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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1894)
THE OLD SPITE LANE. The Spite Lane runs along the line twlxt Siocum'B farm and ours. A narrow space between 'each fence where notUlns grows but flowers. Tbe relic of a Billy feud that smoldered many years. That caused harsh words between the men and roused onr mothers' fears: A country quarrel long ago, a quarrel firm and et. Here where Uvea are narrow and people won't forfret We children keep the quarrel not, although Its mark Is plain. For there between our meadows green still runs the old Syite Lane. Sometimes Trhcn father sits about, at peace with aU the world. The country paper on his knee. the smoke wreaths 'bout him curled, X drop a hint on foolish spues that run to cruel ends. And how much nicer It would be If neighbor all were friends. Ee'U cBip out: -Xo: I'll fichtitout: Them Slocums can't beat tut!" But he ain't as hearty In It now as what he used to tc: TVhen 'cross the line he'd shake his fist and fairly almost bwear. While ol' man Slocum with his men would holler: "Jest you dare '." But. then, those times, I think, are pone; tliey'll never come a;."aiu And Borne bright day we'll tear away the silly old Spite Lane. Tor, often la the eventide, when at the pasture tars The cowbells tinkle In the dusk beneath the summer stars. Sweet Laura Slocum steals away to meet me once a,-ain Xo aarry wurds can then he heard across the old Spite Lane. Old feu Js, oil hates, o'.d quarrels harsh, young hearts can end them thus. The fences mark a lovers' lane just wide enough for us. The Spite Lane runs along the line 'twlxt feiocum's farm and ours: Tt marks a path of sullen wrath but naught grows there save Cowers: Koy L. McCardeil. In Puck, A PLOT SPOILED. -by ImjX. Willousiibv Didn t Get a 7i5h9d for Loan. The sun hud just dipped behind the Etee!y surface of the frozen river; the chi.l of coming twilight sent a tremu lous shiver through the woods, tinkling1 the icicles like a string of fairy bells as it went. "Good, seasonable weather," thought Squire .uerriforJ. as he came out to look at the big thermometer that al ways hung, summer and winter, beside the perch door. "Halloa, Steele! Is that you?" "Y"s, squire, it Is I, said Milford Steele. "is Josephine at home?" "She's at home, but the fact is she's pre tty considerably, engaged just at present." "That means, I suppose, that Leslie Willoughby is calling'?" Squire Merriford made no direct an swer, but fctared hard at the thermom eter. "Perhaps," went on the merciless cutechist, "you could let me have the money you promised toward the church debt, this evening'? There i a vestry meeting the day after to-morrow. and" The squire coughed dubiously. "Well, the fact is," said he, "it am t convenient just at present. The -church'll have to wait- I'm makin' ar- Tanjements to let out all the cash 1 can ppare now on bond and mortgage. A roan don't tret such an opportunity everv day, Steele, you know." "1 should think not," said Steele, dryly. "Nine per cent, seems like very nice little arrangement, but sup pose the question of usury is raised?" "It won't be, said the squire, confi dently. "It's between friends, vou know." "I need not ask who this liberal- hearted friend is," said Mr. Steele; "Mr. Willoughby. of course." "Suppose it is! cried the squire test ily; "what ther.?" "Mr. Merriford." said Steele, earnest Iy, you are an older man tuau l am. yet I cannot forbear from entreating you to pause and reflect before you in- Test your whoie property in such an unsafe speculation as this. What do you kaoiv about this Leslie Wil loughby?" "I know lie's Chief Justice Chapman's nephew." "lie says so." "And he owns four thousand acres of land out west." "According to his own account," "And he might be a member of con gress if he chose. " "Gather improbable that." "And he owns a lot o' property in the upper part of the city of New York." "Pardon me, but I -do not credit all this. I sincerely believe that he is de ceiving both you and your daughter." The squire grew very red in the face. "1 wasn't born yesterday, and it ain't for you to set up to dictate to me. And if Josephine fancies him more'n the you "She is quite welcome to her prefer ence," sharply interrnptel Steele. "Good evening, Mr. Merriford." He walked quickly away down the Biowy road, the blood boiling in his veins. lie loved Josephine Merriford teartily he respected the good-hearted old squtre, but just now lie felt that le was almost banished from their counsels. "If I could but prove all that I sus ject," murriured he to himself as he crossed the little bridge that spanned a "brawling rivulet. A hand fell on his shoulder at the tune instant. "Hallo, Sprowle! Fm punctual to the econd, you aee." Steele stared round,. without irninedi ttely answering to this unexpected