Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, May 03, 1894, Image 5

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And every article was bought at Rock-Bottom Prices. The pur
chaser. Will Get the Benefit, and in this particular case it will
be a Benefit of more than ordinary importance.
Everything Will Go at Panic Prices.
Spring Stock of Clothing, 1 F
Ex-Sheriff Tighe was in the city on
J. i. Adams, the Eagle banker, was
the guest of his daiightt-rs in this c?ty
John Ueeker, wife and daughter of
the precinct were Council lflufTs vis
itors Friday.
County Clerk Dickson journeyed to
Louisville Saturday to look alter his
lumber interests in that village.
Messrs. Ernest l'autsche, of Louis
ville, and F. W . Schleifert.of Murdock,
were callers at thee headquarters on
Deputy I. S. Marshal Thrasher has
gone out into the western part of the
state to erve some papers in federal
Dr. It. H. Wallace, of Union, was in
town Thursday attending a session of
the pension board, of which lie is a
John E. Langston, formerly of this
city, was elected village clerk of Have
Iockat the last meeting of the trustees,
vice Sam Ilinkle. whose term had ex
pired. The funeral of Mrs. Antill occurred
from tde family residence on Main
street Sunday afternoon, and was
held under the auspices of the I. O. O.
F. and I), of K. lodges, the intenment
taking place at Oak Hill.
l"p to date Mayor Newell has re
ceived just eveu forty applications
from people who want a job on the po
lice force. As there are only three
positions to be filled some thirty-seven
people are going to be tilled with dis
appointment. Ilolert Troop of the precinct drove
in twenty-seven head of fat steers Fri
day and disposed of them to Wiley
Black. They averaged lit;: pounds
and brought Mr. Troop over $1,100,
and the market price is considered
low at that figure.
The Lincoln Call progresses a step
too far when it prints the name of Eli
Kenberry and dubs the man sheriff of
Cass county. Sheriff Eikenbary's
name is bad enough without distort
ing it further. Henceforth the Call
may consider itself boycotted in Cass
Complaint was tiled against all
places keeping nickel-in-the-slot ma
chines at Nebraska City last week.
E'olice raided the saloons and locked
the machines up in the city vault.
Here's a pointer for the Plattsmouth
authorities, although the question of
finding the c'ty vault might prove a
serious one.
A branch of the Coxey army is being
organized at Lincoln, and it is reported
that one of the recruits is none other
than our former townsman, Miner
Stockwell. If they could just secure a
whole regiment like him we'll bet a
red apple it would have some kind of
an effect on the president probably
frizhten him to death.
The Lincoln Herald says: At last a
civil court has seen tit to step in and
enjoin a Catholic priest from holding
services in his church on Sunuay. The
only wonder is that. being a republican
and a candidate for congress, thiscourt
did not restrain the priest from prav
ing at all. This is about the essence
of the modern idea of republicanism.
In the opinion of many citizens the
council erred last week in refusing to
issue a license to Fred Egenberger,
and the hope is generally expressed
that the question will be reconsidered
and a license granted the gentleman.
TriE Journal views the subject in
much the same light, as Mr. Egenber
ger is a worthy young man and was
blamed for matters which be did not
The Glenwood (la.) Daily Times has
been resurrected after a slumber of
almost a year, and is now a welcome
visitor at The Joui:xal"s exchange
table. J. 15. Lachapelle is its publisher
and J. A. IJasom. formerly of' the Mur
ray Banner and the Nehawka llegister,
both of this county, is its city editor.
TnE Journal trusts tnat the people
of Glenwood will give the Times the
support it deserves.
Clip the art coupon in today's paper.
From the Mechanic.
Dr. Cook, medical examiner, was at
the shops Monday morning.
E l Martin and wife, of l'lattsmouth,
visited Thomas Bibby and family this
Wiu. Ackerman returned last Thurs
day from Cheyenne, Wyoming, and
will go to work again in the shops next
O. C. Smith closed the deal with
Hubbard Bros, lust Saturday for the
house and lot he Las been occupying
for some time.
Arthur 2s'eff got the nail and end of
the little finger on his let hand punched
off Friday morning, causing a lay-off
for some tinje.
We learn that W. A. Crane, the
founder of the Mechanic, is now de
voting his time and talents to agricul
ture in the vicinity of l'lattsmouth.
Monday morning I'at McCaIlen,boss
boilermaker at l'lattsmouth. took
charge of the boiler shops litre, vice
Alex Clifton, as assistant foreman.
Will and Nina Tucker, brother and
sister of Mrs. C. A. Rankin, visited
with the latter on Tuesday last and
wentfroru here to Belvedere, thisstate.
From the Times.
Miss Lizzie Kroehler.of l'lattsmouth,
was visiting her brother, George
Kroehler here this week.
