Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, May 24, 1894, Image 2

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I i
p-ittsmouih journal
C W. rublUtacr.
The News Condensed.
Important Intelligence From All Parts.
Kejrular Session.
Most of the time in the senate on the 12th
u occupied in disposing of tue items relating
to tannio and tartaric, acids and alcobolio per
fumery In the tariff bilL The military acad
emy appropriation bill (1410.303) was reported
and a bill was passed placing Ma), ueo. treorgo
& Green on the retired list of the regular
army as a first lieutenant ... In the house a
resolution providing for a committee to inves
tigate the causes of the industrial depression
was offered by Mr. MuGann. of Illinois.
On the 14th petitions were presented in the
senate praying for the recognition of Lincoln's
birthday as a national holiday. A bill was in
troduced making It a crime punishable by im
prisonment from one year to twenty years to
retard or obstruct the passage of any train
carrying the United States mail. The tariff
bill was further considered .... In the house the
resignation of Representative Compton, of
Maryland, was received. Several District of
Columbia bills were passed.
In the senate on the 15th Senator Allen
(Neb.) called up his resolution to investigate
the industrial condition of the country, but it
went over for the day. A bill to place Dunbar
Kanson on the retired list of the army as cap
tain was passed and the tariff measure was
further considered In the house the navitl
appropriation bill was passed and the agricul
tural appropriation bill was discussed. The
committee on pensions voted to report a bill
increasing the rates of all pensioners of the
Mexican war and Indian war from 18 to Ilia
On the 16th tariff discussion occupied the
time of tbe senate. A resolution for an investi
gation of the charee that bribery had been at
tempted to defeat the tariff bdl was offered
In the house the joint resolution authorizing an
Investigation of the tndustrit.1 depression was
reported from the committee on labor. A bill
was introduced for the erection of a national
memorial home for axed colored people in
Washington. The agricultural appropriation
bill was considered.
In the senate a resolution for an investiga
tion of the charge that bribery bad been at
tempted to defeat the turiff bill was adopted on
the 17th and a bill providing lor the admission
of Utah as a state was reported. The tariff
bill was further discussed.... In tbe house the
agricultural bill ti passed.
At Half Moon Hay, Cal., Joseph Can
tano in a fit of jealousy gave strych
nine to his wife and himself and both
Twenty thousand persons witnessed
the launching of the torpedo boat
Ericsson at Dubuque, la.
Ohdebed by the authorities to aban
don its camp in Washington, Coxey's
army moved to 111 ad ens burg, Md., 3
miles away.
In the midst of a sermon on the un
certainty of life in Emanuel Methodist
church in Philadelphia Rev. J. XV.
Langley was stricken with paralysis.
A tank of benzine exploded during a
re in Bradford, Pa., andat least thirty
persons were burned by the flaming oil
Nine Coxeyites who captured the
ferryboat at Zillah, Wash., were
drowned in the Yakima river.
Gkorge Rose, the murderer of As
sistant Postmaster Kuhl ut Cottonwood
Falls, Kan., was take! from jail by a
mob and hanged.
Fohty canary birds a-ided to the in
terest of a sermon on '"Spring," deliv
ered by Pastor Dobbins, of the Lincoln
Park Baptist church of Cincinnati.
Mrs. Harriet Paxton, Mrs. Ellen
Hutchinson and Mrs. Mary A. Reeves
enjoy the distinction of being the first
women elected by a vote at the official
polls in Ohio. Mrs. Reeves has the ad
ditional liouor to be the first Ohio
woman to vote. The election was for
trustees of Miami township.
The dam at Lima., Mont., broke and
houses, barns, fences, haystacks and
all kinds of stock were carried away.
Maj. B. F. Worrell, for seventeen
years an employe in the treasury de
partment in Washington, committed
suicide by shooting himself on the steps
of the treasury building because of his
dismissal from service.
Naval veteran of the civil war dec
orated Farragul's grave in Woodlawn
cemetery, New York.
