Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, April 26, 1894, Image 5

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    Sarins Stock of Clothing. 1 Furnishings
I M. Youutf. sr., of Hack liiiiffd
precinct shipped two car loads of fat
steers to the South Omaha stock yards
via the M. 1. Fridav.
Bishop IJonaeutu of Lincoln wks in J
the city for a few hours Friday in con
ference with Fitther Carney, pastor of
the local Catholic church.
Dr. T. I. Livingston and wife le-
turned home on Tuesday ftom a stay
of eight weeks in Philadelphia, w here j
the doctor has linen attending medical
lectures, etc.
Monday morning's 15ee says that
Carl T. Sheeley .editor of theChronicle
at Madison, w as poist ned by eating
potted ham. ana is a very sick man.
Mr. Seeley is a son-in-law of Tnos.
Mitchell of this city.
The Glen wood (la.) Opiniou wa3
somewhat stale last week. It failed
to contain any mention derogatory to
the l'lattsmouth free ferry, as is its
usual custom. It is hoped the Opin
ion will do better this week.
Mail clerks running out of Liucoln
are busy weighing all mail which
passes throuch their hands. The gov
ernment has :iil mails weighed every
four e:trs at:d this is Nebraska's year.
The weighing process will continue for
thirty days.
A new time-card is booked for next
Sunday on the Burlington. The only
change so far contemplated is in the
arrival of No. i2. which now arrives
here at 12:10 p. m. According to the
new card it will arrive thirteen
minutes later.
Tfie Joi'hnal has secured the ser
vices of Mr. J. W. Johnson, who will
act as canvasser aud collector through
out the county. Joviixal subscribers
can rest assured that all transactions
made through Mr. Johnson will be ac
ceptable to its proprietors.
The Fremont sarsaparilla makers
are beginning to advertise in a sen
sible way, but we must protest against
a pictuie of General Grant. He didn't
invent the remedy, and he wasn't
cured by it. and he makes no mention
of sarsaparilla in his memoirs. Walt
Church Howe isn't going to sleep in
his race for the congressional nomi
nation. He is averagingover a speech
a day and as proof that he is after the
nomination, he is conDning his labors
solely to the First district. Church
is all right, but he won't do as a con
I'nited States Marshal Frank E.
White sold the old Mosher property on
the corner of Thirteenth and G streets
Thursday to satisfy a judment obtained
in the federal court against Mosher,
Outcalt and Hurlbut for $5,000. The
Cold water National bank of Cold water,
Mich , was the purchaser, and $1,7-50
was the price paid. The bidding was
not very vigorous. Lincoln Journal.
Weeping Water bad a narrow es
cape the other day from gaining a new
inhabitant (the Erst in several sum
mers) as the following from the Eagle
will explain: "A Chicago lady dropped
in here a week or two since, rented a
building and prepared for going into a
notion business. A few days since
her husband telegraphed her to pack
up and take the first train to Chicago,
as he had bought a business there
The Flattsmouth News says that
llock Bluffs has the oldest cemetery in
the county; that it was laid out in
March 1S56. We are of the opinion
that the old forgotten cemetery south
west of Louisville a mile was about the
first cemetery in the county. It was
laid out during the great gold rush of
"49, and where more than one unfortu
nate who died on the plains was
buried. And we are sorry to say that
this grand old village of the dead is
sadly forgotten and neglected, it be
ing in a big stock pasture. Elmwood
Nelson Murray and Will Gillespie,
the two grain buyers at Mynard, fur
nished a rather interesting entertain
ment for a few minutes Thursday af
ternoon and the small audiencepresent
appeared to enjoy it immensely
Murray had finished cleaning out a
box car in order that it could be tilled
with grain. Gillespie appeared od the
scene and claimed the car and upon
Murray's stout refusal, prabbed a big
bolt and made known his intention of
ha-ing it auy way. To offset Gillespie's
bolt. Muri ay picked up a board and
after knocking Gillespie down, pro-
ceeded to give him an awful thrashing.
When the process was finished Murray
withdrew from the scene to wash the
gor from nis hands, and while absent
Gillespie, with some assistance.pushed
the car to his place of loading and had
it well-tilled by the time of Murray's
reUirn. War was again threatened at
this juncture, but bystanders inter
fered. With her new postoflice and
fistic exhibitions every day, Mynard
will soon become famous.
Charles Langstor. has gone to Mun
sey. Kan., where he will visit friends
for a couple of weeks.
Jack I'almeter says he is supposed
to be dead, at least politically, and
doesn't seem much put out over it.