greeting. "Well, then. Mr. Leslie Willoug-hby, Jsq., if you like that better," cried flie stranger, with a burst of laughter. Have you raised that sum of money et? That's what I want to know, because old Samuels is getting crusty, .a d The deuce!" Just at that moment, looking full nto his face, the stranger discovered lis mistake. "I am not Leslie Willoughby," said Steele composedly, "but I can tell you vhere he is. Just at present he is paking love to Squire Merriford' tltKri It' It'll daughter, and trying to induce the old man to lend him money." "That won't do, you know!" cried the mail, who was evidently a little the worse for liquor. "Nohow you can fix it, that won't do. No lovemakingl 'Cause he's married to my sister Eliza, Peter Sprowle is! I don't blame him ! for riot livin' with Eliza she's got a temper like vinegar; but he ha'n't no business to make love to another girl not while I'm around." "You have arrived just in time then. Perhaps you wouldn't mind letting the young lady know that your friend is already married." "I'd just Lke to put a spoke in Pete Sprowle's wheel! I believe in honor among thieves; but I'm hanged if I don't think Pete means to do me this time." Josephine Merriford was n. very pret ty girl, cherry cheeked and dimpled. with innocent hazel-dark eyes and a red, laughing mouth; and the fire-light made a fair picture of her as she sat by the great, old-fashioned hearthstone, with Leslie Willoughby suspiciously close to her. "It's easily done," coaxed Mr. Wil loughby, stroking his long, waxed mustache. "Just to step down to the nearest parson's and, whew! we're off to New York, mau and wife, by the evening train." "But poor papa, Mr. Willoughby!" "lie won't mind, once it's over. I can easily telegraph to him from New York. By Jove, won't that meddling old beau of vours Steele is Lis name. isn't it? stare?" And Leslie Willoughby indulged in a hearty laugh at the idea; but Josephine colored, and then grew pale. "Don't Leslie," she replied: "Mil ford Steele has always been a good and true friend to me." 'I dare sav, I dare sav. WelL Josie, just you get your father to advance that one hundred dollars and we'll give 'cm all the slip. We'll take the eight train " "No, you won't not if I know it," i interrupted a gruff voice. "For my 6ister Eliza, your lawful wadded wife, Pete Sprowle, you know she ain't neither dead nor divorced. And you're no more Justice Chapman's nephew than I'm stepfather to Queen Victoria and 3'our name ain't Willoughby and you're a confounded scoundrel and a villain, Pete Sprowle that's what you be." And Leslie Willoughby. struggling to Lis feet with a face of wrath and confusion, found himself face to face with his respected brother-in-law and coplotter and Milford Steele. "Slanderer! this is your work!" gasped he, aiming a blind blow at the latter. "And I am proud cf it," declared Steele: "or, rather, I shall be, when I've kicked you out of this house." Word and deed were simultaneous, and in another second Josephine and Steele were ulone in the room. "Oh, Milford!" she faltered, "can this be true? or am I dreaming?" "It is true. Josie, that you are saved that yonder miscreant is a married man, as well as an unprincipled ad venturer." "Dear Milford, how can I ever thank you?" 6he murmured, lifting' her soft brown eyes to his face. "I will tell you, Josie one of these days." Squire Merriford could hardly be lieve his own ears when he heard the tale. "I came precious near being an old fool," observed he sagely, and there was some truth in his remark. Chica go Ma.iL DIZZIED DY SUCCESS. Ludicrous Antics of a Great Man tpon a London Street. James Iiinton, the celebrated aurist and essayist, was one of those men who are absolutely oblivious to the impres sion maJe upon the world by their oivn eccentricities of demeanor, lie was an odd little man. As some one once said of him: "There never lived a man with a whiter soul, a warmer heart or a shriller voice." He wrote a book that set the world talking, and also leaped at once into a fine medical practice. One day J. C. Jeaffreson was walking along a London street, when he heard Lis own name uttered in a high treble, lie says: ""Turning quickly round, I saw a little, fragile man dancing about the pavement in high excitement, to the considerable inconvenience of way farers. It was James Uinton. Jump ing up to me, he shook my hand, gvith convulsive tigs, as he ejaculated: T am so very glad, so inexpressibly glad to see you! I have so often wished to fcee you and tell you all that has hap pened" "Having, by this time, shaken my hand with more than sufficient cor diality, he stepped back a few paces and, in doing so, blundered against a stout lady, and knocked a. smali boy down into the gutter. After viewing me in the right perspectire, he danced up to me again, .nd then danced before me, ejaculating La the highest