Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, April 12, 1894, Image 3

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1 I
lock of Cloiilin
And every article was bought at Rock-Bottom Prices. The pur
chaser Will Get the Benefit, and in this particular case it will
be a Benefit of more than ordinary importance.
Everything Will Go at Panic Prices.
Henry Mertecs of tee precinct was
a passenger for Omaha Tuesday morn
ing. Judge Chapman convened district
court on Monday and after hearii.
a few motions adjourned court i.n
til Monday of next week.
Sup t M. E O'Brien of
fisheries, accompanied by
were l'lattsmouth visitors
his wife
and journeyed to Omaha Fridaj morn
The commissioners departed on
Tuesday for a tour of the county
looking after luuige and road re
pairs. The work will occupy their
attention for almost two weeks.
Mr. Lamb, of Piattsmouth, one of
the gentlemen wh applied for a sa
loon license last jear, was in the city
Wednesday looking over the ground
with a view of becoming an applicant
for license again this year. Ashland
Omaha has a case of small-pox
The party affected is a tramp named
Hammond and hai!3 from Chicago.
lie was taken sick the other dav at
Fairfield. Iowa, while aboard a Bur
lington freight train, and passed
through l'lattsmouth Wednesday
The Eagle Eaglet says: "Some fel
low left a chestnut sorrel horse and
a carriage at A. l'routv's farm house
last Sunday during the absense of Mr
l'routy. lie also left a note stating
that someone would call for tie boise
soon. It is thought that it is the same
rig that was stolen at Piattsmouth
last week."
George Farthing, who has been
sufferer from consumption for some
time past, died at 11 o'clock Monday
n.ght at the home ot his brother, J. Li.
Farthing, on north Sixth street. The
funeral services were held yesterday
forenoon. Rev. Davis officiating, and
the interrment took place at the Rock
Bluffs cemetery.
The people of Alliance have seem
ingly grown tired of fighting prairie
lires every week or so and have closed
a. contract for the erection of a $16,000
system of water works. Alliance is
one of the liveliest towns in northwest
ern Nebraska and her continued pro
gress shows that her citizens are made
of the right port of stuff.
Chauncey Doty, the aged Betble
hemite who was struck by B. & M. No.
3 in the local yards some two months
ago, was on the streets Saturday for
the first time since the accident. He
was looking first-rate and although
over seventy years of age, eeeras able
to withstand a score of years and as
many railroad accidents before quit
ting this life.
The spirit of the infant son of Mr.
and Mrs J. W. Hendee departed from
this life Saturda afternoon. The lit
tle one's ailment was a complication of
pneumonia and la grippe. Funeral
services wereheld Monday ,the remains
being interred in Oak Hill cemetery.
The parents have the sincere sympathy
of the entire community in their sad
Clothier Joe Klein returned last
Thursday from a hurried business trip
to Chicago, and while there ordered a
large and stylish line ot clothing, fur
nishings, etc.. the equal of which has
never been shown in the county. The
goods will be here in a few days, and
buyers who desire to save money and
at the same time secure the best,
should not fail to give Joe a call.
Col. Burton is whooping things up
over at Pacific Junction, and as evi
dence that he is giving the people of
the Junction a real live newspaper, it
is only necessary to state that a tougn
citizen waited on him a few days ago
and threatened to annihilate him, all
because he had printed an item of
court news. The tough citizen is now
in the county jail and the colonel and
his newspaper are showing evidences
of great prvsperity.
The report of the live tock inspector-sat
Omaha show s that South Omaha
is nearly double Chicago in the re
ceiptsof ranire cattle for the last range
year, from April 1, 1893,to April 1, 1S94.
The number of bead received were:
Chicago, 119,896; South Omaha, 228.92S.
Number received more than an Chi
cago, 109,031'. The cash receipts show
an equally favorable result. Of the
proceeds from inspection of $10S,092,8S,
South Omaha receives credit for 873,-
; County Teacher l;-stlve.
