Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, April 12, 1894, Image 4
J" I'- pattsmoutlx journal C W. KIir.RMAN. Tabllchrr. PLATTSMOUTH. : h T. BR ASK A. The News Condensed. Important Intelligence From All Parts. CONGRESSIONAL, Kesular Session. ON tbe Slst ult the senate was not in session .... In the house bills were introduced tor the free and unlimited coinage of sliver dollars of 4134 grains and for an additional district Judge for the Northern district of Illinois. The river and harbor bill wm reported, and the re mainder of the day was devoted to eulogies upon the lifo, character and public services of the late Representative O'Neill, of Pecnsyl vania. In tbe senate on the 2d Senator Voorhees (dem.. Ind.) opened the tariff debate and in lis speech denounced the protective system of tariff taxation. The nominations of Thomas K. Benedict, of New York, to be public printer, and James D. Yoemuns, of Iowa, to be inter state commerce commissioner, were received from tbe president.... In the house a fruitless attempt was made to secure a quorum in or der to brtnif the O'Neill-Joy contested election cae to a close. Senator Aixisos opened the tariff debate for the republicans In tbe senate on the 3d, and tie gave an outline of some of the main objec tion w hich will be urged against the bill. A resolution directing the finance committee to prepare a bill for the repeal of all laws which pive the secretary of the treasury authority to issue interest-bearing bonds was presented.... In the bouse the democrats seated John J. O'Neill as the representative from St. Louis In place ot Charles F. Joy. A Blix was passed in the senate permitting horse racing in tbe District of Columbia, but prohibiting pool selling and book making. Sen ator Allison concluded his speech on the tariff bUL S-'nator Mills followed, confining him self chlelly to a defense of the ad valorem sys tem.... In the house the committee on banking and currency reported in favor of subjecting greenbacks to state and municipal taxation. The effort to pass the seigniorage bill over the president's veto failed by a vote of 116 to 114. Mr. Hil. born (rep.), of California, was unseated in favor of Mr. English (dem). Is the senate on the 5th Senator Hill (N. Y. ) gave notice that on the 9th he would submit a few remarks on the pending tariff bill. A reso lution to reduce by per cent, all official in comes not protected by the statutes of the United States was referred to the Judiciary committee. After a short debate on the bill appropriating il.WJO.OOO for the destruction of the Russian thistle the tariff bill was further discussed In the house the urgent deficiency bill, wtlch carries something over 11.000,000, was passed, and the post office appropriation bill was discussed. DOMESTIC Kobbeks secured 53,200 from the safe of the township treasurer at Frank fort, Mich. XV. It. a well-to-do fanner of Ilurd county, Ga,, shot his wife and then shot himself fatally. Miss Axms Van Dokn, of Passaic, N nas lust discovered that she was married to the wrong man in lb'J'Z while under the influence of drugged liquor. Five tramps were thought to have perished in a fire which destroyed the Rock Island hay barns at Geneseo, I1L Because a tag was pinned to his coat John Williams stabbed Walter John son to death at a revival meeting ia Olive, O. Competition and a falling off in busi ness caused the collapse of the brewing pool made up in September, l&yi Three men were burned to death in a summer cottage at Squantum Beach, Mass. Diking a riot at a political meeting in Milwaukee half a dozen men were stabbed. The trouble was started by Polish laborers. The regular monthly treaury state ment for March shows that the total receipts were 24,&42,797, against $34, 115.S09 for March, 1S93. The disburse ments were 131,137.520, against $31,633. 4S2 for March, 1S93, leaving a deficiency for the month of March of $6,294,703, and for the nine months of the present iiscal year of $55,432,027. The visible supply of grain in the United States on the 2d was: Wheat, 71,536,000 bushels; corn. 18,539,000 bush els; oats, 2,713,000 bushels; rye, 415,000 bushels: barley, 636,000 bushels. Fire which started in a flourmill at Borden, Ind., burned six stores and eighteen residences, causing a loss of 8125.00J. Font hunirej drunken strikers ter rorized the town of East Liverpool, O., and non-union men were beaten and the police cowed. Moroni Dttncan, a stockman, former ly owner of the Bock Springs (Wyo,) Review, perished in a blizzard which swept over that state. Holland English was taken from the jail at Bakersville, Va,, by a mob and hanged. He was charged with killing his wife. In a boiler explosion near Tompkins--ville, Ind., Alex Ritter, the owner of the mill, and two brothers named Fow ler were killed instantlj Striking mill operatives at Paterson, N. J., attacked