notes of his shrill voice: I am so delighted to see you! There is so auch for us to talk about! So many things hare happened that I want to 111 you about! Do you know, 1 ani a .successful man, a very success ful man? I became a success all in a minute. Isn't it ludicrous? You never expected me to be a EU'iessful man. No one tiiought it in the least degree possible that I should be a success. No one! uo one! no one! See! that's my carriage! Those are my horses! Is it not absurd? Do. my dear fellow, say it is absurd that I should drive about London in my own carriage! "Having thus, in complete innoeence. entertained a London crowd by his an tics, he stepped into the wonderful car riage and drove away, beaming." During the most of the sixteenth century the English people called the Bible the Bibliotheca, or the Library, this word being limited in its applica tion to the Scriptural writings. The "Vinegar Bible" is so called from an error in Luke 1:0. "Parable of the Vineyard" appeared as "Parable of the Vinegar." It was printed by tin Clarendon Press in 1717. IDetnllo o 1 A tA ViQtra luion m aria V - A CALAMITY HOWL Harrison's Pmrroty l'alaver on the Bean ties of I'rotction To the republicans of Indiana in convention assembled ex-President I Harrison said: "Our people became so I rich" under the benign operation of re- j publican tariff laws, "labor was so uni- ; versally employed at good wages, that ! men ceased to appreciate the danger i and the disaster that was involved in . an abandonment of protection princi- pies." j Yes. "our teorle" became rich. The beneficiaries of the protective tariff be- 1 came rich. They waxed fat, and lubri- j tee on finance, and therefore cannot cated the republican machine with j state of my own personal knowledge their fatness to their own great advan- ! what has occurred in any other con tage. But did the people become rich? j ferences that may have taken place. Did they become rich collectively or in ; It is true that an effort is being made proportion to their numbers faster j to agree upon such changes in the pend under the republican system of com- I ing bill as will secure for it the united mercial and industrial restriction and and active support of all the democrats bondage than they did under the dem- in the senate. The indications now ocratic system of comparative freedom? ; are that this support can and will be The census returns tell a different i secured without making radical changes story. They show the true valuation of all real and personal property in millions of dollars (OOO.OJO omitted) in the years named, the increase per cent,, the value of property per capita and the increase per capita, as follows: True val- Increase Value per Increase uation. per cent cum: a. ler cap. ISM.., lfo-)... lew... lsyo... ... 7,135 ... lO.lrO ... 3 I.MS ... 43.043 ... &J.U3T 8 S.'B 611 64 7b J 51.70 S70 1 1 . M 1.U39 Is. 42 125.40 ho. 07 46. 14 4i.0J While it is true that these figures are not conclusive, it is also true that so far as they are trustw-orthy they show a vastly greater percentage of increase, both in aggregate wealth and wealth per capita, during the low tariff decade from 1S50 to 1S(J0, than in any of the fol lowing high tariff decades. If we should make allowance for the exag geration of wealth in 1S70, due to de preciation of the currency, the differ ence would be still more striking. The increase of wealth per head of popula tion in the average for the three decades of protection was not much, if any, more than one-third as great per cent, as it was during the decade of comparatively free trade. "Labor was so fully employed at cood wages" under protection, says air. Harrison. That gentleman is old ; enough to know that there was com- j paratively little discontent among ; working people during the 6o-calied j free trade period. He is old enough to ; know that the Btrike evil and the : tramp disease are almost wholly de velopments under republican tariff pro- j ; tection. I Without directly referring to the ! '. Coxey craze Mr. Harrison strongly en- i courages it. He lays the industrial de- ; pression from which the county- is i : slowly recovering entirely to the pros- , pective reduction of the tariff. He ! i tells the people that they owe their ' prosperity not to their own intei- ! ! ligence, skill and industry, but to gov- j eminent- He tells them that the gov- : eminent is the source cf prosperity j j when it is in the hands of his party 1 ! and the source of adversity when it is 1 . in the hands of another party. He tells ; them that "the cause of this present dis- j ; astrous depression" is to be found "in j ; the attempt to wipe out protection leg- ! isiation and to substitute for it the doc- j trines of a revenue tariff." Congress, 1 ! he tells them, is to blame, and iu so i j doing he encourages them to organize i their "peace