Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, May 31, 1894, Image 3

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I )
jfn l dlr A)a1
ock of Clothing,
H fa
i L
is nsroTTsT xraiTF'.c:
1 Furnishings
And every article was bought at Rock-Bottom Prices. The pur
chaser Will Get the Benefit, and in this particular case it will
be a Benefit of more than ordinary importance.
Everything Will Go at Panic Prices.
i Bew j Tasty Line ol SPBIflG MdUQt SHflTS
Just unpacked. Call and See Them. They will Surely Suit.
4 J
f.. :r" -
Tlioa. E. Williams, of Louisville,
was in town yesterday.
U. G. Watkins of Nehawka precinct
was a caller at tht!e fieadquarters on !
Saturday. '
Mrs. l'erry Waiktr and daughter.
Clr;ce. retui'iied liuine Friday iuornii-i I
from a v-.trs visit at t tiicato. ;
J lie 15. & M. i binl iMiir four th. Hi-- !
and left of Iimi-k p-r iii on its e.t-ii-ion I th- road to
lJilliiijs, M in' ma
Michael 0"('imer. an emplove in
the 1'. I! & M V. shops at Missonn
Vall-y, was v.-.'in with hi IM.itt
nii)u!.'i I'ri'iii's ,'. t u.oi ial v.
Dr. II. icon. x !'":! ami Williatu ;
jlinr r.of ;'a'"i::c .lnnclion, have iv-J
eit-: !.-t i.-. lii nt whi'e caps, w hicli
have 1 t i. it-It ru d to ihe trraml jury.
::.ij.i un l Mi- !. ii. Wheeler and
.son. iiu-ilt- t l.t ir;r pllgtim-
ajf tc !'! " i i: NSeinoriai day
iititi ; -. 4l t!:- i .1 in i 1 lot at Oak
.1. M. Woud.M.n, t the Cottage
House, received word on Tuesday that
one of hi- htotheis had dieil at his
luuie in Yiipina, after an illness of
only a f : v s.
Jasper N. llowl ind, formerly an em
ploye at the Ji .Je M. machine shop in
this city, but now working for the
llock Island at Fairbuiy, is in the city
visiting his father, Harry Howland.
Towns along the line or the li. & M.
need not fear a coal famine as long as
that road is able to bring in the out
put of the Sheridan mines, which will
soon be running to tiVir full capacity.
Will Vivian, who is buying grain
for William Murray of I'lattsmouth,
was in town Tuesday. He reports
Laving bought and shipped from llay
iiie's switch over forty carloads the
pasttwo weeks. Pacific Junction Re
corder. Thomas Wjmond, an old resident of
Nebraska City, attempted suicide on
Thursday night by taking three grains
of morphine. The timely arrival of a
physician saved his life. His unhappy
domestic relations are supposed to be
the cause.
At the term of district court now in
session at G leu wood the injunction
case of Mills county vs. Sam Archer
was dismissed at cost of plaintiff.
Mrs. Eliza II. O'Dell was granted a
divorce from W. II. O'Dell, who was a
resident of I'lattsmouth last summer.
The Lincoln Newt say s it is informed
upon the best of authority that the
question of fusion between the popu
lists and democrats of Nebraska was
pretty thoroughly discussed at the re
cent meeting of the populist central
committee in that city. The sentiment
of the committee was almost unan
imous against the fusion idea.
The Nebraska City Press couldn't
be serious if it tried, nor funny either,
for that matter. It's latest endeavor
tr h humorous is as follows: "The
best indication that Bryan is prepar
ing to join the populist party is that
his faithful secretary, Col. C. V . feher
man, who reflects in miniature what
ever his hero does or thinks, is alreaay
The Junction Recorder is by all odds
one of the newsiest country weeklies
w hich comes to The Jouiinais ex
change table. Hro. Burton is deserv
ing of the heartiest kind of support
from the Pacific Junction people.
There are few towns in the country,
population considered, which Lave so
good a paper as has the Junction in
the Recorder.
Floyd llarshman is a Cass county
man who asks the supreme court to
reverse a judgment for $150 of the
lower court obtained by Wm. Rose.
