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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1894)
1 1 i I f t c t: , P a. tc St it k p ui! mi fce.i no go l thi T&l in i turl pre dea of woi TO his ? of a Tj tine tee -1 duti The pint: Etri fron Cc fron ehirt desc for, of 1 inste rate; inst rate Wils playi fcoa c cents eubct In ' coma ' whicl ed fi vveigl per tl weirrr f 1 per bacco, leavin change The amenc ing- ai exemj. out wl ported the pr levied tnake i for th buUd b JHielils. Laks preoie sustain retary Treasn Coram i Special Clearance Sale $50,000 At 60 Cents Men's all wool Cheviot Suits " Blue Cheviot Suits " Fancy Cassimere Suits . ran.. Wnrntnd Suits M- MUX. J -.- Over ioo Styles to select from in Sacks and Frocks. Boys' Long Pant Suits, $5, $6 and $7. BOYS' SHORT PANT SUITS: Fancy Cheviot all wool Suits n raaaimara all Wftrtl Sllitd . rViowint all wool Suits w tl nooaimarn nil Wftnl Suits V&JJa.aWaY W Ma " w Boys' Short Pants, Boys' Straw Hats, WE MAKE ALL OUR OWN GOODS. NO SHODDY OR TRASH AT ANY PRICE. Continental ciSgG N. E. Cor. 15th and Douglas Sts. n ;nonfni i. ha hniiHintr ners for cheap clothing houses who accost you on the street. Come straight to the Continental, we hire no runners. Cut ths ad out and bring it with you. J.AJJIES' Red Oxfords, worth $1.50, now $ .75. Tan Oxfords, " 1.50, " 1.00. Black Oxfords, " 1.25, " .75. 0 Black Oxfords, " 1.50, " 1.00. : : Dressing for Tan Shoes. : : Rob't. Sherwood Mlensfimgeir & ILlliimmaimnn OASS COUNTY'S LEADING IMPLEMENT DEALERS liaiidlc All the Leading FARMING MACHINERY, Such as the Celebrated "Badger" and "Spalding" Riding Cultivators, WAGONS, BUGGIES, SEWING MACHINES, SAFES, PUMPS and WIND-MILLS. Come and examine our immense assortment at our warehouse. A Feed Barn for farmers is kept in connection with the establisment. Charges Ten Cents per Team. CORNER SIXTH AND PEARL STREETS, PLATTSMOUTH. Millinery and Hair Goods All tne UtMt Noveltiea. We Receive NW Good Dally. The Only Children' Milli nery Departinent ta Omaha. II l in P nnn-3 Out Hair Ooods Department Unlit UUUUu always ha the iaiot and mos p firovcti stylei. Mrs. R. H. DAVIES 1520 Douglas St., OMAHA. MEN'S SUITS on the Dollar. t 5 OO worth tlO OO 6 75 11 OO 8 50 12 OO 9 OO 13 50 It OO 15 OO $195 worth S3 OO 2 OO 3 50 2 25 4t 3 50 2 75 t 4 OO 25c, 38c and 50c. 15c, 30c and 25c. This is a bona fide Cash Clearance Sale, at which you can buy honest Clothing at 60 cents on the dollar. trith tower and clock. Be ware of run T IN 5 PRICES :;;!vv;e:vie::i.;e:-'.;e.:Tvr;;e::i.r;e;i "imp Watches Diamonds mmsmm Jewelry W& Silverware, &c ZZSi iFlne Watch Reoalrlng JOS. P. FRENZER .:.r; .-.- Opposite Poet Office i OMAHA 'ii'ii'i i-ii-:'i ' '-:r;r"i P1 rii'i rv.;: :.:: :: Ix1' ?'-'f'lii'-, X'-?:'' v' - S- a ;- a. e:.--:: e - A B G Arnold's BromtHieieru. Httudttche, Brain Kxhauationv HltwulensitHtM. Lapecial or general Neuralgia; aJeo for Kheu- nuinuu ia kuibiitb nKoui lur ncrvuui us and other ezcowiea. i"rioa, UK 2Eiaad60ctuta. Iililarvuauaikt. THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. IB! 8. Western Avenue, CHICAS0. AROUND THK COOKT ROOMS. DISTRICT COURT. August Doll vs. Chas. F. L. Grothe et al., is the title or a case men id qis tnct court .Friday atternoon. Alltprr. Wei ton vs Sam 11 i Atkinson nd H. A. CiibSOUVS. Charles Fhilpot have been appealed to toe district court, xne cases bib ic centlv tried in county court. May A. Corbett vs. administrator ot the estate of Frank 11. Corbett, de ceased, is the title ot a new case tiled in tha iliatrict. Herk'il office MondaV. It is an application for license to sell real estate. COwMTY COURT. Mr M. T)it7. ajiii Miss Mairtrie Baa tian imr.ti tmm the vicinitv ot Jliu- wood, were granted a permit to commit matrimony uy juuge uaiuaey oami day. pfition fnr the admission to pro bate of the will of the late George Frank and for the appointment 01 Pater .1. Hunsen and Mrs. Frank as executor and excutiix for the esta e, was tiled with County J wage lvauisey Tuesday. The estate