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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1894)
i I. f i A JOYOUS OCCASION. Wedding of Mr. 0. A. Brown and Miss Anna Coleman. THE WORK OF A HUMORIST. He Caught a Large String of Sucker on a Postofflce Appointment Unit The B. 3t M. Will Soon Bulld Otber Local Affair. Tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Coleman on West Locust street was the scene of a happy event at eight o'clock last evening, at which hour the marriage of their daughter, Anna, to Mr. Oscar A.Brown was consummated in the presence of some forty of the relatives and intimate friends of the contracting parties. Rev. D. S. Davis of the M. E. church of this city offi ciated. After congratulations the guests ad journed to the dining room and were treated to a sumptuous wedding sup per, prepared with excellent taste. The groom and bride are held in high esteem by many acquaintances, and The Journal voices the sentiments of the entire community in wishing them much happiness and prosperity. They will make their home on Locust street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, at which place they will be "at home" to their many friends, after May 1st. A Cruel Joke. Some humorist whose identity is un known created quite a flurry in demo cratic circles this afternoon by inscrib ing with chalk on the big bulletin board in the court house a purported copy of a telegram sent by C. W. Sher man, who is cow at the national capital, to The Journal, which gave the information that Mayor Butler had been appointed to thePlattsmouth post mastership, and that the presidenfsde cision would be made known tomorrow. The friends of Mr. Butler became exceedingly jubilant while the follow ers of Mr. Fox, the other applicant, were correspondingly down-hearted, and representatives of both clans to the number of thirteen dozen made a bee-line for these headquarters to in quire as to the authenticity of the re port. Needless to remark (for there is thought to be no danger of the ap pointment being made within the next century) the visitors were promptly informed that no such telegram bad been received by The Journal, and now they are hunting for the alleged humorist. Silver novelties at A. L. Coleman's. Will Take l p the Work. D. S. Guild, supply agent for the B & M., with headquarters in this city, departed for Sheridan, Wyoming, to day and expects to be absent for a week or more. The rumor has been current in railroad circles for some time past that tbe Burlington would soon recommence werk on its new ex tension to Billings, Montana, where it will connect with the Great Northern railway, and from another B. & M official The Journal learns that Mr. Guild's trip to Sheridan is to purchase supplies in tbe way of ties and timber for the purpose of pushing the new line to an early completion. IN AND AROUND THE TOWN. BELLEVUE ON THE BOOM. "Bellevue is not dead, neither sleep ing," said ex-Senator Clarke, who vis ited Papillion relatives last Sunday "It is a sure thing that an electric line will be built from South Omaha to our town during the coming summer, and we have assurances from scores of heads of families in South Omaha that they will build homes in Bellevue just as soon as they can be assured of cheap and rapid transportation between the village and the city. At our late elec tion we chose a license board of trus tees. We will now have one licensed Baloon, and boot-legging will no longer prove profitable in our town." rapil lion Times. BACK AT HIS OLD JOB. Tobias Castor, who has temporarily given up the job of distributing federal patronage is now buying the right of way for the B. & M. railway south of this city, where they want to move their track back from the river. To bias was in the city today and says that he is out of politics. Nebraska City News. The Journal has secured the ser vices of Mr. J. W. Johnson, who wil act as canvasser and collector through out the county. Journal subscribers can rest assured that all transactions made through Mr. Johnson will be ac ceptable to its proprietors. Everybody is getting onto and into those $7.60 suits at Wescott's, and to kind of prolong the fun and meet the wants of some people who are a little late, Wescott has added seventy-five suits to tbe first lot, all to be sacrificed and sold at $7.50. Not a suit in the lot but what is perfect, and would cost by tbe carload 25 cents more than we ask for them. And its no joke, as Wescott, you know, does precisely what he advertises to do, and no monkey business. The 100 boys' suits, just placed on sale at $5.00, will save dollars and dollars to the boys. C. E. Wescott, The American Clothier. Stem-winding gents' watches, $1.75 and upwards. - A. L. Coleman. The remains of the late Henry D. Gilmore, whose death occurred Mon day at Lincoln, were brought to this city Tuesday morning over the B. & M., and were interred in Oak Hill ceme tery under tbe auspices of the G. A. 11. The deceased was a brother of Mrs. Captain O'llourke of this city and also of the departed and much noted band director, P. S. Gilmore. Old gold or silver bought or taken in exchange for goods. A. L. Coleman. The Kelly army was booked to leave Council Bluffs today, and as none of the railroads have come forward with offers of transportation, it is ex tremely probable that the men will be forced to walk. Commander Kelly gives it out that they will eventually capture a freight train and thus ride into Chicago, y nd for this reason the movements of the army will bear close watching. The insane commission decided yes terday that Conrad Lauer was insane and tbe man was accordingly taken to the Lincoln asylum this morning by Sheriff Eikenbary. WHAT! SPRING? Yes, spring I here, ami I must say to you that if you fail to see my stock of wall paper and room mould ings before you buy. you will surely regret it when you see my paper. Owing to the extremely hard times I think it is wise to reduce the price of paper and place it in reach of everyone. You should not over look the fact that if you would in vest a few cents in room moulding it will add fifty per cent, to the appear ance of your rooms. Remember the place for low prices BROWN'S PHARMACY, : DRUGS. 510 Mais Street. This ad changes each week. - , W. A. Boeck has secured the agency for the Cycle Manufacturing company of Goshen, Ind., and has one of their wheels on exhibition at his shoe store. The "Cycle" is a guaranteed high grade wheel, and parties contemplat ing purchasing a warranted bicycle will come as near getting the same at actual cost of Mr. Boeck as of any dealer in the county. d&wlt Lawyer Matt Gering will go to Glen- wood, Iowa, on Saturday to appear for Ed. Robinson. Oswald Schubert and Henry Sitzman, at the preliminary hearing on the charge against the boys of burglary. lie feels confident that the boys will be discharged. Gold and silver hair ornaments. 16 A. L. Coleman. ff Have Every Thins in Cam. The Plattsmouth News clipped the item we published about the discov ery of kaolin (china clay) in Missouri, and adds: "The News ought to get posted on home affairs. Capt. Hoover at Louisville, has as fine a bed of pure kaolin as could be desired. He has some choice specimens of chinaware made from it and the supply is practi cally inexhaustable, as it underlies thousands of acres of land near Louis ville, in many places being but a few inches below tbe surface of the ground." We are very much obliged to our namesake for the information. as it is the general impression that Cass county contained nothing but farm land and immense coal beds. Nebraska City News. Dr. Marshall, DENTTIST aid block. college hill. Fitzger- August Wendt of Chadron came here to see his old friends, and is spending a week or so with them. Henry Lehnhoff, jr., of the Univer sity of Lincoln spent a few days last week with his parents at College Hill Plenty of rain lately, and grain looks well. We will state that the prospects for fruit are good, except as to peaches. Miss Maggie Blessington and Miss Hauss of Plattsmouth attended the College Hill Catholic church Sunday last- A young German working for Anton Wallinger came very near being killed a few days ago by taking a loaded gun by tbe wrong end and pulling tbe same toward him. The gun went off and the load of shot went by bis head. One shot lodged in his arm and one in bis leg. A great deal of nursery stock has found its way into this immediate neighborhood and surrounding country furnished by Mr. McLaughlin,our Irish poet and fruit tree dealer. "The best we have ever seen," is the unanimous saying of every one who bought of him. Mac is a scholar and an honest