Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, April 26, 1894, Image 2

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Omaha Workmen Proffer Such
Aid to KLelly'3 Army.
He Declines to Break the Law and Ap
peal to the 1'eople to Furnish Ilia
Men Transportation A Day
of Great Excitement.
Omaha., Neb.. April 11. Three thou
sand laboring men marched out of
Omaha with banners flying, bound for
the camp of Gen. Kelly's commonweal
ers at Weston, la., 14 miles east of
Council Bluffs. At 9 o'clock a. in.
the signal agreed upon at Thursday
night's meeting of the Central Labor
union the ringing of church bells
and the blowing of whistles was
given announcing that Kelly's army
was still at Weston unable to secure a
train for the east. Inside of five min
utes 1,003 men had gathered at Jeffer
son square and were quickly or
ganized into companies with a
captain for every ten men. The
march was then taken up through
Sixteenth street to Farnam, where
the column proceeded to the city
hall and countermarched. At every
street recruits were received, and
when the Paxton hotel was reached
there were 2,600 men in line.
Thousands of people followed the
column to the bridge and other thou
sands were on hand on the other side
of the river to welcome them. The
cold seemed to have the effect of bring
ing out a greater throng than had been
expected last night, when the rain was
falling so heavily. All the men seemed
to be in excellent spirits and deter
mined that the march should mean
business. j
The column had been preceded to i
Council Muffs by a committee of prom- !
inent citizens appointed at Thursday :
night's meeting of the Central Labor j
union, including Rev. Dr. Joseph T.
Durica, pastor of the First Congrega
tional church; Eev. Dr. Uamerson, of
the First Presbyterian church, and
Eev. Frank Crane, of the First
Methodist church. The committee was i
to call on Gov. Jackson and the man- j
agers of the railroads and urge that the !
commonwealers be at once started on j
their way east. j
Arrival In Council KlufTa.
A strange sight was witnessed on the
march from the bridge to Council
Bluffs. Men and boys seemed to
spring up from the ground and the
column which crossed the bridge had
grown to over 6,000 men by the
time it reached the heart of
the city. In response to a request from
Chief of Police Scanlan a committee
was appointed to present the demands
of the men to the railroad officials, who
were found in the office of John Y.
Stone. While the committee was in
the office the men lined up along the
sides of the square, warming their toes
by stamping on the pavement and
cheering impromptu speakers.
Demand Transportation.
In Mr. Stone's office Dr. Duryea ad
dressed the committee, explaining
that he had conferred with Gen.
Kelly and Gov. Jackson. lie was
convinced that the governor was
in sympathy with tha men,
and was anxious to do what
was right and for the best interests of
the army. He had made an earnest ef
fort to provide for transportation. lie
had conferred with all the railroads,
but so far had failed. lie had even
leen willing to put his individual
hands into the state treasury and
pay their fares. Now, Dr. Duryea
said, two alternatives present them
selves: To bring back the men to the
Chautauqua grounds and house and
feed them until transportation could
he provided by way of Kansas City, or
take advantage of an offer made by the
Kock Island to the men as regular pas
sengers. After some talk it was explained
that the plan was to bring the men
back to Council Bluffs and take them
to Kansas City by boat. Nedrey and
others of the committee were of the
opinion that this was a scheme on the
part of tha railroads and refused to
listen to it They said the men were
not going to Kansas City hut to Chi
cago. HaiJ roads Asked to Relieve the State.
CocNcn. Bluffs, la., April 21. A
dispatch has been Bent to Marvin
llughitt and other railway officials in
Chicago asking them to immediately
relieve this community of im
pending danger. It is signed by
Judge McGee, of the superior court;
Judge Deemer, of the district court; J.
J. Steadman, clerk of the federal court,
end Thomas Bowman, postmaster. tsacJ
Coventor Confers with Kelly.
Gen. Kelly came over to Council
Bluffs with the intention of catching a
train for Weston, being very desirous
of getting ouv of the city before the
outpouring from Omaha, as he said he
was in no way responsible for the dem
onstration and did not want to be even
a party to it
i In some way Gov. Jacksbn learned of
Tally's presence and sent for him.