armies" and march on j i Washington and demand that congress ! restore prosperity. His teaching is calculated still fur i ther to undermine the self-reliance of ! the American people and to inculcate the belief that they are dependent upon ' government. It is calculated to incite : the people to make utterly unreasona- 1 ble demands and enforce them by vio lence. And yet he talks glibly about "calm and temperate discussion of : great public questions!" j This "calm and temperate" ex-pres- ; ident would have people believe that ' the existing depression is altogether ; due to the prosxect of some little relief ! from tariff burdens and exactions. But ' he knows perfectly well that no panic ; ever occurred that was not followed , by depression more or less severe and j prolonged. He knows that there was ! neither panic nor depression until near ' the end of last June, although reduc- tion of the tariff was just as well as- j Mired nearly eight months before as it , has been at any time since. lie knows I that the panic originated in fear of a, j collapse to the silver basis under the operation of an net passed by a repub- j lican congress and signed by his own hand. He knows that there was a panic in 1S73 which was quite as disas trous as that of lb03, and which was followed by a distressing industrial de pression continuing for a period of five long years. He .knows that that panic occurred soon after the republicans had won a presidential election by an overwhelming majority, and when tbere was no possibility of any tariff reduction for at least four years. And yet, knowing all these things, Mr. Harrison utterly ignores them, and seeks to make people believe that the punic of 1 S'J3 and the depression follow ing -were wholly due to the attempt to wipe out tariff legislation. The truth of the matter is that the depression, wtich had its origin in the silver scare brought on by republican legislation, has been made more severe by the bene ficiaries of protection from selfish mo tives, and is now being prolonged and deepened by republican filibusters in the senate who are actuated by like mo tives. And the "calm a.nd temperate" cx-president sees t to encourage both in their unpatriotic course. Chicago Herald. It is reassuring to note that many ofth e pension cranks in the country are being brought to hook for their of fenses. It is a little diSicult to recon cile the fact that republican orguns deny the existence of pension frauds, yet applaud the punishment of these men who have leen doing nothing but a fraudulent business for years. De troit Free Press. The Indiana republicans patri otically denounce the "hauling down the American flag at nawaii," despite the fact that the good republican pres ident, vrlio "disavowed" the action of his minister in raising it. was present In the convention. N. Y. Post. -nl -" jmxlirily" A m i r.i a A CHANGE NEEDED, Secretary Carlisle Seta Forth tbe Tariff Poller of the Democrats. Secretary of the Treasury Carlisle has authorized the following statement in reply to an inquiry by an Associated Press reporter as to whether it were true that he had taken part in the con ferences which it has been said were being held for the purpose of agreeing upon certain amendments to the pend ing tariff bill: "I have had no conference upon this subject with anybody except the demo- cratic members of the senate commit- in the rates of duty or material altera tions in the form or structure of the taaiff schedules as, they were passed by the house of representatives. In fact, I regard most of the changes now un der consideration as quite unimpor tant, while the remainder are not of I such a character as substantially to j affect the merits of the bill as a meas- j ure for the reformation of the worst features of existing legislation upon this subject. I do not think we ought ! to permit differences of opinion upon mere matters of detail, or in regard to small increases or reduction of rates in the bill as it now stands, to prevent the ; redemption of our pledges to the peo ple, and therefore I am in favor of se- : curing, if possible without any surren der of principle, and without abandon- ; ing any part of the democratic policy of tariff reform, such mutual conces sions upon these points as will consoli date our strength and pass the measure at the earliest possible date. So far as the proposed amendments relate to ' duties upon important articles of con sumption now 'subject to duty, he rates suggested as the basis for adjust ment are all much lower than in the present law. while there are only a few instances in which they are higher than in the bill reported by the senate com mittee. "By far the most important single article upon which a change of duty is now proposed is sugar, raw and re fined, and it is strenuously contended by persons interested in the production of