F. B. Holmes. J. E. Langston and
J. L. Boeder attended the Catholic
dance and fair at l'lattsmout h Friday
Miss Mollie Ballance of l'kittsmouth
was visiting with Miss Donnelly the
first of the week, and returned home
Wednesday afternoon.
A daughter was born to the house ot
George Kroehler on Wednesday morn
ing last. Mother and daughter doing
well. Dr. Ballard attended.
Havelock should re-organize her
old ball team and teach the Lincoln
pirates bow to play ball, also to wipe
the earth with the Flattsmouth sports
on the Fourth of July.
The members of the fire company
employed at the shops were docked
one hour for the time they were away.
This has led to several resignations
from the department, among them be
ing Chief McGuire.
At a fire meeting hold Wednesday
evening the resignation of H. M. Mc
Guire as chief w as recieved and ac
cepted with regret. An election to fill
the place chose C. W. Corum by a ma
jority of two votes over John Uhoeder,
Harry gave up the position because it
interfered with his work. He served
many years in the department at
Flattsmouth and holds a diploma testi
fying to five years of faithful and
efficient service.
Omaha ain't in it with me now
when it comes to prices on wall paper,
and it is the same way with drugs,
paints and oils.
Brown's Fhakmacy. of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in the post-
office'at Flattsmouth April 24, for week
ending April 17, 1S94:
Austin, Mrs Laura V Brown, L li
Charbouean, Fannie Harris, rlaud
Kennedy, Mr. Allie King, W. L.
Murphy. W G Sherman, W P
Treiber, N F Wllmot, Dick
Fersons calling for any of the above
letters or parcels will please say "ad
vertised." II. J. Streigiit. P. M.
It has long since been said that try
ing to do business without advertising
s like wiuking at a pretty girl in the
dark, i ou know what you are doing,
but no one else does. Elmwood Echo.
Can vou afford to throw away a dol
lar? If you can't, get my prices on
wall paper and save a dollar.
Brown's Pharmacy.
Try us for light harness. We use the
very best of leather and employ only
first-class workmen. The prices will
please. Fred Gokder & Son,
I. Fearlman, the furniture dealer,
has boarded TriE Weekly Jour
nal's advertising train. Mr. Pearl
man evidently believes in choosing a
good medium through which to adver
tise Lis wares.
WANTED-At once A good en
ergetic man in every Township in this
county to handle the "Daisy"' Wind
Mill Regulator. One who w ill put his
entire time to the business can make
good money. Write at once for terms
and territory to Daisy Regulator Co.,
Omaha, Neb. P. O. box 617.
And every article was bought at Rock-Bottom Prices. The pur
chaser Will Get the Benefit, and in this particular case it will
be a Benefit of more than ordinaiy importance.
Everything Will Go at Panic Prices.
A Kew 1 Tasty Line of SfBlflG flJEGtlQE S HIFTS
Just unpacked. Call and See Them. They will Surely Suit.
Hid Not go to Itt-uvvr.
Sheriff Eikenbary has received intel
ligence from Denver which warrants
him in believing that he has located
the man who stole Liveryman Jones'
horse and buggy some three weeks ago.
The report published in Folk's News
that the sheriff had gone to Drnver
after the mau was erroneous. The
sheriff will await further developments
before taking any chance of going on a
wild-goose chase.
Consttinitiuii. lironcliills. Oitnrrh. uiitl all
diseases of the rer.irnury nrcniis are of like
Kerm oritin. ami it is only lately that they huve
been sueeessf ully treatel.
la Hvlo. taken by meum inhalation. Ameri
can srientists have sucr-eeiied. here Koch anl
1'at.tetir faileil. in ertectim: a cure that i nr..
For nartieulars address California Chemical
Turks, omaha. Neb. 1:114
When Baby was Bk-k, re gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became 3Iiss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she g ave tliaui Ciustoria,
Not lee.
In the district court of Cas county, Nelira.-ka :
In the mitter of the estate of Nilunioii V ard. ie
i caned :
Notice is hereby civen tiiat in pursuance of an
order of Samuel M. C1ih puian. judire of the (lis
trict court of i 'ass countv, Nebraska, made on
the Tin day of April. A. 1.. ls'.'l. for the saie of
the real estate hereinafter described, there will
be oid at the soum door of the court house in
PbiUsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, on the
lyth dav of Mav A !.. lssq, at 1 :3o o'clock p.
in., at public vendue to the highest bidder for
cash, the following described lands and real es
tate. towit: the south half of the southwest
quarter of section twenty. jn. In township
eleven ill), norm, of rnuee nine i'Ji in Cass
county. Nebraska, f-aid sale w ill remain open
one hour. Alfkeo S. Co.ji.rv.
Administrator of the estate of Solomon Ward,
deceased. 1
Notice of Probate of Will.
