Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, May 03, 1894, Image 4
The Plattsniouth Journal, DAILY AND WEEKLY. C W. SHERMAN, Editor. TERMS FOR DAILY. One copy one year, in advance, by mall. . . . i. 00 One copy alx months. In advance, by mall . 2 BO One copy one month. In advance, by mall . 60 One copy, by carrier, per week 10 Published eveiy afternoon except Sunday. WEEKLY JOURNAL. Single copy, one year II 00 Single copy, alx mouths Ml Published every Thursday. Payable In advance. Entered at the postoltiee at Plattauioutii, Ne brattka, as second class matter. OFFICIAL COCXTV XEWSPAPEK. CAPITAL I'OKKKSPONDKNCK. Washington, I). C, April 23,P94. Say what one may there is no dis guising the fact that the coming hither of Coxey's army of the unemployed is the one leading topic of thought and conversation, among the thinking and reading people of this district just now, and this includes not only property owners, office-holders and citizens gen erally, but members of both houses of congress and the attaches about the capital. The little tiff in the senate a few days ago, with Senator Allen on one side and Hawley on the other, was but an outcropping of much under-the-current talk one hears on every side. "What will they do when they get here V "How will Washington feed the army when it comes ?' "Is con gress going to hear their petition V "Will they go away after they have presented their petition V" and a thous and other questions one hears asked on every hand. One fact is quite appar ent, the coming of the army is no longer treated as a joke or as a fake, but is a living reality, and it must be met in a form or manner far more respectful than was contemplated a month ago, when a little straggling force of eighty-five men started out from Massillon in the snow and mud, amid the jeers and scoffs of a whole nation. Even a week ago the temper of the authorities here was different from what it is today. Then it was the common talk that if they came the leaders would be captured and impris oned while the rank and file would be turned back or sent to the workhouse. Today these authorities are at a loss to know what to do, and have about made up their minds to treat the common weal as if they were citizens and en titled to be heard and listened to. There is no doubt but the outpourings of citizens of Omaha and Council Hluffs, in sympathy with the ill-treated army of Gen. Kelly at the hands of liov. Jackson and the railroads has had something to do with this change of sun time nt and conduct of district olli cials. There is among all mankind "a fellow -feeling" which on occasion "makes us wondrous kind." The spirit of liberty wells up in the heart, creat ing sympathy for men who are op pressed, no matter who they may be or of what condition. So the effort to crush out the California contingent . hits made friends for the movement all over the land, and has given it char acter just as the sacrifice at Lexington and the stirring scenes of the retreat from Concord gave character to the e.-irly efforts of the patriots of the revo lution. Coxey and his little band will be here within a week, and if I am not mistaken the sundry plutocrats of the senate will be very much humbled in spirit when they come. If the senate could only be induced to hurry matters along and pass the tariff bill by that time they would be doing the best thing possible toward giving these men employment unless, indeed, it would be the enactment of a free coinage law. The Coxey forces have a large num ber of local sympathizers here who are preparing to receive the army when it comes. Nightly meetings are held at their headquarters,and quite a sum has been quietly raised with which to buy provisions and provide for their well being. Col. Redstone, a very deter mined and enthusiastic little man, is the head of the movement, and he is a man not to be trifled with. I met him recently and tried to convince him of the foolishness of the "good roads" i lea of the government recognizing the necessity of its providing work for men while, in fact no such power had been delegated by the constitution, and that it was the rankest sort of pater nalism. "Don't the government give charters to banks, authorize bankers to collect interest on notes, issue money to them and supervise their affairs ? Is not that paternalism in the interest of the rich V Don't the government take charge of the people's postal affairs, and isn't that paternalism ? Why not build some highways at public expense, and give poor men something to do ?" And with this he was off without giT ing me a chance to reply. Jl. L. Metcalf of the Omaha Wcrld flerald was here yesterday enjoying