p.Httsmouth Journal C W. BUEBHAS. PablUhcr. PLATTSMOUTH. : NFBRASKA- The News Condensed. Important Intelligence From All Parts. CONGRESSIONAL Regular Session. ON the 24 ill the senate was not tn session.... In the bouse roll call followed roll call, the oppo nents of the seigniorage bill throwing aside all "pretense of not filibustering and boldly inject ing motions to take a recess and to adjourn In order to prevent a vote on Mr. Bland's motion. Finally Mr. Bland said: "It Is Quite evident that the bondholders have control over this country and I, therefore, move that the house d1oura" The motion prevailed. Ln the senate on the 26th the committee on foreign relations presented the report of its in vestigation of Hawaiian affairs. The report declares emphatically against monarchlsm: supports minister Stevens' recognition of the provisional government, but disavows the pro tectorate: favo:s annexation without making nnr direct recommendation; condemns Queen Lt'.iuokilanland fin is that she' was the aggres sor ln the revolution that secured her over throw. . In the house Mr. Bland, being unable to secure a quorum on the seigniorage bill, con cluded to allow the debate cn the bill to pro yl for another day. A lauce number of petitions were presented ln the senate on the 27th protesting against a reduction of the existing duties on wool and various other features of the tariff bill. A bill was introduced for the establishment of a na tional university In the house resolutions were presented to investigate the action of aeveral United States Judge who have Issued Injunctions in railroad cases. A bill was intro duced to amend the revised statutes so as to permit, in civil cases, the verdict of three fourths of the jurors constituting the jury to stand as the verdict of the jury. The silver seigniorage bill was further discussed. On the 2iHii ult- the senate held a two hours' session, the whole of which was given to a speech by Senator Frye in opposition to the president's Hawaiian policy la the house the deadlock on tne seigniorage bill was broken after two weeks of filibustering, but upon a question for a special order to discharge the committee of the whole from further con sideration ot the bill the q iorum disappeared and no action could be taken. On the 1st a resolution was introduced in the f.enate providing for the establishment of a tariff commission of nine to regulate the tariff on the basis of the difference of wages here and abroad. A bill waa introduced for the erection of a statue at the treasury department to Gen. F. K. Spinner. The house bill providing for urgent deficiencies was passed ... In the hous9 the ions struggle over the Bland bill for the coinage of the silver seigniorage and the silver bullion in the treasury was ended by the pas cage of the bill by a vote of 197 to 13a DOMESTIC A house was burned near Murfrees borough, Ark., and John Vert, a farm er, and his wife and five children all perished in the flames. An earthquake shock at Arcadia, Neb., jarred windows like heavy thun der and shook plastering from ceiling's. Rudolph J. Pechma5 was sentenced to the penitentiary for life for the murder of Mrs. Schrums at Milwaukee. The Waco (Tex.) Electric Railway & Lip-ht company was placed in the hands of a receiver with assets of (300, 000 and liabilities of 1200,000.' The stock barn of George Schambs, north of Mansfield, O., was destroyed by fire with a number of fine trotting horses, including the famous stallion Old Crow." The Golden Rule bazaar and contents were destroyed by fire at San Fran eisco, the loss being $230,000. Rev. A. J. Warner called a conven tion of negroes at Birmingham, Ala., for March 21, the object being to discuss the general immigration of the race to Africa. W. N. White, a prominent contractor at Seattle, Wash., fatally shot James & Holt and then killed himself. White charged Holt with too intimate an ac quaintance with his wife. Carrie Copper, Jennie Keiks and Katie Betscheider, school children, broke through the ice on the canal at .Massillon, O., and were drowned. In a decision Judge Grosscup, of Chi--cago. says the interstate commerce law is inoperative and of no value, for the reason that it will be impossible to con vict anyone of violating any of its pro visions. Matthew Johnson (colored) was elec trocuted at Sing Sing, N. Y., for the murder of Emil Kuckclhorn, December 9, 1892. JobEPH Dick, a full-blooded Creek In--dian, was shot to death near Eufaia, L T., for the murder of another Indian named Grey. En a stub Wiman appeared in court in .New York and pleaded not guilty to the indictments against him for forgery. He is under $2.5.000 baiL John Y. McKane, of Gravesend, N. Y., convicted of political crimes, must go to Sing Sing prison. Justice Cullen's decision being ayerse to