ST at K of Nebraska. I
ASS Col STY. 1
111 county court In the matter of the last will
and testament ol Elizabetn Habbitt.deceased :
Notice is hereby civen that on the M (lay of
May. A I). 18i-l, at the office of the county judtje
in I'iattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, at the
hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon the follow
ing matter will be hesrd and considered :
The petition of eon:e II. Kabhitt to admit to
probate the last will and testament of Eliza
bth Babbitt, deceased, late of ireenwood
precinct, in said county, ami for letters testa
mentarvto tieorge II. iiabbltt.
Dated this 6th day ef April, A. I'.. ls'.M.
Bv order of tne court.
It; :t B. S. RAMSEY, County Judue.
Notice to Creditor.
State or Nebraika, I
Cass County. t"
In the matter of the estate of Itennett V. Heroe.
Notice is hereby Kiveu that the claims and
demands of all iersoiis acainsi liennett V.
Pierce, deceased, late of said county and state,
will be received, examined and adjusted by the
countv court at the court house in I'latt-niouth.
on the V'lh day of October. A. 1)., le'M. at Hi
o'clock in the torenoon . And that six mouths
from and after the ll'lh day of April. A. D.,
ls4. i the time limited for creditors of said de
ceased to present their claims for exumination
and allowance.
Given uuder my hand this 7th dav of April,
A. 1)., 1-4. R. S. liAisEi.
1; 4 County Judiie.
Notice to Creditor.
Statko Nebraska,
Cahs Countt. b. I
In the matter of the estate of Anna Mary
Kern, deceased .
Notice is hereby given that the claims and
demands of all persons auainst Anna Mary
Kern deceased, late of said county and slate,
will be received, examined and adjusted by the
countveourt at the court house iu Plattsniouth
on the Mil day of October, A 1, I Kt4, at 10 o'clock
In the forenoon. And that six months from
and after the Mb day of April A. I.,
Ism. is the time limited for creditors of said
deceased to present their claims for examina
tion aud allowance.
(iiven u.ider mv hand this 3'ith dav of March,
A. I., B.S.Ramsey,
County JudKe.
Notice to Creditor.
State of Nebraska, i
Cass County. f R
Iu the matter of the estate of Nels C Aa
Hard deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the claims aud de
mand!) of all persons against Nels C. Aagard
deceased, late of Raid county and state,
will be received, examined and adjusted by the
county court at the court house in Plattsmouth,
on the l'.nh day of October. A 1. 1HV1. at two
o'clock in the afternoon : and that six months
from and after the lilth day of April A 1. 1S14,
is the time limited for creditors of said de
ceased to present their claims for examination
and allowance.
tJiven under mv hand this lfith day of April,
A I, lsw.
17-4 U. S. RAMSEY, County Judge.
otice to Creditor.
State of Nebraska, t
Cass County. I
In the matter of the estate of John Corbet,
deceased :
Notice is hereby given that the claims andde
mandsof all persons against John fc'orbet. tie
ceased, late of said county and state, will be
received, examined and adjusted by the county
court at the court bouse in Hlattsmduth, on the
19th day of October. A. at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon, and that six months from and af
ter the 19th day of April, A. I)., Imsm. is the
time limited tor creditors of said deceased to
present their c aims for examination and allow
ance. (iiven under my hand this leth day of April,
A. I.. 1HM4.
17-4 B. S. RAMSEY, County Judee.
Final Settlement Motion.
In the matter of the estate of Rosau Decker,
deceased :
In the county court of Cass connty. Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that Philemon S Barnes
administrator of the estate of the said Kosan
Decker, deceased, has made application
for final settlement and thatsaid cause Is et for
hearing at my office at rMattMinouth on the 2"th
day of April, A. 1.. ls4. at ten .'clock a. ui.
on said day, at which time and place all per
sons interested my te present and examine
said accounts. B. S. Raiset, County Judge.
Platumouth, Neb., April th. 1S94. . -
(5650.) 1371,
will he kept for service this sea-
boii at the following places:
Monday s. Tuesdays and Wed
nesdaxs. at Pittman's livery
bvirn. Nehawka ; Thursdays and
Fridays at Tom Fulton's shop,
four miles west of Murray, and
Saturdays at Jack Shaw's barn,
M urray .
This famous horse has in bis
veins the blood of the most cele
brated sires of England. He is
h perfect representative of the
Enclish Shire Draft Horse breed
and lsis colts prove bow abun
dantly he marks his get with
manv good points. He stands as
the finest animal in the state to
breed to.
Service Reduced to $10.
5 C. E. WESCOTT, Sole Owner
Flattsmouth, Nebraska.