a little outing, he said, after three years of bard work without a rest. There is no question but "Met" is a rising character in Nebraska journalism, and is sure to leave his mark on the history of the state. He is a fellow of rare in dustry and most excellent judgment in political as well as literary and edi torial affairs, and Mr. Hitchcock has done well to make a fixture of him on his paper. The fact that Frank Ilatton of the Washington Post, at scarce fifty, was yesterday stricken with paralysis, ought, however, I think, be a warning to "Met" not to work too hard, lest the same fate tie fall him. Ilatton has been a tire less worker these six years past since he took charge of the Tost, and no doubt owes his present affliction to that fact; for to all appearance he is physically a well man, but in nervous force must be broken. Better luck to 'Met." IStisiness in the house goes on with scarce an incident worth mentioning these days. Last Friday night, as us ual, an eveuing session was held for considering private pension claims, and, as usual, Mr. Kilgore of Texas ob jected to the passage of any bill uuless a quorum voted. Of course no quorum was present, and after a call of the house, which was fruitless, the session came to a close, much to the disgust of Col. Hepburn, of Iowa, who had cer tain bills pending, and he declared his purpose to be hereafter to compel a quorum to vote on every question be fore the house, if Kilgore persisted in his course. He followed that course on Monday and compelled the vote ot a quorum to approve the journal, but by Tuesday he weakened, apparently, as he was not there to object when the journal was read. By the way have Journal readers noticed anything lately emanating from that erstwhile remarkable ora tor from Iowa Mr. Dolliver ? It wiil be remembered that two years ago the republican newspapers of the west doted on him as a rising man a per fect cyclone of an orator, who had com pletely floored Bryan in his maiden ef fort in the house. But of late he is seldom seen on the floor, and his last effort was an admitted failure. In fact he cannot begin to get the hearing today on the floor that Hepburn can while Bryan .has forged so far ahead that he is not In the same class any more. Some men grow downward like a horse's tail, and the Iowa cyclone seems to be of that order. Journal readers remember, doubt lets, the controversy that grew out of the use by Mr. Bryan in his silver speech last August of Miss Muhlbach's story of the drummer boy of Marengo, and some my friend Tom Wilkinson among the number even doubted if there was such a character. I was delving through some idylic lore in the congressional library the other day, however, when I encountered a little poem which satisfied me not only that that drummer boy not only lived, but told how he died, and here it is. The little story was written by Nettie Pat tersou and is entitled: THE DRCMMER BOY OF CARDINELL. Macdooald'a valiant soldiers inarched In Card! nell that day. When shooting avalanches stormed their wild, terrific way; The weariest still struggled on. with hope that they might see Napoleon gem proud France's crown with one more victory. One drummer boy of a regiment, whose heart had hoped to play The martial music of his drum to battle on that day. Pressed forward just as bravely as the bravest that should wield Triumphant weapons of a k night on Marengo's bloody field, Nor dreamed he of his warlike days this one should be the last; That howling storms within the chasm declared forever past; For while his cheek and eye In hope of victory did glow. An avalanche went thundering down the aw ful gulf below. Macdonald's soldiers, struggling on with cour age to the tight. Could hear the beating of a drum far distant in the night; Till every sound in distance hushed had ceased to find an ear, It beat in hope that some kind heart In gym pathy would hear. 'Twas the drummer boy of Marengo with the avalanche that fell Heating out a call for aid from the gulf of Car dlnell! Thinking that with martial music he could reach a soldier's heart. He beat till icy fingers claimed him from the ranks of Bonaparte. Suns that rose to light Marengo In that awful chasm deep Warmed no pulse within his bosom, nor awak ened him from sleep, lie bad hoped to wake to valorwllh the beating of his drum The heart of many a gallant comrade when the battle hour should come. And the tales of fallen mighty In after years to tell. But he's resting just as peaceful In the gulf of Cardlnell. c. w. s. CAUTION TO COMMON WEALERS. Chicago Times. The United 'States army, which is not so very much bigger than the so called army of the commonweal, is