the ex-boss in -every particular. Cornell trustees at Ithaca, N. Y., have voted $500 to be used in finding the students responsible for the recent fatal hazing. John W. Fancher, who disappeared from Columbus, O., twenty-four years Ago, has been found in Colorado. Thomas Douglass, aged IS years, -who killed Officer John Cowlett at Sher naan, Ala., while he was levying on a cow belonging to his mother, ' was .hanged by a mob and bis body riddled with bullets. Charles Clark, a farmer near Mid dlepoint, O., was cut to pieces with his own ax by Samuel Seitz. The -condition of 19,000 miners in Ohio was said to be deplorable, and un less something was done to relieve their distress and suifering the result would be fearfuL An incendiary fire in Boston partly destroyed the building owned by the Boston Real Estate company. Loss, f 100,000. The Missouri supreme court has sus tained the law making it a felony for a tank officer to receive deposits when the bank is failing. George CrrfrncR was instantly killed and William Rose, Charles Carson and Andrew Onn were fatally injured by an explosion cf gas near Philadelpaia. The wife of David Rosenberger, of Kittaning, Pa, gave birth to five chil dren, three girls and two boys. They rere all doing well. Officials of Chicago railway lines fcare decided to pay no further atten ittos .to the interstate commerce law. John Y. McExn, convicted at Gravesend, N. Y., of political frauds was taken to Sing Sing to serve his sentence of six years, all attempts at securing a stay having failed. Judge Willis, of St. Paul, decided that newspapers taking sides in a case on trial was contempt of court. Judge Gillett, of Lake county, Ind., instructed the grand jury to root out the Roby race track crowd. Mack Wright, a prominent farmer, and two young companions perished in a snowstorm near Jackson, Tenn. The report from Georgetown, CoL, that citizens of that place were signing a petition in favor of the silver states seceding and joining Mexico proves to have been a canard. The Peace Association of Friends in America was organized at Richmond, Ind., the object being to promote peace and to settle difficulties between indi viduals, labor and capital and nations by arbitration. The bill providing for the consolida tion of New York with Brooklyn and its suburbs has been signed by Gov. Flower. At Linden, Mich., a platform col lapsed and twenty -five or thirty persons were more or less injured. William E. Burr, cashier of the St. Louis national bank at St. Louis, was arrested on a charge of embezzling $57,000. Willian Rtan, a potter, 25 years old, shot his wife Christiana at Trenton, N. J., and then fired a bullet into his brain and died instantly. No cause was known. Joseph Donjan, of Baltimore, who threatened Vice President Stevenson by mail, was sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment. Nearly all the remaining world's fair employes were discharged, a total of about 600. Work was nearly fin ished. The resolution for a woman suffrage amendment to the Iowa constitution was defeated in the state 6enate by 2d to 20. Eighteen fishermen who lived at Gloucester, Mass., were lost in an east ern coast storm. They were members of the crews of the Henrietta and Reso lute. The Columbian Fire Insurance com pany of America filed a deed of assign ment at Louisville, Ky., with liabilities of $125,000. Burglars killed Township Treasurer Henry Gelerman's wife, seriously wounded him and secured $700 near Exeter, Mich. Pitcher McNabb, of last year's Bal timore baseball team, shot and fatally wounded Mrs. R. E. Rockwell and then killed himself in a hotel at Pitts burgh, Pa The National Baseball league season will open April 19. A bloody riot occurred in the Kana wha coal region at Eagle, W. Va, ln which at least one man was killed, three fatally injured and many others hart. Troops were ordered to the scene. Jesse Hickman, a farmer near Glas gow, Ala., cut down a tree near his home and in falling it struck his two daughters and killed them, Gifts amounting to more than $300, 000 were received by trustees of the Western Reserve university near Cleve land, O. Residents of Benton Harbor, Mich., were startled by a rumbling noise and a shaking of the ground which lasted a minute. At Emporia, Kan., Mary C Davis was divorced from her husband, John Davis. This was the fifth time one pr the other of these two had sued for di vorce, and each time the divorce had been annulled by a remarriage. The public debt statement issued on the 1st showed that the debt increased $40,064,215 during the month of Feb ruary. The cash balance in the treas ury was $787.07o,884. The total debt, less the cash balance in the treasury, amounts to $1,007,359,015. Charles Saltards was hanged at Carlisle, Pa, for the murder of Police man George