Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, May 31, 1894, Image 6

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    The Plattsmoutli Journal
C. W. SHERMAN, Editor.
One ropy one year. In advance, by mail.. .(5 on
One copy aix months, in advance, by wall, 2 jO
One copy one month, in advance, by mail, 50
One copy, by carrier, per week 10
Published every afternoon except Sunday.
Single cw py, one year 1 00
Single copy, aix month SO
Fubllihed every Thursday. Payable in advance
Entered at the postofnee at Plattamouth, Ne
braika, a second class matter.
Official County Paper.
Washington, D.C., May 24, 1SU4.
It appears that the senate has finally
"got a move" on itself respecting the
tariff bill, and, although nearly every
thing has been given away to the
traffickers in particular "industries" or
interests the Gormans, Urices, Mur
phys, Smiths aud Camdens, who have
had rates raised to suit them and their
friends outside the senate in certain
lines the bill is now being pushed
with some vigor, and about one-third
of the items have been gone over and
agreed to. Gorman has at last been
heard from, and he comes out for "in
cidental protection" the platform on
which Lincoln was first elected. It is
also evident that the republicans have
got through with most of their talk, and
from this on there is likely to be rapid
progress, and Brice's prophesy is likely
to come true the bill will be finished
mid nassed bv the 15th of June. What
the conference committee will do then
is a question. Of course all western
democrats will hope tha'c the bill may
fall into the hands of real democrats,
who will put back the house provisions
again and compel the traders to vote
for it. Such a coarse would give us a
democratic victory this fall, sure.
I notice that my friend, Annin, of
the Lincoln Journal, is doing right well
for a starter in his effort to write Mr.
Bryan down. Of course everybody
here understands the animus of Mr.
Annin's persistence in that direction.
Considering that he has the reputation
of acting and drawing pay as clerk or
secretary for Senator Manderscn and
Mr. Ilainer, of the house, and possibly
of Mr. Mercer also, it is to be expected
that he would do a manly part by them
and do what he could to knock out the
man whose success might shelve the
ambition of hi3 employers-. Iu addi
tion, therefore, to the ordinary antag'
onisra of partisanism, Mr. Annin has
the ndded one of strong personal inter
est to spur him into vigorous antag
onism. His aim now seems to be to
make it appear that Mr. Bryan is wear
ing out here in his influence; but for
the life of me I have yet to find the
first person to agree with him. In
fact, if I were to even tell the whole
truth as to his popularity in Washing
ton and in eastern cities, many Ne
braska people would imagine that I
was greatly exaggerating. The fact
that he is over-run with calls or re
quests to speak at college commence
mentsand on similar occasions all over
the eastern states ii evidence of itself
on that subject. At this moment he is
absent at Greensboro, North Carolina,
where he spoke today at the university
commencement on "Money." Last
week he addressed the graduating class
of the Baltimore law school, and early
in June will address the graduating
class of the law department of the
Georgetown university in this city, and
was invited, and but for his lack of
time to prepare a suitable address,
would have made the principal oration
at Arlington on Decoration day.
He has, however, consented to make a
short address that day to young men.
Plainly, therefore, the wish is father to
the thought ia Mr. Annin's very vivid
imagination. So he is likewise mistaken
in his statement that Mr. B. contem
plates joining the populists. When
ever the populists adopt a platform
consistent with the democratic plat
form, as he has defined it, there may
be a chance to get him to stand on it,
and not till then.
And, by the way, it seems that Mr.
Morton is again convinced that Mr.
Bryan is going to become a populist.
