Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, May 10, 1894, Image 5

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    mil Wt"llMMl 'i
Spring Stock of Clothing, 1 Furnishing
And every article was bought at Rock-Bottom Prices. The pur
chaser Will Get the Benefit, and in this particular case it will
be a Benefit of more than ordinary importance.
Everything Will Go at Panic Prices.
A New Tasty Line of SPftlflG MWQt Sfll
Just unpacked. Call and See Them. They will Surely Suit.
Jasou Streipht of South Beud was in
town Monday.
ThoniAS Akfson, of tue comity, was
in the city Saturday.
Jno. Donelan of Weepiuu Water was
a l'iattsiiioutb visitor Monday.
Henry V. Taylor, one of liberty pm--cincis
most progressive farmers. v;s
a county visitor Friday.
(ieo. Lehnlk If thove out to Louis
ville Sunday morniru (or a day's
visit with his uncle. Henry I,ehr.liotT,
and family.
County Clerk Frank Dickson went
to Murdock Thursday lo help the as
sessor of that piecii.ct untangle his
books, and inst i net him in tbe duties
of his otlice
The bo ird of county commissioners
completed the business of their month
ly session Thursday ,and departed for a
trip over the county to inspect roads
and bridges
Mrs M. I. I'olk is home from a two
week'.s visit with relatives at Green
wood and Lincoln. She was accom
panied hither by Mr. Polk's mother,
who will enjoy a visit of several days.
Ilermai! Ilol.-chub has dtcided to ap
ply t ihe ity council for a saloon
license, and if his application ispranted
will purchase Fred lenberger's bar
fixtures and stock and conduct tbe
business in the Itasgorshek block.
F. C. McClelland, superintendent of
tbe local public schools, journeyed to
Omaha on Saturday to make some ar
rangements for securing rates for an
excursion of school children to Ash
land, where it is the intention of hold
ing joint tield day exercises the day
after the closinir of schools.
Max Lrujm returned lroin Ashland
on Saturday. He secured a saloon li
cense ali ri;;ht. iu spite of the remons
trance filed asrainst his application.
But an appeal has been taken to the
district court by the people who signed
the remonstrance, and the court will
bave to confirm the council's action be
fore Max can open up.
Fletcher IloLbins arrived from
Streator, Ills., last Thursday and will
visit at his home in this city for a
couple of weeks before journeying to
Denver. It is the intention while
Fletcher is here to arrange a boxing
match between himself and Geo. Mid
dleton of Shenandoah. Iowa. A box
ing tourney , concluding with a friendly
set-to for points between the two men
tioned, would certainly draw a big
The law and order league bave
served public notice on the druggists
of Weeping Water not to sell or give
away any intoxicating liquor, except
on the order of a practicing physician,
and threaten prosecution for any vio
lation of the notice. If the order is
carried out to the letter it will destroy
the most prolitable trade of the drug
gists, as many of Weeping Water's
wealthiest citizens made their money
in the drug store business.
Uev. George S. Alexander, editor of
the Syracuse Journal, died Wednesday
morning, aged sixty-two years. A
lupus growth around the eye was the
cause of his death. The deceased has
held an appointment in the Methodist
Episcopal church at Lincoln and Ne
braska City and has been chaplain at
the penitentiary . He was a Knight
Templar of the Nebraska City lodge.
The funeral on Friday was under
Masonic direction. Ilev. Dr. Britt of
this city officiated.
Since the news of Fox's appointment
reached town last week that gentleman
lias been overwhelmed with congratu
lations, and offers from people who
want to rent business rooms for tbe
postoftice. For the information of peo
ple who may have eligible locations for
thepostofllce.TnE Journal will state
that the office can only be removed by
orders of the department at Washing
ton, who usually cause changes in lo
cation to le made only w hen so peti
tioned by tbe patrons of the office.
Try ii f for licht harness. We use the
very best of leather and employ only
first-class workmen. Tbe prices will
please. Frkd Go k per & Sok.
A Yerttit-t far Lawyer Wooley.
The trial of tbe suit of Lawyer Ed.
