Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, June 07, 1894, Image 1

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VOL. 13. NO. 24.
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The Colored Suspect Proves to be
the Wrong Man.
Drayiumi (.rorgf Frauk's Injuries I rove
I'atal Tlie Itu ver Comiuonwenlerii
Are ( DUimt Iowu the Platte
I4ier Otliar Nulra.
Vt an Not the Man.
('bailed Lewis, the colored man ar
rested here Tuesday by Chief Gra'e
upon suspicion of his being tbe nero
Payne wanted in Omaha for implica
tion in tbe llubel murder, has been
given bis liberty. Officer Walker
of Omaha came to town Tuesday, and
alter looking the man over concluded
he was not the man. The stature
tallied, but Lewis was not black
enough to satisfy tbe officer that he
might be Payne. Officer Walker in
talking to Chief Grace stated that
Andy Brobecfc and wife who returned
to this city last week after a year's
absence in Omaha, knew a few things
as to the Rubel girl when she was
alive. Brobeck and bis wif kept
roomers on South Tenth street in
Omaha. Walker related that he talked
to Mrs. Brobeck Tuesday and the
latter admitted that the dead girl and
the Dr. Browu, who is held at Omaha
for implication in the mystery, fre
quently visited their place and occu
pied rooms over night. The Omaha
officer did not think that the Brobeck's
knew anything as to the girl's death,
but he nevertheless intimated that in
bis belief Mrs. Brobeck was retaining
information which might help the
Omaha authorities to solve the affair.
Irth of Drayman Frank.
Geo. Frank, the drayman who was
thrown off his dray last Tuesday after
noon by the running away of his team,
departed from this life at 8:15 a m.
last Saturday at his home on west Dey
street. His demise was due to obstruc
tion of the bowels, the latter complaint
doubtless beiDg the result of his bad
fall from the wagon. Throughout Fri
day and Friday night he suffered un
told agonies, and as his ailment could
admit of no cure, death really was a
godsend. Mr. Frank had just passed
his fifty-sixth birthday, and leaves a
wife and two children, the latter being
by a former wife. lie had been a resi
dent of Plattsmouth for over twenty
one years, and had well earned a
reputation for honesty and industry.
The funeral cortege left the fam
ily residence at 3:30 o'clock Sun
day afternoon and journeyed to the
German Presbyterian church, where
Rev. Witte preached the funeral
sermon. Messrs. Fred Lehnhoff, sr.,
Henry Martin, Jacob Vallery. jr., Geo.
Kroehler, Fred Goos and P. J.Hansen
acted as pall bearers.
Coiumnnw eater Are Coming.
The Denver contingent of the army
of the commonweal have decided to
quit the Colorado capital and if noth
ing occurs the force of twelve hun
dred men now encamped there will
take to boats and will tloat down the
Platte river this week. Lumber has
bf-en provided to build a hundred
boats large enough to hold twelve men
each. Provisions are to be furnished
by the Denver chamber of commerce
and just as soon as a boat is finished
twelve men will be set afloat, instead
xf holding the flotilla until the last
imat has been completed. The army
witl float down the Platte river to this
;ity and then trust to the waters of
the "Big Muddy" to reach the Missis
sippi. Tbe people ot Plattsmouth
w ill no doubt be called upon to fur
nish provisions when the army reaches
tiere. but they need not be in any par
ticular hurry about making prepara
tions, because if the army carry out
their plan of navigating the Platte
they will not arrive at tbe mouth be
fore fall.
j tlemau simple justice in saying that
i during his administration the Platts
ixioutli postcttice has been managed
efficiently and with u care which
showed that the accommodation of
patrons was worthy the first considera
tion. The lot of a postmaster is by no
means a pleasant one. "Kicks'' are
many, but it can nevertheless be truth
fully told that Mr. Streigbt ever strived
to meet the wishes of his patrons and
merit their good will.
Fourth of July Meeting.
I The committees on fourth of July
(celebration held a rousing meeting at
Morgan's clothing store last Monday
night, with nearly all members of the
different committees in attendance.
The wide spread interest taken iu the
work of preparing for the celebration
gives evidence that Plattsmouth will
celebrate the nation's birthday this
year on a scale never before attempted
in this section of the country. The de
partment of pnblicity have been busy
at work and the celebration will be
well advertised in the neighboring
towns and county, and a large number
of people from out of town will be with
us on the fourth.
The committee on amusements re
ported that they had made partial ar
rangements for their portion of the
programme, and had already arranged
for bicycle races, egg races, base ball
game, etc. A wrestling, match be
tween Conrad Vallery and an un
known from Iowa has also been ar
ranged for. The Iowa unknown will
be accompanied by a number of friends
who it is reported will be willing to
back their favorite to the extent of a
good round sum of money. A baby
show for prizes will also be one of the
interesting features of t he programme.
