! 4 '-i i j title Hibloilviil aoe-ir.ly THE ATTSl m EE1LT RIAL PT Jl Ju w "BE JUST AND FEAR NOT.11 : . ; ; , VOL. 13, SO. 11. PLiiTTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1894. $1.00 ir TEPFE&Etcm. f r i 9N- "1 i ART COUPON. I 11 Midway Types" j 1 Coupon No. 7. The Coupon Number Change Every Week. I tSend or bring to ThiJour nl this coupon, with ten cents in coin, and you will receive Portf ilio Ko. 7 of the "Midway Types. J For particulars read below. rt Ccupcu. THE Yanishijg While City Send or trlng to The JorKSiL this cou pon and ten cents In coin and receive portfolio No. 2 of "The Vanishing White City," In either English or German. This coupon number changes every week. Coupon No. 1. A special feature of tbe art port folios, "The Vanishing White City," which is offered to Journal readers, is that it can be secured with the description of tbe views printed in either German or English. This is an advantage afforded by no other world's : fair portfolios on the market. Jortt nal readers who wish the German -edition can secure the same at tie usual price ten cents in coin and nix coupons. -Plattsmouth Illustrated." City Clerk Fox has several thousand copies of "Plattsmouth Illustrated" yet on hand which will be furnished free of cost to parties who desire to eend copies to their out-of-town friends. These books contain several dozen half-tone engravings of the pub lic and private buildings, besides dis criptive matter, and everybody should send several copies away. Tbe postage is two cents per copy. Prof. Geo. Middleton, tbe boxing in structor, will be tendered a benefit by the pupils of his class on next Monday evening at the White opera house. The entert ainment will consist of box ing bouts between members of the class and will conclude with a ten-round set-to between Prof. Middleton and Arthur Rothery of Omaha. An ad mission of 50 cents will be charged at ;the door. Cheap Excursion to Texas. .Another opportunity cf visiting Texas at nominal cost! On March 13th the Burlington route will sell round trip tickets at the one-way rate. Ask the company's local agent for full in formation, and make sure your tickets read "via the Burlington,'" the bent line to all southern points. J. Francis General Passenger and I icket Agent. -Omaha. Neb. Kernel ber Yhat owing to the bard times you can ret a good heavy hand-made team "hartwris for less money this sprinr than at anf previous period in the history of Piattroouth. We use nothing but the hfst N o. 1 selected oak leather, and guarantee everything as represented -or money refunded. 2w KEEFER & SCH3IIDTMANN. Postmaster Streigbt and wile are 'Tiome from a two days visit with old friends at Red Oak., Iowa. Series ITo. 2- X AET COUPON. I &irYE ERICA I I PHOTOGRAPHED. Send or bring to Thi Jours-l this coupon, with ten cents In coin, and w receive portfolio No. 3 of "America j I'hotoirrapbed." This coupon num- j ber changes every weet. Be sure to v g ellp it every week. S: THE ANNUAL CONTEST Our Young Orators Furnish Evidence of Their Talent- DEATH OF BENNETT W. PIERCE. Afflicted With Lang Trouble for the Past Tear, Be Succumb, to Violent Hemorrhage t Hie Home Last Thursday Notes. The DceUnutorT Contest. The second annual declamatory con test of the Plattsmouth high school was held Friday evening at the Presby terian church, and an audience of sev eral hundred people was present. Prof. G. W. Noble acted as referee, and selected aa judges W.J.Fischer, of Omaha, County Attorney Travis and Rev. J. J. Williams, of this city. The following is the programme: ORATORICAL CLASS. "Mark Anthony's Address" James Ne well "Spartacus to the GladUtors"..John D. Robblns Music. DRAMATIC CLASS. "Searching for the Slain" Lilly Mathews "Vasbti" Maude Maury "The Switchcuin's Story". ...L. Maude Rennie "The Sergeant's Story" Florence White Mus'c HUMOROUS CLASS. "Pyramus and Thlsbe" Edith Buzzell "Aunt Sophronia at the Opera" Rose Hyers 'The Naughty Little Girl's View of Life" Jessie Oldham. "Farme- Stebbin's Experience at the Rink" Hilt Wescott Music. At the conclusion the judges awarded tbe grand sweepstakes prize and gold medal to Miss Rose Hyers, and that young lady will represent ourscnools at the district contest to be held at Beatrice on March 29th. In the oratorical class John D. Bobbins was first and won the prize. $2.50 in gold- n the dramatic class Miss Maud Mauzy was declared the winner of the $2 40 prize, and in the humorous class Hilt Wescott was awarded the first premium of 32 60. All the numbers on the programme were well rendered. Dentin of Hennett