E. Martin. Henry Baker and William Thomp son, negro burglars, killed Mrs. Moore Baker and her child at Franklin Park, N. J., and were themselves killed by Moore Baker after a desperate fight Colby Bros.' livery barn at Fort Dodge, la, with contents, was de stroyed by fire and twenty-eight head of horses were roasted alive. Notices were posted by white caps commanding all negroes to leave Pike county, Ala, bj March 10 under penal ty of lynching. Members of the Protestant societies would ask the courts for an order en joining Catholic nuns from teaching in the public schools of Pittsburgh, Pa White caps took Wesley Thomas and his wife, aged negroes, from their beds at Brantley, Ala, and whipped them so severely that their lives were de spaired of. John Carberry died at Newark, N. J., of hiccoughs. It was thirteen weeks ago that the disease attacked him. Henry's opera house and other build ings were burned at North Baltimore, O., the loss being $100,000. Frank Rippy and Charles Dawson were killed by an explosion in a planing mill ut Warsaw, ind., and two other men were fatally injured. Z. T. White was fiped $500 for aiding in the hanging in effigy of Secretary Morton at Nebraska City. Miss Ella May Dickerson, aged 24, and Aunt Betsy Davis, aged 107 years, were fatally burned in the poor house at Muncie, Ind., their clothes taking fire from a grate. A verdict of $5,000 against the de fendant was given at Indianapolis in the first case tried under the coem ployes' liability law. Nine eloping Kentucky couples crossed the river to Jefferson ville, Ind., and were married. The Commercial bank of Milwaukee resumed business after having been in the hands of an assignee for seven months. James J. Corbett, the prize fighter, was found not guilty of violating the law by a jury at Jacksonville, Fla The Dexter (Mich.) savings bank was robbed of $8,000 by two masked men, who forced . the at-sistaat cashier to open the safe. , Anderson Carter and Bud Mont gomery, in jail at Mountain Home, Ark., for murdering Hunter Wilson on December 18 last, were riddled with bullets by a mob that overpowered the guards. Six thousand miners quit work in Jackson county, O., because the oper ators wished to reduce wages to fifty cents a ton. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Norman L. Munro, the publisher, died at a hotel in New York from a sur gical operation. He was 5T years old and worth over $2,000,000. Steele Mackaye, the noted play wright, aged 58, died on a train near La Junta, CoL, while on his way to San Francisco from Chicago. . H. B. Straitt, who for twelve years represented Minnesota in the lower house of representatives at Washing ton, died in a Mexican Central train at El Paso, Tex Harrison L. Plcmmkr, the portrait painter, known throughout this coun try and Europe, died at his home in Haverhill, Mass., aged 80 years. The populists propose making Kan sas the fighting ground this year, where their batteries will be concentrated. Prof. Carl Wilhelm Knvdson. the astronomer, died at South Norwalk, Conn. He was born in 1818. Carl Jonas, lieutenant governor of Wisconsin, was appointed consul gen eral at St Petersburg by the president Rev. Dr. R . W. Patterson, a Presby terian minister, well known through out the northwest, died at his home in Evanston, 111., aged 80 years. Jacob C Horn, who was present at the Fort Dearborn massacre, and in the Black Hawk, Mexican and civil wars, died at Winniecanne, Wis. Ex-Judge J. W. McDill, of the inter state commerce commission, died at his home in Creston, la, of typhoid fever, aged 60 years. Mrs. Sarah Galloway (colored) died near Alton, 111., aged 110 years. John C Downey, ex-governor of Cal ifornia, died at L os Angeles of pneu monia after an illness of only three days. He was 67 years old. FOREIGN. Senob Guzman, the Nicaraguan min ister at Washington, received news that his country's war with Honduras was at an end. Twenty-five men were killed and ten were seriously injured by a boiler explosion in an iron mill at Alexander ow6k, Russia Bellamy & Co.'s granaries in Lon don were destroyed by fire, the loss be ing $300,000. Mother Mandelbacm, of New York, notorious the country over as a shop lifter, died at Hamilton, Ont, of a com plication of diseasea A thousand unemployed men sang revolutionary songs in Vienna The police charged and dispersed the mob. Mrs. Allen Francis, formerly of Illinois, died at Victoria, B. C. She in troduced Abraham Lincoln to the girl he married. Russians and Germans were reported to have fought a battle on the frontier in which several were killed. Rumors of the retirement of Mr. Gladstone from office were being re newed and were agitating the English. Mme. Janet Monach Patey, a dis tinguished contralto singer, died at Sheffield, England, at the close of a song. In a