Wooley, of Lincoln, vs. Oswald Uaier
of Nehawka, occupied the attention
of County Judge Kanisey Thursday,
and very properiy resulted in favor of
the lawyer, he beii.g awarded a judg
ment for $700. Mr. Wooley wasoneof
lijier's attorneys in the somewhat
celebrated damage suit of Haier vs. the
M. i'. railway, which lias been in the
conns for the past several years. The
suit was first tried in t lie disti ict court
of this county, bin was dismissed and
taken to Otoe county, where liaier was
giveu a verdict by a jury for $.5,500.
The railway company appealed and
after the supreme court commission
had affirmed the jury's decision, the
company then attacked the const. tu
tiouality of the commission. In this
the company was defeated before the
supreme court as well as by the I". S.
supreme court at the national capital,
the latter court refusing to entertain
the question on the ground that it had
no jurisdiction. This left the company
where it had to pay. and pay it did,
but unfortunately for Mr. Wooley. the
money went into the hands of
Mr. IJair and John C. Watson
of Nebraska City, the latter be
ing an attorney for Haier in the
the matter along with Mr. Travis of
this city and Mr. Wooley. Mr. Travis
performed some sharp hustling and re
ceived his dues, but Mr. Wooley was
not so successful and was forced to
biiug suit, the result being as men
tioned above.
See Brown and save money this year
on your wall paper, paints and oils.
The city council of Weeping Water
are having a high jinks of a time over
the question of saloon license. Alder
man Sackett handed in his resignation
several days ago. but before the coun
cil bad acted on it he changed his mind
and wanted it withdrawn. But the
council would not listen to the with
drawal and voted to accept the resigna
tion and appointed his successor. Al
derman Marshall w:is refused a seat
in the council, to which he had been
elected, because lit- is not a citizen of
this country. The temperance people
are up in arms over Hie council's
action and have organized a law and
order league and raised a fund of $:00
to fight the matter in the courts.
Can you afford to throw away a dol
lar? If you can't, get my prices on
wall paper and save a dollar.
Bnowx's 1'IIAUMACY.
A few years ago the people of Louis
ville, who wanted the trade of Sarpy
county farmers, voted bonds and built
a free bridge over the Platte river op
posite their town. It was a heavy
burden to the people of Louisville. and
they have refused to make needed re
pairs on the bridge. Ilecentlv they
began suit to compel Cass county to
grade an approach on the south end of
the bridge and to make needed repairs
on tbe structure. Judge Chapman has
decided that the county must keep the
bridge in repair. Now we shall look
for an attempt to force Sarpy county
to stand one-half the expense of keep
ing that bridge in repair. l'apillion
Omaha ain't in it with me now
when it comes to prices on wall paper,
and it is the same way with drugs,
paints and oils.
Brown's Pharmacy.
C. M. l'rintz, of Chicago, the brother
of our C. A. Frintz, who has been vis
iting the latter for a lew days, has
gone to work in the shops and will be
come a permanent resident of Ilave
lock. Mechanic.
I'oland Cliiim lMKt for Sale.
Thirty two head of fall pigs, both
sexes, weighing from 1(H) to 150 lbs.,
price 815 each. Eli M. Smith, Union,
Neb. Gt-w
Geo. Horn and wife of Cedar Creek
were I'lattsmouth visitors Tuesday.
WANTED-At once A good en
ergetic man in every Township in this
county to handle the Daisy" Wind
Mill r I n u tt )iA ww i 1 1 t.tit I. Its
1 entire time to the business can make
good money. Y rite at once for terms
and territory to Daisy Regulator Co.,
Omaha, Neb. - p. O. box 617.
LM of Letters
liemaiuing uncalled for in the post
office at I'lattsmouth May 8. for week
ending May 1, lSf4:
ItUNhiiell. V V
Hurt, .John 11
Mathews. AlfreI
'lay. Mrs (iirtie
Jones, Mrs J F
Nelson, llirtliy
ilark. K M
Ilitt, Mrs Horn-:
Mi-Neely, Dnu
Younj;. livroti
Sullivan. A 1.
