Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, March 15, 1894, Image 8

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Plattsmouth, Neb., March 6,1894.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present, S. V7. Dutton. J. C. Hayes
and Geo. W. Young, county commis
sioners, and Frank Dickson, county
Minutes of February session read
and approved, when the following
business was transacted in regular
Upon petition Chas. W. Banning was
appointed justice of the peace and II.
G. Strong constable in Xehawka pre
cinct. Cost bill State vs. Ilildebrand and
Dole refused, as payment has been
made by the O , R I. & P. 11. It.
Resignation of Wm. Hand, justice
of the peace in Salt Creek precinct,
filed and accepted.
Physicians' bonds approved: J. A.
Hassemeier, fourth district; B. F.
Rrendel, second district; A. G. Hamil
ton, fifth district.
Official bonds approved: Chas.
Rivett, constable, Move Creek precinct;
Hiram Peck, constable. Weeping
Water city; Wm. Rice, road overseer,
district Ho. 35; F. Y. Kendall, road
overseer, district No. 40; G. E Vandeu
burg, road overseer, district No. 31;
Jno. II. Davis, member Soldiers' Re
lief commission.
Report of the Soldiers' Relief com
mission for the year ending Feb. 12.
1894, showing an amount expended of
the sum of $S05.2S, was filed and ap
March 7. 1894. Board met, with all
members present, when the following
business was transacted in regular
Official bond of J. A. Davis, road
overseer, district No. 19, filed and ap
Droved. Upon petition G. W. Mills was ap
pointed constable in and for Liberty
Petition to vacate that portion of
Rvder'a addition to the village of
Greenwood, Cass county. Neb., lying
west of Broad street, with the excep
tion of the east half of block 6 and all
of block 9. was taken up for considera
tion, and prayer of petition granted; it
being intended to vacate all of blocks
3.4,5. 10,11, 12,13 and west half of
block 6. in said addition.
March 8. 1894. Appointments made:
Jacob Schutrum, road overseer, district
No. 51; J. C. Smith, road overseer, dis
trict No. 36.
This being the day for letting con
tract for the construction of county
bridges for 1894, the board prepared to
consider bids. Following bids were
filed: Milwaukee Bridge and Iron
works, at $4.60 per lineal foot; J. N
Sheeley & Co., of Lincoln, at $3.80 per
lineal foot, specification No. 1; specifi
cation No. 2, S4.05 and 14.08 per lineal
foot; Marcy & Scott, of Wahoo, Neb.,
at $4.04 per lineal foot; Thos. J. Crum
mel, of Auburn, Neb., at $4.07 per
lineal foot; Wrought Iron Bridge com
pany, of Canton, Ohio, by J. W.
Hoaver, agent, at $4 00 per lineal foot;
Lincoln Bridge company, by Todd,
Dundaa & Co.. at $3.9,5 per lineal foot,
specification No. 1, and specification
iaiMM. iiOiiLiaub naannuiucw
to J. N. Sheeley & Co., at $3.80 per
lineal foot, provided they execute a
proper and sufficient bond. It wan
also agreed with said J. N. Sheeley &
Co. that for all bridges to be repaired
they are to receive 40 cents per lineal
foot for piling and caps, and $30.00 per
foot for all lumber furnished, includ
ing all labor in making the necessary
March 9, 1S94. Official bonds ap-
Is distinctively the place where the Farmer's Dollar Goes the
Farthest. We lead, as ever, in
Buggies and Carriages.
This year's line is larger than ever and the prices
cannot fail but suit.
As to Implements,
Our two large store-rooms are brim-full of the BEST and
MOST PERFECTED to be found in the Implement
market. Special attention is called to our
"Boy Riding' Cultivator" and our
"New Departure" Tongucless Cultivator,
Both of which will bear out the assertion that nothing
their equal can be found in the market.
For the Money, and are the only firm using "Old Fashioned Oak
Tanned Leather" in Cass County. Consult your own interests and
Deal with an Establishment which conducts Business on the Plan of
Giving Real Worth in Return for the Buyer's Money.
S07-309 Main Street,
roved: G. W. Mills, constable,
liberty precinct; B. S. Hassemeier,
road overseer, district No. 12.