The following resolutions were
adopted by the teachers at the county
institute recently held at Weeping
Whereas, It is a custom in this
and many other counties, for district
boards to employ different teachers
for the different term- of the school
year, and
Whereas. Experience and obser
vation have shown that this custom
does not produce so good results as
when the teacher is employed for the
entire year, for the following reasons:
1. No general plan in work can be
followed through the year.
2. There is much time wasted by
each new teacher in his or her efforts
to properly decide the standing of the
pupils and the work previously done
by them.
3 No two teacher have the same
methods of instruction and the pupils
are confused and discouraged by the
frequent changes.
4. The school boards will be in
clined to employ more competent
teachers if they contract with them
for an entire year.
5. The teachers are able to do better
work w hen they know they have steady
work for a year
Therefore, Be it resolved, that we.
the teachers of Cass county, in con
vention assembled, most earnestly
recommend that the district boards,
in the interest of true education, em
ploy the teachers for an entire year
instead of for one term as is now the
Whereas, The fees resulting from
the examination of applicants for
teacher's certificates, and the present
appropriation by the county commis
sioners, are not sufficient to meet the
necessary expenses of the annual in
stitute; and
whereas. The deficiency is now
made up by assessing teachers in at-
Therefore. Be it resolved, that we
the teachers of Cass county, petition
the board of county commissioners to
increase the annual appropriation
from its present amount, to one hun
dred dollars.
A. II. Watekhovse,
J. E. Current,
C. M. Skiles,
Wants m. New Trial.
Matthew Gering. counsel for the
plaintiff in the damage suit of Mrs
Thompson vs. the M. P.. which was
dismissed by Judge Chapman last
week, filed a motion for a new trial in
district court this morning and argued
the same before the court. The matter
has been taken under advisement until
the session of next week.
A Fatal Misstep.
Ben of the proprietors
of a livery and feed stable in Fremont,
came to a sudden death Sunday even
ing. He accidently stepped into the
elevator shaft aud fell into the base
ment, a distance of eight feet, break
ing nis necK ana aying witnin a iew
Hw'g Ibis!
We offer one bundled dollars reward
for any case of catarrh that can not
be cured by Hall's catarrh cure.
F. J. CHENEY CO., Props.,
Toledo. O.
We the undersigned have known
i". J. Cheney for the last fifteen years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transaction and fin
ancially able to carry out any obliga
tion made by their firm.
W est & Tkcax, wnolesale druggists.
To.edo, O. Walding. Kixxan &
Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo,
Hall's catarrh cure is taken inter
nally, acting diiectly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price 75c per bottle Sold by all drug
gists. Testimonials free.
List of Latter
Remaining uncalled for in the post-
office at Piattsmouth April 10, for week
ending April 3. 1894:
Conklin. J S
Freeman. Geo M
Jones. William
McCulley, David
Weber, Gua
Hetric. Fannie
Major. Mrs N (3)
McGee. Mrs
Schelchard, Mrs
Persons calling for any of the above
letters or parcels will please say "ad
vertised." H. J. Streisht. P. M.
A New 1 Tasty
Just unpacked. Call and See
From the Register.
Mr. Coffey the gentlemanly travel
ing salesman for I'epperburg's famous
cigars, was in town Monday taking
orders from our business men.
'. E. Wescutt was out from l'latts
mouth Monday and Tuesday complet
ing arrangements for his famous horse
"Carlton Black" for the season.
An examination into the condition i
of the fruit buds since t he late heavy
frosts has been made by Profs. C. E.
Beesey, F. W. Taylor and others, w ho
bring the cheering report that the
prospects at present are good for as
large a crop of apples, cherries and
many other fruits as t his part of the
state has ever produced.
Can you afford to throw away a dol
lar? If y ou can't, get my prices on
wall paper and save a dollar.