five working women, but a squad of police rescued the de fenseless party. Four members of the Louisville (Ky. ) city council were indicted for bribery and perj'ury. Champion Cobbett says that Jack son will put np a defensive fight and will be beaten inside of twenty rounds 1 he decomposed body of Rev. M. an, a traveling evangelist claiming .Richmond, Va, as his home, was found xiddled with bullets near Homer, Tenn. Bill Dalton. the famous outlaw, was fatally shot in a fight with officers in the Indian territory. The residence of a Mr. Trice at Kent ville, Ind-, was burned, and his three children perished in the flames. Christopher Wilkie ana Henry Wells, farmers living at Columbus, I1L, killed themselves with poison. They made an agreement to take their own lives several weeks ago, owing to ill health. Four thousand painters and paper hangers is Chicago struck against a re duction of fvageti. Ix a fight between Indians and white settlers in the Cheyenne country west of El Reno two white men and five In dians were killed. The public debt statement issued on the 3d showed that the debt increased $13, 786,063 during the month of March. The cash balance in the treasury was $133.y50,04.,. The total debt, less the cash balance in the treasury, amounts to $1,033,035,138. Notice of a cut in the wages of train men has been issued by the Wabash, road, to take effect May L Nonunion dyers in Paterson, N. J. were waylaid and badly beaten by armed strikers. Gov. Tillman, of South Carolina, issued a proclamation taking absolute control of the police forces of the towns in the state. The Connellsville (Pa) coke region was convulsed by a labor war and from one eud of the territory to the other rioting and disorder held full 6way, Human life was in danger and the de struction of property was being car ried on on every hand. Rev. L M. Babcock, a retired lec turer, was suffocated to death by a Bos ton fire. The six -story building of Tichnor & Jacobi at Rochester, N. Y.,was burned. the loss being 5300,000. Bitter animosities that have existed at Kansas City, Ma, between the Amer ica.i Protective association and the Catholics culminated in a pitched bat tie at the polls in which two men were killed, two fatally injured and two others wounded. Troops were ordered to the Cheyenne country, where the Indians and cow boys were fighting. The Nauvoo Fruit company of St. Louis has been compelled to destroy over 400,000 fruit trees that have been injured by the weather and insects. Because he persisted in singing 'After the Ball," Ben Miller was prob ably fatally stabbed by William Dierkes, a (juincy (111.) saloonkeeper. While fighting Imaginary thieves in his sleep Elmer Mitchell, of Crosby Tex., seized a revolver and killed his roommate. An incendiary fire destroy ed the busi ness portion of Hartford, Kan., a town of 2,000 people. Mrs. Augusta Schmidt, a wealthy resident of Kokomo, Ind., was found guilty of killing Oscar Walton, one of her tenants, and sentenced to ten years imprisonment in the woman's reforma tory at Indianapolis. Coxey's army was in a state of siege at Allegheny City. Pa Thirty of his men were arrested as vagrants and sent to the workhouse. Bv an unexplained explosion the house of Joseph Kallas in Oil City, Pa, was demolished and Kallas and two of his children and Mary Tasmer were killed and Mrs. Kallas and her babe were fatally injured. Patrick Eugene Prendehgast, sen tenced to hang for the murder of Car ter II. Harrison in Chicago, was given a stay of sentence until Monday, July 2, pending his trial for sanity, which will commence May 21. A courier from the scene of the In dian troubles in the Cheyenne country said thirty men, half of them Indians, were killed in the recent fight and a general war was feared. In honor of his 90th birthday Gen. George W. Jones, of Dubuque, first United States senator from the state of Iowa, was received by the general as sembly at Des Moines as a guest of the state. Judge Wiley has decided that the drainage law of Indiana is unconstitu tional. Thousands of acres of swamp lands are involved. The detectives of the treasury de partment in Washington discovered dangerous counterfeits of $10 and $20 bills in circulation. Burglars attempted to rob the store of George Weiriek at Palestine, Ind. lie Killed two oi them and wounded a third. Mrs. William Raymond and her three children were carried into the river at Cherokee, Miss., by a frantic horse and drowned. while trying to force a passage througn the straits of Mackinac the steamer Minneapolis, loaded with 43,- 577 bushels of wheat, went down. P. V. Dwyer & Bros., tbe leading firm of plumbers and gas fitters in St. Paul, failed for $115,000; assets, $61,000. .Mne men were killed outright and a dozen more seriously if not fatally wounded in the riots in the mining regions near Connellsville, Pa