Dixon, II A
Lallmi. Mrs M .1
NoW'ii, .lotiti
Persons calling tor any of tne above
letters or parcels will please say "ad
vertised." H.J. Stkeight. 1'. M.
Al. O'Neill is farming the tract of
laud just north of the water works
pump house this season, and will plant
several acres in potatoes.
t'onsnmntion. ltroiuhitis, ('HtMrrli. uml nil
diseases of the respiratory origins are of like
uenu origin, and it is only lately thai they have
been s'ircessf ally treated.
In Hyi.o. taken bv steam inlialHtion. Ameri
ran scientists have riic eeded. tiere Koch and
1'astenr failed, in Jn-rtectiim a cure that c I KKs.
For particulars address ralifornia Chemical
'.Vorlis, miaha, Nebx 13-14
Ailimiilst rutor'n Sale.
In the district court of Cuss county, Nebraska:
iu the matter of the estate of Henry Mertens,
deceased. Notice of sale of real estate.
Notice is hereby given that iu pursuance of n
order of Samuel M. Chapman, judfje of the
district court of Cass county. Nebraska, made
on the lit h day of March. A. !.. l-!4. for the
sale of the real estate hereiiiKfter described
there will be sold at the south door of the court
house in Plattsmouth. Cass coiintv. Nebraska,
on the l:h day of Ma. A. I.. 1:4. at ten
o'clock a. in., ni public vendue lo tne highest
bidder for cash, the foilowiim described real
estate, to w it : Lot twenty i-jni. in section
twenty-aim (Jtit. township tele rji. ranire
fourteen tMi. and lot four i4, iu the south
west quarter of the south west quarter ( V of
the sW'1, i of sect inn seventeen iKi. and lot
three i.'i p. in the southeast iuartcr of the south
west iuarter i-E'i of the V14i of section sen
enteen ( 17). all in township twelve ill'l, rane
thirteen 1 1J. in Cass county, Nebraska.
Said sale will remain peu one hour.
Dated this 2J day of Mav. A. D . 1W1.
Administrator of the estate of Henry Mertens.
deceased .
C'h-. iiKiiii!, att'y for adin'r ltf-il
In the district court of as county, Nebraska :
In the ui itter of ttie estate of shiIoiiioii Ward, de
ceased :
Notice is hereby civen that in pursuance of an
order of Samuel M chn piuan. judge of the ais
trict court of Cass county. Nenrasku. made on
the 7th day of April. A. D . for the sale of
the real estate hereinafter described, there will
be sold at tbe south door of the court house in
Flattsuiouth. Cass county. Nebraska, on the
lyth day of May . . D.. ism. at 1 :30 o'clock p.
in . at public Tutidue to the highest bidder for
cash, the tollowint; described lands and real es
tale, towit: the south half of the southwest
ijiiarterof section twenty. Jin, in township
eievenilli. norta, of range nine (fo in Cass
county. Nebrasku Said sale w ill remain oen
one hour. Alfklii s. Cooi.kt.
Adiniiiia trator of the estate of oloinon Ward,
deceased. 17 4
Notice to Creditors
State of Nebraska, (
Cass County. t
In the matter of the estate of Nels C A
gnrd deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mands of all iH-rsons against NelsC. Aatrard
deceased, late of said county ami slate,
w ill be received, examined and adjusted by the
county court at the court house in PlaUsinouth,
on the lHth day of October, AD, ll4. at two
o'clock in the afternoon : end that six months
from and after the l'.rth day of April A D. 1;4.
is the time limited for creditors of said ae
ceased to present their claims for examination
and allowance.
Civen under niv baud this ltb dav of April,
A I), 14M.
17-4 . S. RAMSEY, County Judge.
Notice to Creditor.
State of Nebraska, i
Cass County. t
In the matter of the estate of John Corbet,
deceased :
Notice is hereby civen that the claims andde
mands of all persons uirainst John Corbet, de
ceased, late of said county and state, will be
received, examined and ad hinted by the county
court at the court bouse In i'lattsmouth. on the
i:ith day of Oetolier. A. D..lss4. at lo o'clock in
the forenoon, and that six mouths from and af
ter the l'.Uh day of April, A. D , 1SS4, is the
time limited for rreditors of said deceased to
present their t alma forexaminatioii and allow
ance. ;iven under my hand this dar of April,
A. !.. lss4.
17-4 H. S. KAMSEY. County Jtidjre.