fight between a band of brigands and the police of the town of Iztlahua ca, Mexico, eight of the former and two of the latter were killed. The Brazilian elections resulted in the choice of Senor Prudente de Uoraes as President Peixoto's successor. LATER. Thebe was no session of the United States senate on the 2d. In the house the fortifications bill ($3,000,000) was passed. The pension bill was taken up and general debate consumed the re mainder of the day. 1 he aggregate of this bill is nearly $152,000,000. Ex, Speaker Grow, the newly elected con gressman at large from Pennsylvania, was sworn in. At the evening session private pension bills were considered. Gen. Jubal A. Early died at Lynch burg, Va, the result of a fall. He was born in Virginia November 13, 1816. TnERE were 204 business failures in the United States in the seven days ended on the 2d, against 288 the week previous and 200 in the corresponding time in 1S'J3. At Victoria, 11. C Green Worlock's bank closed with liabilities of $400,000. Two men were instantly killed, two fatally burned and five others danger ously hurt in an explosion in a coal mine near Leeds, Mo. Waterman & Katz, bankers at Port Townsend. Wash., failed for $120,000. More troops were ordered to the mines near Charleston, W. Va. The miners threatened to burn the coal company property and martial law had been declared. The World's W. C T. U. is preparing a temperance petition to be presented to all the rulers on earth. Two members of an American hunt ing party were killed by wild beasts in the Sierra Madre mountains in Mexico. Dave Johnson and Mansfield Wash ington (colored) were hanged at Baton Rouge, La, for murdering Prof. Emile Van Hofe and Michael Kane. The Colorado legislature adjourned Bine die. During a quarrel near Eugene, Ore., Albert Moss fatally shot David Cole man and his two daughters and then blew out his own brains. Lon Tye, a Harlan county (Ky.) ne gro, was reported to have been skinned alive by a mob and then roasted for kidnaping a white girL Gen. Mixes said at Boston that there Was not a harbor in this country in proper condition to resist a hostile modern fleet Grape growers of Ohio have formed a "combine," alleging as the business is now conducted there is no profit The exchanges at the leading clear ing houses in the United States during the week ended on the 2d aggregated $833,528,186, against $691,4Wl,780 the pre vious week. The decrease, compared with the corresponding' week in 1893, was 89.0, FOUR KILLED. Terrible Tragedy Enacted In a New Jersey Home. Two Barglars Harder sv Mother and Her Babe Both Brutes Killed bj the Hus band After a Most Desper mte Struggle. MET A RLOODY FATE. New Brunswick, N. J., March 8. Wednesday night two negroes named Henry Baker and William Thompson entered the residence of Moore Baker at Franklin Park, 6 miles west of this place, for the purpose of robbery. Up on being discovered by Mrs. Baker, who was up with a sick child, the rob bers killed both her and the child. Mr. Baker then shot one of the negroes dead and killed the other with an ax. Mr. Baker waa reported to have had a large sum of money in the house. The burglars effected an entrance to the house about midnight through the cellar door in the rear and went through the kitchen up the rear stairs to the second floor. Mr. Baker, his wife and child slept in the front room. Mrs. Baker was up attending to the child, and hearing footsteps on the stairs she opened the Joor and saw Thompson, who earned an ax in his hand. He rushed at her with an oath and buried the blade in her skull, scattering the wom an's brains over the walls of the room. Thompson then ran to the bed and struck the baby with the ax, killing it instantly. Mr. Baker was horror-stricken at the sight of Thompson's crime, and with a cry of frenzy leaped at the slayer of his wife and babe. The black butcher turned with uplifted ax from his ! bloodv work, and aimed a blow at Baker, but his aim was bad and the point of the ax buried itself in the floor. Then followed an unequal bat tle between the two, the second negro appearing confident of his confederate's success or dazed at the spectacle before him and not interfering. Baker, crazed with the horror of the crimes he had been unable to prevent, attacked the negro Thompson with the ferocity of a tiger. He tried to secure the ax, but Thompson was too quick, and they both laid hold of it at the same instant Both strained for the pos session of "the weapon and in their fury they rolled and tumbled about in the rivers of blood that ran from the body of the murdered wife and that of the baby, which had fallen to the floor. The contest was about equal for a time. The hands of both men were lacerated into shreds by the sharp point of the ax. Finally Baker tripped his opponent and as