Upon statement of Gus Freebur.-
road overseer, district No. 6, that be
had removed from said district, the
board appointed A. M. Rouse to till
Petition to have a portion of Avoca
precinct attached to Nehawka precinct
was laid over until me ADm meeuug
Liquor bond of II. O. McDonald, of
Murdock. Neb., for a druggist s per
mit was Died and approved, and permit
S W Dutton, salary and expense t M 25
J C Hayes, same 43 U0
G W Youoir, same W
Frank Dickson, same 245 W
G L Farley, name I
Ben lleinpel, janitor oO 00
H It Travis, expense '
Frank Sackett. State v Hill JJ
K E Hilton, platting 4W 00
J A Clements, printing J J
.r Hinrih meals to prisoners 15 O"
J C Eikenbary. boarding prisoners
Neb Teleuhone Co. rent 'phones 2 4.
J II Hall, ineane McDaniel J
W II Dearing, same
Allen Beeson, same
J C Eikenbary, same
W A Humphrey, same
Per;in Jones, same
John McDauiel. same..
U Hollowly, guarding prisoner..
II E Eikenbary same
J K Keithlev. bar dockets
J C Eikenbary, insane Uolden
II L Miller. cleanli'S windows
Platts Gas & Electric Light Co, gas
i iinaliH Printing Co. books
Kohl Donnelly, washing for prls. .
J K Petition, bdg pris
O A Campbell. Neb reports
rd F Pirkciiig wlauip
W J White, coal to county
Plaits V liter Co, water
.1 B Mavtk-ld, cleaning sidewalk...
State Journal Co, priutlng
C S Polk, paper
J I Cnrtih. mdse to county
A U Mayfleld, printing
S H SMimaker, repairs on Jail Kill ki.t. vi llurthnln
3 00
2 00
2 0U
J 00
rtt no
5 oo
5i oo
48 as
7 60
15 1-5
13 4.5
. 81
98 v3
2 frt)
a 00
117 24
41 M3
;t 00
5 25
4 00
1 f0
3 60
12 iio
Cost t ill. State vs Eikenbary J
Tost bill. Stale vs Snubert '
Cost bill State vsSiUman 'JJ "
n'l U W", .....
Chas Sullivan, bailiff
F S Whit-, mdse to poor.
A Clark, same
A H Weckbach, same
Aug Bach, same
C E We cott. same
J J Swoboda, same
F McCourt. same
Jos Shera, same
Stander Bros, same
F J Morgan, same
I ' . tinea A. Ct KOmA
10 00
25 00
11 35
23 MS
8 00
3 i!5
35 00
4 'J 00
6 P0
31 00
2 50
4 0")
Leach 4 Reed, same )"
P J Hansen, same ;J"
Bennett & Tutt same
24 00
GirardetA Emens, same ';' "J
E G Dovey Jt Son, same.
60 00
H Dettman, same
6 00
Mrs ;eo Kinzie. board oi pauper.
J C Eikenbary. bdg paupers
w L street, house rem to poor -
Jo raham, care of poor .ln "
J I I'nruh, pauper mafl
tL T UliharHyAii tinilKA MTlt tO COOf
H&C Hempel, wood to poor
A X Smith, exp pauper
W E Copeland. care Wm Ince f
Adam Kurtz, digging grave VJ
J C Smith, care of poor iu w
J C Cummins & Son. lumber ' Jf
11 A Waterman & Son, earn JV
John Kleiser. posts - 1 w
Otoe county, one half expense of repair-
ing bridges on county line '
D Smith A Co. spikes '
Graham & Wilkinson, same ,w
Western Wheel Scraper Co, road plow for
district No. 44 16 ''
Board adjourned to meet Tuesday,
April 3d, 1S94.
Frank Dickson,
County Clerk.
Gering & Co., sell the best cigars in
It has leaked out that there were at
tempts at bribery of some of the petit
jurors who served during the last term
of district court. This is indeed a sad
state of affairs when such things have
to be resorted to and justice has to go
it blindfolded. Nebraska City News.
