iL 4 0 I. f y IN AND AKOCND THK TOffX. Miss Lizzie Jaquette of Louisville is in the city visiting friends. I). K. JJarr commenced the work of taking the annual census of school children on Monday morning. Conrad Schlater, tlie sage of Col lege Hill, was in the city Saturday, visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Ed. Fitzgerald. Carroll Leonard, the Jouisville photographer, was in town Sunday visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Leonard. Samuel Maleiry,of IVoria, Ills., left for his home Saturday after a visit out in the precinct with his brother-in-law, .Jesse McVey. Miss Ada Griflin has returned home from 1'lattsmoutb, where she has been for the past several months attending school. Louisville Courier-Journal. Lon Chalfant, a machinist for the LIkhorn railway at the Missouri Val ley, la., shops, came down Saturday to visit with relatives out in the country for a few days. M r. I. Ash journeyed to I'lattsmouth Wednesday to take part in the Memorial exercises in that city. lie reports a splendid turn-out and a royal time. Louisville Courier-Journal. John Davies insists that he is out ol politics. Perhaps that is the reason for his being so industriously boomed loi the legislature by every republican paper in the county except the News. Owinsto the scarcity of funds in the treasury the board of education will not cause any very extensive repairs or improvements to be made around the school buildings during the vaca tion months. A carload of chickens and ducks, shipped from York and enioute to New York city, passed through town last Friday on a B. & M. fast freight. There were over three thousand of the birds aboard. The village board ot Louisville has estimated t lie expenses of that town for the coming year at i V75. Louisville is quite a town to be operated at so small an expense. Flattsmonth would do w ell to study the Louisville method. Prof. F. C McClelland is conGned to his home by an attack of typhoid malaria' fever. The professor's illness coming as it during commence iueiit week of the schools is very un fortunate, and is greatly regretted by all. Col. Thrasher is mourning the loss f his thoroughbred pony. The ani mal was out foraing on the public domain when it wandered into an old well that had been covered with brush, falling a distance of twenty-rive feet and killing itself. The honorable Church Howe slipped quietly into town Saturday, and was interviewing a number of the boys on the weather, crops and kindred topics. If Judge Chapman returns home next week aDil linds his congressional fence punched full of large, round holes, this item may furnish a clue to the guilty pai ties. It was Mayor Newell's intention to make a change in the night police on June 1st, by removing Lyinan Kildow and putting on John Murray in his stead. Murray, however, does not care to accept the place until the change is sanctioned by the council, and until such sanction is given Kil dow is likely to sport his star. Three new cases of small pox were reported from PaciGc Junction on last Friday, making a total of seven cases now at that place. Thus far four cases have proven fatal, the last one being a Mrs. Hunter, who died several days ago. None of the cases at present are considered dangerous by the attending physicians. Allen W. Field has written a letter to the Lineoln newspapers in which he gently but firmly refuses to be a can didate for congressional honors this fall. In case W. J. JJryan had re ceived the democratic nomination Judee Field professes to believe that it would have caused him great pleas ure to be the republican candidate,but since Bryan is out cf it the judee has apparently lost all interest in the race. The Mills county, Iowa, grand jury have returned indictments against Fd Itobinson and Oswald Schubert of this city, charging them with burglarizing freight cars between Pacific Junction and this city Attorr.ey Matthew Ger ing will defend the buys and we be lieve they will be cleared of the charsre. lor the rerson that they have already been found guilty and pun ished for the same offense on this si Je of the river. Our old friend, Chauncey Doty, of Bethlehem, met with a strange adven ture nn Monday. He drove over to town and hitched his team on Third street, while he attended to his mar keting. In his wagon he had two new tin pans, which were lying in such a p.ition that the rays