That isn't anything new for him. He
made a similar charge last year, while
Mr. Bryan was making his southern
tour, but it didn't "take," as they say
about vaccination, then any more than
it will now. For a great man, it oc
curs to me that Mr. Morton can be
about as small and mean as anybody
when he tries. j
Coxey, Browne and Jones, the com -
uionweal leaders, are in jail, serving
.out a twenty days' sentence for their
awful crime of walking on the grass at
the capital grounds and carrying ban
ners on the first of May the "banners"
consisting of badges about two inches
wide and four inches long, bearing the
inscription of the "Commonweal of
Christ" as invented by the eccentric
genius, Carl Browne, whom nearly all
Plattsmoutli will remember as the man
who unrolled a panoramic pictuie of
the "aggressions of the money power"
on the streets there in 1S92, and lec
tured about it. The commonweal,
their followers, are in the meantime in
camp in the vicinity of the city, and its
members have won the good will of the
public by their good behavior. The
general judgment of the public here is
that the leaders were sent to jail to
punish them for their political opin
ions and to overawe others, and not be
cause they committed a crime. The
authorities could not make martyrs of
them moie thoroughly than they have
do'ie. When the other "armies' come
here they will have more friends than
Coxey had as a result of police and
police court misrule and brutal
The house committee of the whole
knocked out the salary appropriation
t pay the salaries of the civil service
commission. This was done because of
the general opinion that the commis
sion is not conducted in accordance
with the spirit of the law, and that the
president has not treated democratic
members of the board in a proper
spirit. The debate was one of the
liveliest and most interesting of the
lint for this time mi feed.
C. W. S.
Chicago Times.
Though William J. Bryan, the bril
liant young congressman from Ne
braska, has positively declined to be a
candidate for re-election to the lower
house, the democracy of that state
should not permit him to retire from
politics. Mr. Bryan has said that while
he will not make the race for congress
agtiu he is willing and proposes to de
vote all his influence and ability to the
service of the causes of silver and tariff
reform in the west and to the consoli
dation of the Nebraska democracy on
those issues. Such is the true demo
cratic spirit the willingness to serve
people and party by voice, vote and
precept in private as well as official life.
But however willing, Mr. Bryan can
not nearly so well render this patriotic
service to the cause of democracy while
remaining at home in Nebraska as he
could from the more commanding van
tage ground of the national capital.
And if the people of Nebraska appre
ciate Mr. Bryan's value as it is appre
ciated bv the rest of the west he wil
be sent back to Washington again not
to the house, however, but to the senate
Bryan is a young man, but his politi
cal career has been eventful and his of
ficial record is a bright one. Few
members of the Fifty-third congress
have been as active as the Nebraska
representative, aud fewer still have
p'aced their efforts so persistently and
intelligently in support of the interests
of the masses and the grand principles
bequeathed to the democracy by
Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jack
son. He first attracted general atten
tion by a ringing tariff speech, delivered
in March, 1S92, and the principles he
then enunciated were subsequently em
bodied into the platform adopted by
the democratic national convention
the tariff pledges of which platform
we are sorry to say, the administration
has failed iu every point to redeem
In the same speech Mr. Bryan advo
cated an income tax, and he has ever
been found a stanch supporter of that
measure, of free silver coinage at a 16
to-1 ratio, and of tariff reform. In
February he opposed the repeal of the
Sherman law until a free coinage sub
stitute should have been passed, and in
his Bpeech on the seigniorage he took
the correct position that raids on the
treasury would only cease when the
secretary exercised the authority vested
iu him to pay such demands in silver as
he saw fit. Mr. Bryan has also, as a
member of the ways and means com
mittee, fought for economy in appro
priations and government expenses
and he has always insisted that United
States senators should be elected by the
direct vote of the people
In everything, from his jury bill to
his tariff speeches, from bis position on
the income tax to his expressions on
bimetallism, Mr. Bryan has stood up
for the interests of the people, the in
terests of the producers of the west and
south as opposed to the selfish schemes
of the mortgage sharks and money
lenders of the east. He is a democrat
of democrats, a statesman whose bril
liant performances of the past have
shed luster upon the name of the state
he represents. In the interests of sil
ver, of tariff reform, of just taxation
'0f democracy, of the common peopl
Mr. Bryan should not be permitted by
the voters of Nebraska to retire to pri
vate life. He should not be sent to
congress to represent a district, but to
the senate to represent a state, a sec
tion, a principle. The senate needs re
juvenation and the infusion of the
vigorous young blood of the west sadly.