William IIooan, leader of the Mon
tana Coxeyites, was sent to prison
for six months for stealing a North
ern Pacific train, and the engineer and
fireman who ran the train and the
forty captains and lieutenants were
given thirty days each in the county
Over 3.000 men employed at the na
tional tube works in McKeesport, Pa.,
went on a strike for increased wages.
A hotiox to expel Congressman
Breckinridge from the Union League
club of Chicago was adopted by the
board of managers without a dissenting
J. S. Dygraff, a Keokuk (la.) insur
ance agent, killed his divorced wife be
cause she refused to be reunited and
then fatully shot himself.
A new gas well struck near Fostoria,
O., shot a steady flame 150 feet into the
Lucius P. Wilson die! in the electro
cution chair at the penitentiary in Au
burn, N. Y., for the murder of Detec
live Harvey on July 31, 1S'J3. in Syra
cuse. Edward and Charles M alloy, aged
12 and 14 respectively, were killed by
an Erie engine near Hancock. N. Y.
The United States supreme court
affirmed the decision of the lower court
denying a writ of habeas corpus to
John Y. McKane, now in Sing Sing
prison for election frauds at Uravesend,
N. Y.
An army of 150 common wealers, fifty
of which were women, captured a train
at Washington, la., and pulled out un
der the direction of Commander Bill
The village of Palmyra, Neb., was
amost totally destroyed by fire.
Resolutions opposing Breckinridge'B
return to congress and calling on Sena
tor Blackburn to aid to bring about his
defeat were adopted by a mass meeting
at Lexington, Ky.
A train on the Lehigh Valley road
was wrecked near Owego, N. Y., by an
insecure rail, and Willie Mahar, aged 5,
was killed and thirteen other passen
gers injured.
Gov. Flower, of New York, has
aimed the compulsory education bUL
Db. TalmaGb will not again assume
charge of the Brooklyn tabernacle un
less $280,000 in cash is raised for a new
building and site.
Victor Berglund. who deserted his
newly-wedded wife in New 'i'ork, was
arrested in Chicago while cashing a
$15,000 check which represented all her
The Ohio Grand Army of the Repub
lic met in annual encampment at
An incendiary fire that started in the
baseball park in Boston burned over
sixteen acres of territory, destroying
the homes of 400 families and leaving
nearly 4,000 persons homeless. The
loss was placed at 500.000.
Spencer Atkins, a farmer, was taken
from his house near Birmingham, Ala.,
and murdered by white caps.
Three desperadoes disguised as
tramps tried to wreck and rob a St.
Paul train near Minnesota City. They
were captured after a hard fight.
E. S. Beach. W. a Truesdell, J. F.
Browne and Franklin Whithall, Har
vard college students, were drowned in
Boston harbor, their sailboat capsiz
ing. Two thousand veterans participated
in the parade at Rockford which opened
the twenty-eighth annual encampment
of the Illinois department G. A L.
Ozem Jackson and J. A. Trusty were
killed and William Hurst fatally in
iured by the caving in of a tunnel on
the Monon road at Owensburg, Ind.
Peterson andGaudaur were winners
of the heats in the S-mile sculling race
for professionals at Austin, Tex.
The barn of W. II. Senden near Mar
shall, Minn., was struck by lightning
and destroyed, together with thirty
three good horses and forty hogs and
Members of three Logansport (Ind.)
families, twelve persons in all, were
poisoned by eating cheese and three
would probably die.
Father O'Grady, the murderer of
pretty Mary Gilmartin, was starving
himself to death in the Cincinnati jaiL
Coot Williams, a negro convict, was
taken from Mallory's camp at Pine
grove, near Welborn, Fla., and lynched
by a crowd of 100 men.
The Simonds Stove Manufacturing
conmanv in New York went into a re
ceiver's hands with liabilities of $443,
Nim Young (colored) was lynched in
Ocala. Fla.. for assaulting Lizzie
Weems, a 18-year-old white girL
The bill providing for free school
books in Ohio passed the senate and is
now a law.
Through the efforts of the citizens'
arbitration committee all differences
between the Great Northern railway
and its employes were adjusted at Min
neapolis. The commonweal leaders, J. S. Coxey,
Carl Browne and Christopher Colum
bus Jones, were denied a new trial in
Washington, but sentence was deferred
for two days.