Notice of I'robate of Will.
State of Nebraska, I
Cams Cot' ntt. ) '
In county court In the matter of the last will
nil testament of (ieorge W". Port, deceased :
Notice is hereby Kiven that on the 2t;ih day of
May, A I), l&'M, at the otlice of the county judge
in i'lattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, at the
hour of '& o'clock in the afternoon the follow
ing matter will tie henrd and considered :
The petition of William J. Welshana to ad
mit to probate an authenticated copy of the
last will and testament of lieorse W. Port, de
ceased, late of Mitchell county, kanstis, and for
letters of administration, with will annexed, to
William J. Welshans.
Dated this SJTUi day f April, A. D., lSi4.
By order of the court.
la-3 li. s. KAMSEY. County Judae.
It told with written
3,f' V tion. Fits, Dizii-
N e uraturia and Wake
fullieritcaused hyex-
. . ........ . . f . .
fs. Tobacco and Aieo-
BEFORE: - AFTER eion. Softening of
'an Brain, cnusinR Misery, Insanity and Death ;
sariMM Iusteney, Lost Power tn either Bel.
Premature Old Ace, Involuntary Losses, caused
by over-mdulireuoe, ovur-exertlon of th Braiu and
Errors of Youth, ltirivesto Weak Ortraua their
Natural Vhror and doubles the Joya ot life; cures
..ueorrhiea and I'emalM Weakness. A month's treat
nieiii, m plum package, by mail, to auy address, $J
!( r Imii, 6 tsixea tu. With every fO ordur we Kive a
Written Cuarantee to cure or refund the money.
Cin ulurrf free. Guarantee issued only by our oi
elusive atfenU
Sole agents, Flattsmouth, Neb.
The Fair
Of next June is new pausing oc
casionally, amid her busy studies
to look forward to her appear
ance on that eventful night when
"the narrow- walls of the school
room will expand and spread
away into the kingly palace of
the world." She strives with the
aid of her friends to solve that
vexing problem. "What shall I
wear?" We. too, have been at
particular pains to aid her in
rinding a satisfactroy answer, and
as a result of our labors can offer
the following complete line of
beautful White and Cream Silks:
irJ-lndi Cream atin Moire, er 69
'4 i" h Cream Brocaded Wash "T C
Mlk, yard fO
L'l iii h Cream hatin, all silk, per "7 C
yard O
2J inch Cream Creie de Chene, d (
yard .017
.loinch Cream India Silk, fine
Kraie, yard
."-inch Cream Satin Ducliesse.
y a ri 1
-.'; inch Cre..m Brocaded Satins,
21! inch ( ream Brocaded 1'eau de
oie, yard . . . .
-1 inch Cream China Silk, yard.
32 inch Cream China Silk. yard. QQ
only .07
11 inch washable Hat.utai silk,
yard, only .Ow
21 inch washable Habutai Silk, Cfl
tine tuality, yard .OVJ
27 inch washable Japanese Siik, i ("
tine quality, yard .T"v7
24-iti'li washable Japanese Silk, FQ
tine quality, yard .057
' Inch Cream washable Japanese
Silk, hue quulity, yard .07
3 Inch Swivel wash Silk, yard, A.C
only TJ
Samples of these sent on ap
plication. Besides this special
line our stock includes complete
lines of Kai Kai, India, China
and Moire Silks, and Dress Goods
of all descriptions. We are
headquarters for Silks and Dress
Tl n l r l We have the most
Via UPflPPS complete mail
1T1C111 UlUClO. order department
in the city ami samples are mailed promptly.
Be careful to state just WHAT you want to buy.
JT'We have no traveling agents or representa
tives. All claiming to be such are frauds.
Dry Goods, House Furnishings
and Groceries.
J ;i-.v--"--"--V-".v'--i-."--.-.u
-.- - - e--::: ?
!;...-. Watches vrVe;
.--.'-'1 a
:uz-r?Z::j Jewelry
-.C; Silverware, &c
Fine Watch Reoalrlng-J;;
jos. p. frenzer;
Opposite Post OfTlc .V-iV
-- 9 m . - m -: - -.--: .c :?::
.. T" :T,:f i--:rs ."i -: ' -:-""-.T-;
m m " m-:'
Or. E. C. West's Nervs and Brain Treatment
l sold under positive written guarantee, by author
lzed u;-Hiitn only, to cure Weak Memory; Loss of
Braiu and Nerve Power; Lost Manhtxal; Quicknefm;
Kutut JMses; Kvil lrea:us; Lack of Courjilenee;
Kervousnesf-; Lassitude; all Drntus; Loss of Power
of the tieiierativ t)rmn In either aex, caused by
over-exertim; Youthful fcrrnrs, or recessive I'se of
Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, which soou lead to
Misery, Consumption, Insanity and Death. By mail,
tl a Imix; 6 for fii; with written cuurantee to cure or
refund money. YVKST'S t! HIGH HYKI P. A certain
cure for Couvhs, t'olds, A-thmo, Bronchitis, Croup,
Whooping Courh, Sore Throat. I'lcasMUt to take.
Small Fize discontinued; old. fioe. Fize, now 25c.; old
1 size, now 50c. Ul'AKAN 'ILLS issued only by
l V. Frirke & Co, druggists.
Compound Oxygen
CATAUKII, l-n-c.
Semi for book free. Three uiuntnn' treatment
for tia.W)
Room 3a. Douglas block. nmaria II ch
Cor. liiih and Dodge Sts. uWUla, ACU.
What is
Castoria is Ir. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea
the Mother's Friend.
"Cm tor I a is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me' B. A. Abchkk, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" The use oC 'Castoria' is so universal and
iu merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Caxtoria
within easy reach."
CBim Kahttn, 1). I).,
New York City.
Thx Centaub
Is distinctively the place where the Farmer's Dollar Goes the
Farthest. We lead, as ever, in
Buggies and Carriages
This year's line is larger than ever and the prices
cannot fail but suit.
As to Implements,
Our two large store-rooms are brim-full of the BEST and
MOST PERFECTED to be found in the Implement
market. Special attention is called to our
Boy Riding" Cultivator' and our
"New Departure" Tongueless Cultivator,
Both of which will bear out the assertion that nothing
their equal can be found in the market.
For the Money, and are the only firm using "Old Fashioned Oak
Tanned Leather" in Cass County. Consult your own interests and
Deal with an Establishment which conducts Business on the Plan of
Giving Real Worth in Return for the Buyer's Money.
307-309 Mnin Street, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Physician and Surgeon,
o Ity or iittt Prompt? Anwr-r
Dr. Agnes V. Swetland,
Special attention to Obatetrlca, Diseases of
Women and Woman's Surgery.
Office : 'xeh"?!81' Omaha, Neb
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhata, Eructation,
Kills Worms, fives sleep, and promotes di
gestion. Without injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommended
your 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneficial
Edwth F. Pakdkb, M. D,
tnth Street and 7th Ave New York City.
Oompakt, 77 Mcrhit Steer, Kew York Cm
We Manufacture
The Very Best
LE BRUirS:::-''
1 directly To IM mm or
of Um Umto-V rmary Or.
ran, raaturvs do chang of dit or
inn out, merrarul or potaotMoa ido
Icidu to bo taken Intemailj. tmm
by eitLnnx ft Is lmpoibie to contract
may venrwi djimi ; but in tn cae f
tnaM iraady tinrntmAfSLT Ajrucm
with OonarrlKBS and Uievt, wegaurw
toaaeuiv. Priac by nauU portaf PM
$ t jMr bui, or boxaa tac f
$500 Reward!
WE will pay the above reward for any case of
Liver Complaint. Dypepsia, Sick Headache. Id
dipestion Constipation or Costiveness we cannot
cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when
the directions are strictly complied with. They
are purely Vegetable, end never fail to give sat
isiaction. Surar Coateo. Large boxes, 25 cents.
Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The gerj
aine manufactured onl v by THE JOHN C WEsT