Brown's Pharmacy
Administrator's Sale
In the district court of Caws countv Nebraska
in tbe matter of the estate of Uiiry Merten
"lec'ess-ed Notice of sa e of real eoiMU:
Notire is hereby plven that in pursuance of an
order of Samuel M. Chapman juuVe of the
district court of Cass county, Nebraska, made
on the lUth day of March. A !.. Iy4. for the
siue of tbe real estate hereinafter described
there will tie uold at tbe south door of the eour
house in l'lattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska
onthe-J'th day of April. A. ! , Ism. at 10
o clock a. in., at public vendue to the hiyhe:
bidder for cash, the foliowiiii: described real
estate, town: Lot twentv. ilNi) In section
twenty-niti" iXi township 12. rnnire fourteen
14, aud lot four Mi, in tne south west jur'e
of the southwest quarter S W i. of the S W
of section seventeen (IT) and lot three in trie
southeast ouarier of tbe southwest ouarier
f. or me s w ; 01 section seventeen II
all in township twelve range thirteen, 13j
in hs county .eDrasKa .
Said sale will remalu open one hour,
bated the Mh day of April. A. I.. lsw.
William Mertess
Administrator of the estate of Henry Merteus,
('has. lirimes. att'y for administrator. 1.V3
Notice to Creditor
Siatko Nebraska,1
In the matter nf the estate of Anna Mary
Kern, deceased .
Notice Is hereby elven that the claims and
demands of all persons aeainst Anna Ma
Kern deceased, late of said countv and state
will be received, examined and adjusted by the
county court at the court house iu Piattsmouth
ontbe jthdavof October. A I. 155M. at 10 o'clock
In the foreooon. And that six months from
and after the 5th dav of April A. I).
Iy4. is the time limited for creditors of said
deceased to present their claims for examine
tion and allowance.
Given uader my hand this 3"ta day of March,
A. !., 1SSH. ii. S. 1US1SET.
County Judge
Notice of Probate of Will.
State or Nebraska, i
Cass Covstt. i
In county court In the matter of the last will
and testament of henjamln Tlukhaiu, tie
Notice is hereby given that a the 2Sth day of
April, a. v., isiH. at the otnee or the countv
judce in Piatt mouth. Cass county. Nebraska at
the hour of ten o clock In the forenoon the f ol
low inz matter will be heard ami considered :
The petition of Sarah A. Tinkham to admit to
probate an attested copy the last will aud testa
ment of Benjamin Tinkham. deceased, late of
Warren county, state of Illinois, and for letters
testamentary to said Sarah A. Tinkham.
Dated this iSrth day of March A. Lt.. 15V4.
By order of the court.
15-3 B. S Kahset, Countv Jude.
Notice to Creditor.
State of Nebraska, i
Cass County, i
In the matter of the estate of Cornelius Mc
Carthy, deceased.
Notice Is hereby piven that the claims and
demands of all persons anainst Cornelius Mc
Carthy. deceased, late of said countv and state.
will be received, examined and adjusted by the
county court at tne court nouse tn piattsmouth
on the i4th day of September. A 1. 14. at ten
o'clock iu the forenoon, and that six mouths
from and after the 24th day of March. A l. istu.
Is the time limited forereditors, of said decesed
to present their claims for examination and al
lowance. Given under mv hand this 17th day of March,
A I. lil.
114 B. S. RAMSEY. County Judge.
Final Settlement Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Frank II. Cor
bet, deceased :
In the couuty court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that Mav A Corbet.
administratrix of the estate of the said Frank
H. Corbet, deceased, has made annlication
for fnml settlement aud that said cause is set for
hearing at my office at Piattsmouth tin the lflth
day of April, A. I).. 18i4. at ten o'clock a. m.
on said day, at which time and place all per
sons interested my te present and examine
said accounts. B. S. Ramskt, County Judge.
Piattsmouth, Neb., March ICM. I?y4. 14-3
Final Settlement Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Jesse B. Ryan, de
In the county court of Cass county Nebraska.
-Notice Is hereby given that Char es It. Jordan
administrator of the entate of the said Jesse B.