Mrs. Sarah Morris, of Union town ship, Ind., whose husband and child were murdered by Cheyenne Indians in 18G3, has sued them through the United States government for S20.000. Three hundred miners in the Mas- siilon (O.) district were reported starv ing. A barn belonging to George Rhodes. a farmer near Sedalia, Mo., was burned and eighteen hcrses and mules were cremated. The large livery stable of John White at West Troy, N. Y., was burned and twenty-six valuable horses per isbed. The murderous coke strikers in Penn sylvania were intimidated by the kill iugof several of their number by deputy .sheriffs and it ivas thought the strike was practically over. iiik Massachusetts senate by a vote of 23 to IS defeated the woman suffrage bill that passed the house. i atiikk James A. Walter, the best- known Catholic clergyman in Washing ton, dropped dead while preparing to answer a sick call. Gov. Tillman has issued a proclama tion announcing that the South Caro lina insurrection is at an end. Gov. Flower, of New York, has signed the bill making hazing a felony. Col. Breckinridge formally closed his defense in the Pollard case in Wash ington. The rebuttal testimony was very damaging to him. Robbers wrecked the safe in the post office at Hicksrille, O., and secured $3, 000 in cash and stamps. By the capsizing of their boat four fishermen were drowned in the Chatta hoochie river at Columbus, Ga Joseph Reich, who deserted his fam ily ten years ago in Austria was con fronted by his wife in Chicago a few moments after he was married to an other woman. Robbers stole $15,000 from a bank in Eldorado, Kan. Flames at Lancaster, N. Y., wiped out a great portion of the business sec tion of the town. Loss, $100,000. Judge Caldwell's decision in the Union Pacific wage conference at Omaha favors the employes at every point. J The concentrating plant land hoist ing works of the Horn silver mine at Frisco, U. T., were destroyed by fire, the loss being $100,000. Wisconsin's new law, now in effect, abolishes the customary three day's grace on notes. Commercial paper must be met on the day it falls due. Coxky's army fought its way out of Allegheny City, Pa, and marched to Homestead. It numbered COO men. Mrs. Cornelia Frances Coster, who died in New York, left a will directing that her entire fortune of 11,000,000 be devoted to building a mausoleum in Woodlawn cemetery. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL, Patrick Walsh, editor of the Au gusta (Ga) Chronicle, was appointed by Gov. Northen to fill the vacancy in the United States senate caused by the death of Senator Co lquitt- Ix the municipal elections through out Illinois the republicans were suc cessful in fifty-nine towns and the democrats in sixteen. In Chicago the republicans will have a majority of sixteen in the common council. In Wiscsnoin the republicans carried forty out of fifty-three towns and elected their entire ticket in Milwaukee. In Minnesota fifteen out of twenty cities elected republican officials. At the city election in Spring Hill, Kan., women were elected to fill all of the municipal offices, including mayor, councilmen and police judges. Ohio democrats nominated Paul J. Sorg, the millionaire tobacco manufac turer, to succeed the late George XV. llouk in congress from the Third dis trict. Likut. Gov. Jonas, of Wisconsin, re signed to accept a consulship to St. Pe tersburg. Miss Mary Ida Phares is the first woman notary public in New Jersey. Loren A. Thurston, Hawaiian min ister to the United States, and Miss Harriet Potter were married at St. Jo seph, Mich. Frank Hanlon, one of the noted II anion brothers, actors and acrobats, died at Plymouth, N. H. Further advices from the Rhode Island election give Gov. Brown (rep.) a plurality of 6,153. The senate stands: Republicans, 33; democrats, 3. The house: Republicans, 09; democrats, 3. FOREIGN. Senor Borgono has assumed the pres idency of Peru, the first vice president declining the office. Numerous riots occurred among the starving residents of Andalusia Spain. Margaret Walber, 53 years of age, was executed in Walton jail at Liver pool, England, for the murder of her husband last November. The Land Securities company of Lon don, formed thirty years ago, failed for $10,000,000. Prof. Brown-Sequard. the eminent physician and physiologist, known chiefly to the world at large as the dis coverer of the so called "elixir of life," died in Paris, aged 70 years. Three persons were injured by tho explosion of a bomb in a restaurant in Paris. A fire at Shanghai, China burned 1,000 houses. Seven persons were killed and sev eral seriously injured by jumping from the windows cf a burning hotel in Frankfort-on-thc-Main. Don Rafael Ygi.esias, the liberal candidate, was elected to the presi dency of Costa Rico in succession to Don Jose Rodriguez. An earthquake shock did damage to the towns