Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, May 31, 1894, Image 4

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. i
p'-iUsmouth Journal
C AY. SHE!: II AX. Publisher.
The News Condensed.
Important Intelligence From All Parts.
Kegular Session.
: On the 19th a bill was introduced In the sen
ate to authorize several American citizens to
accept decorations anj testimonials from the
Hawaiian government. Several bills of minor
Importance were passed The house w as not
in session.
The debate on the tariff bill occupied the
time of the senate on the 21st. An amendment
to put iron ore on the frco list was defeated
In the house in committee of the whole an
amendment to the legislative appropriation
bill declaring the statute authorizing the ser-k'cant-at-anns
to "dock" members for a'osence
to have been repealed was carried.
Ox the M seven paragraphs of the metal
schedule of the tariff bill were disposed of in
the senate after eisat hours of debate In the
bouse in committee of the whole the section of
the legislative appropriation bill providing for
the civil service commission was stricken out
by a strictly party vote of HJ to 71. The com
mittee on the election of president and vice
president voted to maka a favorable report on
the bill providing for the election of the presi
dent by a direct vote.
In the senate on tho :3d Senator Gorman de
fended the tariff bill in a speech. A motion to
lay the measure on the table was defeated by a
strict party vote of 24 to S8 The house con
tinued its onslaught on the civil service com
mission by striking .out of the legislative ap
propriation bill the paragraph transferring de
partment clerks to the classified service. A
bill was favorably reported providing a fine of
tMO and imprisonment as a penalty directed at
any who postdates his voucher for
pension before the 4th of the month.
Experiment in Washington with a
new brand of smokeless powder dis
covered by a Virgiuian proved it supe
rior to any yet tested.
Judge Bookwalter. of Danville, dis
missed the suit attacking the sena
torial apportionment of Illinois, and
the ease will be taken to the supreme
The percentages of the baseball clubs
in the national league for the week
ended on the 19th were: Cleveland,
.810; Baltimore, .C90.; Philadelphia,
.CSO; Pittsburgh, .COT; Boston, .5(55; New
York. .478; Brooklyn. .47S; Cincinnati,
.474; St. Louis, .40'.); Louisville, .310;
Chicago, .S00; Washington, 120.
Striking miners called Walter
Glover, a nonstriker, to his door near
Birmingham, Ala., and riddled him
with bullets.
The Conemaugh river at Johnstown,
Pa., overflowed its banks and the
streets were covered with water to the
fiepth of 2 feet.
At Cambridge, Mass., James Wilson,
v40 years old, murdered his wife by cut
ting her throat and then fatally
wounded himself.
The latest estimate of the loss of life
off the harbor of Chicago during the
recent storm was twenty-eight.
Heavy rains caused disastrous floods
throughout Pennsj-lvania. At Wil
liamsport the boom which contained
51,000,000 worth of lumber gave way.
Ore at damage was done by frosts to
growing crops over an extensive range
of territory. The effect of the cold
"wave was felt from the northern line
of Dakota to the gnlf, and it also went
"well toward the Atlantic, especially in
the southern states.
Seven men were killed and a number
injured in a collision between Chesa
peake & Ohio trains in Standing Rock
tunnel near Princeton, Ky.
While attempting to rescue the crew
of the waterlogged schooner William
Shoupe four sailors were drowned near
Port Huron, Mich.
Ex-General Master Workman T. V.
Powderlt, A. W. Wright and P. II.
Quinn were expelled from the Knights
of Labor on a charge of plotting the
order's destruction.
The Julius Schiel company's dry
goodsstoreand L.Dannenbaum's whole
sale millinery establishment in Phila
delphia were destroyed by fire, the loss
being 525.000.
Two masked men attempted to hold
up a stage near Milton, Cal., and one
was killed by the express messenger.
The Kellys and Raffertys at South
Tille, Mass., settled a long-standing
feud with revolvers and two would die
and two others were badly wounded.