E. Nulty of St. Paul. Minn., writes:
" Was confined to bed for 3 wpeks, doc
tors could do me no good; Japanese
I'ile Cure entirely cured me." Sold
hy Fricke & Co.
We Manufacture
The Very Best
riattsmouth, Neb.
Dr. Miller of Omaha has telegraphed
the president his acceptance of the; ap
pointment to the position of surveyvr
of the port of Omaha. Dr. Miller will
take poHsesHiou of the otlice in aboi.U
ten days, lie will appoint Con Gal
lagher as his assistant.
The meanest man in Ilavelock lives
in .Lincoln. During the recent cold
snap he went out into his back yard,
soaked his head in a bucket of water,
let it freeze and then broke it off, jnst
to cheat the barber out of a hair-cut.
Ilavelock Mechanic.
Best mixed paints, oils, brushes, etc.,
at Gering & Co's. drug store.
The citizens' ferry committee are
having passes printed, which they will
distribute to the people living on the
other side of the river. This will pre
vent the ferrymen from being imposed
upon by transients claiming to be resi
dents of Mills or Fremont counties.
The Murdock Columbian says
'Deputy Sheriff llollotvsty was in town
Tuesday, but. Si-ott Hare is still shovel
ing grain trom the lower part of li e
elevator. Zlle is trying to break the
wind on top of his store to keep the
chimney from blowing it down. Bab
bitt is hunting a job. Doctor Madding
went to join President Cleveland in a
duck hunt. Sam Lehman was seen
numbering the postoftice boxes, but
went to count potatoes in the cellar
Carter stood his ground but turned
white under the eyes but supposed he
had been handling the paint brush.
Deford declared up and down that he
had never been there."
A full line of perfumeries and toilet
articles at Gering & Co's drug store.
Climatic Influence on Health.
It cannot be denied that the in tin
euce of climate upon health is great.
and it is in recognition of this fact
that physicians send patients suffer
ing with pulmonary diseases to great
distances for ''change of air." But
when the sufferer happens to be too
poor to act upon the advice his lot is
hard indeed. But it is not necessarily
hopeless. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi
cal Discovery can be had at any medi
cine store, and to it thousands whose
cases were considered desperate owe
tneir lives.
Up to the certain point in the pro
gress of consumption, Dr. Pierce s
Golden Medical Discovery is a positive
remedy. But delay is dangerous with
consumption. In all the conditions
that lead to it, the "Discovery" is the
emedy. ith severe lingering
coughs or weak lungs, nothing acts
so promptly, .bvery disease that can
be reached through the blood yields
to this medicine, lhe scrofulous af
fectations of the lungs that's called con
sumption is one of them. For this
and for every other form of scrofula
or all blood-taints and disorders, and
all chronic bronchial, throat, and
lung anecuons, tne uiscoverv7' is
the only remedy so certain that it can
be guaranteed. If it ever fails to
benefit or cure, you can have your
money DacK.
('an anything else be "just as good"
for yci to buy? Don't you believe it.
Lawyer Matt Gering, counsel for
Murderer Harry Hill, will journey to
Lincoln next Monday and tile a tran
script of the late trial held in this
county with the supreme court. It is
thought that nothing will be done at
that time except the granting of a stay
of the decree of tLe lower court calling
for Hill's execution on Agril 13th.
Beu-are of ointments fur Catarrh thitt con
tain Mercury,
As mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never be used except on
perscriptions rom reputable physcians.
as the damage they will do is ten fold
to the good you can possibly derive
from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and
s taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gen
uine. It is taken internally, and made
in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney &Co.,
Testimonials free. JST'Sold by Drng
gists, price 75c. per bottle.
Clip the art coupon in today's paper.
Team Harnil.
$23.00 buys a good band-made team
harness, made from No. 1 oak leather
and every stitcL made in our shop.
Judge Jno. Chaneyof Osceola, Iowa,
the former law partnerof Allen Beeson,
is in the city attending the trial of the
case of Clark county, Iowa, vs. the
First National bank and O. J. King.