and villages on the Pacific) coast of the isthmus of Tehaunteptc By the collapse of a mine near Bres lau, Germany, eleven men were killed. LATER. A resolution introduced by Senator Wolcott, looking to the drafting of a treaty with Mexico by which the United States should coin silver dollars at its mints, was discussed in the United States senate on the 6th. Senator Peffer spoke on the tariff. A petition was presented from the millers of St. Louis praying for the retention of the reciprocity clause of the McKinley law. In the house the time was occupied in discussing the post office appropriation bilL The evening session was devoted to pension bills. Daniel BAuen celebrated his 105th birthday at his home near JerTerson- ville. Ind. According to Bradstreet's trade was irregular throughout the country, but improving. Unseasonable weather af fected general business. An Indianapolis doctor discovered diphtheria bacilli on the cover of a pub lic library book. There were 2-49 business failures in the United States in the seven days ended on the 6th, against 233 the week previous and 195 in the corre sponding time in 1893. Simeon Mantell, a wealthy farmer at Lebanon, Ind., was swindled out of $2,100 by confidence men. It was discovered that school fund commissioners of Kansas had paid out thousands of dollars for worthless bonds. James Gordon Bennett has pur chased the yacht Vigilant and will race the Valkyrie and Britannia in English waters. In granting a modification of his Northern Pacific order Judge Jenkins, of Milwaukee, asserts that courts have power to interfere in strikea Dan Ahren, a negro, was lynched at Greensboro, Ga, for assaulting Mra Chambers, a helpless old woman. Both houses of the Iowa legislature adjourned sine dia Abram Felteb, more than 100 years old? was killed by a train of cars at Warsaw, Ind. J. L. Wyrick, Thomas Brady and Albert ' Mansker, train robbers who killed Conductor McNally at Oliphant, November 3, 1S03, were hanged at Newport, Ark., on one scaffold. Michael Mastropietro, head of a New Jersey Italian bank, has left the country owing depositors 20,000. Statistics compiled in New York for the last three months show a de crease of immigration of nearly 40 per cent, compared with last year. The number for the last quarter was 29,292, while that of last year was 49,626. LABOR'S RIGHTS. They Are Upheld In a Decision by Judge CaldwelL The Employes Favored at Every Point In the Union Pacific Case The Old Sched ule of Wage Is Restored by the Ileclsion. END OF A NOTED CASE. Omaha, Neb., April 7. Judge Cald well's decision in the Union Pacific wage schedule case has been rendered and is a complete victory for the employes. Judge Caldwell's de cision puts the old schedule of wages in force again. The em ployes had been restrained from strik ing against a reduction made by the receivers by an injunction similar to the famous order of Judge Jenkins in the Northern Pacific case. The men fought the injunction in court and the result was the decision. The United States courtroom was thronged with railroad men who lis tened intently to the reading of the opinion, which was very lengthy, com prising over 4,000 worda Judge Cald well says: "Tbe relation of these men to the company and their rate of wages were determined in tho main Ly certain written rules, regulations and schedules, some ot which had been In force for more than a quarter of a century, and all of which had been in force substantially as they stand to-day for a period of eight years and more. These rules, regula tions and schedules were the result of free and voluntary conferences held from time to time between tbe managers of the railroad and the ofUcors and representatives of the several labor organization of tbe men in the different sub divisions or branches of the service. "Among the rules and regulation referred to and in operation w hen the receivers were ap pointed was one to the effect that no change should be made In the rules and regulations and the rate of wages without first giving to the labor organizations, whose members would be affected by such change, thirty days' notice or other reasonable notice." Judge Caldwell then recites how the receivers went into court last January to force a reduction on the schedule of weges, and states all the legal steps taken down to and including the hear ing just ended. Judge Caldwell then goes on to say that when a court of equity takes upon itself the conduct and operation of a great line of railroad the men en gaged in conducting the business and operating the road become the em ployes of the court, and are subject to its orders in all matters relating to the discharge of their duties and en titled to its protection, and adds: "An essential and Indispensable requisite to the safe and successful operation of the road Is the employment of sober, intelligent, experi