Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, April 12, 1894, Image 1

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    ajiala Illfetoiloul kh'1'I
VOL. 13. m 16. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 18y4. $1.00 ,r WSSySSv..
' ' - .... .,. , ,. , . .1 ... ' 1 ' 111 " 11 ' " ' " ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' I
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From the Times.
Arthur Helps is back at work in the
shops, after an extended visit through
the bouth.
Harry Dray quit work at the shops
Friday and takes charge of a printing
office at Almont, Nebraska.
Louis O'Neill has ranted the cottage
next to Arthur "Wells' house, and his
mother and ni'-ce moved from Platts
moutb this week to make a borne for
George Anderson had the misfortune
to let a steam chest cover fall upon his
right foot Monday, and consequently is
somewhat disabled.
The shops bow open work at 7:00 a.
m. and close at 4:00 p. m., beginning a
half hour earlier and leaving off a half
hour sooner than heretofore.
Henry Donat quit work a little early
Monday afternoon. This happened
because of getting bia right hai:d
caught between a heavy iron and a big
grindstone, which is run by power, and
it was stopped and the belt thrown off
by the accident. It may be judged cor
rectly that a great deal of bark was
taken off the fingers. On two of them
the bone was exposed.
How About It. Judge?
David Miller came down from Weep
ing Water Tuesday afternoon, on his
wav home to help elect Judge Newell
mayor of Plattsmoutb. While he was
here Mr L G. I odd drove in witb a
basket of the most peculiar shaped
otatoes we have seen, and at our sug
gestion one of them was carefully
wrapped anil marked "'Judge Sullivan,
Plato-mouth. Compliments of L. G.
Todd." Mr Todd consented to place
the relic in Mr. Miller's care, with then
promise that be would deliver it to
Judge S :Hivan "in open court."
Union Ledger.
11,500 to loan on farm security on
1st or 2d mortgage. J. M. Leyda.
Don't forget the fact that Gorder &
Sn carry a line of buggies, which for
low prices, excellence of goods and
general assortment, can not be
equalled in Cass county. w-tf
O. L Rice, Mendota. II).. writes:
"Have u-d the Japanese Pile Cure
ant found it a sure and permanent
cure."" Sold by Fricke & Co.
Appointments Held tip For Farther
Congressman Bryan Did Not Vote S. 1.
Vanstts Is Indicted at Council Blufl's
Jones' Horse, and Buggy at
Eagle Other Notes.
Is Still Unsettled.
Billy Annin sends the following from
the national capital: "Mr. Bryan has
been greatly worried over the delay of
the postoffice department in filling the
Plattsmouth and Pawnee City post
offices. He was certain immediately
after his return from the west that his
wishes would be at once respected. He
urged upon Postmaster-General Bissell
the necessity for prompt action and
was so well satisfied with the situation
that be wired to Plattsmouth that
everything was lovely and the goose
was banging in an altitudinous posi
tion, so to speak. Somehow or other,
and I wouldn't pretend to intimate
that anyone knows how. the postmaster-general
suddenly became dis
inclined to act with that promptitude
on the cases which Mr. Bryan's anxiety
would have fully warranted. The
postmaster-general must have received
some kind of a tip about something
and from somewhere, but where it
came from is the mystery. Two subse
quent visits of the member from the
First aistrict failed to hurry up the
matter in the least. Perhaps Mr.
Bryan's remark on the veto, in which
Mr. Cleveland was not leferred to in
terms of deep affection, to speak mildly,
may have had something to do with
the case."
Bryan Did Not Vote.
Billy Annin says: "A change of
thirteen votes on the motion to pass
the Bland seigniorage bill over the
president's veto would have given the
requ site two-thirds majority Wednes
day. More than that number of ad
vocates of the bill were absent and
not voting and among these were
Representatives Kryau, McKeigban
arid Kem.- Mr. Bryan was out of the
city. He had learned of the agree
ment between Mr. Bland and Mr.
Tracey tor a three days' discussion of
the bill and was caught napping.
While attending a wedding at Cul
pepper court house the bill was passed
up and rushed through under the
gavel of Speaker Crisp. Mr. Mc
Keighan was said to have been sick,
but it is understood he left the city
and his request for leave of absence
on account of important business was
presented to the house Thursday. Mr.