Two 6CUOONERS and 50,000 tons of
coal were Consumed in a conflagration
which swept the river front of Paw
tucket, R. I. The loss was 5500,000.
Jones woods, a popular New York
resort, was destroyed by fire, with
many surrounaing dwellings, the loss
being over $500,000.
The Bellaire (O. ) Nail company closed
its entire works because of a shortage
of coal and coke and 1.200 persons were
Poison, supposed to have been placed
in the well by an enemy, killed two
children of Mart Adler, of Monroe,
Ind., and Adler and his wife would
probably die.
Tennessee bankers in convention at
Memphis passed resolutions opposing
the repeal of the state bank tax law.
A storm of wind and rain swept over
portions of Minnesota and Wisconsin
and several million dollars' worth of
property was destroyed, all the rail
roads running through that section
were blocked and four persons lost
their lives.
Charles Samsmuller, aged 50. killed
his mother, aged 10, in New York and
then took his own life. Poverty was
the cause.
Analson Hyatt, a well-known citi
zen of Waverly, N. Y., while drunk
stabbed his wife fatally and then killed
The National bank of Pendleton,
Ore., closed its doors.
Iowa prohibitionists have organized
for a three years fight for a temper
ance amendment to the state constitu
Gaudaur broke his own 3-mile
world's fair record of 19:08 at the pro
fessional regatta at Austin, Tex., beat
ing Peterson in 19:02i.
In Chicago Election Commissioners
Keenan, Hutchings and Schomer were
fined $1,000 each for contempt by Judge
Chellain for refusing to turn over bal
lots to the grand jury.
Dr. Samuel A. Mutchmore, of Fhila
delphia, was chosen moderator of the
Presbyterian general assembly in ses
sion at Saratoga, . .
11. ii. aic)Jowkll, of I', was
cloctcd department commander of the
Illinois G. A. R.. and Mrs. M. R. M
Wallace, of Chicago, was elected presi
dent of the Woman s Relief Corps.
ijankehs, brokers ana investors re
port no improvement in the general
business situation and are correspond
ingly depressed.
A fike which started in the United
Suites appraiser's office in Boston caused
a loss to the government of $159,000
and other losses amounted to $34,000.
Wheat touched 53 '4 cents, the lowest
price ever known in Chicago.
1 he conference of coal miners and
operators came to ant end at Cleveland
nothing having been accomplished
toward settling the strike.
Owing to the coal famine the Grand
Trunk railroad refuses to accept lak
and rail shipments of grain from Chi
A cyclone passed one-fourth of
mile west of KuDkle, O., doing great
damage to property and killing Daniel
Barrett and his wife, and their two
grand-daughters, Myrta and Martha
Caso, and George Oxinger. Charles
Cole and his wile were fatally injured.
John Applin, a farmer iu Wood conn
ty, O., was swindled out of S4.000 by
two confidence men who engaged him
in cards.
Norwegians in Chicago celebrated
the eightieth anniversary of Norway's
Hailstones 8 inches in diameter
fell at Decatur, 111., and much damage
was done to windows and vegetation.
Plans have been formulated where
by the Pacific railroads may liquidate
their debt to the government in fifty
Over 13,000 sheep
perished in a
on the Sierra
snow ana windstorm
Nevada ranges.
Conqrkbsional nominations were
made as follows: Pennsylvania, Twenty-second
district, John Dalzell (rep.)
renominated; Twenty-third, W. A. Stone
(rep.) renominated. Iowa, Second dis
trict, XV. I. Hayes (dem.) renominated.
Ohio, Eighteenth district. J. S. Coxey
(pop.) and leaderof the commonweal.
Iowa republicans will hold their
state convention at Des Moines July 11.
The democrats of Missouri in state
convention at Kansas City nominated
Francis M. Black for supreme judge,
W. T. Currington for superintendent of
public instruction and J. II. Finks for
railroad commissioner. The platform
declares in favor of the free and un
limited coinage of silver.
In the Congregational church at
East Northfield, Mass., Emma R.
