Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, March 01, 1894, Image 5
I 1 ii-nffirw r - IX AND ABOCXD THE TOWS. Senator Orlando Tefft,of Avoca, was in town Friday. Dr. M. M. Butler of "Weeping Water was in the city Monday. Chas. L. Graves, editor of the Union Ledger, was in town Friday. Jno. Donelan of Weeping Water was in the city Sunday and Monday. Ex-Sheriff Wm. Tighe was in town Tuesday. Chas. W. Grassman left Tuesday for Schuyler, where he will visit for a few days with his brother, M. T. License to wed was issued in county court Tuesday to Mr. G. Wm. Fahleson and Miss Christine Branden, both of this city. Conrad Schlater, one of Louisville precinct's democratic war-horses and best-known farmers, is in town visit ing his daughter, Mr9. Ed Fitzgerald. 1). A. Campbell, clerk of the su preme court at Lincoln, was in town Monday, ana attended the business men's banquet. The suit of Geo. Bollen vs. Geo. Beam was occupying the attention of County Judge Ramsey Tuesday The plaintiff asks for a judgment of S70. Mis. Jno. McDauiels was taken be fore the insane commission Monday noon, and was adjudged insane. Sher iff Eikenbary took her to the insane asylum at Lincoln Tuesday. The Nebraska supreme court Mon day granted a stay of the execution of Charles ('. Carlton of Fremont, who had been sentenced to be hanged the 23J day of next month. If Fred Gorder is to be the demo cratic nominee for mayor, it will take a big man to beat him. Who will tLe republicans name to pel form the slaughter act on Fred. Weeping Water Republican. Miss Gerilda Hayes, one of the ac complished young daughters of County Commissioner Hayes, will teach her first term of school in the Tritsch dis trict, in the eastern part of thecounty. F.lm wood Echo. The remains of the late Wm. Ince, who died Thursday, were taken to Elmwood on Friday afternoon's M. P. train for burial. Deceased wa9 a member of the Knights of I'ythias and the funeral ceremonies were conducted by that order. A colored family named Bowen, liv ing in the n Tth part of town appear to be sadly afflicted. Eight members of the household are reported to be contioed to their beds by sicKness the complaint being measles. One oi j their number, a young man, died last I Thursday of a relapse of the complaint. A small pox scare at both Pacific Junction and Glen wood was the cause of no little excitement hereabouts the past week. Sunday night a tramp was taken sick at the depot and was after wards taken to the city hall, where a physician was summoned, who pro nounced it only a case of cold and fever, the result of exposure and lack of proper food the wide-spread rumor that he had small pox being entirely groundless. Glenwood Tribune. U. S. Marshal Frank White and his force of deputies are still at work on the counterfeiting case, trying to lo cate the headquarters of the gang. It is thought that two of the "coiuers" were in Plattsmouth one day this week but departed without being over hauled by the authorities. The "mint" is supposed to be located on the island in the Missouri River near Bellevue. Monday was the fifty-first birth day anniversary of Farmer Robert Troop, and a party of some twenty young people journeyed from this city last evening to Mr. Troop's home, nine miles southwest of town, and as sisted him in celebrating the event. The host and hostess entertained their guests in a right royal manner, and altogether the evening was one of genuine enjoyment. City Clerk Fox is daily in receipt of letters from all part? of the country re questing copies of Plattsmouth Illus trated"' and all on aceotir.t of the item published in The Jot-uxal stat ing that several thousand copies of the book were yet on hand for free distri bution. One mail brought requests from Beaver City. Geneva and Hast ings, Neb., Three Rivers. Mich., and Hemingtnn. N. J. Within the past two weeks our citizens have mailed several hundred copies of the book to their out-of-town friends. Advertising pays if you have anything to give away. March 1 will bring about several changes in the passenger department of the Burlington. By reason of the resignation of L. Blakeslee. travelling passenger agent f the Burlington, with hf uinuiirters at Denver, who will take a position with the Florence c- i r.J,iv- Ji: Mr V c Mathews, travelling passenger agent and acting cashier ofjv'ew of ali-this it will probably be department, will be ' necessary for the United States au in this territory, a the passenger dep transferred in Denver w dita larger rill be f uc- powers. Mr. Mathews w ceeded by W. G. Davidson, a brother: of the chief clerk of the passenger de- I partmrn?. as cashier. Both appoint-' .. . , , A ments are mer.tonous and well de- , served. 