of the sun were reflected from one to the other and then onto some hay and old newspapers inthe bottom of the wagon box. The intense heat from the reflection caused the hay to catch lire, and but for the timely discovery of the blaze by a by stander the contents of the wagon and tvagoa bos would have been consumed. N'achrnf. Es hat Gott dem Allnnechtigen, Herm ueber Leben und Tod in aei nem unerforschlichen llatnschlusse gefallen, ein theures Mitglied unsers Vereins zu sicli in die Ewigkeit abzu rufen. Frau Helena Egenberger geboren am 12 ten Oktober, 1S31. Siestarbin Gottes heiliger Wille nach wcechent lichen mitgro-ster Geduld ertragenen Leiden, umgeben von G Kinder, 3 See hue und 3 Tiechter, 3 Schwestern und 2 Brueder. am 29 Mai, 1B4. Wle teuer uarst tin uns ilu I.leie. Warst teurer noeli titn Engelu dort, Zuiu Glanz des lliuimtls fern la drueten, Kuft tlich derselben sueszes Wort. In die geoeft'neten Rold'iien Tliore, Lud elne ganfte Minim' dich ein, Let wohl unherbar uiisenn Olire, Dunn tratest Du zur Heimath ein. Ihr Andenken wird uns stets un vergeslich sein. Sie Ilu he in Frieden. Gewidinet vom deutschen Franen verein. Nut'liruf. Arli Ilerr: O to mm nesch winrie. Zu nieineui lieben Kiude, Mein suedes Kind 1st unit. Doch leg' die Hand nureben Ihr auf, so kebrt das I.ebt-n Zuruecfc auf Deiu debut Wie krpnnt der Ilerr deui Flehen Ies (ilaubens wiedersiehen"; Er folgt dem Vaterrnf, Kr folgt in hobem Trif I.e. Entflamuit von niildur Liebe Filer A lies was er shuf. I'nd wo sein Weg Itin f tiehret t'nd Ulaube fronim liernehret Nur seines Kleides sauin. Da find debresi und Wnnden deneen und versohwurulen, dleichwie ein bu-er Traum. I'nd wo er w ill verweilen. Da musz der Tod enteilen Weil er das Leben ist ; Drum, Vater, lasz vom Kuinmer, Dein Siehnlein Iiegt im Schlummer, Ihn e.-kt der treue Christ. Nifht soil der Tod uns sehreoken. Ier Ilerr wird uns erweckeii I ii.l nut mil baufter Hand, Deiu Vater wieder!ebeu. WViih wir in Wort und Leben lan jil.i libit; anerkaiuit Zum Andenken an Elmer Weidmann Gewidmet vom deutschen Frauenver- ein. Can you afford to throw away a dol lar? If you can't, get my prices on wall paper and save a dollar. Bkown"s Pharmacy. A Iturjjliiry Ht l.iuivitl-. Burglars affected an entrance at II. E. Pankonin's hardware and imple ment store at Louisville at an early hour on Sunday morning by breaking a plate glass window in the front of the building. Three or four shot guns which were in the show window were taken. There is no clue to the thieves. Try usior light harness. We use the very best of leather and employ only Gist-class workmen. The prices will please. I'iiLD GoiiDEH & SON, I'lattsmouth. Cass county is soon to lose one of its thriftiest farmers iu the person of Wm. Merteus. Montana is to be his destination and he expects to depart shortly after he has fulfilled his duties as administrator of his deceased broth er's estate, which will be in about two weeks. Mr Mertens has a nephew living in Montana and from what the young man writes he imagines it to be a lirst-class farming country. People who like to make up their clothes at home will do well to call at F. iMesslei's tailor shop for good wearing cloth. The stock on hand will be closed out at about half cost, in any length desired. Sherwood block, Fifth street. I'lattsmouth. 22-4 Ami Todd came in from Oxford on Tuesday, whither he was called on business in connection with the Lin coln Bridge Co. He reports that the country all alone the B. & M. from Lincoln to McCook was treated to a generous rainfall Monday and that as a result the outlook for crops in that section is excellent. Omaha ain't in it with me now when it comes to prices on wall paper, and it is the same way with drugs, paints and oils. BuownV Pharmacy. The B. & M. have moved the divis ion headquarters for locomotives and trainmen back to this side of the river on account of the small pox epidemic at Pacific Junction. This arrange ment may be only temporary, but our citizens and the trainmen themselves would be pleased to learn that such ar rangements would be permanent. IT you are worn out, run down and nervous, Magnetic Nervine will re store your health. Sold by Fricke it Co. Lit of Littler Remaining uncalled for m the post office at I'lattsmouth June 5, for week ending May 29, lSi4: Daley, C has Gray, Will ! Volk, Philip White, Cyrus K Persons calling for any of the above letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised. " W. K. Fox, P. M. "WANTED At once A good en ergetic man in every Township in this county to handle the "Daisy" Wind Mill Regulator. One who will put his entire time to the business can make good money. Write at once for terms and territory to Daisy Regulator Co., Omaha, Neb. P. O. box 617. County Treasurer's Certificate of Tax Nale-No. 496. State of Nebraska, Cass County, i ' 1, L. C. Eickhoff. treasurer of the county of Cans, in the elate of Nebraska, do here by certify thut the following described real estate lu said county and state, to-wit lot tie. sec. IX town 12. range 13. consisting of forty one hundredths acres, was on the Tih day of November, 1M2. duly sold by me in the manner provided by law, for the delinquent taxes for the year ls'ji thereon, amounting to tour and ,V lbU dollars (4.5ji. including interest and pen alty thereon. nd the costs allowed by law. to Mrs. A. swift for the said sum of four and 56-li.H) dollars, she being the highest and best bidder for the same. And I further certify that unless redemption is made of said real estate, in the manner provided by law. the said Mrs. A. Swift, her heirs aud assigns, will be entitled to a deed therefor on and after the 7th day of No vember, A. D., Isvi. on surrender of this certifi cate. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my hand this 7lh dav of November. A.D..1V.C L. C. ECCKHOFK, Treasurer, lil 3 1 aoo. Foi.loi k. Deputy. Notice. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska: iu the matter of the estate of Solomon rt'ard, deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of Samuel M. Chapman, judge of the district court of Cass countv, Nebraska, made on the Ttti day of April. A. D.. 1SW4. for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described there will be sold at the south door of the court house in Plattsiiioulh. Cass county. Nebraska, on the 10th day of June. A. D.. 114. Ht 1 o'clock p. in., at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the following described land and real estate, to wit: The south half of the southwest quarter of section twenty uli, iu township eleven lll, north, of range nine Jt in l ass county, Nebraska. said sale will remain open one hour. ALFRED S. COOLLY. Administrator of the estate of Solomon Ward. deceased. UvnoN ( 'la kk, att'y foradm'r. 22-4 Notice of f'rolmte of Will. State op Neruaska, t I 'As t OL STY. In county court In the matter of the last will and testament of t.eorge Frank, deceased : Notice is hereby given that n the IMh day of .1 une. A. 1., lsiM. at the orlice of the county juuge in I'lattsmouth, Cass county. Nebraska at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon the f ol lowing matter will be heard ami considered: The petition of Peter J. Hansen to admit to probate the last will and testament of tieorge Frank, deceased, late of Plattsmouth, in said couuty, and for letters testamentary to Peter J. Hansen and Catherine F'raufc. Dated this 4th day of June A. D.. Hv order of the court. 24 j 11. . Kam-ey, County .ludge. Final Settlement Notice. In the matter of theestate of" John H. Beverage, deceased. In the county court of Cass county. Neb. Notice is hereby given that George W. Snyder administrator of the estate of the said John II. "leverage deceased, has made application tor final settlement, and that said chuc is set f or bearing at my uflire at Plat'.suiouln. on the 21st day iir'.huic. A. D . M. r( ten o'clock a. m.. on 'iiJ day ; at which time and place all (arsons interested losy be present and examiue said accounts. 11. S. Lamsey. County Judge. Platlsinoutl!, Ne b., lav a;. I:;. Si'S liimil Notice. To all whom it may concern: The eomnii sioner appointed to view and locate a road, pe titioned fjr by Fred tst and others, commeiic ing at trie northwest corner of section 22-1U-12. Avoca precinct, running thence east one mile on section line between sections l."and 22 10 12. Hnd terminating at the northeast corner of said section J2. hs reported in favor of the loca tion thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must lie filed in the county cierk's oflice on or before noon on the "'il day of .Iu!t. A D. 1'.4. or such rond wii! be granted i t ti on t reference thereto. Fl! ASK 1I KSi iV. ( ountv Clerk. 