Ryan deceased, has made application for final
settlement, and that said cause is set for heariDg
at my office at Piattsmouth. on the i'O h dav of
April. A. V , 1M. at 10 o'clock a. m. on said
day: ut which time and place all persons inter
ested may be present aud examine said ac
counts. B. S. Rawset. County Judge.
Piattsmouth, March 81st. 1?4. 13-3t
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska,
l ass county. (
In the matter of the estate of Alfred Kime,
Notice is hereby given that the claims andde-
mandsof all persons against Alfred Kime. de
ceased, late of said comity and state, will be
received, examined and sdjusted by the county
court at the court house in Piattsmouth. on the
2id day of September. A. D..1SW. at lu o'clock in
the forenoon, and that six months from and af
ter tbe Zld dsy of -March, A. I., Imsm, is the
time limited for creditors of said deceased to
present their c aim forexamination and allow
Given under my hand this 16th dar of March.
A. D., 1S94.
13-4 B. S. RAMSET, County Judge.
Line of SffimG NEGL 0
Every urticlc sold is guaranteed It is your
fmilt if you keep any thing that does not suit
you. v e want your good will and will strive to
gun it by fuirdealing.
Jlen'K Clothing Sale.
For well-wearing, stylishly finished, good for
high grade tailor workmanship or in the pur
chasing power of a dollar, this sale has never
had Biiei)UaI. These are a few specials from
our immense assortment:
31 en's Suit.
Lot No llTr men's stylish suits for spring,
fT fo values at 4 2.V
Lot No 2 -knobby sprits, elegantly tailored,
worth is 25. now 4 75.
Lot No. 3 Fine mahackemo cassimere suits.
00 values Ht 5 75.
Lot No. 4 Genuine black and blue worsted
ni:t, round and straight cut, perfect workman
ship, worth ? 1 1 CO, at 7.5u.
Lot No. . Men's stylish spring suits in smell
ellect-, at tlo ou: house value, Jlo.00.
lyo men's Pluck English clav and corkscrew
worsted suits, bound, in SBck. and cutaway,
15-tio and lii : values Ht ?t.00.
Hoys Children
S75 children suits, assorted double and single
breastr d. light and dark shades, well made.
ii 00 values at ?1 a.
IIJ.t children suits, some trimmed with braid,
double and single breasted, worth 3 60 and
4.J. at Sl.!i5.
Something new at Harden Uros. In children's
suits, a large line of junior combination and
reefers at half of regular clothing house prices.
Ail we ask is for the ladies to call and see for
P ys' strong aud n?at knee pants go at :3c.
Hoys' durable loi:g ps nts at test
5o- and Cm'.
prices go
W e have fully equipped our cloak and milli
mr) departments and they are now showing a
mot complete, attractive aud seasonable line
01 mee goods. e invite sjieciai atieutlon to
tnese departments
Free ! Free ! !
V e have just begun a coupon svstem wherebv
each purchaser receives coupons for the amount
purchased, and when these coupons amount to
SAVt.i they will entitle the holder to one of sev
eral handsome gifts which are on display In our
oii're now.
Mail orders promptly attended to.
Hayden Bros
16th and Dodge Sts.,
IST HKIJfti irUctd director totMmttf
those 6wtw of tn UmtitJrlarT Oo
trans, requires no Chan- of diet or
nauseous, mercurial or putsoooos moiW
by either sex lt Is impowbie to contract
any venereal disease ; but in the case at
those si ready L irwrgiaTin A macro
with GooorrtKBe and Gleet, wv gnarm
te a ears. Pnee by mail, postace past,
$1 per UA.or C boxes Sec f e.
Pioneer Crockery House.
Pottery and Glass from All Countries,
1318 Faroam Sreet., OJIIIII, .EB.
A handsome white Mercer China dinner sjt
Handsome decorated dinner set. f7toli 7.V
Complete decorated Toilet Set. with iar. 15.00
Visitors and purchasers equally welcome.