Two classes of the Turnverein, one
from Omaha and one from this city
will give an exhibition at the grounds,
and the local hose teams will have
races and water tests. The "wild
west'' and trades display parade in the
forenoon will be an attractive feature
and two prizes of $15 and lo will be
given for the best and second best dis
play ot merchandise and float in the
Arrangements are now being made
to secure several speakers of national
reputation to address the crowd at
Garfield park during the day. In the
evening a grand display of fire works
will be made on the river front, and
the appropriation for this purpose is
four times larger than at any former
celebration held here. There will be
a number of floating pieces setoff, and
the display will be similar to the fire
works display at the world's fair.
More Small-pox Case.
Mr. Frank Templetnn, of Pacific
City, died of the dreaded disease
small-pox leaving father, mother and
two sisters and a large circle of friends
to mourn his untimely taking off. No
young man stood higher in this com
munity than Mr. Templeton, w ho was
a model young man in every respect.
He was tbe junior partner of tbe drug
firm of Harrison & Templeton of this
place. The K. of P's. met and passed
resolutions. a9 he was an honored
member of that organization. The
health officer informs us that there are
two new cases of the dread disease in
the Templeton family. Glenwood
Dr. Marshall All work warranted.
The Powtoflice Change Hand.
Plattsmouth'a retiring postmaster,
J. Streigbt, turned the affairs of
the office over to his democratic suc
?ssor, W. K. Fox, last Friday. The
new postmaster will not take personal
.charge for a day or two, until A. W.
White returns from bis visit to Hot
Springs. Miss Pettee, the iady clerk,
will be r-tsiinea for a month, so that
the new fon-e will have an opportun
ity to lTime acquainted with their
tutM without atTecticjr the expedi
tious handling the mails.
Now that it is ex-Postmaster
Streigbt. The Joubxal does that gea-
Tlie Commencement rxercir-
The public schools closed for the
term last Friday morning and the
teachers and pupils will now enjoy a
vacation of three months before tak
ing up their school work again for an
other term. The commencement ex
ercises were held Friday afternoon
at the Presbyterian church, with a
large audience present.
The graduating class of five young
ladies included Laura Kinkead, Cora
Schlegel, Lou White, Carrie Davis
and Lettie Smith. Tbe motto of the
class of '94 was "Not Finished, but
Begun," and the class emblem a five
pointed star. The church was appro
priately decorated with flowers and
potted plants.
Dr. Marshall Teeth without plates.
Monster excursion to Burlington
beach Sunday, June 10th. The excur
sion of the season. Special train will
leave Plattsmouth at 8:80 a. m. Hate
Sl.liS for round trip. Burlington beach
is the pleasantest resort in Nebraska.
Splendid boating and sailing, and
bathing that's as exilarating as a dip
in tbe old ocean itself. You'll miss a
treat if you don't arrange to be at
Burlington beach on tbe tenth. Ask
the local agent of the B. & M. for fur
ther information.
A wonderful stomach corrector
Gering's German Liver Pills.
Cass County Is Experiencing an Epi
demic of Insanity -
Four Counterfeit Silver Dollar Found in
u Field Near Louisville David Uur
lee Lone M Finger at tlie
It. X M . lni.
Red Letter
An Fideiuli' of luitanitj-.
The county of Cass just now appears ;
to be experiencing an epidemic of in
sanity, three cases being brought to '
the official notice of the commissioners ;
of insanity Monday. I
Mrs. Louisa Port, a domestic who
has been employed at the Riley and
Perkins hotels, has shown evidences of
insanity for several months, and for
the past several days has shown un
mistakable signs of being demented.
Her strange actions and tbe suspicion
that she was demented caused her to
be dismissed from the employment of
the Riley, and she has since worked at
the Perkins. For the last few days
she has been under the impression that
her personal appearance was causing
comment among the people at the hotel,
and her time has been almost con
stantly occupied in changing her wear
ing apparel. She was brought before
tbe commission on Monday and ad
judged insane and ordered taken to
the hospital. Mrs. Port was formerly
the wife of a cigar-maker, and obtained
a divorce at the December term of dis
trict court.
Evermont Cook, who lives in the
vicinity of Union, was examined for
insanity Monday, and adjudged insane
by the commission. He was taken
to tbe Lincoln asylum yesterday.
Deputy Sheriff Hyers was at Green
wood Monday to bring in E.Coleman,
who has developed symptoms of in
sanity and on Tuesday the commis
sion adjudged him insane.
Has determined to Sacrifice his Stock of Merchandise,
REGARDLESS OF VALUE. Read this list carefully.
The prices quoted are Bona-Fide and will Save You
Fifty Cents on Every Dollar:
Dr. Marshall Fine Gold work.
Fonnd Counterfeit Coin.
Last Monday as Lute Sinnard was
coming to town he took a short route
through the meadow near Green's
quarry, when he ran across what he
supposed at first sight to be a mine of
silver dollars. He picked up four of
them, but soon discovered them to be
counterfeit. The were very perfect in
every detail except they were a little
too light. The date was 1SS4. But
one of them was entirely finished, the
other three having a rough place on
the edge, evidently from tbe mould.