22 4 lty W. A. KAinsiiKN, Deputy. Notice to Creditor. Mate ol Nebraska, I ass County. In the matter of the estate of t.eorge V. Port deccad : Notice is hereby given that the claims andde matitN of all Mroiis against icorire W. Pori. d ceased, late of said county mid state, will be received, examined and Bdjusied by the county court at the court house in Piattmouth. on the brotday ot December. A. D..l'.4. at In o'clock in the fore noon, and that six months from aud at ttr the :fl-.t diiy of .May. A. D . is the time limited tor creditors of said decea-ed lo present their c uiiin tor examination and allow aniv. t.iven under mv hand this 2:th da of Mav, A. D.. 1J4. 2t(- II. S. I: A MSEY. Countv Judge. Notice to Creditors Mate of Nebraska, .'a-s County. In the matter of the estate of Ernestine Pankonin deceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims aud de mands of all persons against Ernestine Panko nin deceased, late of said county ami state, will l e received, examined and adjusted by the county court at the court house in Plattsmouth. on the 24th day of November, A D. IAmi, at ten o'clock In the forenoon: anil that six months from and at ter the 24th day of .May A D. IssM. is the lime limited lor creditors of said Oe ceaed to present their claims for examination and allowance. liiven under mv hand this K:h dav of Mav, A D, ls'.U. l't-4 15. S. RAMSEY, County Judge. Notice to Creditors. Si at Koi- Nkmkahka, j Cams Cocnty. bs. I In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth llab- bltt. deceased . Notice is hereby given that the claims and demands of all persons against Elizabeth Bab bitt, deceased, late of said county and state, will be received, examined and- adjusted by the countveourt at the court house in Plattsmouth on the lTth day of November... D, lu o'clock in the forenoon. And that six months from and after the 17th day of May A. D.. 1!4. is the time limited for creditors of said deceased to present their claims for examina tion and allowance. tiiven u.iiier mv hand this loth day of May A. D.. 18:4. " B.S.Ramsey. 21 4 County Judge. Final Settlement Notice. In the matter of the estate of Henry Mertens. de ceased. In the county court of Cass county Nebraska. Notice is hereby given that William Mertens, adminWtratorof "the estate of the said Henry Mertens deceased. has made application for final settlement, and that said cause is set for hearing at my ofliceat Plattsmouth. on the 15th day of June, A. D . is'.u. at 11 o'clock a. m. on said day : at which time and place all persons Inter ested uihv be pie--ent and examine said ac counts. It. S. liA-EV, Conntv Judge. Piattsmouth, May 2s;h. 1114. " 2;(-.1t Kstray Notice. 'TAKEN up by the undersigned, three miles south of Plattsmouth. on April bitn, two bay mares, supiiosed to be five or six years old", weight a'lout ele en or twelve hundred. ue Willi a colt about tour months old. ihe other ha while marks In the face and has found a colt siiictyoming to my place Wire marks on lefrfront loot of each, owner is requested to call pav charges and tike them hwhv . ;1)Fi:eyfickleu. so- nr" ty-i iT-rnm US A New rnd i.--.ttnt Treirmiit. constm of ftrjPfrUhl'K'Kii-X, Capsule of omtmeut and two buiwof Omtmeiii. A n--vcr-fui:iug Cure for Plies, cf every nature decree. It makes an operation with the knifo or injections of carbolic acid, wL-ck are painful and Fekluni a jieriutmeiit cure, and of-.en restating in death, unnecessary. Why endure this terrible) cJiuev-ass? We guarantee a boxes to curs an case. You only pay fur bene!:ts received, f 1 a box, t for tr, by maiL Sample free. Guarantees ined by our amenta. CONSTIPATION by Jananese Uver Pellets the (Treat LIVF.K and STOli ACii iUi.(iULAT01i and bT OOD Fl'lUFlKli. tsuiail, mild and pleasant to tk, Mpouaiif udnyleu iu; cti'lurwii'e Uoo. OOiAiad i cents. tiVAlJLXTlEX3 laeuaJ only ty F. (i. FRH KE L CO., DilCGUISTS, j Sole agents, Plattsmouth, Neb. Sex I e'-"' : 7 Are You If so, JOE, The People's Popular Clothier, can suit you to a nicety in the way of a TRUNK or a SATCHEL. A Carload of Trunks and Satchels just unpacked. Bought at Rock-bottom Prices and at a big saving in freight, which reduction will be accorded to purchasers. SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON Children's Clothing FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. The People's Pupular Free txcursion -to- June 6, 7 ! 