Pierce. Bennett Pierce, whose illness witb lung trouble dates for over the ptist year, was suddenly taken Thursday at 5:30 o'clock with a violent hemor rhage of the lungs at his home on north Ninth street, and in a few brief moments the life spark was extinct. His death takes from Plattsmouth one of its most respected citizens, and, al though the end has been expected for several months past, hin departure is keenly felt by a host of friends. Mr. Pierce had seen 53 years of life, of which 24 were passed as a resident of Plattsmouth. lie was a member of lodge No. 8. A. O. TJ. W., and the funeral services were conducted under the auspices of that society at the Presbyterian church on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Eev. J no. T. Baird officiated. It Waa Another Cbai. Noyea. .Louisville. March 2, 18&4 Editor Journal: DearSir I wish you to make a correction from a notice you published in Monday's Journal pertaining to one Chas. Noyes filling up on bad whisky, arrested and brought into police court, after languishing in jail a day or two. ana fined $10.35. I have been raised in this county and am tbe only one known, and I feel this has done me an iniustice. as 1 have never touched a drop of liquor, much less languish in jail and brought into police court to answer for an offense. While this might have been a Chas. Noyes. yet I am tbe only one known in this county. ana I regard a pure name above all else, and ask that you please make corrections in both your daily and weekly paper. Respectfully, Chas. Notes. The present sitting of the grand jury has given vile tongues the opportunity to'spread libellous reports regarding respectable people. The slanderer can be punished as well as other criminals, and as a matter of justice there are none who more deserve punishment than tbe tongue-wagging scandal monger. Be sure that you clip the art coupons which appear regularly in The Jour nal. There is nothing superior in the market to our portfolios. Jour nal readers must have the very best, and we feel safe in asserting that our portfolios are right in line with such a requirement. Call and see the new patterns of wall paper at Gering & Co's. drug store. ABOCM) THE COCKT ROOMS. DISTRICT COURT. The trial W. A. Kurtz of Lincoln on the charge of forgery, has been set for trial in district court on Monday of next week. Lawrence Stull has auotber suit in the courts. This time the Plattsmouth Land and Improving company is the defendant. Lawrence filed his case in district court Monday and In his pe tition asks for a judgment for $1,225, with interest at 7 per cent for three years. The suit of County Attorney Travis vs. Benjamin F. Lang was first taken up in district court on Tuesday and upon the waiving of a jury the case was tried to the court. Testimony was introduced and Judge Chapman rendered a judgment for the plaintiff in the sum of $854.75. Tbe 120.000 libel suit of Joshua Mur ray vs. Henry Uennings was hooked for trial in district court on Tues day and by reason of the salacious testimony which the case would pro duce, tbe court room was crowded. However, shortly before the hour for the opening of court, the opposing at torneys put their heads together and as a result the suit was compromised the plaintiff to dismiss and the de fendant to pay the court coats being the terms of dismissal. Joshua Vancleave vs. the C. B. & Q. railroad was tried before a jury in dis trict court on Tuesday. Tbe plaintiff isa.resident of Greenwood and alleges that he commenced garnishment pro ceedings against one, Wilson, an em ploye of the railway, and served notice upon the company that such proceed ings bad been instituted and to hold Wilson's wages. It was further al leged that tbe company's agent at Greenwood paid no attention to the notice of garnishment, that Wilson's wages were paid by the company, and that the plaintiff lost hid entire ac count, amounting with court costs to i-56 He t herefore sought a judgment for that amount. Tbe jury found for the plaintiff in the sum of $52. JUSTICE ARCHER'S COURT. Judge Archer Monday rendered a decision in tbe case of Hathaway vs. Nida, in which he gave plaintiff a judgment for $S5 25 and taxed costs to defendant Tbe amount sued for was $200. COUNTY COURT. License to wed was issued in county court Tuesday to Jno. P. Todd and Miss Laura Barrett. Tbe groom is the son of L. G. Todd, the well-known Liberty precinct farmer, and was born and reared in Cass county. The Journal extends its best wishes to the young people. COURT ROOM NOTES. W. H. Pool, of Elmwood, is in town