Kelly hurried over to the governor's
headquarters where were gathered sev
eral citizens, besides the attorney gen
eral. The interview was a long one.
Gov. Jackson took occasion to review
at length and in detail all the actions
he had taken, the purport being that
he had taken every means possible to
get the army on its way, and that the
state authorities had not laid a single
straw of detention in its way. His cor
respondence with railway officials had
resulted in nothing so far as the
Northwestern, Milwaukee & St Paul
and the Burlington were concerned,
they refusing to do anything. The
Rock Island at first suggested that it
might take half the army to Davenport
if the St Paul would take the other
half to the river, the railways
to be paid a fair rate, as might
seem just to the governor. The
governor had agreed to recompense
the road, although there was no au
thority for him to put his hand into
the state treasury for that purpose.
This proposition to take the men across
the state had been recalled later, and
now the railwaj-s would do nothing but
transport them, as other passengers, at
full rates. He notified Kelly that
the citizens of Council Bluffs had
arranged to furnish boats to take the
army to Kansas City and to provide
them with shelter and ample provi
sions while the preparations for this
trip were being made.
Kelly replied that he preferred to go
east, but he would take the proposition
to his camp, let the boys decide, and
he would wire back his answer.
31ore Kelnforcementi
At 2 o'clock word was received that a
detachment of Union Pacific shopmen
were on the way across the bridge and
a Council Bluffs escort went down to
meet tbem. They found over 1,000 men
in line with flags waving and blue rib
bons, the badge of the arm, in nearly
every buttonhole. They marched to
Ba3liss park. The streets of Council
Bluffs by this time were black with a
yelling, cheering crowd. Travel in
every direction was suspended. Flags
were fluttering from many windows
and on every corner crowds were
grouped to listen to the labor orations.
The advance guard of the shopmen
was armed with loaves of bread borne
on the end of flagstaff, and the line
appeared to be endless. They joined
the ranks oT the men already arrived
and awaited the result of the confer
ence then in progress.
Seised a Train.
At 3 p. m. word was received that
railway officials remained firm in
their refusal to furnish a train. When
Chairman Tichenor announced the re
sult of the conference it was greeted
by a roar of jeers and hisses. Mr.
Tichenor in a short address said the
committee had decided to wait until 4
o'clock, at which hour if no train was
furnished one would be taken and run
out to Kelly's camp, where his men
would be loaded on and started on their
eastward journey. He spoke in strong
terms against violence and cautioned
the men against any destruction of
The crowd separated, part going to
the Union Pacific transfers in this city
and part to Omaha. Arriving at the
transfers the men captured an engine
on the Milwaukee mail train. It was
cut loose, however, before any of
the men could board it and ran
into the roundhouse. It was then
thought best not to molest the en
gine any further on account of inter
fering with the United States mails.
A short time later a fast train on the
Union Pacific came into the yards and
was quickly surrouded by the excited
men, cut loose from the baggnge car,
and then an engineer and fireman in
the crowd jumped aboard and start
ed to South Omaha and Albright,
Neb., to capture a Rock Island
engine. While the crowd was waiting
for the return of the men another Union
Pacific engine came into the yards.
The men were angry, beinpr outwitted
by the railways, and with a rush took
possession of this engine. Engineer
Nick Wicks and his son, the fireman,
were in charge of the locomotive.
A nother son of the engineer,
George Wicks, jumped on the en
gine and drove his father and brother
off. With the assistance of other men
he then pulled the throttle and started
the engine up the track, took water,
and prepared to make up a train.
About an hour afterwards he had
hitched onto eleven freight cars, run
the gantlet through the yards, and
ran the train out over the Kock Island
track to the camp.
flefujie to Use the Train.
The news that a train was coming
aroused the men at Weston to intense
excitement, but any premature demon
stration was stopped by Kelly. It was
seen that he did not approve of this
method of securing transportation,
and when the "special" steamed
into Weston after its run of
14 miles from Council BHffs, which
was made in the sance number
of minutes. It was received in
silence. The general called his leaders
about him and explained that the law
must not be violated and that the com
monwealers could not afford to be re
garded as a riotous mob. He said if
the impression became general through
the country that they failed to regard
the property rights of others it would
arouse continuous and perhaps armed
opposition to their progress.