this article that the specific rates al ready in the bill as reported by the senate committee are higher than the ad valorem rates which it is now pro posed to insert Whether this is cor rect or not depends on the price of sugar in the foreign markets from time to time, and therefore it is not possible to make an exactly accurate statement upon the subject; but I am satisfied that the difference, if any, be tween the specific rates heretofore pro posed and the ad valorem rate now un der consideration is so small as to be of no material consequence either way. At any rate, I think that differences of opinion upon this question, which have always been troublesome and vex atious, should not be allowed to defeat the passage of the tariff bill, and I be lieve this is the opinion of all intelli gent and sincere advocates of revenue reform. "The repeal of the McKinley act and the substitution of a more just and equitable measure in its place are of vital importance to the prosperity of the country, and the people have a right to expect that all who are really in favor of a reduction of tariff taxa tion will make such reasonable conces sions to each other's views as will cer tainly accomplish these results. If the country is to wait for tariff reform until a measure is devised which is en tirely acceptable in all its parts to every senator and representative whose vote is necessary to pass it our prom ises will never be kept" MR. HAHRISONS ERROR. The Natural Result of Taxin Labor to benefit Capital. Ex-Iresident Harrison in a public reference to the Coxev army says: "I believe that if the republican policies of administration had not been threat ened we should not have witnessed this sad, almost appalling manifestation." It is by such utterances as this that the cx-president makes it almost impossible for intelligent men to preserve that re spect for him that his position in life entitles him to. Ever since the McKinley bill became effective the industrial distress through out the country has been increasing. Near ly- two years ago the disconten t in cident to it took the form of riot and murder at Pittsburgh. Pa., and, though the strikers were subdued by military force and workingmenin other sections were restrained b3 fear of similar treatment, the condition proceeded from bad to worse, until it finally dis closed to Coxey the mohod which the ex-president deprecates in such solemn terms. But the change of policies of admin istration from republican to democratic is not responsible for it. It is the natural and logical result of taxing poor and patient people to the extent of hundreds of millions annually that the favored few in the sugar trust, the steel combine and the organizations of aggregated capital might multiply their millions and continue to control elections by bribery and corruption. Kansas City Times. The meanness of the tactics by which Mr. Heed won his vindication in the juorum-counting business should not escape atteution. He filibustered persistently over petty affairs and de liberately stopped the course of the house, with no great public issue at stake, for merely selfish reasons largely personal to himself. He and his party have not gaineJ in the respect of the people by such a course. But the dem ocrats, unable to maintain a quorum with a great majority to draw from how contemptible they appear! Springfield (Mass.) Republican (Ind.). The Pennsylvania riots are the direct results of MclCinleyism. Tariff laws that protect capitalists in the im portation of cheap labor always pro duce such results. N. Y. World. i.ti T"fr,gfrVo'-.r.n wa Bomewnat 1 Tuflrrp Areher is attending tne FOR SUNDAY READING. MY STAY. O, my Father, be my stay In tbe dark and cloudy day, Whfn the sunlight lades and chill winds moan. When all earthly comforts fails, When no earthly hope avails. Let me lean on Tliee, on Thee alona. When oppressed t-y care and grief, I am lonKlng for relief Ever seeking rest, and finding none, O. my Father, then in love Every earthly prop remove. Let me lean on Thee, on Thee alone. O. my Father, be my stay In the bright and sunny day. When the shades of prief and care have flown. Lest I then forcet to bless Thee. Source of my happiness. Let me lean on Thee, on Thee alone. By the comfort Thou dost lend, liy Thy mercies without end. Teach me still with grateful heart to own 'Tls a blessed thing for me Thus to feel my need of Thee, Thus to lean on Thee, on Thee alone. Alice Kapalje. In N. Y. Ooserver OUR The Incentive LEVEL BEST. and the Reward of Work for (iod. Working for God is the vocation of the Christian. That work lies within two spheres, one sphere usually involv ing the other. Work for God is oftenest work for our fellows. Sometimes it is work for ourselves in the effort to sub due wrong states of the heart, or to build up right states of feeling. Often, however, the