Kem was also indisposed. The three
republican members of the delegation
were present in their seats and re
corded on the motion. Mr. Bryan is
greatly annoyed at the situation in
which be found himself when he re
turned to Washington last Thursday.
That one of the shining lights on
thu free silver side of the question
should have been absent on this mo
mentous occasion will naturally sub
ject him to criticism. He accordingly
rose in his seat Thursday morning in
the house and explained that he had
been away and was absent because he
supposed that the bill would not have
been considered bo soon and no oppor
tunity offeied for debate. Otherwise,
said Mr. Bryan, he would certainly
have been on hand and cast bis vote
for the passage of the bill over the
president's veto."
H. P. Vanatta Is Indicted.
The grand jury of tl e United States
for the southern district of Iowa com
pleted their labors at Council Bluffs
Thursday mo ning and rettirned in
dictments against Messrs. Sweet, Al
len, Gable. Friese and Vanatta. These
gentlemen were officials of the Per
petual Maturity Bonding company and
of the Futurity company. All of the
parties gave bail as soon as they were
notified. It is not known whether the
ca-es will be heard this term or not.
The indictments charge each of the
parties with conducting a lottery, and
second with conducting an enterprise
similar to a lottery, the result of which
wasdependent upon lot or chance, and
using the mails therefor
Jones Kreovrrt Bis Horse
W. U.Jones returned home Saturday
afternoon from Eagle, bringing back
the hoise and buggy stolen from him
by a stranger last Saturday. After
hiring the rig the man proceeded
to drive westward and arrived at
Eagle early Sunday morning, hav
ing driven all night. The horse was
exhausted and unable to go any fur
ther, so the thief drove up to a farm
house and left the rig, with a note
stating that it would probably be
called for. The officers have found no
clue that would lead to the detection
of the thief or his present where
The Commercial bank of Weeping
Water has commenced an aetion in
district court against Arthur Cross et
al, to recover the sum of $1,078 due on
a promissory note. C. C. Wright is
attorney for plaintiff.
Police Judge Archer officiated at the
marriage Tuesday evening of Wm.
Dougherty and Miss Jennie Gilfeather.
The groom is a former Plattsmouth
boy, but of late has been employod in
Red Oak. Iowa. They will make their
home in the latter city.
Pete Birdsall, a sporty resident of
Bethlehem. Ia . was in town yesterday
for the first time for several months.
Some time last summer Peter partici
pated in a drunken row down in Bil
lingstown, but he skipped for his home
across the river, and until yesterday
was careful to keep out of the clutches
of the local police. Yesterday he
ventured over on Nebraska soil and
was promptly jerked and taken before
Police Judge Archer. Mrs. Crawford.
he woman into whose house the gang
attempted to break, had somewhat re
lented and Peter was allowed his
liberty on the payment of the costs,
which amounted to several simoleons.
Peter has doubtless learned by this
time that the Plattsmouth police of
ficers always remember law-breakers.
The wife of John Ellington, of Elm
wood precinct, was taken before the
insane commission yesterday and
adjudged insane. She was taken to
the Lincoln asylum yesterday after
noon by her husband and Deputy Sher
iff livers.
Suit was commenced in the district
court of Oioe county Friday by ex
Senator C. U. Van Wy k against jis
brother, George B Van Wyck of New
York, to recover the sum of $1,000. It
Ht-ems that Geo. B. Van Wyck held a
mortgage on land in Otoe and Nemaha
counties owned by one, Bennet.
amounting to $11,000. The ex-senator
had an interest in this land, although
his brother knew this and promised, in
18S7. to settle, be has failed to do so
and the general brings suit.
Foot-Pads at Louisville.
Last Saturday evening about nine
o'clock as George Reichart was cross
ing the B & M. track just below Mrs.
