svi j W JOES Spring Stock of Clothing, 1 Furnishings f - And every article was bought at Rock-Bottom Prices. The pur chaser Will Get the Benefit, and in this particular case it will be a Benefit of more than ordinary importance. Everything Will Go at Panic Prices. D .SB IX AND AROO'D THE TOWN. Air. A. C. Loder, of Louhville, was in this city Saturday. Andy Taylor and wife of tLe pre cinct were passengers for Omaha on Monday. A movement is on foot ancon tlie score or more wheelmen in town look ing to the organization of a wheel club. The grain dealers advice the farmers, to hold onto their wheat, as tbey all agree that the prices will be higher in a short time. Lincoln's new democratic post master, J. II. llarley, has appointed Tom Allen ss his deputy. Tom Allen is an old Cass county hoy and his many friends ht-ie will vouch for bis competency. Sunday last the regular quarterly meeting of the M. E. church was held and the sacrament of the Lord's sup per partaken of. Elder liritt preached both morning and evening to large congregations. Lawyer Allen Beesou is building an addition to bis cottage on the Platte bottom mad northwest of town, and is preparing to move his family and househ 1 1 effects thither within the next two or three wet-ks. Twenty-three young ladies and gen tlemen will receive the rite of con firmation at St. Luke's Episcopal church next Friday evening, lit. Itev. Bishop Worthington, of Omaha, offi ciating at the ceremony. The fiftieth or golden anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. At wood was celebrated Tuesday after noon at the home of S. II. Atwood. Guests to the number of nearly, one hundred were present and assisted in making the occasion a memorable one. The man Noland, who escaped from Chief Detective Haze at Omaha a few days aco, was captured at W'eepine Water Friday forenoon. After re turning to Omaha without his man Haze opened Xoland's trunk and found etters from relatives at Weeping Water. Word was sent to the city marshal at Weeping Water and No land's arrest followed. Jas. Hall of Eight Mile Grove pre cinct departed Saturday for Mur dock. where he will visit with his old acquaintance, Robert Metteer. The two are seriously thinking of attend ing the Midwinter exposition at San Francisco, and it is more than probable that when Mr. Hall returns home he will have visited that distant land of the orange groves. Wallace Roach, an employe at the Nebraska City starch works, was caught in an elevator belt Monday morning and badly injured. The un fortunate man was thrown from the belt into the corn bin, a distance of twenty feet, where he was rescued by fellow workmen. His clothing was entirely torn from his person, bis right leg broken and both shoulders badly wrenched and bruised. It is thought he will survive. Tr.e officers as yet have not been able to permanently locate J. W. Woods, the gambling house proprietor, who was lately indicted by the prand jury, but wbo previously skipped town. Sheriff Eikenbary was in Council Rluffs and Omaha Tuesday, and learned that Woods was in Council Bluffs last Thursday, but his present whereabouts were not discovered. Woods is also wanted in Council Bluffs for leaving an unpaid board bill. Saturday was the busiest day Platts mouth has seen for a long time. Main street was lined with wagons from ten o'clock in the morning till htte in the afternoon and merchants all re ported a splendid trade. What caused it V Why the free ferry to be sure. No less than one hundred and twenty five teams came over from Iowa be tween sun rise and sun set and this was the firwt Saturday the free ferry had been in operation. They do like enterprise. Adjuster Lund, of Kansas City, representing the Springfield insurance company, and Geo. 11. Mann, for Messrs. Blanchard & Potter and A. B. Knotts. completed the appraisement Monday of the loss and damages to the Herald office material, caused by the fire several weeks ago. Under the appraisement the proprietors of the Herald will receive the sum of 81,050 for their loss. The