Moody, daughter of the evangelist,
was married to Arthur P. Fitt, of Chi
Joseph Young (colored) died at Tus
cola. I1L, aged 115 years. He served in
the late war and was married a second
time at the age of 102.
The populist state convention of
Georgia nominated J. K. Hincs, of At
lanta, for governor.
T. XV. I'hillips was nominated for
congress by the republicans of the
Twenty-fifth Pennsylvania district,
Nathaniel P. Crane, aged t4, and
Mrs. Chloe Gibson, aged 78, were mar
ried at Belvidere, 111. The officiating
minister is 82 years of age.
Rev. Dr. Edward Bright, the editor
of the Examiner, a prominent Baptist
newspaper, died at his home in New
York, aged 80 .years.
The democrats renominated II. C.
Snodgrass for congress in the Third
district of Tennessee.
The loss to crops by last year's
drought in England was placed at over I
President Peixoto, of Brazil, has
broken off diplomatic relations with '
Portugal because of the latter grant-
ing as3-lumto insurgent refugees. j
Severe earthquakes occurred in the
vicinity of Mioko aud New Pomerania, I
N. S. W., and almost all of the houses
of the missionaries and traders were ;
destroved. !
William II. Edwards, of Ohio, United
States consul general, died at Berlin
from brain fever. !
Tin Brazilian government forces
were uereated by insurgents near
Iguazu and 140 men were killed. !
An artist named Kellarzand his three
unmarried sisters, all over 50 years of
age, took their own lives with poison
in lenna. rear tnat tuey might out
live one another was the cause. i
George Griffiths, of London, com
pleted a trip around the world in 64
days 11 hours and 20 minutes. Nellie
Bly's record was 74 daj-s. j
One hundred German Baptists from
Kherson and Volhynia, in Russia, em
barked from Liban for America. Re
ligious persecution forced them to emi
The British n3al conimissoners to
the world's fair, in their official re
port, pay a glowing tribute to the great
A resolution calling upon the attor
ney general for information as to the
existence of a sugar trust in violation
of the law was adopted in the United
States senate on the lth. The tariff
bill was considered. In the house the
legislative, executive and judiciul ap
propriation bill was discussed. At the
evening session private bills were con
sidered. Adjourned to the 21st.
Five men and a woman were drowned
by the wrecking of the schooner M. J.
Cummings at Milwaukee.
There were 220 business failures in
the United States in the seven days
ended on the ISth. against 200 the week
previous and 247 in the corresponding
time in 180;t.
The populists in the Second district
of Indiana nominated E. A. Riggins,
of Davies county, for congress.
One man was killed, one fatally in
jured and four seriously hurt by the
explosion of a boiler at West Bay City,
William McKeill was hanged at
Mobile, Ala., for the murder of his
wife, whom he found to be unfaithful
to him.
The National Editorial association
will meet in tenth annual convention
at Asbury Park, N. J., Juy 2 to 2(5.
The prohibitionists in state conven
tion at Oakland, Cal., nominated a full
state ticket, headed by Henry French,
of Santa Clara, for governor.
Violent storms of wind and snow
swept over Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio,
Iowa and Indiana, doing vast damage
to crops and buildings and causing
some deaths.
Application was made in Philadel
phia for a receiver for the order of
Tonti. The liabilities were said to
reach into the millions.
An agent for the Missouri Pacific
bought the Kansas City & Beatrice
railroad at auction for $100,000.
Cincinnati authorities forced food
down the throat of Father O'Grady,
the murderer of Mollie Gilinartin, who
was starving himself.
The Nebraska populists will hold
their state convention at Grand Island
on August 15.
During a terrific gale on Lake Mich
igan the beach from Glencoe to South
Chicago was strewn with wreckage.
Eight vessels came to grief and at least
ten lives were sacrificed. The financial
loss was estimated at S100.0000. The
scene off the lake front was unpar-j
ailed in Chicago s history. During the
storm the old cottonwood tree in Chi
cago, marking the Fort Dearborn mas
sacre of 1812 was blown down.
Michigan Is Swept by a
Furious Nor'easter.