attending court as a member of the petit jury. Attorneys Haldeman and Douglas, of Weeping Water, B. A. Gibson, of Lincoln, and G. W. Clark of Green wood were in town Monday attending district court. The contract for building tbe county bridges for the coming year was let this afternoon by tbe commissioners to J. R. Sbeely & Co. of Lincoln at the price of $3 80 per lineal foot. The supreme court in passing upon a Lincoln garnishee damage case, held yesterday that the law giving the Ne braska laborer exemptions and pre venting the sal" of his debts into other states for the purpose of garnishment, was constitutional. W. S. Ward, who was bound over to tbe d i strict court for disposing of some mortgaged corn, was released from custody Monday ana allowed to go to Sarpy county, where he is wanted as a witness. Attorney Byron Clark became purety for his appearance here for trial. Filbert Case Ntlll Hangs Fire. A decision was expected by the su preme court yesterday in tbe Filbert habeas corpus case, but a telegram to The Journal yesterday afternoon from Clerk Campbell states that the court adjourned, without passing on tne case, unui Marcn utn. it is thought moie than likely that at the coming session the case will be acted upon. The presses and engine are being re moved from tbe ruiLS of the Herald office building today, and will be set up in the Drew building on lowerMain street, where the Herald office will be located hereafter. DOINGS OF THE DAY. The March Term Of the District Court Convenes Monday. GRAND JURY IS NOW IN SESSION John I. Marshall's Bond Is Declared Forfeited to the State Meeting of the Democratic City Central Committee Notea. District Court In Session. The March term of district court convened Monday morning.with Judge Chapman on tbe bench. The day was occupied in arranging the preliminaries and preparing the work tor the term. In the morning R. W. Hyers, S. P. Holloway, Elmer Eikenbary, Geo. Dearing and Charley Sullivan were appointed and sworn in as bailiffs. In tbe afternoon the grand and petit juries were called and given permis sion to make excuse if they so desired, but none availed themselves of tbe privileges. Tbe jurors were dismissed and the grand jury ordered to appear at four o'clock for instructions. The docket for the term was then called and the usual number of cases stricken off. continued and ready for trial. The case of J. 1). Simpson vs. C. E. Wescott was dismissed without pre judice because plaintiff had failed to give bonds for costs. The case of Cal vin G. Tabor vs. Seth M. Cole was also dismissed without prejudice and resti tution of property ordered. At tbe appointed hour four o'clock the jurors were called and duly sworn in, B. C. Kerr having previously been chosen as foreman. Judge Chap man, in a short address, admonished the jurors as to their duties, and they particularly were instructed to investi gate all violation of the liquor laws of the state. The judge's instructions concluded, the jury retired to com mence their labors in charge of County Attorney Travis and Sheriff Eikenbarv. Declared the Boud Forfeited. Several months ago one John D. Marshall was placed tinder arrest charged witb bigamy. Marshall lived neared Murray, and his wife No. 2 is a daughter of Geo. Adams. Constable Tbrasber arrested Marshall and he was taken before Justice Archer for examination. A continuance was asked and granted, and the defendant released on bond of 8200, which was furnished by Father-in-law Adams. When the date of continuance rolled around Marshall failed to appear, but his bondsman appeared and tbe case was continued until last Monday, in order to give him an opportunity to locate Marshall. No appearance was made Monday and Judge Archer de clared the bond forfeited. Democratic Committee Meeting. The democra'ic city central com mittee met on Saturday night at tbe police judge's office, with all the mem bers of the committee present except the member from the fifth ward, Mr. Schlater. The meeting was called to order by D. C. Morgan, chairman, and Chas. A. Miller was chosen secretary. On motion it was decided to hold the ward primal ies on Friday, March 16th, from 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock, at the following places: First ward, Sherwood block; second ward, school house; third ward, Richey's lumber office; fourth ward, police judge's office; fifth ward, school house. The date of the city convention was fixed for Monday evening. March 19th, at 8 o'clock, at White's opera house, and the representation was fixed on the vote given J. Sterling