amount of the p.dicy is $2,000, and under the circum stances the settlement is considered very favorable to the insured. The building was insured for (00, and Mr. Knott- has received $?.50 in payment for his damages on the building. The Elmwood Echo says: "One would hardly believe that a man who has paddled the "Foot Prints of Time" in Missouri and acted on the town board of Elmwood would be so thoughtless as to "blow out the gas,"' but the evidence is against our towns man S. 1). Eells in that very act. He not only came near going over the sleepy road himself but was about to take Charley Clapp and J. T. Ritcbey with him. They were all at Platts- mouth this week and slept in adjoining rooms at the hotel. Spice either blew out the gas or turned the valve too far. The gas in Clapp's room got so strong that he and Ititchey woke up and hearing Spice wheezing and coughing they raised the alarm, and when gotten out he wa's almost ns- phyxiated. Lucky for them they woke up or we would now be writing a three handed obituary. She Would Neither I'aint nor Powder. "I positively will not use cosmetics, ?? saii a lady to the writer, yet my com plexion is so bad that it occasions me constant mortification. What can 1 do to get rid of these dreadful blotches "Take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion." is my prompt reply. "Your com plexion indicates, that you are suffer ing from functional derangements. Remove the cause of the blotches and vour cheeks will soon wear the hue of health. The 'Favorite Prescription' is a wonderful remedy tor all diseases peculiar to your sex. Its proprietors guarantee to return the monev if it does not give satisfaction. But it never fails. Try it." The lady fol lowed mv advice, and now her com plexion is as clear a- a babe's and she enjoys bptter health than she has for many years. To permanently cure constipation, biliousness and sick headache take Dr. Pierce's Pellets. Of dealers. List of Latter Remaining uncalled for m the post office at Plattsmouth Mar. 20, for week ending Mar. 13,1S94: Brown. Mrs Addie Cams. John Dreeson.J Ludw ig. Herm 2 Nllson. P Newcomer, L A Iteardon, Jerry liouse. Jack Rumsy, Levi Stohr. Mrs Mary Trautuian, Harry Persons calling for any of the above letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised." II. J. Stueigiit. P. M. Sixty tons choice hay for sale by 3t B. Fkans, Dovey Section. WANTED. An active agent in each county in the United States, to solicit subscrip tions for the Twice-a-Week Republic. A liberal commission will be paid to hustlers. Address, Superintendentof Circulation, THE REPUBLIC, St. Louis, Mo. Notice. As tlie firm of Sherwood Jc Boeck has dissolved, we respectfully call the attention of those indebted to the firm to make an early settlement, as all ac counts not paid in thirty days will be placed in an attorney's hands for col lection. RouEKT Sherwood. dl0-w2 W. A. Boeck. Cases of forty years standing where operations have failed, have been cured by Japanese Pile Cure. Guaran teed by Fricke & Co. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney. ring-bone, stifles, sprains, all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder blemish cure ever known. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.. Druggists, Platts mouth. 30 Try us for light harness. We U3e the very best of leather and employ only first-cla9s workmen. The prices will please. Fred Gorder & Sox, Plattsmouth. When traveling always take a cake of Johnson's Oriental Soap with you; diseases are often caught from using hotel soap. Sold by Fricke & Co. A JS'ew 1 Tasty Line of Just unpacked. Call and See I1AVELOCK ITKMS. From the Times. R. W. Hyers, deputy sheriff of Cass county, was visiting friends at the shops Thursday. Frank Krowlek lost a jKicketbook containing So while coming from Plattsmouth on Sunday. Mr. Shumati, from Plattsmouth, succeeded Mr. Mullen as night operator at the B. & M. station Monday. While driving home from Lincoln Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hutchinson suffered the misfortune of being thrown from their road cart and upset in west University Place. The shaft was broken but no other damage done. Legal Notic. In the district court for Cass county. Net : JUikue UtUiN and 1. 