gentle man. Some thirty members of the College Hill Catholic church met at the par sonage Monday and surrounded the grounds with a good fence, set out ornamental and fruit trees, planted potatoes and made garden for the Rev. Father Nugent. The place looks beautiful and is a credit to the congre gation and the surrounding country. Miss Ellen Bates of Weeping Water, a convert to the Catholic church, was baptised Sunday last by Rev. Father Nugent. Watches and jewelry repaired in a first-class manner. A. L. Coleman. County Clerk Dickson and Chas. Richey have purchased the Marconnit lumber and coal yard at Louisville and have formed a partnership, to be known as Richey & Dickson, under which name the business will be operated in the future. Mr. Richey will attend to the business, and in him Louisville will secure an excellent young business man. Try us for light harness. We use the very best of leather and employ only first-class workmen. Tbe prices will please. Fred Gorder & Son, Plattsmouth. The local canning company has ar ranged to operate the plant the com- ingseason,and the output will be much larger than that of last year. The Journal trusts that the season's profit may be enough to warrant tbe company in running the works on an increased scale for next year. Magnetic Nervine quickly restores lost manhood and youthful vigor. Sold by Fricke & Co. English Spavin Liniment removes all bard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ring-bone, stifles, sprains, all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder blemish cure ever known. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., Druggists, Platts mouth. 30 Orlando Tefft of Avoca.Cass county's last representative in the state senate, was a county seat visitor today. Don't f rget the fact that Gorder & Son carry a line of buggies, which for low prices, excellence of goods and general assortment, can not be equalled ia Cass county. w-tf Hon. A. S. Cooley of Eagle was in the city today. Uew'a This! We offer one bundled dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's catarrh cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transaction and fin ancially able to carry out any obliga tion made by their firm. West & Tkuax, wholesale druggists. Toledo, O. Waldino. Kinnan & Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's catarrh cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Price 75c per bottle, ifold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. Johnson's Oriental Soap is far su perior to all other so-called medicinal soaps for beautifying the complexion. Sold by Fricke & Co. The Journal is pleased to chronicle the f.ict that Mrs. I). C Crosser of Rock Bluffs precinct, who has been ailing with liver trouble for four months past, is gradually mend ing and there seems to be no doubt of her complete recovery. Wanted A girl for general house work. Good wages paid. 13-d6wl Mrs. R. B. Windham. Poland China I'Igs for Sale. Thirty two head of fall pigs, both sexes, weighing from 100 to 150 lbs., price $15 each. Eli M. Smith, Union, Neb. 6t-w Don't be talked into having an op eration as it may cost you your life. Japanese Pile Cure is guaranteed to cure you by Fricke & Co. WANTED. An active agent in each county in the United States, to solicit subscrip tions for the Twice-a- eck ltepubhc. A liberal commission will be paid to hustlers. Address, Superintendent of Circulation, THE REPUBLIC, St. Louis, Mo. Consumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all diseases of the respiratory organs are of like germ origin, and it is only lately that thsy have been successfully treated. In IItlo. taken by steam inhalation, Ameri can scientists have succeeded, where Koch and Pasteur failed, in perf ecting a cure that cures. For particulars address California Chemical Works. Omaha, Neb. 13-14 Notice to Creditor. State of Nebraska, . Cass County. ) " In the matter of the estate of Nels C Aa gard deceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de mands of all persona against Nels C. Aagard deceased, late of said county and state, will be received, examined and adjusted by the county court at the court bouse in Plattsmouth, on the 19th day of October, A I), 1HW, at two o'clock In the afternoon; and that six months from and after the 19th day of April A D. 1894. is the lime limited for creditors of said de ceased to present their claims for examination and allowance. Given under my hand this 18th day of April, A I) 1894 174 B. S. RAMSEY, County Judge. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska, I Cass County. ( " In the matter of the estate of John Cerbet, deceased: Notice is hereby given that the claims and de mands of all persons against John orbet, de ceased, late of said county and state, will be received, examined and adjusted by the county court at the court house in Plattsmouth, on the 19th day of October, A. D..1H94. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and that six months from and af ter the lth day of April, A. D., 1K94. is the time limited for creditors of said deceased to present their claims for examination and allow since. . . Given under my hand this 16th day of April, A D 1894 17-4 ' B. S. RAMSEY, County Judge, Notice. In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska: In the matter of the estate of Solomon Ward, de ceased : Notice is hereby given that In iursuance of an order of Samuel M. Chapman, judge of the als trict court of Cass county, Nebraska, made on the 7th day of April, A. I) . 18!4. for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at tbe south door of the court house in Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, on the 19th day of May A. D., at l:UO o'clock p. m., at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands and re ul es tate, towit: tbe south half of the southwest quarter of section twenty, (20, In township eleven til), north, of range nine (9) in Cass county, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open one hour. Alfred S., Administrator of tbe estate of Solomon W arc, deceased. 17-4 Final Settlement Notice. In the matter of the estate of Itosan Decker, deceased : In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska. Notice Is hereby given that Philemon n names administrator of the estate of the said Kosan Decker, deceased. has made application for tiual settlement and thatxaid cause is set for hearing at my oflice at Plattsmouth on the 2th day of April, A. D.. 1S94, at ten o'clock a. m. on said day, at which time and place all per sons interested my he present and examine said accounts. B. S. Ramset, County Judge. Plattsmouth, Neb., April 9th. lHlM. j-. -.-- .r'.'V :'m'.''' -. .. . "S.-,-.;?:" Watches MZZ?XM vv Diamonds :' ZUZ-s-m Jewelry Silverware, &c ;i,FineWatch ReoairlngJ?? jos. p. frenzer ;,. f:f.- Opposite Post Office OMAHA ; s i-ii fl ri-i :.-:'.:"i 5.:.v:'i ?.?. y'' i.v . : .v :T;;?i.vv: ?.VV ;...: :t-.r. . .:r: i. t?':f.i?-w;:' iv".r F. S. WHITE, Malu Street, Plattsmouth. AIWAYN I-"" 1 1 10 ! ' 1 1 . Teas and Coffees Unexcelled, Curtice Bros.' Celebrated CANNED GOODS. SOLE AGENT FOR Pillsbury's MINNESOTA FLOUR, The Ifftst in the World. The "XXXX" and "Best" Brands. Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases are all gold as fur as yon can see. They look like solid cases, wear like solid cases, and are solid cases for all practical purpose- yet only cost about half as much as an out-and-out solid gold case. Warranted to wear for ao years ; many in constant use for thirty years. Better than ever since they are now fitted, at no extra cost, with the great bow (ring) which cannct be fulUd or twutei ejf the case the Can coly be had on the cases Stamped with this trade mark, All others have the old-style pull-outbbw, which is only held to the case by friction, and can be twisted off with the fingers. Sola only through watch dealsrt. Stnd for a watch, case opener to the manufacture ra KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. BE MANLY IZTSnt nrm or exceaiT a of ttmalnntn. Effect at once. Night ErmxHions, Wk Hrmia or Ne ire fower curMi or money returned hj oin Tarkiflh lxt Manhood Cannula, f 1 box.61rer $5 Hhn' Pharmacy. Omaha. jk f r tO Turltinh Taan7 and P L-J I Z O nyroyal fills Dver fail, are to the day. firms month Ilea regular wit heat pain. (1 box by mail. Acenta wasted. HAHVS PHARMACY. 