Furnishings Spring 01 ffiio i M (1 I IS ttitpacs: ID. I I And every article was bought at Rock-Bottom Prices. The pur chaser Will Get the Benefit, and in this particular case it will be a Benefit of more than ordinary importance. Everything Will Go at Panic Prices. i IP Pj Q ft I1 i. IS AND AROIXD THE TOWS. County Treasurer Eickhoff was in town Tuesday. 11. O. Sleicher, of llavelock, was in town Friday. Hon. Orlando Tefft, ot Avoca. was in town Sat in day. Jacob Vallery. sr.. of the precinct, was a pHssenper I'm Lincoln last l ii dav. Lawyer E. S:;u buck ami Will Mc Cluskey . of ien v cil. wrie in the ti ty Tuesday. E'x-County Cictk "i itchlield of E!ui wood was in tlir city Mnday night ami journeyed ( .naha on Tuesday. Miss Isabel Fi-k:r lias been em plojed by:!:-- So. ml of education to teach the ih u pnuiaiy room at the high scliO"! buiidint! The Mtsdames V. A. Swearingen and C.S. John: on departed last Fri day for iiUn w ek's visit with the for mer's rein lives at Elinwood. Dick Oidhim. if Furnas county, h is ii-f n liere for several days looking at" t private business matters, retun'ed h"tiH S iturday. Th i-i :mil children of the late 'orne!i"- "'( "iirt lix are prepavini; for their i( t:!".i:i at ;n -:uly date to their farm j-r-jert out in Yoik county. Mrs. II. C. Van Cleave and son. Roy, leave today for a three weeks" visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W J. Iles ser, at I'lattsmouth. Lincoln News. Wm. Stotler, one of the members of the grand jury, was excused from duty Friday on account of sickness in bis family. J.W.Johnson was selected a his successor on the jury. The police run in an intoxicated in dividual last Saturday for breaking one of the lawn vases in front of Weck bach"s. As be was on his w ay to Iowa to be married, he was given the usual fine, which lie paid and was released. Mayor Butler has appointed Messrs. II. (Juy Livingston. Chas. D. Grimes, Sam Gutmaun, Trank J. Morgan and II. X. Dovey delegates to the inter state irrigation convention. The irri gation will occur at Omaha on March 21-2. Jacob It. Vallery was moving his family and household effects Monday onto the Valiery farm near Eight Mile Grove, in accordance with his usual custom of living on the farm in the summer season ana in this city during the winter. The constant increase from year to year in the attendance of children at the public schools proves conclusively that I'lattsmouth's population is steauilv on the increase. Post the next man who tells you that the town is not growing on this subjtct. At the citv election held at Pacific Junction on Monday the following of ficers were elected: Mayor, J. II. Croak; trustees. L. F. Mack. Daniel Davis, R. E. McDonald; recorder. W II. Jones. The city election is the most important event of the year at the Junction. It is reperted that A. G. Shears, dis trict clerk of Dawes county, cannot be found. His home is at Cbadron.but lie was last seen in Lincoln on last Sun day. Acquaintances of the missing man express the fear that he has wan dieted away during a Gt of mental aberration. No trace of .Lira can be found either by his friends or rela tives. John Philbee. for many years a resident of this city, died at the home of Samuel Barker in Eight Mile Grove precinct last Friday morning. For several years the deceased was an en gineer on the steam ferry boat at this point, but during recent years bas been engaged in farming. The funeral occurred Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the interrment occurred at Oak Hill.- Henry Jasper. the well-known farmer, has decided to remove from Casscountv and will locate at River dale, Buffalo county. His household effects and implements were being loaded for shipment Monday, and his neighbors turned out with their teams and assisted him in moving. A pro -cession of nine wagon loads pulled in to town at noon and proceeded to the ad R. & M. yards, where the goods were loaded for shipment. Tiie Weekly Joi'knal will be u visitor to Mr. Jas per's new home. Toe Morton erligy case at Nebraska Cit y promises to develop in a new light Iwfnir long. 