Morton for governor in 1892, as follows: First ward, twelve delegates; second ward, fifteen; third ward, fourteen; fourth ward, fourteen; fifth ward, six; total, sixty-one. Small Cyclone in Western Cass. During a heavy thunderstorm Sun day afternoon between 2 and 3 o'clock George Renter's farm one mile west of Eagle, w as visited by a small cyclone and scattered to the four winds his large bam and implements. Mr. Riet ter who witnessed it from his residence twenty rods away, says tbe wind lifted a wagon near tbe barn just as if it were a feather, and the next instant his barn, 80 by 30 feet was rent as under and scattered, leaving the teams standing unharmed. Ceal at Clark's. Plenty of good coal at Timothy Clark's coal yards, for cash only. No cash, no oal. T. Clark. Two Hundred and Costa. During tbe morning session of dis trict court Judge Chapman called up Z. T. White, who was convicted for hanging J. Sterling Morton and his eon Carl, :n effigy, and asked him if he had anything to say why sentence of the court should not be passed upon him. For some reason Zack did not give the judge a respectable answer, stating that what he wanted was to get into another court, and the judge then said that probably Mr. White had misunderstood the question, so he re peated it received about the same an swer. The judge then reviewed the wholecase, dwelling particulary on the fact that about the worst insult possi ble to give a man was to hang him in effigy; be explained what was meant by such a hanging, then referred to tbe damage dene Mr. Morton and tbe stain upon Nebraska City's fair name. He was confident the prisoner had not realized the enormity of tbe crime he bad committed, and was therefore en titled to mercy, and so the court would only fine him $200 and to pay tbe costs of prosecution. Attorney Sloan was on hand and af ter making a motion for a new trial, which was overruled, proceeded to file the necessary papers to carry the case to the supreme court. Mr. Sloan claims that there is no law in the state to convict a man cf hanging another in effigy. Nebraska City News. Hill Coati Too Muoh. Considerable talk has been indulged in of late about tbe efforts of Matt Gering to get a new trial for Murderer Hill. It is hoped that such a calamity will not fall on Cass county; it is very doubtful if Hill would live to see the end of it. The people have refrained trom interfering with the matter as long as the law in such cases was be ing cared for in proper shape. He was tried, found guilty and condemned to a legal banging. Should a new trial be ordered, he will never live to see it finished. In the meantime this man Uill should be kept for his ornamentation of the hangman's rope at less cost to the county than at present prevails. It is safe to say that $5 per day will not cover the bill, when he could be accommodated with nice quarters at the state pen for one-tenth that amount. Cass county has paid enough good money out already over the two worth less vagabonds- who robbed Mattes Akeson of his life and blighted for ever tbe happiness of his family. A solitary cell in the pen is good enough to bold his miserable carcass until tbe bang day comes in April. Weeping Water Eagle. Incendiarism at Glen wood. The Becond attempt by an incendiary to burn tbe Robert Hale row of frame buildings at Glenwood was in a meas ure successful. Fire was placed be neath the floor of Moore's billiard par lor and had gained such headway that despite good work by the fire com pany the entire row was gutted. The principle losers are: W. F. Laraway, jeweler; M. W. Rogers, bath rooms; T. W. Moore, billiards; William Alton, lawyer; H. A. Tolles, justice of the peaee, and the American Bible society. February Mortgages. Cass county's mortgage record for the month of February is a splendid showing. The totals are as follows: Farm land filed, $66,731.24, satisfied. $57,522.10. Town property filed, $3,688.17; satisfied, $7,570.00. C battle mortgages filed, $7,713.90; satisfied $27,093 30. Tbe Elmwood Echo says: John Sol ler, a young man living south of town, went out in the field to Bhoot some prairie chickens Wednesday, but came back much worse for the trip. As the gun, which was a Winchester repeat ing shot gun, was discharged the little cover slide on the top of the barrel, near the breech, flew off and Btruck John a terrible blow in the face. It crushed sideways through his nose and into tbe right cheek-bone under the eye. John, picked up the piece, shouldered his gun and walked home. He was then brought to town and Dr. Hobbs dressed the