now in possession of "Gen." Hogan's 500 train-stealing inviucibles at Forsyth, Mont. Just what the real army will do with the make-believe army is diffi cult to tell, but at any rate Mr. Hogan's exploit in the line of land piracy will prevent his rallying with Coxey at Washington, and theref oi e dashes his hope of being a factor in the regenera tion of society by the device of good roads, paper money, and death to interest-bearing boids. This is entirely as it should be. There are two fundamental principles bearing upon this industrial-army agi tation, the truth 'of which cannot be gainsaid. One man, three men, 3ti() men, or 3,000 men have a right to pro ceed in orderly fashion along the high ways of this nation whither they may wish to go. They have an inalienable right to pass through villages, towns, and cities if such lie in their path. It is the opinion of the Times that, if ab stract right alone be considered, they have a right to pass over toll-road." without the payment of toll, for a toll road is undoubtedly an unwarrantable invasion of the inalienable right of free use of a public highway. They have the right to go to the nation's capital and present there, in orderly fashion, anv petition, however ridiculous, they may desire to offer. So long as the industrial armies ex ercise only these rights and do so with out resorting to violence and theft, any interference with them by police, militia, or regular troops would be un warrantable and would justify resis tance. But on the other hand, the essence of the right of the commonwealers to march lies in their doing so peacefully and in their respecting public and pri vate property. If they forage on the surrounding country they must be pun ished as other thieves would be pun ished. If they steal a train they must be captured and held to answer for the crime. The grievances of the class they represent and they have many griev ancescannot justify recourse of vio lence as long as the orderly processes of law and the ballot afford hope of a remedy. Nor can the notorious, the shameful and execrable fact that many men in high social station have stolen railroads, plundered corporations. ground the happiness, the hope, and life out of the people to be coined into dollars for their own fat pockets justify a single act of violence or outlawry on the part of those who now rise in pro test. The Times knows that it is out of tune with its contemporaries, but the note which it has struck is one of en tire sincerity. It has no word of de nuueiation or ot ridicule for the men who in a vague, uncertain way are seeking a vague, uncertain remedy for ills which are neither vague nor uncer tain, lu a spirit of sympathy, of friendliness for those men, we urge them the vital necessity of maintaining absolute peace and order in their ranks There is a remedy in the ballot box, and until that remedy has been sin cerely sought no other should be tried. The lesson taught by history. the history of our own time, is a lesson which the commonweal should take to heart. It teaches that violent attempts to redress the wrongs of a class only increase the subjection of that class. A crime committed in however good a cause allies all the order!', law-abiding elements of society in antagonism to that cause, and the orderly, law-abid ing element in American life holds the whip today, though it does not use it at the proper time. An eastern firm has just sold 10,00rt kegs of nails for export to Australia by way of England. As the McKinley law levies a protective tariff of 1 cent per pound on nails it is likely that the Australians, who certainly purchased here because nails were cheaper than in England, got them at a lower figure than they could have been purchased by an American dealer or consumer. Be that as it may, an industry which can undersell England in an English colony and ship the goods to the anti podes is not in any crying need of pro tection. The Wilson bill's clause levying a tariff of one-half of 1 per cent ad valorem on nails should be stricken out. W. J. H. Trainor, supreme presi dent of the American protective asso ciation, boasts that that body now holds the key to the political situation in America. But the more liberal-minded inhabitants, fortunately, still hold the situation, and will continue to do so, key or no key. Judge Lambert of Buffalo N. Y. has granted a dead man a decree af di vorce. This curious action is the re sult of a suit which Sidney King, a railroad conductor, had begun. Pend ing decision King was killed in a colli ision, and as he left no will the rights of his heirs to his life insurance became involved. The court, therefore, pro ceeded as