In the lower'conrt Rose sued for dam
ages, alleging that llarshman inflicted
personal injuries of the market value
of $1,000 by beating trim with a pitch
fork, laying him up for two weeks.
Nebraska City News.
The Missouri railway commission
ers have gotten after the railways
with a sharp stick. The law is that
on a shipment of stock to one point
the railways must furnish the shipper
with a return pass. This has not been
sheriff" that" he was 'ncicertBTn nrms
coDfesaors. but .intetxeil. to
tory of BrownV-vnnlctiori
done and now the commissioners have
issued a circular declaring the exac-1
tion of pay in cases where such a pass
should be furnished is unlawful and
that the law will In enforced.
Can you afford t- throw away a dol
i a? If jou can't, get my prices ou
wall paper and save :i dollar.
Brown's Pharmacy.
Tin-cut in railway fi tight rates te
m.tint'd in toicc u::t ';: .;st Monday, the
:!l, when old weie Itt" 1 es' ortd.
Tills hail been dn:.del upon in Chicago
:i' the mertiiig of the general freight
ajents. The reason for extending the
time was that the Missouri Pacific and
the Santa l'e had st-t the I'Sth for the
I :t v of restoration and the other rail
I'o.ol uianageis veie not in favor of
1. -.rorif g the rates on their rosnN two
d 1 v s be f ire the Mi-soi.ii iVnl'n- nil
S . r: ii 1-V i i.l . Ttit 1 ,il r y ic-
i". uniofst raiiu .i i! .1 i!it: 1 1- 1 :'tt
wi'i ! li'tiiii 1!. Inr ; he u.t. i .jii. i
ilti'i-a'.i.:! ."' I o I i'U a I h -'i;i .1 a c ci' u e
I' ii ;! Use:!!.
i':y u-t for liirht harness. We use tl.e
very best of leather ami employ only
lust-class workmen. The juices will
please. pRKD (iuilDKlt A: SIN',
PI tttsmouth
Some thiee weeks ago the people of
Nebraska City spread the news that
they proposed to have about the big
gest blow-out on the Fourth of July in
the whole Missouri valley. The real
fact is, however, that the Nebraska
City celebration has "petered out' in
the true Nebraska City fashion, as the
following from the News will testify:
It is time for the people of Nebraska
City to join hands anl make a success
of the Fourth of July celebration. By
a united effort we can have one of the
best celeLrations in the west, but if
each person sulks and refuses to take
hold the affair will be a failure. Give
us a finance committee that will act
and then we can do something." Now
that the I'lattsmouth celebration is as
sured, an invitation is extended to Ne
braska City people to come hither and
witness the genuine article.
Dr. aifirau.aU, ti'ti . I T Fitzger
ald block.
Clerk Campbell of the Otoe county
district court received a letter Thurs
day from A. A. Biddieman, Baltimore,
Md., claiming several gold nuzgets,
trinkets and jewelry to the value of
several thousand dollars, which he al
leges were left for safe beeping with
the clerk of the district court about
fourteen years ago by George Biddie
man. The property was left by George
Biddieman, as stated. Biddieman was
insane when he left the property and
is supposed to have been drowned later.
The property will be turned over upon
proper proof.
The"PIan Sifter"flour is the popular
brand. Ask for it from vour grocer.
List of Letter
Remaining uncalled for m the post
office at Plattsmouth May 20, forweek
ending May 22, 1S94:
Kenney. Walter MelJny, P 11
Masek, Frank Nolen. Jno
I'aynter, LotU Pennington. Jas. ;. (2)
Matuew, Chas. Worfel. I. C.
Persons calling for any of the above
letters or parcels will please say "ad
vertised." II. J. Streioiit. P. M.
A display of flags and bunting by
the citizens ushered in a very enter
taining program by the old soldiers at
Weeping Water yesterday. There was
a large attendance from the country
and the line of march was nearly a
mile long. Hon John A. Davies of
this city delivered the address, which
was a tender tribute to the dead and
appealed to old and young. There
were twenty-eight graves of old soldiers
People who like to make up their
clothes at home will do well to call at
V. Dressier tailor shop for good
wearing cloth. The stock on hand
will be closed out at about half cost, in
any length desired. Sherwood block.