,ngnsn spavin Liniment removes
all hard, soft or calloused lumps and
blemishes from horses, blood spavins,
curbs, splints, sweeney, ring-bone,
stifles, sprains, all swollen throats,
coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonder
blemish cure ever known. Sold by F.
G. Fricke & Co., Druggists, Platts
mouth. 30
This is a good time to renew your
subscription to the Weekly Jouk
nal. A dollar paid in advance will
be as good as a dollar and a half at
the end of your time.
F.G. Fricke & Co., druggists, recom
mend Johnson's Oriental Soap for all
skin and scalp diseases. Try it.
The Morgan Spading Harrow
9' s
t U ; p
And fills a long-felt need something you have long been locking for, viz : A machine that will put
in oats in standing stalks when the ground is wet, do a nice job and not clog. For pulverizing fall or
spring plowing or sod it has no equal. They were sold all over the east last year and, although in
troduced late in the season, had an enormous sale and gave unended satisfaction.
Jacob Falter, jr., is the first farmer in this community to invest in the "Spading Harrow" and,
although he has only owned it for a short time, he cannot praise it too highly.
The Morgan Spading Cultivator
Is also just as much of a success as the Spading Harrow. It has no equal in the implement market.
MEISINGER & LOHMANN, of Plattsmouth have the exclusive agency for these two ma
chines for this territory, and, in order that Cass county farmers may have an opportunity to test the
excellence of these two machines a public test will be given on FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH
23d, between the hours of two and four o'clock, at the farm of Mr. Falter (the former Henry Jasper
place) five miles west of Plattsmouth. All farmers who are interested in the perfection of farm ma
chinery should by all means attend.
eisinger & Lohmann,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
Dealers in all kinds of Farm Implements and agents for Hie Celebrated Mor
gan Spading Harrow and Spading Cultivate, r.
Try us for light harness. We use the
very best of leather and employ only
Qrst-cla99 workmen. TLe prices will
please. Fred Goiidek & Sox,
Lrgal Notice.
Ill the district court for Cuks county, b:
Maurice Behan and D. D. Wuitb, Plaint!!! b,
Joseph S. Cclbertsos, Defendant.
Joseph S. Culliertson, aefendnnt. wlil take
notice that on the rid dav of February. l4,
Maurice Behan and D. i). White, plaintiff
herein, filed their jK-tition in the district court
of 'as county, Netirabka, apainst you. as de
fendant, to recover the sum of three thousand
dollars and Interest, due them upon a certain
foreign Judgment. duly rendered by the suierior
court of Cook county, in the state of Illinois, on
the l.'lth of October, 18tt. in an action therein
pending, wherein W. A. Smith, and M. Phillii,s
were plaintiff's, and Joseph S. C'ulbertson. C. L.
Varoter and lames Barnes, jr., were defendants,
and which Judgment had been duly assigned to
these plaintiffs, on which there ianowuue the
said sum of three thousand dollars, with in
terest from October 13th, 1813. You are further
notified that an attachment hps been Issued
heroin and levied upon the undivided one-half
of the folloulDi: procertv belonim? to von.
situated In said count-, to-wlt: CoumienciiiK
at northwest corner of section twenty-two c.'L'),
town twelve (1L'), range eleven (11) east. Cass
county, Nebraska, thence east 1.60 chtins.
thence south 3U 10 chains, thence west 1.6C
chains, thence north 30.10 chains to bcKlnning.
containing five (5) acres, n,ore or less; also be
ginning l.ees chains east of northwest corner
of said section TZ, town 12, range 11 east, thence
east 3.33 chains, thence south 30.10 chains,
thence west 3.33 chains, thence north 30.10
chains to point of beginning, containing t6n
uu acres, more or less, sublect to H. fc H. K.
right of way across said lands; also a tract of
land described aa follows, to-wit: Five (5)
acres In the east one-half C-4) of the northwest
quarter of the northwest quarter Mil of
section twenty-two (32), town 12. range H east,
commencing at the top or brink of the steep
bluff lying south of the north side of the stone
quarry at now opened. 20 rods wide across said
land; also the following personal property, to-
wit: Two 2 narrow-gauge locomotives, and
fourteen (14 narrow-gauge railroad cars; that
the plaintiffs pray for a judgment Herein fori
said sum. and an order for the sale of said
property to satisfy the same. You are required
to answer said petition on or before the 23d day
of April, 1894.
