney uiaoraera, Acia irn Anxvmia. Antidote Tor Alcoholic Price, iu, S&and fiucunt and other THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 151 S. Western Avenue. CHICAGO. SPEEDY and ULSTTNO RESULTS. XTVFAT PEOPLE V No toconvemetiee. Simple, ."Jtnire. ABC3L0TXLT TtXX kt"" M from any injurious substance. , L110X XIS0S3 XXMKIB. VVe GUARANTEE a CURE w refund your meaey. . 11-1 rs SS.OO per bottle. Send 4c. tor treatise.' T&CSIOSiT BLEIHCAI. CO.. Sto.noa, AlatM. fca-afky ; Clothier. Tan Shoes. DRUGGIST FOR The City Hotel, Corner Main and Sixth Sts., PLATTSMOUTH. A FIRST-CLASS HOSTELRY IN EVERY RESPECT. REFITTED and REFURNISHED Special Attention Given to the Accommodation of Farmers. First-CIass Bar Jr.BCo",c: CLEAN ROOMS AND TABLE Rates $1 Per Say. H. H. GOOS, PropV. Dr. Agnes V. Swetland, HOMEOPATHIST. Secial attention to Obstetrics, Diseases of Women and Woman's Surgery. Office: 1923 "riiM.m Street, Omaha, Neb Telephene 11S4.