wound, taking out a piece of bone and taking several stitches. All of this was stood with out hardly a flinch. His face will be marked, but he will get along all right. The Glenwood Tribune says: Mrs. M. A. Doane entertained a company of fourteen at high-five last Saturday evening in honor of Misses White and Fricke of Plattsmouth. Elegant re freshments were served, the guests re turning home in the "wee sma" hours after enjoying a delightful evening. Dr. Marshall, DENTIST Fitzger ald block. CLOSED THE DEAL. The Business Men's Committee Con tract for the Free Ferry- THE C, B. & a. IS NON-SUITED. Judge Chapman Rules Against the Com pany In the City Case Wedded at High Moon Other Items of Interest to Readers. Closed the Ferry Contract. The business men's committee on the free ferry yesterday closed the contract with Ferryman O'Neill, whereby he will operate a free ferry during the coming season across the Missouri river. The ferry will be free to people livingon the Iowa side and from this city, but transients will be required to pay toll. Sundays are ex cepted, when everybody crossing will have to pay. O'Neill now has a new boat under construction, the motive power to be furnished by a fourteen horse-power gasoline engine. The new ferry will be in operation at an early date, and Iowa people are invited to make free use of it. The Is Non-Suited . District court yesterday heard the case of the C. B. & Q. vs. the city of Plattsmouth. In this case the rail road company seek to recover a por tion of city taxes paid since the year 1886, on the grounds that the city council have no authority by law to levy a separate assessment for tbe purpose of paying fire hydrant rental and gas and electric bills. The com pany contends that these claims should be paid from the general fund, and the law fixes a limit of ten mills on the general fund levy, which amount alone would not pay the hy drant rental and light bills. The attorneys fr the city raised the point that the taxes had been paid by the B. & M. company and not by the C. B. & Q., on which decision was re served and tbe plaintiff allowed to con tinue their showing. Yesterday the judge decided the case by non suiting the company, thus throwing the case out of court. . Messrs. Beeson & Root and City At torney Davies appeared for the city and Byron Clark for the C, B. & Q. Wedded at High Noon. The ceremony which will unite the fates and fortunes of Mr. J. B. Carter and Miss Etta Schildknecht was per formed by Rev. Davis yesterday noon at the home of tbe bride's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Schildknecht. in the presence of the relatives and friends of the con tracting parties. The groom is a resi dent of Mills county. Iowa. The bride is the youngest daughter of Dr. Schild knecht, and is well and favorably known in this city, where she has lived since childhood. After tbe ceremony the contracting parties and guests repaired to the din ing room and partook of a sumptuous dinner prepared by Mr. Schildknecht, to which full measure of justice was done. Mr. and Mrs. Carter will make their home in Mills county, residing in the large stone residence at the base of the bluffs, five miles Bouth of Pacific Junc tion. The Journal extends congratula tions and best wishes. "I have always observed," Baid a well-known grain buyer, "that I have been able to buy more corn when the price was low than when it was high,' and it really seemed that farmers were more anxious to sell when corn was worth 20 cents per bushel than when it could be sold for 40 cents. I bought more corn during the season of '87-8, when it was worth 16 and 17 cents per bushel, than I ever have done since, and it was sold with apparently more readiness. The trouble is when the price is high, growers expect it to go still higher and in consequence hold It for several years only to be obliged to sell many times for half what tbey were once offered. Of course it pays to hold corn until it can be sold for a reasonable price, but it don't pay to hold it too long." Clip the art coupon in today's paper. Readers of The Journal are in vited to call at these headquarters and inspect our three portfolios "Midway Types" "The Vanishing White City" and "America Photographed." The guarantee is given that there are none in the market superior to these port folios. An inspection is invited, even if callers do not contemplate a purchase. to : ' 1 r, om i I ,-.----- mmm j B I "'T'iTIi irgae,B3i'a" ! i ' "' 1 Ti'--- More Landred juouisville at J can Mtiw' jnu prices. Phku im.i For partii. TT'citea," corelTIe