A Urrat Many Vessel Are Wrecked Tea
Sailors Perish In Sight of Thousands
Alone tlim Lake Front in Chi
cago Lost Off Milwaukee.
Chicago. May 19. The northeast
gale which began with the change of
weather Thursday night blew with in
creasing force all day Friday. The
gale approached the dhrnity of a
hurricane, blowing at intervals at
60 miles an hour. The beach
ia the neighborhood of Chicago
was a "lee shore." From Glencoe to
South Chicago it was strewn with
w reckage. Eight vessels came to grief
and at least ten lives were sacrificed.
The lumber fleet suffered most. The
financial loss approaches 1100,000.
The scene off the lake front was
unparalleled in Chicago's history and
thousands of people turned out to wit
ness the thrilling incidents of the day.
At midnight several craft were in dan
ger of going on the beach. Following
are the vessels wrecked in the vicinity
of Chicago:
Schooner Evening Star, Capt. M. V. Kflton,
went ashore at Twenty-sixth street at 4:30 p.
m. ; crew of live rescued by people on shore
Schooner C. O. Mixer. Capt. Henry Ahebabs,
wont ashore at One Hundredth street all p.
m.: crew of seven rescued by South Chicago
life-saving crew.
Schooner Myrtle. Capt. Wilson, went down
off Thirty-fifth street at 6:3J p. m; crew of six
supposed to be drowned.
Schooner Lincoln Oall. Capt. S. Johnson,
went ashore at (ilencoe at 3:3J: Anton Gunder
sen, Manistee, Mich., deckhand drowned: crew
of four rescued by Evanston life-saving crew.
Schooner Jack Thompson. Capt. Thomas
Williams, went ashore at Twenty-sixth street
at 3:25 p m : John Johnson, cook, drowned;
irew of six saved by people on shore.
Schooner J. Lxomis McLaren, Capt. K. John
son, went ashore at Twenty-seventh street at
7:20: J. Poland, mate, killed in midlake: crew
of six rescued by police.
Schooner Mercury, Capt. M. Shumer, went
ashore at Twenty-fifth street at 5 p. m.: crew
of seven rescued at Illinois Central pier.
Schooner Kainbow, Capt I'ugh. fouled off the
harbor at noon and capsized by the Jack
Thompson, sank at 3:40 p m. off Twelfth street:
four men rescued from vessel by tug Spencer:
the captain and two men went ashore on a
batchway at Twenty-lif tn street at 5 p. in.
The number of lives lost is estimated
as ten, as follows:
Anton Uunderson, Manistee, Mich., sailor on
Liu coin Dall, drowned at Glencoe: John John
son, cook on schooner Jack Thompson, fell
from liftj lines and drowned: J. Poland, male
schooner J. Loomis McLaren, killed in midiakc
by falling bpar: Thomas Sidlo, fisherman, Chi
cago, swept from the government breakwater
and drowned: ('apt Wilson and five unknown
sailers or ihe schooner Myrtle.
In addition to the vessels already
named, the following are reported
Schuoner M. J. Cuturr.ings. sunk, Milwaukee,
seven lives: schooner C. C. lia'iits. ashore,
Milwaukee: unknown schooner, ashore, Cud
ahy. Wis.: schooaer Moses Gage, ashore,
Michigan City, Ind.; schooner Mineral State,
scuttled, Elk Kaiiids, Mich.; schooner Surprise,
ashore. Two Kivers I'oint, Wis.; steam
er E. S. Tice. ashore. Green Hay. Wis.:
scow St. Catherine, ashore. Sand Beach, Mich :
schooner Myrtle Lamp ashore near Menom
inee, Mich.; schooner Emily Taylor, ashore,
Manitowoc, Wit; schooner Ishpeming. dis
abled, Alpena. Mich: schooner S;zer. ashore,
Menominee, Mich.; schooner Wiuslow, ashore,
Menominee, Mich.; steamer Bielman, damaged,
Ashtabula, O.
Wreck of the Schooner M. J. Camming
at .Milwaukee.