1 CM County Teacher' Institute . Office of Cors-rt Scperistksdi:kt, i Plattsmouth. Set., Feb. 20, 1893. j Mu. Editok: Will you please give notice of the teachers' annual insti tute, to be held in Weeping Water, March 19th to 31st, at which time the country schools of the county shall be closed. Those already teaching and the directors have been notified as to the time and place, but I take this way of notifying the teachers not at present engaged in the work, other school of ficers, the advanced pupils and students in the schools of the county, and also the patrons. There will be no examina tion during the institute session. Those expecting to teach, unless they have certificates, may take the regular examination lu-re March 17th, or the special examination which will be held in Weeping Water, Saturday, March 10th, in the high school build ing. All who expect to teach during this coming year should attend the in stitute. Members of school boards and patrons are urged to be present as much as possible. State Superintendent Goudy ad dresses us on the evening of the 23d; Chancellor Canheld. Tuesday evening, March 27th, and Rev. Mr. Harrison, of Weeping Water, either the 31st or 2Uth (date not yet Gxed). The instruc tors will be ex-County Superintendent Noble. A. II. Waterhouse and W.N. Halsey, of Plattsmouth. Information in regard to board may be obtained by writing to A. II. Waterhouse, Weeping Water. Yours sincerely, Geo. L. Farley. County Superintendent. Take Off the Horn. The undersigned is now ready, with a good portable chute and tools, to re move the useless weapons of horned cattle at ten cents per head. It never gets too cold to dehorn cattle: any time except fly-time is the right time. If those who wish such work done would address me at Rock Bluff. Neb., they will be promptly answered. S. L. Fitklonu. The man who expects the news paper to be loyal to him at all times, says the Hayes Center Times, defend ing him if he is misrepresented, say ing nice things about him wi.en he is prosperous and sympathizing with him when he suffers, is generally the man who never contributes a cent towards the support of a paper. Support your local paper and you will never have cause to regret it. Attorney Shepherd of Lincoln was in the city Monday. His mission was to secure a dismissal of the furgery case against W. A. Kurth. the Lincoln lightning-rod shark, who, according to the complaint, in an endeavor to fleece J. C. Dreamer, a farmer living near Alvo, on a lightning-rod scheme, is charged with forging Dreamer's name t: a note. County Attorney Travis was seen by a Journal re porter and the information was given that the action would not be dis missed. Kurth must therefore stand trial at the next term of district court. E. Stoddard of Omaha, president of the projected "North and South State- owned'' road, claims that enough money is already in sight to guarantee the building of 200 miles of the popu list line; that grading outfits bad been procured and work would positively begin at the Port Bolivar (Tex.) end of the line inside of two weeks, and that the 1S95 Kansas crops would be carried to the gulf by the road. lie refused to say where the capital is coming from. Lectures are going through Kansas taking stock subscriptions. A dozen doctors had labored in vain to stop John Carberry, a Newark man, from hiccoughing. They gave him up as a hopeless case. The newspapers took the matter in hand. They gave such wide publicity of the case that the man was overwhelmed by visitors, as well as by telegrams and letters, and these produced such physical and mental exhaustion as precipitated a deep and refreshing slumber. This was just what the doctors, with all their skill and medicines, had failed to produce. The sleep did wonders for the man who hiccoughed himself al most to death, and he is now on the road to complete recovery. At least his mother says so, and the gives all the credit to the newspapers. What would the world do without the news papers? Tuesday's Omaha Bee contains an editorial apology to the public for the publication of three columns of testimony taken at the preliminary hearing of Editor Rosewater, who is charged with criminal libel by ex- Sheriff Bennett and wife. The testi mony is revolting in character and brings to light the existence of a ter rible state of affairs at the louglas county jail during Bennett's term as sheriff. The Mother scandal is re viewed, the testimony provirg that Mosher was allowed lo have the kevs I