Every article sold is guaranteed It is your
fniiltif you keep any thing that does not suit
yiu We want your good ill and will strive to
gain it by 1 airdealing.
foil's CJlotliinic Sale.
For well wearing, stylishly finished, good for
high grade tailor workmanship or in the pur
chasing power of a dollar, this sale has never
had aneijiial. These are a few specials from
our immense assortment:
Men's Suits.
Lot No 1 17.r men's stylish suits for spring,
7 M) values at 4 'lb.
Lot No 2 SiTinobby sprits, elegantly tailored,
wortli s 4 75
Lot No. 3 Fine inahackeino cassimere suits,
?: no values at J5 75.
Lot No 4 (ienui'ie black and blue worsted
suits, round and straight cut. perfect workman
ship, worth 11 OU. at f7.50.
Lot No. S Men's stylish spring suits In swell
erlects, at; house value. Slu U.
lyo men's black English clay and corkscrew
orsted suits, bound, in sack, aud cutaway,
1 j 00 and $16. ft) values at ill). 00.
Hoys Juki Children
27f children suits, assorted double and single
breasted, light and dark shades, well made,
t-.OO values at fl.j.
;1J5 children suits, some trimmed with braid,
double and single breasted, worth 5 60 and
4.(HJ, ut l ..".
Something new at Ilayden Bros. In children's
suits, a large line of junior combination and
reefers at half of regular clothing house iirices.
All we ask is for the ladies to call and see for
Boys' strong and neat knee pants go at :23c.
Boys' durable long pants at test "prices go at
oik- ana ooc.
We have fully euuipped our cloak and miili
nery departments and they are now showing a
most complete, attractive and seasonable line
of these goods. We Invite special atiention to
these departments.
Free ! Free ! !
We have lust begun a coupon system wherebv
each purchaser receives coupons tor the amount
purchased, and when these coupons amount to
Jii.OO they will entitle the holder to one of sev
eral handsome gifts which are on display in our
store now.
Mail orders promptly attended to.
Hayden Bros
16th and Dodge Sts.,
Compound Oxygen
Send for book free. Three montLV treatment
tor f lli.00
Room Douglas block. ftmaha lloh
Cor. ltilh and Dodge Sts. UlUlUla, BCU.
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Xarcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea
the Mother's Friend.
"Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. AacBxa, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The use of 'Castoria is so universal and
Its merits bo well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent famfliea who do not keep Castoria
within easy reai;h.'r'
New York City.
Thx Cxstacb
Is distinctively the place where the Farmer's Dollar Goes the
Farthest. We lead, as ever, in
Buggies and Carriages.
This year's line is larger than ever and the prices
cannot fail but suit.
As to Implements,
Our two large store-rooms
market. Special attention
uBoy Riding' Cultivator and our
"New Departure" Tongueless Cultivator,
Both of which will bear out the assertion that nothing
their equal can be found in the market.
For the Money, and are the only firm using "Old Fashioned Oak
Tanned Leather" in Cass County. Consult your own interests and
Deal with an Establishment which conducts Business on the Plan of
Giving Real Worth in Return for the Buyer's Money.
307-309 Main Street, Plattsniouth, Xeb.
Physician and Surgeon,
? : In 'lty or .imtrr ProniuMT A'iwr-!
Dr. Agnes Y. Swetland,
Special attention to Obstetric, Diseases of
Women and Woman's Surgery.
Office: "'hSS uu Omaha, Feb
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Inarrho-a, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di-
Without injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommended
your CaKtoria,' and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneficial
Edwis F. Fakdck, M. D
12Dth Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
Company, 77 Mcb&ay Struct, New York Cttt
are brim-full of the BEST and
be found in the Implement
is called to our
We Manufacture
The Very Best
hum injacwd rtirectij- to tfo MM uf
thoae ilmiMfii nfthn' tv- V r Or
gans, nqturw no ch&nr of dtct or
nauseous, mcmrrul or puttoooos ml
fcincsto be Um niternAiij. Vrtaea
hj either nc K Is impomMe to emmet
any venereal diaeae . bat in tne cmeeef
tlioee already V amai uaaeexe Anucna
with Uonorrhm and Uleet, ere (uarao
fc-eaenre. Pneeby mail, (uitafe
f 1 ptr box, ot t Una in f a.
$500 Reward!
WE will pny the above reward for any case of
Liver Complaint. lypepsia. Sick Headache. In
digestion Constipation or Costiveness we cannot
cure with West's Vegetable Liver Iills, when
the directions are strictly complied with. They
are purely Vegetable, pnd never fail to give sat
isiaction. Sujrar Coatea. Lanre boxes, 25 cents.
Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The gen
nine manufactured only by THE JOHN C WEST