.V a trice HEuis and V. It. Wiiite, Plaintiffs.
By Park Godwin, their Attorney. 12 4
Administrator' Appointment.
State of Nebraska, I .
In county court To all persons Interested in the
estnte of William Ince, deceased:
Notice is hereby given that on the 31st day of
March, A. D., 1894, at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. in., at the county judge's office, in Platts
mouth, in said county, the petition, asking for
the appointment of W. A. Swearingen as ad
ministrator of said estate, will be heard
and considered, at which time and place
all persons Interested may appear and show
cause, if any they have, why be should Dot be
appointed as such administrator.
Dated trus in day or March, a. u.. 194.
123 B. S. RAMSEY, County Judge.
Is told with written
guarantee to care
Nervous Prostra
tion, Fits, Dizn-
-. Z' v 'T reuraieiaanaviuie
j2s f t ' J fulneM.cauhed by ex-
l.e Brain, causing Misery, Insanity n-d Death;
;-n-reu'9, Iwpotency, Lost Power In either aexl
Jromature Old Ana, Involuntary Losses, caused
ijr over-indulgence, over-exertion or tbtt Brain ana
Errors of Youth. It gives to Weak Organs their
Sr.tural Vigor and double the Joys of life; enrea
Laoorrlicea and Female Weakness. A month's treat
ment, in plain packotre, by mail, to any axidrees, i'l
xr Siox, fibuiM (Jn. with every $" order we give a
Written Guarantee to care or refund the money.
Circulars tree. Uoarautee issued only by our ex
ciUbive ageut.
Sole agent, Plattsmouth ,"eb.
For 1 8 Years
Ought to Count for Something.
: :: YOU CAN TLL : :::::::
They are always made of Pur
bTRKNGTH, good solid Stitching and First-Class Workmanship,
makes SAUTER'S Harness Strong and Durable.
Prices and Quality Tell the Story.
Try me and see. Remember the place First door east
of Hatt & Otto's Meat Market.
SWEAT f The Patterns are Shapely and Standard,
not too long, too short, too wide, too nar
PADS. (row. .Misfits ase a nuisance.
Main Street,
Park Obesity Pills will reduce your'-freight
PERMANENTLY from lito 15 pounds a month.
NO STAHVIXG. sickness or injury; NO PUB
LICITY. They build up the health and beautl
fv the complexion, leaving NO WRINKLE" or
Habbines. STOL'T ABDOMENS and dillicult
breathing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT,
but ascientitic and positive relief, adopted only
after years of experience. All orders supplied
direct from our office. Price 12.00 per package
or three packages for 85 00 by mail postpaid.
Testimonials and particulars sealed 2 cents.
All correspondence strietl v confidential.
PARK ilEttEOl 10., Boston tfa$s.
Lumber and Coal.
Mendota coal $ 4 25
Hard coal lO.fio
Canon City coal 7. Bo
Broom's Broma-Csisri).
Splendid curative agent for Nervous or SiVk
HeMulttchf. 14 rum Exhaustion. SleeLAjygnQii-
Lvpecial or general Nearaltria; a) ho tor Rheu
matism, oout, Aioney uisoraers), Acta
pepHia, AntPmia. Antidote for Alcoholic
and other ezoettwa. A'rioa, 1U 2& and GU cenu,
1 61 S. Western Avenue, CHICAGO.
OI ebr.-itcfi Ihuid-Made
T-I A DM fTCc;
Jl A. r k 1 l IN J t
QaSi Leather. TESTED FOR
rji.ttsmoiilh. Nebraska.
When Baby was sick, we gare her Castorta..
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoru.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she bad Children, she gave tham Castoria,
Compound Oxygen
Send for book: free. Three months' treatment
for M2.00
Room 33, Douglas block,
Cor. ldib and Dodge Sts
Omaha, Neb.
Jas. P. Antill's
Opposite Waterman Block.
Oysters In all style. Fried oysters a specialty.
For a good Steak or Lunch call on Jim.