the jail, was furnished with liquid et resbmeu ts and w as allowed to en tertain female friends at the jail In thorities at Umnna to nave another ' whitewash "vindication." W. P. Drop, Druggist, Springfield, Mass., writes: "Japanese Pile Cure has cured lady 7 years afflicted; could not walk half mile in last 3 vears; now H,ks any dj8tance Sold Dy Frieke & Co. M ore rices. rkB. l,jid prices WEEPING WATER NOTES. From the Eagle. The citizens of Plattsmouth are still waiting to congratulate their new postmaster. Judge Chapmau overruled the pro test of the commissioners for a grand jury. He wants to unearth some hidden crookedness. The saloon question seems to be nearly settled far in advance of the April election. The church has gathered in so man old "jags" that there is not enough left to give the question a respectable burial. Of the 154 converts at the M. E. church this winter, 10 are grandfath ers and grandmothers, 52 fathers and mothers, 44 young men, 20 young la dies, 20 business men, and 33 children. The old maids and batchelors seem to be the hardest class to reach; not one of our large flock falling into line for a life of Christian enjoyment. Old man Doty, who for years back has been a prominent figure on the banks of the Missouri river, was struck by an engine on the B. & M. tracks near the bridpe at Plattsmouth one dav last week. An ordinary mau would have started on his last trip, never to return, but Doty w as not of that kind, he has toughed it so long on the river, running all ssorts of risks in all kinds of weather, that he seems to be proof against all the ills of life. i.i.i:;k iiii.l notes. Most of the children who had the measles have returned to school. While the late snow was very un pleasant for man and beast, it was a God send to the soil. Rev. Father Nugent is now very comfortably fixed in his new house near the C. 11. Catholic church. His sister from Cheyenne will be here soon to keep house for him. Two sisters of the St. Elizabeth hospital, Lincoln, attended mass at the C. H. church Sunday last. One of our foremost youug men and one ot Murdock's fair young ladies will cross the matrimonial sea after Eter. We wish them in advance a safe trip. We know of a few farmers leaving for Texas and Michigan. We will bet them a peck of apples they will come bitcS and swear Nebraska is good enough for any man. College Hill's school gave an enter tainment Saturday last at the school house. All interested in the program done well. Mr. and Mrs. George Stand fr of near Plattsmouth visited among relatives here for a week or so. Tit Leilly (oal ;. !r. Mathews, the veterinarian, to gether with his wife and baby, came awfully close to crossing the dark river by the asphyxiation route. When the doctor arose Tuesday at about six o'clock and passed out of doors into the freth air he was taken deathly sick and could scarcely make his way back into the house. He called to his wife and when she stepped out of doors, for the ostensible purpose of summoning the neighbors, she, too, was suddenly taken with a sort of fainting spell. The doctor finally man aged to summon the strength to hurry to the neighbors, and in a short time Dr. Schildknecht was on the scene. The trouble was easily located the door to the hard coal burner was slightly ajar, and without doubt had been allowing the deadly gas to circu late about the for several hours. The husband and baby were the least affected, but it was w ith con siderable difficulty that Mrs. Mathews was resuscitated. She is still a very sick woman, but her recovery, how ever, is hardly in doubt. Mystic Life Iienewer This wonderful Health Builder ami Constitu tion Restorer Is indeed a renewer of life; be cause it possesses such marvelous powers to cure all forms of Indieestioti. Dyspepsia. Nervous Diseases. Heart Affections, Female Weakness anil W asting Diseases. Every bottle warranted to tive satisfaction or money refunded. Free bottle at F. Ci. Krieke & C'u. drusiriMs. Platts niouir. Neb. 12 Mr English Spavin 'Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ring-bone, stifles, sprains, all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save $."() by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder blemish cure ever known. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., Druggists. Platts mouth. 