the negro fell the ax struck Baker in the face. The blood from the wound almost blinded Baker, but he brushed it aside and, raising the ax, brought it down upon the head of the negro, who was attempting to rise. The blow was a true one, for the keen blade of the weapon crashed into the head of the negro almost at the center of the crown and tore the skull asunder down to the bridge of the nose. Thompson dropped like a shot his blood mingling with that of his vic tims. Wrenching the ax from the head of the negro brute Baker made a dash for the other negro, who had started to run away. Baker followed him in close pursuit, leaving a trail of blood behind. As the negro reached the rear door of the kitchen, in seeking to escape. Baker caught up a shotgun from a rack, and, pausing an instant in the doorway, took deliber ate aim at the fugitive and fired both barrels. As he recoiled from the shock of the gun he saw the negro spring into the air and then fall face down ward. How Baker managed to return to the room where the murders and retribu tion occurred he does not remember, but his neighbors, who were aroused by the report of the gun, found him clinging to the chair when they rushed over to learn the cause of the dis turbance. Baker could not add anything to the story told by the hor rible scene they gazed upon. Some of his neighbors took him to his own room and dressed his wounds, which may yet prove fatal, while others made au examination of the bodies in the front room. All three, moth er, child and murderer, were dead, their bodies frightfully mangled and indistinguishable in color by reason of the deep dye that covered every part of them. The body of the negro, Henry Baker, was found in the spot where the bullets from Moore Baker's gun had overtaken him. The burglar was not dead, and the neighbors were unanimously in favor of lynching him, but before they could carry out their plans he died. The coroner took charge of the bodies and held an inquest The jury found that the negroes had killed Mra Baker and her child Gertrude, and returned a verdict of justifiable homicide in the case of the killing of the negroes by Baker. Insane Man KUla Hi Wife. Lima, O., March 3. Edward Froid ereux became insane over religion at I'oint Pleasant and secured a club, and after telling his family that be had been commanded by God to kill them, attacked his wife. He had beaten her to death when neighbors, who had been notified of his insanity by the little children, appeared on the scene and after a struggle succeeded in over powering him. Landed ln SingSlng. . Sing Sing. N. Y., March 8. Officers arrived at the prison at 3:13 o'clock p. m. Thursday, having in charge John Y. McKane, the Gravesend politician, who had been sentenced to serve a six-years term for election frauds. After the usual formalities McKane was given a convict's suit, which he put on him self. No cell was assigned him. He will for the present be in what are known as the idle ranks. McKane went through all this ordeal with firm ness and showed no 6igns of depres sion. He will be released in four years and three months if his conduct is food. ROBBED A BANK. Masked Thieves 8ecure Over S3.000 at Dexter, Mich. , Dexter, Mich., March 3. O. G Greg ory, assistant cashier of the Dexter savings bank, was sandbagged and the vault robbed of $3,200 at 7:10 o'clock Thursday morning. The bank stands facing the principal street in the heart of the town. At a few minutes to 8 ex Representative Newkirk, the cashier, entered the bank. Not Beelng Gregory he supposed he had stepped out before opening for business. A moment later, noticing the vault doors partly open, he went to investigate, and found Gregory lying inside in an unconscious condition. Money was scattered loose ly about the vault Newkirk immedi ately gave the alarm, it was some time after assistance was called before Gregory was restored to consciousness, and then he was in a nervovs condition. He told the following story: "I reached the bank st 7 o'clock as usual and began sweeping- out and preparing things for business. I bad emptied the ash pan in the back yard and was returning through the rear door when the front door opened and two masked men with revolvers appeared. They called to me to make no outcry or they would shoot, and when they reached me I was ordered to open the vault The vault lock Is a time one and ran out at 7 o'clock, and the thieves evidently knew that the time had expired. They threatened to shoot if I did not open the lock and I did It Just as the bolts were sprung one of the men hit me over the head and I lost consciousness." Gregory could not give any descrip tion of his assailants. He says he was taken completely by surprise and as his back, after the first moment of meet ing, was turned to the burglars, be