3013 Faraam St., Omaha. Neb. n. J. Stre i"ht. J. Sattler STREIGHT & SATTLER, KucreRHora to Henry HoM-k, Farnitore 1 Undertaking Pianos and Organs, STOVES and RANGES. Our Fura'.ture line la complete In every detail An investigation In certain to convince. A B G Hiflold's BfontCelery. PplendM enrativft ncent for Nerrona or Sick Headactia, Brain i-ihaantion, ttleetilemnoM, Lspecial or general Neuralgia; altio for Kheu- pnpxia. Anwmia. Antidote for Alcoholic and other exceaaea. trice, hi, 25 and SO cent bfleraaoanC THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 1 51 S. Western Avenue. CHICAGO. The Plattsmouth Mills, C. HEISEL. Prop. Tills Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with Machinery of the best manufacture in the world. Their "Plansifter" Flour Han no Superior In America. Give it a trial and be convinced. Bran, Shorts and Corn Meal Always on hand. Orders delivered In city promptly. TKItMS Cash or 30 day time. LADIES DO TOU KNOW DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S STEEL 81 PEHHYROYBL PILLS are the original and only FRENCH. afe and re liable cure on the market. Price f 1.00; Beat by mail. Genuine sold only by F. G. Fricke & Co.. D legists. liiiMMkMlii H 1 f 1 9: TZ Vii' t AFrrit on 15 n-: Down They $21.00 ONLY HEAVY Team Harness EVERY STITCH WARRANTED. One and one-half inch traces, perfection pads, three-fourth inch bridles, round side reins and winker braces, 1-inch turn backs and hip straps, 1x20 tlat lines, including wool faced separable collars. The best team harness in Cass county for the money. PHIL SAUTER, Main Street, I have purchased part of the stock of O. J. LEWIS (assignment) at St. Louis. Also of the MURPHY Stock and the goods will go at REDUCED PRICES. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. Call and tee. W. A. BOECK, South sid Main -f, Yliree ijors Kasl iintt's Market MIeiis5in);en & JLoIiiQfii)ftimDQ9 OASS COUNTY'S leading IMPLEMENT DELERS- ilniiilft' Ail I lie Lending FARMING MACHINERY, Such as the Celebrated "Hader"and "Spalding" Riding Cultivators, WAGONS, BUGGIES, SEWING MACHINES, SAFES, PUMPS and WIND-MILLS. Come and examine our immense assortment at our warehouse, A Feed Barn for farmers is kept in connection with the establishment. Charges Ten Cents per Team. CORNER SIXTH AND PEARL STREETS, PLATTSMOUTH. W. 1I.CU3UIXO, Prealdant. J. ir. JOHXSOS. -TIIK Citizens' Bank, I'LATTSMoUTFI. NEIJ. Capital paid in $50,000 DIKECTOKS: J W. Johnson. W. D. Merriam, Wm. Weten tamp, D. '. Morgan. Henry Eikenbary. M. T. Morgan and W. II. Cushing. A general banking business transacted, terest allowed ou depooits. In Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment Is ild under positive writu-n guarantee, by author ized agents only, to cure Weak Slemory; Loss of Drain and Nerve Power; Ixwt Manhood; Qulrkness; Night Loww; Kvil Dreams; I-aok of Confidence; Nerroaeuefw; Lassitude; all Drnlns; Los of Power of the Generative Onmns In either eex, caused by oTer-exertion; Youthful Errors, or ExcexMve Uce of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, which soon lead to H a box; 6 for $6: with written guarantee to cure or refund money. VIST'S COUGH SYKUP. A certain cure for Coughs, Coldn, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Coutrn, tore I nroat. i-ieasam 10 iJLKe. Hmiill Bi?. discontinued: old. fific. slzn. now 2"x-.: old $1 size, Dow 50c. GUAKANTKliS Issued only by F. G. Fricke & Co, drosststs. LAND FOR SALE Choice selected land and Improved Farms in Nebraska Kansas and South Dakota, on from one tenth toone lift b cash pay ments, ten year's time. Large tracts of land for colonlts or speculation in Texas. 40 farms closeto Omaha, five and ten acre tracts In sub urbs a specialty. Trades of all kinds negoti ated. WM. NELSON, Koom 8, Withnell block., Omaha, Neb. '" 11 lm tf NEW MORSE BlA;-::Li ARE THE Go ! FOR riattsmouil). Nebraska. OF - and Hair Goods AU th Latest Novelties. We XUoelv NW Goods Dally. The Only Children Milli nery Department in Omaha. tt I TD nnnnC! Our Hair Goods Department UAlll UUUUlJ always has Ue latest and mot ap proved styles. Mrs. R. H. DAVIES 1520 Douglas St., OMAHA. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK PLATTSMOCTH, NEB. ! Capital, paid up ... . $30,000 OFFICERS: ' Johv FtTZoKRaLD R-esldent F. K. White Vioe-jresident S. Wii'OH ashler DIRECTORS: j John Fitzcerald. I). Hawksworth. F. Ei White, . Waugh and George E. Doveyl Careful attention given to the intereeti of cus tomers. Collections made and promply remit ted for. Highest market price paid If county warrants and state and county bonds. I Millinery errs? V". 'W9 '