effort to create right states in ourselves is best promoted in direct ly by active efforts directly for the good ot others, so that we may al most say that our entire work for God is working for others. Now, in thia work for others God demands our best, and we should not be satisfied with any lesser demand. Those only are artists who feel that their best is constantly required of them. Every artistic production is a partial manifestation of someone's mind. It is more or less noble accord ing to the elevation and grandeur of that mind, and according to the felicity and truthfulness of its outward expres sion. The Christian life is an artistic prod uct in the highest sense of the word. It is the best possible outward mani festation of an inward conception of God. It may be marred by an intrinsic deficiency in the idea, or by the un skillful manner of the expression of the idea, or bv both. But Christian living always demands our very high est powers, and the verv best we can do. God is too wise and kind a master to require less than our best. He has given us a task that might fill the scope of an archangel, and the task is the pledge of the enlargement of our powers to fill it- This task is. to show day by day and hour by hour, as much of Christ, both in act and in spirit, as we are aide to manifest How ; shall we crowd more of the loving acts of Jusus into our lives, how concen- I trate more of II is sprit into each mani festation of our inner spirit? If an artist must give the strongest : possible effect to the picture as a i whole, or, in other words, must have ; this highest possible concentration in ' the manifestation of his idea, so a I Christian needs to concentrate his ; energy on Wing a Christian, and on living like a Christian. The best work of an artist is not haphazard and , accidental, nor is it the result of his I meaning well in general as a painter; ' but the pictures of the master-painter ; are the converced, concentrated ener : pies of his mind, manifested in the very best terms of his especial art. The ! Christian has the noblest picture tode ! lineate for the world's critical yet ap : preciative eye: namely, the manifested . Christ. Let him do it with the great 1 est possible consecration in its manifes ! tation. i Such effort as this will reveal our in j ward deficiency in the knowledge of j Christ- As a man can not write poetry j who is destitute of the poetic impulse j or ideal, so a Christian can not show j Christ, in his external acts, who has j not Christ within him in far larger ! measure than even his best acts can j manifest. The outer manifestation will fall away when there is no inner reality. Doing our best for Christ will show n that our best is not god enough to take us to Heaven; and the better we try to do. the more vitality we use our powers for God the very limit of our ability, the more we shall be con strained in joy to confess that the way of being saved by grace is the best way. tVe only way. and we shall see how reasonable it is (yet how delightful for 1 us) that the stress of laboring to save ourselves is removed, in order that we may work with such elasticity, free dom and rapture as a true artist feels whet he is released from undue anx iety, and can give himself unrestrain edly to his work. God gives us this leautiful freedom in working for Him. Our thoughts need not revert to self. God has put all our labor for Him on a higher plane than that of securing our personal salvation. Doing our lest for God insures joy, and casts a wonderful light over life. It is said again of Leonardo da Vinci that he seemed to see nature in con stant holiday brightness. No doubt there was a distinct connection be tween his loving to do his best, and this ever-present brightness, in the na ture for him. Joy comes with the de termination to do each day our best for God. S. S. Times. NEWTON'S INFLUENCE. rba Story of na Incident in the Life of Vol taire. Voltaire parsed the years between 1726 and ITiH in England. He declared that this visi. was the most important erent in bin life; yet it is a period which Lad been passed over his biog raphers in s-ilence, until Archibald llallantvne recently wrote upon "Vol taire's Visit .o England." ! Voltaire jnst failed to see Sir Isaac ; Nevrton, whose funeral he attended in Westminster abbey; but lie consoled himself by seeking the acquaintance of i Dr. Samuel Clarke, who was Newton's j Dr. CTarke at first refused to meet Voltaire because of his religious unbe lief. It happened that the distin guished Frenchman met a friend of Dr. Clarke, who asked him to make one of a party to which the doc tor also was invited. Voltaire kept the appointment, and seated himself near the doctor, expecting to hear the good man talk; but he remained silent Hoping to force him into conversation, Voltaire, in general conversation with other persons present, gave expression to the wildest statements that his im agination could suggest against reli gion. At last Dr. Clark turned about, and looking him steadily in the face with the keen eagle eyes for which he was remarkable, said: "Sir, do you acknowledge that two and two make four?" Voltaire made but a bare reply, and the subject was dropped. He after ward showed great respect for Dr. Clarke, and several interviews fol lowed. But that which apparently made the greatest impression upon the great skeptic's mind was this: he noticed that Dr. Clarke never pronounced the word "God" without an air of contem plation and respect. He confessed the unusual impression which this had made upon him, and asked: 'How is it that you habitually speak so reverently of the Deity?" 'I have insensibly taken the custom from long association with Newton, answered Clarke, seriously. 'A custom," Voltaire adds, "which really ought to be that of all men." He drew a correct conclusion. If we believe in God and in the sacredness of religion we should treat them rever ently. Most men do not. measure the impression they make in speaking of the things they hold as sacred. Flip pancy here seems like insincerity. If Voltaire in his thorough skepticism be touched by a reverence rare in his day, how much more in these times must the casual seeker after truth be shocked by a lack of it ! It is said that a few months after meeting Dr. Clarke, Voltaire wrote to a Quaker friend ot his undoubtedly his only profession of faith: "In short, good sir, I believe in God." This may have been the influence of Newton's belief through a friend up on this great man. The great philoso pher Leibnitz, while dying, cried out, "Thou God of Newton! Have mercy upon me!" It was a startling thought, and one not too familiar to us, that we are re sponsible not only for the way in which we ourselves look at God. but for what we make Him tto our friends. Youth's Companion. (living to the Poor. "Such as I have I give thee." It is becoming quite fashionable to give to the needy. It always has been fash ionable among the true followers of the lowly Nazarene, but too many of us want to wait until we have what we think to be worth giving, and while we are waiting needy ones are perishing. Peter did not wait, but gave such as he had, and it was the most valuable gift that could have been bestowed. Ilev. Julius P. Graham. TERSE AND EPIGRAMMATIC. Some of the Boiled-Down Wisdom of Ram's Horn. God's best friend is light. the Gold is never so brignt as when it is- doing the will cf God. The wisdom God gives takes with it all other gifts. Every profane man has the devil's name written on his tongue. The moment a sinner comes to him self lie wants to come to God. We show that we love Christ when we are praying to be like Him. The love that "suffereth Jong and is kind" is not the love of self. There is as much kill in a selfish heart as there is in a musket To voluntarily go in bad company is to court the society of the devil. It is impossible to tire the man who has the rest of Christ in his hearL The sound of an oath hurts a Chris tian more than a blow in the face. A warm-hearted preacher will gen erally find a way to warm up a cold church. Claiming to love and shedding no blood for the good of men is hypocrisy. Do as much good as j-ou can. and God will see to it that you can soon do more. A preacher's usefulness is 'not meas ured by the size of his salary. Before Adam was turned out of his paradise, God promised to give him a better one. The man who knows that he has God"s love, will always believe that he has His help. One good positive and decisive step toward God will put the devil behind your back. Make pure thoughts welcome in your mind, and God will be sure to come into your life. It is God"s design that every window in Heaven shall be a door of blessing; to the pure in hearL The fear of punishment may keep men from doing evil, but it can not make them love the good. One of the biggest fools in the world is the man who thinks the devil's husks can make him fat No man ever expects to go more than a quarter of a mile on the Jericho road when he first makes the start- The devil has a claim on the soul of the man who is willing for any kind of a sin to remain in his hearL The man who will swear before a, child is mean enough to do anything else that the devil requires of him. The man who will take a dollar that is not his own would steal the throne of God if he had the power to do iL The preaching that a worldling likes is that which will permit him to keep on livinc in sin. and still feel that he i is safe. One reason why get religion is b some people do not cause they do not want to get enough the world. to spoil them for When you go to church to pray for the conversion of the heathen, don't expect tEe missionary to go at his own expense. ueui , ,