THE fl WEEKLY JOURNAL "BE JUST AND FEAR NOT." VOL. 13, SO. 23. FLA.TTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1894. $1.00 ,F ViifLW A BRUTAL KILLING. A Brakeman Shot Down by a Gang of Tramps. TWO ARE ALREADY ARRESTED. While the Officer, Have a Il.noriptiou of the Other, and Feel Hopeful of he curing Their Arretit Other Matter, of Interval. Brakesman Stokesbury. who left Council Bluffs Friday night at about 11 o'clock on C. ti. O.. train No. 7G, was shot and killed by a member of a gaDg of tramps who Stokesbury was trjing to put off the train. The tragedy oc curred just outside of the Q. yards at Council Bluffs. Stokesbury discovered the tramps hidden away among tome machinery on a flat car. He ordered them out, and when he endeavored to drive them out two shots were fired at close range by the tramps. One bullet took effect in the left ear, leav ing powder marks. and another entered his throat at the front. Stokesbury fell upon the track and was picked up and conveyed to Council Bluffs. His home is at lied Oak, Iowa, where he has a wife and children. He is a new man on the road. Two tramps were arrested, giv ing the names of Moore and Lynch. Two other men were in the gang and the officers have their descriptions. A Toothful Robber, Harrison Graves was carted over to the Pearl street jail Friday night by the officers with a massive jag aboard. Graves is a graduate of the Ashland gold cure institute and for some three years past has let liquor entirely alone. Some two weeks ago, how ever, he took to drinking and since that time he has guzzled so much of the extract of corn that he is now on the verge of tremens. Because of his ailment the officers were unable to bring him over to police court for trial Saturday. Another incident in connection with Graves' spree was an attempt to rob him a short time before the offi cers took him to jail. Wesley Beeson, a youth of tough inclinations, made the attempt to possess Graves' wealth, but before he had accomplished his object, Officer Woodson divined his in tent, and after a spirited chase down an alley, overtook the young man and gave him a berth along with Graves at the jail. Arinlng- the Trainmen. The contingent of the commonweal fncamped on the river front at Denver w as considerably increased as to num bers Thursday night, according to re ports received at Burlington head quarters, the tents provided by Gov ernor Waite of Colorado hardly being sufficient to shelter the men. While there was little change in the situation it is thought the men are being held at Denver for a 'low rate, which the governor is interesting himself in pro viding for the trudgedians. Failing in securing the low rate desired, the men make no bones about asserting that they will ride east, whether the roads like it or not. But the roads do not propose to allow any overt act on the part of the industrials, and it is hinted that the Burlington will follow the example ef the Rock Island and arm employes with repeating riiles and also issue commissions to them as deputy sheriffs. Another Victim of filial 1 fox. Mrs. S. F. Hunter, of Pacific Junc tion, died on Thursday. She was one of the persons exposed to the small pox and was quarantined, during which she was taken sick with luDg fever. Twenty-eight days after ex posure she Bhowed eymptons of small pox, and in four days death ensued, the latter disease being the indirect cause. She was vaccinated after ex posure, but it did not take. There is no question but what the complication of disorders with which the deceased was afflicted was the actual cause of death, the attack from small pox hastening the end. Elmer W., the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Weidmann, died yester day morning at 9:20 o'clock, after an illness of nine weeks with pneumonia, aged thrpe years and nine monthB. The funeral services will be held at the family residence on Seventh and Wal nut street tomorrow afternoon at two .o'clock. Rev. Witte officiating. We are here to stay and not merely xo sell you one pair of spectacles and then leave you. Always buy your spectacles of Gering & Co.'e A, to Removing the l'oatoftice. Our contemporary, the News, is per fectly correct in the stand it has taken against the removal of the postoffice from its present location in the Riley building, on Sixth street, to some point on Main street. The chances are ten to one that were the postoffice to be remove every business room in the Riley block would be vacant in less than a month. It seems to The Journal that the people of i'latts mouth should think twice be fore seeninc !o bring- about a result which would make va cant and unprofitable the hand somest business block in the town. The Joi'KNAi. is unquestionably in favor of letting the office remain just where it is. The location is convenient and the rooms plenty spacious enough to meet the requirements, and alto gether the patrons of the place could not be better satisfied. However, it behooves the merchants in the near vicinity of the office to be up and hustling and offer some inducements to the new postmaster to maintain the office where it is. The Fruit Crop at Nebawka. At present the outlook for fruit of all kinds in this vicinity is very good. The frost of the 19th and 20th inst. did no material damage except