It was finally decided in this open
meeting that the army would not use
the train to move forward. There
were several expressions of dissent at
this, but the general showed his com
mand over the men by refusing to even
permit them to sleep in the cars. While
Kelly was taking this firm stand the
men who captured the train wanted to
see it utilized. Then it was discovered
that there was not sufficient water in
the locomotive tank to run more than
25 miles.
Used to Transport the Sick.
The next move of the leader of the
industrials was to make another at
tempt to come to terms with the Rock
Island people to move the men and
train forward. An urgent message was
sent to President Cable at Chicago ask
ing him to permit the use of his road.
For answer came the one word "No."
Then Kelly and hia leaders held an
other council and it was decided to put
the sick on hoard the train and send
them back to Council Bluffs, where
they could receive attendance.
The twenty men, who are in a dan
gerous condition owing to their expos
ure, were carried from the sheds and
barns in which they bad been
housed. Some of the unruly mem
bers of the army tried to climb on
hoard. Kelly sent a dozen of his trusted
lieutenants through the train and
ejected every man who was able to
walk. Then he wrote a telegram to an
attorney in Council Bluffs asking him
if he had the right to use the train to
send able-bodied men back into the
city. The answer was in the negative,
and at 9:59 the train with its sick
aboard backed out of Weston and
started for Council Bluffs, which it
reached forty minutes later.
Kelly's Appeal.
With the departure of the train Kelly
found himself and followers facing a
gloomy situation. The commander had
voluntarily refused the only chance of
fered him to ride free. The men were
loyal to him, however, and when he
read the following appeal sent by him
to the Omaha Bee, he was repeatedly
'Desiring to move eastward as fust as ixl
ble, and desiring also to abide by the laws ot
the land, I am forced to ask. on behalf of the
Industrial army, for aid in obtaining horses
and wagons sufficient to help us across the
country, all other means of locomotion having
been denied us, save those of nature. I will
make this my appeal to the citizens of Iowa
and Nebraska. Will you assist us In obtaining
this aid? Gen. Chaules T. Kelly."
Orders were issued for the men to as
semble at 7:Z0 this morning, when the
return march to Council Bluffs will be
taken up.
Olllrlals Tear lp the Tracks.
The Milwaukee company ran all their
trains and cars out from the Bluffs
Friday forenoon and then pulled up the
tracks near Neola, so that if the men
captured a train they could not go far.
Aside from telegraphic communication
Weston is cut oil from the outside
Militia Agra In Called Out.
Gov. Jackson has called out the state
militia again, and it is rumored Gov.
Crounse has called the Nebraska troops
to this city.
The railroads running into Omaha
have demanded protection of their
property from further seizure. They
have called on Gov. Crounse, Mayor
Bemis and Sheriff Drcxel for projec
tion. The Omaha guards and the
Thurston rifles were ordered to sleep
on their arms all night in the barracks.
Itallroad Tha (lie Muspended.
Railroad traffic at Council Bluffs is
practically at a standstill. The Chi
cago, Burlington & (juiney, the Chi
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, the Rock
Island and the Northwestern com
panies stopped running trains into that
city Friday. This was considered the
wisest and most effective way of deal
ing with the arm'.
".Vouid Wreck a Captive Train.
Weston, la, April 21. The railroad
officials who spent Thursday night
here in their special car are most bit
ter in their determination to combat
every measure to send Kelly's army
over their roads. Judge Hubbard made
the statement that t he road he repre
sents would not hesitate to wreck any
train taken by force by the army. It
would make no difference what would
be the result in loss of human life, the
road had a principle at stake. Said he:
If they capture one of our tnins we will
first send out two or three engines from the
west end to couple on the way-oar and pull
it back, engine and alL If that tails
there will be but one course. We will steam
up a wild engine, open the trrottle, and
send It down to meet the captured train and
let the wreck solve the problem as to whether
we are obliged to cary these men without re
muneration." Judge Hubbard said this in all earn
estness, and so far as could be judged
he meant every word of it.