Propebty valued at 5145,000 was de
stroyed in Akron, O., by a blaze which
started in a planing mill.
A cloudburst southwest of Dunkirk,
N. Y., caused one of the most disas
trous floods known there in many
The special grand jury in Chicago
decided upon the indictment of fifty
eignt persons for violation of the elec
tion law at the December and April
elections. Among those on the list are
two election commissioners, one ex
election commissioner, three aldermen,
a number of judges and clerks of elec
tion and several policemen.
The Ohio legislature adjourned sine
die. Among the bills passed was one
to hold but one session in two years.
Investigation of the attempted
bribery of senators to vote against the
tariff bill was begun in Washington.
Senators Kyle and Hunton and Buttz.
the alleged briber, were before the
In trying to arrest three outlaws at
Yukon, O., T., two deputy sheriffs were
fatally shot and one of the bandits was
William Perdue went to the home
of Squire A. W. Eundle in Nevada, Mo.,
and shot him dead and then took his
own life. A family feud was the
In a storm in New Jersey fourteen
houses were struck by lightning in
Bridgeton, three in Cedarville, four at
Newport, two at Dutch Neck, seven at
Vineland and several in Millville.
Storms of wind and snow swept over
Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio, Iowa and In
diana, doing vast damage to crops and
buildings and causing some deaths.
Br the wrecking of the schooner M.
J. Cummings at Milwaukee five men
and a woman were drowned.
The prohibitionists in state conven
tion at Oakland, Cal., nominated a full
state ticket, headed by Henry French,
of Santa Clara, for governor.
The Traders' bank of Tacoma,
Wash., suspended payment for a sec
ond time.
Coxey, Browne and Jones, the com
monweal leaders, were sentenced to
twenty days in jail for displaying par
tisan banners in the capitol grounds.
The flood in western Pennsylvania
still continued, and boats, bridges,
houses and other property had been
destroyed and ten lives were reported
lost. The property loss at Williams
port alone was placed at SI, 500, 000.
At Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dansville
and Rochester, N, Y., great damage
was done by high water.
The J. C. Lane Paper Manufacturing
company at Elkhart, Ind., went into
the hands of a receiver with heavy li
abilities. Mary Anderson is now engaged in
writing her personal memoirs. She
will give for the first time the reasons
which induced her to retire from the
Am. the carpenters and mill hands in
Cincinnati were ordered to strike be
cause the bosses refused to pay 52.50
for eight hours or 3 for nine hours.
The Brotherhood of Locomotive En
gineers in session in St. Paul adopted
resolutions condemning the bill of Sen
ator Walsh to prevent interference
with mail trains.
The Illinois Congregational ists cele
brated in Chicago the fiftieth anni
versary of their state organization.
The Michigan supreme court ordered
a recanvass of the returns on the con
stitutional amendment increasing the
attorney general's salary.
The American Baptist Educational
society met at Saratoga, N. Y. The re
port of the executive board showed
phenomenal growth.
Illinois mine owners will try to set
tle the coal strike by offering to ad
vance the wage scale in the southern
and central districts.
A negro who assaulted the 14-year-old
daughter of Washington Smith,
living near Arlington, Ga.. and killed
Mr. Smith, was taken from jail by a
mob and hanged and his body riddled
with bullets.
The floods in Pennsylvania were re
ceding. The loss at Williamsport and
in Lycoming county was placed at 81,
000,000. Losses in other portions of the
state were also heavy.
At Dorseyville, La., Adolph Block
and Jules Lake engaged in a gun tight
with a negro and all three were killed.
The Pan-American Bimetallic asso
ciation, composed of representatives
from the United States, South and Cen
tral America aud Old Mexico, met in
Washington. In his opening address
Mr. Fiske said a revolution would come
if relief were not granted in the line
of free coinage.
Sxow to the depth of 5 inches fell at
Bristol. Tenn.