though death had not inter vened. It will be strange, however, if the divorced wife will not question the validity of the jnoceeding to carry it to a higher i;ourt. San Fkani lien authoi it ten put an end to the proposed tight between a lion and a bear at tin Midwinter ex position without ninth difficult. If it had been a lilit between a bear and a man or one man with another man the litht would have tome off as ader tised. Mr. Cleveland has finally decided not to visit Nebraska this summer. He has probably heard 01 that common weal demonstration in Ouiaha last week and fears that his presence might occasion a worse one. In an interview Madeline Pollard says: "No one knows better than 1 how badly congress needs puiifying." So, ho! Who are the co-respondents? World Herald. Au Odd Collection. A man in Colorado has a quaint collection of bottles. It is divided into two sections. Section one is large. Section two is not. Section one con tains hundreds of bottles, the contents of which his wife swallowed hoping to find relief from her physical sufferings. Section two contains a few bottles that once were filled with Dr. Pierce's Favoiite Prescription. It was this potent remedy that gave the suffering wife Iter health again. It cures all irregularities, internal inflammation and ulceration, displacements and kindred troubles. It has done more to relieve the suffering of women than any other medicine known to science Pile tumors, rupture and fistula radically cured by improved methods Book, ten cents in stamps, worlds Dispensary Medical Association, Buf falo. N. V. W. P. Drop, druggists, Springfield, Mass., writes: "Japanese Pile Cure has cured lady seven years alllicted; could not walk half mile in last three years; now walks any distance." Sold by Fricke & Co. English Snavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blooif spavins. curbs, splints, sweeney, ring-bone, stifles, snrains, all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most womier- blemisb cure ever known. Sold by i. (i. Fricke & Co., Druggists, Platts niouth. u Clip the art coupon in today's paper. Hello I WESCOTT Has Got Loose Again, And is liable to cork himself. The great Suit Sale of Men's Clothing at $7.50 a suit has thus far proven a great success to the buyers. Over 100 suits have been sold and deliv ered out of this lot, and this morn ing WESCOTT, to further demon strate the fact that he is the BOSS on Clothing, deliberately places on sale another 100 suits, a little better than the first, at the funny price of $7.50. Every suit warranted per fect, and worth more than double what we ask. No suits charged. No chromos or suspenders put in just plain wrapping paper is all and no monkey business. WESCOTT THE CLOTHIER. MeisSmgen" & ILIiiiniiDnniin9 OASS COUNTY'S leading IMPLEMENT yE i i j Handle AH tlio Leading FARMING MACHINERY, Such iis the Celebrated "Had-er''ami "Spalding" Riding1 Cultivators, WAGONS, HUGGIK5, SEWING MACHINES. SAFES. PUMPS and WIND-MILLS. Come and examine our immense assortment at our warehouse. A Feed Barn for farmers is kept in connection with the establishment. Charges Ten Cents per Team. CORNER SIXTH AND PEARL STREETS, PL ATTS MOUTH. H SLOH'S QNSUMPTION CURE The Great CMgi Cure ! Til Great $?oup$itre ! The Great Lung Restorf Isoid by very druggist qVl he continent of America on positive garant6at 50c 4n$J $ pr bottle a test so wonderfi? .and severe? tlmtnoCwg& xr kttiig Remedy vet discovered h successfully stoioVextqpriii.Or'& Cure. A dose in time will sVe you eaJ)ess anxiety and trouble Mothers, keep a bottle at yoWxfcedsui it impf diatelyfilievejL Croup, and you know Croup s!&iEbave proral&attentic&ui w (T ASK YOUR ft n 1 no v-r w i" THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. ri.ATTSMOI TIl . SKII. Capital, paid up ... . $30,000 OFKICEKS: John Fitzokrau President F. K. White Vice president S. Wai oh Cashier DIRECTORS: John Fitzgerald, 1). Hawksworth. F. E. White, S. Wauglt and tieortfe E. Povey. Cartful attention Riven t tne Interests of cus lomers. Collection made and promptly remit ted for. Highest market price paid for county warrants and state and county bonds. BYRON CLARK. Attorney at Law, FLATTSMOl'TU. NEB. OFFICE In the Todd block, east of new court 5 DRUGGIST FOR ir. . ovs ni so, I'rfmidittt . j. ir. joiixsov. rice-President. Til !: Citizens' Bank, il.tts.mii:tii. nkii. Capital paid In $50,000 DIRECTORS: J V Johnson. W. I. Merriam, Win. Weten kamp, I) C. Morgan. Henry Eikenhary, M. W. Morgan and W. H. Cushion. A general hanking business transacted. In tcrest allowed on deposits. BEES ON & ROOT. Attorneys at Law, PLATTSMOUTII. NEB. OFFICE F'Ufvrald block, over First NaCl haufc