is worth in the neighborhood 01 ,ouu. JUSTICE ARCHER'S COURT. A complaint has been filed against Mtnd" Green, the vounz man who at- temmed to stab Rev. L. C. i'arker at Greenwood on Friday of last week Vnnnu Croon i a SOU of John S Green and on Tuesday father and son came to Flattsmouth and appeared before Judge Archer in answer to the chanre. The case will ue tnea on Mnndav next. ThtaAraH nf the State vs. Bert Hv wer dismissed in Judge Archer's pnnrt on Saturday afternoon. After listening to the evidence on the charge of malicious destruction of property which offense consisted of killing a dog belonging to Wm. Coffman the judge riiamUaoii thn case, and the county at- il th charire of carrying j : - concealed weapons to be aismisaeu. COURT ROOM NOTES. Sheriff Eikenbary took the three patients recently adjudged insane to the .Lincoln asylum yesterday. Clerk of Court Dearing and O. M. Streight went along to assist the snerin in transport inn them. J. R. Sheeley of Lincoln, the county hnior pnntraotor. came down yester day morning and filed his bill with the county commissioners for the bridges he has constructed since aiarcu ist The bill amounts to 81,134. The county commissioners convened at th fmirr. hniisn on Tuesday in reg ular monthly session. Aside from the consideration or claims, tue aipuiui-- mont nf Davirl MoCai? a3 TUStice of ti.u nsa fnr Kimwood nrecinct, was the only matter acted upon by the board. Our paints and wall paper are be yond comparison. Gerino A: Co. The May Mortgage Record. Cass county's mortgage record for May sneaks volumes for the general welfare and prosperity of its citizens it. shows that while her people go in debt, they have the money to redeem is the record as compiled at the court house today: rarm property uiru. :tt.1.V.fi1: released. 840.;iiy. 71. lown nrnnprtv file.1 11.519.91: satisfied S22.o41.U2. Chattel mortgages filed. lo,S42.4S; Satisfied, I7,y.u4. . ue crease in the mortgage debt in one month nf nvr .IMHI SHOWS Iliat ass county people are making money. despite the senseless howl aooui ue pression, hard times, etc. A general handshake is in order. Dr. Marshall Teeth on rubber plates. Buy Huy Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy vour IruKS Rt Brown's Pharnacy. your Patent Medicines at Brown's. your Toilet Articles at Brown's. your Hair Brushes at Brown's, your Clothes Brushes at Brown's. your Tooth Brushes at Brown's. our Wall Paper at Brown's. vour Paints and Oils at Brown's. BROWN'S PHARMACY. 510 MAIN STREET Dr. Marshall Graduate dentist, Plattsmouth. Trinniifi werft notified bv the an thnririPQ at I.OlliaVille MOIldHV tO look out for two men who were coming down the Platte river in a boat, who were suspected ot Demg tue parties who burglarized Pankonin's hardware store on sunaay morning. iue mar, onH linar nut in at this Dort late yesterday afternoon and were promptly overhauled, but none of the stolen property was found aboard tneir cratt. Thaw wprp nnt nlaced under arrest. but gave their boat away to a pair of boys and returned to a-iouisvuih ui nnu out if the authorities wanted them. Dr. Marshall "Perfect fit" plates. Hnnd vi-in r c.iHnline burn well V If it don't, try Gering & Co., for the next lot. The state supreme court was in ses sion at. I.incnln Tuesdav and handed down the usual grist of decisions, but the Filbert habeas corpus case, in which all Cass county seems interested, was not on the list. The court will sit for several days further, and in the meantime the people hereabouts will earnestly hope that some action will be taken in the matter. Don't pay big prices to traveling opticians for a pair of spectacles, but try Gering & Co. The little four-year-old daughter of Hsnrir Kifil nf A VOCa. this COUntV . strayed away from home recently, and twenty men were soon scouring the llmhcr unnlhaoet nf that tOWD for her. She was tracked to the county line, twnmilua snnMi tlmnfR east four milea. and had then turned north until she came to the creek, where she was found at ten