Peter Cruper fatally shot Annie
Branz in Philadelphia and then killed
himself. No cause was known for the
John Crow, for whose murder John
Van Nimmangs is serving a life sen
tence in the prison at Jackson, Mich..
s alive and well at Muncie, Ind., and
has just learned of his supposed death
in lss.V
Hearing of the case of Prendergast,
the murderer of Mayor Harrison in
Chicago, has been set for June 11.
John Schindler, of San Francisco,
supposed to be dead thirty-five j-ears,
returned to St. Joseph, Mo., and
claimed a fortune left by his father.
John RoEscnLEiN and Frank Grany
found a package containing 81,500
worth of diamonds in Chicago and
hunted up the owner, though both
were out of work and had eaten noth
ing for two daj-s.
Warrants were issued at Colorado
Springs, Col., for the arrest of W. D.
Richmond, who is charged with hav
ing six wives in various places.
A succession of light earthquake
shocks, accompanied by a rumbling
noise, were felt at Anna and Cairo, 111.,
and at Cape Girardeau and St.
Louis, Mo.
Gov. Northen, of Georgia, was elect
ed president of the American Baptist
Educational society in session at Sar
atoga, N. Y. Appropriation of public
moneys to sectarian schools was op
posed by speakers.
Four bandits robbed a Longview
(Tex.) bank of 82,000 and in a fight
with citizens killed one and wounded
four. George Bennett, one of the rob
bers, was also killed.
Five members of the bar of Beatrice,
Neb., were committed to jail for con
tempt for being absent when Judge
Bush's docket was called.
A thousand striking miners marched
to the Mission Field coal mines near
Danville, 111., and compelled the 200
men at work to come out and take an
oath not to return.
Fitty-nine indictments were re
turned by the special grand jury
against persons charged with viola
tions of the election law in Chicago.
Business men of the northwest met
at Minneapolis and formed an associa
tion whose object is to build up a home
market for home-manufactured goods.
The business portion of the town of
Luten, la., was destroyed by fire.
The entire tobacco crop of northern
Pennsylvania and southwestern New
York was destroyed by the recent floiid.
At the session of the state constitu
tional convention in Albany, N. Y.,
petitions with 32.000 signatures in fa
vor of woman suffrage were presented.
A cyclone at McKinney, Tex., de
stroyed houses, trees and fences and
killed one man.
Citizens of Youngstown, O., peti
tioned congress to give public corpora
tions, such as cities, the right to issue
money now possessed by national
B. F. Hughes, R. F. Weed and Charles
O'Brien, leaders of commonwealers
who stole a Union Pacific train at
Moutpelier, Idaho, were sentenced at
Cheyenne, Wyo., to five months' im
prisonment, and twelve others were
sentenced to four months' in jail.
Representative Davis (Kan.) has
made a careful estimate of the differ
ent bands of Coxeyites on the way to
Washington and claims that there are
5,000 men tramping or riding on boats
and borrowed trains toward the capital.
Fire destroyed the most important
portion of East End, New Orleans'
most popular summer resort, the loss
being $100,000.
The republican state convention of
North Dakota will meet in Grand
Forks July 11.
Gen. Phii.ii Cook, secretary of state,
died at his home in Atlanta, Ga., aged
77 years.
Resolutions denouncing President
Cleveland and calling for his impeach
ment were adopted by the populist
state convention at Sacramento, Cal.
Col. W. C. Gates was nominated for
governor by the democratic convention
at Montgomery, Ala.
The democratic congressional con
vention of the Fifteenth Missouri dis
trict nominated C. II. Morgan.
The republicans of Pennsylvania in
convention at Harrisburg nominated
(Jen. I). H. Hastings, of Center county,
for governor, and Galusha A. Grow and
(. E. Huff for congressmen at large.
The platform declares adherence to
protection; attributes the national
disturbance of trade and labor to the
policy of the democracy; demands
legislation against pauper or criminal
immigration, and a further change in
the naturalization system such as will
deny the rights of American citizen
ship to anarchists and all others hos
tile to the government.