to grapes and strawberries. Particularly the grapes were damage a great deal. The cherries received slight injuries on the low ground. Those on high land are all right and give promise of a big crop. The apple outlook is fair. The blight has affected some varieties, such as Winesap, Jonathan, and Geni tan, but even these varieties have a few apples remaining. Nearly all other kinds will yield more than half a crop. The Ben Davis trees are loaded with apples. The fruit growers of this county expect to harvest more than half a crop of apples. This is en couraging, for the past two years there has been practically no apples at all. We are now in hopes that the blight will leave entirely by another year. Shot Out Hi, Eye. Monday afternoon two boys named Will Cross and Albert Timmas were amusing themselves by shooting through the tile drain on north Fourth street with a "nigger shooter." Tim mas was at one end of the drain and Cross at the other, and just as Cross shot Trimmas was looking through the drain. The pebble or bullet glanced along the tile and struck Trim mas in the right eye, completely tear ing out his eye and making a terrible wound. Dr. Livingston was called and dressed the wound. The shooting was unintentional, but the result is almost criminal. City Marshal Grace in formed a reporter Tuesday that here after any boy found with a "nigger shooter' in his possession would be ar rested and locked up. Effect of the Coal Famine. Reports of a serious accident on the Burlington railway come from Kewa nee. Ills. Owing to the scarcity of coal the road attempted to run the locomotive of the fast mail train from Chicago Wednesday night with coal oil. The oilexploded at Kewanee, scattering the burning fluid over the engineer and fireman. The former is probably fatally injured and the latter seriously injured. Bill Schroeder.alias Charles Lamont, was arrested at East Omaha the other evening charged with being one of the guilty parties engaged in raising the amount of United States 11 and S2 bills to $10 and $20, a great number of which are being circulated in that locality. He was captured by Sergeant Ormsby, who found him at Courtland beach, a pleasure resort which, though on this side of the river, is a part of Iowa. Ormsby tried to induce the man to come across the line and be arrested, but he declined. The officer stayed with him until a Council Bluffs police man came to the rescue and escorted the criminal to the state line so he could be turned over legally to the Omaha authorities. The evidence against Lamont is considered good. It is believed the gang of money raisers will soon be broken up. Patterson &Kunsman,of the Bos ton meat market, have negotiated for the purchase of a car load of fat. corn fed,' two-year-old steers from M. S. Davis, who now lives on the former Geo. Boeck farm. This beef will be retailed to the Boston's customers something out of the ordinary, inas much as most of Cass county's choicest beef is sold to the South Omaha pack ers and by the latter shipped to eastern or foreign pointB. FOUND IN THE PLATTE A Human Body Discovered in the River Above Town. CORONER HOLDS AN INQUEST. A Very Mysterious Iturglary Two Men Kutt-r lr. lIurt'H Kmiilf nre hikI Carry Awny ouie t'aper .f alue to olMtly lfut tli. hiM-tur. Red Letter D They Found a iioatrr. Sunday evening about seven o'clock while Fred Black ai d Chas. Dabb,two members of the 'Sundown' club, were out boat riding they rowed along the shore toward the water works pump house. Just before reaching the pump house they turned eastward to go out into the Platte, when they discovered somethinglodged in shallow waterand against the willows, which they at first supposed was a log. A closer inspec tion resulted in the discovery that the object was a human body. A line was made fast to a le and the body towed to the shore and landed at the sub merged wagon road near the pump house. The boys returned to town and reported to the sheriff, who at once de tailed Elias Kildow and Mike McCool to watch the corpse over night. Coroner Clements arrived from Elm wood over the B. & M. at 5:17 Mon day afternoon, to hold an inquest The coroner immediately empanelled a jury consisting of M. Archer, C. M. Butler, J. I. Unruh, Henry Boeck, Ed Fitzgerald and O. M. Streight, and proceeded to the point where the body was found and viewed the remains The pockets of the dead man were searched and resulted in finding a purse containing a half dollar and three pennies, a pocket knife, a pipe and a silver watch. No papers of any kind were fouud on the body that would furnish a clue to his identity The body was then removed from the water and placed in a box and con veyed to the cemetery and buried. , The coroner's jury met at the court bouse at s o clock at night and re turned a verdict to the effect that the body was that of an unknown person and that he had come to his death in a manner unknown to the jury. The body was that of a man appar ently from forty to fifty years of age, about five feet, eight or ten inches high, and was dressed in a canvas coat, overall pantaloons and a new pair of shoes. The body was badly decom posed, and had the appearance of hav ing been in the waler for five or six months. A Strange Case of Hurglary. The home of Dr. Hart, on north Fourth street, was entered by two un known parties on Saturday night, but just what was their object has not been discovered. On that night the doctor was not at home, and shortly after re tiring Mrs. Hart heard someone walk ing around the yard and upon the porch. The parties tried the doors and windows on the lower lloor and then procured a ladder and entered through an upstairs window. Mrs. Hart beard them enter and fired a shot from a revolver in their direction but evidently without effect. She then retired to her room with her child and locked the door, leaving the visitors in complete possession of the remain der of the house. She heard the parties moving about the house, heard them go to the well and get a drink of water, and along toward morning saw them depart. She describes one of them as being a tall, well-built man, well dressed, etc., but can not describe the other man. An inventory of the loss sustained resulted in finding nothing missing, but some papers, old deeds, receipts, etc., had been overhauled and ex amined, but it is not known whether any of them had been carried away. The deeds are all on file, so they would be valueless to anyone but Mr. Hart. The real object of the two midnight muraders appears to be pretty well shrouded in mystery, but their display of nerve is perfectly apparent. Another Heath From Small-Fox. Mrs. Oliver King, aged twenty-two years, died at her home at Bethlehem Monday from small-pox. Mrs. King attended Mrs. Backus during the lat ter's sickness with the dread disease, and contracted a case which resulted in her death last night, although it was thought several days ago that she was convalescent. No new cases have developed at Bethlehem and all the afflicted appear to be doing nicely and on the road to recovery. i THE CAS U in jL J Ilii, Has determined to Sacrifice his Stock of Merchandise, REGARDLESS OF VALUE. Read this list carefully. The prices quoted are Bona-Fide and will Save You Fifty Cents on Every Dollar: r A" V sT 0 i. V- S ' -s J? ' f S o 5 o o" .? c - ; ... J -v, r .? - 5 i ? J J At v $ g s $ ? e I DO NOT BUY ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH OF Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Boots or Shoes Until you have seen this great Sacrifice Sale. ELSON, THE CASH CLOTHIER, PLATTSMOUTH. Ferryman O'Neill Assaulted. Sunday morning two men with a team and buggy drove on the ferry boat on this side of the river and re quested to be crossed. "When the Iowa side of the river was reached the ferry man demanded his toll, but the men refused to pay, saying that they thought the ferry was free. The fer ryman explained that the ferry was a free institution n week days, but on Sundays toll was charged. "Well," saidoneof the fellows, "what do you do when a man has no money V " The ferryman replied that they took them back where they came from. "Well, I guess not," replied the man in the buggy, and he grabbed the buggy whip and brought the butt end down on O'Neill's head with force sufficient to cut a gash and make a painful wound. The pair then whipped up their horses and drove off the ferry and disap peared in the direction . of Pacific Junction. The ferryman's injuries, although painful, are not serious. All spectacles sold subject to a week's trial, and if not satisfactory can be returned at Gering & Co.'s Ha Knew It Waa Loaded. Henry Goos, the young son of Fred Goos, was fooling with a loaded re volver Monday evening at his home on north Eighth street. While lowering the hammer his finger slipped and the gun was discharged, the bullet tearing its way through the palm of his left band, making an ugly wound. Dr. Livingston was summoned to attend his injuries. The strangest part of the whole affair is that Henry knew the revolver was loaded. D. O.Dwyer, attorney, Plattsmouth. See Brown and save money this year on your wall paper, paints and oils. : $ s s Spring, House-Cleaning and New Furniture t t i 5 GO HAND IN HAND. Nature supplies the first, the Busy Housewife must attend the second, but for the last. Pearlman Is the Careful Buyer's Refuge. PEARLMAN has the Stock, his Prices, are Right and Sure to Suit. If you want anything in the way of NEW FURNITURE, for either Parlor, Bed Room, Dining Room or Kitchen, PEARLMAN has it at the Lowest Price. PEARLMAN, The House Furnisher. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE, PLATTSMOUTH. Death of Hn. Egenberg-ar . Mrs. Helena Egenberger died Tues d ay afternoon at 1 :50 o'clock, of kidney trouble, after an illness of several months. Deceased was born in Ger many, and came over to this country twenty-two years ago. She was a sis ter of F. R., and Oswald Guthmann, of this city, and leaves three sons and three daughters J. V., Louis and Fred Egenberger, and Mrs. A. H. Weckbach, Mrs. Wm. Weber and Mrs. Herman Spies to mourn her loss. Among the names of prospective candidates for state officers there are, we regret to say, several chestnuts. There are in Nebraska several office seekers who remind us of white wings, in that they never grow weary. Is there no way of weeding them out? Walt Mason. We make our own syrup and Boda water, and know it is absolutely pure. Try it and seen what a difference. Gbeeng &Co. Sheriff hewal notcertSW "J . . , ,1 . jr:,r!rwrr:"n.,1. - . - .. ;., , f '-jWrflV-JWeMMK:.'