o clock, fast asleep in the timber WvTifti-liHl men. waees. iroud nealth to try Gering's German Liver nils. h advices from Osrallala are to the effect that the south fork of the I'latto rivpr is so hitrh that the water lias spread out over a halt mile on both banks. The uoou came xuesuay, while a day previous the river bed was completely dry. In that event the "bier muddy" will soon make things fairly 1mm when 111 us present "bender" it is fed by a tlood from the Platte'!1 mouth just above town All Hitec.tacles sold suuiect to a wupk's trial, and if not satisfactory I can be returned it leering x, Dr. Marshall Gold and porcelain crowns Prnm the residence of Aaron Loder in .Salt Creek precinct, (-ass county, Nebraska, April l, iy, one oars uay mare, five years old, no white, ihin in tlesh, weighs 5H)U pounds, had head halter on. nn hnv mare, five years oiu, weighs about 1, 000 pounds, strip of white in ff white on left fore foot, caused by barbed wire cut, teavy with foal. Also one small yearling bay mare colt, no white. J. (J. AIKENItAKY, Sheriff of Cass county. Plattsinouth.Neb., May 31, 1891. Wall paper of all kinds and styles at Gering cc Co s. Farmers from the central and south ern narts ot trie county wuo ei e in inu ii Tiipsdav renort that enough rain fell Monday night to liven up growing crops to quite an extent. Corn in nrt imil.irs looks good and eveu if small trrain proves a tailure. me pros- nppta tor a ood vieid or tne yeuow cereal makes the farmer feel jubilant after all. Gerino & Co. guarantee a fit in spectacles or no sale at, tha very lowest 1 prices. v (i Frinke.fer;o..druffffists. recom mend Johnson's Oriental Soap for all skin and scalp diseases, iryit. One dollar buvs a splendid pair of spectacles at Gering & Co's. and they guarantee a perfect fit. When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Whan she bad Children, she gava thin Castoria. First Premium at the Columbian Exposition The Singer Man'f'g Go. KVCKIVK1 54: First Awards, iiit,,t tiiu lun-i.t of awards obtained i... .nr ovhiiiimr ml tmrt thsn double the number received by all other sewniK Machine companies. Awards receive.! on ine iouo hik. Family Sewinir Machines. V. S. No. 2, l V i' U un.1 Tliri'H.l A titotliHtiC Cabinets. Art Kinbroblerie". Lcf. l ur tains. I i-holMery. Artistlr r urnisninN SewiiiK hii.I Embroiilery. 'i'npcs'ry Ma lKi)4 vnrilH. i-oerni IiiMtiiiues t..r inaiiufaciiire in every line where a Sewing .Machine can te nseilou o"i. ,',,n.,n .iiL- cluth. Knit ;ools. I uuil.r .,.. for Clriiamelitul StilchiliK. Button holes. Eyelets, Hurrint;, iver- eamiug, Staying, etc AGENTS WANTED. The Singer M'fg Co 'All Over the World lirancb Ortire I.lnvuln Net,. What Can't Pull Out? Why the Bow on the Jas. Boss Filled "Watch Cases, made by the Keystone Watch Case Com pany, Philadelphia. It pro- tects the Watch from the pick pocket, and prevents it from dropping. Can only be had with cases stamped with this trade mark. Sold, without extra charge for this bow (ring), through Watch dealers only. lU ! teh cut mr plltd In thotnln. An apanar in " r- rr m ys J y Iff 1 from wir u- T .. ..I .;n...l.,.M I I .1 onm NiKlit Kmimionii. Weak Kritin or N-rv Fucr curJ or ui'titcy rwtiirneJ ly ulnr TurkUh Lowt Minli.H..I Cht.uI. $1 box,6Ior toblluuil. Hnhn I'luiruiacy. OdjUh. - - T 1. . .. k. T . w and Pt.fl. KXtllfC 1 n...r f AlL are to tux day. Krinsts montbliea reeular without taia. $1 boi by mail. AKtinta wantad. 3012 araam St., Omaha. Nab. Dr. Agnes Y. Swetland, HOMEOPATHIST. Special Rtteiitioa to OIttrlca, Diseabs of Women and Woman's SurKery. OffiCe : ,9"TeleaprDUe,lS.,5Ie, OlMua, Heb What Castoria is lr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Cliildren. It contains neither Opium, Morpnine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Irops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty yt'.-w us by Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Can tori a is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Amchsk, 31. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castorta U so universal and its merit so weU known that it seems a work of Fuporerogation to endorse it. l ew are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach. Cajilos Maktyn, D. D, New York City. .,, Wait for the An Entire City by Itself Ten Times Larger Than Ever! F. J. TAYLOR'S America's Greatest Shows Circus, Museum -WILL EXHIBIT AT Plattsmouth, Monday, June 11. I v,:.M..ll..-i., in ..rri.i.nanionts iIIMiIh lit the AlueiiCilll .SLoVlIll?8 l'tXll League tnia will be the only big show to S lO.OOO That we give the best 40 Star Performers A show to think and talk about. The mealed number ot lavorues ever as sernbled under canvas. A ti'eat holiday of rest and recreation tor everyone. We guarantee to all a most enjoyauie. meut. . Jip and The mightiest and biggest brutes that tribe. The largest elephant and camei tie-scarred war elephant. . u,so,': .' ever saw. Only lan-eareu eiepnaui m in Iowa. A menagerie containing all A GRAND DOUBLE CIRCUS, Of two exalted circus companies. The A Grand, Free . i , , t in. t h raiiisint. lustre of the noon A street pageant oue mne luuy, ci luiv.ic . .0.H day sun rejecting scenes more grand than king or conquerer ever beheld. TnSuron mrtVin raass of wealth and splen- lousupuii iuuj, ui x-i,i i,i.ri,t9 and warr ors. Ladies fair onrraS hoieY OpeS 7 del sf w id and ferocious animals hungrily sur veyinJ he rging crowds herd of camels and elephants, blooded horses horn Asia, En ana and Kentucky. Comic clowns and mules liands of mu- sic filling the air with meioay a signi A Free Flight to the WO i'erformances Daily, rain or Performance commences one hour ments mislead you. We never disappoint Usual Prices I AI1IES DO YOU KNOW I - DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S STEEL BHD PEHHYROYHL PILLS arr, the original and only FBENCH. eafe and re. liable core on me marsou -- mail. Genuine sold only by F. . Fricke & Co.. Drnsrcists. SPEEDY and EASTING RESULTS FAT PEHfiat Von No Inconvenience. P' can get can stay l thin. UIC. IMiltlVM w - - Kubstance thla. LAB9I ABD0WIU3 MOUCIO. Va GUARANTEE a CURE orretuna toot moner. Vvien U3 io rr bottle, bena tc. lor ireanis. TMOKrMELlCAL COM Boston, Sl I can pet I thin. M is 0) JUL Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, tViur Stomach, iJiarrtKBa, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious implication. "For several years I have reoom mended your 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produuted beneficial rsult8." Knwcf F. Pakdes, M. tSith Struct and 7th Ave,, New York City. TlLB CXHTACB COMPANY, 77 MCBJLAT StEJEKT, NEW YORK CtTT ,BIM,w,l,ul..tEB.iB,W8CT Big Shows ! and Menagerie, V-r. v visit this county this year.J Circus peitormance in America. 5 Funny Clowns. morai, it-uutru tuu wiv Samson, breathe-the Uoliatbs of th e gi ant in me wonu. oiP, - L " r Z canviij. ""-j Z";' trie animais mat, aie .nu Grandest ot Hippodrome specialties. Street Parade. mum i-muis Clouds Each Day. shine. later. Doors open at 1 and 7 p. in. Don't let other advertise- you. of Admission. EW DEI TORE AFTER Or E. C. West Ner ar.d Brain Trca.nont Npoi.luiiil.TlMwiiivowritu-n .iiarautec, l.ynuttior--l.eil a,' ul .ul.v, t. euro V.'cak Memory; f hVhiiihiuI Kitvm hwer; It ManUoml; yui.-liiK.-.; Muht Ijww; Kvil Urmiius; l-k nf Cnli.'.-noe; K.rvnu-ai; J.niniilo; all lniliS 1xtm1 Vower of thi' Oi ni'iulivi ir.:iiu- in ?idi"r ck, oau-il I ovcr-t'xt rii'wi: VoutniHI Krrots, or 1 :xee v I 'Joliaorii, )).ium or l.!riu.r, wh'vli ("u ! ..'I t.' ni,,,,,-; .',i!i-iii"!ti.'i, l::'m:ty ami Pt-n:!i. l:.v iiui.l, ti n l..'n- ti i"' ": 'i'" r: i:- ir:i'! c t rWinill ......v. V Cl-.Y'SCOl.l.ll SVKl 1 ACClU.tu cur. i 1"r r -'ah, l'.-!.ls A'thum, l.i .mi liiti-, 'ion).. V iioopl-n' '.s'Jt-'". "'n' 'i'liri.rft. l'i.i;'!t J .tvKf. k'hi-i'i -j .'."litii'ii.Hi: oiii. .sic. sii-j, tiowi;c.;ui.t 11 ,we, w- i-Hi. Ul'AUAK 1 this i-uod only i-r F. Fricke &. o, druggists. m m. n at'atn M E3I 4 s v i x.. ; L -'.-'" .C't " t-'-W-'i-V.-.lJ -i"-