enced and capable men for that purpose. When a road comes under the management of a court In which the employes are conceded to possess all these quaiincaiioss and that conces sion is made In the fullest manner here the court will not, on l&ht or trivial grounds, dispense with their services or reduce their waces. And when the schedule of wages In force at the time the court assumes the man agement of the road Is the result of a mutual agreement between the company and the em ployes which has been in force for years, tbe court will presume the schedule is reasonable and just, and anyone disputing that presump tion wlU be required to overthrow It by satis factory proof. "This, the court contends, has not been done by the receivers, although they had all recom mended that a cut De made. It is the court' belief that the receivers made the request ignorautly, as only one of them is a practical railroad man, and their opinions upon the subject of wages eched tiles is confessedly of little value The court febares In their anxiety to have an economical administration of this trust to the end that those that own the property and hare Hens up on it may get out of It what Is fairly their due. "But to accomplish this desirable result the wages ot the men must net be reduced below a reasonable and just compensation for their services. They must be paid fair wages, though no dividends are paid on the stock and no interest paid on tbe bonds, "It is a part of the public history of the coun try, of waich the court will take Judicial no tice, that for the first f3a.u00.0OJ of stock is sued this company received less than 2 cents on tbe dollar, and the profit of construction represented by outstanding bonds was H2,8:S,- "There would seem to be no equity In reduc ing the wages of employes below what Is rea sonable and just in order to pay dividends on stock and interest on bonds of this character. The recommendation of the receivers to adopt their schedules cannot be accepted by the court for another reason. The schedule was adopted without affording to the men or their representatives any opportunity to be heard. This was in violation of the agreement existing between the company and the men, by the terms of which no change of tbe sched ules was to be mode wltbout notice to the men and granting them a hearing. This waa a fun damental error. "The receivers were the first to break the contract between the court and its em ployes, but It the converse had been the case tbe court could not have directed or en joined the men to continue In its service. Specific performance ef a contract to render personal service cannot be en forced by injunction, by pains and penalties or by any other means. The period of compulsory personal service, save as s punishment for crime, has passed in this country. In this country It is not unlawful for employes to associate, consult and confer together with a view to maintain or increase their wages, by lawful and peaceful means, any more than It was unlawful for the receivers to counsel and confer together for the purpose of reducing tbefr wagea A corpora tion is organized capital: organized labor is organized capital: what is lawful for one to do la lawful for the other to do. "In the opinion of the court the allowances made by tbe schedules now In force are just and equitable. The employes, under the present system, share the burdens of di minished business. When property Is in tbe custody of receivers the law de clares it to be a contempt of the court appointing them for any person to Interfere with the property or with the men In their employ. No Injunction order can make uch unlawful interference any more of a con tempt than the law makes it without such order. "Such orders have an Injurious tendency, be cause they tend- t -create the Impression among men that It Is not an offense to In terfere with property In possession of re ceivers or with tae men In their em ploy unless they hare been especially en joined from so doing. Thl9 Is a dangerous de lusion. To the extent that a special injunction Can go in this class of cases the law itself im poses an injunction. For thin reason no ln Junctional order will be entered In this case. ' R O BBED OF SI5.000. Kxrhnnge National of, tbe Loser Offer a Reward of 84.O0O. Eldorado, Kan., April 7. It has just been learned that the Exchange na tional bank of this city was robbed a day or two ago of $15,000, but the officers succeeded in keeping it secret in the hope of catching the robbers. They failed in the latter effort and the rob bery became known. There was no force used in the vault and the robber is supposed to have known the combi nation. The directors have made good the deficit and offered a reward of 4,000 for the capture of the thief OB thieves and return of the money. THE TARIFF BILL. Merits of tbe Measure