They are made of a very hard com
position, containing a large percent of
tin. very easily detected by biting it,
as it cracks under the presure of the
teeth. The ring is very dull. Disbe
lieved by not a few that this "queer"
has been coined right here iu this
neighborhood and that this find may
yet lead to something more important
than the finder anticipated. A num
ber of the dollars have been in circu
lation in Louisville for some time, all
bearing the same date, and it is just
probable that they are a home pro
duction. Louisville Courier-Journal.
( CO vf u
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Dr. Marshall All kinds of fillings.
Attempted to !tal a I'reaclier.
While Rev. L. G. Parker, pastor of
the Methodist church at Greenwood,
was in Walter Failing's store at that
place last Friday afternoon, Phillip
Green, better known as "Bud," made
a murderous assault on him. Mr.
Parker was engaged in conversation
when young Green came up behind
with an open knife, and, with a vile
epithet, tried to stab Mr. Parker. A
sudden movement of the preacher at
the sound of his assailant's voice saved
him. Mr. Parker grappled young
Green, threw him to the floor and dis
armed him. Trouble over prohibition
is at the bottom of the affair.
Dr. Marshall Teeth on metal plates.
An Accident At the Shop.
While David Burbee, an employe at
the B. & M. shops, was wiping around
the big stationary engine in the plan
ing mill shortly after tbe noon hour
Monday, hi3 left hand was caught be
tween the frame of the engine and the
crank-pin, mashing it so severely that
Dr. T. P. Livingston found it neces
sary to amputate the first middle
All legal business given prompt at
tention, D. O. I wyer, attorney, Plattsmouth.
See Brown and save money this year
on your wall paper, paints and oils.
Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Boots or Shoes
Until you have seen this great Sacrifice Sale.
Wonder of wonders ! Congressman
Bryan spoke yesterday at the memor
ial services in Arlington cemetery,
Washington, and Secretary Morton ia
quoted as having complimented his
speech very highly. The natural in
ference from such a condition of af
fairs would be that Mr. Bryan must
have made a very poor speech, bat the
words of Mr. Morton will hardly per
mit of such a conclusion. Bryan
talked on patriotism and Morton is
quoted as having said that the speech
was "the best of the occasion," there
having been other speakers, and that
it "was in good taste, fitness and adap
tation to the opportunity, that the de
livery was perfect and that the speech
did great credit to the state." Presi
dent Cleveland, contrary to his ancient
predilections, did not go fishing but
remained to hear Billy discuss patri
otism, and is doubtless a better citizen
for having done so. He occupied a
seat in the amphitheatre along with
Secretaries Morton, Gresham, Carlisle
and Smith. The News violates no
confidence in saying that if tbe distin
guished gentlemen named will but ac
company Billy to Omaha along about
tbe 21st of June they may bear him
make another speech that will doubt
less be much better calculated to inter
est them, but which none of them will
feel like awarding any remarkable de
gree of commendation. Lincoln News.
We make our own syrup and soda
water, and know it is absolutely pure.
Try it and seen what a difference.
Gekino & Co.
Tbe Burlington railroad is in high
disfavor in Ashland at present. Fri
day the people of that city were called
upon to vote on a proposition to build
an addition to the high school, and as
all loyal Ashlandera are strongly in
favor of good educational facilities, no
I Spring,
House-Cleaning and
New Furniture
Nature supplies the first, the Busy Housewife must attend
the second, but for the last,
Daq to! TVI cY Is the Careful
2 1 Cai llllCllI Buyer's Refuge.
J PEARLMAN has the Stock, his Prices are Right and
Sure to Suit. If you want anything in the way of NEW
I FURNITURE, for either Parlor, Bed Room, Dining Room
5 or Kitchen, PEARLMAN has it at the Lowest Price.
PEARLMAN, The House Furnisher.
one dreamed of any formidable opposi
tion. The Burlington, however, was
opposed to the raising of the tax rate
on its possessions in Ashland, and
played tbe old gravel train racket on
tbe simple villagers and defeated the
Glass of all kinds at Gering & Co's.
Blind Boone, the musical progidy,
will be at the M- . church on the
night of Monday, June ISth.
We are here to stay and not merely
to sell you one pair of spectacles and
then leave you. Always buy your
spectacles of Gering & Co.'s
The lowest prices and largest stock
of wall paper at Gering & Co"s.
H. A. Cartwright journeyed to
Cedar Cresk on Tuesday to super
intend the construction of a new two
story residence for Jacob Schneider
near that town. The bouse will coBt
some $1,500.
Buy your next bill of wall paper
from Gering & Co'a.
Dr. Marshall Crown and bridge
Tbe "Plan Sif ter"flour is the popular
brand. Ask for it from your grocer.
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