Milwaukee, May 19. six lives, two
vessels wrecked and a number of
others damaged is the record of the
disaster occasioned at this port by
the northeast gale which set in Thurs
day night and continued with increas
ing velocity until the wind was
blowing 40 miles an hour Friday morn
ing. Tho schooner M. J. Cummings
foundered in the bay at 9 o'clock Fri
day morning, carrying down five men
and one woman. One man, Robert Pat
terson, of Kingston, was saved. Those
lost are as follows:
Timothy Uensaur, mate. Buffalo. N. Y.: John
McCullouch, captaiu. Marine City, Mich.;
Thomas Tuscotl, sailor, Marine City, Mich.;
unknown sailors, two, known as "Jim' and
"Ed," Marine City, unknown woman,
cook, of Kacine.
The Cummings entered the bay at
about 8 o'clock and dropped her
anchors off Michigan street, but they
failed to hold and the vessel drifted
southward and shoreward until she
reached the breakers, when she evi
dently filled through her cabin and
forecastle and went down in "20 feet of
water about 9 o'clock.
The crew took to the rigging, and
the life-saving crew went out into the
lake and drifted down to the wreck.
Some of the crew were seen to make
their way down the ratlines as the
lifeboat approached. A huge wave
then swept along and carried the life
boat, with its brave crew of rescuers,
toward Bay View, when they were
drawn into the breakers aud capsized.
All of the crew of the Cummings
were left in the rigging of the sunken
vessel, together with one of the life
saving crew, who went into the rigging
to make a line fast to aid in the rescue
of the imperiled men. Before any
thing could be done, however, the line
parted and the would-be rescuer was
left to share the fate of the Cumming's
crew, while the lifeboat drifted off into
the breakers.
As soon as the vessel struck the bar
the crew took to the rigging and re
mained there until late in the after
noon, when they dropped off one by
one, exhausted from the cold. They
were in plain view of the crowd on the
shore, which increased every moment
as the news of the 6hip in distress
kpread through the city, and when the
rescue of the sole survivor was finally
made numbered several thousacd.
Orders for two hundred and fifty lo
comotives and several thousand rail
way carriages have been given by tho
Russian government to Auitrian and
Belgian firms, presumably required for
the trans-Siberian railway.
1st 1850 there were 0.7S7 persons in
the prisons of America, or 293 per
1,000,000 of the population: now there
are 59,258, or 1,180 per 1,030,000, a re
markable sign of the times.
woman is a monrtWM
Baltimokp-, has a Baldheads' club.
Republicans I'nregardf ul of tbe Interests
of the People.
The country is still in a broad grin
over the beautiful manner in which
Tom Reed and the republicans were
"put to sleep" by Speaker Crisp when
the question of passing the seigniorage
bill over the president's veto came up
in the house the other day.
When Mr. Bland brought up the sub
ject there was great glee among the
republicans. Their leaders, with smil
ing faces and chuckling lips, eagerly
gathered in consultation, laying their
plans for the fun they expected to have
at the expense of the democratic side
of the house. They would set their
opponents by the ears; they would
"egg" them on; they would give them
plenty of time and plenty of room, and
they expected the fur and dust to fly
and the democratic party to split wide
open. So engrossed were they in dig
ging this pit for their opponents that
the speaker, in accordance with the
rules, had ordered the vote, the first
name on the roll had been called, and
the republicans were buried in their
own pit before they could bat their
' eyes. Their weak, dazed and wholly
ineffectual efforts to extricate them
j Belves make one of the most ludicrous
; chapters in congressional history.
Their little plot, which was thus frus
i trated, was in keeping with their entire
! course since the democracy assumed
! power. Since the 4th of March, 1S93,
the republicans have never made a
: movement which did not look to the
advantage of their party rather than to
the good of the country. It matters
not how grave has been the public ne
cessity, or how serious the demand for
statesmanship and patriotism rather
than political intrigue and partisan
ship, the republicans have never risen
above a desire to tie the hands of the
party in power, to divide it with dis
sensions, and to protract and intensify
the evils from which tho country was
suffering and from which it was crying
for speedy relief, because by so doing
they thought they could arouse the
wrath of the people against the demo
crats. They pursued this policy of obstruc
tion and irritation with reference to
the repeal of the Sherman act, voting
for it at last when they could no long
er prevent a vote, and immediately aft
erward making a concerted effort to
prevent the recuperation of the coun
try by insisting that the business de
pression had not been due to the Sher
man act, but to the fear of tariff re
form, proceeding, at the same time,
with systematic efforts to incite a fear
of tariff reform.