Only $1. on required to paper walls of room
15x15 including border. Send 10c postage and
get FREE loo Beautiful Samples and guide
how to paper. Agents large sample book (1.0U;
FKEE with a 13.00 order. Write quick.
11-12 1010 24 Douglas S Omaha, Neb.
$500 Reward!
WE will pay the above reward for inv eaa of
Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia. Bick Headache. In
digestion Constipation or Costiveness we cannot
cure with West's Vegetable Liver rills, when
the directions are strictly complied with. They
are purely Vegetable, end never fail to srivr sat.
istaction. Sugar Coateu. Larire boxes, zs cents.
Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The gen
nine manufactured onlv bv THE IOHNF 1TPT
tAb- f
at or exceiT t of timnlauta. Effect i
oarv. Mitht EmiiMinns. Weak Drain or Karv
Power cared or mane? returned by oging
Turkish Loet Manhood Capeules. tl box, 6 fer
SA by mail. Hahn'a fbannKT, Omaha.
A J C Q Torkwn Taeay and Pen-
nrroral fill never fail,
are to the day. Bring monthliea regular
witheat peia. (1 box by mail . Aa-enta warned
9012 raraaaa 8t-. Oauaa, Neb.
nina a rHAKaA v.
Them. They will
What is
t -. .VkVW N?n5vNSS. v NV - .NxWt.. Vv-
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing: Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty jcn' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea
the Mother's Friend.
' -Caatoris is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Aacheh, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
" The use of 'Castorta' is bo universal and
lta merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within eojj reach.'
Cajux SLucnrx, D. D
New York City.
Thx CnrrAtnt
I rfriiil-Srlvl JLI
Is distinctively the place where the Farmer's Dollar Goes the
Farthest. We lead, as ever, in
Buggies and Carriages.
This year's line is larger than ever and the prices
cannot fail but suit.
As to Implements,
Our tw o large store-rooms are brim-full of the BEST and
MOST PERFECTED to be found in the Implement
market. Special attention is called to our
uBoy Riding Cultivator" and our
"New Departure" Tongueless Cultivator,
Both of which will bear out the assertion that nothing
their equal can be found in the market.
For the Money, and are the only
Tanned Leather" in Cass County.
Deal with an Establishment which
Giving Real Worth in Return for
307-309 Main Street,
Dr. E. C. West's Narva and Rrain Treatment
to sold tinder positive written stisxantee, by author
lxed atrents only, to cure Weak Memory; Loss of
Brain and Serve Power; Lost Manhood; Quloknen:
Mrht Losses; Evil lreaniR; Lack of Confidence;
N'ervooraess: Lassitude: all Dmina- Ina of Tri
of the Generative Onrans in either aex, canoed by
over-exertion; Youthful Errors, or Excessive Use of
uiamai, milium xuquor, wuicn soon lead to
Miser, Consumption. Insanity and Death. By BiaiL
1 a box; 6 for 3: with written pnarantee to cure or
refund money. WEST'S COUGH PYKCP. A certain
curs for Cough. Colds, Athma, Bronchitis, Croop,
Whoopingr Couph, Bore Throat. Pleasant to take.
Rmall alz discontinued: old. Hmv al nnas
tl sue, now Sue G UAKAXTEES lamed only by
Fa G, Fricke &. Co, druggists.
Surely Suit.
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
gestion. Without injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommended
your 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably producad beneficial
Xdwts T. Fardxx, U. D
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
Oohtajct, 77 Mcsbat Street. New York Cm
We Manufacture
The Very Best
firm using "Old Fashioned Oak
Consult your own interests and
conducts Business on the Plan of
the Buyer's Money.
Piattsmouth, Neb.
Attorney at Law,
Second floor of the Todd block,
of the court house.
Compound Oxygen
Sand for book free. Three months' treatment
for 112.00
Room 33, Douglas block. Amahi Koh
Cor. 16Ui and Dodge Sts. VlUalld, flcU.