Coxey's Hard Lark.
Hagekstown, Md, April "21. Coxey's
army reached here Friday, but the au
thorities refused to allow it to camp
within the corporate limits. The trus
tees of the fair grounds also denied it
a resting place, but finally the weary
army was given permission to rest it
self on a vacant plot of ground belong
ing to the railway company. The dis
content is growing general, and since
leaving the canalboats many men have
Capitol Steps llarred.
Washington, April 21. The senate
committee on rules was in consultation
Friday with Chief of Police Moore and
Sergeaut-at-Arms Bright, of the senate,
concerning the prospective arrival of
Coxey and his followers and other organ
izations of the same character reported
to be on their way to Washington to
influence legislation. The officials said
they had taken all the precautions
which the law admits and which
they consider the situation demands to
protect the city and the capitoL Both
expressed the opinion that the police
force of the city and of the capitol
were ample for their purposes, and
said they did not apprehend it would
be necessary to call for unusual assist
ance. CoL Bright said that Coxey
would not be permitted to hold his
contemplated meeting on the steps of
the capitol, as it was against the law.
Provision for the accommodation of
the army of the commonweal is con
templated in a resolution introduced in
the house Friday by Representative
Born (pop., Minn.). The resolution in
structs the secretary of war to provide
within the District of Columbia a camp
ing ground and tents for all organized
bodies of laboring people who may
come within the district, and to see
that their rights as citizens are re
spected and protected during their stay
Michigan Central Train Is Ieralled and
Two Tramps Meet Death.
Vassab, Mich., April 21. A bad
wreck occurred on the Bay City division
of the Michigan Central railroad at 4
o'clock Friday morning by which two
men were killed and another fatal
ly injured. The train consisted of
thirteen cars and left Detroit at
midnight When half a mile from
this town a flat-car next to the engine
jumped the track and was followed by
six other cars, all of which were badly
smashed. Three tramps were riding
on a fiat-car and fell under a heavily
loaded merchandise car. Two of them
named Brown and Dalabo were in
stantly killed. James Cook was taken
out alive but will die. None of the
trainmen were injured.
Dull Day In the House.
Washington. April 21. House pro
ceedings on Friday were very uninter
esting. Three small unimportant bills
were passed and the rest of the day
spent in the fruitless discussion of the
bill to settle some Tennessee war claims
against the government amounting to
22,000. The evening session was de
voted to pension business.
National league games on Friday re
sulted as follows: At Cincinnati Cin
cinnati, 10; Chicago, 6. At Louisville
Louisville, 10; Cleveland, & At Balti
more Baltimore, 12; New York, 6, At
Washington Philadelphia, 9; Washing
ton, 8.
Traffic Result of a Battle with
Strikers in Detroit.
A Sheriff's Posse Driven from the Field
-Two Killed and Many Wounded
Several May Vie, Among
Them Sheriff Collins.
Detkoit, Mich, April 20. A riot at
noon Wednesday, precipitated by strik
ing Poles who had been in the employ
of the Detroit water board, led to an
attack on the sheriff and six deputies.
Two men were killed and eighteen in
jured. John Pilat was shot in the head
at the first volley and instantly killed;
Andrea Karnotski, was shot three times
and died soon after.
The following wounded will proba
bly die:
W. H. Hurch, sheriff's deputy, pick wound la
the thigh, ribs broken and other internal In
juries; Charles P. Collins, sheriff of Wayno
county, terribly pounded about the head and
blood vessel severed In right leg: Andrew Eski,
rioter, bullet in neck and two in stomach, at
hospital dying: Jo-ieph Orabawskl, Polish
rioter, shot through the body Just above the
heart, la dying: Michael KaschSkl, bullet
wounds In neck and Jaw and left breast will
die: John Kappachmidt, rioter, shot In thigh,
arm and neck
Fred Alfred, slightly hurt: Andrew Bersig,
sheriff's deputy, pounded about head and
shoulders; George Cathey, foreman for water
board. Is a mass of painful cuts and bruises;
George Ely, sheriff's deputy, cut about head
and neok; John Russell Fisher, News reporter,
bruised on back and shoulders: William F.