Andrew Kroehler, a B. & M. tinner,
formerly of l'lattsmouth. but now
working at Alliance, stopped off here
Tuesday to visit while on his way to
F. B. Holmes and C- L. Langston
have each purchased a horse and ex
pect to get them in training for the
state fair when they will be in trim
to capture first money in the roadster
I'.McCallen has been appointed fore
man of the boiler shops, taking effect
last Monday. Mr. McCallen is an old
time employe of the B. & M., and was
foreman of the boiler shop here when
the shops were first opened and gave
up his position on account of ill
health. We are glad to see him back
with us and so much improved in
A Long Handle Dust-Pan,
(New, patented, easy as a t-arfet sweeper),
given away with every cloak. caje or suit
bought of O. K. ScoHeld's Exclusive Cloak
Store, Itith and Farnaiu street", Omaha, lied
rock prices guaranteed. It
See Brown and save money this year
on your wall paper, paints and oils.
Ilev. Fred Wairen, a reformed local
sport, occupied the pulpit at the South
i'ark Baptist church Sunday and is
said to have delivered a discourse that
was "hot stuff," and the equal of Sam
Jones' ablest effort. He touched upon
the practices of rushing the growler,
shooting craps and gambling in gen
eral, and exposed the whole business.
A number of his former companions
were in the congregation and were
roasted brown on both sides. One of
them informed the writer that he did
not care for the roasting, but did not
exactly like the idea of the evangelist
giving away the secrets of the profes
sion by making reference to "horse
dice," "strippers." "suckers," etc.
Omaha ain't in it with me now
when it comes to prices on wall paper,
and it is the same way with drugs,
paints and oils.
Brown's 1'iiar.macy.
Natural gas bas been discovered at
Casper, Wyoming, and the people ot
northwestern Nebraska feel jubilant
over the prospect of their being as for
tunate as the Casper people. Natural
gas would make a great boom for
northwestern Nebraska.
Japanese Liver Pellets cure bilious
ness, sour stomach and all kidney and
liver troubles. Small and mild.. Sold
by Fricke &, Co.
"WANTED At once A good en
ergetic man in every Township in this
county to handle the "Daisy" Wind
Mill Regulator. One who will put his
entire time to the business cau make
good money. Write at once for terms
and territory to Daisy Regulator Co.,
Omaha, Neb. F. O. box 617.
A Kew 1 Tasty Line of SFTUTOG flEQUQE SHIflT
Just unpacked. Call and See
Two Women Family Injured.
Thursday afternoon as the Denver
train on the B. & M. was nearing Lil
erty. Gage county, it ran into a bucgy
occupied by two ladies, killing one
horse outright and mantling the other
to such on extent that it had to be
killed. Both women were injured, and
it is feared fatally.
M ill He t-ili.lietl.
Some fiend in human form has taken
the liberty to write obscene notices
upon the walls of our city postotlice.
This writing referred to some of
I'lattsuiouth's most respected young
people, upon whose characters theie is
no blemish, and be it understood the
perpetrator of this vile act will be
punished to the full extent of the law
if found out. (Signed)
One of the Fa rents.
Consumption. Bronchitis, laturrli. and n!l
dieai-e. of the respiratory organs ure of like
uerm origin, and it is only lately that they have
been tmccessf ully treated.
In IItlo. taken hy steam inhalation. Ameri
can scientists have succeeded, where Koch and
Pasteur failed, in perfectinu' a cure that ci kes.
ror particulars mlilress . alitornia i lieimcal
'Vorks. wialia, Neb. Is-14
Not Ire.
In the district court of t'ass county, a:
In the m itier of the estate of iloiuou Ward, tie
ceased :
Notice is hereby civeu that in pursuance of an
order of Samuel Al . Clinpiiian. judtre of the u in
trict court of Cass eountv, Ner.rnska. made on
the 7th day of April. A. I . Isn4. for the saie of
the real estate hereinafter described, there will
le sold at the s.iutti door of the court house in
Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, on the
lyth day of May A . !.. 1'M. at 1:) o'clock p.
m., at public vundue to Hie highest bidder for
cash, the following described lands and real es
tate. towit : the south half of the southwest
quarter of section twenty, cm, in township
eleven illi. north, of range nine ('." in Cass
county, Nebraska, said sale will remain 0n
one hour. Alfkko S. i.'ooi.ev.
Administrator of the estate of olomon Ward,
deceived. 17 1
Notice to Creditor.
State or Nibkiskj.
Cass t'ountv. i " '
In the ni'ttterot the ostnte of Hennett W. I'ieroe,
Notice is hereby given that the claims and
demands of ttil ersons against Ifenuett W.
Pierce, deceased, late of said county arid state,
will be received, examined and adjusteil by the
county court at the court house in l'lattsmouth.
on the 12th day of Octotier. A. D.. Xi'M. at II)
o'clock in the forenoon. And that six months
from and after the litli day of April, A. 1).,
lv4, is the time limited for creditors of scld de
ceased to present their claims for examination
and allowance.
oiven under my hand this 7th diiv of Apr!!,
A. 1., 1-X4. B. s. Ramsey.
1; 4 County Judge.
Notice to Creditor
State of Nebraska,
Cass County. f ' 1
In the matter of the estate of "els C la
gard deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the ijaims and de
mands of all person against Nels C Aagard
deceased, late of said county and state,
will be receivtd. examined and adjusted by the
county court at the court house in 1'Inttsmouth,
on the 19th day of October. AD, lsy4. at two
o'clock in the afternoon : and that six months
from and after the litth day of April A I. 14.
is the time limited for creditors of said de
ceased to present their claims for examination
and allowance.
(riven under my hand this Ifitu day of April.
A I). lsiM.
17-4 B. S. RAM SKY, County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, I
Cass couuty. "
In the matter of the estate of John Corlet,
deceased :
Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mum! s of all persons against John Corbet, de
ceased, late of said county and state, will be
received, examined and adjusted by the county
court at the court house in Phittstiiouth. on the
PUh day of October. A.!t4. at 1( o'clock in
the fore noon, and that six months from and af
ter the lMlh dy of April, A. I) , IVl, is the
time limited for creditors of said deceased to
present their c aimi for examination and allow
ance. Oiven under my hand this l;th dav of April,
A. I.. 1-V4.
17-4 11. S. RAMSEY. County Judge.
Notice of I'robnte or Will.
State of Nebraska,
Cass Col sty. 1
In county court In the matter of the lost will
and testament of tieorge W . Port, deceased :
Notice is hereby given that on the iilth Oay of
May, A D, 18SM, at the oflice of the county judge
in Piattsmotith, Cas county. Nehrai-ka, at the
hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon the follow
ing matter will be heird and eonstdered :
The petition of William J. Weishans to ad
mit to probate an authenticated copy of the
last will and testament of Cieortie W. Port, de
ceased, late of Mitchell county, Kansas, and tar
letters of administration, with will annexed, to
William J. Weishans.
Dated this 'JTth day f April, A. I., 184.
lty order of the court.
193 B. S. RAMSEY. County Judge.
A Khw md Complete Treatment, consisting of
frrPi'OSI'iOKli; Cuurale . Ointment and two
lioxee of OinLnient. A never-foillnir Cure for PUea
of every nature and degree. It makes an operation
with the kuilw or in jwctions of carlailio acid, which
are painful unl peluurn & permanent care, and of'en
reeuiuiuf in death, unnecesoary. Why endure
thia terrible disease? We guarantee O
boxes to cure any case. You only pur for
benefits received, tl a box, 6 for $r, by mail. Oumjfit
fre. Guarantees issued b our atreuta.
CONSTIPATION b"jaBaneiseLIeT Pellets
foe treat ITVm and STOM ACU lii-ii U LATOK and
til OOI PCKIF1.KK. fcmaO, mild and pleasant to
takt, especially adapted lor childreu'a Oso. GOiAJooa
i cent?.
my Rtrma issued only by
Sole agents, Plattsmouth, Neb.
x-lx CUBE
The Fair
; Of next June is new pausing oc
i c tsionally, amid her busy studies
1 1 look forward to her appear
j ance on that eventful night when
j "the narrow walls of the school-
room will expand and spread
away into the kingly palace of
the world." She strives with the
aid of her friends to solve that
vexing problem, "What shall I
wear?" We. too, have been at
particular pains to aid her in
finding a satisfactroy answer, and
as a result of our labors can offer
the following complete line of
beautful White and Cream Silks
IT-' inch Cream
satin Moire, r
$ .69
24 inch Cream lirocaded Wash
f-ilk, yard
L'l inch Cream Satin, all silk, per
L'i inch Cream Crepe de Chene,
30-inch Cream India
(Trade, yard
silk, fine
2-i:ih Crema atin Iuetiese.
21 inch Cre-'in lirocaded Satins,
22 -inch f ream lirocaded I'eau de
oie, yard
i'l Inch Cream China Silk,
only . .
33 inch Cream China Silk.
21 inch washable Habutai Silk,
yard, only
21 inch washable Ilabutal Silk,
line quality, yard
L'T inch washable Japanese Silk,
tine quality, yard
24-iuch washable Japanese Silk,
rine quality, ard
:k; inch Cream washable Japanese
Silk, Cue quality, yard
js inch, Swivel wash Silk, yard,
Samples of these sent on ap
plication. Besides this special
line our stock includes complete
lines of Kai Kai, India, China
and Moire Silks, and Dress Goods
of all descriptions. We are
headquarters for Silks and Dress
H it i "1 We have the most
iVml UPdPPS complete mail Ul UU1 J. orderdepartmeut
in the city and samples are mailed promptly,
be careful to state just WHAT you want to buy.
J-f-We have no traveling acents or representa
tives. All claiming to be such are frauds.
Dry Goods, House Furnishings
and Groceries.
; ;:. ::T. :.: ---?.-?; :
e ' e : Diamonds .
::-'e:e;: Jewelry r.-.-.v
Silverware, &c
Fine Watch Repairing;
. . . Opposite Post Office
'? '.". ". -
Or. E. C. West s Nerve and Brain Treatment
Is sld under positive written iruarautee, by author
ized a,;eiiu only, to cure WeHk Memory; Loss of
brain and Nerve power; Lost Manhood; Vui' kne;
Nurht liHse; Kvil Dreams; lck of Conmieuce;
Nervoav-ness: Lassitude: all IlnOns? Ijoanl
of the Generative Oram In eith-r sex, caused by
overexertion: Youthful K
Tobacco tipium or Liquor, which Boon lead to
Misery. Consumption, Insanity and IVath. by malL
tl a lsx; 6 tort-"' : with written truurnutee to cure or
refund money. WKSTVt CHlCtiU SVKI P. A certain
cure for Couphs. Cold, Atiima, Brunchltis, Croup.
W h.u.ptnpr Couch, Sore Tliroat. pleasant to take.
Hmail size discontinued; old. Sue. size, now 25c.- old
tl size, now 6I. ti U Alt AN TEL liwued only by
F. G. Frif ke t t o, drnssists.
Compound Oxygen
Send for book free. Three months' treatment
for tlii.OO
Room 33. Douglas block. Am ah a Voh
Cor. loth and Dodge Sta. Ulilolia, fltJU.
fl fl NEW
BEF0R ArTCft'N fe 1 1 1
Them. They will
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea
the Mother's Friend.
Castoria. Castoria.
'Castoria, is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Akcher, M. I).,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" The use of ' Castoria ' is so universal and
Its merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Cmum SLikttn, D. D
' New York City.
Thz Cxntaub
WTLtmm -house
Is distinctively the place where the Farmer's Dollar Goes the
Farthest. We lead, as ever, in
Buggies and Carriages.
This year's line is larger than ever and the prices
cannot fail but suit.
As to Implements,
Our two large store-rooms are brim-full of the BEST and
MOST PERFECTED to be found in the Implement
market. Special attention is called to our
uBoy Riding1 Cultivator" and our
"New Departure" Tongueless Cultivator,
Both of which will bear out the assertion that nothing
.their equal can be found in the market.
For the Money, and are the only
Tanned Leather" in Cass County.
Deal with an Establishment which
Giving Real Worth in Return for
307-301) Main Street,
Physician and Surgeon,
-ii "lty or 'unTj Prompt Ir Awwr!
Dr. Agnes Y. Swetland,
Special attention to Obstetrics, Iilseases of
Women and Woman's Surgery.
Office: 1MS2K?5:rt' Omaha, Feb
Surely Suit.
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Si iur Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gies sleep, and promotes di
gestion, Without injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommended
your ' Castoria,' and shall always continue to
do so as it bas invariably produced beneficial
Edwih F. Pakdkk, 5L D
125th Street and 7th Ave, New York City.
Cokpaict, 77 McaaAT Stbsst, New Yobx Cmt
We Manufacture
The Very Best
firm using "Old Fashioned Oak
Consult your own interests and
conducts Business on the Plan of
the Buyer's Money.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
St BMtfalsa FOE F-tTHIB SFX. Thi rrnm&r
IF KRUfi S-"" In"" dirwJjr to tM M at
MHI1 W tboilniiiin nf llnl mil 1 j in
naoiM do cbnvo of dit or
nanwnin, mercurial or puwonoui rooA.
iciMsto bo taken internally. ad,
by either x It tsimpaaubletoeontnKt
any venereal dimn ; ot m tbe eaos of
those mi ready LawaiuBaiaiv Arvucfsa
with Uonorrhn and (iioM. we CuVto.
tveaeura. Fnaeby mail, pottafe i,
1 per bux. ac boaea tuc So.
$500 Reward!
WE will pay the above reward for any case of
Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache. In
digestion Constipation or Costiveness we cannot
cure with West's Vegetable Liver Fills, when
the directions are strictly complied with. They
are purely Vegetable, e nd never fail to give sat
isiaction. Sugar Coateu. Large boxes, 35 cents.
Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The gen
nine vanutactured only by THE JOHN C WEsT