had no chance to note any peculiarities about the dress or person of his as sailants. Gregory is a young man of model habits, and is ambitious and a hard worker. No suspicion attaches to him. Cashier Newkirk says it looked as if the men had been frightened away be fore securing all the funde. There was fully $5,000 in currency in the vault and of this $1,800 was dropped on the I floor. It was not the dropping of a single package, for both coin and bills were scattered all over the floor. The time lock was fixed to run out at 7 be cause the bank opens soon after that time. There is not the slightest clew. No one was seen either entering or leaving the bank. Exit was made by way of the back door. Careful inquiry fails to reveal trace of strangers having either entered or left the town for several days. The robbers probably escaped through the alley on to a back street and then into the country. Mr. Gregory is not seriously hurt be ing about town with a badly bruised and swollen head. The local officers are at work and will be reinforced by detectives from other cities. The Dex ter savings bank is practically a new institution, having been recently or ganized with a capital of $20,090. STRIKERS DISPERSED. Holdiera Guarding the Mines in West Virginia. Charleston, W. Va, March S. With six seriously wounded and one dead as the restftt of the riot at the Eagle mines Wednesday night there has been much excitement but no further bloodshed. The sheriff of Fayette) county was promptly on hand with a very large posse before the seven companies of state troops arrived. The strikers rallied 1.500 men from Mont gomery and II andley during the day and were determined to rout Wyant's men from their mountain intrenchments. They apparently dispersed on the dis play of troops, and Sheriff Fleming said he could control the situation with less troops. Gov. McCorkle, thinking the trouble over, contemplated removing the troops and this word soon reached the men, who have their allies at the state capi tal. It was at once seen that the dem onstrations were simply suspended in anticipation of the temporary presence of the troops. At 3:30 p. m. Gov. McCorkle received a telegram from the sheriff and mili tary officers in the command of the troops at Eagle declaring that there was likely to be a conflict between the civil and military authorities, and asking that martial law be declared. At 4 o'clock another dispatch was received from Gen. Wood that over 1,000 strikers had congregated at Montgomery and were determined to do serious damage. At the same time a dispatch was received from J. M. Gill, division superinten dent of the Chesapeake & Ohio rail way, asking the governor to rescind the order to remove two of the military companies, . as serious trouble was threatened. Accordingly the governor countermanded his order and the three companies will remain till this (Friday) afternoon, if not longer. The governor also sent CoL R. S. Carr of his staff to the scene with instructions to declare martial law if necessary. Corbett Not Guilty. Jacksonville, Fla, March 3. At Sfc5l o'clock Thursday afternoon the jury in the case against James J. Cor bett charged with violating the laws of Florida by engaging in a prize fight retired to make up a verdict At 4:07 o'clock, or sixteen minutes later, the jury returned a verdict finding the defendant not guilty. Charlie Mitchell was present when the verdict was an nounced, and he leaned over and grasped Corbett by the hand and whis pered congratulations. Mitchell, of course, considered the verdict in the light of a practical acquittal for him self, as a case against him of a similar nature is pending. SETTLED FOR SI5.000. Victim of tbe Grand Trunk Wreck Re ceive Money from the Corporation. Rattle Creek, Mich., March 3. J. JIarvey Smith, wife and daughter Belle, the last vict'ms of the Chicago & Grand Trunk wreck October 20 last, left here Wednesday for their home in Fort Plaine, N. Y. Tbey have been in the hospital here ever since. Their son Frank was killed in the wreck. The Grand Trunk company settled with the family and tfave them a check for $15, 000, in full of all damages, including the death mt tbe son. ... LYNCHED. Two Murderers Meet Death at th Hands of a Mob. not Down In Tbeir Cells In an Arkansas. Jail One of Their Pals Spared Tbe Story of Tbeir Cold Blooded Crime. VICTIMS OF POPULAR FORT. West Plains, Mo., March 1. Mon day night, about 11:30 several hundred men, supposed to be inhabitants of; Ozark county. Ma , Fulton and Baxter counties. Ark., assembled at Moun tain Home, Ark., for the pur-j pose of lynching Anderson Carter and Bud Montgomery, alias Jas-! per Newton. The mob overpowered, the jailer and guards, took their gun and demanded their keya K. C.1 Smith, representative of Baxter county,! made a half-hour speech and begged, that the law be allowed to take its course. The men listened in sulleni silence to his talk and that of others and then went about their workj of vengeance. They unlocked thej doors and proceeding to the cellsy occupied by the murderers fired vol- ley after volley at the helpless men, who vainly begged for mercy. After about twenty shots the firing ceased. Carter was dead, but Newton was, found to be alive and he asked for water. This was given him, and then, the mob riddled his body with bulleta. Both died protesting their innocence,, and only asked that they might be re-j-leased from their shackles. Ac cording to a previous agreement the life of Bart Carter, onOj of the trio who confessed, wasj spared, and it is thought her will be given a life sentence in thet penitentiary. He was forced to do; what he did by his father, Anderson. Carter. He told where the money was, and went with a posse and recovered l,l6o of it Bart Carter says Anderson, Carter did the planning and Newton the killing. The crime for which they were held was the killing of Hunter Wilson in Bax ter county, Ark., December IS. While Wilson was sitting with his wife by the fire the men entered the house.killed him instantly, very nearly killed his wife, robled the house of f 1,100, and after heaping coals of fire upon Wilson's body made their escape. Mrs. Wil-. son crawled to a neighbor's and, gave the alarm. William McAninch was arrested for the crime, but had been released a few days ago. Tho crime was a cold-blooded one Thej Carters had the reputation of having" killed a man in Texas county, and Newton, whose real name was Mont gomery, was wanted in Clay county for a crime committed fifteen years ago. FO R ONE BIG CITY. The BUJ to. Cnlte New York and Brook, 1n Passed. Alrant, N. Y., March 1. The Great- er New York bill has passed the senate by a vote of 28 to 2. The proposition to provide equal taxation on Mr. Butts Greater New York bill had been de-. feated by IS to 7 previously. The bill which now goes to the governor, sim ply provides that the question of con- solidating into one municipality th places about New York harbor shall bo submitted next fall to a vote of the people. The friends of the project to annex: all the territory for 25 miles from the New York city hall were spurred on four years ago by the fact that Chi cago had as large a bona fide population as New York, and a commission was appointed by the legislature to inquire into the expediency of consolidating the city of New York and the vari ous municipalities and towns in the state of New York composing what the New Yorkers were pleased to term, its suburbs Brooklyn, for instance, with a population of 1,100,000. After much discussion for and against the project the commission prepared a charter for the incorporations of tho consolidated cities. This charter pro vided for the consolidation of the fol lowing towns and counties: The city of New York, the county of Kings (in which Brooklyn is situated), the town of West Chester and portions of the towns of Pelfaam and East Ches ter, Long Island City, the towns of Newtown, Flushing. Jamaica, llem sted and Rockaway. The commission in a report last month figured out that the Greater New York would have a population of 3,000,000 and a total rea of 317.77; square miles. The population of New York was put at 1,801,739, whi-h ia in excess of the census of 1S90. Brooklyn and the towns in Kings county that will be taken into thei new town by the bill just passed, ara credited with a population of 995.278. The towns in West Chester and Rich mond counties, which take in Staten, Island, furnish the other 300,000, which would give the new city a population of 3.000,000. There is no doubt of the bill becoming a law as the governor has expressed himself in favor of it Illinois Farmers Moving to Iowa. Minonk, I1L, March 1. An emigrant train was made up in the Illinois Cen tral yards here Tuesday consisting of twenty-nine cars. There were five ad ditional cars sent out on a regular train. Those leaving are mostly Ger mans bound for Iowa and Nebraska, coming from Woodford, Flanagan, Pon tiac, Dana, Benson, Roanoke and this place. This takes not less than 20J people from these places. Big Land Owner Falls. Chester, Pa, March 1. Hon. John Broomall, ex-judge of Delaware county, and one of the wealthiest land-owners in the county, has made an assignment, to Henry C Howard and William B. BroomalL The amount of liabilities ia not known, but Mr. Broomall feels certain the assets will be $200,000 in ex cess of all claims. The failure is due to geueral business depression. Ilafteball tor 1894. New York, March 1. The National' Baseball league managers at thei meeting here Tuesday adopted a sched- ule of dates. The season opeis April IA.