Fiuse, patrolman, hurt about arms and head;
VV. E. Frlse, sheriff's deputy, cut and bruised;
Tony Oarekawlak, rioter, shot through the
thigh; L,awrena Kulwtcki, rioter, shot through
the thigh; Joseph K uhlan, two ballets in thigh:
Anton Powski, rioter, shot in the knee while
trying to evade arrest: Matthew SleyskeL
sheriff's deputy, painful wounds about the head
and face.
The trouble was caused by the De
troit water board's refusal to pay the
wages demanded by 500 Polish laborers
who were working on the water-pipe
extensions at Conner's creek, 1 mile be
yond the city limits. Sheriff Collins and
six deputies were on hand at noon
to protect the water board employes
while they removed their tools from an
excavation. Foreman Cathey jumped
down into the pit to take up a pump,
when there was a cry in Polish from
the leader of the strikers and a for
ward rush of hundreds, who held their
spades and pickaxes aloft.
Then somebody struck Cathey a blow
on the head which felled him to tha
bet torn of the excavation. Sheriff Col
lins waved his arms wildly and fairly
shrieked to the mob adjurations to
stand back, but he might as well have
spared his breath. Then he drew his
revolver and aimed it point blank at
the crowd.
One, two, three, the shots rang out
from his weapon as rapidly as he could
pull the trigger. But a long-handled
6hovel upraised behind him descended
swiftly and a corner of it pierced his
6kulL As he fell another shovel struck
him on the calf of his right leg and a
stream of blood spurted out. A dozen
rioters gathered round the sheriffs
prostate form and were aiming fresh
bio vis at him when a man rushed in
under the uplifted shovels and cried
out: "lie is dead. Leave him alone."
Foreman Cathey did not escape with
that first blow. Again and again did
sharp shovels fall on his head and his
uplifted hands until consciousness left
him and he sank face downward into
the water which covered the bottom of
the excavation He would have
drowned there but for James P. Mur
tagh, a reporter, who, with the assist
ance of another man, raised him from
his perilous position and carried him,
off to a place of safety.
When the sheriff tired his deputies
quickly followed suit, and for a few
moments there was a shower of bul
lets, all fired at short range into the
dense crowd. There was no time to
discriminate. Anybody who happened
to be in the way of a bullet was struck,
whether he was taking any part in the
riot or not.
This did not deter the infuriated la
borers. Though several of their num
ber fell they pressed on until the muz
ales of the officers' revolvers were at
their very breasts. The deputies then
fled and after being pursued for short
distances and receiving painful wounds
they were allowed to escape.
The affair was all over in a few min
utes. The scene of the battle was then
a horrible sight Illood was sprinkled
over the grass at the roadside. The
sheriff lay gasping for breath in
the little shanty to which he
had been taken and several men,
among whom were a number of
Poles, were bathing his bead and
leg with water and moistening his lips.
A Pole, John Pilat, lay dead on his
back with blood oozing from his mouth
where the bullet entered. George
Cathey was a short distance from the
excavation, and some of the reporters
and residents of Grosse Point were
washing away the blood which oozed
from his many wounds.
A short distance from Cathey was
Andrea Karnotski stretched on the side
of a ditch. He was bleeding but little,
though his open shirt showed that one
bullet had entered his neck, another
his right breast, and still another his
left side. Bending over him was a tall,
magnificently formed man, who re
peated piteously: "O. my brother, An
drea. Speak to me." Before the am
bulances arrived Karnotski breathed
his last without being able to speak to
his brother.
Andrew Eski, a rioter, lay where he
fell, bleeding from a bullet wound in
the neck and two in the stomach. It
is not believed he cau live.
Funds lor the Navy.
Washington, April 20. Mr. Cum
min gs (de in., N. Y-). chairman of the
house naval affairs committee, has sub
mitted to the house the naval appro
priation bill for the coming fiscal year.