'A. T. White, who is eon fused in the county jail lor hanging a lulled ligure representing the hon or .bin secretary, is seriously ill in his cell. The jail is damp and unhealthy. and the urand jury at its last session tmiewued it. .lodge Chapman has also said the bui'ding was unfit for the purposes of contininc prisoners. In the light of these facts. Otoe county will doubtless be confronted with a damr.ge suit before long. Bishop Rouacuni is preparing to be gin another suit to eject Rev. Father Corbett from the parsonage at Pal myra. Last Thursday Victor Seymour, a stenographer, in the employ ot Mes srs. Sawyer Ac Snell.snught to serve no tice upon Rev. Father Corbett in this city to quit the parsonage within three days, signed by Bishop Bonacum and giving as his reason that lie had le moved Corbett from the Palmyra mis sion lecember27. When the notice vi as banded Father Corbett he noticed the name of Bishop J'. inacuui on the bottom before begot it open and threw it back without reading it . Lincoln News. Looking for h Y;ijrn Komi. A surveying party who were l mi ning some lines over in Happy Hollow Friday afternoon created a terrible sensation in certain quarters, and visions of distilleries, more yard room. B. & M. foundry, new depot and river improvement caused the price of town ots in that vicinity to soar upward. But a new terry road was at the bot tom of the whole affair. Two of our distinguished citizens were in Omaha one day recently, where thev met General Manager Holdrege and had a conversation regarding the company civing up the old river track for a ferry road, and Mr. Holdrege sent one of the company's civil engineers down Fri day to look over the ground. 11AVF.I.OCK ITEMS From the Times. There is a prevailing impression in IiavelocK that sho:i hours will be lengthened immediately after this pay dav. W. F. Ackermann severed his con nection with the B. & M. yesterday. He left this fornoon for Cheyenne, Wvomine. where tie will work for the IT. P. We are sorry to see '"Billy" leave, but opine he will be with us before long. Engine 178 is at last in the hauls of the tester. This locomotive has a his tory. Its bittered old boiler has been a familiar sight in the shops for a long time. It came in for repairs when the shops first began work, nothing re mains but a busted boiler from which protruded flues twisted in every shape. The engine blew up in the Black Hills, killing two men and crippling another one for life. It is a "consolidated" an eigM-wheel driver and has been en tirely rebuilt. now going out practically a new locomotive. Sixty tons choice hay for sale by 3t B. Fiiaxs, Dovey Section. Joint I'uhlir Sle. The undersigned, as administrator of the estate of Henry Mertens, deceased, will sell at public auction at his farm five miles west of Plattsmouth, the goods and chattels belonging to said estate on Tuesday. March 13, "94 and at the same time and place offer the following articles of his own for sale: Six head of colts, 1 to 4 years old, two broke to work, fourteen head of cattle, steers and milch cows, fifteen head of Poland China brood sows with pigs, ten tons of hay, prairie and millet, corn, oats and wheat, all my house hold furniture, farm implements, etc. Sale commences at ten o'clock. Term3 of sale All sums of $.5.00 or less, cash in hnnd; over $o.00 one year's time with approved security and 10 per cent interest. Wm. Mektexs. Gering & Co's. Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry bas no equal as a remedy for coughs, colds, etc. Try a bottle. A New 1 Tasty Line of gffl Just unpacked. Call and See The DismisHM.1 Stand. The suit of Frank Walker Triplet vs. 1). M. Jones et al.. was called up in district court last Monday on a motion by the plaintiff's attorney, A. X. Sul livan, to set aside the dismissal of the action n the ground that it was ob tained by fraud and misrepresentation. As.lcM'KXAL readers will leuieuiber. Triplet is the old colored man who was caught in the "washout" of last sum mer, and who afterwards brought suit for damages against the parties alleged to have administered 1 he "ducking." Triplet was put on the stand and ad mitted that he had signed a dismissal of the suit in return for $12. and when he furtlcr stated that he had consulted Ins attorney before accepting the money. Judge Chapman promptly ruled that the dismissal must stand. It was the general opinion that the old gen tleman had a good case, but w hen it is taken into consideration that it cost $12 to yell "more water,'" it seems to have been a rather expensive yell. J.ikt o! t.-ti.r Remaining uncalled for in the post "tlice at Plattsmouth Mar. 12. for week t-tiding Mar. (',. Si4: Krickson. Erick Hacker. Lew Hss;t. Gett ie .1 nnmerson. E Kt-ti.en. John Johnson. A Lindner. Anna Schneder. Louis V Service. E L Yoik. Jake Persons calling tor any of the above letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised." II. .1. STKEUiHT. P. M. i-lii-m lr That owing to the hard times you can get a good heavy hand-made team harness for less money this spring than at any previous period in the history of Plattsmouth. We use nothing but the best No. 1 selected oak leather, and guarantee everything as represented or money refunded. 2w Keeker & Sch.miitm anx. WANTED. An active agent in each county in the United States, to solicit subscrip tions for the Twice-a-Week It-public. A liberal commission will lie paid to hustlers. Address. Superintendent of Circulation. TIIE REPUBLIC. St. Louis. Mo. Order to Show Ciu. Ill the district court of Cass county.Nebrnska. In the matter of the estate of Solomon Ward, deceased : The cause came on for hearing upon the pe tition of Alfred S. Cooler, administrator of the estnte of Solomon Ward, deceased, praying for license to nell the south r-aif of the southwest quarter of section twenty cj. in township eleven (11). north, of ranee nine (tt). in ( as county, Nebraska, or a sutncienl amount of the name to brine the cum of 5o0 00 tor the pay ment of debts allowed aeaiust said estate and the costs of administration, there not leiiiR sufficient personal property to pay the said debts ami exiK'iises. It is therefore ordered that all persons inter ested in said estate appear before me at the of fice of the clerk of the district, court ot Cass county. Nebraska, on the Tth day of April. A U.. 1!4. ait 1 ::iO o'clock p.m.. to show cause why a license should not he grunted to said adminis trator to sell so much of the above described real estate of said deceased as shall be neces sary to pav said debts and expenses. Dated this Jtih dav of February, A. T . 1!4. SASt'L. M. CHAPMAN. 11-4 .lodge of the District Court. Notion to C'rMliom State or Sebriiri, Im Cass County. i " In the matter of the estate of Joseph Amick. deceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and demands of all ersoiis against Joseph Amick, deceased, late of said county and suite, will be received, examined ami adjusted by the county court at the court house iu I'lattsmouth. on the 1.1th day of Septemler. A. D.. 1-m, at lit o'clock In the forenoon . And that six mouths from and after the 1.1th day-of March, A. D., Ishj. i the time limited for creditors of said de ceased to present their claims for examination and allowance. tiiven under mv hand this 10th dav of March, A. D.. 1S!4. ' B. S. Kamset. 12 4 County Judge. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska, ( CasB County. S In the matter of the estate of Caroline En gel. deceased : Notice is hereby given that the claims and de munds of al) persons against Caroline En gel, deceased, late of said county and state, will be received, examined and adjusted by the county court at the court house in Plattsmouth. on the 15th day of September. A. D., lsy4, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and that six mouths from and after the 15th da of March. A. D, lx'.u. is tne time limited for creditors of said de ceased to present their claims for examination and allowance. Given under mv hand this luth day of March, A. D., 1h4 12-4 B. S. Ramsey, County Judge. Administrator's Appointment. State of Nebraska. I Cass County. " In county court To all persona interested in the estate of Bennett W. Pierce, deceased: Notice is heret'v given that on the titbriavof April, A. D., ism. at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m.. at the county judge's office, in Platts mouth, in said county, the etiti.m. asking for the appointment of Walter J. White, as admin istrator of said estate, will be beard and con sidered ; at which lime and place all persons in terested mav appear and show cause, if any they have, why he should nut be appointed as such administrator. Hated this 12th day of "March. A. TX, 18fM. 13-3 B. s. RAMSEY, County Judge. YES U? Ji.a ve reduced prices iain- for iliis inonlJi. not alone iu d cpart i cut s sJt ow ing ''Walker Stock,' but ererijwhere, from tJie base ment to the onrth jloor. TJlis will be a continual lionrJ of real bargain giv ing. THE GREATEST SALE OF SILKS THAT EVER OCCURRED IN OMAHA. - - - - - Black i- iiille Si'.k. per yard libick l'aille . --'4 inch wide, per yard .. liini'k ?atin iihudzimer, pet yard Clack r t"TMiii i '. ; ; k Arimir silk, warranted, per yard, i. ciir.'n. e Ikh nil coin's, per yard 1'ruiini b ina Sii ks. per yard only I'-'iifk Inn lu-ss atm. per yard I lnc: leMii or Sire, u itrtii 1 .r.lt. Iit N fit v s.lks. w i,rtb l .-'1. per yard . . M'k Vr. 'vets, all color-. Tar.i . Cl.cny Bros." inch china, per yard . ('tuna Silks, worth v1c, go t China silks, irib 7." to at r'd.ile MIks. ail color, i'ry.ird . .. . j .a !'S .4S .liW 1 tl l.i CO :t:i 4' Dress Goods DEPARTMENT. This is an opportunity to purchase from the James II. Walker Co. Bankrupt stock. This department has an endless variety of desirable suitiliL's. We were fortunate in Retting a targe invoice of Lubins' Fabrics. Mimethins nice forearly SpriiicSuitiiiKK. Tlte-c poods were bought by J as. 11. Walker to whole sai at 7.1c, but we eut them at a very low prict?, and we will place the lot on sale at 57c. A lur;e line of French Wool and silk Mixed Novelties, Khadonias. Satin lStirbers", 75c up to il cl .4,1 Persian Crepons. 7.1e up to l.7i 4i Henriettas. 7.1c up to tl. 7o 40 Senses, 75c up toil. 75 49 V.'liiJK'ords. 7.1c up to 1 75 4M And all the latest novelties in Dress goods These eoods are worth from 7oc to il 75: you can have your choice at . . A tine Cable Cord Suiting, worth 1'i.lc, will be sold at A tine French Henrietta. 4i" indies wide. all shades, including blacks A t"me Illuminated suirins, 42 inches wide, all shades, cheap at ;5c, our price A nice Kxtra Heavy SuiliiiK. always sells at 4tH'. our price A hue Henrietta, all the leading shades, including eve nine shades A nice suiting in Plaids ana Strl;es. at. . .4.1 .."t .1.1 .12' . !' MAIL ORDERS A SPECIALTY. HAYDEN BROS., 16th and Dodge Sts., OMAHA, NEB. f STANDARD GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. I Great Shoe Sale lireatest bars;uins ever ofT'ercd in our shoe ie purinieiit. on lltibbers and shoes. Ladies' tine 4.1c croquet rubbers. 2.1c. I'liiidren s tine :.1c ctoouet rubbers. 2i?c. Yen's tine self-actlim de rubbers, 4.1f. Ladies' fine " Ludlow" make tip button f3..10 shoes. S'J 3.1. Liidies' hue hand-turned button f2.f0 shoes, J1.50. Misses" fine grain, solar tip, $1.4.1 school shoes, il.oo Children's grain, solar tip. l..i school shoes, HAYDEN BROS., 10: li and Dodge sts., OMAHA. SKB. E. E. BONNELr.E, Manufacturer and Dealer in MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS AND ALL CEMETERY FIXTURES. 2(115 it Strret. Lincoln, lrask WALL PAPER 4c Per Roll Only $1.00 required to paper walls of Toonj 1.1x1.1 including Lorder. Send 10c postage and Ket FKKK 100 Beautiful Samples and sttide how to paper. Aeents large sample book JM.no; FUEE with a $.1.00 order. Write quick. HENRY LKHHAVS. 11 1 lblO-24 Douglas St.. Onutaa, el. in a TJEatiaEE Them. They will What is ttwtkuo.vvvM w vvrcryy. - Castoria is Ir. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty ye-ra' use by Millions of 31 others. Castoria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. C'asteriaLsso well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescriiion known to me." H. A. Archer, 31. P.. Ill So. Oxford St Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of Castoria' is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are th. IntcuVjtut families who do not keep Cutona within easy reach. CililyOS 3LAKTYN, I. I-, New York City. ' Thje Cestac-r F. S. WHITE, LUain StreH, Plattsmouth. GPIOCERIES Teas and Coffees Unexcelled. Curtice Rros (clfbratfd CANNED GOODS. SOLE AGENT FOR Pillsbury's MINNESOTA FLOUR, XI 10 llest in the AVorlO- Tbe XXXX" and '-Best' Brands The PIattsmo7tb Mills, C. HEISEZ,. Prop. This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with Machinery ot tne test inncu.aciore in the world. Their Plansifter" Flour Has no Superior it: America, i.ivcita trial and be convinced. 3ran, Shorts and Corn Meal Always on hand, orders delivered in cit promptly. TKKMS Cash or -SO tlava' tim. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, PL.ATTSMOI VH . N Kit. Capital, paid up . . . - $50,000 OFFICERS .lO. IS FlTZIiEKAU) .- F. K. White s. IVAir.n Presid ent Vice prexidi tnt t'ash.'er PIRF.CTORS: Jo.hn Fiuperald. 1). llawksworth. F. E. White, S. Vb ugh and George E. Dovey. C areful attention piven to the interests of cus tomers. 4'ollectiotiM made anil promptly remit ted for. Highest market price paid ioreouuty waj Tants and state and county bonds. tr. n.cusnisc, J. II'. JOHXSOS. nee-President. Citizens' Bank, I'LATTSMOUTH. NEI1. Capital paid in $50,000 DIIiECTOIiS: .1 W. Johnson. W. I. Merrium. Wm. Weten 'tamp, U. ilorgan. Henry Eikenhary, M. W. Morgan and W. 11. dishing. A .OTnernl hanking business transacted. In teres t allowed ou leiosit8. LAND FOR SALE Choice selected j Land and linprov ed Farms In Neb- v. ...I..,' L .iTiunG anil 1 South Takota. on from one-tenth toene-tifth cwsli pnyments. teu years time. Large tracts of land for colonies or speculation in Texas. 4 farms dose to Omaha. 5 and ten acre tracts in snbtirbs & upecialtv. Trades of all kinds ne gotiated. WW. NEJLSON. lioum 2, Withnell liioct, Crmaha, Neb. 11 4 SttlBTS Surely Suit. vcc Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives aloep, and promo tea di gestion. Without injurious: medication. "For several years I have recommended your 'Castoria, and shall always continue to do so as it has Invariably produced beneficial results." Edwis F. Pabdkk, 5L D-, lTth Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Coin - AST, 77 Muhfut Stkxtt, Nrw Toaz Crrr Dr. A. P. Barnes, V. S. VETERINARY SURGEON. DENTISTRY AXI CASTRATING A SPECIALTY. Night calls attended promptly office : Bonner Barn, Plattsmouth. Nek. ED. FITZGERALD, THE OLD KF.LIAHL12 2 Liveryman fcf HAS PURCHASED THE Sixth Street Checkered Barn, AND WILL RUN IT IN FIRST-CLASS STYLE. Spocial attention to Funerals. DickP will be run to all trams. "Promptness and Fidelity to Customers ishismot'o II. J. Streisht. J. hauler STREIGHT & SATTLER, Surrwwoni to Henry ltoM'k, Undertaking c Pianos and Organs, STOVES and RANGES. Our Furniture line is complete in every detail. An investigation is certain to convince. W. A- HUMPHREY, M. D., HOMCEOPATHIO I Physician and Surgeon, riAVrs mo urn. s e u a s k. a . r,4:, (,. ,t .or '..iitt Promptly Answer- BYRON CLARK, Attorney at Law, rLATTSMouTn. neb. do yon a ?FICE-tn the Todd block, east of new court Hot Spi house, second floor. th find BEZSON & ROOT. Attorneys atlaw, PLATTSMOUTn, NEB. J. PkA? &TFICE Ftlzctrald block.over First Nat'l bank CHAS. GRIMES, Attorney at Law. PLATTSMOUTU, neb. SFT1CE: Second floor of tie Todd block. eat of the court bouse. lerc it c 1 S 5 CO 5 rHj( lots i :e Si I' ire .Nb :Iouse :he last s the Trices r in thi d Rooi the Lo use PLAT j Ted T. " The Bu idlv crive iue nier ( erry Cor e Chapm : City np the own yes aere tod: eek will 8 Karret