They are pursuing the same policy
; with reference to the tariff bill, doing
all they can to prevent a settlement of
tariff legislation because they believe
that continued uncertainty, ho ever
much it may injure the country, will
also injure the democratic party.
Their plan in the house to get up a
long wrangle over the seitrniorage bill
; veto was simply another effort to make
' party capital at whatever cost to the
! common good, which is now so depend
j ent upon financial stability and integ
rity. Louisville Courier-Journal.
High Tariff Productive of Hard Times
and Itankruptrr.
When the failure of a prudent farm
ers' crops creates a gap between the
receipts and expenditures on settle
ment day he immediately contrives to
reduce expenses and increase reve
nues. Any other course would entail
bankruptcy in the end. When busi
ness is dull aud the profits on reduced
sales fails to meet tne njj. oKurtres of
the enterprise the prudent merchant
or manufacturer sets about devising
means to red-ace rents and minimize
other expenditures to the end that
threatened insolvency may be averted.
When an intelligent people are bur
dened with charges beyond their ca
pacity to pay, the wise course is to
adopt measures to lessen the charges
so that their labor may be released
from needless taxation.
The American people are suffering
from excessive taxation. When busi
ness is brisk, sales rapid and profits
large the merchant can stand high
rent, liberal wages to employes and
costly methods of transacting busi
ness. When crops are abundant and a
ready market supplies an active de
mand at high prices, the farmer doesn't
feel the expense of implements. But
when conditions are reversed, and in
stead of profits as the result of busi
ness effort in the store or ceaseless toil
on the farm, the round-up shows a
loss, economies must be introduced to
prevent disaster. Then a difference of
a few hundred dollars a year in wages
and rent and a few dollars apiece on
farm machinery becomes a matter of
After the war the release of a vast
army with large sums representing
their wages in their pockets made busi
ness all through the country lively.
Trices were high because the money
was actively employed. Taxes were
high, but that made no difference.
Profits were so large that the amounts
drawn by means of taxation were not
missed. But gradually things have
changed. Profits have dwindled and
everything has decreased except taxes.
They go on and increase while the
ability to pay is lessened. The conse
quence is bankruptcy, and the remedy
is in reducing the charges. Any capa
ble business man or intelligent farmer
understands this. Kansas City Times.
Gen. John C New has given the
tip to the Ilarrisonians. He says that
Mr. Harrison will not accept a renomi
nation unless there should be a great
emergency." The Harrisonian plan of
campaign includes the manufacture of
"a great emergency." The thing is
very simple. All the Harrison men
have to do is to capture a majority of
the delegates to the national conven
tion and nominate Mr. Harrison. This
would create an emergency sufficiently
great for all practical purposes. Buf
falo Courier.
Again Gen. Harrison denies that
he is a candidate for the presidency.
Even the incredulous will begin to
realize that he is in the running and in
to stav. Detroit Free Press.
The Extortionate Tribute Ivled on the
Country by the Republicans.
In his recent speech on the tariff bill
Senator Voorhees admirably presented
the reasons why the country should
be freed from the crushing burden of
McKinleyism. So convincing were his
arguments for the necessity of radical
reform and so scathing his denuncia
tion of the system which brought tho
country to the verge of ruin that there,
was added humiliation in his admis
sion that the measure reported by tha
committee was not to his liking. Con
cessions had been made to a powerful
and unscrupulous opposition in order
to secure a passage of the bill. Those
men had their way whom the eloquent
senator pictures as striding the corri
dors of the capitol issuing their edicts
in the tones of dictators for or against
the enactment of pending measures in
the halls of congress.
It was a most significant admission
of the senator that "those men who
own and represent these woolen in
terests do not hesitate to declare on
what terms a bill vitally affecting
seventy million of people will be per
mitted to become a law and in default
of what provisions for financial profits
to themselves they will insure its de-
feat." It is conceded that the bill does
not meet the popular demand which it
aims to appease. It is a step in the
right direction, but a much shorter and
more disappointing step than the peo
ple called for in the exercise of their
sovereign right.
But let there be no misapprehension
as to where the responsibility for this
deplorable state of affairs belongs. It
rests with that arrogant and grasping
power which has been protected in
the accumulation of a strength which
dares to esay control of national legis
lation. It was dominant and unques
tioned in the latter days of republican
supremacy. It owned legislators and
dictated their line of policy. It was as
powerful in political as in financial af
fairs. It was a plutocracy representing
but an insignificant fraction in the
number of our population, yet it was
in absolute control of our national af
fairs. The republican party served it
and the entire country paid extortion
ate tribute.
It is this element which has asserted
itself in the senate and forced the sub
mission of an unacceptable tariff bilL
It has triumphed for the time but has
called attention to an influence that
must be suppressed before the rule of
the people can be assured. In this
view of the case the present loss and
humiliation of the country may in the
end be its gain. It is made plainer than
ever before to the average citizen that
his wishes count as nothing against
those who are rapidly absorbing the
wealth as well as the power of the na
tion. Senator Voorhees has pointed out
the evils for which they are responsi
ble, and time will accomplish the
changes which the safety of the coun
try demands. Detroit Free Press.
i Mr. Harrison points with pride to
: the election returns from his state,
j Gov. McKinley doesn't. X. Y. World.
j When Gen. Harrison says he does
i not intend to become a presidential
candidate in 1S90 he winks with tbfc
j other eye. Washington Times (Ind.).
Harrison is not big enough to
'. stand a two years' open campaign for
the nomination, but a still hunt may
f give it to him. St. Louis Globe-Demo-j
crat (Rep.).
j The eternal fitness of things is
j admirably illustrated in the selection
' of McKinley to advocate national bank
i runtcy as a republican success. Chi
cago Hernia.
This is a great country, and con
sidering the fact that it is still af
flicted with Coxeyism and McKinley
ism, twin relics of republicanism, it is
doing remarkably welL X. Y. World.
The funny republican editors
having had a real good time over the
news that Louisville, Ky.. had gone re
publican, it may do no harm now to
tell them that Louisville has not had an
election since last November, at which
time it went as democratic as usual.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Tom Keed's reputation as a Jonah
has been well sustained by the result
in the Third Ohio district. Reed has
elected more democrats to congress
than he ever put out of it by abuse of
the powers of speaker. St. Louis Re
public. It is easy to see that the repub
lican newspapers do not care anything
about the democratic victory in Mc
Kinley's old district by the frequency
and emphasis with which they make
the assertion. Roscoe Conkling said:
'The shallows murmur while the deeps
are dumb." Detroit Free Press.
A doleful Chicago McKinley or
gan breaks out thus: "The unexpected
strike at Pullman is a very foolish af
fair and shakes one's confidence in tho
intelligence of the expert mechanics
who have been employed by that com
pany." Its confidence in the intelli
gence of these workingmen has been
shaken so seriously that it has already
presumed to tell them that they need
monopoly tariff taxation to maUe them
prosperous. Chicago Herald.
Kept It I'p Too Long.
It is a good time for the republicans
to pause and see how foolish they have
been in committing themselves to tho
position that any bill the democrats
might pass would ruin the country.
They have been irreconcilable all
through, finding each revision worse
than the preceding, and growing shril
ler as the evil day of the passage of
some bill approached. In this way
they have burned their bridges behind
then. They cannot now fall back on
the protective features left in the bill
and say that these have kept the coun
try from going to the dogs, where it
will vet surelv tto if the wicked dem
ocrats are allowed to do any more tariff
. . . i i
revising. They nave so inorcrugniy
overdone the bugaboo business, and
staked their all on the irredeemably
bad character of the Wilson bill, that
they will find it very hard to keep up
their hysterics in the future. Even if
they trv to, they will find the business
public "so sick of tho thing that they
will soon have to quit it X. Y. Post.