As reported it carries an appropriation
of S'J5, 280. 1)00. being 2,G70,3i:l less than
the estimates, aud an increase of $3.
170,y05 over the appropriation for the
current fiscal year.
Commander Dickens May Accept.
Washington, April 20. The senate
has passed a bill authorizing Com
mander F. W. Dickens to accept a dec
oration from the king of Spain.
The Oorgeous Wedding of Duke of He&se
and Princess Victoria.
Coburg, April 21. With all the mag
nificent pomp and display and august
ceremonial of royalty the marriage of
the grand duke of Ilasse and Frincess
Victoria of Coburg was solemnized
here at noon in the presence of Queen
Victoria, Emperor William, the prince
of Wales, ex-Empress Frederick, and
many other members of the royal fam
ilies of England, Germany and Russia.
According to the ceremonial decided
upon by Queen Victoria (all arrange
ments having been submitted to her
tn Florence), the marriage took place
at noon in the private chapel of the
ducal schloss, with full state, in the
Lutheran style. Following German prec
edents, there were no bridesmaids, but
the bride was supported by h?r
younger sisters. The private chapel
of the schloss was thoroughly redec
orated for the occasion, and as the
wedding took place on Primrose
day, primroses entered largely into
the interior decorations, these flowers
having been sent from England for
the occasion. Queen Victoria was ac
companied to the chapel by the duke
of Saxe-Coburg-Gotna (the duke of
Edinburgh), father of the bride, and
was escorted to an armchair in the
front row of the distinguished guests
and next to Emperor William of Ger
many, by whose side was the duchess
of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (Grand Duchess
Marie of Russia, sister of the czar).
There was some delay in the proceed
ings and consequently it was 12:30 p.
m. before the ceremony commenced,
but it was a most brilliant and impres
sive one. In the wedding procession
Emperor William escorted the duchess
of Coburg and ex-Empress Frederick
followed alone. Prince of Wales and
the czarowitz came next, walking to
gether. The biidegroom, the grand
duke of Hese, entered with his sup
porters, his uncle. Prince Henry of
Hesse, and his brother-in-law, Prince
Henry of Prussia. The bride.
Princess Victoria, came in last, sup
ported hy her father and brother and
accompanied by her sisters. The
prince of Wales sat beside
ex-Empress Frederick of Germany
(eldest daughter of Queen Victoria),
then came the czarowitz. These dis
tinguished guests occupied front seats
on the other side of the aisle, corre
sponding with those of Queen Victoria,
Emperor William and the duchess of
Queen Victoria wore the broad blue
ribbon of the Order of the Garter and
upon her head sparkled a magnificent
crown of diamonds. Her majesty re
mained seated throughout, her age and
infirmities preventing her from stand
ing. The general superintendent of the
Lutheran church. Pastor Mueller, offi
ciated and was assisted by the court
chaplain of the Grand Duchy of Hesse
and by live local clergymen.
After the address had been delivered
the bride and bridegroom plighted
their troths aud the wedding rins
were exchanged. Then came the bene
diction, after which Mendelssohn's
"Wedding March" was grandly pla3"ed
aud the ceremony was at an end. The
newly married couple kissed their rel
atives in turn and the procession left
the chapel at 1 o'clock amid the boom
iug of cannon.
The bride is the offspring of the
union of Queen Victoria's second son,
duke of Edinburgh, with Princ
Marie of Russia, while the groom is tne
bun of the late Princess Alice, first
daughter of the queen and Louis IV,
grand duke of Hesse. The bride was
born on November 2". lbT(5, and has
consequently just passed her 17th year,
while the groom, strangely euo-igh,
was also born on a November 25, but
in ISiS, and is eight years the senior of
his bride.
Ills ret Measure, the Liquor Inn, I'ucon
Htltut ional.
CoLVMBfS. S. C. April 21. The Till
man state dispensary liquor law has
been declared unconstitutional by the
supreme court of South Carolina, two
justices concurring and one (Tillman
ite) member of the supreme bench dis
senting from the opinion.