30 Order to shotv laiiK. In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska. In the matter of the application of William Mertens. administrator of the estate of Henry Mertens. deceased, for an order of license to t-eil real estate of said deceased: This cause ca-e on for heaTing upon the pe tition of William Mertens. administrator of the estate of Henry Mertens. deceased, for an order of license to sell the real estate of said de ceased, to-wlt: Lot twenty (2f in section twenty-nine (29. section twelve (121. ranee founeen (14 and lot four (4i in the somhwest quarter of the south west quarter (8. W i of the W. of section seventeen ( 17 and lot three 711 in the southeast quarter of the southwest quarier S. E i of the is w. i I of section seventeen (tTJ.all in town ship twelve 111. runue thirteen I3. in Cass county. Nebrnska. containing i" all sijctv-eieht and 56-lim acres more or less, or a sufficient amount thereof to brine the Bum of ?l,00.oO for the DHvmcnt of debts and expenses of ad ministering the estate of ihe said Henry Mer tens. deceased, there not beiuz sufficient ier sonal nropertr of said deceased to pay said debts and expenses. It is therefore ordered that all persons inter ested in said estate apoar before me in open court at the district court room in the county court house in Plattsmouth. Cass county, Ne nratka. on the tenth (10th day of March, A.D.. 18H4. at 10 o'clock a. rn . of said day to show cause why a license should not be granted to said administrator to sell so much of above real estate as may be n'-cessar"- to pay said debts and expenses. Dated this 31st dav of ,Tan"nrv. A. TV. 184. SAMUEL M. CHAPMAN. Judge of the District Court. Jill r :l I ! i ..- 1 tl . . 1 few r-i" "--L"" I Pastt'lr..'W I For parti.?.. Administrator's Sale. In the matter of the settlement of the estate of .Jesse B. Kyan, deceased. Notice la hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Honorable samuel M. Chapman, Judge of the Second judicial District of Ne braska, in and for Cass county, made on the Tth day of December. 1893, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at the south door of the court houBe of Cass county, at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on Saturday, the the 3d uay of March. lg(M, at " o'clock p. m., at public vendue, to the highest bidder; friOO cash in hand, balance of the purchase price to he divided in three equal payments, payable in one, two and three years, and to bear interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum, payable annually, to be secured by hrst mortgage upon the premises hereinafter described, and being the same premises herein offered tor sale. The north half (N'-i I of the southeast quarter, ISEV. section twentv-six, 26.townshljeleren. 11). range nine east tHh P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska Said sale shall remain open for one hour. Dated this 5th day of February, lhVI. Cuakles K. Johdan, Administrator of the es tate of Jesse B. livan, deceased. II. P. Travis Attorney for Administrator. Administratrix's Appointment. State of Nebraska, I Cass County. f In county court To all persons interested in theestiitc of Cornelius McCarthy, deceased: Notice is hereby given that on the 12th day of March, A. Ii., 1S4. at the hour of lo o'ciock a. m., at the county judge's wffice, in Platts mouth, in said county, the petition, asking for the appointment of Mary McCarthy as admin istratrix of said estate, will be heard and considered ; st which time and place all ersons interested may appear and ahow cause if any they nave, why she should not be appointeil ns such administratrix. Dated this 1Mb. day of February, A. D. 1H4. 0 3 . KAMSEV, County Judge. Final Settlement Notice. In the matter of the last will and testament of Hiram McDonald, deceased: In the eountv court of Cass county, Nebraska. Notice is' hereby given that Francis M. Young, executor oi the estate of the said Hiram Mc Outlaid, deceased, has made application for final settlement and thatsaid cause is aet for hearing at my oflice at Plattsmouth on the Soth day of March. A. D., ISiH, at ten o'clock a. in. on said day, at which time and place all per sons interested may te present and examine snid accounts. B. S. Ramsey. County Judge. l'iattsmouth. February 1, 194. U-3 Administrator's Appointment. State of Nebraska. I Cass County. ) " In county court To all persons interested in the estate of Caroline ingel. deceased: Notice is herebv given that on the 10th day of March, A. D., 1!4. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at the county judge' office, in Platts mouth, in said county, the petition, asking for the appointment of Stephen A. Davis as admin istrator of said estate, will ie heard and con sidered : at which time and place all persons in terested may appear and show cause, it any they have, why lie should not be appointed as such administrator. Dated this l!Mh dav f F'ebruary, A. P.. 18W. 9 8 B. s. KAMSEY, County Judte. Administrator's Appointment . State of Nebraska, ( . ass County. t In county court To all jersons interested in the estate of Benjamin t. Briggs, deceased : Notice is hereby given that on the 3d day of March. A.D., 114. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at the county judge's office, in Plattsmouth, in snid county, the itition, asking for the ap pointment of John H . Becker as administrator of smM estate, will be heard and considered ; at which time and place all persons interested may api-arand show cause, if any they have, why he should not be appointed as such adminis trator. Dated this 8th day of February, A. D. 1"M. S3 B. S. Kamset, County Judge. Notice to Creditors felAI t OV N KHBASKA, j . Cams CorxTT, ss. I In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Guth mann. deceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and demands of all ersoiis against Elizabeth Guth iiiHiin. deceased, late of said county and state, will be received, examined and adjusted by the countv court at the court house io Plattsmouth on the'sth davof August. A D, 1844. at loo'clock in the forenoon And that six months from and after the 8lh day of Fetruary, A. D., Ix'.H. is the time limited for creditors of said deceased to present their claims for examina tion and allowance. Given u.ider my hand this 2d day of Feb ruary, A. D., 18y4. B. S. Kamset. 7 4 County Judge. Notice to Creditors Stale of Nebraska, Cass County. S ' In the matter of the estate of Stephen McC. Llovd. deceased: Notice is hereby given that the claims and de mands of all iersons against Stephen McC. Llovd. deceased, late of said county and slate, will ba received, examined and adjusted by the count v court at the court house in Plattsmouth, on the" 1.1th day of August, A. D.. lt4, at two o'clock in the afternoon, and that six months from and after the 15th daj of February. A. D , 11. Is tne time limited for creditors of said de ceased to present their claims for examination and allowance. Given under my hand this 10th day of Feb ruary, A. D.. 1!4 ni B. S. Kamset, County Judge. Notice to Creditor. State op Nebraska, i Cass County. V ' In the matter of the estate of William Lloyd, deceased : Notice is hereby given that the claims andde mandsof all persons aeainst William Lloyd, de ceased, late of said county and state, will be received, examined and adjusted by thecounty court at the court house in Plattsmouth. on the Inth day of August. A. I).. ISiM. at 10 o'clock in the fort noon, and that six months from and af ter the 1.1th day of February, a. I)., 1HS4. ia the time limited for creditors of said deceased to present their cairns for examination and allow ance. Given under my hand this 10th day of Feb rtiarv, A. D., 14. m B. S. RAMSEY. County Judge. Notice to C'rertitor. TATE OF NEBKASKA, ( CassCovstt. f " In the muter of the estate of John Striegel, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and demands of all "persons against John Strie gel. deceased, late of said county and state, will be received, examined and adjusted by the county court at the court house in Plattsmouth. on the Hth day of August. A. D., lrf'.U. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. And that six months from and after the 8th day of February. A. D.. lain. j the time limited for creditors ot said de ceased to present their claims for examination ami allowance. Given undr my hand this 31 dy of Febru ary A. D.. 14. B. S. Ramset. 7 4 County Judge. Administrator's A ppoint ment. State or Nebraska. ! Cass county, i In county court To all persons interested In the est" te of" Joseph Amick. deceased: Notice is hereby given that on the 10th day of March. A. D-. 1S94. at the hour of loo'clock a. in . at the county judge's oflice, in Platts mouth, in said county, the petition, asking for Uie appointment of John P. Araivk as ad ministrator of said estate, will be heard and considered, at which time and place all lersons interested may apjear and show cause, if any they have, why he should not be appointed as such administrator. Dated this 13th day of February. A. D., 1894. 0-:i B. S. RAMSEY, County Judge. Notice of Fronnte of Will. State op Nfihuk, i Cass ( oisty. t" In County Caurt In tli" matter of the last will and tegument of Ernestine Pankonin. de ceased : N t:ee is hereby civen that on the 23d day of March. A D. I.s9i. at the oflice of thecounty judgfi. In Platismonth. Cass county. Nebraska, at the hour of u o'clock in the forenoon, the tolbiwing matter will be heard and considered: The pet'tion of Charles A. Pankonin to ad mlt to probate the last will and testament of Ernestine 1'nukonin. deceased, late of Louis ville precinct, in said county, and for lettets of administration, with will annexed, to said Chat le A. Pankonin. Dued this 23d day of February, A. P., 1854. By order of the court. B. S. Ramsey. 