1). White, Plaintiffs, vs. Joseph S. Ci'Lbertson, Defendant. Joseph S. t'ulbertson, defendant, will take notice that on tlie Id day of February, Ih-m, Maurice Kenan and D. It. White, plaintirl!. herein, tiled their jietition in tlie district court of Cs comity, Nebras-ka. against you. as de fendant, to recover the sum of three ttiiiusiiiid dollar!! and interest, due them upon a certain foreign jiidjrment.duly rendered ty tlie superior court of lout county. In the state of Illinois, on the nth of October. ltf. in an action therein endini;. wherein W. A. Mnith and M. Phillips were pluintifls, and Joseph s. ul hertson. t'. 1.. Yiiroter and lames Karnes, jr.. were defendants, ami which judgment had been duly assigned to triese plaintiffs, on which there is now due the suhl sum of three thousand it'lliir. with in terest irom October l.'ttb, l:i.'l. You are further tiniiried that an attachment bus been issued herein and levied upon the undivided one half of the following property belonsiinc to you, situated in said count . to-wit: Commencing at northwest corner of section twenty -two cA). town twelve ranee eleven (11 east. Cass county. Nebra-fca. tbence east l tit; chiins, thence si.uth : 10 chains, thence west 1.6; chains, thence north :io.iu chains to beinniiiK. containing rive (ji acres, more or less; also be ginning l.tti'j chains east of northwest corner of said section ?2, town 12, ratine 11 east, thence east 3Mi ciinins. thence south 30. in chains, thence west :.3.' chains, thence north :iti lo chains to point of beginning, containing ten din acres, more or less, subject to K. A: M. II. K richt of way across said lands: also a tract of land described as follows, to-wit: Five i5i acres in the east one-half ejiof the northwest quarter (t of tiie northwest quarter i !4 of section twenty two 1 2.' p. town 12 ranee 11 east, commencing at the top or brink of tlie steep blufl lyine south of the north sbieof tlie stone quarry as now opened. 1SJ rods wide across said land: also the following personal property, to wit: Two (Si narrow eauee locomotives, and fourteen(14i narrow gauge railroad cars: that the plaintiffs fray for a judgment herein for said sum. and an order for the sale of said property to Btisfy the same. You are required to answer said petition on or lefore the S!3d dav of April, lsv4 VAt-RicE Kehan ani P. I. White, Plaintiffs. Ky Paiik tionwiN, their Attorney. 12 4 A ilministrator's A ppoint incut . State of Nebraska, I Cass County. t ss In county court To all ter9ons interested in the estate of Nels C. Aagard. deceased: Notice Is herebv given that on the 24th dav of March. A. D., lsi4. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the county judge's athce, in I'lattsmouth, in said couDty. the jttition. asking for the ap pointmentof John t'. Petersen as administrator of said estate, will be heard and considered; at which time and place all persons interested may appearand show cause, if any they have, why be should not be appointed as such adminis trator. limed this 7th day of March. A. I), lsw. 11 a B. S. Kajiset, County Judge. Administrator's A ppolnt nient. Slate of Nebraska, I ass County. i ' In county court To all persons interested in the estate of Bennett W. Pierce, deceased : Notice is herebv given that on the tith uuv of April. A. !., IsiMi. at the hour of lo o'clock a. m.. at the county judge's office, in Platts mouth, in said county, the petition, asking for the appointment of Walter J. White, as admin istrator of said estate, will be heard and con sidered : at which time and place all persons in terested may appear and show cause, if any they have, why he should not be appointed as such administrator. Dated this 12th dav of March. A. I., IsOl. 13 3 li.S RAMSEY. Countv J udge. Notice to Cretliors. State of Nebbaska, I Cass Count v. " ' In the matter of the estate of Joseph Amick, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and demands of all ersons against Joseph Amlck, deceased, late of said county and slate, will be received, examined and adjusted by the county court at the court house in Plattsmouth. on the 1.1th day of September. A. I., le'.4. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon . And that six months from and after the l"th day of March, A. I.. 1S:4, i the time limited for "creditors of said de ceased to present their claims for extiniination and allowance. ;iven tinder my hand this loth dav of March. A. P., 1SW4. B. S. Kamset. 12 4 County Judge. Administrator's Appointment. State of Nebraska. I Cass County. i ' In county court To all persons interested In the estate of William lnce, deceased: Notice is hereby given that on the 31st day of March, A. D.. 1S4. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the county judge's office, in Platts mouth, in said county, the petition, asking for the appointment of W. A. Swearinpen as-ad-ministrator of said estate, will be heard and considered, at which time and place all jersoiis Interested may appear and show cause, if any they have, why he should not be appointed as such administrator. Dated this 4th dav of March. A. D., 1M. 12 3 B. S. RAMSEY. County Judge. Notice to Creditors. Btateof Nebraska, Cams County, ss. I In the matter of the estate of John Ritchie, deceased . Notice is hereby given that the claims and demands of all persons against John Ritchie, deceased, late of said county and slate, will be received, examined and adjusted by the county court at the court house in Plattsmouth on the 5th day of Se pteraber, A V. 1 8J4. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. And that six months from and after tiie 5th day of March, A. I)., 184, is the time limited for creditors of said deceased to present their claims for examina tion and allowance. Given u.ider mv hand this 1st day of March, A. I.. ISM. it.- S. Ramsey. 10-4 County Judge. $?mm wEQiiatE shifts YES IVe have reduced prices again for this month, not a one in departments show -in "Walker Stock," but everywhere, from the base ment to the fourth floor. This will be a continual month of real bargain giving. THE GREATEST SALE OF SILKS THAT EVER OCCURRED IX OMAHA. itluck Kallle Silk, per yard J .69 Black Faille . 24 inch wide, per yard UK Black Satin Rhadzimer, pet yard 49 Black ttrosst. rain ct Biai k Armur Silk, warranted, per yard. ... 1 no ticnuine Jap Silk, till colors, per yard :IK 1! inled Cli ilia Silks, jut yard only ly Biack luichcss SMtin. per yard . Blin k Pean or Sire, worth 1 .fiu. for Unt N'oveltv Silks, worth 1 .S3, per yard t; Silk Velvets, all colors, per yard 85 "heny Bros." SO inch Chinas, per yard 75 china silks, wonh ."., goat ". 3y China Silks, worth 7"e, go at 4'' Faille Silks, all colors. ryard So Dress Goods DEPARTMENT. This is an opportunity to pu'ehase from the James H. Wulker Co. Bankrupt Stock. This department bas an endless variety of desirable suitings. We were fortunate in getting a large invoice of Lubins Fabrics. Something nice forearly SprlngSuitings. These goods were bought by Jas. II. Walker to whole saie at 7."c. but we got them at a very low price, and we will place the lot on sale at 57c. A large line of French Wool and silk Mixed Novelties, Rhadomah. Satin Barbers", 75c up to 1.C5 f .49 Persian Crepons, 75c up toil. 75 4V Henriettas. 75c up to il. 75 40 Serges, 75c up toil. 75 4H Whipcord, 75c up to il .75 4U Ami all the latest novelties in Dress goods These goods are worth from 75c to il -75 : you can have your choice at . . .49 A tine Cable Cord Suiting, worth 65c, will be sold at 30 A tine French Henrietta, 4' inches wide, all shades, including blacks 5y A tine Illuminated suiting. 