This is the law the attempted en
forcement of which caused the recent
fatal riots in this state. The decision
was rendered in a composite case orig
inating in Darlington and appealed to
the supreme court by the state author
ities and of several minor cases, like
wise appealed by the state. The ground
on which the law is declared uncon
stitutional is that it creates a monopo
ly for the state. The decision declares
the law unconstitutional in nearly
every respect, and holds that it cannot
be upheld on any vital point. The profit
to the state feature is declared vicious.
Gov. Tillman says he is not talking
that it is time only for action. Several
district courts of the state have in ef
fect given similar decisions against the
law, but Gov. Tillman has never paid
any attention to them; but this deci
sion of the supreme court effectually
wipes out the obnoxious law, and will
end the suit pending in the United
States supreme court for the registra
tion as a trade mark of the dispensary
wlusky label.
The dispensing law. which went into effect
July 1, IM3, prohibited the sale of intoxicating
liquors by any priv'e individual, and provided
for the appointment by the governor of a
missiouer whose duty it should be to purchase
all such liquors, giving preference to manufac
turers and brewers doing business within the
state, and to furnish them to duly appointed
dispensers in each county of the state, who in
turn supplied them to punhasers for consump
tion. An exception was made in favor of drug
gists, who were permitted to buy liquor for
compounding medicines.
Two M-n Killed.
Nashville, Tonn., April 21. Thomas
Ramsey, a saloonkeeper, shot and in
stantly lulled Riley ' Foreman and
Thomas Faan in his saloon Thursday
night. Two boys had quarreled in the
place and Ramsey interfered where
upon Foremaa and Fagan told
him to let them alone. This led to
wor s and Foreman drew a knife, but
the matter had apparently been set
tled and Foreman and Fagan were
walking through the saloon toward the
front door. Ramsey then tired at both
of them almost instantly with adonble
baireled shotgun.
Result of an Affray in K.x-Presldeot Har
rison's Uv Office.
Indianapolis, Ind., April 19. Two
tnen were shot, one seriously, at noon
Tuesday in the room formerly occu
pied by Gen. Benjamin Harrison as his
private office. It was in the oface of
Miller, Winter & Elam, one of the best
known law firms in Indiana. Attor
ney William M. Copeland, ex-member
of the legislature and a leading
practitioner .at the Madison (Ind) bar,
entered the office with his counsel, Ad
dison C Harris. Seeing his brother-in-law,
William II. Brnning, a New
York capitalist, formerly of Madison,
Copeland suddenly opened fire on the
Bruning's jaw was shot away with
the first bullet and he received the
second in the wrist while throwing up
his arm. Ex-Attorney General W. 11.
II. Miller grabbed Copeland, who
continued pulling the trigger of his
hammerlcss large caliber weapon until
five shots were fired One of the bul
lets struck Attorney Harris in the arm.
breaking the bone below the elbow.
Attorney Ferdinand Winters, with
others, assisted Mr. Miller in overpow
ering Copeland, who fought as one mad
to get at his brother-in-law after the
latter had fallen. Later, when searched
in the jail, an 8-inch dirk knife was
found on Copeland Bruning is at the
hospital and will recover unless lock
jaw sets in. Mr. Harris, who was one
of the counsel of the Coffins, on trial
for wrecking the Indianapolis national
bank, will be laid up some time with
his wounded arm.
Mrs. Copeland is prosecuting a con
test of her father's will by which she
was disinherited and a suit to recover
property from her brother, which she
claims was deeded to him under duress.
Attorney Copeland is well known in
Indiana and married his wife during
the session of the legislature of !", of
which he was a member. At the jail
Copeland made the following announce
ment: My wife has been in mortal fear of her
brother ever since we were married, and I
never understood why shu was so completely
In his power until a few hours ugo. when my
wife made an astounding statement giving rea
Bons why she had been afraid of her brother
from her youth. When 1 saw her brother it
was the first time I had heard her confession.
Before our marriage tha was ou a
visit to relatives at Mount Pleasant,
la. Bruning, learning that I was to
marry his sister, went to Iowa and forced her
to deed away a piece of property in Evansville.
lie told her that if she refused to make a ded
to the property before she married me she
would be a widow in a very few days af:er.