10 3 County Judge. KlieumttUin Cured in a I)Hy -"VysticCure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is re markable a'nd mysterious. It removes at once the cause an J the disease immediately disap pears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by F. U. Fricke ii Co., druggists. Platts mouth Neb. 12-Sly 8 o CO r-H C3 r I Q Ul e-T t r-H O M " O o w a is I p o C3 o o CO s r-l o eQ 11 e-l O pH rH n a cS pJ k 5 o CD CS c3 H .H O b ui CD Ul o C5 03 Ul I O P O CrH CO u o c3 r-l Ul c3 C5 oi S 9 pH O c3 O O CO p-l o to a 2 o o o o o bD i i Co o -pH P r Ul r3 c3 THE ST, LOUIS REPUBLIC TWICE-A-WEEK-16 PAGES EVERY WEEK. A GREAT SEMI-WEEKLY 0 L.V HI A. YEA. It. Any reader of The Weekly Jour nal can eet The Twice-a-week Re public free by sending in three new yearly subscribers to The Kepublic with $3.00. In addition to obtaining the Greatest news weeklv in America, every sub scriber to The Republic will save ten times the nrice of the naper. or more, every year by the Bpecial offers made subscribers from time to time. Samnlo rnniea of The REPUBLIC will be sent anyone upon receipt of a postal card request. Address all or ders, THE KErlBLIC, St. Louis, wo. F. S. WHITE, Main Street, I'lattsmoutb. GROCERIES ALWAYH FKEKH. Teas and foffees Unexcelled, Curtice Bros.' Celebrated CANNED GOODS. SOLE AGENT FOR Pillchiiru'v MINNESOTA FLOUR, lllloUUIl U Th llest In the World. The "XXXX" and "Best" Brands. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK PLATTSMOUTH , N El! . Capital, paid up ... . $30,000 OFFICERS: John Fitzgerald president F. E. White ice president S. Wai-gh Cashier DIRECTORS: John Fitzperald. D. Uawksworth. F. E. White. S. augh and Ueorge fc. uovey. C'nreful attention piven to the interests of eus tomers. Collections made and promptly remit- . I M IT; . . i.4 fnp nnnnTv warrants and state and count)- bonds. ED. FITZGERALD, THE OLD iUXIAIILG Liveryman HAS PURCHASED THE Sixth Street Checkered Sam. AND WILL RUN IT IN FIRST-CLASS STYLE. Special attention to Funerals. Hacks will be run to all trains. "Promptness aDd Fidelity to Cuntomei in Ms moco BEESON & ROOT. Attorneys at Law, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. OFFICE-F'tzBfcrald block.over First Narl hank H. A. WATERMAN & SON, DEALERS IN Lumber and Coal. Mondota coal Hard coal Ctttiou City coal t 4. a . . 10 00 . 7.50 CHAS. GRIMES, Attorney at Law, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. OFFICE: Second floor of the Todd block, east of the court house. The Celebrated French Cure, Warranted to en re " APHR0DIT1NE or money refunded. IS BOLT OH A POSITIVE GUARANTEE to ear any form of nervous disease or any disorder of the generative organs of either iti, whether arising-, BEFORE Tim ol Btlmnlanta. r c r Tobacco or Opiam. or through youthful indiscre tion, over Indulgence. &c.,tuch as I-os of Brain Power, Wakeinlness, Bearing down Pains In the back, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, hervous Pros tration, Nocturnal Emissions, Leucorrho?a. Di aine-a. Weak Memory, Loaa of Power and Impo vnrv, which If neglected often lead to premature old age and Insanity. Price Jl 00 a box. 6 boxea for 00. Pent bv mall on receipt of price. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE i tivvo. for ever 15.00 order received, to refund the money If prrmanrnt cure ii not effected. vVe have thoo anda of teatlmoniala from old and young, o. both aexea, who have been permanently cured bv the use of Aphroditine. Circular free. Addrtr TBI APHRO MKIHI1NK CO.. Western Branch. Box 27, Pom-AND, C. FOR SALE BT Gering & Co., Druggists Pittsmouth. Nebraska These tiny Capsules are superior. to Balsam of Copaiba, . Cubebs and Injections. ffJTJY) ey cure in 48 hours the same diseases -without any incon venience. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST! 0d$$$$$$$ t it H(Z EARNED BY OCR SYNDICATE IN 1100 SEVEN MONTHS. Little capital (t. may be multiplied bv our speculating sys- tem. We are expert Judges of the market $and successful operators. Book with full n Information and testimonials of our many O customers mailed free. W. A. FRAZiER A 4, S C0TI41 Monadnocfc Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. 5 $$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ En t m 5 3 as o WJ fe tat if.ille . iun&n