No better man could be found to begin
the task than William J.Bryan. Ne
braska will do herself honor when she
invests this young Ajax she has nur
tured with the toga.
The Nebraska City News has lately
been barking about Tiik Journal to
an extent which makes one weary.
One claim which the News makes is
that Tiik Journal is "close to crawl
ing into the populist camp." If the
News had said republican instead of
populist, the editor of this paper might
have just cause to feel angry, but as
the News said populist, a laugh is only
iu order. The Journal editor was a
democrat long before the News de-
famer discarded knee breechwH, anl as
ong as the democratic party advocates
democratic principles and makes an
honest effort to carry the aforesaid
principles into effect, lie will continue
to be a democrat. But how about the
News? It is a notorious faet, and one
which dare not te denied, that a cer
tain "clique of so called democrats, led
by the News," has been making a cease
less war within the ranks for no other
reason than that a great majority of
the party members honestly believe in
the recognition of silver as a money.
The News is a gold-bug organ that is.
Secretary Morton is a gold-bug. aud as
the editor of the News lacks the gray
matter to think for himself, he follows
the secretary's tip, aud while yelping
for gold, takes good care to stick a
knife into Congressman Brjan, as well
as to question the democracy of every
free-silver democrat in the district.
The . Journal editor included. This
is the milk in the cocoanut. Such oi
gans as the News have worked the
party more harm than can well be
reckoned. The Nebraska democracy
has harbored such traitors long enough.
Out with them, we say. The party is
big and broad enough to contain men
whose views honestly differ on the
coinage question, but when it comes to
such notoriously treacherous sheets as
the News, their further company is not
wanted. Far better everlasting defeat
at the polls, than that success should
be attained with such villainous assist
ance. The Washington dispatches assure
us that the republicans of the house
are "still kicking" against the enforce
ment of the salary-docking statute.
Let them kick. They have only them
selves to thank for the revival of that
law. They wasted weeks of filibuster
ing agaiust any legislation whatever
unless the majority furnished a quo
rum, and the enforcement of the regu
lation which compels them to attend
congress or forfeit their pay is due to
their own "smartness." It is fre
quently tVte case that very smart people
are uot as smart as they think.
Somebody will make a neat sum on
shgar when the new tariff goes into
effect. The importations of free sugar.
exclusive of beet sugar are larger than
were ever known before. In the four
months ending March 31, the amount
imported was 277,000,000 pounds in ex
cess of the importations for the corres
ponding period last year, and they are
still heavy. All this comes in free, and
most of it has been imported by the
sugar trust, the largest dealer in this
sugar in this country. The profits
when the tax goes on will be some
thing big. No wonder the sugar trust
certificates are high up in pi ice on Wall
Deafueaa Cannot be Curril
LSy local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness Is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the
eustachian tube. When this tube
gets inflamed you have a rumbling
sound or imperfect hearing, and when
it is entirely closed deafness is the
result, and unless the inflammation
can be taken out and this tube restored
to its normal condition, hearing will
be destroyed forever; nine cases out
of ten are caused by catarrh, which is
nothing but an inflamed condition of
the mucous surfaces.
We will give one hundred dollars
for any case of deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
3?SoId by druggists, 75c.
Don't be talked into having an op
eration as it may cost you your life.
Japanese Pile is guaranteed to cure, you
by Fricke & Co.
When Baby wag sick, we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When ahe became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
When ahe had Children, she gave them CaatorU.
First Premium
at the
Columbian Exposition
The Singerlao'f'g Co.;
it :i:i vi:i
54: First Awards.
BeliiK the largest iminlu r of awards ol.trtlix !
ly any exhibitor ami more llian ilonl.le the
number received ly nil other ewiij( Machine
companies. Awards received iu the following:
Family Sewiiifr Machine. V. S. No. 2.
I. F. V. H. aud single Thread Automatic
Chain Stitch Machine. Sewing Machine
Cabinets, Art Embroideries. Laces. Cur
tains. I'pholstory. Artistic Furnishings,
Sewing and Embroidery. Tapestry Ma
chine Work.
Also 43 4wnrl. covering machines
for manufacture in every line w here a I
Sewing Machine can te used on Wool,
Cotton and Silk Cloth. Knit Goods.
Leather, etc., for Ornamental Stitching.
Button holes. Eyelets, Barring, Over
seaming, Maying, etc
The Singer M'fg Co
"All Over tlie World."
Itranrh Office Lincoln h.
Has purchased the Purine le X Ruther
ford stock and will run both the
Main-st. and Schildknecht Barns.
Riga of all descriptions, from a Saddle
horse to a Slsteen-passenger Wagon.
Cabs, Pall Bearer Wagon, Carryalls and
everything for picnics, weddings and
Train OrIr
MVoleplioiio ?U.
Prices Reasonable. Ho credit over 30
days, old aud new customers are in
vited to call, when satisfaction is guar
an teed. W. D. JONES
Sixth Street Checkered 8am,
B pedal attention to Funerals, ilackt !.! he
run to all trains. "Promptness and rldeiltyto
CUHtOinca N Ills IHOt'O
are the original and only FRENCH, aafe and re
liable cure on the market, fries $1.00; taint by
ruaiL (Jenuine sold only by
V. G. Fricke & Co.. Druggists.
Coxey May Get Yanked
Off the Capitol steps and fired out
of Washington and a whole lot of
other things go wrong, but Wes
cott's Great Suit Sale in Plattsmouth
will go merrily on until $15 suits at
$7.50 have reached every nook and
corner in Cass county. Good peo
ple are already lugging them out as
far west as Elmwood, and Wescott
is still wrapping them up.
2Te"x7- 3tro.TX7- 33Icu1:s,
New Neckwear, new Underwear,
new Tan Shoes and lots of new
things in Gentlemen's wearthatyou
ought to see. Get in early, as we
close at 8 o'clock. Wescott's is the
proper place to trade these hard
One Price and no Monkey Business.
"Boss" Clothier,
; OSl!0
Having made a special purchase of
these goods, are offering them at a
Great Discount. Listen, while we tell
you the price on
Unbleached sheeting, 21 yards wide 17Ac bleached Uic
Unbleached sheeting, 1 yards wida 12c--bleached 15c
Unbleached pillow case muslin, 4." inches wide II c bleached lie
Unbleached pillow case muslin, 42 inches wide 10 c bleached 10c
JEayAll the beat grades of yard-wide muslins reduned accordingly.
Our Shoe Department is chock
full of bargains and comprises a
nice line of Tan Goods, in Men's,
Ladies', Misses' and Children's.
Also everything in black.
Early to bed and early to rise.
Mind your own business and tell no lies
Don't get drunk or deceive your wives;
Uuy your shoes of every size.
The best assortment under the skies,
Our popular 48c Summer Cor
set is going so rapidly that we
have had to double our order, but
we will have about 25 dozen pairs
on ice.
Summer Dress Goods.
Irish Lawns, Dimities, Ponges,
Printed Duck, Lace de Laines,
India Linens, Sateens, Ginghams,
Cotton, All-Wool, etc. A nice
assortment of Insertions in Cut
ter Color, ecru, black and cream.
49c SILKS.
Our Summer Silks are gone
but we have an elegant line of
Moire Antique Silks, in colors,
at 49c.
Curtains and Carpet De
partment. A new line of Fringed
Window Shades just received.
Rugs and Japan Mattings. Prices,
cut to suit the times.