She asked him if he intended to kill me and he
said that he did unless she made the deed, and
she made it I did not know about that t rans
actiou until after my wife came from .'ew
York in February. l?Si
'When my mother-in-law died Bruning com
pletely robbed my wife by having his father,
who was 84 years old. almost blind, deaf ani
entirely incompetent, make a will disinheriting
my wife. Within live days from the date of the
funeral of my wife's mother Bruning had his fa
ther agree to a dissolution of partnership of
the Erin of J. H. lirunir.g & Son. He Lad his
father also make a deed givicThlm all of tha
partners-htpinterest. Everything was kept from
my wife. Tten we went to law over the w ill to
Set it aside and also to set aside the deed that
he had fraudulently obtained He too- my
wife to New York with him, where ho
was ia business. He was tryl:ig to separata
us, aud be did everything in las power possible
to bring such a thin about. He kept her in
Js'ew York four months against her will,
and threatened if she left him he
wonld have nothing more to do with
cer and she would have to pet along ihe
bt-st way she knew how. He would not let her
come back to me, and w hen shj finally escaped
she returned to me almost wrecked ia mind
from what she tad teen forced to endure at
the hanis of her unnatural brother The
amount involved In the case is about i50.tX. ia
real estate and from .Ta.UAl to iloO.uuJ in the
partnership matters."
H Napoleon of Finance" Kxpirrs at .lslie
vllle. X. t His Career.
Ashkville, N. C, April 19. Henry
S. Ives, the "Napoleon of finance" of
New York, died here Tuesday night.
He came here about two months ago in
the tertiary stage of consumption, and
had been confined to his bed almost
constantly since. The remains will be
taken to his old home in Ohio for
Henry S. Ives was fc-rnerly a member of
the rirm of Henry S. Ives & Co., which failed for
Sl5.000.0o0 in August, lssr. In September. 1?SJ.
Ives was brought for trial before Kecorder
Stnyiha for over-issuing 6,U)0 shart s of Cincin
nati. Hamilton & Dayton stock." The jurors an
nounced themselves unable to agree. It was
believed that a new trial could be ordered, but
Ives effected a compromise with his creditors
at about live cents on tha dollar and got out .-f
Ludlow street Jail on March Is. lsJ, after a
year's iucarceraiion. He prompuy went back
to Wall street, spent money freely and
for a year kept the street in a slata
of nervousness by sending out rumors
that he hud secured control of this or
that prominent road. 13ut in June, 1SJ1, he was
attacked by hemorrhages, ani after that
got out of active busin?-.s life. He appeared to
have saved plenty of money from his wreck
and entertained lavishly. He married Miss Lil
lian Gertrude Sears, a comic-opera singer, in
New York, November il, lfnr The d indict
ments against him had beeu dismissed and he
declared himself at peace with tse world, la
February, 183. his name appeared in connec
tion with a scheme to control the Cleveland,
Akron & Columbus railroad, but he failed to do
anytUinif with the plan ou account of his repu
tation and since then the public has heard
nothing of lilnxj
The Measure Approved by the House of
Lords Without Debate.
London, April 19. The Behring sea
bill was read Tuesday in the house of
lords for the third time and passed
There was no debate on the measure.
Washington, April 19. The modifi
cations which have been made in the
British Behring sea bill have robbed
that measure of the features which
were most obnoxious to our govern
ment, and it is believed here that if the
act is thoroughly administered there
will be little opportunity for pelagic
scaling in the clod zone.
Got. V-'iUe Triumphs.
Denver, Col., April 19. Tr. decree
of the supreme court has been carried
into effect, and Gov. Waite's po
lice and fire board has taken
peaceable possession. Hamilton Arm
strong is chief of police and
William E. Roberts chief of the
fire department. The position of
chief of the detective department has
not yet been filled Immediately upon
learning the opinion of the supreme
court Dennis Mullins resigned from the
state board of pardons. Mrs. James B.
Belford is the only person being con
t idvrcd for the position.