Mclntire's residence he was startled
by hearing a man cry for help. He
turned his horse around and drove
back. There he met a farmer from
over near Springfield who said he had
been stabbed in the bacK by a couple
of fellows who undertook to hold him
up for his money. He said that he was
driving along slow and just as he got
t the foot of the hill two men sprang
out of the weeds, one taking the horse
by the bits while the other told him to
hold up his hands. Instead the farmer
struck at the robber and as he did so
be was stabbed in the back with a
pocket knife. They drove on to the
Rock Island depot where an examina
tion of the wound was made, which
proved to be an ugly gash about one
and one half inches long, but not deep
enough to do much damage. No re
port was made to th officials and the
foot-pads went their way unmolested.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
A Mis. ing; Overcoat.
C. S. Johnson, night yardmaster for
the B & M. in the local yards, is look
ing for the man who stole bis overcoat.
The garment was taken Friday evening
shortly after seven o'clock. It was
hanging in the switch shanty and was
nipped while Mr. Johnson was absent
for a few minutes looking after some
duties at the freight office. When he
returned to the switch shanty he no
ticed a "tourist" with an overcoat
over his arm skulking up the track. In
a few moments a west-bound freight
train departed and it had no more
than left the yards when Mr. Johnson
discovered the loss of his coat. A
search for the "tourist" was unavail
ing. The thief had departed on the
out-going freight train.
Buy your spectacles at home ot
Gering & Co., they guarantee a fit
or no sale.
He Makes Everton Schlegel the Co
respondent In a Divorce Suit.
Representatives of the Owners are in the
City for That Purpose Last Night's
Musical, a Pleasing Success
Other Local Affairs.
A Lincoln Divorce Case.
The following tale of the commence
ment of a divorce suit in Lincoln from
the Call of that city, will be of interest
to Plattsmouth people, inasmuch as a
young man who formerly resided in
this city, figures qnite highly in the
"A decided sensation was made pub
lic today when George B. Chaney,
familiarly known as '"Bert," filed a
divorce petition against his wife, Lulu
Beach Chaney, both well-known young
people of this city. The petition is
brief, and alleges that they were mar
ried January 6. 1S92. and that he has
always conducted himself as a kind
and effectionate husband. But she
was just the opposite, and last Satur
day, April 7, she committed adultery
witb one. Everton M. Schlegel. without
his consent cr connivance. He has
not cohabited with defendant since.
He asks for a divorce and other relief
that equity may give.
"Bert Chaney works in the FirstNa
tional bank Some time ago be gained
much newspaper notice by suddenly
disappearing from the city. He was a
stenographer in the district clerk's of
fice at the time. After being gone for
quite a while he returned. He has had
trouble with his wife before, and the
outcome is what his friends have
feared. Everton M. Schlegel is head
usher at the Lansing, and well-known
to the patrons at the theatre. He has
known Mrs. Chaney for some time,
and when her husband disappeared
before he was thought to have known
much more about the affair than be
would tell.
"The report is that Schlegel and
Mrs Chaney, together with another
Drominent society young man and a
south Lincoln girl, went down to the
Tremont hotel Saturday night and se
cured rooms. They were intoxicated
at the time. The girls registered to
gether as "Misses Collins and Bishop,
city," and were assigned room 49.
Schlegel registered as "Will Bailey.
Deadwood," and his friend as "Gus
Williams, Deadwood." They were as
signed room 50. The fact of their so
journ at the Tremont became known
to the irate husband with the result
above given. The names of the other
young couple will undoubtedly come
out at the trial, but for the present
the Call withholds them on account of
their parents and relatives who are
highly respected people in the city. A.
R. Talbot is Mr. Chaney's attorney."
To Inspect the Water Plant.
Mr. C. E. Eddy, treasurer of the
local water works system, and Mr. H.
M. Plumer, the latter a stockholder in
the plant, arrived from their homes in
New England yesterday on Burling
ton No. 5. The gentlemen were seen
by a Journal, representative and was
informed that their visit was for the
purpose of inspecting the plant, and
that they did not contemplate at pres
ent making any changes in its manage
ment, or in fact, any material changes
relating to its operation. Their visit
is in accordance with the usual custom
followed by the owners of the plant
that of making an annual inspection
to determine if possible what might be
done towards increasing the earnings
as well as to make the plant as popular
as possible with the people of Platts
mouth In the latter regard they will
meet with the city council in a special
session this evening, and will inter
change ideas with the city fathers on
water works matters. Both are pleas
ant gentlemen and The Journal
feels that as long as the plant is in the
hands of non-residents, their company
should, both in the interest of the city
and the plant, retain possession.