Benson Wood, of Eftingham, was
nominated for congress by the repub
lican convention of the Nineteenth Il
linois district.
In convention at Little Rock, Ark.,
the prohibitionists nominated a full
state ticket, headed by Dr. M. L. Curl
for governor.
S. S. KiKKi'ATRiCK. of l'redonia was
nominated for congress in the Third
Kansas district.
Emile Henry, the author of the ex
plosion in the cafe of the Hotel Ter
minus in Paris, was guillotined.
The new constitution of Hawaii pro
vides that the new government is to
be called the Republic of Hawaii. The
cabinet will consist of five members
and the senate and house of fifteen
members each, congress to meet every
two years, the sessions to be limited to
ninety days, and all members must be
able to read and write the English
language. The new constitution will
be presented to the convention on May
SO for its approval.
King Alexander of Servia has abol
ished the liberal constitution of 18SS
and restored that of lt09. Many of
the radical leaders have become
Six of the accomplices of Pallas in
the attempt to assassinate Marshal
Campos were shot ou the plaza at liar
celouia, Spain.
A fire in Annui province in China
destroj-ed 2,500 houses.
The worst wind and rainstorm known
in fifty 3-ears prevailed at Toronto,
Ont., and considerable damage was
The Manchester ship canal was for
mally declared open to the commerce
of the world by Queen Victoria.
The French cabinet has resigned.
Miss Imhoff, a teacher in the Anglo
Japanese school at Yonewaia, Japan,
who preached against idol worship,
was stoned by a mob that afterward
tore her eyes out.
Cokeans, enraged at government
rule, assailed the government quarters
at Sing Latao, wrecked the buildings
and killed the governor and forty
A gigantic anarchist plot to explode
bombs in various European cities was
discovered in Paris.
At the opening of the session of the
United States senate on the 24th Mr.
Kyle urged the passage of his resolu
tion declaring that it was not the pur
pose of the United States to use force
to restore Liliuokalani as queen of
the Hawaiian islands, but it went over
for the day- The tariff bill was fur
ther considered. In the house the
amendment to the legislative appro
priation bill to have struck out the pro
vision for contingent expenses of the
civil-service commission was voted
down and the measure was passed.
The bill to incorporate the supreme
lodge of Knights of Pythias was also
passed, and a resolution was adopted
setting aside Saturday, June 22, for
eulogies ou the late Representative
Houk, of Ohio.
Arthur H. Taylor was renominated
for congress by the democrats in tlie
First district of Indiana.
Troops were ordered to La Salle and
Centralia, 111., to suppress striking
miners, who defied the local authori- !
Thirty well-known citizens of Te
cumseh, O. T., were indicted for sys
tematic horse stealing.
The Edgar Thomson steel works at
Braddock, Pa., closed down in all de
partments, throwing over 2,500 men
out of work.
Am. England was en fete in honor of
the 75th birthday of Queen Victoria.
Five strikers were shot to death and
a dozen wounded in a fight with dep
uty sheriffs at Stickle Hollow, Pa., and
three deputies were injured.
The J. K. Gill company, wholesale
dealers in books and stationery at Port
land, Ore., failed for 8130,000.
At a meeting in Friedrichroda of the
German Banking association a resolu
tion in favor of a gold standard was
unanimously adopted.
Mistaking his 17-year-old niece for a
burglar, Ephraim Bills, of Fairbury,
111., shot her, probably fatally.
Gov. Flower vetoed the bill to pre
vent display of foreign flags on New
York public buildings.
In convention at Indianapolis the In
diana populists nominated a full state
ticket headed by C. A. Robinson, of
Fountaintown, for secretary of state.
The platform recommends the free
coinage of silver; advises an increase
of the currency to 50 per capita; de
nounces national banks and interest
bearing government bonds; recom
mends the election of United States
senators and postmasters by a direct
vote of the people, and favors an in
come tax and local option.