Discussed by the Senators. On the 2d Senator Voorhees (dem., Ind.) opened the tariff debate In the senate. He de nounced the protective system of tariff taxa tion as developed and fastened upon the busi ness and labor of the American people, es pecially during the third of a century past, growing worse at every stage, as a system of Indescribable injustice and oppression, yet, said he, all of its vicious principles and work ings, ramified as they are through every branch of trade and commerce, cannot be an nihilated by a single blow or totally wiped out by a single legislative enactment. For the bUl now-under such claim is made, but in its behalf can be truthfully asserted, and will be successfully maintained, that it accom plishes a great work in the field of tariff reform. He challenged "tbe attention of the senate and the country to the great and commanding fact that by the provisions of this bill the seeming paradox of a reduction of taxes and at the same time an incre aae of public revenues will be rec onciled when It becomes a law. It is enough to say that we have liberalized American mar kets, made them more accessible to tbe trafflo of the world. and, while not establishing free trade, we have made trade freer and more even-handed between the manu facturer and the consumer. But over and above and beyond this wide and well-known field of extortion and injustice, it will be found from the schedules of this bill that the tariff taxes now officially ascertained and paid under existing law on the wants, necessities and daily consumption of the laboring men, women and children of the United Slates have been reduced more than "a.OuO.OOO per annum. To this must be added tbe further imposing fact that the bill provides for a full and ample revenue, largely in excess of present supplies, with which to meet all the requirements of tho public credit Such a consummation as this, so full of relief to the people, and of strength, safety and honor to the government, may well atone for the Imperfections and shortcomings alleged against the pending measure, and will constitute the rock on which the temple of tariff reform will be built, and against which. In the ameliorated future, the gates of avarice, oppression and fraud shall not prevail." Senator Voorhees defended the ad valorem system as fairer, honester and more easily un derstood than specific duties. He said: "Ab solute free trade In sugar Is an attractive theme, but no such thing has ever existed for a single hour since the organization of this gov ernment. A. moderate duty has always been Imposed on sugar and it has always been a stanch revenue support to the government. " Concerning the whisky feature, he claimed at all times to have favored an increased tax for the purposo of securing a sufficient support of the government with as light a tax as possible on the necessaries of life. The revenue raised from distilled spirits, the purchase and con sumption of which was never a necessity of life, was to him a deep gratification, the mors so as ia),0O0,OJ0 of the surplus accruing under the bill would be furnished by tbe tax on whisky. Speaking of the proposed income tax, which be warmly upholds. Senator Voorhees said: The proposition contained in the pending bill to levy a tax of 2 per cent on all net in comes of corporations and of Individuals In ex cess of 14,000 per annum Is so just and equita ble toward tbi; hardworking taxpayers of meager resources throughout the entire coun try that not a word in its defense or explana tion would seem necessary here or anywhere else." On the 3d Senator Allison (rep., Ia.) gave an outline of some of the main objections which will be urged against the bill, took up many of Voorhees' statements and vigorojsly replied to them. Analyzing the destructive prin ciples on which the bill was constructed, he cited the growth and development of the country under a protective system as an illustration of the benefits of that sys tem. He commented upon the fact that the government had always avoided excise from Internal revenue taxes except for war purposes, remarking that the Internal revenue to-day was bringing in just about enough to pay pensions, which were a war expenditure in reality. Now, he said, the democratic majority proposes to return to the internal revenue system and ex pand it in time of peace. In his discussion of the practical effect of the proposed legislation Senator Allison recalled how In 1833, when the controversy over the tariff was fiercest, the southern free traders them selves had proposed no such sudden and sweep ing change as do their brethren of to-day. He recalled Henry Clay's provision that where the ad valorem prevailed it should be on ihe home valuation and not on foreign valuation. Senator Allison said that at the proper time he should offer an amendment that the valua tion