8, '94, Good to Return Until June 11. HAVDEN BRO'S have pur chased the largest Department Store stock ever sold at Sheriff's Sale in America. These close times were too much for Speilman & Springer of New v ork and Hayden s Cash took the whole business, includ ing DRY GOODS, CARPETS, CURTAINS, DRAPERIES, WALL PAPER, MEN'S and BOY'S CLOTHING, HATS, MILLINERY, CLOAKS. SUITS, SHAWLS, SHOES, HARDWARE, STOVES, FURNITURE, QUEENSWARE. and House Furnishing Goods of every description. The best values ever known in Teas, Coffee, Spices and Grocer ies. Immense stock of Harness, Saddles and Stable supplies. These goods will be sold at lower prices than ever known for first-class goods. To make this sale still more interesting Hay den Bro's will furnish the return ticket to anyone buying one hun dred dollars worth of goods mak ing your round trip ticket abso lutely free, aside from the advan tage of attending the greatest sale that ever took place in this coun try. Remember the excursion tickets will be sold June 6th, 7th, and 8th, good to return until June the nth. HAYDEN BROS., 16th and Dodge Sts.. OMAHA. NEB. FAT PEOPLE ! Park Obesity Pills will reduce your weight PERMANENTLY from la to l." ounl a month. No ST.K lNi. sickness or injury; NO PUB L1C1TY. They build u the health and euti ty the complexion, leaving No WRINKLES or ttabl.ine!.. TOl"T ABDOMENS and difficult breathing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT, but asclentitic and positive relief, adopted only after years of experience. All orders supplied direct from our otlice. Price fc.ou per package or tnree packages for iMXt hy mail postpaid. Testimonials and particulars sealed 2 cents. -f""All correspondence strictly confidential. I'AIlk KEttEDY CO., Boston. Mass BYRON CLARK, Attorney at Law, PLATTSMOUTU. NEB. OFFICE Second floor of the Todd, block, east of the court house. Contemplating a Trip ? Excursions Courtland Beach Omaha's Great Inland Summer Resort. UNSURPASSED Bathing, f.ood Boating. Splendid Music, steamboats and special attractions of all kinds. Keep track of the cheap excursions. Nothing objectionable allowed on the grounds. Special rates to Sunday school and Family Picnics, perfect order preserved. Oc-ujrtla.23.d- Sestclx Cmalia aSTc-r Open. Look out for the Excursions. Cars land you right in the grounds. THE EVER iwrriEran -it cuss OF F OF PLATTSMOUTH, Is distinctively the place where the Farmer's Dollar Goes the Farthest. We lead, as ever, in Buggies and Carriages This year's line is larger" than ever and the prices cannot fail but suit. As to Implements, Our two large store-rooms MOST PERFECTED to market. SPEAKING OF TT Q pri rr?C? We Manufacture JTlcXL JLltJOO, The Very Best For the Money, and are the only firm using "Old Fashioned Oak Tanned Leather" in Cass County. Consult your own interests and Deal with an Establishment which conducts Business on the Plan of Giving Real Worth in Return for the Buyer's Money. FRED GORDER & SON, 307-300 Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb. ,rJ SH BLQH'S Consumption cure The Great Qf&frCure f TWS. Great VroupfCktre ! The Great Lung Reitorjji&r by very dm Jgfet pvhe continent of America on positive jpjprantceat 50c v&. $tptr bottle a test so wonderfu-and scveffj ihat, ntrCwrr or VJhg- Remedy vet discovered ra successfully stoleittpiii.oiijL Cure. A dose in time will $$e you endless aiety andtro a bottle al yotNjeds'ui it iirf -ediatelyrsli know Croup s!itu23iave promtirtientii ASK YOUR HILOH'S CUR FOR EITHER BET. This TCMdr I I fill UJl 3t "" inamd diraeUr to th Ml of mm w m "mm ' tboM diiniw of um 0tiito4j nn&ry Ur. Srns raqoans bo ctuoif ot det or mniiwii, mrui or potsocuws nww AS A PREVENTIVE try eittavr Met H I lmpenibl toeootraet any mmd dnM : bst ia Um cm T 4ho fclwdyliwp luaamw Arnica witn fluuuiibi aad iitt. wm uri toaaaui. Pnovby sua. poiU( pm, f 1 per bos. ac fcoxsi tar ft. Clothier. - RELIABLE are brim-full of the BEST and be found in the Implement 'TV 2. m iijeiy anqirouDif niotners. keep iicvi roop, ana you DRUGGIST FOR $500 Reward! WE will ay th? above reward for any ease of Liver Complaint. Dvpepsia, Sick Headache. In difrestion Constioation or Costtveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are ftnctly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, rnd never fail to give sat isiactiou. Sug-ar CDatru. Lare boxes, 25 cents. Beware qf counterfeits and imitations. The gen uine manutactured only by THE JOHN C. WEST CUMm'Y, CHICAGO, ILL. r