Iowa Girl Buried Alive.
A month ago the tifteen-year-old
daughter of J. Tuckish, a Bohemian,
living near Protivin, Howard county,
Iowa, died and was buried. It appears
that the day before ber death she had
a tooth extracted.taking an anaesthetic,
and the following morning was found,
as it was supposed, dead in bed. The
interrment occurred the following day.
A few days ago someone, in comment
ing on the death, Baid the family made
a mistake in burying the girl so soon,
that possibly she was not dead; that
the effect of the anaesthetic had not
wen off. The parents had the body
exhumed yesterday and the glasa of
the coffin was found broken, the girl's
hands were cut and blood-stained, her
hair torn out and the corpse was on its
Burlington Master Mechanics Meet.
The master mechanics' association
of the Burlington system and the lines
leased and operated by it met in semi
annual session at Lincoln Tuesday
morning. The object of the associa
tion is to talk over the ways and means
to secure the best service and the most
effective machinery to be employed in
doing it.
There were about twenty-five master
mechanics in attendance from different
cities in Illinois, Missouri, Iowa and
this state. G. W. Rhodes, superin
tendent of motive power of the Q.
Bystem, is president of the association
and TL N. Foster of Aurora, 111.,
secretary. Those present in the city
at the first meeting were: A. Forsyth,
E. W. Yates, S. L. Charles and G. W.
Rhodes of Aurora. 111.; F. A. Chase of
St. Joseph, Mo.; R. D. Smith, Chicago;
M. J Paradise, Hannibal, Mo.; R. W.
Colville, Galeeburg, 111.; J. West. Bur
lington, la.; E. Jones, Creston, la.; J.
F. Deems, Ottumwa, la.; C. W. Ecker
son, Beardstown, 111.; R. N. Foster,
Aurora, 111 ; D. Hawksworth, J. P.
Reardon.E. S. Greusel. R. T.Smith,
A. B. Pirie, R. B. Archibald and n. J.
Helps, the latter of this city, of the B.
& M. system proper. The association
will probably be in session until Friday.
Last Night's Muslcale.
A large and appreciative audience
assembled at the Presbyterian
church Tuesday evening and listened
to the rendition of an excellent pro
gram as rendered by the pupils of th.
vocal and instrumental classes of Mrs.
G. W. Noble and Miss Lulu Burgess.
The program consisted of some eight
teen numbers and altogether the en
tertainment progressed witb a success
which was pleasing to both the audi
ence and performers. At its conclu
sion the sentiment seemed universal
that the city is fortunate in the posses
sion of such talent as well as two such
excellent instructors. The proceeds,
which reached a comfortable figure,
will be donated to the poor through
the agency of the Associated Chari
ties. Oil for Washington.
U. S. Marshal Frank White de
parted from his home in this city Sun
day for the national capital. Some
time last summer the marshal took a
prisoner to Washington who had be
come demented and turned the man
over to the authorities at the national
insane hospital. The patient has
lately gained his mental equipoise.and
the marshal's trip is for the purpose of
bringing the fellow back to stand
trial before Judge Dundy in the U. 8.
federal court at Omaha.
Well Pleased With Plattsmouth.
A telegram from W8verly in Fri
day's Bee reads: "Messrs. Dullenty and
Vining were at Plattsmouth Thursday
in response to an invitation from cer
tain representatives regarding a new
location for their plow shops. The
reputation of their business has reached
that city and vigorous efforts are being
made to induce them to locate there.
They were well pleased with the out
look and the cordiality extended to
them by the business men and citizens
of Plattsmouth."
Comrade Church Howe of Nemaha
county, commander of the Nebraska
division of the G. A. R., was in the
city Monday night and addressed the
members of the local 6. A. R , post on
the "topics of the day." The object of
the affair was to celebrate the anniver
sary of Lee's surrender, but the
genial Church diverged and in
stead of addressing the G. A. R.
boys on matters pertaining to the
downfall of Lee, delivered himself of
an harangue upon the present ad
ministration, which although allowa
ble during a political campaign,
seemed wholly out of place at a cele
bration of such a nature. The speech,
however, pleased the audience, and
this was just what the Bpeaker desired,
for be needs to gain friends in Cass
county in view of his aspiration to be
made the republican congressional
nominee for the first district this fall.
Omaha ain't in it with me now
when it comes to prices ob wall paper,
and it is the same way with drugs,
paints and oils.
Brown's Pzlariiacy.
Pi. M. M. Butler of Weeping Water
was in town yesterday.
Mr. Hawkins Declared a Councilman
Solely on Those Grounds.
With Right and Justice On His Side, He
Proposes That the Courts, and Not
a Partisan Council, Shall
Settle the Question.
The would-be short-term councilman
from the Fifth ward, Mr. Hawkins,
must needs feel very small. Shortly
after the sample election ballots were
distributed about the city, Mr. Haw
kins sallied into the city clerk's office
and informed the clerk that the "bal
lots were correctly printed, and that
Mr. Slater and himself were the candi
dates for the long term and Messrs.
Tutt and Bates for the short term."
The arrangement suited him perfectly,
but now be has changed his whistle
wonderfully. At the polls Mr. Slater
beat him almost two to one, while Mr.
Tutt had almost the same majority
over Bates. But Mr. Hawkins, how
ever, suddenly discovered a route by
which he might steal into the council.
The poll lists showed that he had re
ceived nine more votes than Mr. Tutt.
To the ordinary fair-minded man this
fact could not entitle bim to a place in
the council, as Mr. Tutt was opposed
to Mr. Bates. but not so with Hawkins;
he declare! himself elected to the short
term, (an office for which be was not a
candidate) so he pushed the button
and the republican majority in the
present council did the rest. Mr. Tutt
proposes to test the trampling on of
his rights in the courts, and if simple
justice is done Usurper Hawkins will
be told to take an immediate sneak.
Mr. Tutt Will Contest.
Mr. Jno. D. Tutt, the gentleman
whom the voteis of the Fifth ward
fairly elected last Tuesdav to represent
them in the city council for the coming
year, does not propose that the present
republican majority in the council
shall deprive bim of his office. Mr.
Tutl will contest the partisan award
of the Beat to Mr. Haw kins, which was
made by the council Monday night, and
will look to the courts for justice. He
firmly believes, and he is backed by al
most every fair-thinking man, as well
as all the lawyers, in the town, that be
was honestly elected and he intends to
use all honorable means to secure the
seat, and also show the present coun
cil that a partisan majority cannot take
from him his honest rights in the
Coxey's Army Expected.
From reports received at Union Pa
cific headquarters Monday the Coxey
army at Ogden is quiet. It is stated
also that the 1,200 men in the army at
Ogden would not be brought to Om
aha except upon payment of regular
party rates. It is supposed the people
of Ogden will decide to hire a special
freight train, supply the army with
food and start it east, this apparently
being the only way to get the men out
of the town. It is reported that an
effort will be made to have the train
run through Omaha and across the
bridge to Council Bluffs and let the
people of that town hustle up some
means to care for the men. Council
Bluffs is the terminus of the Union
Pacific, and by doing this Omaha
would escape the army if it was in a
hurry to get east. The Omaha-Chicago
roads will only transport the army at
regular party rates.
Bitten by a Porker.
Robert Propst, who lives four miles
southwest of town, was bitten on the
hand by a hog several weeks ago, caus
ing quite a painful wound. At the
time of receiving the injury no serious
results were anticipated, and the
wound was allowed to beal. Blood
poisoning set in and his band and arm
were swollen to nearly twice their
normal size, and for a time it was
thought that be would lose his arm, if
no more serious results followed. Dr.
Schildknecht was summoned to attend
the case, and at this writing Propst's
condition is very much improved.
Poland China Pigs for Sale.
Thirty two head of fall pigs, both
Bexes, weighing from 100 to 150 lbs.,
price $15 each. Eli M. SinTH, Union,
Neb. 6t-w
Try us for light harness. We use the
very best of leather and employ only
first-class workmen. The prices will
please. Fred Gorder & Sox,