n 1M Copyright, 1894. by the Author. 4 ICK FERRIS, of the Goth am Planet, was in the worst of humors. He was a newspa per man, and used to assign in e n t s of all sorts; but the fc1' ' "JuT 1 't i W'. ft 'IP. present one was beneath any except the greenest of reporters. A certain advertisement-seeking prima donna had become involved in a dispute with her manager over the question of wearing tights in the new opera bouffe "Semiramis," and told the reporters that the first night of the opera would fViow the public which Bide had triumphed. Accordingly, the house was packed, and Ferris was sent by the Flanet to witness the outcome of the struggle. He watched the Amazon guard listless ly in the opening chorus, ila was anx ious for the appearance of the prima 3onna. and scarcely noticed the rough xxiaidens in tinfoil armor, until his eyes chanced to rest on the girl next to tbe front rank leader. She had a different loon from her as sociates, lacking something of their professional air, and singing as if she enjoyed it. The freshness and native grace of the girl attracted Ferris, (since boyhood, he had knocked about the world, and it was seldom that a new face interested him; but to-night he found himself following this coryphee with his eyes throughout the act, becoming so mucb absorbed that he nearly forgot why he had been sent to the theater. Next day the face of the chorus girl, and its utter incongruity with the sur roundings, came to to his mind; and the evening found him once more at the theater where "Semiramis" was playing. From a fellow reporter he learned that the girl's name was Marguerite Gray, and that she carriei about with her a mother who might have played the role of the dragon in '"Siegfried." Ferris had little trouble iu getting be hind the scenes, and, thanks to the good ofHces of the manager (who was objectionably grateful to him for the pull his opera had received in the Planet), he was enabled to meet his unknown. She was about to leave the theater, dressed ia the quietst of cos tumes, and accompanied by the afore said mother, who would iiave put Medusa to the blush for stoniness of manner. Like a true diplomat Fen is devoted himself to the worthy Gorgon, recall ing that her late husband had once helped him out of a bad scrape had, in fact, stood by him like an elder broth er. Ferris conveyed the information that he had long meant to look the mother up to ask after his old friend, and ended by obtaining permission to call at her flat next day. Next day he went to Mrs. Gray's little ilarlem flat, and, having made Inquiries that morning, was able to talk with a fair degree of intelligence on the subject of the dear departed Gray. In fact, so kindly did he speak of his putative dead friend that the widow's heart was won over, and he was warmly invited to call often which he did. Life became very pleasant to both newspaper man and chorus girL In the early winter twilight Ferris used to call for an hour on his way from the Sice. Mrs. Gray was usually busy, and the two young people would sit in the dusky little parlor before a coal fire. Ferris did most of the talk i eg. Mar guerite listening with a sort of awe to the man who knew so mucb aud who had read all those great books that one heard about. To please him. she tried to read Dickens, beginning with the "Tale of Two Cities," and though hopelessly confused by the interminable line of characters and English humor, had un derstood enough to cry heartily over Sydney Carton's brave death and Dr. Manette's sufferings. She told him the 6toryof her life one afternoon, upon confession that the late Mr. Gray had not taken him into confidence concerning home matters. She told him of her father's business difficulties and death, her mother's ef forts to support herself, and then her own happy discovery that she could made a living on the stage. Of the trials, hardships and repulsiveness of a chorus girl's existence, she spoke little. Whenever he had a night ofE he went to the opera with her, and knew she sang better for his being there. After the show he sometimes invited her mother and herself to supper; but to these suppers the widow could tever be induced to consent. Even Ferris' friendship for Gray pere, did not make it proper. So life went on for three months. Winter passed, and the coal fire was no longer needed. Marguerite and Ferris began to plan Sunday excursions for the summer months. About this time capital and labor re vived their long standing feud, and the famous "Homestead riots" began. Ferris was sent by the Planet to trie scat of the disturbance, in company with a special artist- He was to leave New York on Monday morning, and Sunday evening he called on the Grays to say ood-by. Mrs Gray was out, but he found Marguerite sitting before the open fire. He stoke to Marguerite of his grati tude 'or her friendship to hini during the past months, and said more than he had meant to. But the look in her eyes did not tend to make him regret what he had said. The Planet for the next few days contained graphic, cleverly-written ac counts of the strike; then another and lew facile style became apparent, as il hough some one else had been detailed A place of the first writer. This was the cast, for Ferris was in a Pittsburgh hospital, his wrist shattered by a spent ball. Inflammation set in, and he did not leave the hospital for six weeks. On his return to New York he learned that "Semiramis" had gone on the road and Marguerite with it A president's wife lay dying at an Adi rondack summer resort, and the Planet 6ent Ferris to write it up. Shortly after his return from the Adirondacks he was sent to report congress, and consequently saw little of New York that winter. Before going he called at the Grays' flat, only to learn that they had given it up the month before The young lady, the janitor said, had left her new address in case anyone asked for them, but that had been lost. Marguerite was in town at the time of this call, but was singing in another company. After Ferris went to Homestead she had written to the address he gave her; but as he was in hospital at the time the letter did not reach him. Then the company went on the road, and the flat was given up. After the careful direc tions left with the janitor she thought it odd that Ferris never wrote, but sup posed he was busy; and invariably ended such reflections by fallng into day dreams based on his words of that last evening. Even if they did not see each other for a few months, he should find how true she could be, and how she would try to make herself worthy to be the wife of so brilliant a man. Accordingly all her spare salary went toward t're purchase of books she had heard him praise. Dickens, Swinburne, Thackeray, Balzac, Emerson and a host more authors were religiously studied regardless of any connection. Late into the night she would read, after a hot day's dusty travel and a long evening's singing at some one night stand. There was a French girl in the chorus whom she paid to give her French les sons. This navv teacher lost her tem per at the many blunders, and laughed at the ridiculous accent of her Amer ican pupil, but for this Marguerite " Rifl!jiP if .rid r n r "WON'T VOL" SIT HERE?" cared little more thaa for tlie headaches and burning eyes that followed her long nights of reading. Each step brought her nearer Ferris' level, and some day when thuy met once more he would be surprised, and proud of her improvement. If he had loved her in the old days, even while she was ig norant, what would he think of her now? Spring came again, and summer. A travel-stained theatrical troupe boarded a U. & O. train, taking almost com plete possession of one of the cars. A pale girl came down the aisle, and, as she passed a man rose and, with a half doubtful look, stopped her. "Excuse me," he said, "but you are Marguerite Gray, aren't you? You have changed so much that I was not sure at first." The man was Ferris, and Marguerite Gray felt the blood surge to her face at the sudden joy of seeing him. So they had met at last, and now they need never part again! "Won't you sit here?" he went on. "We have time for a good, long talk. I'm going as far as Baltimore." "Why, so are we," said the girl. "We play there to-nirht. You'll 0e sure to come, won't you?" "Thanks," answered Ferris, a little embarrassed, as a thought struck him. "But I never go to the theater nowa days except with n.y wife." A Lawyer Knocked Oat. The circuit court was sitting in a New Hampshire town. It was a cold evening, and a crowd of lawyers had seated themselves around the hearth in the village inn, when a belated travel er, benumbed with cold, entered the room. As none of the lawyers offered to make room near the fire, he sat in the back part of the room. A smart young lawyer addressed him, and the following dialogue took place: "You look like a traveler." "Well, I suppose I am. 1 came all the way from Wisconsin afoot, at any rate." "From Wisconsin! What a long dis tance you had to travel." "Well, I did it. anyhow." "Did you ever pass through hell in any of your journeys?" "Yes, sir; I passed through the out skirts." "I thought likely. Could you tell us what are the manners aud customs of that place? Several of us would like to know." "Oh! You will find them the same aa in this place; the lawyers always sit nearest the fire." Boston Herald. Sttib Ends of Thought. Very few people are liars from choice. Men are deceivers, ever; which is not saying that women are not. Modern civilization has done more for machinery than it has done for morals. Love is the air the heart breathes. There are as many differentiations of religion and love as there are human beings. Beauty has the peculiar influence upon its possessors of making them think that nothing else is necessary. A mirror never shows a woman what is below the surface. If there had been a dozen Adams in stead of one. Eve wouldn't have flirted with the serpent. Loss of respect for one man lessens, in a certain degree, our respect for all men. Detroit Free Prs THE IDEAL INCOME. Some Yarylnc Opinion a to What Con stitutes an Independence. Independence, from an entirely American standpoint, is always more or less hard to gain, though not ex ceeding hard, not almost impossible, as it is across the sea. It requires con tinuous resolution, unflinching perse verance, steady self-abstinence, clear judgment, with a dash of what is reckoned as luck, especially in youth, when such qualities are least devel oped. Above all, it requires resolution and perseverance. An earnest attempt at independence can never really be made too late, desirable as it is to make the attempt early. Independ ence should be aimed at, kept firmly in mind, whether one be twenty-five or sixty, whether one have many responsibilities or none. For it is very rarely reached without ceaseless solicitude and striv ing, and not, as must be granted, reached generally even with these. After good repute and goodhealth.it is the most valuable of possessions. It is apprehensible salvation. Neverthe less, the first stages are most arduous, the most discouraging. Beyond them the road is smoother, and success dawns in the distance. Cling to the prospect while life lasts, though ex pectation swoon by the way. The rec ompense is worth the stoutest labor, '.he severest sacrifice; it richly atones, in the end, for whatever may have been endured for the precious cause. What constitutes an independence? Does it not vary with the place and the individual? Is not the indepen dence of one man totally inadequate to that of another? Obviously yes. Your idea of an independence may be so superior to mine as to seem like wealth, which, in any reasonable sense, may not be hoped for, and is not. in truth, by any number of men, though to the manner born. Still sensible, sober opinions on the subject are not so different as may appear at first. Each man should determine for himself, according to his surroundings and relations, what amount he and his, if all sources fail, can live on in a very simple way in a way bearable and decent, if not quite pleasant or desira ble. It seems to be generally agreed that in New Y'ork a native citizen, a man of small family a wife and two chil dren, for example can not get on re spectably with less than about 5.",000 a year. If a bachelor, ?1.200 to $1,:00 will answer. In other cities $3,000 to $4,000 may sustain him domestically; in the village or the country, material ly less. If he must descend to marked plainness, rigid economy, prosaic facts, he can find places where, without oth er income, $'2,000 to $2,500 will keep him and his household together, not with out material comfort. That amount, therefore, may be taken as an approxi mation to an independence, as enough certainly to keep the wolf and the cred itor from the door. Confession may be frankly made, however, that no such sum is regarded by the city folk as sufficient for the purpose. They might put it at fully $10,000, and speak of minor figures as penury, or prolonged starvation. Strict independence may, notwithstanding, be computed in gen eral at $2,000 to $2,500; and he who has secured it indubitably has no cause to fear compassion, or to seek for sym pathy, lie may esteem it a genuine misfortune to be so reduced, especially after having had five or ten times as much. Still, it is independence not handsome, welcome, or in any manner satisfactory; and it is within reach of nearly anyone who diligently and earnestly works for it. Junius Henri Browne, in Harper's Magazine. HOUSEWORK MADE EASY. Many Women Make It Harder Than I Necessary. Supposing that my lady is trying to. do her own housework, and to thus save the expense of a servant. Did it ever occur to her to save herself all possible steps and phvsical exertion hy introducing a few innovations? Foi instance, when she sits out to do the family ironing, if she sits instead oi stands she will be able to get through a big basket of clothes very easily, j having her board in a cool room, say j the dining-room. The exertion of ris j ing to change 'the irons will not b ; great. Even the washing can be done very comfortably by a woman not over strong physically, if she will not frel about it but will go to work, the right way. The white clothes should, of course, he placed in warm water ano soap at night.and by morning they wil easily rub clean. Into the boiling wa ter should be poured a teaspoonful or a trifle more of kerosene, which wilj whiten the clothes. And then carpets! There are still a great many carpets use1 in modest homes, where the care of t '.em is wear ing out the house-wife. F.t en soft pine floors can be prettily stainel and var nished, after the cracks fltve been filled in with putty, and the pretty, cleanly method of laying rugs ".bout will give tb room the wholesoroeness of our grandmother's days, ans do away with the principal bother of house-cleaning time, to say nothing of the labor of frequent sweeping; the Boft, long-handled brush will remove most of the daily accumulation of dust. N. Y. Journal. A Noble Aim. Parker Poor old Brownley! He's be come insane, I hear, working at that telephone invention. Barker What was he trying to in vent? Parker A device for preventing peo ple from culling you up when you don't want to talk with them. Puck. Reasonable Sol at Ion. Johnny What made you run away from Bill Slutthers! You was afraid of him, that's what's the matter. Tommy No, I wasn't neither. 1 we'd fought, I'd a licked him, and then my ma'd a licked me. That's what I run away for, so! Boston Transcript. A primary school has been opened at Nazaeth. COULDN'T BILK THAT DENTIST. A Customer Induced to Settle by tha Strategy of a Tooth Doctor. A Superior street dentist smiled when he told of his experience in deal ing with a large and crafty customer. In the absence of the dentist, a date was arranged by the customer with the custodian of the business docket for a goodsized job of denistry. When the appointed day came he duly ap peared and took the chair. For two hours the buzz saw, mallet and file did hard service. Then the electric bat tery was called into play and one big molar succumbed. Finally the job was finished and the chair vacated. Its recent occupant turned toward the door, catching his hat from the hook as he went. "Aud the money?" inquired the den tist. "Haven't any," was the gruff re sponse. "You can charge it." The dentist moved about in sus pense for a moment, and then said, in a measured tone: "See here, my friend, we are strangers. Cash is my rule, and it is the only thing that goes." "Exactly," responded the customer, remembering the pain he had just en dured, "but what are yon going to do about it?" The dentist was disconcerted. His customer had now reaciied the door. A happy thought struck him. "Just a moment." he called out. "I'm sorry, but I left one of those nerves exposed. Will you just sit down again, please?" The remark was uttered in such a sincere manner that the man did not hesitate in taking the chair. No sooner had he done so than he began to suspect that all was not right. A sense of vacancy stole over him in the region of one of his teeth, and in a moment the nerve began to dance. The dentist had removed the filling. "What are you doing anyway?" he managed to mutter as the workman proceeded. "Oh, nothing," was the reply. "Might as well save the fillings, I sup pose. There, does that hurt you? Too bad." The man clinched his fist and made a spasmodic effort to release himself. He found that he had been made fast to the chair with a strap. He grew hot and drops of sweat appeared on his fore head and nose. "How much is this bill?" he finally inquired. 'Regular job ten dollars, extras five dollars. Oh, about fifteen dollars, I guess," was the cheerful response. "Want to get rich quick, don't you? Put up a block on Euclid avenue, eh? Well, I'll pay it, but I'll not botherj'ou again. The next time I'll go to a gen tleman." Not until the money was carefully stowed away in the dentist's vest pocket was the filling replaced and the strap loosened. The two then parted never again to meet. Cleveland Leader. OLD BARANOFF CASTLE. An Alaskan StrnuRuolrt That Was the Scene of .Many Festivities. Baranoff castle was in Sitka, and was built upon an eminence command ing an excellent view of the town and harbor. In appearance it bore no re semblance to a castle, but looked very much like a country hotel. Baranoff castle, and the island upon which it was built, derived its name from the Russian governor Baranoff, who, in the early part of the century, lived there and ruled the people with u tyranny similar to that enforced in Siberia. Under Baranoff's rule and that of his predecessors the island and the old cas tle were the scenes of many contests for supremacy, as well as festivities, in which persons of royal blood partici pated. The governorship of hat portion of all Russia was considered a great re ward, and in turn many nobles ruled and were provided with plenty to make their life one of luxury. The old ban quet hall of the castle was the scene of many entertainments given in extrava gant 6tyle in honor of visiting celebri ties. Twenty years ago Lady Franklin, then eighty years old, visited the is land, searching for some trace of her missing husband. Sir John. William H. Seward, upon his retirement as sec retary of state, also spent several days upon the island, viewing with his own eyes the great territory which through his and Senator Charles Summer's ef forts secured for this country by peace able means. It the fall of 1SG7 many noted per sonages stood upon the balcony of the old castle, and witnessed the replac ing of the eagles of the czar with the Stars and Stripes. By that act five hundred and eighty thousand square miles of territory beenme the property of the United States, the consideration being two cents per acre. San Fran cisco Chronicle. One hears a new story every now and then to illustrate how an author's fame may be held in a state of sus pended animation by the magazines. One of the most notable recent maga zine stories, perhaps on the whole its author's best literary work, was pub lished at least three years after it was accepted and paid for. It was an essay in a style of writing hitherto unat tempted by the author, and whatever reputation shall accrue to him from success in a difncultt undertaking has been postponed while the story lay pigeonholed. The daring originality of the conception doubtless accounts for tbe delay in publication. One of the oldest seats of learning in Europe, the University of Vallado lid. celebrated recently its sixth cen tennial ns an established university. In J293 King Sancho IV. of Castile and Leon gave charter to this school. But it had been in existence long before the Christian era. The wise prove and the fool iah con fess by their conduct that a life of em ployment is the only life worth living-. Paley. FOR YOUNG PEOPLE THE CLEVER PARSON. My children, come tell mo now if you have ever Been told of tho parson who was so clever; So clever, so clever, so clever was he That never a cleverer parson could be. Te parson loved children; he also loved walk ing'. Ano 03 to the woods he was constantly stalk in?. To smell the sweet air, and to see the green trees. And to do just exactly whate'er he might please. Some children they went wlm him once to the wood (They loved the good parson because be was good) They followed him gayly for many a mile. To list to his voice and to look on his smile. At length the children cried: "Oh dear ME! ! We're tired aa tired as tired can be! "Tia supper time, too, while afar thus we roam On, pray you, dear parson, do carry us home!" The children were six, and the parson was one; Now, goodness gracious! what was to be done? He sat himself down In the shade of a tree. And pondered the matter most thoughtfully. At length he exclaimed: "My dear little chicks, I might carry one, but I can't carry six Yet, courage! your parson's good care will pro vide That each of you home on a fine horse shall ride." Ee drew oat his jackknife, so broad and so bright. And fell to work slashing with main and with might, Till ready there one, two, three, four, five and six Lay, stout and smooth-polished, some excellent sticks. " Now mount your good horses, my children!" he cried; " Now. mount your good horses and merrily ride! A canter, a trot and a gallop away. And we shall get home ere the close of tbe day." The children forgot they were dreadfully tired; They seized on the hobbies, wiih ardor in spired "Gee, Dobbin! whoa, Dobbin! come up, Dob bin, do! Oh! parson, dear parson, won't yon gallop, too?" Away went Ue children In frolicsome glee, Away went the parson, as pleased as could be; And wben they got back to the village they cried: "Oh, dear! and oh, dear.' what a very short ridel" Laura E. Richards, In St Nicholas. CARPENTRY FOR BOYS. How to Make a Neat and Convenient Kennel for Their Dos. There are undoubtedly a good many boys who have a dog, but perhaps have no kennel. Almost any kind of a kennel will do for a dog. A box with four sides, a bottom and a top. and pro vided with a hole large enough for him to go through, is better than nothing, but the drawing shows a kennel of neat appearance that any boy can make from an old dry goods box or from some boards. Its sire depends, of course, on the pize of 3'our dog, but for the average dog of medium 6ize a kennel thirty inches lon, eighteen or twenty inches wide and twenty-six inches high to the top of the peak will be good pro portions. First, make the front and back with a peak top, then the sides and bottom; in the front piece cut a round hole A DOG KIXSEL. large enough for the dog to crawl in and out, and above it bore four holes, and with a keyhole saw cut the wood away between the holes, so as to make a ventilator, for dogs as well as other animals need pure air. Now nail the sides to the bottom, and the front and back to the bottom and sides. Between the two peaks nail a slip of wood to form a ridge pole against which the upper ends of the top boards are to be nailed, then put on the top, nailing it securely to the ridge pole, the top edges of the front and back, alsd the sides, and the car penter work of the kennel will then be completed. Now putty up all the cracks and nail holes, and give the outside a few coats of paint of some desirable color to finish the kennel nicely. A staple with a chain, attached to the end of which may be a snap, can be driven in at one side of the front, and to this chain the dog can be fastened. A door might also be arranged to close the hole in the front at night, so as to keep the dog warmer in winter, but you must not forget to open it in the morning, as it would be unpleasant for a dog to be shut up in such a small house when there is daylight and he is awake. Always place plenty of straw on the bottom of a kennel, so as to make a soft bed for your dog. and he will be mere grateful to you in his canine way for th kindness shown him than you have any idea of. N. x. Recorder. A WRESTLING FROG. It Possesses a Well-Developed Weapon of Offense. Every animal has its own means of delensj or escape. Frogs save them selves by jumping an art In which they probably excel all other forms of vertebrates. But Mr. W. II. Hudson once encountered a frog which, as he says, was not like other frogs In that it pajsessed weapons of offense. He was aaipo shooting, and peering into a burrow saw a burly-looking frog sit ting in the entrance. With the instinct of a naturalist he set about capturing it. Tho frog watched him, but re mained motionless. What followed ia thus described by Mr. Hudson. Before 1 was near enough to make a grab, it spranff-'jstrahjht at mj and catching two of my fingers with its fore legs, administered a hug so ftudden and violent as to cause an acuta sensation of pain. Then, at the very Instant I experienced this feeling, which made me start back quickly, ii released its hold and bounded out and away. 1 flew after it, and barely managed to overtake it before it could gain the water. Held firmly pressed behind the shoulders, it was powerless to attack me, and I then noticed the enormous development of the muscles of the fore, legs, usually small in frogs, bulging1 out in this individual like a second pair of thighs, and giving it a strangely" bold and formidable appearance. I held my gun within its reach, and it clasped the barrel with such force as to bruise the skin of its breast and legs. After allowing it to exhaust iU self partially in these fruitless hog gings, I experimented by letting lb seize my hand again, and I noticed that after each squeeze it made a quick, vio lent effort to free itself. Believing that I had discovered a frog differing in structure from all known frogs, and possessing a strange and unique instinct of self-preservation, I carried my captive home, in tending to show it to the director of the National museum at Buenos AyresJ Unfortunately, it effected its escape by pushing up the glass cover of its box, and I have never met another like it. That this singular frog can seriously injury an enemy is, of course, out of the question, but its unexpected attack must be of great advantage to it. Tho effect of the sudden opening of an um brella in the face of an angry bull gives, I think, only a faint idea of the aston ishment and confusion it must causa by its leap, quick as lightning, and the violent hug it administers; and in the) confusion it finds time to escape. AN AEOLIAN HARP. Directions for Making- On with Tele phone Attachment. There are many of our yonng read ers who have heard the sweet tones of an axlian-harp, but when they attempt to make one they find the principal difficulty seems to be that the noise of the wind deadens the music of tho harp. There is a solution of this prob lem. Below we give a draught of an a?olian-harp. The sounding-box is con structed of the best-seasoned pine one eighth of an inch thick, and free from knots and checks. The top and bottom measure 21x0 inches, the sides 2x23Jf inches, the ends 2x0 inches. In tho center of the upper board saw out a circle 2 inches in diameter. (This opening allows the vibrations, or sound-waves, to escape from the box.) Now take two pieces of pine, each measuring SxSxlxJ-tf inch, 6hape it so that one side will be perpendicular and two sides horizontal, and one sida an angle (see draught interior of head and tail). These form the braces at each end of the sound-box to resist the Btrain of the strings, and are placed at the extreme ends of the box on the inside. When putting the box together fasten the top on last. Every contact surface should receive a liberal coat of glue, and small brads driven home when the glue is in a liquid stata insure the box being air-tight, except the two-inch hole. Two bridges, tri angular in shape, 5 inches in length, and half an inch on each side of the triangle, are fastened half an Inch from the tail and 4 inches from the head. Four notches are cut in each to receive the strings. In the head are placed four screws, each screw being inches long; in the tail end are four strong wire nails (always use a round surface nail, to prevent the cutting of the strings). Procure a spool of mandolin-wire strings, and a bass string of a banjo (silk body). Loop them on tho wire nails at tho tail, and wind the other end around the screws; first passing it through tha 6lot of the screw by taking a singlo hitch around the standing part of tha wire insures its not slipping. Three legs on the harp are preferable, as Ik may stand on an uneven surface. Give Q 1' I FLAX, ELEVATION AND DETAILS OF TBS HARP. the outside a good sand-papering (fin est grade) and two coats of varnish. The telephone attachment can bo added in the following manner: Find a good-sized (one-half pound) baking powder box, remove the cover, and punch a very small hole in center of bottom. In this hole fasten a long string free from knots. Tut a very small hole in the center of the side of the harp. Hang the harp by strings attached to its legs, and hold in place by ffny strings. See that the strings of the harp are at right angles with the wind. Stretch the cord tight (allowing it to come in contact with nothing but the harp and baking-powder can), and you will hear the sound vibrations thrown out from tha harp and trans mitted through the cords and magni fied by the baking-powder can held close to your car. An reolian harp will not play unless placed in direct con tact with a good breeze. If placed on a window sill without telephone at tachment the harp can stand on its legs; but if suspended in a tree in tha back yard, it could be bottom side up, and thus in case of rain or snow the strings and interior will be protected. The bass string will not rust, being covered with fine copper wire. Tho other strings and screws can be coated with machino oil, which will protect them from the weather. The higher the harp is tuned the stronger mttsl tho breeze be required to make the sound vibrations. II. Percy Ashley, i Harper's Youq; Peopla,