Deputies Firo Into a Body of Strik
ing Coke Workers.
Their Shot Returned, and Iuring the
Uattlo Four Men Are Killed and a
Numlwr Are Wounded More
Trouble Looked For.
Uniontown, Pa., May 25. The long
threatened attack by striking miners
on the pits of the Washington Coal &
Coke company at Stickle Hollow was
made Thursday morning. The flht
was one of the fiercest in the history
of the mining troubles in western
Pennsylvania, and in the section where
I it occurred as well as throuchout the
whole coke region the situation it has
developed is one of the most intense
Four strikers are lying dead, and
double that number are badly wound
ed, some of them mortally. Thomas
Kenan, of Wood's run, is the only
American killed in the encounter with
the deputies. The other dead men are
Slavs. The wounded men, who fell
under the first volley from the depu
ties, were taken off by the retreating
strikers, and even now the actual
number of wounded is not definitely
known, their friends having the strong
est motives for concealing them.
The fight occurred at daybreak in
the public roadway leading to the
Stickle Hollow plants. Two thousand
strikers, after camping near the
works all night, came out to inter
cept the men on their way to work
and induce them to come out. A few
of them carried Winchesters, while
fully fifty others were armed with
shotguns, muzzle-loading rifles and re
volvers. Because of their threatening
demonstrations and the fact that they
had given notice to the company that
they had come to drive off the deputies
if necessary, there were ball cartridges
in the Winchesters carried by the
guards, and the entire outfit at the
works was in general readiness to re
ceive raiders. The deputies had specific
orders to shoot to kill.
The strikers stopped the first delega
tion of miners and after a little per
suasion induced them to join the
strike. The men turned back, and
about the time they were startingback
home with their dinner buckets
the deputies who were on guard
and witnesses to the affair were
ordered to shoot. They fired
three volleys into the mob at a range
of about 50 yards. The first volley
brought forth no response from the
strikers, who were thought to be well
armed, but instead they ran in every
direction, leaving the dead and wound- I
ed lying in the public road. Thedepu-
ties followed with two more volleys j
and were shooting when the last strik- !
ers disappeared. j
The report of the affair, as given by j
the officials of the company, is to the j
effect that three strikers were picked
up dead in the road after the shooting j
aud about a dozen wounded ones were j
carried away by their comrades. The j
reports say six men were killed and )
sixteen wounded. The plant is so far !
back in the country that the actual ;
facts have not j-et been received. j
Sixty-six of the strikers were placed ;
under arrest and taken back to tho I
company's ground, where they were '
j closely R-uarded during the rest of the J
I day. The whole lot of them were later I
j placed in box cars, which were nailed 1
up, and kept there until this evening
when they were brought here to the j
jail in charge of twenty-five deputies.
The situation at the mines is alarm-
ing and more serious trouble is ex- !
pected. Reports from there are to the
effect that 3,000 strikers from the lower .
end of the fourth pool were marching j
on Stickle Hollow, thoroughly armed,
for the purpose of storming the works
regardless of consequences.
Thrilling Kldo of a Burlington Engineer
and Fireman.
Galeorurg, 111., May 25. On account
of the lack of coal the Chicago. Bur
lington fc Quincy railroad made the
experiment Wednesday night of run
ning the fast mail from Chi
cago with oil. When the train
was 4 miles east of Kewanee
and running at the rate of 50 miles an
hour, the glass in the lubricator can
broke and instantly three quarts of
kerosene were spilled by steam pres
sure through the cab. Striking the
hot boiler head, the oil was ignited
and the next moment the whole inte
rior of the cab was filled with flames.
The fireman, Edward Martin, was
standing in front of the lubricator,
and his clothes, saturat?d with oil,
were quickly all ablaze. He rolled on
the cab floor to extinguish the flames.
Engineer V. E. Giddings thrust one arm
aud leg and his body from the cab win
dow, and with the other foot set the
brake and brought the train to a stand
still. Martin, before the train
stopped, jumped from the floor, and,
with flames streaming from his clothes,
rushed to the water tank, raised the
cover and jumped in, extinguishing the
flames. Giddings jumped from his en
gine and rolled around In the wet
Martin was put on a freight train
and brought home. His clothes, save
his undershirt, had been destroyed by
the Are. He was horribly burned and
is in a precariouscondition. Giddings'
left hand was badly burned, and the
flames devoured his overalls and trou
Rers, onl3' his drawers saving him from
serious injury.
Well-Known Citizen of Oklahoma In
dicted for Horse Stealing.
Oklahoma City, O. T., May 25. Thir
ty well-known citizens of TecumseU,
an Indian town 50 miles east of this
place, have been indicted for horse
stealing. Of this number seventeen
were arrested. Three escaped
and officers are in close pursuit.
The entire community is wrought up
over this discovery and the breaking
up of one of the most remarkable crim
inal organizations ever known in
this country. The grand jury ia
still in session. 1
Illinois Militia Sent to Quell Labor Riot
at La SaUe and Other Points.
S r ring fie li, 111., May 25. Gov. Alt
geld has ordered Col. Bennett, of Jol
iet, to report at La Salle at once with
one company from Ottawa, one from
Streator and two from Aurora to
quell the miner's riot there. Adjt.
Gen. Orendorff was ordered to take
command there.
Through requests made by the sheriff
of Marion county the governor ordered
Col. Smith, of Greenup, to select fivo
companies of the Third regiment to re
port at Centralia. Col. Bayle, assist
ant adjutant general, will go to that
point at once to take command.
Sheriff Taylor, of La Salle county,
telegraphed the governor the condition
of affairs at the La Salle County Car
bon Coal company's mine. He said he
with a large force of deputies had been
attacked by several hundred miners
with stones, revolvers and other
weapons, shooting three of the
deputies, severely injuring several
others, including himself. He was
unable to quell the riot, and there
was imminent danger of great loss of
life and destruction of property
if immediate action was not taken by
the governor. He appealed to the
governor for such military aid as j
could be furnished. There are 3,000 ;
striking miners at Spring Valley, Ladd
and Seatonville, who are likely to '
come there at any time and continue j
the riot. A mob is surrounding the I
hotel where lie is lying wounded. j
The telegram was confirmed by one
from the mayor of La Salle, F. W. Mat-
tnison, wlio states the moo Has re- ;
leased one of the arrested strikers '
from jail. Later the sheriff telegraphed :
that the strikers were running riot and :
to forward troops at once. j
Sheriff M. J. Helms, of Centralia, '
telegraphed that he had arrested sev- j
enty-five men for conspiracy in de-!
stroying property, that he has 200 1
armed deputies. The mines at Sando- '
val, Kinmuudy and Odin are threat- I
ened with destruction by approaching
miners, who are also determined to re-
lease those under arrest. j
La Salle. 111., May 25. An attack f
was made Thursday on the La Salle ;
County Coal company's shaft by a mob j
of 1,500 striking miners. Several depu- j
ty sheriffs and some of the strikers !
were shot. The miners had been at- j
tending a meeting and in passing
the shaft on their way home
a crowd assembled and the men .
soon became riotous. Twenty-five '
deputy sheriffs were on guard '
at the shaft and Sheriff Taylor warned !
the men off the private property of
the company. The crowd becoming
more ugly the sheriff gave his men
orders to fire into the air. The crowd
scattered, but soon returned and
threw stones. Then there was a hand-to-hand
conflict in which many shots
were exchauged. Sheriff Taylor Mas
knocked down, trampled on aud bally
kicked and beaten. His injuries are
not serious. Deputy Sheriffs John
Dwyer and Tom Hoolihan, both of Ot
tawa, were severely wounded. Hooli
han's injuries muy prove fatal. Five
of the strikers are thought to have
been hit by bullets and seriously hurt.
The mob was finally dispersed with the
aid of the local police and three rioters
were arrested.
The miners determined to free their
comrades and marched to the hotel,
where they demanded the liberation
of the prisoners. But the sheriff had
sent two of the men to Ottawa, where
they are now confined in the county
jail. Being assured that the prisoners
were not in the hotel the mob pro
ceeded to the city jail, where a third
one was confined, and with threaten
ing cries demanded that the man be
liberated. The men said they intended
to tear down the jail if their demands
were not acceded to, and the man was
set free.
The wounded sheriff is unable to
leave his hotel, though he is not dan
cerously hurt. The situation is so
serious, owing to the mood of the min
ers, that an urgent appeal was made
for troops. There has been no trouble
since 9 p. m.
Centralia, 111., May 25. Thursday
was a day of great excitement here.
The miners who stole a train at Du-
ouoin Wednesday arrived here at 3
o'clock a. m., and at 5 o'clock
they assembled at the Big Four
mine and commenced destroy
ing things. The engine was
wrecked, the dynamo injured, the
office furniture demolished, the tracks
torn up, the cages and cars with all
loose timber and rubbish piled into the
shaft. The damage is estimated at
$5,000, and it will take a month to
clear out the shaft. Aiter com
pleting their work of destruction
the crowd loafed around for an
hour or so. when it started north on
the railroad. At the junction the party
divided, a part going to Sandoval and
the rest to (Klin, intending later to go
to I'ana. The sheriff swore in 100 dep
uties and started on a special train to
Sandoval. There he talked to the
men, who started to Odin, the sheriff
The crowd stopped half a mile south
of town, where it was surrounded by
the deputies, who had warrants for
600 rioters. The crowd started to run,
and about fifteen shots were fired,
which demoralized the mob, and 100 ar
rests were made. The prisoners were
inarched to the city and quartered in
the opera house, where they will be
held for trial. The question of their
disposition is difficult, as the jail will
hold only twenty-five prisoners.
Her Majesty the Queen of Kugiand Is 75
Years of Age.
London, May 25. All England was
en fete in honoi of the 75th birthday
of Queen Victoria. Everywhere were
to be seen the most extensive
preparations and the occasion
was undoubtedly me most wide
ly celebrated holiday wherever
the British flag is recognized that has
been declared since the celebration of
her majesty's half-century jubilee.
The queen was born in 1819 and suc
ceeded her uncle. King Williaia IV.,
to the throne June 20, 1837.
The Census Office Sends Ont Some Figures
of General Interest.
Washington, May 25. From a bulle
tin issued by the census bureau it is
shown that the entire receipts by the
national, state, county, township and
municipal governments of the United
States combined, including schools
and postal service and all forms of tax
ation, reached in 1890 an aggregate of
81,040,473,013. The total expenditures
for the government of the people, from
the support of the district school to the
payment of the expenses of congress
and the interest on the public debt in
the same year, amounted to S915.954,
055, leaving a balance of 824,518,958 in
the treasuries of the various states,
cities and counties. The revenues are
made up from various sources, the
largest being local taxation upon real
and personal property, which was
$443,096,574. The liquor dealers of the
United States contributed to the sup
port of government the sum of 824,780,-
The list of disbursements shows
some interesting items and demon
i strates that the largest expenditures
; of the people of the United States are
i for charities, amounting in 1890 to
514o,o'Ja,Oi 1. I he second largest sum
is paid for education, 5145,53,115.
Omitting interest on the public debt, the
next item in amount is for roads, sewers
and bridges. 872.262,032. The postal
service cost 866,000,000, the a rmy and
militiaS35,500.000, and 815,174.403 was
I paid for the support of the navy. The
! cost of sustaining the police in all the
j cities and towns of the United States
j aggregated 824,000,000, and the fire de
partments 816,500,000. The judiciary
system of the country cost S23,000,000;
j 812.000,000 was paid for the support of
I prisons and reformatories. 811.000,000
, for lighting the streets of the towns
and cities of the United States; 83,280,-
294 was paid for protecting the public
j health. 82.962,097 for sustaining parks
and public resorts. It costs the United
States government S6.60S.047 to sup
port the Indians, and 811,737,738 for the
improvement of rivers and harbors.