should be that of leading cities In the United States, instead of that which under the bill as represented by the majority the foreign exporters would put on their own goods. In ciuentally he showed how unjustly the ad valorem duties would operate against American farmers along the Canadian border. He gave his belief that If the propositions of the majority of the committee were carried out as to ad valorem valuations an infinite number of new offices would have to be created, because the appraisers and special examiners at the customs ports would have to be multiplied In definitely. On the 4ih Mr. Allison resumed his speech, devoting his remarks to the departure from specific to ad valorem duties, and pointed out the inconsistency of retaining specific duties on some articles and the ad valorem system on others In response to a question Senator Allison declared that he intended to vote for free sugar, both raw and refined, as it was in the bill when it came from the house, and then he would propose an amendment replacing tbe bounty on sugar as It was in the McKinley law. He criticised the alcoholic schedule as impos ing a great hardship upon many industries and denounced the plan to make up a deficit by levying a tax on sugar and incomes He as serted that he should not knowingly contribute by this bill or any other to the promoting of the interests of Great Britain at the sacrifice of the Interests of his own country. Mr. Mills (dem.. Tex.) followed, confining himself chiefly to a defense of the ad valorem system. Mr. Mills said: "We cannot pass our bill without making some concessions, t am between the devil and the deep sea, and when It is a question of going to the devil, by keep ing the McKinley law. or of going to sea. and there must be some favorable wind to blow me back to land, I am going to sea." NOTHING IS LEFT. Report of a Wrecking Captain on the Ill Fated IVarshlp Ktartare. I?osTON, April 4. "There was noth ing left of the brave old Kearsarg-e but two borders which had been washed ashore." This was the manner in which Capt XV. H. Hum phrey, treasurer of the Boston Tow-Boat company, described the wreck of the renowned old battleship when be arrived with hU force at Iion cador reef. The men we saw there were trying to j?et copper out of the timbers of the Kearsarffe, and one of them said that two or three weeks be fore that time the vessel was all riffht. None of them said, however, they knew anything' of who the parties were who who had burned it" WASHINGTON PERSONALS. Justice Bbewkb, of the United States supreme court, is in charge of the Bible class in the First Congrega tional church of Washington. Yang Yu, the Chinese minister at Washing-ton, is cutting a very wide wath. His costume, carriage and mansion outshine those of any other diplomat. Justice White is one of the largest individual sugar planters rn Louisiana. Last year over three million pounds of sugar were manufactured on his plantation. TRADE REVIEW. Dan and Hiadstreet Take Different Views of the Situation. New Yokk, April 9. R. G. Dun & Co.'s review says: "Improvement In business has continue! since the president's veto, which has been sustained in the house, but the best news of the week Is tbe great decrease In the num ber and importance of the failures. The number was 2.0W) in January, 1,802 in February and 1.005 In March. The commercial liabilities were f3l,320,8-;7 In Janu ary, 117,930,119 In February and fl4.73d,S3 in March. Nearly half the commercial liabilities were of firms falling during the first month: much more than half of the trading liabili ties, fvt per cent as the full statement shows 42 per cent of tho manufacturing liabilities, and 49 per cent, of the other commercial liabilities. Moreover, nearly two-thirds ot the banking liabilities were of failures In the first month and over half of the railroad liabilities. Though the number of com mercial failures, 4.2U7 In the United States, was never equaled in any quarter until the third of last year, the average cf liabilities Is only 114,890, which is lower than has appeared in the records of thirty-eight years at any time closely succeeding any Berlous reverse The degree of commercial soundness and health thereby indicated gives ground for hope that the liquidations consequent upon the disaster of 1M3 have been in large measure accom plished. "Wheat has been lifted about 4 cents bf reports of serious injury to the plant, but the accounts are more than usually conflicting :md there Is much uncertainty about the extent of the injury. Corn has declined 14 cents, while pork has risen 50 cents, with lard a shade better. The failures for the last week have been 244 ia the United States, against 105 last year, and 24 In Canada, against -8 last year. Bradstreet's says: "Special telegrams from Important dlstribu lng centers report general trade