IX AND AKUl'M) THE TOWN. Mi&s Mia IT. Gering lias been se lected as deputj postmaster by Post master Fox. J. F. Sheesilfy of Tipton precinct was in town Thursday attend in.? dis trict court as a witness. Andrew I'ituiun f Xehawka was a iMattsmouth visitor Thursday and gave The J of una L a pleasant call C. J. Z;tar,of South Iiend.and Henry Behrn?, ot Avoca.weie in town Sat urday and called at tlif-se heady uar teis. Ilezekiah Strong and Chas. Harming drove up from Xehawka Thursday morning and lrtnlfd 15. t.V: M. No. 5 tor Oai.iha. A Mrs. Lewis, who resides in the south p.n t of town, was attacked by a vicious cow last Friday and according to reports was severely injured. Postmaster Fox has forwarded his bond to the department at Washing ton. It is in the arnouBt of flS.OOO. and is signed by James M. Patterson and Horatio X. Dovey. David Miller, who has been engaged in sttlint5 up th business affairs of! the Chasr Manufacturing company at j Weeping Water, was at home for a visit with his family over Sunday. K E. Jay.of Weeping Water, was kicked in the neighborhood of his liver by an ugly horse the other day, and for dome hours it was feared he would die. He is now almost well enough to play eveu by kicking t lie horse. The democratic nominee for congress in the first district this fall must be aiu advocate of bimetallism. If he is anything else he will not be a western democrat and as such deserves the certain defeat which awaits him. Mi?s Kat?Feltheuser,the youn . lady who tiled a complaint against Eddie Wooster at Nebraska City, charging him with attempted rape, has con cluded not to prosecute the young man. and accordingly withdrew the case. Mrs. Oliver King, one of the parties afflicted with small-pox at Itethlehem, became del irons Wednesday afternoon and wandered away from the house. Her husband and the quarantine guard eooQ overhauled her and returned her to the house. It is estimated that M. P. passenger receipts have fallen off over fifty per cent since the first of the month. IIow much more notice does the M. P. man agement desire to learn that time tables should be modelled to suit the patrons ? Ilev. J. J. Williams, accompanied by Ida family, departed for his new home Thursday at Syracuse, where he has accepted the Baptist mission. The people of Syracuse will find in Mr. Williams an excellent gentleman and an earnest worker. The railroads are experiencrtig a coal famine, caused by the general strike among the bituminous coal miners. Several roads have exhausted their supply of fuel, and the Wabash has been compelled to discontinue running many of their trains. Consumers of hard coal will save several dollars per ton by laying in their next winter supply right now. The freight rate war which has been on for the past week ha affected the rates on hard coat, so that that com modity can be sold at from $0.50 to 7.0 per ton. A public sale of real estate belong ing to the estate of Henry Mertens was held at the court house on Satur day, a seventy acre tract was pur chased by C. H.Parmele for 840 per acre, and nine acres of timber land ou the hills along the river south of town brought $3 per acre. Prof. Noble is packing his house hold goods and will depart this week for hia new field of babors in the insurance business at Lincoln. For the next two or thr months Mrs. Noble w ill visit with her parents at Atlantic. Iow a, while her hubanJ is becoming accustomed to the corrupt atmosphere in and about the capital city. A telegram from Atliaoce announces the death of Frances, the daughter of 31r. and Mrs. John Sexton, and a later wwiuwhiiih!.- ""'"i1 wtiia rrn wen remorenr r rDeTOBoerr cnniessore..Dui.inwi3a, riVllllAllt?Bl tobave been made- report is to the effect that Mrs. Sexton j is very low with measles and her re covery is in doubt. Mr. Sexton is a former resident of Plattsmouth and his many friends here extend their sincerest sympathy in his sad misfor tune. The Con way-Akeson reward case is , being threshed oi r again in the dis-I trier court, whither it has been ap pealed. Detective Malone and Chief Cooper have filed answers in which they lay renewed claim to the reward on the ground that " lie arrest and dis covery of the murderers was due to their efforts. Lincoln News. A tramp called at a house up in Shaferville Thursday and asked for some :ofi'ee, say ing Let wanted it f.:-r his companion who was liug sick in a box car at the Missouri Pacific jaids. The coffee was furnished him, and visions of small pox immediately en tered the woman's head. The police wer notified and the sick man was visited, but he did not have the small pox. The Plattsmouth Wheel Club is the name of a new cxcling club which was organized in this city Monday evening and altogether the organization staits out with a strong membership and flittering prospects for success. The following staff of ofiicers were chosen at the meeting last night- President, C. A. Marshal; treasurer, Geo. 15. Lehnhnff; secretary. C. Sherman; captain, T. M. Patterson; lieutenant, T. K. Pollock. The demise of John O'Leary, the aged store keeper at La Platte, oc curred Thursday at about noon. He lias been ailing for several months, and his death was due to old age more than to any ot her particular complaint. A well-kii wn character in and about Li Platte, he will be greatly misseu by the people of that vicinity. The remains were interred at South Omaha on Saturday, the funeral being held under the auspices of the A. O. II. The Nebraska City celebration of the nation's birthday appears to have "petered out." Not a cent having been raised by the committees to de fray the celebration expenses. In the meantime the plattsmouth people have "got together." raised a big fund and prepared for the biggest eagle screaming in the history of the town. The Nebraska City folks are invited to come hither and join the festivities. Visitors are alwajs well treated in Plattsmouth. I). O. Ij wyer, attorney, Plattsmouth. Z. W. Shrader, one of our weekly readers at Nehawka, was in the city yesterday and called at these head qnarters. Try us for light harness. We use the very best of leather and employ only first-class workmen. The prices will please. Fked Gokdek & Sox, Plattsmouth. Lieut. Governor Tom Majors was in the city Tuesday feeling the political pulse in regard to bis candidacy for governor. When traveling, always take a cake of Johnson's Oriental Soap with you; diseases are often caught from using hotel soap. Sold by Fricke & Co. The li. & M. completed their new track south of Peru Monday evening and the train from the south came in on time in charge of Couductor Mc Gregor. This is the first train that has been able to cross the break south of Peru for nearly a week. Omaha ain't in it with me now when it comes to prices on wall paper, and it is the same way with drugs, paints and oils. Brown's Phakmacy. At tin? meeting of the republican state central committee Tuesday evening it was decided to hold the stateconvention at Omaha on August 22d. WANTED- once A good en ergetic man in every Township in this county to handle the -Daisy'' Wind Mill Regulator. One who w ill put his entire time to the business can make good money. Write at once for terms and territory to Daisy llegulator Co., Omaha, Neb. P. O- box 617. y And every article was bought at Rock-Bottom Prices. The pur chaser Will Get the Benefit, and in this particular case it will be a Benefit of more than ordinary importance. Everything Will Go at Panic Prices. A Mew ; Tasty Une of SfBfW 0 11QJ.IQ StflflTS Just unpacked. Call and See Them. They will Surely Suit. Fatal Sliootiug at Waverly. Billy Holt, a section hand on the Burlington, was shot and instantly killed last Wednesday at Waverly by City Marshal Charley Kroesen. Par ticulars of the affair, as near as can be learned from the conflicting stories told, are in effect t hat Holt, with his brother and three r four other young men, were intoxicated and making a night of it and disturbing citizens. The marshal urged them to disperse and threatened the party w ith arrest. They showed tiht and Holt, the mar shal claims, struck and kicked him. He drew his revolver, firing to frighten them. Holt ran and Kroesen, so the bystanders say. tired a second time, the ball striking Holt just above the riuht nipple, causing instant death. Holt has a reputation that is not good. He has caused trouble before and was once under arrest. We are pleased to announce that F. G. Fricke & Co., our enterprising druggists have secured the agency for the Japanese I'ile Cure; a most wonderful discovery for the cure of piles of very kind, which they will sell with a written guarantee to refund the money if it does not cure. It is said to be a s-pecitic for that terrible and dangerous disease. Get a free sample anil try it. t 'cij-tuuthili. Itroltctiili-. Catarrh, mil all diH" ot the respiratory orumis r- of like Krrm origin, und it In only lately Unit lliey have l)ffll surressl IlllV tri'illeci. In llvi.'i. taken I y vieum inhalation. Ameri etui M-ie'itNts have Mir ni,l, where koeh and Hitfteur faileil. in pt-rteelini: it eure lliat i I kk. Kor particulars ntldref iilifornia Chemical Works. unaha, Neb. IS-14 Notice. In the dis-trict court of t'at-s county. Nebraska: in the matter of the estate of Solomon Ward, deceased. Notice is hereby jri veil that in pursuance of an order ot Samuel M. Chapman, jude of the district court ut Casa county. Nebraska, made on the 7tb day of April, A. 1J . IW. for the sale of the real cstme hereinafter described there will be mid at the south door of the court house in I'liittsuiouth. i ass county. Nebraska, on the liilh day of June. A. !.. 1:4. at 1 :.U of lock p. in., at publie vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the followliiK described lands and real estate, to wit: The smith hair of the Mouth west quarter of section twenty UO'r, In township eleven (11. north, of range nine 18J, in Cass county. Nebraska. aid Bale will remain open one hour ALKlitU s. CooLKY. Administrator of the estate of Solomon Ward, deceased . liv kon Clauk. mt'y for udm'r. -J 4 l&ottd Notice. To all whom It may concern : The commls sionr appointed to view and locate a road, pe titioned fjr by Fred st and others, commenc ing at the northwest corner of section 12-10-1, A voca precinct, running thence east one mile on section line between, sections IS and ijj 1012. and terminating at lht northeast oorner of said section his reported in favor of the loca tion thereof, and all objection thereto or claims for damages -must be tiled in the county clerk'a office on or before nuon on the Midday of July. A 1), 1'4. or such road will be granted without reference thereto. h'KASK DICKSON. County Clerk. 22 4 Uy W. A. SwEAiusiiEN, Deputy. Notice to Creditor. Si atkok Nkhbaska, ! CamCofxtt, u. I In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Bab bitt, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and demands of all persons acainst Elizabeth Hub bllt. deceased, late of said county and state, will be received, examined and adjusted by the county court at the court house la Plattsmouth onthe'lTthdayof NovemDer.A 1J.1X.K4. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon. And that six mouths from and after the 17th day of May A. li., 1MU4. is the time limited for creditors of said deceased to present their claims for examina tion and allowance. tiiven u.ider my hand this 10th day of May A. I).. 18K4. B. S. Hamskt. 21 4 County Jud(?e. Final Settlement Notice. In the matter of the estate of Joseph 8. rpton deceased : In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska. Notice is hereby Riven that tieorae S. I pton, executor of the last will and testament of the aid Joseph S. I pton deceased, has made appll cation for iinul settlement and thatsaid cause is set for hearing at my office at Plattsmouth on the 7th day of June, A. !.. IhW, at ten o'clock a. m. on said day, at which time and place all per sons interested limy le present and examine said accounts. B. S. Ramskt. County Judtte. Plattsmouth. Neb., May loth, isjit. yi-3 Kstray Notice. HPAKEN up by the undersigned, three miles x south of Plattsmouth. on April 10th. two bay mares. suposed to be five or six years old, weight about eleven or twelve hundred. One with a colt about tour mciiths old. the other has while marks in thu face and has found a colt since coming to my place Wire marks on lef I front foot of each, owner is requested to call pay charges and take th em nwav. WOUFKEY FiCKLEU. JOHNSON'S MAGNETIC OELI Instant killeroi Pain. Internal and External, Cures ltHKHMATISM. .M'l'mi, OlA, Lame Kaok, Sprain. i.ruici. , . ttwcllinim. Stiff Joints, (liLii'iiti. - .CHAMPS instantly. Hi. !..,., .41. .r- ius, routi.lnpuietla. Sore iuro..t UKADACilK, as if by magic. THE HORSE BRAND, ttSrjZX themort Powerful and PeuetriitiiiK'l.iuinswnt for lit or Btuiat ui existence. Lurg-e m sue 7cw., Luc. sui iv.. JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL. SOAP. Medicated and Toilet. The Oreat Skin Curi hit:. Face Baautifler. Ladies till und It the .,., delicate and highly perfumed Toilet -.-i . -the market. It is absolutely pure. M;:- ' '. -skin soft and velvety and restore the l"i or,i filexion; is a luxury for the Bath lor lriT-,rv.. t alavs itching, cleansen the scalp end r ui the growth ot hail-, price 2x:. for sale by F. G. FKUKE & 10., IMU U.ISTS, Sole agents, Plattsmouth, Neb. is j nrmrfmr- J church JivL uiiiXAiiSiAiir , admired Spring Stock of Clothing, 1 Furnishings IS 3TO-W CT3JTS The Fair Graduate Of next June is new pausing oc casionally, amid her busy studies to look forward to her appear ance on that eventful night when "the narrow walls of the school room will expand and spread away into the kingly palace of the world." She strives with the aid of her friends to solve that vexing problem, "What shall I wear?" We. too, have been at particular pains to aid her in finding a satisfactroy answer, and as a result of our labors can offer the following complete line of beautful White and Cream Silks: L'-J-inch Cream Satiu Moire, er 69 21 inch Cream Brocaded Wash "7C ilk, yard O 1 inch Cream Satin, all silk, pt-r "7C yard I O 22 Inch Cream Creje de Chene. CQ yard aO7 yoinch Cream India Silk, fine 7C prude, yard ml O 2 -inch I' ream Satin Iticbese. OQ yard . CJO 22 inch Crem Brocaded Satins, OQ yard .CO 22 inch i ream Brocaded I'eau de 1 O C sure, yard laO 21 inch Cream China Silk, yard. QC only O 32 inch Cream