The detailed reports from the several
cities furnish some very interesting
comparisons. It cost every man,
woman and child in the United States
the sum of 813.15 to maintain the
national, state and local governments
in the year 1890. Is is a curious fact
that the city of Chicago comes very
close to the average, the expenditure
there for maintaining the municipal
government being S13.S3 per capita of
population. The city government of
New York costs nearly twice as much'
to maintain as that of Chicago, the
per capita being 8-4.56.
Of all the states New York expends
the most money for school purposes,
813,438,104. Pennsj-lvania is second,
813,370,459. Then come Illinois, 811,
410.703; Ohio, 811,009,254; Massachu
setts, 88.527,056; Iowa, 86,570,003;
Indiana, 86,191.003. Illinois spends
more for educational purposes than
all of the southern states combined.
Of the southern states, not includ
ing Missouri, Texas stands first in the
expenditure of money for education
with 83,307,320; Kentucky second, 82.
088,105. Then come Maryland. 82,012,
80S; Virginia, 81,810.214; West Virginia,
SI, 372,191, and Tennessee, 81,324.441.
Alabama spends but 8613.502; Louisi
ana, 8754,728, and South Carolina but
8545,755 for schools.
The public school statistics are in
teresting. The average cost of educa
tion in the United States per capita of
population is 82.24. while in 1S80 it was
only 81.59. California pays more than
any other state for the luxury of edu
cation per capita of her population,
84.24, and Colorado per capita of her
pupils enrolled, while Alabama pa-s
the least, 37 cents per capita of popu
lation, and 81. 5 per capita, of pupils
The average cost of education per
capita of population in New England
and the North Atlantic states is
82.74. a little above the average for the
country; in the South Atlantic states,
98 cents; in the North Central states,
82.81: in the Southern states, S2.75,
while in the Rocky Mountain and
Pacific states it is 83-35. The cost per
capita of pupils enrolled for the United
States is S11.03. In the North At
lantic and New England states
it is 815.35; in the South Atlan
tic states, 84.96; in the Northern
Central states, 812.56; in the Southern
Central states, 84.39, and in the Rocky
Mountain and Pacific states, 819.71.
In Illinois the cost per capita of popu
lation is 82.95, while in 1880 it was S2. 45.
The total expenditures for school
purposes in the United States increased
from 879,528,730 in 1SS0 to 8139,005,537
in 1890. In Illinois the increase in ten
years was from $7,530,682 to $11,28,529.
It costs New York $7,200,617 for its
police force, which is. nearly as much
as is paid by the twenty-one states
comprising the South Atlantic and
North Central divisions that is, from
Delaware to Kansas and North Dakota.
Omitting Massachusetts, Ohio and Illi
nois, New York pays as much for her
police as all the rest of the states com
bined. Pennsylvania stands second in
cost of police, Massachusetts third, Il
linois fourth and Ohio fifth. Massachu
setts spends more for protecting the
public health than any other state.
New York is second and Illinois is
Vetoed by Gov. Flower.
Albany, N. , May 25. Gov. Flower
has vetoed the bill to prevent display
of foreign flags on New torn public
buildings, styling it un-American.
Freed from a Cataract.
London, May 25. Mr. Gladstone's
right eye has been successfully oper
ated upon. Drs. Nettleship and ilab
ershon attended the distinguished pa
tient at Lord Rendell's house early in
the day, and some time afterward they
issued a bulletin stating that the eye
had been operated upon for cataract.
and that the operation was quite suc
cessful. Mr. Gladstone is resting qui
etly in a darkened room. He does not
show any feverish symptoms. The op
eration was short and no anesthetic
was used. He bore the pain with much