quite irregu lar, previous gains having been iollowed by shrinkages in many instances. There is a slight gain in business at Pittsburgh In staple merchandise, as well as among manufacturers of bessemer, pig and billets. "The delay of expected revival In trade at Cincinnati. Detroit and Louisville has had a depressing influence, and Is aided by unseason able weather; but business is reported at Indianapolis, and the expectation Is for a good spring trade. Chicago Jobbers in cot ton dress fabrics, silks, hardware, clothing and lumber report Increased sales, but at St Louis unfavorable weather has checked the demand for dry goods and millinery and kindred lines, although expecta tion is for an Improvement in the demand be cause country stocks are not large. Kansas City reports considerable activity in general lines, as does Omaha, where improved weather and good roads have stimulated business. Planting throughout Nebraska is being pushed, but the crops need rain. At both cities last mentioned live stock interests have improved. 'The Industrial feature of the week is found In thirty-one strikes throughout the country. Involving 40.000 employes, principally among building trades at New York and Chicago, tex tile industries at Paterson and New York, and toal mines and coke operatives in western Pennsylvania and farther west. Noticeably large increases in the number of small strikes weekly have taken the pluce of resumption of Vdustrial establishments. "While bank clearings for March, i3.T55.oX), "00, are 10 per cent larger than In February fciey average only I13&,0uu,0 daily, coctru&ted frith 1138,000.000 In February. Except for Feb ruary last and September and August cf 1W3 last month's clearings total is the smallest ia any month for six years: it Is 31 per cent less than in March, lfb3. Three month's clearings segre gate fll.0'J6,0.X),000.33 per cent, less than last rear. Out of seventy-seven cities totaU for March and for three months at only five of the mailer cities show gains compared with last year. Bank clearings this week aggregate feiO.OOO.Ouo, 28 per cent more than last week, but the total is 20 per cent less than in the like week last year." BIG COKE STRIKE ENDED. The Hungarians Claim They Were the Victims of a Conspiracy. Connellsville, Pa., April 9. The ffreat coke strike is ended and the strikers have suffered a disastrous defeats The leaders of the Slavs and Hungarians in this section are claiming that the strike as the result of a conspiracy of the Irish and (ierman elements of the region to get the Hungarians ex pelled from the coke region. The Slavs and Hungarians were brought to this country under contract twelve years ago by che owners of the coke works to break a strike, and since that time the wages of the miners and cokers have speedily declined. One very marked feature of tbe strike is that all the leaders of the organization are Irish, while the Irish employes of the region, numbering about 1,500, refuse to take any part in tho strike. The Germans also hold aloof. The Hun garians now allege that they have been led into this strike, and incited to riot and bloodshed in order to work up a prejudice against them and cause the people to rise up and annihilate them or expel them. BATTER DOWN JAIL WALLS. Ao Angry Crowd at Greensboro, (L, Lynch a Itlack Krnte. Nashville. Tenn., April 9. Mrs. Chambers, a respectable white woman cf Greensboro, Ga., was assaulted Thursday night by a negro. The negro was arrested and identified. He was placed in jail. The jail was soon after ward attacked by an armed mob. The sheriff made a debperate defense and telegraphed the jrovernor to order out the military, which was done, but be fore the soldiers reached the scene of the disturbance the mob had battered down the jail walls and lynched the prisoner. SENT BACK TO DETROIT. JEx-city Treasurer Tnlte Surrendered to Michigan Authorities. New York, April 9. Thomas P. Tuite. the ex-city treasurer of De troit, Mich., who absconded from that city two years ago, taking with him city funds to the amount of 115,500, and who was arrested In this city on March 21, was arraigned in the Tombs police court, preliminary to his surrender to Ihe Michigan authorities. An officer Started for Detroit at 2 p. m., with Tuite in custody. A Drunken Man's Crime. Chicago, April 9. Arthur Laperla 5hot and instantly killed Mrs. Emma Levi and then put a bullet into his own rain. He will probably die. The tragedy occurred at 9 o'clock Friday light at 474 Warren avenue, the homa if Mrs. Levi's father, John R. Allen. The only cause that has been given for Laperle's t-.t is that his attentions to Irs. Levi, who had been divorced from her first husband, were not welcome to ber family, chiefly because he was ad dicted to the use of stimulants. He vas under the influence of liquor when the deed was committed, 1 3. -: