Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, April 05, 1894, Image 8
firs ijrhii - " " . . ,. "7 . final settlement Notice. KnBMn T nnnnnnn for the short in their certincaie 01 DEMAND IS REFDSED rdsSLSS . have been nominated for the long term. County Board Will Not Set Aside the Bridge Contract. HARRY HILL TOO EXPENSIVE. A Movement on Foot to Kemee Him To the Penitentiary to Se For Bii Keplng-Hawkln Conceded Tutt'a Election. Some two weeks ago the statement was exclusively made in these columus n a. Hooth. through his at- tuuv - ' , torneys, was preparing to make a de mand on the county county commis sioners that they set aside the county bridging contract, recently let to J. It. Sheely & Co., of Lincoln at S3.S5 per ft and readvertise for bids. The correctness of The Journal's state ment has been proven in the fact that Mr. Booth's demand was presented to the county board yesterday and tl latter Dromntly refused to heed the notice, whereupon notice was given that mandamus poceedirgs would be instituted before Judge Chapman on April 10 to compel the board to set aside the contract. Booth, it will be remembeied, was a bidder for the work and his attorneys, u. vj Dwyer and Byron Clark, set up as a cause of action that the advertisement for bids for the bridge work was not done in conformance with the statutes. of the supreme court on a bridge muddle into which Saun ders county was drawn, is said tore quire that the advertisement Btate specifically the dimensions, etc., for every new bridge contemplated to be built when the estimated cost of the structure will exceed S100. xne auvei tisement on which the recent contract was let, failed to set out the different bridges which the board will order constructed, and for this reason Booth and his attorneys hope to impress the commissioners that they erred in the letting of the contract. The case promises to be warmly contested. Can you afford to throw away a dol lar? If you can't, get my prices vu wall paper and save a dollar. Brown s riiAK-uAi. i . Litt of Letter! Pumiimnir 111) called for in the post- office at Plattsmouth April 3, for week ending March 27, 1894: Cremer.J.M. Darling, Andrew Koke, Clem Major, Mrs. Nellie c....,h q a Smith, Minnie Persons calling for any of the above letters or parcels will please say aa vertised." II. J. STREIgut. a . l. final settlement Notice In the matter of the estate of Jesse B. Ryan, de ceasea. .......nnni, Vphraake. in tne cOU"i, uu police is uenruy & . - - - Kyan deceased, has made application for final settlement. '7 VhV h .iVvT.f at mv oniceai riauniuouvu, kii mo j - April. A. D . 184. at 10 o'clock a. m. on said "l "1' . . ,V . oil noiannE inter- day : at wnicu time uu f"". r- rr.y ested may be present and examine Raid ac counts. B.S. KAMSEY, UOUniyJUUBc Plattsmouth, Alarcn Jiai. irw. The Morgan Spading Harrow HAYDEN BROS.' HARD TIME SALE STILL ON. YOUR CHOICE. Don't buv last year's Wall Paper when you have an opportunity to buy the newest thin out In the line, and from one of the finest selections in the city. There has been a preat revolu tion in wall p-per. Anyone failing t,"eemvBtock will fall U seethe latest and at prices as low as the lowest. The same rule applies to my stock of Drugs. I'aluU and Oils. BROWN'S PHARMACY, PRV;S. 51 Ma,n Street. This ad euauses each week. llew's Ibis! rm )m lulled dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's catarrh cure. P .1. CHENEY & CO., Props., iit .u-, nn.lpricned have Known F J Cheney for the last fifteeu years, and 'believe him perfectly honorable in all business transaction mm uu ancially able to carry out any obliga a n K their firm. ro, c. t i, rr a v. wholesale druggists. ToedO, O. W ALBINO. KIN'NAN & Marvin, wholesale aruggisis, iukuu, is takPB inter nally, acting diiectly upon the blood and mucous ennaces or iue ajo. I Price 75c. per bottle Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. nr. Marshall. DENTIST Fitzger- I aid block. . , . t . i ... ..-,...., .1 l la tout fault if you keep anv thing that doe not suit wo want vnnr eood will and will strive to gain it by tairaeanng. Men's Clothiiis. Sale. iiukir fii.ui.pil i7o nd for . . t ....L.n..nih i. nr iii the ijur- chasing pow er of a dollar, this sale hus neier bau an equal. iucbk ic i-- - our Immense assortment: )Ini's Suits. I r.t "n 117S men's stylish suits for spring. 17 fO values at ti 25. i r,. fnnlit.vsD-ils. eleuantly tailored. worth iH 25. now ti 75. l ot No 3-Flne tnahackemo CHSslmere stilts. ? 00 values at 15 75. . - . i . . ,- u,irl 1 1 up wnrnted 1.01 ."NO. - uciiuiuv . . suits, round and straifim eui, ptum . . ... . .It ... K SU1P. worm in w. m i .v. T.t-vo r Mon-a tirllhh Mirfiie suits in swell Ij't ' " - J i r, J , , effects, at 115.00; house value, eiu.o". ion men's blHck English clay and corkscrew worsted 5uits. bound, in sack, and cutaway. ilVOO and M6.50 values at 10.fK. T ffi p - J o I H a n Hill ! Too Expenale. The board of county commissioners have arrived at the conclusion that the keeping of Murderer Harry Hill is costing the county of Cass entirely too much money. Since his case has been appealed to tbe supreme court, and his execution deferred until next October, he will probably be taken to Lincoln and confined in the state penitentiary. tt, nnnfinprnent in the county jail re quires the employment of guards for night and day service, and the expense of boarding and guarding him is in the neighborhood of 5 00 per day. It would cost the county much less to have him kept at the penitentiary. Tbe board intended to go to Lincoln today to make arrangements for his transfer, but changed their plans and postponed their trip. WKEPINCl WATER NOTES From the Eag'.e. The republican postmaster atPlatts mouth still holds to his job, :tndGrover goes fishing. Dave Woodard tried to sell a team on the streets last Saturday for a 26 board bill. A fifteen dollar bid was the best he could get on them. County Commissioner John Hayes nav that the prisoner. Hill, will have to go to the pen to await the action of the supreme court, if be has any influ ence in the matter. He does not favor keeping him in clover at the expense of Cass county. Mr. and Mrs. George Mattison va cated their South Bend farm last Sat urday after a residence on the same for twenty-nine years, arriving in this city the same eveniDg, taking up tem porary quarters at the home of Mr. and Mrs. JamesClizbe. Attorney John A. Davies, the silver tipped orator from the ancient city on the Platte, was a caller at tnese neaa quarters Monday, where his presence is ever welcome and Lis music as pleasant to listen to as when he charmed the assembled wisdom of the solons of Nebraska. Matt Gering is entited to a new suit nf rlnthinir lor his valiant efforts to secure the liberty of the self-confessed murderer. Harry Hill. Any printshop will supply the base of the material (ink), any goose the trimmings, a car riage from a fence rail could be se cured to give the gentleman a free ride. Poland China Piga for Sale. Thirty two head of fall pigs, both sexes, weighing from 100 to 150 lbs., price $15 each. Eli M. Smith, Union, Neb. 6t'w Otto Mutz, a former Cass county citizen, but now of Keya Paha county, is m the city renewing his acquain tance with old friends. Omaha ain't in it with me now .rhn it rnmes to nrices on wall paper, and it is the same way w ltu uruga, paints and oils. Brown's Pharmacy iVan-ted to buy A good work f.nm win tn 1000 rtounds. Ad- dress box 459. city. '.. ni ha ripnpd with the mild and lasting effects of the Japanese Liver l'eiieis. i.ry mem. j Fricke & Co. Consumption. Bronchitis, Catanrh. and all diseases of the respiratory organs are of like germ origin, and it is only lately that they have been successfully treRled ..... . In nixo. taken bv steam inhalation. Ameri can scientists have sue eeded, where Koch and Pasteur failed, in perfecting a cure that cibes. For particulars address California Chemical ,Vork, Omaha, Neb. 13-14 Boys and Children 275 children suits, assorted double and single breastfd. light and dark shades, well made, values at i.s.-. a... i . . ........ irtmmpil with hmid. rmiureu nuns, double and single breasted, worth M 60 and 4.00, atfl.y.1. Something new at Hayden Bros, in children's suits a laree line of junior combination and reefers at half of regular clothing house prices. Ail we ask is for the ladies to csll and see for themselves. Hoy" strong and neat knee pants go at'ilc. Boys' durable long pants at lest prices go at aoc anu t;e. ...... i.. rAi m.r floAk and milll- nery departments and they are now showing a J ' . .. i..A n ii .1 iiuaannflh p line most complete, aurai-mc "...v." of these gooda. We Invite special atieutioa to these ueparimeiiK. Free ! Free ! ! ... , i . . .... iri u v , f (im wherebv v e nave juki u.-s" -v'" t" "j. r .,.. each purchaser receives couponstortheamouiu purchased, and when these eoupons amount to &5 no thev will entitle the holder to one of sev eral handsome gifts whlcu are on uispi iu fctore now. Mail orders promptly attended to Hayden Bros! 16th and Dodge Sts., OMAHA, NEB. HAS PROVEN TO BE A MOST REMARKABLE MACHINE a t Gil a Innrr felt need -something you have long been locking for, viz: A machine that will put A t fn andinJ stafks when the g?ound is wet, do a nice job and not clog. For pulverizing fall or SZgnotvSl. Thevwete, sold aU ov, "the east last year and, although ,n- ,nJ fh. hafon J owned it for a short time, he cannot it too highly. aituv w - - The Morgan Spading Cultivator 1 in thp imnlement market. 15 l LOHMANN M mouth have '"Ty ,hese two MEIblNUt-K. S Lwmin ii frmer are reauested to call at our headquarters at Platts- chines for this territory and Cass county farmers are These are all we SVrAcT THE IMPLEMENT MARKET. Meisin2:er & Lohmann, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Dealers in all kinds of Farm Implements and agent, for the Celebrated Mor- sail Spading Harrow and Spading Cultivator. ARETHE Administrator' Sale. In the district court of Cass county Nebraska, in the matter of the estate of Henry Mertens, deceased Notice of sale of real estate. order of Samuel M. Chapman iudKe of the dNtrlct court of Cass county, Nebratka. Bale or tne rem csmic ucicwi- ; there will be sold at the south door of the court Sntheasth day of April. A. 1., I8M. a .10 o'clock a. m.. at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, tnwit: Lot twenty. (20) in section weniy uiue w (14), and lot four (4). in the south-west q""'" of the southwest quarter a "".-;." ' of section seventeen ( IT) and lot three (3) in tne southeast quarter or me (S E Vt of the S W H of section seventeen 1.1. all In township twelve 121, range thirteen, 13 c.i .oia win remain nnen one rjour. Dated the 5ih day of April. A. P.. Administrator of the estate of Henry Mertens, oeceaseu. . ...... , r. o h. crimn. atfv for administrator. l.Vd Spring Wraps OF KINDS. AND ESPECIALLY READY-MADE SUITS. More stylish better made and cheaper than Pricas range from 18.00 to 150.00. COME AM) SEE VS. H 1 SCOFIELD VJi lt Cloaks. Suits. Furs OMAHA. Notice to Creditors. 8TATBOP NEBaABKA, I In the matter of the estate of Anna Mary Kern, aeceaseu . . C- ., ' i .v.- .imn that thv claima and . i . . 1 1 ,.nru,.i.. a r n n u f Ann. MflrT aemanns ui an --- Earn deceased, late of said county and state, will be received, eiamined and adjusted by the countycourtatthe court house In Plattsmouth ontheatnaay otuciuucr.A u, isn, i -in the forenoon. And that six monthB from Hnd after tbe 5th day of April A. 1J , 1894. is the time limited for creditors of said deceased to present their claims for examina tion and allowance. Oiven u.ider my hand this 30th day of March, A. I., 1894. B- s- Kamsey. County Judge. STRONGEST F. S. WHITE, V.ain Street, Piatt sraou h. GROCERIES Teas and roffees Unexcelled. nrtice Bros.' Olfbrated CANNED G OODS. SOLE AGENT FOR DiiUim.'v MINNESOTA FLOUR, Tbe "XXXX" and "liest" wranus. t ' m t o ,i Itlork. Cor. lth and Farnain CHAS. GRIMES, Attorney at Law. PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. 1 OFFICE: Second floor of tbe Todd Mock, east OI uv i;utii i uuuoc. AFTER. 0?E BKrOP.E TITW AHH ALT. f?i.n. Down They Go ! SAMUEL BURNES' Pioneer Crockery House. Pottery Hnd Glass from All tounin, 1318 Farnam Sreet., 0WUH, EB. A handsome white Mercer China dinner set. tl2.00- . a', iiii r Handsome decoratei ainner t. " Complete decorated Toilet Set, with Jar, 5.00 t0Vieiwr8 and purchasers equally welcome. ZZEHl$21.Q0l FOR HEAVY H arness Team EVERY STITCH WARRANTED. One and on-half inch traces rctlon pads thfouv.h nch best team harness in Cass county for the money. The city council meets on Monday night to canvass the returns of Tues Hav'a election. It was thought for a while that the council would have to deal with a contest case from the Fifth ward, but now it is not probable that any effort will be made to deprive Mr. Tutt of a seat in the council, to which he has been elected. According to the letter of the law our republican friends had no candidates for councumen in that ward. The mayor's proclamation calling the election speciQcally states that one member was to be elected for the regular term and one to flll va cancy, and the primary officers failed to designate which candidate was in tended for the long term and which Final Settlement Notice. In the matter of the estate of Harriet Burns deceased. In the county court of Cass county, eb. Notice U hereby Riven that A. W. wmte administrator of the estate of the said Harriet Burns deceased, has made application ior j rlnal settlement, ana mat saia cauniiKuvr hearing at mv office at Plattsmou h. on the 3d day of Mav.'A. D . 1894. at ten o'clock a. m., on said day ; at which time and place all persons inierested roav be present and examine said accounts. . B. 8. Ramsey, County Judge. Plattsmooth.yeb., April 2, 1814. 53 Notice of Probate of Will. Statk op Nebraska, es tiSI ,LTI. ) In county court In the matter of the last will and testament of Benjamin Tlnkham, de ceased. ! once is nereoy kivcii iunt nu mc ""J April, J. ' a, me wiuvc v. . . . . . judge in Piatt mouth, Cass county, Nebraska at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon the f ol- lowing maner w in ue urri u . The petition of Sarah A. Tlnkham to adroit to probate an attested copy the last will and testa ment of Benjamin Tinkhnm, deceased, late of Warren county, state of Illinois, and for letters testamentary to said Sarah A. Tlnkham. Dated this 20th day of March A. D.. 1SM. By order of the court. 15-3 B. 8. Ka M9ET, Connty Judge is an arbitrary word used to designate the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled o& the watch. P Main Slrcft, TIL SAUTER, Plattsmouih. Nebraska. S3 Here'stheidea Tbe bow ha a rre' on cacn ena. .- . i ! VV,Cry rum down inaide the HJLl nsniiant (atemi ana firmly lockine the bow to the pendant, 05KTTs.N bo that it caanot be a- or twitted off. t. .;t;.i nreents the loss cf the watch by theft, and atoidi injury to it from dropping. IT CAN ONLY BE HAD with Ja. Boa Filled or other watch caaea bearing thie trade mark - All watch dealers sell them without extra cost. A watah caaa opener will ba sent Iraa la an, ana by the manufacturers. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. Jas. P- Ant ill's New Ojster Parlor Opposite Watrrman Block. Oysters In all styles. Fried oysters a specialty. For a Kod Steak or T.unch call on Jim. H. A. WATERMAN & SON, DEALERS IN Lumber and Coal. Mendota coal . . - llaid coal .... Canon City coal 4 2R . io. no Compound Oxygen ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, COHSDMPTION, tr hook free. Three months' treatment for 12.00 to TiAVIs tto STONE, itoom 33, dourihs block. Oiiialia, Keb. Cor. Wth and Dodge Ms. v""""i Wkre- mr-m' ww - .T OSS' ln ZA lJ T fram Soli Ab- 1. trxc.iv u. ot .imulnt. Kff-pt mt ..... Nitfllt JCmitWlonit, orimm Vow-r cured nr mony returned by u.inr ,T. W. JOBXSOI. nce-Prridcnt. r. H.cvsntxo, Pretiint. Citizens' Bank, ... . TTiM..l TII. KEB. Capital paid In $50,000 DIRECTORS: J VV Johnson. W. D. Mfrriam Wm. Weten kaMVUMorgaU"ushing. . ,1 h.nVinff business transacted. In terest allowed on deposits. THl FIRST NATIONAL BANK, PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. Capital, paid up ... $30,000 OFFICERS: .. . Jobs Fitzoebld V-V.ini F E "'TK Cashier S. W acoh DIRECTORS: John Fitztrerald, D. .kwo"hlf- E" W hUe' . i iho rttkrPHtH ftf CU8- tomers Collections made and promptly -remit, ted for! Hiehest market price T-aid for county Warrants ana state auu tuuu.j - II. J. Streight. J. tattler '..ay and Pen- . I I fall. BriiiK. mooihlim reiral.r uj mail. - - ---. j-v- nyroy.l Valla n.rer f.iU Tbe'Tlan Sifter"flour is tbe popular , brand. Ask for it from your grocer. ur. to the d"T H ill N rnjKKi.i. 3011 Fram St.. Omaaa. No. STREIGHT & SATTLER, Sacceasora to Henry Itoeck. Furoitare i Undertaking Pianos ud Organs, STOVfiS and RANGES. Our Furn'ture line Is complete in every detail. An investigation is certain to convince. wihou" SSn. l b'mai" Am. abated -without Pin. ,.,tI.- pniKMtCV. LADIES do too KSOW DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S STEEL m PENNYROYAL PILLS are the original and only FRENCH sal ! jd re liable cure on the market. Price II.W, sent, og mail. Genuine sold only by F. G. Fricke & Co.. Drispisls. s .1. 1 ' - ." 'a ...