China Silk, yard, QQ only . O C7 21 Inch washable Habutaf Silk, OQ yard, only .Oi7 21 Inch washable Uabutai Silk. CO. tine .iiality, yard O J 2T inch washable Japanese Silk, id.Q tine quality, yard Tl? 24 inch washable Japanese Silk, CQ hue iuallty. yard -- C7 inch Cream washable Japanese Silk, fine quality, yard mJCs JH inch Swivel wash Silk, vard, A f only mTJ Samples of these sent on ap plication. Besides this special line our stock includes complete lines of Kai Kai, India, China and Moire Silks, and Dress Goods of all descriptions. We are headquarters for Silks and Dress Goods. T H 1 f 1 We have the most lVlrlll (JPClPFS eoraplete mall lIlCA.il W 1 UVyl O. orjer department In the city and samples are mailed promptly. Be careful to stale just W11AT you want to buy. JVe have no traveling aireuts or representa tives. All claiming to be such are frauds. HAYDEN BROS., OMAHA, NEB. Dry Goods, House Furnishings and Groceries. Compound Oxygen CUKES ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, CATAUIIII, Send for book free. Three months.' treatment for il2.00 Drs. DAVIS Sc. STONE, Room 33, Dotmias block, flmarta Huh t or. 10th and Dodge Sts. uillaJId, RZl). First National Bank I'LATTSMuCTH, JiEB. Capital, paid up $50,000 OFFICERS: Jons Fitzoerald President F. E . White Vice president S. Wal-uu. .. Cashier DIHEC'TuKS: John Fitzgerald. I). Hawksworth, F. E. White S. Waugh and Geo. E. Iovey. Careful al tent Ion given to the Interests of customers. Collections made and promptly remitted for. Highest market price paid for county warrant and state and county bonds. w. u.cvsmsa, j. if. jonxsoft, frrmidtnt. Kice-Prttidntt. Til K Citizens' Bank, PLATTSMOl'TII. NEB. Capital paid in - - - - $50,000 DIRECTORS: J. W. Johnson. V I). Merrlam. Wm. Weten kamp, D. C. Morgan. Henry Eikenbary, M. W. Morgan and W. II. Cushiug. A general banking business transacted. In terest allowed on liiue deposits. and lniSniivTlf the ctillcTa's sdmevrTiatr What is Castoria is Ir. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty jytv-rs use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria Is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Ascexk, 51. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. Y. " The uae of " Castoria ' is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach. Cabujw Majctyn, D. D New York City. Tux CtKTALB THE EVER OF IMP ItMtNT trOUSt FBEO OF PLATTSMOUTH, Is distinctively the place where the Farmer's Dollar Goes the Farthest. We lead, as ever, in Buggies and Carriages This year's line is larger than ever and the prices cannot fail but suit. As to Implements, Our two large store-rooms are brim-full of the BEST and MOST PERFECTED to be found in the Implement market. Special attention is called to our "Boy Riding1 Cultivator" and our "New Departure" Tongueless Cultivator, Both of which will bear out the assertion that nothing their equal can be found in the market. SPEAKING OF Harness, For the Money, and are the only firm using "Old Fashioned Oak Tanned Leather" in Cass County. Consult your own interests and Deal with an Establishment which conducts Business on the Plan of Giving Real Worth in Return for the Buyer's Money. FRED GORDER & SON, 307-301) Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb, W. A. HUMPHREY, M. D., HOMCDOPATHIO Physician and Surgeon, ri-ATTS MOUTH, NEHUASKA. ThI n iy or ft-nnrrj Promo'lr A pn-rt Dr. Agnes Y. Swetland, HOMEOPATHIST. Special attention to Obstetrics. Diseases of Women and Woman's Surgery. Office; "eVSxTaT'1-Omaha, Neb A I. ta t-t 1 MM Castoria. Caxtorim cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. "For several years I nave recommended your 'Castoria, and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results. Eo wis F. I'akdcx, M. D 125lh Street and Tth Ave., New York City. Compact, 77 Mukkay Street, Kcw Yokx City - RELIABLE We Manufacture The Very Best I r KKllIi X hMU "Uctl directly to the mm ot a FOR KITH KB SEX. Thl remed? mm m m arr a w tboae Axmmatm of Ute ienit-L' nnary Or lint, requires bo chanf of dtet or nauseous, mercurial or putsonous med icines to ho taken interaaJlj. tea AS A PREVENTIVE by either one It Is irapowit4etoeaatraet any venereal draeeae ; but in the case of those already Uaruaiasarrnxv Arrucrsa with Ucnorrho's sod tileet. we guar an te s eure. Price by mail, postage ., fl per box. or bauseur $500 Reward! WE will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia. Sick Headache, In digestion Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Fills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, pud never fail to give sat istaction. Surar Coateu. Large boxes, as cents. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The (ren ame manufactured only by THEJOHiJ C WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO, XIX. GORDER&SH