42 inches wide, all shades, cheap at 75c. our price 25 A nice Extra Heavy Suiting, always sells at 40c. our price 15 A tine Henrietta, all the leading shades, includingevening shades 12S A nice Suiting in Plaids ana Stripes, at.. .10 MAIL ORDERS A SPECIALTY. I HAYDEN BROS., 16th and Dodge Sts., OMASA, NEB. STANDARD GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. Great Shoe Sale ;reatest bargains ever offered in our Shoe de partment, on Rubbers and shoea. Ladies' tine 45c croquet rubbers. 25c. children's tine 35c croquet rubbers. 20c. Men's tine self-acting t5c rubbers, 45c. I.adie" fine " Ludlow" make tip button 13.50 shoes. i2.35. Ladies' tine hand turned button f2.50 shoes, Misses' fine grain, solar tip, tx.45 school shoes, ii.oo Children's grain, solar tip, f 1.25 school shoes. HAYDEN BROS., HUli and I)odCe Sts., OMAHA, NEB. E. E. BONNELLE, Manufacturer and DeIer In MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS AND ALL CEMETERY FIXTURES. SOIS Strtwt. . Lincoln. Nebraska WALE PAPER rA0ll Only .OO required to paper walls of room 15x15. including L order, send 10c postage and get FREE 100 Beautiful Samples and guide how to paper. Agents large sample book il .00; FREE with a tiu order. Write quick. HENRY LEHHAN.N, 11 12 16U1 Douglas St.. Omaha, Neb. Them. They will What is ITArSCTTifTiri Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me' H. A. Abchkr, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " The use of 'Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few are, the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." r'' Majityn, I). New York City. Tax Cehtaub THE EVER IM?J.1vrWTttOUSE OF FRED OF PLATTSMOUTH, Is distinctively the place where the Farmer's Dollar Goes the Farthest. We lead, as ever, in Buggies and Carriages. This year's line is larger than ever and the prices cannot fail but suit. As to Implements. Our two large store-rooms MOST PERFECTED to market. Special attention "Boy Riding Cultivator" and our "New Departure" Tongueless Cultivator, Both of which will bear out the assertion that nothing their equal can be found in the market. SPEAKING OF Harness, For the Money, and are the only firm using, "Old Fashioned Oak Tanned Leather" in Cass County. Consult your own interests and Deal with an Establishment which conducts Business on the Plan of Giving Real Worth in Return for the Buyer's Money. FRED GORDER & SON, 307-309 Main Street, NEW LIFE Or. E. C. Wests Nerve and Brain Treatment Is sold under positive written iruarantHe, by author ized airents only, to cure Weak Memory; Losa of Brain and Kerv Fomr; Lost MuiIioikI; Oairknew; Night Lowes; Evil Ireanie; Lack of Coufldenoe; Kervoaxnees; Lassitude; all Drains; Loss of Power of the Generative Onran In eithr sex, caused by over-exertion; Youthful Errors, or Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liuor, which Boon lead to Misery, Conxuniptinn, Insanity and Death. By mail, (1 a box; 6 forts; with written fmarnntee to cure or refund money. WEST'S COI'tlH KYKUP. A certain cure for Comrhs, Col Jo, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping t.'ouRh, Bore Throat. Pleamnt to take. Rmall size discontinued; old. 9c. size, now 2nc.; old tl size, now CUc U U AKAXTEE3 issued only by F. G. Fricke L Co, druggists. Surely Suit. 1 1 Castoria. Caatoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended your CaKtoria,' and shall always continue to do so as it has Invariably produced beneficial results. Edwtjc F. Pahdze, U. D VSth Street and 7th Atk, New York City. Ookpant, 77 Mtjkkat Strut, Kcw Torx Cm - RELIABLE are brim-full of the BEST and be found in the Implement is called to our We Manufacture The Very Best I'lattsmouth, Neb. H. A. WATERMAN & SON, DEALERS IN Lumber and Coal. Mendota coal 4 25 Hard coal 10 00 Cation City coal 7.50 LADIES DO U KNOW DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S STEEL AND PEHNYBOY0L PILLS are the original and only FRENCH, safe and re liable cure on the market. Frioe $L0U; aeat by mail. Genuine sold only by F. G. Fricke & Co.. Druggists. B f V I l - p ' . , umm ' li tot UlUI 1 iiiville j Tks. - More ean-Biiis-..!, Tme "Lilacl xinuiaville at and wa de' con$equeiu rUcaU'odor in perf Works, mi aha. Neb to 1 Bession 3 15 ted of police r Justice court 1 .J