Fifth street. Plattsmouth. 22-4
The Journal learns that the farm
residence of John Chalfant, near
Union, was totally destroyed by Ore
on Tuesday night. We did not learn
the cause of the fire or amount cf
baling teerTrerri6v,rjri XtieTObtjeixis finwunrT1
(teH the nr?a to have been made v
wjt ocurfnir' skeleto?'
Tile Content Caste I Appealed.
Attorney A. J. Graves, on behalf of
Geo. C. Hawkins, appeared in county
court today and tiled an appeal be nd
in the election contest case of Tutt vs.
Hawkins. The bond is for the amount
of $2H(, .-.nil is sicueil by .!as. W. Stgi
and Sheriff J. C. Eikenbary. The case j
u'i'-' next to the distiic' court, and ;
peiiil : tiii trial Han i ns 'A i ! i con t in ; 1 4 j
till the 4il!i:: of councilman ,.l,u le en- !
titled to Vote 4il the l'-.i ol i
the mayor's appointment- j
Omaha ain't in it wit 1 1 me now j
when it conies to rices ri wall paper, j
and it is the saiue way with hu,'s, j
paints :n.d oils. j
lii:v n's Pharmacy. j
VAKTJ:A: oi ce-A j,.. d en-j
i-i.'i tir in iri in Vi i': :' ;' -hio in tl i
rn::i:l to ii !.!' " i '..-'" W ,U:l
M l! II -L" 111 ti I'. !.! V -v I . I 1 i is
- I lo : . ; '. '!': s
in-' ,mi,"U o I i. i .!:.' i I ("'..
n-l i. Neb " T
', 1 . t '. . ! ii-lr . I i u ,1 i (.!- III.- t e 4'!
-I -4 Wiles a! t he C. ! !. :i' il !i i V 4'isil V .
1,;i:i'iI:i, lint ;i ifceiii graduate of the
Georgetown law ciTege. an ived this
m rning for a brief visit with Mr.
i 'nsiiinriiii. llroii4'li i 1 1. Cittnrrlt. aii'I till
ljK. .s of the reiiirat.iry raiiN tirt- ol like
iierin oriu'in. Hinl it Is only lr.teiy Ilint they have
tieeii sii4'4 t'f ully trertle'l.
In Hti.41. lakvii ly M4.-am iiilmlHtlnn. Ameri
i";i 4iellti'its have sue '"leil, u hrre Koi h ami
Pasteur fnileil. in perteci a rnre that cniti.
Kor tarii4-uliirM uililrf California Chemical
'A'orks. 4 uiaha. Neb. 13-H
In the ilistrict ruurl of i 'a. oixinty. Nebrnska:
in liie mailer of t!ie estate of olouion Varl,
ile4-eabe'l .
Noti4-e is hereby Kiven that in juin-umH'e of an
or.ler of Samuel M. I hapman. juJge of the
4listriet eourt of Cass comity. Nebraska, inaJe
on the 7th 4lay of April. A. I) . 1MM. for the
sale of the real estite liereitnif ter 4lenTibeil
th4-re will be ool.l at the south loor of th court 'asri county, Nebraska,
on the lUtli ilay of June. A. l., ls;tl. at 1 :'.i0
oi-lo4'k p. in., at publii venilue to the highest
biifler for cash, the followlin; ilescribel lainls
ami real estate, to wit: The Muth Iiaif of the
southwest 4iiarter of sei'tion twenty 'At, in
township eleven 1111, north, of raniie nine 19,
In Cass county, Nebraska.
saiil sale will remain un one hour.
A'lministrator of the estate of Solomon W'anl,
Hvron att'y for a.lm'r. 22 4
Itotol otic.
To all whom it may concern: The coinmls
liHiwr apMinte'1 to view aii'I locate a roa'l. pe
titioneil fur by Fred list ami others, l ommenc
iiiLr at trie northwest corner of secti4in 2J-10-li
Avoca precinct, runuiiig thence east one mile
on se4-ti4in line between se4-tlons 13 anl 'Jx 10-12.
ami termlnatiiiK at the northeast corner of sail
cection 22. Ins retorteil In favor of the loca
tion thereof, and all objections- thereto or
claims for damages must be tiled In the cotmty
Clerk"s otlice on or before noon on the ilay
of .Inly, A 1. IsiM. or such road will be granted
without refereni.-e thereto.
FRANK DICKSON, County Clerk.
224 By W. A. Swearinuen, Deputy.
Notice to Cre4lltor.
Statkov Ni bhiiki, j
CahiKJoCKTT, 8S. I
In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Bab
bitt, deceased.
Notice la hereby given that the claims and
demands of all persons against Klizabeth Bab
bitt, deceased, late of said county and state,
will be receivel. examined and adjusted by the
county court at the court house In Plattsmouth
od the 17 th day of November, A loo'clock
In the forenoon. And that six months from
and after the 17th itay of May A. D.,
1U4, is the time limited for creditors of said
deceased to present their claims forexamina
tion and allowance.
iiven u.nler my hand this loth 4lay of May
A. D.. 18144. B. S. ICam'ey.
21 4 County Judge.
Final Settlement Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Joseph S.
rpton deceaseil :
In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that Ceorge S. I pton,
executor of the last w ill aud testament of the
said Joseph S. Cpton deceased, has made appli
cation for final settlement and that said cause is
set for bearing at my otlice at Plattsmouth on the
7th day of June, A. D., l:rt, atten o'clock a. in.
on said day, at which time and place all per
sons interested may te present ami examiue
said ai'i'euutK. U. S3. IUjokt, County Judge.
Plattsmouth. Neb.. May ICth, lf4. 21-S
Kstray Notice.
TAKEN up by the undersigne4. three miles
south of Plattsmouth, on April loth, two bay
mares, snposeii to be live or six years old.
weightabout eleven or twelve humlred. due
with a colt about four mouths old. the other
has white marks in the face and has found a
colt sincecoming to my place Wire marks ou
leftfront foot of each. Owner is requested to
call pay charges and take them awav .
Is told with written
guarantee to cure
N ervous Prostra
tion, Fits, Dnii
nea,Hrailartie and
Neuralgia im1 Wke
fulD4s,causetl byex-
AU..1..I1A1.I4I lT.llltTI
s Tobac4ro and Alco-
v.. i. , i ..... i 1 1. ... ......
W . V " ' " - " " BIUU, OUI IT'I llK V'k
'iic Brain, causing Misery, Insanity and Death;
'Mi-reuess, lmiMitem-y, Lost Power in either sex.
Premature Old Ate, Involuntary I)-t, caused
.v otur-iiniulKeiice, ovur-rxertion of tli4 Brain and
Crror4)f Youth. It gives t Weak Organs their
Nutural Vigor und d4ubles the j4iya of life; cures
iausirrhcfca and Femulii Weakness. A unth's trent-lu-.-ut,
iu ilaiu packaf4, by mail, to any aildrss, tl
'f box, C boxea S. With ev)ry f-lorclor w (five u
Vy ritten Cuarantee to cure or refund the money.
Circulars free. Guarantee lsU4i ouly by our ex
vlusivu ageuu
V. (1. FRHKE &. 10.. I) IU (.GISTS,
Sole agents. Plattsmouth, Neb.
J church jm piiXj imir.,i Hnd
I been W V ' ; -V " Jf ' '
Here's the Idea
Of the Non-pull-out Bow
The great watch saver. Saves the watch
from thieves and falls cannot be pulled off
the case costs nothing extra.
The bow has a groove
on each end. A collar
runs down inside the
pendant (stem) and
fits into the rrooves,
firmly locking the
bow to the pendant,
so that it cannot be
pulled or twisted off.
Can only be had with cases
stamped with this trade mark.
Jxs. Boss Filled Watch Cases are
now fitted with this great bow (ring). They
look and wear like solid gold cases. Cost
only about half as much, and axe guaranteed
for twenty years. Sold only through watcb
dealers Remember the name
Keystone Watch Case Co.,
llai: street, I'iattMuouh.
A. IV ""f" I"ICI-!-iII.
Teas and Coffees Unexcelled,
Vurticc liros.' ( elebrated
The Itest in the Worlil.
The "XXXX" ami "liesf Brands.
The Plattsmoi'th Mills,
C. 1IEISEL. Prop.
This Mill has heen rebuilt, and furnished with
Machinery of the best manufacture
in the world. Their
"Plansifter" Flour
Has r.o Superior in America, (ilvelta
trial and he convinced.
Bran, Sliorts and Corn Meal
Always on hand. Orders ilelivered In
city promptly.
TERMS-Cash or 30 days' time.
II. J. Strright. J. Sattler
Suc ei4t4orii to lleury liieck.
Fornitare i Undertaking
Pianos and Organs,
Our Furuiture line Is complete in every detail
An investigation is certain to convince.
First National Bank
Capital, paid up $50,000
Jons Fit7.4jep.ald President
F. E. White Vli'e president
S Waloii. Cashier
John Fitzgerald. 1 Hawksworth. V. E.White
S. Wangh anil Geo. E. Dovey.
Careful attention given to the Interests of
customers. Collei'tions made ami promptly
remitted for. Highest market price paid for
county warrants aud state ami county bonds.
w. u.cvauisa, j. r. joimsoif,
Hmitltnt. rice-President.
Citizens' Bank,
Capital paid in - - . - - $30,000
J. W. Johnson. W D. Merriam. Win. Weten
kamp, 1. c. Morgan. Henry Elkenbary,
M. W. Morgan and W. II. Cushlu.
t. general bauklng business transacted. In
terest allowed on lime deposits.
Tf the chlTd was
i "
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescriptioa fur Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty yev-ra use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea
the Mother's Friend.
"Castor-la is so well adapted tochUdren that
I nvi:aajeud it aa superior to any prescription
known to me." II. A. AacuEa, M. D..
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" The use of Castoria is so universal and
its merit so well known that it seenis a work
of supttrerogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reacn.
Cakum Makttm, D. V.,
New York City.
Tbs Ckktal'h.
Is distinctively the place where the Farmer's Dollar Goes the
Farthest. We lead, as ever, in
Buggies and Carriages.
This year's line is larger than ever and the prices
cannot fail but suit.
As to Implements,
Our two large store-rooms are brim-full of the BEST and
MOST PERFECTED to be found in the Implement
market. Special attention is called to our
4tBoy Riding Cultivator" and our
"New Departure" Tongueless Cultivator,
Both of which will bear out the assertion that nothing
their equal can be found in the market.
For the Money, and are the only firm using "Old Fashioned Oak
Tanned Leather" in Cass County. Consult your own interests and
Deal with an Establishment which conducts Business on the Plan of
Giving Real Worth in Return for the Buyer's Money.
307-309 Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Physician and Surgeon,
l'j:4 , Ii ity or C4ian'ry Promptly Anwr.-i
Dr. Agnes V. Swetland,
Spjclal attention to Obstetrics. Diseases of
Women and Woman's Surgery.
Office: "eTeVn' Omaha, Keb
sbmfeXrtiatf rhr la nttendinsr
fprPncflinOmahato- """""' w"
Caffioria cures 0lii (AinstipaUoo,
S. u:r Stmaoh, Diarrho-a, ErucLation,
lCills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
gestion. Without injurious uit-dication.
"For Bfveral years I nave recommended
your ' Castoria, and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneficial
Ed wis F. Puuu, M. D.,
l&th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
OoMPAirr, 77 MiraaAT Snuir, New York Cm
We Manufacture
The Very Best
FOB EITHER 8ZX. This nnwdf
I KKIlfl Xbin InjMMd directly to hm wmt v
tho diiiww of Ute limU-L'nnr7 Or
(axis, .require no cbif of diet or
nuMoua, mercurial or poisonous road
tcmato b ta&aa Internal I j. MIms
by eithrT It ! ImpoMibJ to contract
urnmldi4M; bat in th cm at
thoM already UliaarnarBLt Imjcm
with (JooorrtKM od wscuara.
$500 Reward!
WE will pay the above reward for any case of
Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache. In
digestion Constipation or Costiveness we cannot
cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when
the directions are strictly complied with- They
are purely Vegetable, rod never fail to give sat
isiaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, 25 cents.
Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The gen
uine manufactured only by TUG JOHN C. WEST Y, CHICAGO, ILL.
the dem I "t-.
kniicso tnn snnionl 1x7 ryutpi anil Mr.
If the